The Wingham Times, 1894-03-16, Page 2'I'tI E WIN Lit i RAM TIMES_, MARCH icy, 1894. 1 j(4, a tn_.._1111i11---' !; . tyranny and opin`:i:4mi ch.:wi11g away IJtlt i ',. t If) I, $ _tile Inouutttin peaks of human A eolt'la E'(ltletttion sleadd begin the •••' freedom shining bright 1It3heautiful first; vn ,fllt," ( t its dig- in the everlasting sun Of universal position it; formed better than at any r IitiDA M11(I1% Id,,,s. brotherhood. Yes be saw 4111: that, other time. It hi Inost easily knpres- an1 he sent tate important sentiment > ' I sed. and has no, acquired a tendency „__,_....s___ sere . ringing down though the corridors . to resist. Whatever is. taught the, ", ! 011 A, Of tinge: i the cols falls three.three.into, Land if: las «tom AIL S A "+d.A.,. e t comes 11r a mannerlli+ldItE'IkN"e', } Ilt> THAT." Then. lot us pray that come it May r I Aa come it will for a' that. voun ',' animal ht1:, nothing to nulearu 1 7 h •t reuse azul worth o'er ii the earth, ' itfterrr'al'd=+ if this education. M 1x.'otitl F History tato Ar, n*r ,sat.. Gives Y , Caul, eft, a of t limy bear tile gree and a that, , of Punta` Una of True Manhood sell Pays ! or ri tris,; tont 'a that, I ill tient, and its kept up ttin.s:tlttly. . a Tribute to the Memory of the ere(tt ft's t o:ning yet for m' th,r t Young colts t:':titleil4fur the traclz,iir(` ecattiob. foot. 'Chat iti•.u'a to man the world o'er, • • llttt to work At two' Veiir$ Old, ;lint Shall lir; Iters be slathat. t f We have been requested by tt large , mitt races; a iqo; , n f \t t >1. that 1., more •a 1 s er . t! ,t quirts; much t tq 1 gl.lil t •' t of the ac t l ell !tet t c 1 the conclusion 5!c t 1 ctrl elicit imanage- number of the Sons ' Scotland ; tel 1 I ` ,;,,„ +• left the lordly- mansion. The greatest ' road, or the field. 'i'1 a Minn horst e< „ , + plan of the eighteenth century was J may be taught tmythl lg the owner The Land of .Burns; at. the Burns IG tiYfll be read He alone of all that assembly had the i its living before 1t issfwo years old. ir of > ' farewell and ' Xlent than the ordinary wan: of the publish the address given b Dr. Borns Socia his audience f. 1 I Campbell, of Seaforth, tut ' - or the ` tll in their iuicist and Alley knew it not. j wishes before' this agl, and may earn concert in 'Woodstock„ t ult., from the eh. . > > title of his nobly tt from the (treat A. regular course of gentle and kind with interest by our Scotch readers : ' Gentlemen, ---I (vas re- Author of his existence, training is indispen ible. The first Laches and r use , halter the quested by illy brethren of the Sons It has been said that he who makes I lesson is the use of the and h of Scotland to preside on this oceFe- two blades of Brass grow where only confinement by it. If it is tied up in grewnearthe dinn, all let benefactor of , a • is stall ql cl tf d l 1 . ' ac small sion ; and though I have not appeal • one. before, is a lane f for'earl - his 1'act • BUMS:, bus made a thousand noose during the day, and all night, ed at any public, gatheringy tt vest I could not resist the tenlpta- Joys spring- -up in the field of poesy, l and taught to be led; the greater part tion to aid in the celebration of the where only one !` existed before he 1 of its education has been accomplish- tion anniversary of the birth of my entered it. His songs are sung the ed. For the thole o' this consists in • favorite poet. A friend of mine in world over, and is poems aro the subservience to ltix - owner's will, town said lately that he would be delight of all ations. Especially which is the objet and result of dear are both song and poems to the education. When tilts has been done, ashamed to meet Shakespeare in the next world bect> iso he knew so little weary -footed, home sick Scot in a everything after conies as a matter of his writings, I said that I would foreign land. "Auld lang Syne," of course, if no mistakes are made. not be