The Huron Expositor, 1975-06-05, Page 6Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yuill
celebrated their Golden Wedding
Anniversary at a family dinner
and Open Rouse in Melville
Presbyterian Church, Brussels on
Saturday, May 31. Their only
attendants • at the original
ceremony were preset: along
with guests from Wingham,
London, Petrolia, Palmerston, St.
Catherires, Hanover, Stratford,
Edmonton, Brussels, Walton,
Seaforth, Cookstown,
Lucknow, Atwood, Arva and
Whitechurch .
Wednesday, June 3, 1925,
Mary Bowman, daughter of Mrs.
Bowman and the late Wm.
Bowman, and John E. Yuill, son
of Mr. and Mrs.Walter Yuill,
were united in marriage by the
Rev., J. P. McLeod at the
Presbyterian - manse. Their
attendants were tvlar earet
Business Men
1 Used 580CK CASE
Loader - Backhoe
1 Used HD7G,
qwjer.with yard and
3/4 bucket
ALSo a Wide Assortment of
CASE Uniloaders and
Loader Tractors
of thiS amendment is to give an
employee whose employment has
, been terminated adognate time to
find new accenuoodation,
,Tender lootsies
6.98 to 11.98
7 Main St.
Int• Han/. No. 353
4 Row _(Roiling)
4-6-8 Row
4-6 Row (Rolling)
See Us now for precision cultivation
Terry Craig
Terry Craig, Seaforth, a
teacher at St. James' Separate
School, was elected president of
the Huron-Perth Unit of the
Ontario English Catholics
Teachers' Association at the
annual dinner meeting held
Tuesday in the Seaforth Legion
Other officers are: Clem
Steffler, Kingsbridge, Past
President; Gaeton Blanchette,
Goderich, first vice president;
Carla kevington, Stratford,
Second Vice President; Sister
Loretta, Goderich, recording
secretary; Inez Raid, Hesson,
corresponding secretary; Sandy
McQuillan, Seaforth, treasurer;
couneillors are Mary Kennedy,
Seaforth and Donald Farwell,
Sister Audrey Dumoclielle of
Sitatiota will represent the 159
fetelitts in the Hutert-Pefth Unit
oti the OtifatiO Board of Directors
in &onto.
ti ..eXddtitke took office
Rakes, Mowers, Balers, Swathers,
Conditioners, Haybinds,
Harvesters --- The Full Line
"Serving Agricuhure Since 196"
74365 Seaforth 527-0245 Brussels
Phone 527-0770 Seeforth
90 W or LIQUID
Atra Oil
Jock's Jot:
ROorganize gricuiture Ministry
CLINTON 482-3409
hi lieu of taxis,,, Presently' sigh
. property acquired kor the Ontario
Land Corporation, or the Ministry
of Rousing is,exempt from these
payments. .4otber amendment
would permit the Province to
make payments for sewer and
waterworks charges as well as
garbage rates on its property. The
bill also contains an amendment
that clarifies the:liability of crown
agencies operating, telephone or
telegraph systems -for payments
according to one of the sections of
the Municipal Act, A final
amendment would enable the
Ministry of Treasury, Economics
and Intergovernmental Affairs to
make payments to municipalities
Two amendments were intro-
duced to the Municipal Elderly
Residents Assistance Act. The
first amendment would establish
that owners of cohdorninium units
are eligible for assistance under
this act. The second amendment
would make it possible to provide
assistance to the surviving
spouses of former recipients who
are now deceased, as tong as they
meet the other necessary qualifi-
cations. Under the present Act,
unless surviving spouses have
been assessed as owners for at
least one full year, they are not
In response to the appointment
of the special group, which
includes Maxwell Henderson,
former Auditor-General of
Canada, Robert Hurlburt, Presi-
dent of general Foods. Ltd. And
Betty Kennedy, Toronto broad-
caster and commentator with
CFRB, to review all future
spending by the Provincial
Government, Pat Reid, Liberal
Member for Rainy River and
Chairman of the •Public Accounts
Committee, said that the
appointments were "about the
most hypocritical thing Mrr. Davis
has come up with. After a $1.6
billion deficit he is appointing a
committee." He called it "pure
ballyhoo." He said the decision
to appoint an independent com-
mittee "reflects on the Legisla-
ture as a whole". Expenditure
should be reviewed by the
Executive - "That's what we are
paying Cabinet Ministers for" --
and the Public Accounts Commit-
tee. • Heads Group
Provincial Treasurer Darcy
McKeough will head the group,
which will also include Manage-
ment Board Chairman, Eric
Winkler and three deputy, minisr
ters, Rendal Dick of Treasury
Economics and Intergovernmen-
tal Affairs; James Fleck, secre-
tary of the Cabinet and W.A.B.
Work these rear-mounted
cultivators all day
at high speeds
By Jack Riddell, MF? funding policies, Mr. Auld said
In line with the new intermedi- must reflect the real need for
ate credit program introduced by economic constraints, , and yet
the Minister of Agriculture and maintain a level ,of suPport that
Feed for the development and will pot endanger, the well being
assistance of Ontario. Young of our post secondary institutions,
Farmers from the ages of IS to 3S nor diminish their ability to meet
years, certain, administrative and the educational needs of the
reorganizational Changes' within people of Ontario,
the Ontario Ministry of Agricul- Since 1960 operating support
ture and Food will take place. for the university system has
The reorganized branch, to be risen from $24.5. Million to the
• known as the Rural Development proposed levelof S$68 million per
Branch, will serve as a central year in the current year. During
administrative focus for the this same period, capital grants to
expanded rural development the universities have totalled
activities of the Ministry. It will about $1,050,000,000.
permit the Ministry to have all of FLuanejug
the credit and credit oriented While the Government con-
programs in one branch at the tinues to encourage economy and
Toronto head office. Consequent- consolidation in the university
ly, the new Young Farmer Credit system, the level Of financing to
Program, the Industrial Milk post-secondary education is about
Production Incentive Program, 2.8 per cent, of the gross
presently under the Extension provincial produa.
