The Wingham Times, 1894-03-09, Page 3THE WxNUJLAM TIMES, 'MARCH 04, 1804, Ws Ce T. Ue COLUMN. Grob my wife,a11' disgrace illy Mother, i {acNnuCxaa AX lila W1NoltAlt DIt1NCII,) an' rob my children,, ail make limy- _ sort er brae, cif 1 watt ter ! But, • whatsll the cliferens? Some auorn.in' V' Ft)t Gad and Hume ttnd .mire Land,' there'll be one less soaker at the bar, and 0110 11101.0 drunkard in hell, ale weir call the attention of tics mothers and eietere ww'ilo cares ! to the tact, that the yeinan's Christian Temper. - auica Union meets ever, Alonday at three o'clock Ef you've got anything` ter saLyief sharp, for one hour, tit. Mre. Helm a residence, Pat. , rick street, 411 ladiee are made wolcoaio. you' 'W lilt to ' toll onnybocly lies iL Al the Miter hue kindly given us part at his fool ; dict he loves his beef" better'n space, for our work, we ask friends of the eauso tot Mend items of interest on all moral questlens of the llc lOVOs his mother 1111 his Maker ; day to any of our members. tell it to the man who says lie can drink er let it alone, but don't lot. it , Fathers and bents, alone 1 Tell him ! l3ut's too late fer "1 moat look to the sheep In the told,. ' Me 1. An' no. drunda•d can enter the See the cattle are fed and warm; , kingdom of Heaven ! Thatsh ino , So, Jaok, tell your mother to wrap you Outside, Thatsh niy place, outside, well, 'inong the dogs an' liars, an' whore- , You may go with me over the farm ; i r • 7'houfrh the snow is deep and the mongers, .an' s'loonkeepors ! weather is cold Stty ! save my . boys ! save my You are not n baby at six years old," boy. ! put Out , the saloons an' you Two feet of snow on the hill -side lay, will put out tires •of hell ! I was once But the sky was• as blue as June; worthy of a wglnau s love ! Oh ! And father and' son oame laughing that I could tear the deuton from my home . When dinner was readyat•noou breast ! But give me drink ! give me' Knooking .the snow frotheir weary drink; ! Take my wife ! Take my feet, children ! . take my honor ! take my Rosy and hungry and longing to eat.. life ! but give me drink ! I .ean sleep farmer was so deep," the "Tile snow°t in the gutter, I can be proud of my said,: rags, 1 can do without Moine, Lean' "That. I feared I should scarce get clo without friends, I can do without through," honor, without respect, without. love, Th. pother turned with .a pleasant withot heaven! But give Inc drink ! sln'I : "Then what could a little lad do ?"' Say, leash the devil got you ieeeruit "I trod in my father's steps," said Jaok; ed under his modrit dlinkill' banner "Wlierevor he went, I kept his track." to take Jiro Jones' place when Jim drops out ? Ef he has, luk on. this pictycr an' see yer own fotcrgraff, by -au' -bye. • r Jar Joy Es, The mother looked in the father's face, And a soleink thought was there; Tho words had 'g'ope like a lightning flash r To the seat of iiiiiobler care: ' "If he 'tread in my steps,' then day by • day HOLLOWAY'S VILL5•---Ll general How carefully I Must choose my way 1 debility, nervous tremor, and mental "For the child will do as his father depression, 'these, unrivalled Pills does, • have a marvelous effect. They have And the traok that I leave behind, won the confidence est millions in all If it be firm, and clear and straight,• parts of -the civilized world. Consti- The feet of my son will find ; He will tread in his father's steps, and tutiolts shaken by sensual excesses, or say : by long residence in unwholesome `I a �riY ht, for this was my father's climates, or by sedentary habits, are r Oh 1 fathers. leading in life's hard road,wonderfully renovated by a course of Be sure of -Vie steps you take; this extraordinary medicine, . which, Then the soak you love, when grey- powerful as is its action On the whole haired mer;, • system, is perfectly • harmless to the Will tread in them still for your tenderest frame. The Pills are coln- g sake— posed of rare balsams without the When ray=hairled men to their sone P r will say :' admixture of a grain of any mineral 'We tread in our father's steps to -clay.' whatever, or of any other deleterious 1�I7"1ll E. BARR• substance. They operate directly, powerfully and beneficially upon the A Drunkard's,Soliloquy. , whole mass of blood, nor can we W hereami ? - question the fact when we see indi- Whatami? gestion cured, liver complaint arrest- Whoami ? ed, the oppressed lungs • brought into Itsliiite. I1ne a-holdin' 'up thish. healthful play, and every physical lamp -post, sous't can shine for all. " function renewed and strengthened I'm a moder't drinker. I never by their •agewey. . drink more'n I can get. See? Ime. the father of six ehildren, and the L ST. HELENS. • boss of their mammy. Party boss ! ' A WELL-DESERVED RECOGNITre'x. hain't I? Say, of fellow, ty?f you.had. —On Wednesday evening, list wit., a wife like my gal you'd be rieher•'u immediately