The Wingham Times, 1894-03-16, Page 3• '6 Or as • i••• • Tim wimitiAm TiMES, MARCH 16, 1894, 11,1 W. C. T. U. COLUMN, (commenD pitsSc51) Ma Grid and iiinne.and Natio, Land in only mix 1flunieipalities---13rock- vi1le, Chatham} Port Hope, Sudbury and Rat Portage. , There are, in all, 808 municipalities in Ontario, and hi 528 of them no shop licenses are issued,,and in 185, or nearly one-fourth of the whole number, ne liquor licenses of any kind are issued. The local option law prevails in 12 municipalities, in which, formerly, 28 licenses were issued. The figures show that, oven under the existing law, public sentiment is doing a good deal towards reducing the number of drinking places. Since the reduction conintenced the jail records S1101YS that there has also been a corresponding decrease in the number of commitments for drunken- ness, Well call the attention, of the mothers and rosters o the!fatst, that the Woinatt's Christian Temper - ave. Union meets evert. Monday at three o'clock sharp, for one hour, at Mrs. fielm's residence, Pat- rick street. All McBee aro made welcome. Ao the Edltor has kindly given NH part ol hi$ passefor our work, we ask friends of the cause to NOW Rents of Interest on all moral questions of the day to any of our membere. The Rum Curse in, Europe. The thirty-fifth report of the Re- formatory and Refuge '11111011 states that in Groat Britain and Ireland 145,000 persons are every year com- mitted to prison as drunkards, of whom 112,000 are men and the rest women. An English paper, from statistics taken from the press of the • United Kingdom, reports the records of murders of women by inebriated husbands since Jan, 1, 188% to Jan. 1, 1891 to be 3,004. In a late debate in, the German reichstag it was'stated that there are at present 11,000 persons in hospitals and insane asylums who are suffertng from /de- lirium tremens. A World's Temperance 50impaign. MONSTER =SAM OF, HE wounsr's • CHRISTIAN 71ERANCE UNION AGAINST V39 ... IN ALL COUNTRIES. New Yrft,. March 3,-1,4 World's Womo Christian Temperave Un- ion s been preparing during the., I seven 'years a monster polyglot • petition against legalized.vice, te be .presented to all the governments' of the world. Lacly Henry Somerset and Miss Willard have been. appoint- ed as the deputation to convey this, petition to the different governments. The petition itself has now reached ' the - unprecedented length of more than two million signatures, and. with the attestation of certain great societies, not less than three. millions. A first-class steamer is immediately to be chartered, and a party . of ono hundred will be organized to accom- pany Lady Henry Somerset and Miss Willard in this remarkable crusade. Dr. Lunn has arranged With Mis William Pipe,' the chairman'ssecre- tary- of the World's. Parliament of Religions, to act as managing secre- tary to this expedition and to accom- pany the party around the werki. The. crusade will commence at. the annual convention of the World's Women's Christian Temperance Union,to be held in the United States next October, The American. dele- gation will then proceed to Washing- ton, • where the polyglot petition will be presented to the Government. Leaving New York on October 24th the American contingent will join the British contingent. The crusaders' steamer will leave London. on Satur- day, November 3, arriving at Naples on Monday,. November. 12. A visit will then be paid to Rome, AthenS, Jerusalem, Cairo and alt the• principal cities of India, Ceylon, • Siam, Australia, China and Japan. The eastward. circuit of the world will be'completed with a trip across the Pacific. -It it intended at' a later date to present the petition to the • northern and central Governments of -Europe.