ashamed tto meet Robert Burns "Afton Water," "John Anderson My The animal should never be frig ht- ttt any rate, for i had made his works Joe,"Highland Mary," Bonnie enecl or whipped, here is no use had kept the name 'Josh," Bonnie Doon" and kindred for a whip, at any Nelle, with a well a rife study and s et E en sons are dear to hili as the apple. of trained work -horse, a Indeed it is. in - stoutly before the minds of the peo- his eye, pure as the dew of the morn- furious with many naturally high- ple among wholly Iny lot was cast, ins and sweet as ijhe breath of spring. spirited horses. In lithe use of a sad- I have always claimed that the Yes! and they will continue to be so 1 die or harness, a pgrfect fit is mats - writings of Bens made for good. while the human :bosom swells at the pensable, as the principal idea run - He the minds of his tliougllts of fatherland ; the sylu- ning all through the training is that x instil dint He has le .+•nothing .it - 1Cor all countrymen a dove of liberty, an pathetic Chord Vibrates that links shall be dist ,grceab p affection. fez their country a Auras man to the wore( below and the ful to the animal. i Thus by grad - independence, a sterling honesty, angel above him—while lads and which makes Scotchnlcn not only lasses love one another—while flows revere the old land, but constitutes the bonnie Doon, or grows the gowan them the bulwark of bunzitn freedom, on the brae, the heather on the moor, the unswerving advocates of the and the Birks of r1 berfelclie. rights of man, wherever they have Then let the memory of Robert made their homes. It is mainly owing Burns be honored the wide world to the writings of Burns that Scot - revered Let his name be loved and land can pass. the grand stand with revered while thG sun and (loon gallant stride and waving plumes endure. Let his follies with tearftti and proudly answer. to her name at eye be hid in the darkness of flight, the general roll call of her nations, and his sins be buried in a grave as . In. his poem "A Man's a Man for a' silent and unknown as the one on ' That, Burns has -given to the world Febo's'lonely foo the grandest declaration of indepen- dence that ever emanated from the brain of man. This poem made ty- rants tremble in•their capitals. Many years ago, when :despotism had its home on the Eur<lpean continent, it Was declared illegal in several coun- tries to either p• blish or circulate that immortal pole. What a high compliment to Rpbert Burns! Ile declared that : • The honest man, tho' o'er Bair poor, Ts king o' men for a' that. The tyrants of Europe declared that titles, rank and blood made the pian. The tyrants and their tyranny have passed away, and "A Man's a • Man for a' That,"' has become the universal anthem of mankind. It may interest you' to know the eh'- Cumstances under which that re- markable poem was composed. I. will give you the story, and would . say in the Iangilage 'of Sir Walter _Scott; 1 Cannot tell how the trattl may be I say the tale as •'twos said to me. Burns was invited by a certain :Scotch nobleman to a grand banquet. Be went, but instead of being shown into the hall where the gentry were dining, he was sent into the kitchen to have his repast with the servants, The poet, as any man of genius would do, resented the slight. Ile knew, . however, that they would send for him later on—as the Philistines sent for Sampson of old to make tlleni sport --and he prescribed: the medi- eine their disease required. When the a tausetneut was getting some - 'what tame they remembered that Burns was in the kitchen. He was sent for and requested to recite a poem of his own oolnposition. He rose axed gatse "A Man's a Man for a' That," and when he reached the third vto 1' e hepointed his lordship elle1 cis i and p n said: i3 see yon birkie red a lord VG'lla struts and stares and a' that ; '"ho' hundreds worship at his word, Res but a