The Wingham Times, 1894-03-16, Page 51)Ail. Yap N'S CONVENTION. caoxTulutn non lali.cn 4. THE WINGHAM TIMES,MARCH 16,, 894 fall business. Miikisaperfeet foo(l,and doualel, seconded by Mr.. Robert there will always be a demand for it. ` Currie, 'The lotion was supported The labor on a (fairy farm is less f by Mayor Hanna in ra short speech, j saves' than in other branehesoffarnt and was unanimously car'r'ied. tar put up as in days gone by, It ing, and it is spread oyer the whole must be put up tastily to sell. There year. The mon who are willing • The Appofntment of Fire coroners. aro twenty-three cheese f€tctoriesnow to go into winter dairying and put Says the 3fonetaiy Times: A few run aa winter dairies, and the market lodgment and skill into it are sure to months ago adeputatiou oftlte Mutual will soon be gone for poor butter, be successful, The• results are more Fire Underwriters' .Association, coin - Mr, Pearce was one of the judges uniform in dairying than in any posed of John Beattie, presidout; D. 0., of butter at- the World's Fair at other branch of atrining. We can Macdonald, Loudon; J. J, Hobson, i Chicago, ami lie said the reason why get only $28 or $24 a ton for wheat, Guelph; M. W. Cook, Cooksville, and our butter slid net take a Better posi- while a ton of cheese will bring $200,. Hugh Black, Rockwood, waited upon tion there was because the necessary and a, ton oi' butter $400, and the • the Government of Ontario. Their' • details were not very carried frei7,ht charges on all these will be limas object was to s additional fire COD. 010 in the making of it. most of it about the sumo. When we are en- onora appointed to investigate sus - was not put up in proper packages,' gaged in dairying we are not rob, posted cases of inceludiarism, Tliis nor properly salted, , Wag, our farms. Some of our farm- was promised, as found necessary. feuds to ut'.t,. -1 tau? ;,,.et:t when Mr. Robt. Robertson took for his ars are selling' teir, farms by the Already there are five in the field. rigtttiy used T. ,:;tar . ;!,:) live tet- secancl address the subject ; ''Ski.11 i bushel, wagonload, eto., Men have The deputation also staged that a for than Wars iif;�' aaay wish on the Z+'grin." He paizitcd out the ; no right to rob their' farms so. To registrations of each lire tliat•occurred Iris oxpettclitua o, l+y Ynnxc prorttptly great difference there was between , such an extent has this robbery gave in the municipality should take place. adapting the ;renes z s)e::c proud.* to the Ihactlaods of fanning flares)* or ori that we cannot raise ten bushels Township clerks could do this work the needs of physical Wag, will attest thirty-five years ago and slow, Tllan , on the same quantity of land that we with but little additional labor•. Irl tllo value to hcti.41. of site .pure liquid could . raise thirty on years ago. this way the appalling amount of fire laxative principles mbrt,:ttd in the K�,TOW.,.t y.»D'c.+3 Briht.FS Col,f^`•t end. itnnrornme tt+ zna the farmer received from $1.50 to $2 , remedy, Syrup of si'1';9. a bushel for his wheat. Prices have ; Impoverished soil will not produce waste could be more readily and col'- Its a ripe is dna to zta presenting greatly declined since, and India i wheat. Eighty per cent. of the food rectlyaseertained. Undertbepresent - P g alter Russia were large producers of eve give the eow goes back arrangement, the usual less by fire' to the form moat as efresh'a and pleas- , l , , to the soil again, and' g ' ant to the a este, the re£resliing alld truly pleas - wheat, and h� e have to compete With g' thereby the in Ontario is little better than guess- beneficial propoxties of u perfect las- them _ in the markets of the world, ' fertility of the soil is kept up, Dairy- work, Certain alterations are required ativ©;effectually. cleansing the system, In these countries labor is very nlucll ;;lin wilt give employment to the un lilt the uniformconditions in order to chspolliug •colds, headaches and fevers cheaper than here, surf hence we are employed, lift mortgages from the simplify thein so that they may be I and permanently curing constipation. at a great disadvantage in grain grow- • farms, and enable those engaged in more readily understood by both in- I It has given satisfaction to millions and ing. In this caountry dairying is the it to pay their bills, as they have surers and the insured, i .nab with the approval of the medical most important industry to -clay, and money coning in all the year round, s profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, laver and Bowels ti<ithota weak: ma, thin ratan can sell incl call his .y ,_ �niit ani i g • 1 Mr. F. Henryenr asked if the cow' Last Buffalo N Y March 1 'very objectionable bstanee, we must put sell into it, Snill is the if they carry on the business proper- Live stvofc irlaricata. themd 't is perfectly free from own.. Shill is invaluable to a man is fed rich food, will it increase the in any line of business. The farmer .butter fat in the milk. Prof. Deaan, who displays skill in 'raising good , in reply, said that he dict not think it cows, horses; calves, etc., is sure to be a would.