The Wingham Times, 1894-03-16, Page 1446
They are here and they are
beauties, see them; as usual,
prettiest in town.
—T. A. Mills g
Field and Garde
and purohaaers
us for quotations.
Ye wholesale prices on —Good Fritlu,y, 28rdi March.
to farmers' clubs
—La at week's. tassels st ciente,
large quantities. Write
011 16, 1894.,
ined 18e9ds of
i Grocery,
—The Preabytery o Maitland will meet
at Wingham next T sday, 20th inst., at
11.20 a. zn. •
—Servant Girl Wanted--ApPly at resie
dence of B. Willson, No washing. Good
wages to a capable girl.
the —If any of our su
ceiving their paper r
pleased to have then
k. "4104. r•••"'"-'
scribers are not re-
gularly, we would be
notify us at once.
— Beaver Tobacco ts absolutely clean. It
is the highest grade stock in Canada and
the only gentleman chewing.
—The WinghamSt Works, which were
closed down for a sh rt time for repairs,
commenced operatioi s last week, , and are
running at their full :opacity as usnal.
Mr, A. J. Irwin, )entist, who recently
passed his examinatiea in the Dena- Col-
lege at Philadelphia, main town this week-
There is a probabilty 'hat he may locate in
ORR a 414S0c4RS,
, Direct 'mporters.
THE BEAR, )•ta,roll 7th, 1894.
litarrlage -Licenses ; •
Issued by FRANIt PaTzuson. ATo 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont, 1.1ci witnesses
I BEST Place in ganada to
get a l3ustness Edu- di
c a t to n, Shorthand, I
etc., is at the Ceti.
I . . - tral Business deli-
, lege, Toronto, Ont., and, Stratford, Ont.
Unquestionably Cansda's Greatest Com-
mercialSchools. Cate ogues free. Men-
tion this paper. Shaw & Hilton, Principals.
—For Field and Ga en Sed s pf all
kinds try T. A. Millejf High quality and
low prices. Don't b till y,eu get his
--.-Anspeetoi. Robbthe Wingham,
schools an. official visit thie week.
—An advertising gent for the M. V.
Lubon Medicine C minty, of Toronto,was
deed the other y h Peterborough for
pircule.ting obsc e literature.
—If you a part lar about your
groceries an ant th m freeh, Reynolds,
the grocer, suit yo Everything is new
Vier . ,
—Mr. G. H. MoonsMooneylhas severedhiktion-
mection with the Biplej Inquirer, and the
paper will be contthtt1 as usual,•with Mr.
B. P. Chapman as ed' r and proprietor.
—Ladlie, have you garmente made by
'Mies 1 JJ9,inston, Gregory block, opposite
the Que • - Hotel. 'Latest -letSy.tegood
evork, always titetteciass
—Why are bettonsilin inen'a clothing on
the right hand side ai d ou women's cloth-
ing on the left hand s de? This is curious,
'but true. It would le interesting to know
-the reason.
—Cash for good better and eggs at R. A.
Graham's market grocery. see
—As a result of th
Department it the
Farm, this week, it i
of our townspeople av
the poultry industry
visit of Mr. A. G.:
et of the Poultry
ttawa Experimental
likely that several
1 take an•interest in
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
it reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
tf Jolter REMANDS.
Mitche 1, of lot 19, conces-
sion 1, Kinloss, will s 11 bis farm stock and
-heoplements by publio %notion, on Tuesday,
Mareh- 2003, at one -Mock p.m. Terms
—All Mims of 10 an under, cash; over
that attiornit nine WI nths credit. John
Mart% inotioneer.
.—ranges, Pineapples, Cocoanuts, Ban.
anRC and, a largo asitortinent of canned
goods; pare maple syrup, at the cheapest
prim, at Jas. McItelvie'a. -
--There was a good ttotd ance at the
last meeting of Court jfai1and, Canadian
Order of Foresters, '4 Friday last, when
several constitutiona gratetiens received
-an airing. The 04r is booming hi Sea -
forth. Forty-three 0 naiades were initi-
ated into Court In wer of the Forest,
there, during the 4nth of February.
-s-Watehes, clock and jewelry promptly
repaired and frilly warranted by MUM:
Peng lYfeyer flloek, Wingha,m.
