HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-06-26, Page 11CENTEN 1RADS — Last Monday evening
these 63 . din Centennial School students realized a
milestone in their education as the 1974-75 .
graduatingclass. Front row, left to right are Karen
Talbot, Ruth Gingerich, Charlene „Coughtrey, Pam
Wulff, Sandra Webster, Kathy Merner, Kim
Thompson, Karen Bouck, Sue Anne Finlayson and
Sandra Butt. Second row, Nancy Taylor, Julie
Armstrong, Cathy Peckitt, Kathy Martens, Dianne
Wilson, Deb,livie Gridzak, Kathy McFadden, Laura
Taman, Jane Allan, Mary Jane McGregor, Mary
Anne Rathwell. Dianne Garrett, and Dorothy
Zandwyk. Third row, Brenda Laws, Vicki Bell,TOresa
Ferris, Nancy Stoll, Debbie TafPot, Brenda Dawson,
Brad Granville, Karlie Laws, Robert McGregor, John
Coleman, Dave Grainger, Ron May and Steve Elliott.
Fourth row, Peggy Price, Larry Fraser, Mike
Warner, Larry Bunn, Jeff McKay, Adrian Rehorst,
Lyle Kinsman, Billy-Joe Seymour, Gary
Smith, Danny Elliott, Mike B innendyk, Aaron
Romanik, Bart Visscher, Paul McIntosh, and Peter
Martene. Last row, Doug Geddes, Steve Lubbers,
Ron Broadfoot, Jeff Gibbings, Rick Brown, Rob
Graham, Charlie Green, Roy Krose, Leonard Voisin,
Randy Castle, Steve Telford and Steve Bearss.
clinton News-Record Photo) •
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Huge crowd at Fiddler's Contest
Mrs, Bill Chessel
On Sunday, June 14th, 1925,
the former • Presbyterian and
Methodists congregations
became the 'Varna United Church
The Presbyterian Church was
used for services and the Meth-
odist manse was kept. Rev, J.J.
Durrant of the Methodists contin-
ued as minister for a three-point
charge including Goshen and
Blake congregations. Eventually
the Blake Church was sold to the
young people of the Mennonite
Church and this became a two-
point • charge.
held Monday
at Huron
On Sunday afternoon the Varna
United Church held an old-
fashioned church service to cele-
brate the Fiftieth Anniversary of
union. Greeting visitors at the
door •were Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
McKinley of Goshen Church, who
were dressed in Centennial style,
and:Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McAsh
of Varna Church.
Members of the choir and some
of the congregation were dressed
in Centennial fashions. A church
full of people enjoyed singing
many of the old hymns, such as
"Bringing in the Sheaves" and
"Blessed Assurance, Jesus is
Mine". Two anthems were sung
by the senior choir., and one by
the junior choir. Mr. Peter Postill
sang a solo, "How Great ,Thou
In his short sermon, Rev.
Taylor stressed that although
ways of liying have changed
greatly in recent years, man is
basically the same as always, a
sinful person in need of the
saving grace of God.
Following the service, Mr. and
• Mrs. Eric Luther of Hensall
provided special music. Abount-
iful potluck supper was shared in
the arena. The anniversary cake
was cut by Mrs. Sherlock Keyes
of Varna and Mrs. Richard
Robinson of Goshen.
Over 800 people attended the
United Church Pork Barbecue
held on June 18. The Board of
Stewards would like to thank
everyone who helped in any way.
The Hensall Kinsmen Club
sponsored the fifth annual,
Ontario Fiddler's Contest on
Friday and Saturday night,
Contest chairman Wayne Reid
stated the event attracted over
3,000 persons. Trailers entered
the park camping ground as early
as Thursday evening.
Gord Eisen of Ingersoll won the
pretigious open-class fiddling
competition out of a group of
eight fiddlers.
Chuck Joyce of London, winner
for the last three years, was a
special guest this year. His three
year win in the open class
competition made hini ineligible
this year.
