HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-05-22, Page 18Much mower. EXTRA SPECIAL BUY LATEX PAINT for inside/outside This exceptional buy is just what you need when you have to paint _every year- or two. It's ideal for cottages, fences, garages, etc. . . . Available only.in White. Extra special price; Only $489 per gallon GLIDDEN' 444 RED WOOD STAIN Good protection for woqd surfaces such as siding, fencing and trim to , name a few. Easy to apply and good - drying time. Available in Redwood or Walnitt. Only $598 • per gallon AVAILABLE ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST LATEX PAINT WHITE OITErnon-ExTEgret" . 2345 CLINTON 482-3405 HENSALL 262-2418 SEAFORTH 527-0910 Our Gold Line is made of pure bristles and it's an ideal brush for oil base paints. It comes in 5 widths. Economy Prices. 2" $190 3" $290 Our Green Line is also made of pure bristles. Medium price range and is available in 6 widths. Comfortable grip. 2" $280 3" $450 GOLD LINE GREEN LINE PAINT ROLLER KIT Convenient 5 piece set Contains: 1 Oeepwell Paint Tray; 1 Roller Frame with threaded handle; 2 9 Y2" Hi-Pile Acrynef Roller Covers; 1-3" Trimmit Roller. BUILDING CENTRE THE. litIRQN EXPOSITOR, MAY 22, 1076 e readers write Hometown paper like a loving par nt For a number of years 1 lived many miles from my hometown. I appreciated my "Hometown Paper" then, too. Reading it, made it easier to be temporarily "Home" again. News items often gave fond reminiscences of "remember when", Many information that a great many food bulletins are waiting for us just by writing the Department of Agriculture in Ottawa has been an asset to me. By the time our ten year son has his turn with the news it is usually his bedtime. H e gains great pleasure from seeing the written word about anyone he knows. Thursday nights he sleeps well - no bad dreams about spacemen or monsters. From 1860 to 1975 our paper is about us - our grief and our joy, our victories' and failures. The editorials are geared. to our interests, our lifestyle is recorded for historians to come, by this media that we identify so closely with -- "Our,Hometown Paper." J. T. Sangster, P.O.Box 102, Hensall, Ontario. 79c OZ 39c .98c 9.49 ROYAL INSTANT CHEESE CAKE Thursd9y's a special day -the local paper arrives More entries in "What my hometown paper means to me" will appear next week CLOVER FARM COUNTRY MARKET AT VANASTRA B1JRNS BREAKFAST LINK' SAUSAGE vAct. LB,69C MAPLE LEAF - FROZEN - 21/2 TO 3 LB. AVG. 13—B-0 CHICKENS COOKED . 79c LB PRIDE OF CANADA - REG. & ALL BEEF VAC PACK 9 ,LB. ••1.4 ISCOVER ECONOMY SHOP CLOVER FARM RIGHTGUARD 9.1 OZ. SPRAY DEODORANT 9.35 WAX PAPER REFILL 49c SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUE -2 200's PLY WHITE" 53c CLUB HOUSE SALAD OLIVES 12 FL. OZ. 49c CLUB HOUSE MANZ OLIVES 8 FL. OZ. L.P. 5C.. STUFFED GAINES BEEF FLAVOUR TOP CHOICE (FOR DOG 0 2 Z $2.49 (ORANGE FLAVOUR) 4 x 31/4 02, PKG, RISE 'N' SHINE CRYSTALS 99c NABISCO SPOON SIZE SHREDDED WHEAT 18 OZ. 59c FLEISCHMANN'S CORN OIL MARGARINE (QUARTERS) 1 LB. 89c DR. BALLARDS 4 MOIST CAT FO OD lVO S 6U : z. 2/79c MAGIC FIRST GRADE (POWDER) 5 LB. INSTANT SKIM MILK 5 3.19 '.1TOMetown Paper" Is an :in.tOsrat part of our community - vahlable to readers of all ages and ,occupations. It is oft en like a ;Ong s parent who scolds, temitn4s, applauds of encourages met kkeep.6 me aware of "What in. the World's Going On" - particularly in our immediate area- We all realize the practical advantages of a, weekly newspaper. "Want Ads" of a local nature - "Wedding", "Thank You", "Birth" and "Obituary" write-ups of people we know. There are notices of interest to most of us - special events such as Auction Safes, Social Activities, Chilies, Sales which are to our advantage,. etc, Area by-laws pertaining • to regulations or . restrictions, mayoral proclamatioes, etc. are outlined in detail fel{ me in our newspaper. It keeps me informed. Reports of