HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-05-22, Page 4• • fr't sa Usborne & !filbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Established in 1876) .Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Town Dwellings as well as Farm Properties ' AGENTS Ross Hodgert Woodham • 229-6643 Hugh Benninger ; Dublin 345-2001 Clayton Harris Mitchell 348-9051 DIRECTORS AND ADJUSTERS Timothy Toohey Robert Gardiner Clayton Colquhaun Martin Feeney Ray McCurdy William Chaffe RR 3, Lucan , RR 2, Staffa RR 1, St. Marys Dublin RR 1, Kirkton Mitchell HEAD OFFICE — 507 MAIN ST., EXETER Phone 235-0350 All Kinds of EVERGREENS AND SHADE TREES for Spring Planting LANDSCAPING - PLANTING -• Trimming and Spraying Services Available — We Guarantee Every Tree We Sell. SEAFORTH 'NURSERY Gordon Noble -- Phone 5274848 • ARNOLD STINNISSEN LIFE HEALTH and ACCIDENT. Registerpd Retirement Pensions — Income Taic Deductable Registered Retirement Annuities REPRESENItrity — Sun Life Assurance Company Of Canada TELEPHONE; 527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH • lq • HISTORY FAIR WINNERS — Trophies were awarded to students who had the best entries in the school history fair at St.James School last week. Michelle Barry, of St. Columban School left, was first in the primary division with her plasticene models; •- of a pioneer kitchen. Ton Ryan, Kinkora won the ,intermediate trophy for his wooden model of a log cabin and Tanya DeGroot of St.James';'Seaforth was first in, - the intermediate grades for her samples of costumes through the years.(Staff Photo) THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET Base FaCtory Outlet is now the authorized dealer for HUSQVARNA sewing machines for Clinton and district. We are offering special prices for public & high schools. School Board inquiries are invited. Please call• Mr. or Mrs. Jutzi at Base Factory Outlet 482-7700. secimo-Dtsumnitsinre 40 1-jusqvarna • sewing machines never -need oiling Goodbye forever to oil cans and oil spots. Fabrics and oil just don't together. So Husqliarna developed a range of sewing machines that never need oiling. Moreover, they'll enable you to sew any type of fabric with pater results. And make it more fun doingit. You'll find yourself smiling while you're sewing with a Husqvarna. A smile of pride. Try it! 1111SWARNA Li1001111AIS SPECIAL PRICES AVAILABLE. ON ON DEALS MADE THIS WEEK EARL BERSCHT OUR SEWING MACHINE EXPERT " COMES TO BASE FACTORY OUTLET SATURDAY, MAY 24 10 A.M. TO S •P.M. Mr. Earl Berscht, our sewing machine repairman and instructor, will be at our store May 24, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bring in your sewing machine for a check Or repairs. Mr. Berscht has had over 37 years experience and all his work is guaranteed for a full year. • THIS WEEK'S FEATURES WHITE $ SHEETING 2•11 .PER t. B. BEDSPREAD END VARIETY OF COLORS $ 1 60 g PER LB. JUST ARRIVED 100% POLYESTER KNIT ' PATTERNED - '60" WIDTH $4 • 21 PER 12 YD. 100% POLYESTER FINE WEAVE - SEMI-SHEER NO-IRON - FULLY WASHABLE I 1•21 I. PER YARD ODDS AND BOX SPRINGS tillaS • 39" & 54" WIDTHS WHILE THEY $39 9 LAST • +ts .0 • 4.1,,,MeAts STORE HOURS: MONDAY Through FRIDAY 11 AM to 9. PM THURSDAY SATURDAY 9 AM to 6 PM 11 AM to 6 PM° Closed SUNDAYS .HURON COUNTY'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE MEN'S- BOYS' -LADIES''-GIRLS' and BABY'S WEAR YARD GOODS-FURNITURE- MATTRESSES AIN'T SEWING MACHINES-SMALL APPLIANCES-LAMPS LOCATED ON H W Y NO. 4 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA Ik 4 News of McKillop Correspondent Mrs. Ed. Regele Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rock of Mitchell Asked on Sunday even ing with Mrs. Joseph Thornton. Sunday evening visitors with Mr. Fred .Kistner, Erodhagen were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kistner of RR Bornholm and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele. C)'S Miss Marion McCallum and Angie and Mr. Murray Hare of Listowel spent the holiday week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Harold McCallum. Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Ads Boy , home from hospital Correspondent Mrs. Lavern Wolfe Beautiful carnations adorned the altar at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen. Pastor Horst confirmed Ruth Gloor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gloor; Barry Riehl son of Mrs. Kenneth Riehl and the. late Mr. Riehl; Mark Scheuch son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scheuch; Lynda Scherbarth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scherbarth; Cindy Siemon daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Siemon; Barry Siemon,- son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Simon; Kenneth Pushelberg son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pushel- (Continued from Page 3A) volunteers arc an inexpensive source of manpower. "The price is certainly right," said Mrs. Wheeler. "We may not be trained professionals but we have experience in many fields and a good deal of common sense and the seminar had its moments of levity. Medical Director at GPI+, Dr. Michael Conlon, spoke only briefly during -one of the question periods and urged "moderation in all things." He pictured the aging, portly gentleman dressed in the garb of a teenager huffing and p-uffing his way on a jogging course in an effort to keep fit. Dr. Conlon pointed out that while good health is desirable and longer life is certainly possible 'because of modem medicine, a measured amount of ill-health must be expected in life. • He warned that people seem to be looking for "eternal youth" these days. He alluded to the age of instantcy in which we 'live, touching on the ridiculous- berg. Adults confirmed were Brian Fischer, Marie Fischer, Catherine Vock, EvelpHenderson and Sandra Bennewies. The pastor's text was Ephe- sians chapter 6 verse 12. "Do you renounce the devil and all • his works and all his ways?" There are these powers that are des- tructful, he said. The Bible gives the promise that there is one stronger, God's Spirit. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Vaii Vlack and family over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grey, David and Robert • from Kitchener. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ;k demands of people for miracles. "Some aging men expect. the virility of 'a 21 year old," the doctor contended. Some Personal Observations Some things came through loud and clear throughout deliberations-. Number One: though it is widely accepted that mOtiey won't buy good health, it is definitely money that is the top priority where modern health, care ser- vices are concerned. As medical knowledge grows, so grows the medical bill. Science knows hog' to keep people healthier longer, but society can't afford to buy the service. Now that money could buy a great measure of health per capita, the price is too high even for something as basic and vital as glowing health. Number Tw.o Better health may not be what the average citizen wants out of life. He may rather drive too fast and smoke too much - risking injury and death with every breath - than to Lloyd Pushelberg and family at Kenneth's confirmation were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dewaal, Carolyn and Danny. Mr. and Mrs. John Dalsamos and Mary from Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Elliott, tamela; Mr. Larry Pushelberg all from Dublin; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mero, St. Marys. • ,• Baskets of flowers in the church were from the funeral of the late Mrs. Gary Hinz. Our sincere sympathy goes- out to her family. Guests' with Mrs. Kenneth Riehl and Warren at Barry's confirmation were Pastor and Mrs. Horst, Lois and Steven, Mr. and Mrs. . William . Gibb, health modify his life style. Health care professionals may be selling a commodity which isn't as popular with the people as they thought. Health may not be 'a priority item in today's world. Life may not be as worthwhile as it once was. Number Three: if it can be assumed that life isn't as worth- while to people, it may also be assumed that people are search- ing for something that the modern-life style nolonger holds. One of the over-riding concerns of the seminar at GPH last Wednes- day was for the emotional well- being'of people. Everybody was talking about cotaiselling people in the value of life:, of teaching morality where lost morals at destroying homes and human relationships; of fostering aware- ness of self and the preservation of the body. These lessons were once taught by the church and caught from God-fearing parents. Could it be that people are searching for the God society tells ifs is dead? Correspondent Mrs. Gwen Ruston Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bannon and Mrs. Don Moeser of Rostock visited on Sunday with Mr. aid Mrs. Wilfred Maloney. `Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Etue . and Mis.'Roth of Seaforth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Maloney. Fred Eckert . and family of Sheffield spent the weekend with e Mrs. Gertie