The Wingham Times, 1894-03-09, Page 77".
Reports of Public Inetitutiolie itii :74,,eres. 'rho figures for 1898 were
°Mem 4,e,/.., and when it is rementhered.
. VIE INSANE, that in 1877 the eenunitments num-
4,032 the improvement is fully ap.
The report of Inspector Christie on
Lunatic and Idiotie Asylums contains Parent'
the following information, The ARAEARAGEs or NEARLY A 11iiLi4o's.
Mumber of insane and idiotic underI Another return brought clown
4harge in the several instshows the arrearoges crown n8,
and railway lands, up tin April 11,
the Province on the 30th of SepWm-
ber last WAS 4,240, being an increase 1891' The principal due amounts to
.ef 170 over September 30th, 1892. '"22,8461ini thi6 "mint there
The admiselonsfor the past year were $514134" in "rears for ini'crcst•
753, showing A decrease f 39
The total thus owing the province is
The relative proportion of these 88861688,
eplaeses to the whole population of the Juvzsum mentenATIoN.
Province shows a marked increase The superintendent of neglected
and dependent children makes his
(luring each decade, as follows
report, covering the work done dur,
of the alle in Per-
opulation No, of In- ihg the initial half-year sineollls
• S
Province. Asylum centage appointment. In accordance with
1867..4... 1,526,878 851 ,062 the act he has oi•ganixed ehildren's
1871 1,620;851 1,866 .084 aid societies in Ottawa, Toronto, Lon -
1891 2,114,321
8,468 .164 don, Peterboro, and Guelph, Seven-
teen visiting committees have been
Mr. Christie continues with a refer-
encs to the bulletin issued by the Do-
minion Department of .Agriculture in
May last, compiled from the census
of 1891, in which the number of in-
sane (and presumably also tho idiots
and feebleminded) in the Dominion
1881.... , 1,92(3,922 2,406 .124
appointed m so many electoral dis-
tricts. Regarding juvenile finmigra-
tion to the province Mr. Kelso says
that the benefits that flow from the
system far outweighs its evils. He
points out that: "During 1892 the
children brought to Ontario from
is given as 13,355, of which Ontario England and Scotland by the seven
is credited with 5,855, and, as stated, agencies was 1,574, while in 1893 the
3,468 were resident in the Provincial number was 1,807. In the past 15
institutions on September 30th, 1891, years nearly 10,000 children from
so that tho remaining 2,387, or 40 per the old country have found helms in
cent., remained outside of asylum this province, and there can be no
care, doubt but that the greater majority
of them have done well.
The report of the institution for
the education of the clear and clumb
covers the year ending September
30th, 1893. The inspector's report
contains interesting )nformation re-
specting the deaf and dumb in Can-
ada. An analysis of 943 cases show-
ed the loss of speech to be congenital
in 308 cases, ancl accidental in 575
eases. Of this total number, divided
according to families, two families
contained live each, and four families trouble and sciatica for the last 15 yea,
contained four • each. The parents end have paid out hundreds of dollars for
.. treatment, but to no effect. Seeing your
Were in 67 cases first cousins, IN11110 pills advertised I thought it was a fake to
catch the poor unfortunate and . took no
particular notice of it. But when I saw
the testimonial of Dr. Rose, a well known
physician of good standing and whose
reputation I am well acquainted with, I
inquired of my druggist if,•there were any
in our vicinity who had been cured by them.
He named over several 'remarkable cures
in Kingston and amongst others a lady
whom I knew. consulted her husband
and. he verified the statement. I at onoe
as rapidly as the population The procured six boxes which I found gave roe
pupils in the Belleville institution at • more boxes and lam nowable to.kick the?.
Thought it Was a Fake
"I would consider it a favor if .you would
allow me to add my testimonial to the
many hundreds you no doubt have in praise
of the wonderful cures effected by your
Dodcl's Kidney Pills.