coof for a' that, roe a' that and a' that, •'b star and a His'Abbot h 01I that, The, mart of indopendant mind Hs Looks and laughs at a' that. wily teaching, its duty and business are learned, and it uiiderstands what is required air,. It is naturally will- ing to obey, and is I;leased to work when it has never bben hurt by it. But when its education is considered complete, it should not be suspended, for, like that of nian, it goes on con- tinually, some new experience coating up at times that calls for the good management of the horse's owner. - 3. H. Brlekvrooc4's Case. in, But let his A COVEirc31101 orNIc11L AND') XS ItnlICHATISII virtues, his genius, his patriotism be La' UT i:i IMMO OF DODD s RioNirt PILLS held in everlasting; remembrance— --sETs ALL MI PIMPLE ASKING QVERT1ONS his sweet lyrics sung while birds make melody by the. banks of the Doon, the Ayr or the Firth. Let us thank the great Architect of the universe for the man wbo has- contributed as contributed so much to the asting pleasures of humanity that has in- spired so much hope in the bosom of dispair, and exalted honest toil in the face of the haughty idlers and the aristroeratic drones of society. • Mourn over the fates that decreed the miseries dials brief and eheckered • of TIM Dltt*GOISTN. Kingston, Mareh, 19, --'«The fact that rhematism is caused by diseased Kidneys, has been again aonoltisively proved by the Daae of Mr. J. 11. Briolcwood, fifhery in- spector for tbia district. I c sufbred from rheumatism for fIrteen yeas and found no oure in the prescriptions of doctors or in patent medicines. Piuisllys he used Doda's Kidney fills, twelve boxes of which cured him. Harry Wage, the well known drug- ' gist here, who sold Mr. ,Brickwood the pills, says he is overrun with inquiries as to the genuineness of Mt: Btickwood'e story, of which he is able to satisfy every- one. Ile also reports large sales of the pills with moat satisfactory results in every Cane. Our Ilea of the aik'uture. Wye should not consider it manly to use pt'Ofitlle language,. `flys, ought not to hold other's up to riclleulc anywhere. - They should not indulge their pro- pensity of playing Welts, They ought Itot to read dangerous books l .1 "`e l e ol•,s and l itI e l> . They ought not to iltter'riul others in their conversation. Boys should not backbite others. It is meal; to do so. Boys should have the greatest possible horror •of intoxicating drinks, l3Gyi; should shun ;111 companions . l Cl C ' ''II as they xio it lclnonb f I below. y ! nl clot , Boys should "ever b ' tr in mind that God's eye. is upon the, always. y Boys, cultivate self-respect; you are men of the future.—Orphan's Bou- quet. • A. E. VauGieson, Chief Inspector of I4'ow York Board 1 Fire 'Underwriters, 'v t of1 Writes: es. I haus taken E. D. C. with satisfactory re- sults ; 1 can freely recommend it to any suffering from dyspepsia; 1 think I had it As bad as anyone could have it, but I am now free of it, I gave your goods afair trim, and shall al- ways have a bottle o , baud for use to correct indisc etiontS in diet." Free sample of X.1b. 0, mailed to any address. K. D, -;i0. Co., Ltd., New Glasgow, N. S., d 127 State Street, Bostoiz, Mass.In COUNTY 1'UNDS T() LOAN. Ott the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per rent, payable spinout. 4Inv portion of the principal mar ha repaid at'nny, time the Borrower, wishe•n A 11 na),Coees , pa -,d li'• the Omar. No person axcept the County Audi ors allowed to see mortgages or in know to krhon - loner • to Inaned, Apply to t'bI. tI01.I41E8 1 Goderi^h, Aug. Stir 1Pa9, , 1•.'