The Wingham Times, 1894-03-16, Page 7i'Cusi\i1.!*?, lilJl ��' 1`cfli)\1��i�;; M WX GHA TIMES, MA RCU 16, 18' 4. Itta bliSililkiWk, ltlillaaap,l°fiet food,and donalcl, seconded by Mr. Robert there will always be a. dalxt,a)a2d foist. ' Currie. The Motion was supported , The labor on a dairyfaarin is less I by Mayor Hanna in a short speeell, j r"tfm�: suv(tro than hi other bra�aehesoxfarnt. and was unanimously carried._, -tl {' i ,dam one lin . It ing, ariditis spread over the whole 1 Iiv7 `tr y to sell, J Here' year. The men who aro willing Tlae a,ppointmeut Qf k'ir4 Ooranen. " k vs �lr e t" orios aaaw' to p into ` winter dairyingand put Says the 'Monetary Times: A Any G}il i 1 dairies, and the market k% udg hent and skill into it are surto )months ago adeputation oftlao Mutual 'asjtvl iio be gone far poor butter. [ bo successful. The results aro more rimUnderwriters' Association, coni- P•t Ji�4i� .Pearce was one of the judges unitorm in dairying • them in any posed of Jolm Beattie, president; 1). C '. 01 butter 2i thei?Varld's Fair at; other brariicll of thrilling. We can lar,' Macdonald, London; r T Hobson, eago, and lie eaid the reason why get only 03 or $24 a ton for wheat, Guelph; M. W. Cook, Cooltsville, anti , 'Witter did riot take a better w _._. ,,. bring $200, Hugh •l.,az,L'.F\, tyU(i4C 1Y(7tt(i, Whited 11i)°n i �• ° r"*'� there was because the necessary and a ton of butter WO,: and the the Government of Ontario.. Their ' � s a, r , were not veryearefully carried ' frei ,1t charges •on, all these 101 be object was to have additional fire cor- a tf IA the making of it. Most of It about the sa111e. When we are en- ' oners appointed to investigate sus -1 a T' " f'i not put up in proper packages, ' gaged in dairying we aro not rob- • petted Cases of illcendiarisnr, This fr' ' 1„ •. nl properly salted. • thing our fames. Somo of our turns- '.was profused, as found necessary. Brik?1'4. roxXif^'tend :r►1r ,.,.. 4 t when . Robt. I obertsan took for his ers aro selling thoir• farms by the Already � there are five in the field.' bei to pet'"' `1 'LV "' 1)1 S41len �.txk 1 address the sub'eet ; Skiii ;lightly used, `I't.,...,n,,., ;...0 live Vet- te � d :, � bushel, wagonload, ere,. 'len Have The deputation also 'urged that a ter than �>thers algid �nP,ylafgingl4, with err ti1(3 Farm." Ike pointed out . the , no right to rob; their •fauns so. To registrations of cases fire that occurred less m,c endituro by innry nrgr„�t1. great difference there was between ; such an extent has this robbery gone in the luunieipality should take place. adapting the 1verld's ;)e:;e products to the lnotllods of fanning thirtyor on that we cannot raise ten bushels Township clerks could do this wort; rite xloode of phyuictbl b i�ig, will attest thirty-five years ago and now, Then 1 on the sane quantity of land tliat 1ve with but little additional labor, in tllo valuo to hca.tl; of the . pure liquid the farmer received from $1,50 to $2 could raise thirty on years ago. this way the appalling amount of fire la ativo princiz,los :rZbr«.(,d in rho a bushel for his wheat, Prices have ; Inlpoverislred soil will not produce waste could be more readily and eor- rgmcdy, w,y lap of Fls, greatly declined since, and India 1 wheat. Eighty per cent. of the food reetlyascertained. 'Underthcpresout .Its o:+e 11ense is ciao to its presenting and ltussia11vere 1a1'ge producers of`:11'e give the cow goes back arrangement, the usual loss by fir in tho furan most acceptab'a and pleas- w11eat, and we have to compete with : to filo soil again, and t11e1'eby the in Ontario is little better than guess- ant to the taste, the beneficial�properties eot a perfect 1axy • thein in the markets of the world. ' fertility of the soil is kept up. Darras- work, Certain alterations are required ativo • efYectu:till sansin the system, In these countries labor is very lfuc1111t1n will give enxployment to the un- (in the uniform conditions in order to dispelling wises, beadaohes and fevers cheaper than here, and hence aro are enlploye(l, lift mortgages from the simplify theta so that they may be aland permanently caving constipation. at a great disadvantage in grain grow- • f`neus, anal enable those engaged in more readily understood by both in- It has given satisfaction to alienias and ing. Inis country dairying is the it to paytheir bills, as they have sures unci the insured, not with the approval of the medical most important industry to -day and money coshing in all the year round, - .---- •, 2rofession, because it acts on the Kid- iaoys, Liver and Bowels without weak - PP we must put shill into it. Spill is the if they carry on the business proper- L1vo stools mnruats• only tiling; mail can sell and, call his ly. . Mr, F. Henry asked 1f the cow smug them and it is perfectly free from lust Buffalo, N. Y., March 12.