"I have been a.great sufferer from kidney
in 803 eases there was no blood re-
lation between the parents, The
population of deaf mutes to the pop-
ulation in Canada was 10,5 to every
10,000 people, The foreign popul-
ation, which is one-seventh of the
whole, has one-fourth of the deaf and
dumb. In the other provinces the
deaf and dumb have not increased
relief I had not felt in years. I took six.
last inspection numbered 251, of
Whom 119 were girls, and 113 boys.
t. There was no sickness at that time
ameng the pupils except one case of
• measles of a mild. type. The institu-
tion is reported as being in a satisfactory
sanitary conduction, and the pupils
attentive, anxious to learn, and mak-
ing good progress.' The cost per
pupil for maintenance was. $176.11,
as compared with $160.01 the pre-
vious year.
The twenty-second annual report
'of the Brantford institute for the in-
struction of the blind. for the year
ending September 30th, 1893, con-
tains extensive and carefully com-
piled infoination, which goes to show
that, eompared with the .provinces of
Quebee,"Nova Scotia and New Bruns-
wick, Ontario has less blind persons
per thousand of population than they.
In Ontario the population is 5.8 per
cent. -It is estimated that there is acter. These things cannot possibly
1,228 blind people in the province, of I injure you, unless indeed you take
whom 580 were born in the province. :notice of them, and in combating
The occupationslollowed by the Until them give 'Vier to their truth. • If
are •divided into groups, non-produc-iwhat is said °Paton is true, set your-
tive including children, females in ,self right; if it iValse, let it go for
households, retired, no occupation ' what it will fetch. If* bee sting you,'
given, members of religious orders, would you go to thelityc to destroy
paupers and students numbering it ? It is wisdom to say little regard
2,492; ancl productive, including ing the injuries you have received.
those engaged in agriculture, fishing we are generally losers in the end if`
and mining, 583; those engaged in , we stop to refute all backbiting and
professional services, 53; those engag-Igossiping IVO may hear by the way.
ed iTt domestie and personlil service, ;A is certainly annoying, but not
98; those engaged in trade and trans- ; dangerous, so long as we do not stop
portation 72; and those engaged in , to expostulate. Our characters are
mechanical pursuits, 120; For the formed and are sustained by our -
year just closed there Were in Brant- ,selves, by our own actions and pur-
ford institute 130 pupils, of which 73 poses, and not by others. Let us
were males and 57 females. The always bear in mind that ealumni-
progress made in musical and literary Mors may usually be trusted to time
studies has been marked, while in in- and the slow but steady justice of
dustrial and agricultural pursuits public opinion.
good work has been done.
hat off a man's head with the leg I could
hardly drag along, and my back feels as
strong as kboard.
I would consider I was doing wrong to
you and the public if I were not to allow
my came to appear in testimony of the
worth of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and further,
I will be happy at any time to answer any
one who wishes to write me with regard to
the above. -
• Sincerely yours,
J. H. Bnioxwoou, •
Kingston, Jan. 4th.
Fishery Inspector.
Good Advice.
Pay no attention to slanderes and
gossip -mongers. Xecp straight ahead
and let their backbiting die the death
of neglect. What is the use lying
awake nights brooding over the re-
mark of some false friend, that runs
through your brain like lightning?
What is the use fretting over gossip
that has been set afloat to your dis-
advantage by somemeddlesomebusy-
body who has more time than char-
Don't Put It Off
LICANSEs 51t11 DRUNNENNESS. The. neeessity of Ety,ripg. medicine is ere-
Aeeording to the report on tavern I ilausA thejtest time of
in•and shop licenses, the number issued rItstydeO.Traido" vuoildu, uto
1893 was 4,318, a decrease of 51 , restore the lost; appetite, iga tx:
as ennpared with the precediner yea the entire system, WI the body now ecuP-
... have' , The great popularity attained by Hood's
licenses, while the wholesalers Streartilla, owing to its real merit and it
the very best medicitie to ta e in the spril
derived Wad $664409, AS compared
r „ ,
15 liarly susceptible to benefit tram medteine.