. it esti • 1 ay EATS. JRAGE COPYRIGHTS. OPYRI HTS. '[,`oat the removal; of A- worms oi'ail kinds €raaxcbildren or adults, use D. El ITH'S GERMAN WORM t•OZKNCKS, AIWaris no aftermereliable, a ne, Neverfaing£aLeavernobadaftee effects. Price, 25 ee?alta' Box LOOK HERE I Thls ViIi 1nterestEver hotly, , .., We are Gelling Best Coal Oil at '1.2 f-2 cents per Imperial gal_. • lop, or a can containing the equiva1 nt of five E An x;lcau. anions for A S 50c., exclusive of pack- age. American Ales, 50c. to. 65C. each. Crosscut Saw, 45c. to $1.00 per foot. - We to -da reduce our quotations n Binder Twine onetent per ib. J. A. CLINE & CO Wingham, Weekly free Press FARM AND HOME ... FOR 1 . - $1•.00 BO1H PAPERS FOR $1.00 CAN I OBTAIN A PATIENT? For• ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, ptomF t answer and un honest opinion, write t0 Ptill+i'N d'.; CO., wbo have bad nearly fifty years• experience in.the. pintent business. Communica- tions strictly cenfiUan la1. A Handbook of la - formation concerning .atprtts d how to ob. —:, A HiGH-GLASS FAMILY PAPER. tarn them sent free. Also a site ' .22,fipeehan. scat and scienti8o books sent free. '•• Patents taken, through Munn, Co. receive special notice in the Scientific A _ner'icn.n. and tut are brought widely beforet a ppublicwith- out cost to the inventor. This tehdtd paper. issued weekly elegantlYitlustrate..hasbyfar the largest circulation of any sclenti c work in the world. 53 a year: - Sample eopPles Bent free. Building Edition. reontblg. ,yy2. a year. Single coplee,.a cents. Every nunfoe gontaina beau. tlit'ul plates. in colors, and Phot $rapl, of new houses. with plans, enabling Duil}lera to-36:ow the latest designs and secure contracts. Address, MUNN & CO., l w YOn5K, 3((331 BROADWAY career. i Stormy, indeed, was the sea on which he had to sails trembling bark from first to last, but let us hope that when, with Tien sails and brok- en spars and shuttered beam, he dropped anchor ht last along the silent, stor'mless shores. of the vast ocean of enternity, his great, sad, heroic soul was atcorcled some quiet nook in the bright summer -land of song. /load's anis Only hood's. Are you weak slid weary, overworked and tired? Hood's Sarsaparilla, is just the medicine you need to purify and quicken your blood and to give you appetite and strength. 11 you do ide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to buy any other. Any effort} to substitute another rernedyis proof of the merit of Hood's. Boon's Pills are the best after dinnsr Pills, assist digestion, cure headache. Try bat. The hairy Cove. Interest in the dairy line continues unabated, and the creamery has become the strong staff' of many a fanner. This method of operation in butter -making :Seems to have come The to stay.Clle I1 price received for butter during the year averages nearly 2i5 cents per pound. Good butter cows are always in demand. The little Jersey, so sneered at by dairymen a few years ago, is now finding her way into every neighbor- hood. eighbor- Ito 1 t • Ir ex , Our farmers are 1eltrltllt,, that beef -raising; and 'butter -Ionising are two distinct lines: of business ess And then in the last verte, like the and it is a mistake to attempt either seers and prophets of old, who fore -i with a type ofcows intended for the told that period of nifllE ftlli$I 0)17,f -other. The long, fruitless search - when tyle l,,lt, .. Sl >lfl brat their the getleral•purpo: cow is changing swords into ploughshares and their to a scramble for the special-purp.) e :spare into pruning hooka, and. animals—Country Gentleman, drit tr'n the art of -war no more -••••Burns r through tiles vista of the future X. D. C revents ind:g"stten d !indigestion is stubborn, but R. r6t p•14rbn D.f,ht. wrltoforpstaphlet f'oldla— ' I craw tyle mists and clouds of ' $hold T e itrt every' home. D. C. overcomes it. wleroate;, u. P. GORDON. Every Day Parra .illiosop1iy. The more you lows yourself the less you are sure to love others. A trifling clog is generally not half as trifling as the plan iw lto keeps hilly. Some fellows . kick a horse every time . they enter his stall, and then wonder why be does pot love them. The stalk of corn that grows the tallest and appears the