Branch, the • Ontario Junior In dealing with the Student
Farmer Establishment Loan Affairs, the Minister said that
Corporation Mortgage Adminis- 44.they propose to increase the total
tration and the former. A.R.D.A. budget for the Ontario Student
Branch will form the nucleus of Assistance Program to $46.55
the Branch. million, an approximate increase
New Branch, of 18 per cent over expenditures
While the administration for in 1974-75. This increase will
the credit programs will be in the provide living allowances for
new Rural Development Branch, individual students of up to
the counselling and farmbusiness $57.50 per week, an 18.5 per cent
management advice at the County increase over the equival, ent
and District level with regard to figure last year. Students will
the several lending programs will have the option of applying for
continue to be the responsibility assistance front the Canada
of the agricultural representatives student loans plan only. This
located in each county and option will give them access to
district. By including ARDA more money than they could
under the umbrella of the Rural obtain from OSAP.. However, it
Development Branch, it is will only be in the form of a loan
expected that the present rural and would have to be repaid
development activities will be eventually. Mr. Auld said they
broadened and enhanced under also plan to introduce two new
the Rural Development Branch. programs starting in September
As a unit within - the new this year. A bursary program
structure, ARDA will continue to which will be made available for
be the vehicle for implementation the most needy parttime students
of the Federal-Provincial rural and others who are ineligible for
development agreement. Negoti- aid from the Canada , student
ations have been under way for loans plan.
sometime with the Federal Several Bills
Government to extend the pre- Ontario Treasurer, Darcy
sent ARDA agreement for an McKeough, introduced several
additional two years. bills this week. The purpose of
In a statement on his ministry's , the one bill is to make several
estimates before .a committee of amendments to the Municipal
The Legislature, the Minister for Tax AssistanceAct. One amend-
Colleges and Universities, Mr. ment would delete the clauses
James Auld, briefly outlined that provide for valuatiOn of
some of the considerations that provincial property in municipal
have gone into planning the four areas. This .is no longer neces-
areas of expenditures, ministry sary because all property in
administration, university Ontario is now assessed by the
support, college and adult educa-Ministry of Revenue under the
tion support and student affairs. , Assessment Act. Under a second
He drew the committee's atten- amendment, land acquired by the
tion to the changed environment province for housing project s
in which his ministry is now would become liable for payments
operating. He said in the sixties it
was a popular notion that higher
education was the key to future
prosperity and the universal
panacea for all social ills. He
welcomed the fact that this myth
has been dispelled but he was
concerned that the pendulum is
now swinging' too far the other
way. Mr. Auld said the Govern-
ment is experiencing an increas-
ing demand for post secondary
courses to be directly related to
the job market. Government
Anderson, secretary of the
Management Board.
Mrs, Margaret Campbell?
Liberal, Member for St. George;
introduced a bill this week in the
Legislature, an Act to amend the
Employment Standards Aeti, 1974
She said the purpose of the
amendment is to bring cleaning
and maintenance superintendents
within the scope of the Act. These
employees would then be covered
by the laws governing minimum
wage, overtime pay, public holi-
days, vacations with pay, benefits
plans and so on. The inclusion of
this class of employees would also
give an employee the benefit of
the protection under Section 57 of
the Act, where an employer
threatens to dismiss the employee
Mrs. Campbell said aAurther
purpose of the amendment is to
limit the maximum working hours
to 40 hours per week and any
work in excess of this limit would
be overtime work, and to ensure
that where the spouse of the
superintendent is required to
work such spouse will be paid the
minimum wage for such work and
any benefits that would accrue
under the Act. A further purpose
for all your requirements
CELEBRATE 50th — When Mr. and Mrs. Jack YuiII of Brussels, centre, celebrated
their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Saturday, their attendants from 50 years ago
were there to celebrate with them. The attendants, on either side of the couple, are
Mrs. Jack Bowman (Marge Yuill) and Jack Bowman. (Photo by W. Bewley)
Couple has anniversary
(Marge) Yuill/and Jack Bowman
(now Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Fifty years ago, the day ;was
extremely hot. The bride and
groom left for a wedding trip to
Niagara Falls, driving their 1923
Ford Model T coupe. They
returned to reside on the groom's
farm on the third line of Morris.
Their farm was situated between
their parent's farms.
In 1932, Walter Yuill retired to
Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Yuill moved to• his farm on the
corner of the 3rd line and County
Rd. 12, where they farmed until
their retirement in 1969, when
they moved to their present
residence on Queen St., Brussels.
They are active members of
Melville Presbyterian Church
where Mr. Yuill has been on the
Session for thirty-five years. They
have bowled with the A t'woOd
Lawn Bowling Club until this year
and now belong to the new
Brussels Lawn Bowling Club.
They have one daughter, Jean,
Mrs. Walter Bewley, Walton, and
two granddaughters; Mary; Mrs.
Wayne Baker R.N., Lake Bolac,
Victoria, Australia, and Brenda
Bewley R.N., Edmonton Alberta.
Mr. and Mrs, Yuill received
congratulatory messages from:
Premier Davis and Murray Gaunt
M.P.P. of the • Ontario
Government; Prime Minister
Trudeau and Robt. McKinley
M.P. of the Federal Government,
and Gov . Gen. Jules Leger.