The decrease is chiefly itt the shoi;
increased by four. The total revenue 1 rental able suocese, has es.lilished it hse
It cures scrofula, salt rheum, and a i
_ i ).). • for e p 1 g Y' . humors, tonsnes , yap ps ,
Of this the municipalities received kidney and liver complaints, catarrh, and
$289,996. Drunkenness, whish has162 affections caused ov promoted by Tow
been graduatsly on the decrease, litual:eitlftfhei:ityttfiteaoer irtirgi blgod, Don't
glows alse this year a falling offof 21)10.0r. It'vfili do you good! s 41.8"11
4111''aik;4bil.'nUAL121'hillatikAk* ,;;4. r , '4'
Sba,rp Docaphno,
In the biography of Professor Isaae
Sams, the ttutlior SONS thnt thepro-
fosor )(nod to eneourage his pupils MI
TO imbue them with a proper mikes,
pect,but that lie quickly perceived the
feet whenever any of them beeame
selfeanceited„ and no one could better
take down any superabundance of
egotism thanthe. As illustrating his.
method of ehoeking this propensity,
writer gives an interview between
Mr..flains and himself:
After having enjoyed theadvantages
of thi's academy forseveral veers it was
thought best by my •friend to send
me to college. I had an idea that
going to college was rather a great
thing, and I felt somewhat self im-
portant at the prospect.
OnFridayortheweek before I ex-
pected to leave,' thought' ought to bid
the professorexxxl bye, and at the
same time fehnota 1if1e proud of the
announcement I was bout to make
to him. I thought tit it .would
perhaps rise me in his cstimatiou and
that he' would prophesy scholastic
honor for me, flattering to my soul.
Doubtless.' showed soifiething of this
in my manner as I approached hint
just before the close of school, and
holding out my hand informed hint
that this would probablybe the last day
woukl be under his charge, I wish
to say farewell.
"Ah, last day? Where are you
"To college," I rather pompously
"To college! What aro you going
to- do at college?
This puzzled me a little, ,but I
answered hesitatingly, "To learn,"I
He burst out, Ila!• ha! Going to
learn! Glad to hear it; time to eon -
menu, boy. Ha! ha! ha! he's going to
learn! my dear child, you rejoice my
heart. Here you been for years,
surrounded by all the appliances to a
liberal education, but you have been.
lighted -minded, mercurial,frivolous;
but now I ani happy to know' --
here he whispered as if to himself—
he s going to learn."
1 left him after a few kind words,'
which allayed my mortification some-
what, an humbler if not a wiser
boy.—Youth's Companion.
The Best of All.
R A 1L.BURN'S Cod Liver • Oil Emulsion
•11 Ift • is superior to all other preparations
of .Cod Liver Oil in digetibi1ity, curative
power, and strengthening properties, 50c.
and 61..00 per bottle.
Seed Gram,
The question as to the vltality awl
the germinating power ..of seed grain
is a Inost important one for .farmers,
and associated with this is the relative.
.iVigor of tho young plants after the'
seeds have started, These ,cmalitles.
in, the seed: will necessarily have,
large influence on the crop -
of the coming year. During
1893 there were 680 tests of samples
made at the Experimental Farm,
Ottawa. The fact that in this Berke
of tests samples of wheat leave gone
as low as 28 pecnt. harley 47 lion
cent, and oats 50 per eent„ issunicient
to induce those formers who are,
holding seed of doubtful vitality for
spring sowing to send samples at once
so that they may betested and reported
on or before the time forseeding eom-
memos. These samplesare tested, free .