David Hammond of Dunnville
came in second, with Don Reed,
of Sudbury, third.
Other competition winners wer:
Donna Vaughn, 11, of Almonte;
step dance 12 years and under:
Robert Reed, 11, Sudbury;
fiddling 12 years and under:
Nancy Chessel, 13, Mitchell; step
dancing 13 to 25 years: Bill Smith
, 15, of Dunnville; Fiddling 20
years and under: Alice Wrecko,
Don Reed, Novelty Fiddling;
Leonard Clark, London, step
dancing; 26 years and over:
Robert Rennie 76, ofShakes-
peare; Fiddling 70 years and
over: Tom McQueen of King City;
Fjddling class 55 years and over.
fiddling 35 to 55 years Kenneth
Majaury, Kitchener.
Saturday,. evening's
entertainment concluded with
The annual Pepper Reunion
was held on Sunday in the
Seaforth Lions Park with over 50
in attendance. The sports were
conducted by Lawrence and Lois
Barker and Dalton and Marj
Malcolm. Winners were races 8
and under, Lori Rutter; girls 12
and under, Jo-Ann Pepper, boys
12 and under, Fred Miller; young
ladies, Brenda Pepper, ladies
kick-the-slipper, Eleanor
Falconer; mens kick-the-slipper,
Sandy Pepper; Children's
kick-the-slipper, Laurie Pepper;
Walk on rope with book on head,
Joyce Pepper's team; tooth picks
and raisins on plate, Joyce
Pepper's team; milk bottle, water
and pail relay, Joyce Pepper's t
earn; Adults ping pong ball on
foil plate, Don Riley and Viola
Taylor; childrens ping pong balls,
Fred Miller and Brenda Riehl,
guessing contents of a can, Joyce
Aer a delicious picnic supper,
the President Cecil pepper
presided for a short meeting. he
thanked all the committees for the
work they had done.' It was
decided to hold next year's
reunion on the 4th Sunday in June
at the Seaforth Lions Park.
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
Mrs. Margaret Consitte Noble
Grand, presided at the meeting of
Amber Rebekah 'Lodge on
Wednesday evening assisted by
the Vice Grand, Mrs, Bertha
MacGregor. The charter of the
lodge was draped in memory of
the late Sister Florence Jennings,
Rebekah Assembly Secretary.
An invitation was received
from Mrs. Bev. Beaton; Blyth, to
attend "Open House" for their
Fiftieth Wedding anniversary on
Saturday , July 5th ftoni 2 to 5
p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.
The inaugural meeting will be
held in McKay Hall, Goderich,
June 25th at 8 P.M. The incoming
District Deputy President is Mrs.
Irene Flarnack of Goderich. All
Past Noble Grands to attend.
Mrs. Hazel Corbett L.S.V.G.
expressed appreciation and
thanks to Noble Grand Mrs.
Officers for the 1975-76 term will
remain ,the same. They are
President - Cecil Pepper;
Secretary-Treasurer - Viola
Taylor; Sports Committee, Dalton
and Marj Malcolm, Lawrence
and Lois Barker; Table
Committee - Stewart and Grace
pepper, Roy and Irene Pepper.
The oldest person present was
Mrs. George Pepper of Mtichell.
The people coming the farthest to
attend the picnic were Don and
Julene Riley and family of
,,Margaret: CcinSitt. for the year
accomplished and: vongrattOterl
kleT, Nsible GeatictAfis. c9nOtt
thanked, all Offieers and merpt)ers
for 'their support in making .the
year for her successful.:
"gimpy • .'Plt;thdaY!' was
extended to :Mt* Maggie
Campbell 401.(t. Mrs, 13ertha MacGregor: The visiting report
was given,t.y Mrs, MacGregor.
Lodge ;Winded ' for
vacation months ,,and will resume
September 3rd.