local happenings are written on a personalized basis, by editOrs who care, and who strive to give interesting detail. If I am unable to attend the last meeting, or hockey game or social event, I can read about it in our . "Hometown Paper" and almost imagine that I had been' there, which enables me to still feel that I am a part of the community's activities. How important this feeling must be to our Senior Citizens or those who are ill or extr emely busy! It is always rewarding to receive recognition for special effort. Our newspaper does this! Our young people who have special talents, or who strive particularly well to reach a certain gaal are encouraged when our newspaper,recognizes their achievement. I feel pride for them, too, and am certain they are urged on to even further achievements. When I read' reports' of our athletic teams - whether they be houseleague, school or town - I rejoice with them when they win and .commiserate with them 'Wher) success has eluded them. Reports published detailing council meetings, and Police and P. U,C. activities are usually my first source of information regarding action by our omelet for improvements,' or continuation of the business of --governing our community. I read these carefully because I feel that it is ' my duty to be as well informed as possible in things which affect the welfare of my community. even if you don't need anything it sure is fun to read what others want. The auction sale ads I read twice, the first time I concentrate on what is for sale, the second time I wonder how. much it will realize and too, I feel a sadness if the sale means that a dear friend is breaking up her home. Report from Queens Park is read after my family retires for the Right, thus I can concentrate on this report so vital to us all. appreciate the time that goes into it's preparation and enjoy reading the facts -- not something that is prepared for my ears by a city reporter. The local merchants ad is so helpful as we try to make our budget balance. Also the recipes from the Department of Agriculture, are an aid to old cooks as well as young and the others, each NCO._ must share that type of experience. Editorials in our "Hometown Paper" may be informative, whimsical, provocative or nostalgic, but are usually of current interest to readers. They are thought-provoking to me, in whichever vein they are written. Our "Hometown Paper" is progressive, and yet, somehow, link with the past especially in a Centennial Year. it is able to provide us with visual and written accounts of people and events I need the Huron Expositor because it is better than the radio and television in providing me with current local happenings. In fact, it is more useful sometimes than the telephone. Those rummage sales, the auctions, and local sales in the stores are but one part that is useful, But the news of social, sports and church events, give an account of the grass root quality of life locally that couldn't be known in any other way as completely. The photographs are there to reflect on, and do not pas by in the instant as does the other news media. The photographs of local citizenry participating in events elsewhere, such as on the steps of the parliament buildings doing a tour, is one example of the quality of the citizens interest not only in local life, but in' the ongoing interest of being a part of the larger world -beyond the borders of Huron County. Your newspaper, is then our newspaper, not only becauSe it is practical and useful, but because it does also quietly remind us of which have shaped our` town's history. With these memories come reminders of old-fashioned ideas. We, in the circulation area, are a community of individuals who must retain our -les and responsibilities with one another to make our part of the world a better place in which to live; Our "Hometown Paper" constantly reminds us 'of this! Submitted by Shirley Davies (Mrs. John Davies) Mitchell, Ontario. the deeper •more abiding concerns of our common humanity that is our heritage. Keep right onl Sincerely yours, Margaret Cone Dublin, Ontario • Big-job power. • 5 forward speeds & reverse. *. With proper attachments Snapper solves many yard care problems. • Free demon- stration on your own lawn. fiff4MR15 All Snaooer mowers meet ANSI, safety soecificarions. SHARPE'S MAINTENANCE SERVICE Seaforth,,_Ontorlo Phone 527-1746 .READ 'and USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED tit I74111 BRAND Thursday is a special day the local paper arrives. Luckily it comes before Friday, a day when circumstance demands a bit of action to prepare for the happy return of the big kids from the city. The coming of the paper is an occasion, similar to a visit from a favourite aunt. it is full of news and has been visiting on a weekly basis as long as I can recall., In thiS "The Year of Women" it is heartening to have a women editor. During these times of change it gives us a feeling of security to' have. a business remain in the same family for so 4 many years.lt has been a practice of many subscribers to call on their editor for advice on varied problems -- just one more service we take for granted. ' The local news is of keen interest and helps a "stay-at-home" keep in touch with the vital things - birth, marriage, illness and death. In The Years Agone, I must admit I thrill to see my ancestor's name and read about how they made their contribution to the community. The Legion column is helpful in keeping before us the dates of heroic deeds. 1 trust the youth of to-day realize that their overseas tours differ more than a Effie from the days of 1939-45. The classified ads are a must, FRED'S MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS QUALITY MEATS There's no substitute for quality! We handle only "Red brand A- 1 beef" Try our homemade "oven ready meat loaf" BLADE BONE REMOVED BEEF BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST JUICY BRAISING RIBS BONE-IN BEEF L TENDER JUiCY PRIME RIB STEAKS l-B-S 1.49 CUT FROM BLADE SECTION CHUCK STEAKS LB. 98c CROS S RIBss ROAST LB.POT ROAST 1.15 STORE LB 59c VIVA - ASSORTED COLORS TOILET TISSUE 2 ROLL 49c PACK SCOTT-JUMBO ROLL - TOWELS ASSORT. COLORS 69C 2 - 24 OZ. DETERGENT MIR LIQUID 99c CLOVER LEAF COHOE SALMON' 89c ASSORTED FLAVORS CAT FOOD rifEz• LIBBY'S 14 OZ. IN TOMATO SPAGHETTI . MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 6 OZ. JAR CURITY DAYTIME - TAPE T DIAPERS AYLMER - 48 OZ. TOMATO JUICE FEMININE NAPKINS CO$FIDETS WILKINSON SUER SWORD R BLADES 4/89c SAUCE • 3/s1 'I 59 AB • 49c 12's 75C 59c 5's WIENERS COUPON PRIDE OF CANADA 6 VARIETIES LUNCHEON MEATS BURNS - GOLDEN' GARLIC COIL BY THE PIECE ALPINE - 2 OZ. PATTIES BEEF BURGERS 2 LB. BOX BURNS CAMPFIRE SLICED BACON INSTANT POTATOES DETERGENT CASCADE DISHWASHER (Z $1.79 FLEECY FABRIC SOFTENER (FOR TOILET BOWLS) VANISH CRYSTALS AIR CARE 4 SCENTS SOLID DEODORIZER (WINDOW CLEANERS) FLASHLIGHT "D" SIZE ( 950 B.P.) EVEREADY BATTERIES WINDEX AEROSOL PURE UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 FL. OZ. LIBBY 14 FL. OZ. DEEP BROWN BEANS may FRUIT COCKTAIL 14 FL. OZ. FEATURE BUYS FROM THURS. STORE HOURS: MAY 22, 1975 TILL SUN. MAY 25, 1975 CLOSED MONDAYS TUES.-THURS. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. RADISHES MATCH GREEN ONIONS 25c PRODUCE OF SOUTH AFRICA SIZE 113's - GRANNY SMITH APPLES Zifilsit,:fA GRADE LB.45 C PRODUCE. OF U,S.A. - CANADA NO. 1 PRODUCE FEATURES CELERY HEARTS 39c PRODUCE OF U.S.A. - CELLO 2 2 OZ. COMET CLEANSER CARNATION MASHED MR. CLEAN • 48 FL. OZ. LIQUID CLEANER X 1.73 FRI. 9 A.M. 9 P.M. SAT. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. SUN; 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. MIX OR 64 FL, OZ. 7 OZ. 15 FL. OZ. SPRAY 12 OZ. 34 OZ. WITH PORK 98c 69c 79c 69c 79c,' 39c 45c 65c 1102.89( 2 / 59c 39c Local paper more use than phone 4 it ,