most eonspicu- ous, nearly always be.rs a blasted ear. Prodigality is no sign of generosity. ' It rather indicates a •narrowness of both mind and heart too contracted to comprehend the true value of things. If some men would hoe with as much devotion as they appear to pray in prayer meeting, they would! not have •nearly so Imueli Complaint , d of hard times to mate. 1$ The plan who will spend the most Cure $fOir HEAD,' ONE and Neuralgia in 20 nrrNUTus Cls Coated Tongue Dizzi- ness, Biliou:•„ess, fain the Side, Constipation Torpid Liver, Bad Br ath, To stay cured and regulate rho• bowels. VERY EJIOE To TAKE. PRIon 2S Orbit' GRVO STORES. thne in the harvest tine, talking 1 polities, is generally the one who is f the least account to either himself, his neighbor or the government. t an highly praiife Burdock Blood Ilitters because it bad a.i fair trial in m cage with wonderful sucdecx. My eymptaln were dropsy, backache i, and sleeplessness, and all these diaappeairef1 after using two bottles of Burdoclt IltoOd Bitters. I can; not healing praise. Itso Yors too highly. p Gwoitox .IlbatOs g . wood PoiAt, Sackville, N. B. • The .f'roz'e river, sat W'estl1tinitor, I3. C., is to be bridged with a steel structure Besting over hitif a millitst dollars. AMIDE is •tyro t •0)o'enoltuaasnonl :d namjo..d snu{upquov Cul adeo.ut.10ala05 pue5. 0 •suonma tea ?mt Io as tnq; oigawx _rr1,'lttduaga tlgSouoa y 2'..egvyg'ptatput,idS' 'gia,[sl4n'z •o unticuair •0 3' •0 •tto.to;JFntorrsxar t;# 00 ZUodeerrg •Dpuuu:) ut Atimui pu toszgo.Ct040 ut aciO1ntuotte uttn'ptaont•etitVl,joeq eedsagoettlpun LIenon. •dip Suppe*. asee alit pa, unouoad CiriloAt duet IT -:: gN S 'run Imr}g 'seraix OLTJ ,nou,teanuleigni0oadv poadllIAL0setteand0)l'8,,) -Gear 10 me 0511 pale$Sl GAVE Roma 30 a:Moment 0tit •S),mur Lame aria )BU1I2uei 14002ug 0,it ur puff sot yo xeeit use o; r s) SIVUO SE)nuu silly, --:gfite gluoxo,8 a4ot9 o>x,L •aoasenpe.daiea pun'urom trottotsaet aid IretOI0 'aagot0 mg oa pul'ptottoeuott 0111 tit alggureA rx Ef 4.r0Ai split ane'•oae'•oao fagxuA xdputi'aesbxgd'spxom, 'euorauaonb uB;exo ao Roll s;anttta :040157 ort; Jo gatuxtt0l nu4abu pult'suAoa'Rointe 'eOiSattn05 ot11 : sOo td puu euosaect seep -loots paaotr :ttaopo put euepuro'euogtect auou oto Rtt{uxeeuonlpaauront. uea;o snood oga ,entnostnat vias jttpagxgd7'E' 'epxont yo Uttln'eew ti ,i'v „iia 1 °un_. ttotTepunit -tipt -ord t.Sttilledg"Sloe e;, unto ptno's; e' 0y° !1 £pOq.Crad., X ti3Opirrapa ' Xe3 'Alf ,u1 •pepuetix0 d 'Alfa), 000'0(100 SOAO pub e, udr>:alw°: 'plRot(Ititer exostpo n IffJ 001 :fulsTAet hued. , moAt eatiOA WI !I _, ot(l/o.tassaaansotj,}; dl Q, Y 1IL V'r Intat V.i .laND,T.i' St f " C't li ' flr f `. k ti r .;we,tmn .nr eya .we nanpgeuv.dj 2' y, y,•vaiostsys vssomek If..' •,1z fioaatsul. - NERVE You cannot judge a (tan by the umbrella he carries. Why not? Be- j`i cause the chances are it belongs to • somebody else. totatety cures the 'rnliATxRitx6 ERNS , NEW PE 'TITRE: A. Wingpam . yfT yt -Is •,1 ' Uryn`f,l8 1UUD - y,,T •, x•,/ .il Y'J:t1 Y .1.':4r.4DA+ir 1:0111 1I G -•-AT TIIa- TIME$ OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, (»lT.AIi1Q, fspinsprt?litlott?lt leo, ffi1. ppli yon?, tttadvttnea ADvl ;itTlstt O BATES: __.._b aaa .. 1.. . u.8' z 4 1 II . w _.1!_-_ .._1. t l 1 u -to ' 1 00 wool o 41W116 a r 4 1J a 8 1 ,si•2 00 $(i ca halt iii 00 to 00 12 00 5 00 quarter " 80 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 one Inch + 6 00 0 00t t 00 1 00 Legal and at Aar casual advertiaements.sc. per line. fur hest insertion, and 8e. pox line for each subsequent insertion, ' Loony notices 10c, pet .,tie for first insertion, and 50, per lbw ley sem)enlaequent h,aei•ticr. No local notice will be charged las that 25e. . Advertisements et Lost, Amid, Strayed, Situations,, and Business Chances Wanted, Hot exceeding 8. lino nonpareil, 81 per month Houses and Farms for Salo, sot exceeding 8 01 for first month, 60e, per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to apodal taloa fur local ath'c tlsementa, of fo longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific dirootlous, wpt he inserted tin forbid aid ohan ed aercuol ugly. T ilii. ory advortiaeinuMs ;flus. be paid io advance Changes for contract adrertirmments must be n the office by Wednesday 'noon, m order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT PitorntxToa AND PUBtaati);R VETERINARY EPARTNIENT Cadet the charge of J. II. Wilson, V. 8., London. AxSwERS To CoaaECrovAl*TK.