after the close of prayer °John Jacob Asked her ; you would.. ineeting, the Presbyterian congrega-, B.ut I ain't er bit -proud; lnothill',set tion of St. Helens' church presented up 'bout ins. 1 don't care for fine—the precentor, R. K. -Miller, with a close, nut kerridges,• nut houses ; 'n beautifully engrossed address with a my faintly hain't stuck up, neither. • purse well filled with gold, also ai Whoantl? I'ni a liar, 1 am. Who gold -headed carne, which is of beauti- says I'm a filar ? I do, sir 1 a bigger fel design, bearing - the inscription, liar'n Ananias and Safiiry. Didn't t' Mr. R, K. Miller, from the St.Tdlens Jim Jones stand up before tln.e' teongregation." The address was Tead preacher and tell Mandy Boyce Chet' by John. C*odbn and the presentation he'd cherish her ? You bet, he slid. •of .purse and cane made by Robert nurrisk her ? Au' lave her ? An' *Murray. In a few well-chosen re-, hasn't he tirade her work day an' Marks IVIr, Miller thanked the emigre - night to keep the children from starv- gation for the beautiful address and in' arm' freesia' ?• And hain't he slid the •presentation of the purse and her hone; aud•:lfor ring, :and her shoes 'Cane, and for the kind' wishes couched for drink? An'. don't the care more in the address. The following is the fer a, drink than he does'fer her life ? address : Hain''t,he turned 'ilei• happiness into To R. K. MILLER ! bitternc!ss,- her hope into ashes; off . It is our desire to -night to' rceog- her homc•.illto a hell? Thatsheki d nizo hi a 'public and permanent way of a liar our. appreciation of' • the services which. An' I'n1 a'thief, I am ! a Of ! 1 you have rendered to our congre ga- endowed my wife with at ink world.- tion .for several years. Since • ;:Tort • ly goods, an' I stole every/one from tcaluo among us you have ever beiell here an' sold'ein for drinlr-al I robbed,' active in. giving every assistance in her of her happiness, I • liebbedlier of', your power. We are especially in - her health; 1 robbffc[ fuer children. debted to you for help in connection of schooling, I rob. +ct. them of' a with .the set• 'ice of praise. By your father's love,. and I,ddobbod them of efferts the choir was organized and. • respcetability antdJ:"I.lonor ! and Imre a trained, and as the leader you Hate thief ! A liar ti nd' a thief 1 Say ! been faithful to yotmr charge even putty 'spec c ,character, ain't I ? I when laboring under great physical liar'n a f! , weakness. In the different depart - An' ne a murderer! Who says so ? Set it dolvu; I tell yer ! • I said so ! When the baby died, ',cause there was no food, nor fire, nor micers- limein the house, say,'who killed the baby ? I'm a murderer, I ant Say, stranger 1 what you think of a noun that'd sell his children's school books, alt' his wife's wcddin' ring, ant' his 'utothor's elothos fer drink? Thatsheklnd of a hair pin I ala 1 I'itt a scoundrel, fr'oin away back 1 An' -Ione a liar! an' a thief ! an' a murderer 1 An' what er you goin' to do about it? tine a, free born Amcriean citizen, an' I've got a vote! lIa 1 I've got a vote ! I kin vote as long or ,ticket as the President of the Thuiod Status! Ant' I oar Ile to the ppreacher, and WEAK, NERVOUSDI$WEAK, NERVOUSADISEASED MEN. Thousands of Tering sad .Middle 404 Nen are annually swept to a vrematurs_rrave trough early indiscretion and later excesses. Self abase a Constitutional Blood Platen! haul ruined and wrecked the lire of many a promieing your man. Have yon our of the following S mptoms• Nervous and Despondent; Tired In Dior No Ambi. tion' Memory Boor; Easily Ifstigiiod; Excitable and irritable• Byes Slues; Pimple on the /'ace• Dreams and Drains at Night; lneetloas; haggard Looking; [Botches; Bore Throat; Hair Locaa; Pains to Body. Sniakea Byer Ltfelees; Laietrueetful and Lack of Buena" and Strength. Oar New Method 2reetmant will build you, up mentally, physiopliy and sexually. Chas. Patterson. 'ReHave ►hatad DRS • KENNEDY 86 IERGAN Done• "At 14 years of ago I learned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and weak, My back troubled me. T could standno exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams. and 'drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Elea - trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Famity•Dootors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me to try pre. Kennedy Sc Kergan. They sant me ono month's treatment and it eared me. I could feel myself gaining every day, Their New Method Treatment curet whet# Corea iu ons m'uth ail eles lane." They hayo cored many of my friends." Dr, Moulton. CURES GU6R9arTEED GA lazy REMD. " Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. I went to Rot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed mo, After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, eto. A medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy & Kergan's