Mrs. RotliTaylor, Clinton, and
her daughter, 14rs, James
MacFarlane and &Otter
Michelle of Calling Lake, Alberta,
visited recently with the toaster's
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Corbett, Steve and;leff,
Parents and grade eight
students at Huron Centennial
411,•School, Brucefield were guests at
a banquet at the school Monday
night in honour of the students'
Jane Allan was Ass
valedictorian. Music awards were
won by Julie Armstrong and
Diane Wilson. Cathy McFadden
was awarded the Ruth Hayman
Elliott Award for the best
Bayfield student.
The Fred Chappel Award for
outstanding sports participation
went to John Coleman, while
Mike Warner won the Ralph
Whitmore Award for the most
improved student.
Best all round girl and boy
awards were won by Dianne
Wilson and Billy Joe Seymour,
Adrian Rehorst, and Jane Allan
were runners up.
Top academic girl and boy were
Jane Allan and Cathy Martins
(tie) and Adrian Rehorst, with
Doug. Geddes runner up.
Pepper reunion in Seaforth
Rev.Don Beck preached on the
sermon topic "Commitment of
Life", for the service of worship
in Hensall United Church Sunday
.morning. The choir sang the
anthem "Jubilante
accompanied on the organ by
Mrs. Turkbeim. The basket of
flowers were from the funeral of
the late Mrs. Norman Jones. Next
Sunday, hoe 19 will be
Sacrament of Infant Baptism.
,Mrs. Rena Caldwell
Marlene Bell and Helen
McLean were in charge of a
"Mystery Bus Trip" to London;
which was thoroughly enjoyed by
members and friends of Kippen
East Womens Institute. Places
visited' were Kayser Roth factory,
the City Hall, where they were
presented with a Souvenir plate,
Springbank Park and Sifton
Condominium Model Homes.
Dinner at the Garage was enjoyed
and shopping at Westmount
A quiz about the days' happen-
ings was won by Susie Faber and
she was presented with an
Institute Spoon. Anyone with
ideas or suggestions for next
years trip should contact any
Institute member.• Mrs. D.
Gerger donated a gift to the
Institute to be raffled as a means
of making money.
The Education meeting of
Kippen East W. I. was held in
the Legion Hall with Mrs. R.
Broadfoot and Mrs. D. Triebner
as hostesses. The roll call was,
"Find a new word and explain
it." Fines were levied for a
The treasurers report showed
$129:60 realized from the to
Sale. The plate presented to the
Institute when they visited City
Hall will be kept in the Institute
bth.‘ the President.
UCW meets
The Chiselhurst U.C.W. met at
the church in the afternoon of
June 10th. Mrs. Erla Coleman
presided and opened the meeting
with a poem entitled "Walking in
the Woodland". The minutes of
the last meeting were read and
approved. Correspondence was
read and thank you notes from
Mrs. Beck, Shirley Brintnell and
Clara MacDonald • were read.
Many items of business were
dealt with. The worship was given
by Fredo Boa, the topic being
"Jesus, the divine companion".
Rosa Harris assisted by Margaret
Cole and Dorothy Brintnell gave
the study book reading several
passages from the Bible and
singing hymns. Vera Ross player
"Have you anyroom for Jesus?"
on the piano. Mrs. Coleman
closed the meeting with the
benediction. Hostesses for the
lunch were Marg Upshall, Phyllis
Parsons and Marg. Cole.
Members ,will have a •booth at
Zurich Bean Festival August 23
and will cater to a wedding in
July. Mrs. Harold Parsons was
the winner of Mrs D. Gerger's
gift from which $34 was realized.
Mrs Vern Alderdice introduced
the quest speaker Mrs. A. Couper
Bayfield, who told about the W.I.
in Scotland and commented on
crafts made from fibre. She had
on display many articles she had
made from fibre and stated that
people should do more creative
handcrafts. Mrs Couper was
thanked by Mrs. Drummond,
Mrs. Wm Bell commented on
the motto; "When we stop
listening, we stop learning".Mrs,
Alderdice conducted a contest on,
"How well do you know Canada?'