Robt. loth, rmerly of this
town, has been non nated to fill the rector-
-Rev. fo
ship of Christ's Ch .roh, Chatham, in see
cession to the b to Arelideacon Sonar
Mr. MoCosh has ft.led the position of cur-
ate for tle.. peet two years, doing the active
duties re. rector, 'and was unanimously
chosen. A co ami tee was named to apply
to the Bishop of Kron to earrg out the
Peishee of the cent option.
ei•liiieves.Less..,- as seemed _sees'
Dimssteutreo—Mies E. J. Powell begs
to announce to the ladies of Wingham and
vicinity,. that she is prepared to do dress-
making in the leapt style and at moderate
prices. A call solicited. Shop—Nearly
opposite Macdonald's block.
--Huron Uniform remotion Examina-
tions will be .held in e public schools of
Huron on March 20t and 30th, commence
ing at ona o'clock on the 29th. Teachers
who have not sent to Ste Inspectors for the
number of papers req •ired, should do so
at onoe.
—The best brands o oysters, at 30 to
40cts. per quart, at Jas. letclielvie's.
—It may not be nown that compound-
ing apenal action an indictable offence,
whether any offenc lia,s, in fact, been com-
mitted or not, and ny one who publicly
advertises tt rewa d for the return of
any property, whi h has been stolen or
]ost, and in such ad rtisemerit uses any
words, purporting t at no questions will be
asked, is ltable t ' a penalty of 4250 for
each offence.
—For the benefit of those of our citizens
who may have, the niafortune to have their
chimney burning o t we would say that by
filling a tin pan pa ew full of wateee.nd after
lifting the end of t stovepipe from the
stove, place it in t pan of water. The
water will instant! be drawn from fhe pan
up the pipe to the himney and your fire
is out in less time' ban il, takes to tell it,
end the Fire Dep tnie. has been saved a
trip and nobody i ted.
—T. A. Mills is e only wholesale dealer
in Seeds in Win in. Seeds bought- and
sold by the car . If you have any to
sell send us pies. Don't buy till you
get our prices
— Now and aga n visitors come and go
and events tran ire which we' do not
know. To catch or learn of every import-
ant item of new we would reqnire to have
a special reporte in almcst every family
in town. Citizei 5 can assist us materially
in gathering new if they will but give us
a hint. It woul be a very easy matter to
do, either person sly or by a note. A local
paper is what th 'editor and citizrns and
business men nt -e it. Give ne the news.
—The police kathorities throughout the
Dominion have ken warned that sharpers
are going about -orking a new game. This
timo. it relates to .bicycles. One man
usually works iSsme and his plan is to find
the names and ddresses of bicycle riders.
He then represe its himself as an agent of
the maker of th • wheel which his intended
victim rides an tells him that a number
of wheels have een stolet and that his is
one of the reember. He produces his
authority for t• ring the wheel and frequent-
ly gets tho mahine, whith, of course, be
sells, frequenti • in the same town. Hun-
dreds of people have been victimized in
Chicago, Detrt Rooliestert 'Buffet*: and
other Cites.
• •
—Mr. A. B1 ckeby, of Galt, Grand Chief
Patriarch of the Grand Encampment of
the I. O. 0, F. of Ontario, paid Minerva
Encampment an offleieV,yisit ntrdts
last meeting, ost Monday einebt
ing the evesing one eaadidatee.
initiated nand the IL Pe'selegre
ferred upon another. 0.
Patriarch B ckeby gave
I on Odclfellows ip,with pertieoll. e 00]
! to the Enoam remit branch, -et11 ti .
greatly enjoy by all preseet, niter Which,
, he was enterthined by the members at Br.
R. Hill's recti _want, When about tiiivity
! sat down to a :umptuous repast prtftWied
in Mr. Hill's 7011 known style, After an
i hour spent in ockial chat, the brethren ra. '
paired to the - respective homes.
two-page drain los law fo the Township of
e —Pith, Fish, Fi Is you want any you •
Pan get them free eynolde', the wooer.
—Methodist C1Nolt Pulpit Topics for
next Sunday : dorm -"The Lord's
Prayer"—fourth iet the series. Evening—'
"flow to Verily ous Truth."