• successful man. Every department 1 The . chairman, speaking on the of fanning can be made to pay if salute question, • said he did not skill is put into it. A man not thirty think the tests made in that line had miles from Wingham told him that lie been Properly carried out. It was a could make a hog weigh 185 pounds most important question, and should at the cost of 3a cents per pohuid, receive more attention at the hands That man put skill into Ms experi- of the professors. Inents, and was successful. Skill' Mr. Gilbert gave a short talk on should be put into the pr odueti0n of how to build an - inexpensive lieu butter. Au man near Chicago had a shouse, and urged farmers to give the herd of Jerseys from which he macre poultry industry a fair trial. butter that he sold at from 50 to 75 ! Miss Hornell' and Messrs. Park and. fat leifars 2. t a to $x.,.10. lIilch age to send thenwrappe a, if you leave cents per pound the year round. Buggin favored the audience with cows and springers stronger. • the ends open. Write your addr ess care- ' Sheep and Lambs -Forty cars on fully. sale too many for the demand, and -- prices were 20c to 25e lower. Fair I . Oakville postoffice was robbed on lambs $3.50 to $3.7 5,good. $4 to $4.35; Friday night of over $300 in stamps prune $4.40 to $4:15. The balk of and cash.. No clue. the sales were at $4.25 to $4.3:) • , Frederick Stewart, of Windsor, Sheep steady good to choice mixed, convicted of highwayrobbery in $3 to $3.50; 'good to prime haw,.i Buffalo has been sentnced to fifteen i;xport.wcthers, $3.75 to $4.45• ears at laird labor in Auburn • Hogs -Offering, 40 cars; market years . irregular; Yorkers, gond to choice, prison'• • brought $5.25 to $5 35; nixed packers A`fatal stabbing affair took plaice $5.15 to $5.25; good meciiunis and at Clarence Creek, Que., Monday heavy, $5.10 •to$5.15 and fair to 4. good morning, Joseph Lafleur, tinsmith Cattle- Offering, ' di cars -the Syrup of Fio-s is for sale by all drug - smallest receipts for Monday in gists in 75c. bottlos, but it is mann, year's but more than was `vailted• faotured� by the California Fig Syrup After a brisk opening, with a rash Co, only, whose name is printed on every demand for fat butchers' of mcdinm' and beinglwell informso the ed, you will not weight, the market became torpid, ; accept any substitute if offered. and sales were macre at lower prices. - . . • _ Export cattle sold at $4.15 to $4.:501 How to Get a ',Sunlight" Picture. for' medium to best; good middle send 2b''Sunl grit" Soap wrappers (wrap - weight and prime to fat butchers' per bearing the words "Why Does a Wo - steers sold• at .` X3.50 to °$•1 per cwt. ' man Look Old Sogner Than a man") to, In light cattle, such as stockers anal : Lever Bros., Ltcl., 43 Scott St., 'Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty pic- fceclers,. sand up to halt -fat 1,100 lbs tura, free from advertising, and well worth average trade was slack. Solus `framing. This. is an easy way to decorate stockers sold at $2 per cwt. and for I your home. The soap cost one is the beat in the •.n r That elan put skill in buttermaking, ' another selection of music. but he slid not achieve success in a Mr. Ruddick was the last speaker, day or a week. It 'took years for' and devoted his time to the subject hint to build. up that successful busi- of Winter Dairying in. Canada. Two ness. Skill should be displayed in years ago, he said; three cheese fac- the care of milk, as Well as in 'every tories commenced winter dairying, other branch of farm work. I and now there arc twenty-three fac- A beautiful selection of music was ' tories in Ontario where butter is made then splendidly rendered by hiss in Winter, No trouble has been ox 'Duluth incl Messrs. Park and Bug- perienced from milk freezing. All gin, with hiss B. II. Reynolds, butter made in these factories has organist. • 1 found a • local market. Trio years Prof. Dean was then introduced by - ago the butter was solei in England, the chairman He said that he bad as there was not a local •cleluand for heard many say that this dairy bassi- i it. A splendid local market has since heavy, $5 to $$5.10; pigs were in good . had'a quarrel with Francis Bernard, mess. would not last. Ile did not been created for it, and none was sold demand aucl generally sold at $s:35 i in which Lafleur stabbed Bernard, think that there was any fear of it this season. for Iess than 24 cents per to $5.40, with one load of very fancy 1 who