of charge, and the reports of the results
cnn usuallv. •• • two • ks
from the date of receipt of tile
samples. About one ounce of grain '
18 sufficient for the test, and the '
samples can bo sent from any
part of the Dominion' to the Central
Experimental Farm through the mail
Keeps it Lu the BOESe
Dean Singe -I have used Hagyard's Yellow
Oil with every satisfaction, and always
keep it in the house. It is splendid, for
burns,bruises, cute, etc. ,
ADM JOS5PH DS:LAP/ANT, 6 Regent St.,
The Court of Commons Pleas last
week sustained the . conviction of
Samuel Howorth,druggist, for breach,
of the Medical Act, holding that for a
druggist to sell a •medicine for
symptoms described by a customer
is to practice medicine. It Was held
however, that a druggist can proper-
ly tell .a coustomer a medicine or
which of several he thinks the best,
but cannot legkill,y inquire into the
eustomer's symptoms to ascertain the
nature of the ailment and then indicate
tho remedy. The druggists. are so
annoyed at the decision that tlie.y
propose to carry it to a, •higher court.
Relief in six hours.—Distlfessing. Kid-
lleoyuras"4Bt rtedaisterusth relieved
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
surprise and delight to physicians on ac-
ciount of its exceeding promptness in reliev-
ing pain in the bladder,. kidney's, back and
every part of the urinary passages in male
and female. It relieves retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immediately.
If you want quick relief aid cure this ie
Sold at Chisholm's drug
your remedy.
These 'United States parents have,
been granted; Hot-water generator
for stoves Aleck Saunders, Goderich,
woodcarving machine, Aleck Saunders
and John Story, Goderieh
For Over Fifty Ware
AN seta AND Walk -Titian DEMSDT.—Hre. Win
years &Milieu' Syrup has been useti for over fifty
slow' by tailbone of mothers for their children While
taothhie, with perfect Success. it soothes the child
Harem the gums, allaye all pain, titres wind colle,
and is thebest remedy for Warriors. Is pleasatitto
the taste. Sold by Druggists in may part et the .
Worle, Twenty.tive cents a odic. Its value is
incalculable. Bo sure and, ask for IIrs. tyinslow
Soothing tijrupould take no other kind.
Mr. -.7. IL 11. Molsou, ()f Montreal,
has donated $5,000 to the General
'• '
'then/nett= Cured in dtty.-1Senth
American Rhentnatio Cure o!Rheumatism
and Nenralgia radially cures in 1 to clays.
Its action on the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cease
of the disease immediately disappears. The
' first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
Warttantecl at Chisholm's drug store.
This appointment is announced in
the Ontario Gnzctt William James
Blyth, to be a coroner lvithin
and for the county of Huron.
Oho* your Indlgtati011. With the
Xiug of Cures—X. D. C.
are called upon to chronicle the death
of a former resident of this village in
the person of Isaac Rogerson who:
passed away to the other world on
the 17th of Feb., in the city of Vic-
toria. It will be remembered that 1.
he was a prominent business man
both here and. kit Sunshine for a num-
ber of years. His health gave out
and he tried the PaCifie Coast where :
for a time he seemed. to improve,
but the trouble wee too deep seated '
to be eared, and at last. caused itis •
death. Four. physicians -attended
him tom avail, and recommended'
an operation -which was agreed' to,
and revealed an abeess and ruptive
of the bowel for which nothing could
be done. He MIS a faithful husband
and father and leaves a, widow, three
daughters and one son ,to • mourn his
kes. He was an activemember of
the,Methodist church for many years.
lie was in his 52nd year.
Burdock Blood Bitters
Burdock Blood Bitters,cures dyspepsia,
constipation bad blood, headache, bilious -1
ness, scrofula,'and all diseases of the
stomach, liver and bowels.
The walls' of Paris are about to
disappear, the government having
introduced a bill for the demilition of ,
the mural defences of the capital. ;
No other large city. in Europe is
now surrounded by a wall, and
as the -wall . around Paris mei
civics a space of no less than
12,000,000 quareLyards, or one-eighth
of the. total arca of the captial, the ;
state will derive an immense profit
from its removal and the sale of the.'
ground which it oedupies.
