HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-06-05, Page 44'7 SUNDAY, JUNE 15th All Items Gift Boxed Free For the Biggest and Best Selection of Men's Clothing and Gifts, BILL oPTSHEA MEN'S WEAR SALE A Special Grouping of TABLE LAMPS, SWAGS AND SOME KIDD! LAMPS. A LARGE SELECTION OF CONTEMPORARY TABLE & FLOOR LAMPS TO CHOOSE FROM Box Furniture Phone 5274)680 Seaforth 41.-4 A14-6 ONE DOLLAR VALUE "FREE" Now — save your grocery tapes from the Country Market and get a $1.00 Vanastra Share the Wealth Draw Ticket WITH EACH $100.00 IN COUNTRY MARKET GROCERY TAPES PRODUCE FEATURES .111.1 141i a BRAND Cavan United Church WINTHROP, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. M.E. Reuber B.A.,B.D. Organist ; Miss Marjorie Papple 1S-16 Jubilee - Centennial Service (3. Sunday, June 8th , 11 A.M. SPEAKER- Professor E.G. Clarice D Litt., Victoria College COME AND WORSHIP WITH US • ...A. .4 i:10! bap._ • . cluing Jam boree • f -.4. tit111014.OPOSIT011* 4.,uNg 5.. • • Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Townsend and family at Debrah Lee's • confirmation in Taviseck were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter, Mitchell. Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe and Fay; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scher- berth, Christine and Bill, Born- holm, all attended the confirma- tion in the Trinity Evangelical Sebastopal Church on Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Byers at their new home in Seaforth and called on Mrs. Mary Thornton, Walton on Sunday. - Our ' singe sympathy is extended to tile family of the late Mr. Manual Koehler who passed away suddenly on Friday especially to his mother Mt's. Wm. Koehler and brothers Mr. and Mis. Elmer Koehler and Morley. Mil and Mrs. Manuel Beuer- man received a surprise phone call from Montreal, Mr. and .Mrs. Jacques Levaeceer. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Reurman were Mrs. Wm. Barwick, Mrs. Marjorie Kotyk, Goderich, Mrs. Joe envy, teeumener. Mr. and Mrs. Don Murray, Tracey, and Dale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rose' and sons Correspondent Mrs. Laverene Wolfe Pastor Horst and the Junior Choir from St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen conducted, the service at the Ritz Vela in Mitchell Sunday evening. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Ken Elligson has undergone surgery in Victoria Hospital, London last Wednesday and Mr. Charles 'Sieber is in University Hospital. London. Brodhagen minister Conducts Ritz Villa service FUN IN A TRUNK There were all kinds of wierd things going on at the High School during dress up days last week-. One day students wore clashing .clothes, one day they dressed up and Thursday they dressed in styles from the fabulous fifties. The three greasers in this car trunk are Richard Smith, Brian Lane and Carl Bolton. (Staff Photo) RENT A MOTORHOME Call Stratford I -273-2791 Geraniums ric per box 0 Begonias per box • 89 -i*v 4 Ali ptheri- - per box 59 and Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe on Saturday. Mr. Ralph Scherbarth, Eddie, Larry and Gary from Wayne Michigan were last weekend guests with Mr. Edward Scher- berth Sr. and Mrs. Scherbarth who is in Seaforth Community Hospital. Correspondent Mrs. Marg Halley - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bottoset and daughter Kristen, Windsor spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Feigene St. Louis, Mark and Paul. Mr. James St. Louis of Tecumseh spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene St. Louis and Paul and Mark. Mr. Norbert St. Louis of Windsor visited on Sunday with his brother: Eugene and family. Visiting over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris and Vickie were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Maxwell, North Bay. They also attended the Scott-Harris wedding at the Presbyterian Church in Seaforth followed by a reception at the Brodhagen Community Centre. Mr.and Mrs.Tom Cook,Sauh Ste. Marie and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cook, Clinton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris and Vickie. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dunlap. and Miss Bessie Davidson all of Seaforth spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allen also visiting at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whit-. man. Leanne and Melissa, London. Mrs. Freda Boa spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Bob and Marg Holley and family. Mr. and' Mrs. Ron Little and family, Jill Cunningham and friend of Georgetown visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Beattie and John on the weekend. Mrs. William Dodds (Peach) was able to" come to Clinton Hospital from Victoria Hospital and is expected home this week. BM Dolmage is still a patient in the University Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beattie and family moved to their new home in Dutton Monday were Ray is retail manager of the Topnotch Ltd. there. Earl Dolmage, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dolmage has been moved to Chatham and the new position as manager of a Toronto- Dominion Bank in that city. Professor to The friends of Mr. Lorne Wolfe will be sorry to hear that he is in the Stratford General Hospital and has undergone surgery again. Mrs. Lorne Wolfe is staying with her mother Mrs. Hilda Ruston, Stratford while her hus- band is in the hospital. On Sunday June 7 church services for Cavan United Church will be held at 11 o' dock with Sunday School at 10 o'clock. This will be Jubilee Sunday. The United Church of Canada was born June 10, 1925. Since this Sunday is the closest to her birthday, the church will celebrate the Jubilee with Dr. Ernest G. Clarke, professor in the Department of Near Easter Studies, Victoria College, Toronto as special guest speaker. Dr. Clarke was a former resident of the Winthrop Community. Ills Fans - please don t litter, cans, speak at Winthrop service Correspondent etc. This has to be picked up by Vince late Joe Kissers Pee Wiles (under 12 years) collected 3 pta eat of possible 4 by tieing the strong Clinton Club 4-4 Wednesday, (Mates only managed to tie the score one minute before game time.' Kevin Coyne scored, Garry Ryan - 1. Sunday p.m. they beat Water- loo 5-3 in a very exciting game. Coyne again getting the hat tribk. Martin Van Bakel and Nash one each. Vera Steinman's Bantams (under 16 were not so fortimite, playing in Cambridge they lost 2-0, to a longer established' club but 'their coach had nothing but praise for his boys for the' good showing of his team. St. Columban was noted for years to be a great soccer town, back in the old days when it was more in rural areas, Now since the arrival of new Canadians, it is becoming more and more a national gape, especially in big cities and towns. They. have shown how impor- tant it is to control the ball and short passing and shooting makes it something to see. Fans - come out and get behind your boys. Parents, please take your turn when driving is neces- sary to other towns, therefore relieving the coaches of finding someone to drive. Rmember there is seldom anything wrong with a good sports-minded boy or girl. "Or all work and no play makes Johnnie a dull boy." parents operated the store located where the mill now stands, before moving to Seaforth. Baptismal services were held in Cavan United Church with Rev. Reuber as minister on Sunday. The choir sang a special anthem and three new babies were chrisened. Thomas Lawrence Wheatly infant son of Larry and Susan Wheatly. Kevin Raymond, infant son of Ray and Dianne Beattie and Tina Lorraine infant daughter of Jim and Ann Bosnian were the children baptized during the service. 4.6 Correspondent e Mrs: R. Laing A service of Ordination to the eldership of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and of induc- tion into the session of Cromarty Presbyterian Church of Philip James and John Templeman was held on Sunday morning. The Rev. Wilfred Jarvis was in charge and read scriptures on the calling and duties of elders from Exodus 18: 13-27 and Corinthians 12: 4-31. In his sermon, Rev. Jarvis traced the history of eldership in the church, pointing out how the duties of elders have changed throughout the years. ,Following the ordination the right hand of fellowship was extended by the other elders, Calder McKaig, Carter Kerslake, Mervin Dow, Thomas Scott and Eldon Allen. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ross McPhee were guests at the graduation exercises for their &Teener, Valeri, who has corn pleted her course in legal administration at Fanshawe College. Marie Kerslake, Murray Laing, rill Harburn, Charlie Ross, Bill Higley. Valerie Wallace, Brace Norris; Ken Upshall and Roy and Mrs. John O'Reilly, Stratford " over night before attending the funeral of Thos. Costello. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Flanagan also attended the Costello funeral and,,called on Mr. and Mrs. V. J. lane Murray. Miss Catherine Moylan, St. Correspondent 00're Thomas visited her mother Mrs. Mrs.Gwen Ruston Mary Moylan who also had Mr • the weekend. Miss "Joan Murray visited her Attend Fid parents Mr. and Mrs. Thus. someone. FurdierMore, use your manners. Cheer-a good Play for the opposition as well, regandleaa of what they do in other places. Never have it said - they have a great soccer team but a rotten mouthy bunch of fans. I-* try to have the lineups of respective teams next week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin over Ordination held • Mr. and Mrs. James Ryan and Corey from Keene visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ruston. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oulette, Dona and Danny of Windsor visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger and Benny. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney spent Sunday in Rostock with Mr. and Mrs. Don Moeser and fariaily. Mr. awl, Mrs. Lorne Flannagan and Mr) and Mrs. Lawrence Ruston took in the Fiddling Jamboree at Atwood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert and family of Sheffield visited on the weekend with Mrs. G. Kramers and other relatives. , Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Smith, Cathy, Cindy and Shelley spent Saturday at their cottage on Lake Huron. Mr. Martin lainkhammer has returned home frontoeSe.aforth Community Hospital:" • Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, Mr. end Mrs. Mike Coyne and Mrs. Mary Jordan attended Open House for Mr. and Mrs. William McDougall on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf McDougall on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. flyers from Lawrence Ruston over the weekend. Rev. John Costello spent a few days visiting with his mother, Mrs. Dan Costello. in Cromarty Johns returned Friday evening from an educatiOn trip to the Sudbury district. On their excursion they visited the Falcon- bridge Mine • and Falconbridge Lumber Company, the Big Nickel and Inco. This year they travelled part way by the new ferry boat, M.S. Chi-cheemaun (The Big Canoe). Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and family, Mrs. John Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing and family attended the ' fortieth Wallace reunion nn Sunday after- noon at Sebringville. A birthday cake was cut by the oldest members present, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Heagy of London. Mrs. Heagy was formerly Isabelle Wallace, a sister of the late George Welke of Cromarty. The Twin City Bombers (Staffa- Cromarty) had little difficulty on Sunday night in defeating Win- throp Warriors by a score of 21-9 in their game of slow-pitch on Sunday night. Seafortli visited Mr. and Mr s. ' AT V ANASTRA FRED'S MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF (Huck STEAKS LB.79c .ESSEX BRAND WIENERS 1 LB. PKG. 59c ESSEX BRAND 2 LB. PKG. BEEF PATTIES 1.49 ESSEX 'NIAGARA BRAND SIDE BACON 'X 1 I .07 $ ft fi GROCERY FEATURES BREAD • WHITE SLICED 24 OZ. 2 /69t 140M0 .47 3 QT. JUG MILK 2 PERCENT $1.44 HOTDOG HAMBURG ROLLS 2 /89c SAVE 24itEvis 79c CHUN KING CHICKEN OR BEEF SAVE 24c CHOW MEIN 4 OZ 1.19 • CREAMETTE OZ. — SAVE CC ISAPAGII ll~A RE°17NII OR 2 /33t There's no substitute for quality! We handle only "Red brand A -1 beef" Try our homemade "oven ready meat loaf" QUALITY MEATS CANADA NO. 1 HOT HOUSE ',soh TOMATOES • LB. )Yc PRODUCE OF U.S.A. — SUNKIST ORANGES IZE 113 OZ. 79c S PRODUCE OF U.S.A. AYLMER — 10 OZ. SAVE 26c 5 /89c LETTUCE VEGETABLE SOUP GRAPE OR LEMONADE TANG — 434 OZ. SAVE 20c HEAD 39e $1.09 JOY — 32 OZ. — SAVE 17c LIQUID DETERGENT 89c 55.z._ SAVE 6k Feature Buys FROM THURSDAY, JUNE 5 TILL SUNDAY, JUNE 8 'STORE HOURS CLOSED MONDAYS OPEN: THURS. 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. FRI. 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT. 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. ' SUN. 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. .COUNTRY MARKET , - PLUS MANY MANY FOODLAND ADV. SHOP COUNTRY MARKET AND SAVE DOLLARS DUZ $1.79 MORE FEATURES -Ai LISTED* IN LONDON FREE PRESS