New Method Treatment. It oared me, and I have had no symptoms for five years. I am married and happy. As a doctor, t heartily recomoncl it toall who have this terrible disease— Cures o yenis ago, sypMI O," It will eradicate the poison from the blood." Capt moo nd. 15- YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CURED, \, r r Caret omio. Our New Method Treatment never. Eails in car' g Diseases of men. I6 etrengthene a body, stops all drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears the brain, builds p e nervous and sexual systems and restores lost vitality to the body. we Guarantee to Cure Nervous nebtlity, ailing 1Wanhoe3, syphilis, varicocele, 'stricture, Gleet, Um dtural ulscharges, Weak Parts and All Kidney and Bladder asiseases. REMEMBER Drs. Kennedy & Kergan are the leading specialists of America. They guarantee to cure or no pay. Their repu- tation and fifteen years of business are at stake, You run no risk. Write them for an honest opinion, no matter who treated you. It may save yon years of regret and suffering. Charges reasonable. Write for a Question List and Book Free. Consultation Free. "I am 33 years of age, and married. When young I led a gay life., Early indiedrotlons and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became effected and I feayed Bright's disease. Married lit • w s watts - factory and myhome unhappy. I tried every'hing— failed ;ill I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan Theo; New Method built me up mentally, physically and se Ily, I feel and act like a man in ovary respect. Try them." iGr No Names Used Without Written Consent o1 Patient DRS. KENNEDY & 148 t, Mich. w A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND 03FlfiME Those remedies have stood the tali of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Mediaanea Family nes. Purify the blood, rerreet all disorders of the LIVER, ST0244011, MONEYS ANI' 1 to '. l .l ter4 f^invaluable in -all einnpll�alntte*innc^idern^taall to hinnies of all ages. w,./.ZIN1 ..1.,1Y_L.�G'-.t'-:1,.'w is the only reliable remedy for bad lest, sorra, ulcers, and old wounds. I'':lf flltoxeu 7.Ifi, sox;THROATS, 0000118, COLDS, GOUT, RVII0AIATISM, Q1.APUl.Alt S11'kLMNI ti AND AU: SKI 0I8018H8 IT 1188 110 mom.. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 634, Oxford Street, London. and sold by alt Medicine Vendors throughout the world. •z'Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address isnot 1 03 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. you to accept the accompanying. gift more.agreeable than when a hot sad —a cane to remind you of the asso- iron has passed over • them. ' • dation and a purse of money which Belting cloth is a most charming lay be useful in eceur•ing additional material for table hats, runners leans for aiding your recovery to and doilies. They will not be durable health. In name of . your fellow but with proper care, they will last a workers in Christ, reasonable' period, and embroidered • JOHN GORDON', , in white floss they are a thin of RoiT. Mf1RRA.Y. . beauty and joy—not, indeed. forever Hints to Housekeepers. but as long as they do endure. 11 neans For that Bad Cough of yours •10�.iy va•�•Rt�r� �,fafi�f�.15 v n.HGil'YanRECwoMMEo EDr ;. .•AroSni La u. !, r L;mAx- - As a, Preventive and Cure of ail Throat and Lung Diseases... W!NGHAM MARBLE WORKS. 11ie11ts of church work you have always been ready to do your part. We have reason to thank you for the help you gate for two years in the establishing of the present system of collecting the church moneys. Not only for the work you Have done,. but for the willingness, Cheerfulness and cffieiency with which you did it, we feel that we have reason to be grateful. It has pleased God in his providence to send upon you in the past year severe trials and suffering. It is our prayer that God will restore you to your wonted strength and enable you. to take as active a part as formerly in His service on. earth. In token of our high esteem, of our appreciation of your services of our best wishes On your behalf, we ask ' FIRM, MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS.r of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Dir T T tvateon, formerly carried on by W Smyth. Parties requiring work in their line will do well by calling on them or seeing one of their agents belor purchasing. You will find our prices are away down, aur workmanship is unsurpassed, N n will tine non but the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a lioeral share of the nubile patronage. Mr 1' Watson, who has been running the business for the past year, will represet us on the road. Call an I see our stook and prices. Clean piano keys with a soft ra;To mond china or broken earth - dipped in alcohol. . ensure take a very thick solution of Salt fish are tliekest and best gum arabic in water and stir into qit