died within three minutes.. failing. Farming is a blisiness,tracla Pound free on board cars. Consider- white at $5.50, early in the clay, but ;Lafleur is in custody. The dead and profession, and these are 00n1- I able butter was sent to Montreal, and these were regarded as sold at 10c , man is about 35 years old. Both ken rised in tlta skill spoof by a. 24.cents per pound 'realized for it. above the market price. were married. former speaker. The manwho is % More butter can be ,made out of the going to succeed in farming ;must i same quantity of mik in winter than study must be a tradesman and a , fn summer. He • thought the better business man. Some think that i wayto conduct winter dairying would . almost anybody ban farm. - This is 0, s be to have one central creamery and mistake. The brightest boys . need j have skimming stations at different to be kept on the farm. Dairy farm= i points, and the cream only be con- ing is a profitable business. It is slot ;'i cel eel to tlx: creamery, At • the so subject to adverse weather. me, " creameries now running the milk is dairy farmer makes use of the 1 received. in good condition, a great skin; milk, whey, etc., and turn it (improvctnefit in this respect having into pork, beef, etc., and wakes ; taken place during the past year. money. The elan who puts the Iltost i He believed there would be a, great labor mins farm, except it be day deal Vlore butter made in the future labor, is the Ulan who, will succeed. in.winter, wlteu it always brings the If men who are idle in the cities cooler be cmplovcd in the clai>•ics- highest prim The farmers where winter dairies are in operation are and he thought they colllcl be profit- greatly in ; favor of sending their ably so employed -it Would solve the drift to them, as it saves a great deal labor problem which receives so of labor at home: He did not think much attention just iter}'. The raw winter dairying would interfere with materials of tri dairy farmer are the the making of elicese in summer, but soil, sun,, air and water. These are. benefit it. If the supply of butter the things he has to work with. The is more than the local markets will Experimental Stations are doing require, it can be shipped to England what they can to finca out the kinds ars cheaply as to Montreal, and there of plants that are the best for the , is an unlituitccl market in England farmer to grow. At the Ontario fat good flutter. OPS-+ 1ST TIM WEEK THE CHEAP CASH STOR We• are busy this week passing into steel €. large and aarefully eel range of Goods, necessary for a }yell col noted {General Business. are too busy to begin to enumerate this connection, by a Pr'aetical Dress -Maker, using the most improved syate; of Cutting. CUTTING AND FITTING • A SPECIALTY. ALL MANTLE. GOODS bought in this store cut free of charge, BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN SAME AS CASH. G. McINTYRE, MACDONALD BLOCK. Liverpool, March 13. -The weak- , • Conductor Daniel Holmes, of the ness of last week has been intensified .� G, T. R.; London, has a unique ex- 1 by heavy receipts and prices have perience. He entered the service of gone off another 1c. Quotations in the Northern Railway May 3rd, 1854, cents, computed at $4.80 to ° the A, ' and therefore, on May 3rd, 1894, he are as follows; will have completed forty years of Finest steers...... C0 10. to $0 10 - unbroken service. After running on Good to choice.. 0 09 • 0 10 ; the Northern two years he entered Poor to medium... 0 08:4• 0 09 the employ ofthe Buffalo, Brantford Bulls • 0 Olt } 0 08 cC Lake Huron, where he remained Infer roes0 05 0 0(i seven y cars, going thence to the Great Montreal, March 12.-Tllere was ; Western Railway. His present run about' (350 head of butchers' cattle, , is to Suspension Bridge. At one 15 calves and 60 sheep offered at the 'period Dan, ran twelve years without East end a.bbatoh to -clay. The ` a lay-off. For thirty years he ran au butchers were present in considerable average of 1(x5 miles every day in the numbers, but they seemed indifferent ; week, and it is easy to compute that about buying any more beef cattle at fully 2,000,000. wiles have been present, and very few sales were traversed during this work of more made up to 11 o'clock, and the prices' than an average generation, and this paid were even lower than the low egaa.ls journeying aroa nd the earth 80 prices of last Thursday. A few choice ; times. He never injured a passenger, animals were sold at about 4?,•c ;per lb 1 and never had but, one accident, and but, they were -much better than lahat was due to the )mistake of a tele• usual, and would make fair Easter I graph operator. beef. Pretty good stock sold from a little over 3c to nearly 3.c and the others at from 2 to 21 per ib Agricultural College they are testing