—T, A. Mills' ' best place in the,
County to buy y r Seeds. Get our prices
bofcre yea buy
—I4oncion Fre Press : The Roman
CAtholibs of Petro 'a have opened a Separ-
ate school there owing, it is mid, to the
intolerance of to Prot ant children ,
-stnce the visit of In. pherd there,
—Lost—On So.
able fawn coloree
half grown. A
whereabouts w
'dao night last, a vain -
e hound pup, about ;
please leave word at
olda' Groce -y.
F --Rev. Mr. Goerlon, of Toronto, father of
our townsman, b r. B. F. Gordon,preambed
very acceptably the Winglram Presby- •
terian church, o Sunday last, both morn -I
ing a evening.
f-1kIrs Marg et L. -Shepherd, of Tor-
onto, eddressed eetings tit the townhall,
on Monday, esday and Wednesday
evenings,of this eek, on Romaaiam The
meetingt• were jirefty iitreelse a ended.
KO a:fluent and fox cible
ring:lila:weather we en-
joyed for about en elayn, was brought toa
close op. Tuesd '' night by quite re col
snap tend io. slig t fall. of snow. Wedn s -
day tot,gnt and' hursday we had flurries of
snow and now he group with
an inch or s ul" d every -
thin lo mishits winte gain.
The lecturer is
I —The mild,
and....9, half act
House a arn with four
sof land wo fenced and
. Rom
: -Most people while
tr.*, have experienced an
awkward situa on when meeting a pedes-
trian who has no nearly defined notion of
what side to loess n. You bob from' one
side to the other t• id then get mad. The
result is dodging to or three times before
either gets by. other day a reporter
met with that expo ience and a gay young
colored girl was therodestrian. awning ine
the opposite directi-n. After two or three
manoeuvres the col • ed women exclaimed:
"For the Lawd's sa e, man, what is this a
goin to be—a waltz r 9 , .
—G. T. IL trains
leave Winghaui at
m. and 3.45 p, in,, vi
Good connections by 11 trains.
—Tho W. C. T. entertainment, in the
Temperance Friday evening last,
was a grand suce-ees in every respect.
There was a very large attendance, and
addresses were deliv red by Rev. S. Seliery,
B. D., and Rev. Mir. Dinnick,.who had
been supplying the ulpit of the Congre-
gatinnal church foti
Sutherlend and Da
duets, Miss Winnie
and Mr, J. R. tephenson, a, solo.
Refreshments *eta provided in e.bun•
dance, and all tippet ed to enjoy them-
selves. Ex -Meyer. siordon occupied the
chair in his usual geSiel manner.
--For first-class tailoring and cheep
gents t furuishinge, try Webster de Co.
Remember the place, one door south uth of
R. A..Grallam's grocery store.
—A meeting of t e Huron Veterinary
Association vas held the Town Hall, on
Thereday, the Sth t. Among those pre- !
seet were: Bla kali, Clinton; J. Gib-
bon, Dungannon; J 3. Walker, Londe.;
boo; 3. Wilkinson, 71pley; W. H. Hack,
Mildnuty; ,LASEllidt, Clifford; • R. IL
Fortune, Wrriefeter; ohn Wilson and Jos.
Colley, Winglioni. .onsiderablegbusiness
of a priv te:Oia,ture vas ' transaeted, and
the fol .-irribmbe, a of tis. ussocie thou
eppoie , ,.-0.-wittit on the Peatit'Vetetivary
°elation; Which ota nt t>.t, :;klitrys oxi
t 30tfilnstant, to ceder on' -tieveral sub50
r Toronto and east
.25 a. m. and 11.20 a.
Clinton and. Guelph.
some' time. Misses
on gave a couple of
'ellery, a recitation,
r. J. J. Welter rend a paper on
mpaction i the horse, and Mr.
rend n per . oa Enteeities.
discussion • Revved flick' papers,
taken part 'n by a greet Many
mbers. Th next meeting of the
othdion- will be he 1 in Godorich on the
ilitftlf -of .1t11 next.
1.ast Warning,
who are owing Wm. Ridd by note or
ilac:C1.:111),tt` wili 1(3;ytIto t Z°i'';11° Noe -
lands o le bepute r
for collection.
• Wt. MDDI V. S.