- Ontario's Lickior Licenses. I ,SOALM INTERESTING FACTS AND KG- unE4 IN REGARD' TO THE NUMBER ISSUED. . In his budget speech in the Legis- lature, on the Oth instant, the honor- able Provincial Treasurer .inade the following statements regarding the , liquor licenses in Ontand : The Provincial. Treasurer received $294,- 517 from licenses in 1893, which was $240 less than the receipts of the year before. Than . were 3,195 licenses issued last year, which was a • falihig off of 365 in four years. In1 1875 ono license was issued to eaeh 275 of the entire population of Ontario; while last year there was but one to each 633, or considerably1 less than, one*half the previous num- ber. • • In New York State one lieenSe, is issued for every 150 of the point- • lation,in Illinois one to every 246, in Ohio -one to every 248, and in Michi- gan ono to every 800. This shows. that Ontario has one-third tts many licensed liquor shops as most of the States. The munielpalities of the Provime received, last year, $287,64fi in all for their share of. the license fees. Each numleipal council . is empewers. ed, to raise the fee :above the statutory limit, putting the extra amount in its own treasury. This was • done HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS. —Shortness ot Breath, Coughs, and Colds. — Thousands of testimonials. can be produced to prove the power , possessed by these correetivo remedies I in cases of asthma, incipient consump- tion and all disorders of the elaest and back, penetrating the skin, is absorbed and carried directly to the lungs, where in immediate contact I with the whole mass of circulating I blood, it neutralises or expels those impurities, which are the foundation of consumption, asthma, bronchitis, pnetunonia, and. .shuilar complaints.' On the appearance of the first con- Isumptive Symptoms the back and the °hest of the patient should be foment- ed. with warm brine, dried with a coarse cloth, and Holloway's Oint- ment then well rubbed in. Itsab- sorption will subdue advancing' symptoms, and baffle this formidable foo, -'4 Adventure of a Tiny Grain of Sand. There *as once a tiny grain of sand that had lain quietly for years on the tar and gravel roof of•a big building. One day a brisk breeze came along and said to° the 'grain of sand : 1 " Why don't , you go out into the great world and get acquainted with the people? Nobody ever hears of you here. Come along and let us have a good. time." But the tiny grain of sand shrunk back and said: " I am such a little thing I should get lost. I would rather stay here." "Your modesty does you credit," rejoined the brisk breeze, -" but modesty does not pay in this age of the world. Come along." • • It was so urgent about it that the little grain of sand got up and went along with it. ' And the brisk breeze earned it gleefully over the cornice and down the street,. round the corner and into the eye of a dignified citizen who was climbing into his carriage. _And the dignified citizen took out his handkerchief and rubbed his eyes hard, and the terrifiedlittle grain of sand crept up between the lid and. the eyeball, until it found a spot it could crawl into and put itself right there. ° And all the rest of the day that dignified citizen rubbed his eye and groaned, and he lay awake all night and groaned, and the next day he wont to an oculist. And the oculist hunted alt 'over his eye and scraped it and said it was a serious ease, and scraped it some more and hunted all over the eye again, and. at last he found the little., grain of sand in its snug hiding place, and pried it out and charged the dig- nified citizen $25. And the dignified citizen took the tiny grain of sand home with Min and glued it to a piece of cardboard and put it in a gilt framis and hung it up on the wall in his library, and he goes in there every day and swears at it. • Never think yott are of no cense- quenrp, dear children, because you may happen to be little.—Chicago Tribune. • Skin Diseases are moreor less direot- ly occitaioned by had blcod. B. B. B. cures the following, Skin Diaoeses : Shingles, Erysipelae, Itching Bashes, Salt Ithearn, Scald• Head, Emptions, Pimples itncl 131otches, by removing all impnrities from the 'blood from a common Pimple to the wort Scrofulous SOM. , Hatred concealed easily, love with difficulty, and indifference with the greatest difficulty of Any animal will eat too much salt if deprived of it for a length of time. A little salt every day will be bene- ficial. If a luMp of reek salt is placed where all kinds of stock' ean have access to it they will regulate the quantity for theinselVes. X. D. 0. restores the stomach to hearty action. C.:40.07":,-.ZatIMMaik4e,I.ktI, td t .a.ROIRENEWArdtS4o*.iitix.:4=7.7....44s111 '1, a '4' 41' hat is Castoria Is Dr, Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Intuits and. Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and, Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destreys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, curs "Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorip, assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach, and bowels, giving healthy and, natural sleep, Cas.. toria is tho Childrens's Panacca—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil- dren. Mothers liaTo repeatedly told :no of its good effect upon their children." . • D. G. C. Oxcloon, Lowell, Mass. "Castor:a is Um boat remedy for children of which, I ma acquainted. I hopo tho day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castor'a in- stead of thovarionaquack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing, syrup and other hurtful agentdown their throats,'thereby sending them to premature graves." Da..7. F. Kurcnst.oz, Conway, Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted tn °Milroy. Mai I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." R. A. AMOUR; 2:E. D., 111 Bo, Oxford Ct., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in tho e:errs depart- ment .have spo:ten highly of i.o erperi- ence In their outside pnotico w.th et:scoria, and although wo only have among onr inodlcal supplies what is known as regul-r products, yet wo aro free to confess that tte merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." UNITED HOSPITAL AND Insrzsstar Boston, 1O:83. ALLEN C. SErf;TII, PreS., Tjto ibex:dour Company, 71 Murray Street, New York City. • . • tCatritc: .'",•Or-r;,•"etre.$314.- ,wri"0.4!=atrAiwaxtrotaiwei Twit)) Defeated. -The 'urchin was communicative, and histale ran in this wise: • "It's been dandy sliding lately, and Jimmie an' inc an' Tom was goin' slidin' after school Thursday afternoon„Iimmie, he'd hooked his big brother's •double-numer,' and we was goin' to have a bully time. But along towards night. the teacher she .caught us whisperin' and says she :1 -'-.You three boys can stay with me ;After, sehool to -night,' and bully glee! I kept us more'n an' hour, and it ' *as plump - dark When- we got out and then we couldn't go slidin"cause Charlie—that's Jimmie's big brother I —wanted his double -runner to take his girl to slide." " That was tough," interrupted his I hearer. . " Yes," said the urchin, " but that , ain't all. Next . forenoon we heard the teacher and her young man a-plannin' to go sliclin' right after ! school that night, so wo put up er job. We behaved firs' rate till 'long, in the afternoon an' then we coin- menced to cut • up like the diekens, an' she caught us and made—," "Yes," broke in. his hearer again : "Pretty good scheme! And so the • teacher kept' you after school, and didn't keep her engagement with the young man, and that made 'cm quar-1 rel and now they don't speak any more? Great scheme far revenge !" " No, .not by a long chalk," said the youth, as a pained expression of. recollection swept across his face. " That'Sswhaf we thought'd happen, but it didn't. No, sir ! she caught us carryin' on an' she just yanked us into the flooi an' gave. us the all- firedst licking we ever had. No, sir ; that scheme didn't work. Give 'us a nickel, won't yer ? sve want tobuv some snap matches to put under her desk." The necessity of spring inedicine is uni- versally admitted. This is the best time of the year in which to purify the blood, to restore the lost appetite, and to build up the entire system,,as the body is now pecu- liarly susceptible to benefit from medicine. The great popularity attained by Hood's Sarsaparilla, owing to its real merit and its remarkable suceen has established it as the very best medicine to take in the spring. It cures serofula, salt rheum, and alt humors, bilioumness, dyspepsia, headache, kidney and liver complaints, eatarrh, and all affections caused or promoted by low state of tho system or impure blood. Don't put it