lis. ,T. Ws.'Wheaton, seconded by Tlherc.wcre a =liber of bulls on the eighty-two different kinds of corn. Mr. Robert Robertson, in the name market to -day, some of tlienl being From sizty to sixty-five per cent. of of the Western Dairymen's Associa- superior animals, while some of the If you are losing flesh your the money we get goes to produce tiara, Moved a vote of thanks to the worst were rather hard looking; system Is drawing on your food, hence we Itlustpratctfsaeconolny 'Toch it Council for the free use of the prices ranged front 2 to 4c per lb. latent strength. Something in its production,If we ant to fowls ball for holding the meeting in, Mr Joseph Richard bought three of atch yourWeia .. �, . ? �, , a make the most of this (Miry business and in doing so Dtr. Wheaton paid the best calves for $33; the others is wrong. Take we must make it a specialty. Those, a high compliment to the town by sold at from $2 to $6 each, There who are doiIln the best at the present 1 saying cur town hall waa the best Were very few mutton, critters offered Scott'.g time are making a specialty of some hall in which the Association had to -day,, but there was scarcely any astuasillmalamtalaissa litre, of farming.. So far as Illy Over- held ft'tcetiit s, though they had oe- change in pr res.r o o goo nation goes, there is less complaint copied a great many. Others of the sheep were sold at $5.50 each; lambs about hard times among those en, speakers also spoke highly of our sold at from 4 to 4, c per lb; fat hogs gaged in dairying than any other town and its advantages, Special are plentiful and lower in prices, or lino of wining. It itis been coil- mention was also made of Misses about 5c per lb, with a few choice elusively proven that our soil is well • Homuth and Reynolds and Messrs. porkers at 5ae per lb. adapted for d°lit'v'intsThe f`ittar° Park and Bias gill who so kindly fa...,. r; in. Ontario, tri' speaker be-, cnliveticcl the �'eveninN`s proe,cclings •1�'araners in Busse county have sieved, would be live, stock, dairying with a couple of Weans of music. 'staltad ploughing already; also in and fruit growing. Milk is o. I A vote of thanks to the outside ltastings county, necessary article of food, and for that speakers for the information convey- The Montreal Witness is seeking rens )it it was reasonable to tliiakthat ed to the farmers and others in their letters patent of incorporation. The g 'capital is :$150,000. dais •iii ivotrticl+eotltlnttetob(lasttacess» addresses, was moved by -Dr. Mae- T • i mulsion mss, the Cream or Cod-liver 011, to give your system its need- ed strength and restore your healthy 'weight. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. e deceived Don't b by Substitutes! soott tt Motifs, Et11G,lf ie. All broagietr. 600, .t $1. ING9 1..;94. Our'stock is now complete in. DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, OHALLIES, DELAINES, &e. See our TWEEDS, HATS and CAPS. 19 pieces of 40c. WOOL DELAINES for 25c. Gall and see our stuff. Tip:*` ' T1Y MW CAVESEED Wholesale and Retail. Respectfully yours, Gt-_Hcy_ ID.. =TINT T Has proved by its enormous sale that it is The best value for the Consumer of any soap in the market. Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this, as it is they who have proved its value. Itbrings them less. labor, greater comfort. hite Goods ale. Witt. the first of March we inaugurate a Bit Sale of White Goods of every description. 'White Cotton Lawn Muslims, Table Linens; Shootings, &c. White Cottons from Go. up; Gray Cotton, 34 inches wide, 4c. a pard; Heavy Twill W bite Cotten, extra value at 14e., worth 1170.; Victoria %awns, from 1Oc. up. Special novelties in Lawns and Muslims, with embroidered edges. Ready-made Dress Aprons for ;30c. Table Linin, good andrheavy, from 20e. up. Sheetings,either a or ;y bleached or unbleached frorn 12c. up. We have made a specialty of Laces and Embroiders this season and aro prepared to show you a fuller range than usual. You know what lovely Laces we hail last season; well, this year we have far sur- passed all former efforts, both as regards to quantity and quality, and have almost ton large a stock. THEY MUST UST BE SOLD. Now is the time you ladies are commencing to look ou for those goods and we invite you to come in and see them. \4'e ar sureyou cannot resist our patterns and prices. We have thein in W lite, Black and two tone Sill.:, Cotton and linen and you are sure to get the best choice here. See our new Spring floods in all departments. Headquarters for lPield and Garden Seeds. s i• TVii z 4 J.. 4 .6 N. 13 ---We bought at a low rate ran the $, the stock of Roots enurl Shoes belonging to the estate df the lath J. M. Buchanan, whir.+ will be soler at SLA:HClt3.TEl ; PltiOtS, See these goods and save money on your pairehases. T. A. MILLS.