Courtesy remarks were given by
Mrs. G McLean, Mrs. Wm. Bell
Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Glen Bell
served lunch. Mrs. R. Kinsman,
President was in charge of the
Mrs. Harry Caldwell and John
E. Caldwell attended the Baillie -
Moore wedding in Mitchell last
Mrs. N. Dickert has returned
from visiting relatives in and near
Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis
visited in Listowel on Sunday.
All roads lead to Kippen for
Strawberries. Pickers are thick at
Leonard Lovells' and Jack Bells'.
C.B. Headquarters
Check Oat These New BUDGET
C.B. Models by e----e5ite4._
CR-186 Standard AM
This is a 23 channel radio that otters power and PO:Roomy both, ThIS
unit otters improved sens•livfly and squelch corwei iltuminated
S & RF meter and external PA Positive or negative Around Operates
An 120 DC comes complete with mounting bracket and power cord
Crystal Controlled Channels I through 23
Sensitituty 5 uncrayolts for 10db S •N N
Selectivity 6KHr n 6db down
Adjacent Channel Selertion 60db
&melon Sensitivity 1 to SOT microvolts adluitahlF
Audio Output 4 5 watts
CR-123 Mobile
Crystal Controlled Channels 1 through 23 no ertras required
Modulation AM high level with modulation control
SOB cartf,f stippressron 45db
tortutahne Limiting AM Automatic modulation control
SSB Automatic Lead Control
Morrophqne 500 ohms dynamic
Outpul Coupltng -50 ohms
Harmonics and Spurious Output attenuated 50db or more
Carrier frequency Accurate t 600Hr a 30 50 -C
Power Requirements CR.1238 1115 AC Or 12V DC
CR 123 -12V DC
Type accepted by FCC as required by Part •y95,
D 0 C. Approved
See LOU For a Complete Line
of C.B. Accessories
C. Webster
wins •
Cheryl Webster, eighteen-year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Webster of Varna, is the
recipient of a Colonel Ibbotson
Leonard Huron College Entrance
Scholarship to Huron College,
London, recently announced.
This renewable scholarship of
$1200 is awarded annually by the
Corporation of Huron College to
the three students who have
attained the highest first-class
standing in Year 5 (Grade 13)
level subjects, and has a.possible
total value of $4800. Miss
Webster will enter the Faculty of
Arts & Sciences at Huron College
an affiliate of the University of
Western Ontario, in September.
Mr. and Mrs, Grant Webster
have returned from a trip to the
Mid-western States. They trav-
elled through Illinois, Iowa and
Nebraska, and visited many large
feedlots in Nebraska and the
Union Stock Yards in Omaha.
Kippen WI has mystery bus trip
CR-142 AM Base
Here s 23 channelk of advanced design featuring improved
selectivity and squelch circeitry,hig iltuminnted S 6 RF
output meter, Delta lune 'control mike gam control auto-
mate noise limiter and automate: modulation control Addy'
tonal features include plug-tn mike plug-in PA and external
speaker Operates An 1170 AC or 12V DC Positive or necia•
rive ground
Crys141 Cannoned Channels I through
Carrier Frequency Accuracy 0 005'
Mirrophone 500 ohm dynanur
Al Chool 4 want
Crystal Controlled Channels I through 23
Seirsitittity 5 microvolts for 10dh SiN N
Seim Poly 5 566, a 6db down
Adjacent Channel Selectivity 60dh
Della Tune • IMO
Squelch Sensitivity 1 to 50D nkrrovolts, adjustable
Audio Output 4 wens
Crystal Controlled Cliaelpls I Ihwyt, 23
Canter Frequenry Am:fluky 0 005%
Mt 4 ferthane 500 oho, dynamic
RF Output 4 watts