— 'ver objectionable substance. own. Skill is invaluable to a elan is fed rich food, will it increase the Cattle— Offering, ' a1 cars—the Syrup of Figs is sale by all clrug- an any line of business. The fanner . butter fat in the milk, Prof, Dean, smallest receipts for Monday in gists in 75e. gs is fors, bub it is mann- , who displays skill in raising good .111 ropey, said that he did not thine: It years but more than was wanted. facture"' by the California Fig Syrup cows, horses, calves, etc., is Sure to be at 1 rv°ulcl• Co. only, whose naive is printed on every 1 Ile , cl7alrnla111 oAfter a brisk opening, with a rasa package, a successful man, Every department spealcilt�; on the demand for fat butehers' of medium 'and Hein 1well informed Syrup w knot of farming can be made to pay if sallic question, said he did not g , y Skil/ is put into it. A man not thirty think the tests made in that line had miles from Winglaam. told him that he been properly carried 'out. It was a could make a hog weigh 185 pounds most important question, and should at the cost of 3a cents per pound. receive more attention at the hands That man put skill into his experi-of the professors. nlents, and was successful. Skill ' Mr. Gilbert gave a short talk on should be put into the production of 11ow to build an inexpensive hen butter. An plan near Clliveago had a house, and urged farmers to give the herd of Jerseys frons which be made poultry industry a fair trial. • butter that he sold at from 50 to 75 ; Miss Holnittll and. Messrs. Park and. fat heifers $2,75 to $3.15. MIMI (=Act and it will only cost one cent post. •cents per pound the year round. Buggin favored the audience with cows and springers stronger. ' • I the ends open. tWrite youread,ireosn care. That man put skill in butterinaking, another selection of 1111181c. ' Sheep and Lambs --Forty cars on ' fully. but he (lice not achieve success in a i Mr. Ruddick was the last speaker,sale too many for the demand, and I --1 . day or a week. It ' took years for ' and devoted his time to the subjecprices were 20e to 250 lower. FairOaikville postoffice was robbed on him to build up that successful busi-' of Winter Dairying in Canada. Two lambs $3.50 to $3.75,goocl $4 to $4.35;. Friday night of over $300 in stamps ness. Skill should be displayed in ' years ago, he said, three cheese fac- prime $4.40 to $4.45. The bulk of and cash. No clue. the care of milk, as Well as in 'every torics' commenced winter dairying, -three fac- Slice the sales were at .$4.25. to $4.35; ; Frederic'. of Windsor , and now there are twenty-three other branch of farm work. steady good to choice nlixecl 'Stewart, A beautiful selection of anisic was torics in Ontario where bettor is made .$3 to $3.50; good to primeprime heal ' ; [Buffalo; has been convicted of highway hwa sentenced i)1 ced to fifteen then splendidly rendered by Miss in Winter, No trouble has been ex export wcthers, $3.75 to x;4.45. Holuutll and 'Messrs, Park and Bag- perienced from milk freezing. All' Hogs—Offering, 40 cars; market years at bard labor in Auburn gin, with Miss 13. H. Reynolds, . butter made in these factories has irregular; Yorkers, good to choice,, • organist. found a local market. Two years brought $5.25to$5.35; mixedpackers i A fatal stabbing affair took place Prof. Dean was then introduced by i ago the butter leas sold in England, $5.15 to $5.25; good mediums and at Clarence Creek,' Que., Monday the chairman. IIe said that 110 had • as there was not a local demand for heavy, $5.10 to $5.15 and fair to good morning. Joseph Lafleur, tinsmith, heard many say that this dairy busi- I A. A splendid local market has since heavy, $5 to $5.10; pigs were in good . had'a quarrel with Francis Bernard, mess. would not last. He diel not 1)e011 ereatedfor it, and none was sold demand and generally sold at $5.35 } in which Lafleur stabbed Bernard, think that there was any fear Of it this season for less than 24 cents .per to $5.40, with one load of very fancy } 1v110 died within three minutes. failing Farming' is a business trade pound free oil board cars.' Consider- white at $5.50, early in the day, but; Lafleur is in custody. Tile dead and pw profession, and these ares cons -1 able butter was sent to Montreal, and these were regarded as sold at . 10e inan is about 35 years old. Both 24.cents per pound 'realised for it. above the market ' were married. prised in the stall spoken of by aprice. 'ice. Liverpool, '-March 13.—The weak- , . Conductor Daniel Holmes, of the ness of last week has been intensified 1 G, T. R.;. London, has a unique ex - by heavy receipts and prices have . per'ience. He entered the service of gone off another lc. Quotation:: in the Northern. Railway May 3rd, 1854, cents, computed at $4,80 to . the I;, ' and therefore, on May 3rd, 1894, he are as follows; will have completed forty years of Finest steers..... ,$0 10 to $0 101 .'unbroken service. After running on Good to choice.... 