..te, Garden Seeds enc1Flowar —All T. A, Mills' Clover
aranteecl quality at Reyoelds` Seed is home grown. No lo
Wi am. bee our seeds
esMeyor Hann is having the old Eng,
ish church putled own and will erect tw
line brick resideuc on the. property thisa
zneotineein the town hell to-
night, to consider t es:lotion of a new
itliolesttoowffilcLe and custom house buildipg for
--Margaret I. -Shepherd in town hall,
*Wingbam, Sunda si next, afternoon and
—Rev. D, Perrie who Woe indisrmeed for
a few days, is able o be around again, we
are pleased to see. ,
—We direct spec al attention to the ad.
vertisement of Mr. McIntyre, in another
column. Mr. Mar tyre believes Hurt the
people of Wingh nt and surrounding
country will !metal a well-equipped gene-
ral store, carried on n the cash system,
and has opened out n Macdonald's Meek,
with a large kink.
—Wo this week g e a good deal of space
to a report of the 3) iryinen's Association
held in the town , on Friday last. The
dairy industry is at- important one in On-
titrio, and it is net -nary that those, en-
gaged in it bo fully costed in all tho latest
method!: and praot -ees in the business. For
that reason we or wd out several other
matters and give ecedence to the dairy
Some time when Hon., J. C. Pat-
erson, Minister ref Militia, was in Wing -
ham, Mayor Hat ua asked him to present
the town with a !ouple of cannon to place
on • our town rark. The other day, the
Meyer received otification from Mr. Pat-
terson thist one ancon had been shipped
from Quebee t his address, for the town.
Surrounding wus can now take a back
seat. Mayor • mina is 'determined Wing -
ham shall be al the head of the procession!
—We are -emipt of a cosy of "The
Oath of the So :fay of Jesus," from a sub-
scriber in Chicego, Illinois, and asking us
to publish the eame. The controversy
that host been going on in the TDIES for
some time 1 eel, on relieious matters,' has
been brought tc close, and we do not see
that any gc c come from opining it
aiain. The °damns of the TIMES are
always open ,or coreesponience on any
subject of in •ree t to th3 people, but we
thank this n- at .r hes been given a#'I the
ventilation it .liculd receive, and it must
end, at far es te e Toms is concerned.
ruble School Board.
The regular monthly meeting of the
School Board was held in the Council
chamber, on Ti eschte evening.. Present—
Messrs, Morto e Abraham, Moore, His -
cooks, Griffin ai d Button. Minutes of last
meetine rend all adopted. Tee Principal's
report for the m mth of February was read,
and adopted. rhe Finance Commit e
recommended reyment of an account of
47.65 of Maslen th. Son for wood, which
was, on motiox of Wm. Moore, seconded
by C. N. Griffin ordered to be paid. Mov-
ed by Thos. Abeehttm, seconded by Wm.
Button, that time action of the Chair-
man and Smeltery in issuing order for
015 for insure, toe, since last meetiifg, be
ratified—Carrie'e. Moved by J. H. His -
cooks, seconded y Wm, Moore, that the
Medical Certific te r the sickness of Miss
Sutherland duri g the mouth of January,
be not enforce but this te no precedent
for the fettle —Carried. Moved by
Thos. Abraham, eennded by Wm. Moo
that the Chaim
srructed to issu
end officers' sal
February, and th
Intyre has et mpl
her sa'ary for tl.
Carried. Appit
in the reaol ing
Board. Moved
by Win. Button,
be appointed to
Timothy 100 World's Fair l'hotoe for 41.
er prices in, Then beautiful pictures are now re
3Ir. Jos. 13ra• win, of the Electric
Light Tirerles, hest b laid up for a short
. time, hut is again on ty.
—Mr. 5: D. 'ilirellwoo will preach in the
Congregational aura, iugliam. ou Sun-
day next, both morning d eve
—Wanted, a boy a on 10 or 17 years of
Page, to learn the print ng bade. Meet
have a good English cad sttion. Apply at
the Tntem oftee.