Kramers, , Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dillon and family of St. Thomas spent the weekend with Mrs. Dillon and Dot. Sister Mary Eckert of Essex spent Sunday with Mike Eckert. Sister Leona Givilin of Tillsonburg spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. Agnes' Mrs. Verna Brooks spent a day visiting friends in Dublin this week. Mrs. jean O'Neal from Fullerton and Chris spent' a kw days with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 12n ctnn Mr. and Mrs. Bill Costello and Catherine and Jamie, from Strati ford, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Vock and Jane and Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Eickmeier and Brenda and Ron Smith, Mrs. Roy Paulis all from Mitchell, Mri John- Vock; Born- holm. Sorry to hear that Mr. Kenneth Ellegsen was rushed to Victoria Hospital on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. borne Wolfe and Douglas Watson were dinner guests at Mr. ' and Mrs. Sam Wolfe, Monkton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Bernie Leader, Petawawa were at the same home. We are pleased to know that ivlrs'MattUel• Beueinian'-and-mir Fred Kistner returned home from Seaforth Community Hospital last Wednesday. Mr. Bradley Ditmer and4fiss Becky Wright visited with Mrs., Mary Ditmer and called at Mr., and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ahrens were at tke same home over the weekend. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Edward Scherbarth Sr. is a patient in , Seaforth Community Hospital. Mrs. Toledo Beuerman, Cambridge is spending a week with her -brother. Mr. Gordon Miller. Miss Lynda Miller, Kitchener spent the weekend at the same home. Mr. RayzBeuernian spent a month with" Ins parents Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman, Many, from the area attended the Prueter and Robinson wedding on Saturday. family from ew Lowell visited Mrs. Dori Costello. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oulette, Donna • and Danny. Also visiting Mrs. Dan Costello over the 'weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Costello and family of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Groshok and daughter Debbie from London. Miss Theresa Ryan of London spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Mary Ryan and her sister Alice. We are pleased to hear that Master Kevin Ansley has Correspondent Vince Lane 'Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dowe, Carolyn and Michael of Windsor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray here over the weekend. Miss Nell Doyle, London with relatives here. " ' - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pensonneault Windsor visited with' Mrs. Jack McIver. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowland ,,and Maureen of Oakville with relatives here. ' Mrs. Jack Moylan visited her returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital, .London. Visiting over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter was Mrs. CarPenter's sister Mrs. patterson and daughter Mrs. Walgos and Paul from London. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brown'have taken residence in their new home on Ann St. Over the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. pete Maloney Sr. were Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Rourke and Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Rourke from Burlington. • Mr. and. Mrs. Andrew Dantzer and boys of London all spent the holidays at their home in Dublin. daughter in St. Thomas. Mrs. Rose Burke visited Mr. and Mrs. Doug Dalrymple, Han- over and accompanied them to Ottawa. ,(Mr. Larry Kale", Waterloo University spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kale. Mrs. Ben Flanagan and girls, Kitchener attended the Ursuline Celebration in Dublin Sunday also called on her parents Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Lane. What's happening in What 99c Will Buy , Lciok Coke Pep si , , 7-UP • 10 Large Size GARBAGE • • BAGS 99e 1 260z. POP 3 /99. plus deposit 3 Loaves White 3 Pair Knee NYLONS 99. High BREAD 99e - These Specials *3.00 ARCHIE'S Open Available with any Gas Purchase at SUNOCO 24 Hours Confirmation held at Brodhagen church St. Columban news FUNK'S -SEED CORN "New this gear G-5048 all No. 1 Seed" GOOD YIELD and • STANDABILITY FREE Spring Delivery' on early orders SPECIAL VOLUME DISCOUNTS Distributed in Huron County by Milton J. Dietz Limited PURINA CHOWS SANITATION PRODUCTS • SEED CORN LAYER CAGES VENTILATION (Wholesale & Retail) • R.R. 4, Seaforth Ontario PitOne 527-0608