0 09 0 10 , the Northern two years ho entered Poor to Medium... 0 081 0 09 the employ of the Buffalo, Brantford Bulls- - 0 06i &0 08 , Lake Huron, where he remained Infel'iors. 0 05 0 0(i';• ' seven years, going thence to the -Great Montreal, March 12.—There was ; Western Railway. His present run about -650 head of butchers' cattle, a is to Suspension Bridge. At one 15 calves and 60 sheep offered at the' period Dan. ran twelve years without East and abbatoir to -day. The ' a lay-off. For thirty years lie ran an ybutchers were present in considerableaverage of 105 miles every day in the numbers, but they sceinod indifferent i week, and it is easy to compute that about buying any more beef cantle at fully 2,000,000 miles have been present, and very few sales were ' traversed during this work of more glade up to 11 o'clock, and the priccs'than an average generation, and this paid were even lower than the -low equals jourileyiug around the earth 80 prices of last Thursday. A few choice; times. He never injured a passenger, annuals were sold at about 4 ,e per lb } and never had but one accident, and but, they were much better than •that was due to the mistake of a tele - usual, and woi. ld make fair Easter ! graph operator. beef. Pretty good stock sold ' at + _.......ass__ ... from a little over 3e to nearly ate and the others at from 2 to '2't per lb WaacI_ your WeighI There. wore a number of bulls on the weight, the market became torpid, , steeps any substitute if offered. and' sales were made at lower prices. . . Export Cattle sold at -4.15 t0 $4. )0 i Sow to On a "Suiviight•• Pioturo. for medium to best; .good i171[1d101 Send. 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap. weight and prime to fat butehers' per bearing the words "Why Does a Wo. steers sold at $13.50 to $4 per cwt, . man Look Old Sooner Than a man") to, Ill light cattle, such as stockers alley Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, feeders,. ,and. you will receive by ; tura, free from advertising, and well worth post a pretty pie- See our TWEEDS, HATS and CAPS. Iii and. up to half' fat 1,100 lbs aver age trade, was slack. 501110 ' framing. This is an easy way to decorate stockers sold at $2 per cwt. and for (Your home. The soap is the best in the THIS WEEK THE CHEAP CASU STO We are 1)usy this week passing into stool .L large and carefully asso,�t ,.,- ed range of Goods, necessary for a well col acted General i3usiness. We are too busy to begin to enumerate this w' +Ic. in connection, by a Practical Dress -Maker, using the incst improved systems' of Cutting. CUTTING AND FITTING .A SPECIALTY. ALL. MANTLE GOODS bought in this store cut free of charge. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN SAME AS CASH. • MACDONALD BLOCK. G. McINTYRE, WINGUAM. P..ING94 ti a Our stock is now complete in DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, CHALLIES, DELAINES, &C. former speaker. The man who is , More butter can be made out of the going to succeed in farming must 1 sa111e quantity of milk in winter than stuck-; most be a tradesman and a 1111 s111111ner, OEo thought the better business elan. Some think that i way to conduct winter dairying wolllcl iilnlost anybody ban farm. This is a1' be to have one central creamery and mistake. The brightest boys 'seed; have skimming stations at different to 1)e kept on the fatrltl. Dairy farm- i points, and the cream only be con- ing is a profitable business. It is not ! veyed to the creamery, At the so subject to adverse weather. The : creameries now running the nillk is dairy farmer makes use. of the ( received in good condition, a great skim milk, whey, etc., and tlirii it !improvement 1n this respect having into pork, beef, etc., and males ; taken place during the past year. money. The luau Who puts the most I He believed there would be a great labor on his farm, except it be day }deal 31101.0 butter made in the future labor, is the mall who will succeed.in.winter, when it always brings the If men who are • idle in the cities •highest price. The farmers where could be employed in the dopes_ (winter dairies are in operation are ttYf. 1 •' lei lr in 1101 of sending n i. all i den their clhetl thought they could bc, profit- gg ably so employed it would solve the milk to them, as it saves a great deal labor problem which receives so of labor at home. He did not thinkmuch attention just 110'W. The raw- winter dairying would interfere with materials of tee dairy farmer are the the nlalcing of cheese in summer, but soil, sun, air and water. These are. benefit it. If the supply of butter the things he has to work with. The is more than the local markets will