plaster of Paris until the mixture freshened by soaking in sour milk. becomes of the consistency of. cream, Warm milk used .as a, wash at night ' apply with it brush to the. broken makes hard, coarse er rough skin edges of the ware and join together. Soft. In three days time artieile cannot . be Ripe tomatoes.will r'eprov'e ink and broken in time same place. Time otherstaiusfrentwhiteteloth; alsofeom whiteness ofthe cement makes it the lian's. donbly valuable. To heat whiteacegs stif witlltease Babys flannels to rid, them of the thcyshou]d be cold, with;a very sitinll sulphur smell, also to give them their pinch of salt added:. : first shrinkage before they are put on' Cut a ieieee trona the tap of old ikid i the bands, should be put into al shoes and. insert it inside the iron _ 1)115111 and have boiling water poured 1lolcler you. alle goilY", to lllake. over then., :and should be allowed to in it undisturbed .until it is quite cold. Take egg stain :from silver by Then shake, stretch andf'old smoothly rubbing witil a wet rag which has to make them straight and even and been dipped in common table salt. hang them out. Take thf,m in while Add two tablespoonfuls of kerosene still damp, then smooth, and in ;.tilt to the pall of water With which you flour iron with a nearly cold iron. wash grainedor other varnished) fur- -- niture. The Superiority Make boiled staltf h with weak Of Hod's Sarsaparilla is due to'thedre- soa uc15 anode ofrv'liite soapinstead luend'nns wzuount of brain work and 'eon. l stsatit care used iu its preparation. Try of white clear water and you will one hottre ani you will be eouvinoed•e8 its have leo difficulty wlel1 its sticking,. - superiority:. It purifies the blood Mich, time source of health, cures dyspepsia ,.over-. Egg shells are somewhat porous, , comes sick lieads,ches and biliousness. It and like better and 'cheese, absorb is just the medicine for you. unpleasant odors. rI'1ieref010 eggsHope's Pens are purely vegetable, mare. sll0uld be bait in it •sm:eet eloan, 41ool fully prepared from toe best i,';;redients. place. — All floor and whisk: !brooms shadlc1 The loam who tries to take admit - be thoroughly wet in •scalding hot age of the ignorance of another cc - brine before Truing them, It . will casioually gets a Roland for lois effectually prevent the .straw from.. Oliver. A.Boston roan, once 111 Bag - ''breaking. • land, seeing* laborer digging flints .out of thank„ pompously asked Miall VAN STONE BROS, FOR TIThP a :T �,y AL UE ORDERED HATS,. IN CLOTHING, GO TO WEBSTER'S CAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFF 4, &c: Cheap for AS: AT B' V 3J B S 1 1 4 J odern Featherbone Corsets must not be confounded with thgse which, were made five or six years ago_ The Featherbone Corset of to -day-' is as far removed from the .old style, as black is from white, BUY A PAIR AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. LAME BACKs flEURALGIA,PLEURISY,SCIATICA AND RHEUMATISM CURED EVERY TIME "THEN "D.&12: MENTHOL PLASTER lino. HALSTED & SCOTT B .a ± ai s_ Josephine Street W!igham, Ont, i hl e Pleat an thoroughly n a bows J. W. Scour, :� rte, thought they grew. Sure, �r`� mount Force:.. I I.istowol, J. A. Eeosrw, and add a teacup of scold water to it. ;tile reply, I know they do. That Use enough of this to thoroughly linin some flint an table, and ace hoar moisten cofire when making it. Keep put it grows in a year. And you, in a cool place, and waste no more sir, said the laborer, put a potato on 1 egg by drying. the table!, and see flow roach it grows/ Granulated sugar is the purest in a year. brand,eourequehtly the+eheapest. 1)0 or nails and whin 1)ieoasbs. not alae quite so match as of other r1 have been using all. 13. hirers- •one half' limit less fbr a cupful. - 0%1,14101; ui,d akin diseases, and It ' e batter 1lnadc; yeti 1 grallulatecl find it very owla,a to cure. As a dyspepsia sugar retluires longer beating than cure Iva Ivavo ,iiia i it inusivalled. . Montreal, Que. ti'Sllall, 8S the: stngill ja Iot11;er in (ifs- fi3- solving. solving. Hamilton's rote of taxation has been De not wring woolen •underwear struck at lir mils o11 the dollar. through a wringer: Use the hands, , 1p. 0. the quick reliever 'of tn.1 atidslrakehtthoroughly before drying. digestion. When. perfectly dry fold it smoothly, . Z. C. )?i11 to>ue and regulate b d til S< if the odor is of tl n b W EAS tit o nO `alt, 'e to 0 not o . Deposits Reoeived and Interest allowed, Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time,. on euclorsed notes or collateral Security. Sale uotes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada et reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Coi- leoting A000unts and N otee, r aoaita In Cabinda -•-Tito merchants' Bask of Canada -0Mee Bouin--Y'rotn 8 a. In. io i p, m. E, SMITIts Arai " Vz SAFE BRISTOL'S $UG4R-0O4TED W VEGETABLE ... PROMP1