—The libel suit a lest the Goderich
Signal, which was t ed the Huron
Assizes this week,. s dismissed,,We
an and Secretary be W-
orriers for the tea the re
ries for the mouth of
t as soon as Miss Moo-
ted her work, she be paid
e time she has taught—
tions to fill the vacantly
tiff were then read to the ,
iy Wm. Moore, seconded
that Miss Jean Anderson
he vacancy 01.1 the teach-
ing steff—Carilvel. In the event of Mise
Anderson not, ac :opting, the names of Mi
Maggie Hall an Miss Ireland were reserv-
ed for the next c mice.. The tneeting then
'ea) Modern Way
Commenflekeif to the well -formed, to do
pleasantly iiliEeffecttxally what was former
13' done ih the-braelOtinanner and disag,ree-
able as well. To cleanse the system and
break up colds, headache and foyers with-
out unpleasant after effects, use tin
delightful laxative remedy, Syrup,
congratulate the Signe. on its victo
—T. A. Mills carries the lay assort -
meet of Seeds in "Wingliam. kinds of
Fancy Clover and Timothy eeds kept in
stock at lowest prima. See our seeds be-
fore you buy.
Maitland B esbytery.
The Maitland Pres yterial W. F. M.
Society will meet it the Presbyterian
ChurchMingharn, nox Tuesclay,20th inst.,
at one o'clock F. m. I the evening at 7
o'clock a public meetiu will bo held when
the anneal report' of tl Society will be
presented to the Preth Mu and Mission-
ary addresses will be d ivored by the Rev.
0. Perrie, of Wipe: , and the Rev. R.
McKay,F, M.'Seor ary, Toronto.
Should be in 3 ery Family.
The Globe, Toronto is giving Canadians
an opportunity of s curing "Picturesque
Canada" upon very reasonable terms.
This work, which is toroughly descriptive
of Canada, was writ di by Principal G. M.
Grant, D. D., of Queen's University, King -
stop, and is profuse]; illustrated by wood
engravinga from brushes of some of the
most eminent ear --iMtee of the- day. It is
being produced in p ,rts of 24 pages eech,
one part appearing rch week, mid can be
secured liy cutting ;nt one coupon, which
will be found in all aditions, and forward.
ing it to their Art =_Oepartment, along with
12 mete in stamps ir coin, to pay mailing
and postage. The siportitnity of possess.
ing so valuable an %edition to .eur literature
is ono that should 1 e taken:advantage of by
every Canadian wh • \yenta know about
owisernintry, ar 1 we hope the Globe's
#. • • .e•
gineresielffer will eet with the approval
tbt ‘fterrixiee eserves.
bar. nal&
Mr. Ryanhart, esionary, was in town
on Tuesday.
Mr. Ff. Davis wa Senforth ., Tues-
day on business.
Miss M. McElroy of Blyth, is visiting
friends in town at p esent.
Mr. Dan. 001aer, f town, is on a visit
deeds and relati es in Beaverton.
Dr. Miecdorield, M. P., left for Ottawa on
Monday to -ttestnide his Parliamentary
Seaforth Expositcr
ling, of Wiegham,
Brussels Post: Mis
Sample were vieitin
Mr. Thos. Deans, o
erich this week as a w
the assiees.
Miss Bella Maxwell
week for home, after
'Pregs1:67tvin. Clegg
of town. wee attondii
each, this week, as j
Rineardine Review .
weld to Wingluam titi
Vanstono Bros., mare
Mr. John 111ackmor
sidieg in town far ten
his home in Listowel,
Miss Louise Spar-
s visiting friends in
a Lizzie and Tenth
in - Wingham this
town, was at God-
tuess in a °thee before
of Torouto, left hest
vise; to friends in
lid Bradshaw Kerr,
the assizes at Goa.
Mr, Sam Sexamith
week to work for
.-cu t tem.
, who bas been re-
ntiTntilee,szyt returned to
Mr J. Wilson, of T -onto, 1'. 0. T. of
the Grand Lodge of Or torio, I. 0. G. T.,
was in town the otl day calling on
r. Geo. MeItet,zie a in Codcrioh this
week, having a suit ag that Mr. Smith, hay
dealer, of Prescott, (it., wluch is being
triMetlistiCiii.sS713elat; es, of - uo firm of Edmand-
aon, Bates re Co , efacturers of proprie-
tory medicines, Braford, Ont,, was in
Wirigham Wednes lay on blisiness,
have eight chilcfren, every one ingood
health, not tno of whom but has taken
,Seett's Binulsion, in which my wile has
for delivery in 10 complete parte-10 • ri
tures comprising each part—and the whole
set can be secured by.the payment of one
dollar, sent to Geo. 11, Iluafford, General
Passenger Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee*.