Experimental Stations are doing require, it can be shipped to England what they Can to find out the kinds as el)eaply as to 'Montreal, and there of plants that are the best for the , is an unlimited market in England farmer to grow. At the Ontariofor good butter. Agrieultural College they are testing i\Tr. J. W. Wheaton, seconded by eighty -two different kinds of corn. Mr. Robert Robertson, in the name 1 roil silty to sixty-five per cent. of of the Western Dairymen's Assoeia- the honey we get goes to produce tion, moved. a. vote of thanks to the food, hence we lnustpractisoeconolny Town Connell for the free use of the ill its protluetion. If we want to town hall for -holding the meeting in, make the most of this dairy business and in doing so Mr. Wheaton paid we must male it a specialty. Those a high compliment to the town by sold at from $2 to $(i each. There who are doing the best at the present saying our town hall was the best I were very few niuttt7n critters offered time., lire leaking a. specialty of some hall ill which the Assoeiation had to -day, but there was scarcely any. line of farming.. So far as nw obser- Meld meetings, though they had 00-1 eltan o in pl'iccs. A lot of 8 good vadat goes, there is less complaint copied a great ninny, Others of the ! sheep were sold at $5.50 each; lambs about hard times among those en- gaged in dairying than achy other line of farming. It has been con- clusively proved that our soil is well adapted for dairying. The future market to -day, some of then' being superior animals, while sonic of the 1f you are losing flesh your worst were rather hard looking; system is drawing on: your prices ranged front 2 to 4e per lb, latent strength. Something Mr. Joseph Richard bought three of the best calves for 33; the others is 'wrong. 'rake ;speakers also spoke highly of our I sold at from 4 to 41e per lb; fat flogs town and its advantages. Special1ade are plentiful and lower in prices, or mention 'vas •also mof 'fisse about 5e per .Ib, with a few choice Itomn.tb and Reynolds a11(1 Messrs, ' porkers at 510 per ib. t , Park and Buggin, who so kindly farming in Ontario, the speaker 1)e- enlivened the evening's procedings•Farmers in Bruce comity have lieved, would be live stoek, dairying with a couple of selections of music, staked ploughing already; also in and fruit growing. Milk is a A vote of thanes to the outside Hastings comity. necessary article of food, and for that speakers for the information convey- . The l\tontre ll Witness is seeking reas )n it was reasonable tothiukthat ed to the farmers and others in their letters patent of incorporation. The dais ingwouldoontillttetobeasucecss-' addresses, was moved by Dr. Mac- capital is $150,000. Scott's mulsion ALMINNIIIIIIMMEIEMINMENNIMIP the Cream of Cod-liver 011, to give your system its need- ed strength and restore your healthy weight. Physicians, tat, world overs endorse it. NO be deceived by Substitutes! Sootthllowno,) otior1Ue..hUUDtuaaiitts.600.. L 19 pieces of 40c. WOOL DELAINES for 25c. Cail and sec our stuff. TIMOTHY s ? ND CLOVER SEED Wholesale and Retail. Respectiuily yours, 0 Has proved by its enormous sale that it is The best value for the Consumer of any soap in the market. Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this, as it is they who have proved its value. It brings them less. labor, greater comfort, hite Goods ale. Witt'. the first of March we inaugurate a Big. Sale of White Goods of every description. -White Cotton Lawn Muslim, Table Linens, Sheetings, &c. White Cottons from Go, up; Gray Cotton, 34 inches wide, 4c. a yard; Heavy Twill White Cotton, extra value at 14e., worth 17e. Victoria mains, from 10e, up. Special novelties in Lawns and Muslins, with embroidered edges. Ready-made Dress Aprons for 30e. Table Linan, good andrheavy, from 20e• up. Sheetings,either or bleached or unbleached from 1211e. up. We have blade a specialty of Laces and Embroiders this season and are prepared to show you a fuller range than usual. You know what lovely Laces we hall last season; well, this year we have far sur- passed all former effortw, both as regards to quantity and quality, and have almost too large a stock. THEY MUST BE SOLD. Now is the time you ladies are commencing to loop ou for tlle:re goods and we invite you to come in and see thein. We ur sure you cannot resist out' patterns and prices. We have thein in W lite, Blaok and two tone Sill:, Cotton and Linen and` you are atire to get the best choice here. See our new Spring Goods in all departments, Headquarters for Yield and Garden Seeds.eey Pre .+ .�-IIr4w N. 13—We bought at a low rate on the $, the stock of Boots and Shoes belonging to the estate df the late J, M. Buchanan, whirl) will be sold at SLA17G13TJJ1t ?MORS. See these goods and save alone y on your purchases, T.. ,.:ILLS