-Enquiries will bo answered free, and shout e( Always contain writer's full nacre and address. `¢ EACH NUMBER WILL *ALSO CONTAIN; If EV. Da. TAtiIAOE'S Smote. delivered the Sunday previously. :1 "W,us HAWN WANURnilea" and other writings by this celebrated author. Aoa,CULTURAL itAM1 rt -Tlltf toted. • LADIES' PAGE -Illustrated. i A 5E111AL - TALE, and oth interesting reading matter. A Wismar PACE or Goes Al sic. SUBSORIB' NOW , • Price, Ono Dollar ayear in all••aneo for the WEEKLY - Fan Pima and Flan AND Hba1E-in all 16 pages. Agents Warted in every unrepresented district to aoheit eubsoriptions. FREE PRESS PRINTING COMPANY, ttv1;. i1300ANS ars a new die• 0ev ry that cure the worst eases of Ne oua Debility Loat Vigor and Pal rn Manhood; restores the . wkn of body' eV Mind tamed by orer•Work. et the errors or 4t• sweat of youth. Thi. Remedy ab. most obstinate cedes when all abet here efaifadeoentorelieve. 'otdbydrng- ftlats et $1 per parka• e, or six tnr rb ell pent by mai! 0n 512tH t 0f tee h ac drrsebi Pith, J'AMIiS MEPICXNE DR MACDONALD, • L1 JOSEPHINE STIIEEx, WINOUAE, • OsrARIo. - V T' B. Tt1WLE11, M,D,C,M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron-- f/dice ilp.stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham. Out. Omen Hones . -0 to 12 a. m., 1 to p. m.. or at Residence, plegonalStreet. P iENN • D 1 .i KENNEDY D., M .0 .a P.S..s. Cry Succsoe r ( oto Dr, ,t, A, Meld runt. Gold Medalist o V ot, t t Western v ut r e pont Draft Late Surgeon in London General Hospital. Special Iottepo,• tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office -Formerly ocoupled byDr. bieldrum,Cornee of Coutru turd Putrid streets. IYINORAx Utr ^ VANSTONE. 14. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate intorcat..No commission charged. Mortgages, toga and .'arta property bought and sold . 0 t'FICE-Beavor Block Wtxoitnit J. A. HORTON BARRISTER, 3m , Wiugham • Ont • E. L. DIOEINSON, - Bara'iif$ter ,Ete. • SOLICIIOIi TO DANK O IIAAIXI.TON. MONEY TO LOAN. Office -Meyer Block, W ngham. DENTIDENTISTRY. -J $4/ SAME, WlxenAx, STRY.— M Ie manpfacturing Celluloid Piatea, - Vulcanite plates of the beatntaterlat as changes thuy can be got 1» the Dominion. All work warranted, Painless extraction of (teeth by the use of Electt•1e, ity or Vegetable Vapor, TAKES N'CTloE.-I will extract teeth for 26 cents each, OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. LONDON, - ONTARIe. - l Wm. 1 !'. MacdonaId, L. D. S.. bEl '-IST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE TNOMSOProprietor. INPUT p • Lumber of all Inds, First -claw Shingles, and Cdar Posts. Gar Load Orders 0 Specialty. WOOD delivered to a ' part of 'Wing - ban). aOt'Ordereby'mail promptly ttend la GE GE R'f1ONSON, Bo 126. Wblghanl P. LOGS, LOGS,( LOGS0 The highest Cath pria4 paid for any quantity of good HARD AND SOFT J000 LOGS delivered in on • yard. , Call slid a rices sf C. t b to disposing 6 p p 08 ri Of g your Timber, Custom SawinPtaining and SHINGLE BUTTING done Cheap as the alieaperi and satisfaction guarantee All kinds df Bough and Dressedicimber, Lath, Sh1tg1os,„ kept constantly hand 1wioi,LAlsT & S0b7• Wingham, Dee. 