St. Paul Railway, Chicago; III., and the
portfolios of pictures will he sent, free of
etspense, by mail to subscribers. Remit-
tanees should be matte by draft, money,
order, or registered letter.
wo tilye just Know' nut a new nee beautiful
sta.* of Wtt'l Pnwrs in the eery biteet styles eset
nt. rock ho* prte0 rattelna !tont fie pit- roil up.
en test yeses t.took at army). reduettd Wei's. Give •
us a call. JAS. Fox,Druegist.
Mr. Cassels, or Claes y, spent a few
days with Dr. Fortune, the end of Irst
weeies-ile. Thos. Bal returned from.
Toronto nn Prl'urday 1. t, where ho had"
been pursuing i -ds studi .s at the Dental
College in ti city e returned to-
Ilarriston this week to snmebietauties
in the dental otlitlei,oltr. Ireland,— r.
John Bray is in' ter is week, where -
be was summoned by to egrara to attend
his mother, whols very Mr. 0. W..
Andrews ocorpied th piiipit of the
Salem Congregational urch. last Sun-
day evening.—Mr. W. S MoICerober has
purchas.ed ti e property wned by Mr. W..
C. Hazlewood, on Centr street. and Is:.
this week 11' oving his o ce into the part
occupied by N r. Ran , adjoining Dr.
Fortune's office, and M .Rann is moving
into the store vacated y Mr. Schaefer.
—Miss Annie andere is visiting with
friends in Harriston t is week, -Mr. A.
Munro spent last Sun ay at his home in
Milverton.—Mr. F. Schaefer is this
week moving into tko handsome new
stere recently fitteU op by Mr. John
Gteton, where he pu poses opening up.
a merchant tailoriris establishment -7 --
Mr. Robt. Deachina , of Orange Hill,
occupied the e. coo
o8ftliWnitnYg.tvaenntrieg. 7it
with. f riende in tow
• ,4
ist pulpit here last
. Horace Hodgson,
ding a few days
• BBA1 SELS. •
The woolen 'a, 11' was not sold„
when offered for s le by auction and
the town, who hol 1 a mortgage on
same for 05000, kis applied for an
order for the fo-celoseure of the
mortgage.—Mr..1w. Walker, carriage'
maker, has pwelused the shop op- ,"
posits the Tuis-11 hell from , ;
Wilson and will n aloe several nec-
essary improveme-:ts P') as to add to
the convenience of the paint shop atta
show room.— The e died on MOnday
of last week, at th re4idenee of her
son-in-law, 'rhos. allantwne an old. A
resident of this nei vhborhocd in the 1
person of Margate , relict of the lath
Joseph Hodgkins i. The deceasecL
W110 ArilS.a native Scotland, was 76
years of age at tin time of her death,
and' had been a re ident of. Brussels
and vicinity for a anit 45 years. Her
husband was tiro lied off a boat in
the Georgian Bay SMUG years ago.
MTilliauss ttle Dandelion
rills will cute Headache, Biliousness.
Sour Stomach, etc. Try them onee and
you will not use any other. Price 25c. -
box, at all drug stores.
SaIntoni's English. White
Oils is the best :Family Liehnent in the
world. Instant euro for Spraips and
Bruise's. Beware of imitations. Ask or
Salmon's English 'White Oils.
»r. King's ie_ltiorm Fowlers
are safe and SLIM.
' eal Eng Balsam
Will our,t NO(.list t` .1(t111.1If118 of
testimonials tee, tn it, its. Money
will positively 1 e orl,, et. if. Hee it:field'
Healing Balsam does not de all that is '
claimed for it.
laint.g'r; ItEedimas1 taliseev.
ery is the greet blood Isaiiier. ft will
make the blood rive ford keep it pato.
Cures dyspepsia, and all forme of stomach
and liver troubles, It is the best; buy the
best. 'Nice one dollar a bottle, six bottles
for five dollars. •
.11.4Title Dandelion
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