English Spavin Linileut removes all
hard, soft, or calloused Lumps and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring 13one, Sweeny, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Thrbat, Coughs,
eto. Save 650 by use of 'one bottle. IV ar-
rantedat Chilisolm's dreg store.
The fourteenth aneual meeting of
the Bell Telephone Company was
held on Wednesday in Montreal.
The gross revenue for the past year
was $901,174; expenses, $724,791 ;
net revenue, $286,883.; paid up capi-
tal, 0241,600.
An Exonllont itemeny,
Guttrixunx,—We have used Hagyard's
•Pectoral Balsam in our house for over
three years, and and it an excellent remedy
for ell forms of coughs and colds. itt
throat and lung troubles it affords instant
Joux Beane, Columbus, Ont.
11Iessrs Hodgens Iiros. merchants, of
Clinton, ptychased a bankrupt stock
in London last week, •
A serious Complaint,
People make light of Coughs, colds and la
gripne, and often neglect them. This
should not be done. Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup is a sure cure for all these dis-
eases. It soothes and heals the throat And
0.0AINTY FUNDS To WAN. Osusalso k‘sollio
On the aeourity of Otiltivated Perm, Interttet TIMIEL vagAz.
Por cont. psrithitt entai•11,. Anr portion of tke
principal mar be Mudd et 14IV Nolo 00 Wow"'
Wishes Au eapeticed paid by the Comdr. No
person except the County Auditors antwed to see
Mortgages or to know to ninny money is loaned,
Apply to • WM. "IDI.NNii
Gaderiob, Aug. titk p4,' g rset
Tetstroe conentaptIon. coughs, Cronp,So
rer r w___ 10. cic or chest inflows Porous 4:317_ 12,11,7 14.)rao:lori4veltom,
Lame Sid Bit
t. Sold by se Drugghts on a Guarantee. • .!:" hi, "' Mit, f 7:114114*
Plaint Allgive wrest satisfastioee-os canto, ,101•4/2 " '101:03? j:,
If?5,_T,S.Havricits,Chnitanooga • er ',sardine
"eaReit'e Vitctlior • CLAYED §: op. t.
• • .0"
Una@ arrire sail Omer, ••• (Olean' :
agla ...... ire.g.rto ..
300p, ne Par Ite0W1148,
10:40 p, ms v«
CFEZ.A.br3D WiZrE7Z4/7K-
11:20 " •
6:8 In. PalineratontettoelphArento, 4c$:25
11. •44 1110
emeaceetetobeeete7frefortrutereesesten •
/ever 'or
trouble it ex003. Price&5
ver or 1T.idney •
j gives Private Lotakonsin Voct I Training to,. S.taif
5 y ;rani Tunio•Sol•Bit, Notation, opal, for'enetto pivots
HAW, you Catant ? Try. this Remedy. it will; -.onus Ili. o erste..
;tor Concerts or church meetings.
positively relieve and Curt. j Price 50 eta. Apply 10
This Injector for if4 successful treatment -• MILS II. MO WO 'VI'S.
furnished free. Iterz,,rat •er, S tin oles Remedies l'4141.14k 51
ere Mold on a to arev. xlvo sotlefuctlou.
Sheridan's Condition Powder
Strong and Healthy_; prevent: alt _ Diseate.
103g.zige fore zsija sin.apraigeemi, $
I. e. J611145it
ouNeedIt !
fret_ $19
• EMUlsion.