'itlt,1893, ' Opposite the Queen's note!. IYingham. Will 'Visit Gorrietist and 3rd Mondays of each month, , JOHN It1TentE, GENERAL INS TRANCE AGENT tVrkclrlAit, OxTARI. D DEANS. JL., W)NoUAal, - L p LICE▪ NSED AIICTION$ER I+ort Tnn DOtJNTY of rtURaN. Moderate. attended in an' part of the Co, Charges OS3N CBDlIBg 4VIt,GaA u, ONT., f TCENSED AUCTIONlielt POIs TBE COURT/ OF IIVnON Al) Orders left at tho TINGE office promptly attend ed to. Terme reasonable, " A.tll;8 HENDERSON, Llogx12D Aooriosl:ktt pea: CovNI•ika a'IUnoN AND vfauoe, Ali solea attended tollromptly and on the Shortest Notice, Charges Mod Al) necessary astangbtllonte peau bee Wade a "the Punta' office Wi5SnAii -• 0N,t MOA8fi, - 51..711. Toronto, Members College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Ibu.onAVit F ONTARIO Money to TAan Oyer Note's. Notes • i AT 1t,EAsox mono, advanoed On,Iton privttcrce of paying at the and accounts collected. O Beaver Block Wtngbnm, C counted ItATES fierce at ti pei dent with and of any year. Notes r. tt'}o}istD0C tia 1. 3Y cleL W. G 1 0 U OK tconnucTl:l> 1)r vas %54110Ii'Aa1 Mir God ((n(l Annealed No Well eatl the at'oution, of the math to ;helloes, that the Woman's tants 2)100 listen meeta every' Monday at sharp, for one hour, at ;Ira. helm's rr rick street. AU ladies aro made woks Aa trio lidit4r has kindly l:Ivou na spice, for our work, we ask trioade at t to sidfal o n fl a t nt rss n , i v t n.l o u i moral t ra 4. - _ 4. aY t0 any Of our tuui11be1 • R • 1 "lte Rum Curse tx lz Et The thirty-fifth report of formatory and Being() hili that i t re Britain d I Great tt f t and n r 1 ,100 persons are o 0 eats c yr o r l YY i t ed o 'is z t t t oft as cl 'u ti i tk p I whom x12,000 aro peen and women, An English pap statisties taken from the pros :United Kingdom, reports 14 of murders of women by husbands since Jan, 1, 1881 1, 1891 to be 3,004.. In debate in the German rot( ;tel that 'iYaS St t C there are; 11,000 persons in hospitals a asylums who are suffertng 1 liriuin tremens. A World's Tomperanee C MONSTER Crt/5ADR 015, E CHRISTIAN 71; tERA1 C AGAINST V IN New Y l:=iE, March 3.—• -'ill Wome Christian Tempel ion s been preparing d 1 seven years a nzouste etition against legalized v. presented to all the gover; the world. Lady Henry and Miss Willard have bee da the deputation , e s .e c nt to 1 ai lite c I petition to the different gas The petition itself has no\ the unprecedented length than two million signature the attestation of corta societies, not less tlitin thr A first-class steamer is in to be chartered, and a pa hundred will be organized pang Lady Henry Somers Willard in this remarkttb Dr. Lunn has arranged a William Pipe,'tho cha.irnli tary of the World's. Pa Religions, to act as mana tary to this expedition alt pally the party - arounc The crusade will comm annual convention of Women's Christian t7nion,to be held in the U next October. The Ante gation will then proceed -ton, - where the polyglot bo presented to the ( Leaving New York on C the American contingent British contingent. The steamer will Ieave Londe . day, November 3, arrivi on • Monday, Noveml visit - will then be pais Athens, Jerusalem, Cah principal cities of Inc Siam, Australia, China The eastward, circuit c will be'eompleted with a the Pacific. It it intend date to present the pe n.orthcrn and central Go Europe. Ontario's Liq:lor . SOME INTERESTING FAC URES IN REGARD TO MEMO. . - In his budget speeel lature, on the lith instal able Provincial Treasu following statements r liquor - licenses in Provincial. Treasurer 1 517 from licenses in 18 $240 less than the re year before. There licenses issued last yea #alliitg off of 365 in fo 1875 ono license was 275 of the entire Ontario, while last ye but one to each 083, less than one-half the o , f t bee. • In New York S is issued for every 11 lation,in Illinois one t Ohio one to every 21, gun one to every 8(1 that Ontario itas on • licensed liquor shop States. The municipalities received, last year, for their share of • tl Bolt municipal CUntt ed to rinse the fen ab( limit, putting tato e. its Own treasury,