off, but take Hood's Sarsaparilla. now. It will de yon good. Strength of character lies not in demanding,' special circumstances but in mastering and using any that may be given. Labor is the life of life, 1,:.'ase is I the way to disease, The highest life. I of an organ lies in the fullest dis- I charge of its functions, 'K. D. C. Pills tone and ref the liver. --- Don't Put It Of • Itch on human and horses and all ani- mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. These never fails. War- ranted at Chisholm's drug store. QUICKLY YIELD TO Aantrafinsgam B CURES CONSTIPATION . AND SICK HEADACHE •,- • s• •, • ,, A Blessing to Every Hou,sehoid. HOLLOWAY'S P11.13 AND °DIME • There row:dies },vie nod tho toot of Any yam* eXperlenee, end are protounced the best $4 Vitality use. TEDI pizoLe Pur1f3 the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER. STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND invaluable In all cOmplaints incidental to females of alt ages. 1(3 1` IJ Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. Foil. BRONCHI% 11HO4TS. OcIRDIS, 00143, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GIADULAR SWRIZINGS AND A • DISEASES IT IIAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at id, New oxford. 1,ate An Oxford Street, our o and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. urc1iasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is no 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. OUILCIIILD * • • ISUNACCOUNTABLY LOSING FLESH REFUSING TO TAKE ITS FOOD LISTLESS ANL/ DEBILITATED ' YOUIV a' / • gliMilgriCahn T wiLL iSSLP WOND,ERFOLLY WINGHAM MARBLE WORKS, 1\T-M7A.7. PIRM MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS., of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Mr T r Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth. Parties requiring work in their IMe will do well by rolling on them or seeing. one of their agents helm purchasing. You will find our prices are away down. Our workmanship Is WISNrpaRtf d WO will use non but the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a lloend share of the polklio pat ronage. T Watson, who has been running the business for the past year, will represer us on the road. tr Call aol see our stock and prices. FO ORI VANSTONE BROS. THE BEST VALUE IN "TERLI'D CLOTHING, Tigr - k ,-4 GO TO BEATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, • COLLARS, C CIF Oheap for F-AsEr. Al' NAT E B S r &e. INSIST Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse all substitutes. Sae they are stamped thus: PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, 1884. No. 28110. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS 30 STPED. %Ins. FISIDIEri. A Splendid Remedy. Stns.—I think it my duty to inakS'Imown the eat benefit I received from B. B. 13. I was troubled with constipation and debility, and ubed throe bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, which relieved me from suffering. I esteem this splendid remedy above all others and recom- Mend it to all suffering from constipation. MRS. E. FISI3ER, Brantford, Ont. Ta C1/1201M111,4 TRY 11,14, Viirs •• 111:3 CN 0 ca • ,-• )10 • • I 612H10.6. ftIr# !. 015 APPLICALO;i -1.1111 OF 711E A • s, 63Fill -1,41.7'14T1.1011 Vot-t.:::::,z1 PI, A OTER If WILL DISPEL THE PAIN LIKE MAGIC. #.--.46116.eica.4... • • w LL QLUKLV e: DIPHTHERIA , QUH1519 COLDS AND COUGHS_ •HALSTED t SCOTT i V( DELICATE I Josephine Street . - W11gham, Ont, '11 J. A.Ilm.svr.n, ) Moarat Forest. 1 .j. W. ScarLiaowel. . i rk .i •LAWMAN'S ,g - h.! ; Deposits Received and Interest ., , .1 • 1VIoney Advanced to Farraers and il''11 .r.." -•il' 44--\°sPINLIERETE Business Men, 1 _„ , RARE:. allowed. ite,10:kil e: . tirrfj 1 SLS i LASTING 1,4Ll PUNGENT . i•-.1 1011,1121 , On long or short time, on endorsed notes 1 or collateral security. Sale notes bought i at a fair valuation. Moneyrernitted to all I parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. 14 ! /FLORA .• :STILL HOLC6 Tiit PITIST MACK' II.] Agents in oariada—The Merano:WV Davit • 'IN POPULAR FAVOR. Sewatst - sns • of Canada 3 1 Office Hours—Prom 0 a, m, to 5 p. 13. A. E. SIIITII, 104ent. IMITMIONS.