ItWill •
Cu ren atCo ugh,
• Heal Your Lungs,
- Putriesh onYour Bones
Prevent Consumption.
b 're had nteal';11:11-fty yre°ars,
KIM VG; .asi;Lanabonest opinion'. writert03 • 1-03S211 COWAN.
experience in the,patent business. communica-
rtim:nation concerning Pittents and bow'too of b-
tain them sent -free. Also a catalo.gue a meoban- '
iN,'Z'aeillg;sitpaetuthIPPAZiNinen2,4117,g.flieZtt'il "BM OTH Div. CORSA*, Or. 1.trRON,
kcal and scientific books sent free
lesuewooletluy, elegantl y BlustratedP. has by x ar Zile AUCTIONEER',
;lir 00s1 to noilifeItinVednegr.beirtit'stileedd. -,eriee_r..; '
;Zed!' gft li;te.V. oLAVemZigtillTrfld:. the ISSUER OF M.A.R.R,IA.(411 Liows-sBa-. .:
reinigeigs44,9g.vya,ncilmRgT.eroCrttrofb?,a.14 Comtism:mu IN 11. C. J., rrc.
Building Edition. monthly, 8 50 a year Sin 10.
free:VIA withFriIllannts:rtgleignil'integfs rdsdlg; the
MUNN ot CO.. NEW Yolta, 361 13/toAnwAT.
108 R -11;41;114G,
'INCLUDING liookr; l'antrItivts, Poster4. 5111 .
118;4118. 41' eXcented la the beret
style of the art,. et modarata. prices, alid 4)14 gigot
notice. AppIM onadd. ram
11 Iti,t.lorg, • •
TD.His (Slicer
BAN*: • tvie
r P" V ort iky
4 A. s•A A r„,,A 4„ 1
Capital, 61,250,000. Rest, 5650,000.
President—Jong ervnier.
Vice-President—A. knmsnt.
HEM PROM& Gfin• 504011, Wfl Glecox, 61 1', A. T.
Wows, A. B. Lam (Toronto).
Cashier -3. TURNBULL.
Savings Moak -Boars, 10 to 3 ;Saturdays. 10
1. Deposits of 31 and upwards receit ed and intereSt
raStePseoefliainterljeset-Posita also received at current
Drafts on omit Brant), and the United Stated
bought and sold
B. WILSON, Adz sx
0. 4.4 ......i.4001411"Dinerfrre'sSet"
i 015214-, a5r.LEt5:722515Er.
When We assert that
Kidney Pills
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other forms of Kidney
LTroubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who have used them.
By all druggists or mail on receipt of price,
so cents. Jr. L. A. Smith Si.. Co., Toronto.
. Cure SICK HEADACHE and Notiraigka
Iii: Jackson ! See, that message boy
, ,I,120 MINUTES. Tit p Coated To.ligue, Dip!.
Hess, .11riousile.,r Pam m the Side, Lonstipenomt
• ,
Pliilliillg'. TAWS stop him and ask , Torpid river, iitd. Breath, TO Stay curt d and
hint why he does it, just for,fun. All
right. 'Hi, there, boy I What are
you Miming for'? So's 1 kin set
longer when 1 has a mind ter, said
the boy,
X. D. a Pills aot ill donsiutiotioli i
with X. D. C. I
Boils, Pimples7 Macho%) 11
Ulcersl, SOreSp
Scrofula reSkin Diseases.
MB, map. einfertit.
Lregtt.ate.the bowel. Wit' NICIE tAkE. treAn Stase-t was ensured trIth pimples end
small bons and after obtaining no relief front
Pleo's Bernet, 10r Catarrh le the
rest. Easiest to Ilse. and Oustoest.
Sold by droggisto or sent by mail,
lee. It.% Thdeltine.Xrarreu,
&doctor hied different remedies without DUG.
eat until One Sunday 1 wad given I of a home
of Burdock Blood Bitters, by the use Of Which
the sores were gent flying itt about One WOWS
tint°. I wade tip tuy ulna peva to be wit elle
11.11 B. Iii the house, and 1 esu highly resold.
mewl It to all,PUED. CAUTER, 1ianst.13. C.
1 oan otunrer for the truth Ot tbe above.