HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-05-01, Page 9Correspondent Mrs. R. Laing Kathy , •Douglas and Bonnie McPhail visited the STelco stell plant in Hamilton last Wednesday with the Grade eleven geography Cass. s. John Jefferson visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patterson, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Finlayson, Staffa, and Mrs. _AgneS" McDougall, at the Bluewater Rest Home in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coleman have arrived home after spending over two months in the * United States, mainly in Florida. Mr. and Mrs.Th omas Gillespie, London, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Laidlaw and family, Dorchester, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. J. Jefferson. Mr. and Mrt.Ronald LeBlanc, ARCHIE ROdiNET wishes to extend a special thanks to the people of Seaforth, who have received him and his family in a' warm friendly atmos- phere. He "extends a very special thanks to his staff for helping make the busiriess a success. • 41801.10 •0010/1IMINIVII. • tii=ti.t=mit=mi • 4111=111110•1011101116 Respect for Life Week May 4th to May 11th The Unborn, The Handicapped, the Aged SPECIAL, EDUCATION PROGRAMME ON CABLE 12 WED., MAY 7 9 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER - DAN MURPHY Q.C. Sponsored by the Goderich Pro Life Group Schneider's. Famous Thiuringer SUMMER SAUSAGE Cooked Cheese KOCH KASE lb!1•25 by the piece $1.05 I 011 An AUTHENTIC OLD111:1Fa1ictLor Blythcou t et At The Railway Tracks Leather & suede garments Leather Gloves & Mitts for all the family Leather Purses & Handbags & Hats Pure Virgin Wool Baskets --all Mohair Throws • Sheepskin Rugs, Socks, Yarn, Toys Etc. Our Specialty - • Deerskin Gloves, Mitts & Moccasins In ass authentic old mill you will find ,the heritage and tradition,of the, Balaton &may. - a unique wool and leather business. Where the Values Are Bainton Limited, Blyth Telephone 52-9666 ,,o 119' 11. Cr /ft Mon. to Thurs. 9 - 6 Sat. - 9 - 6 Fri. - 9 • - 9 Sun. 1 - 6 :Tilt HURON' OPOPT. expressed by letter, hia'regtets oaf Wag present present.•and presented, ORO'S Lim Ted Heimpel, a Canadian flag, a giftf-from the Pominioa Goverryneat. Officers from different clubs Preseated on behalf of •the . district, various" insignia includ- ing theinteruational "Flags of All Natinps",, Gong and Gavel, Pine Box, framed Code `of Ethics and Lions' Charter, Lion, OW Moody, P.D,G. as master of ceremonies, kept the meeting lively and introduced the guest speaker, District Governor Lion Bruce Murray of 'St. Marys. ' He outlined some district Pro- grants, 'and achievements and advised that seven new clubs had been formed in District A9 during the past year. He left with the clubs Challenging to put action behind the International Motto, "We Serve". Lion Larry Cook of Dublin was the Charter night chairman in charge of arrangements. The Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce ladies catered to the large group while the Royalaires provided music for the later dancing pleasure of all. • .f . con t ion A shower was held _for Miss Kathy Scott bride elect of this month to Ron Harris at the home of the groom-to-be's aunt, Mrs. Ken Cook, Clinton. Airs. Shirley Wolfcamp, Mitchell, sister of the groom, Mrs. Don Scott, mother of the bride of Seaforth, Mrs. Grace ' Scott of Cromarty, grandmother of the bride, Mrs. Bob Harris, mother of the groom and Vickie Harris a sister were among those attending. Also attending was Mrs. Bert Harris, Goderich, grandmother of the groom. Trout season opened up suc- cessfully for some men in our community. One trout measured thirty inches and some twenty- four inches. Suckers were also running good, ^' "Seiriething different tokir,a# anyway was seen thir Wee When an airplane was busy spreading fertilizer on the farmers fields in the district. — Hamilton, visited Friday with their 'cou'sins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douglas. Visitors la.st week with Mr. and Mrs.Gordon Scott were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Splane and Miss Anna Scott of London. . Cromarty men's bowling team, Harvey Dow, Yoste Drost, Norman, Wilding, Donald Johns, Elmer Dow, Eldon Allen and Robert Laing defeated the seven o'clock winners in a five-game session,to take the Monday night playoff championship trophy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing and family visited Sunday with • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chessell, Varna. Ontario. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Matt McCreight is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Congratulations are in order for all the St. Patrick's school child- ren who took part in the-Stratford Music Festival and for the number of trophies and ribbons that they won. We should all appreciate what Sister Florence and the teachers at the school are doing for our children. ******** During the gold rush Dawson City, Yukon, had motion picture theatres operating at a time when the projected motion picture was just three years old. In 1899, Dawson City had a telephone service, running water, steam heat and electricity. ******** Whitehorse, the capital city of the Yukon has more than half of the entire population of the territork within its city limits. According to the 1974 census, the population of Whitehorse was approximately .13,000. .0.110••••• Cromarty Bowlers win d machines. Large crow attended the funeral ofL Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kistner Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney (Viola) Fred Kistner on Monday at St. Peter's-Church, Brodhagen, Mrs Mary K Ryan and Alice, Visitors with Mrs. an Castello on the weekend were Monsignor Joseph Feeney, Mrs. Peter. Ore- shok and daughter ,Debbie from London. Mr. George Lannin of Kelly Construction Ltd. has taken over repairing and servicing of silo . unloader and stable cleaners of all makes in jig 'Spare time. We are glad to see Mrs. George Coville of Seaforth Community Hospital. Mrs, Dan O'Rourke Of University Hoapital, 'London have returned to their homes. Mr. Frank Kistner and his. employees have started out this week with his two tile ditching Norman MCKay IS the Presi.. dent of the ,newly ,formed Quplin Lion's Club, fig!! Ferguson is the secretary and` David Brown -the treasurer, -" The Dublin club received its charter recently froni the Mitchell Lions Clut).1,asi Sat orday, about 200 Lions frorikthe area welcothed the. Dublin group into 'their organization at, a dinner ,.and dance at the Mitthell and District Community Centre, - There are, 28 Lions in the new Dublin Club. of Ron Scotchmer, president' of the Mitchell club called the gathering to order, - Past and present zone chair- man, Deputy District Governors, District Governors as well as International Director, Lion Lloyd Edighoffer, were in attendance to 7 encourage the new group. • Civic greetings were expressed IA; Reeve -Boss McPahil • of Hibert TGownship. Lion Hugh Edighoffer, a Mitchell club member, expressed his interest in as well as respect for Lionism and brought greetings from the Legis- lature. Lion Wm. Jarvis, M.P. a Stratford • club member, Correspondent. Mrs. Robert Hulley A large number of interested ball players were signed up to play ball the coming season at the McKillop, Township Shop on Saturday afternoon. Those assist- ing were Gordon Pryce,, Bob Regele, Doug Schoeder, Bob to Campbell and Jim Bosman. There will be a Squirt, Bantam and Midget boys team also a Squir t 'and Pee Wee girls team. There will also be a Ladies Slow-Pitch Team and a Men's Slow-Pitch Team. The canvassing for lights for the Recreation Park went over very successfully so the men reported and they would like to thank everybody who gave so gen0ously. If anybodrWag misd or somebody living out of the 4communii§ ' would 'like 'to donate you can leave your money at the McKillop Township Shop. r. Correspondent Mrs. Gwen Ruston A number from here attended Confirmation at .St. Patrick's Church in Kinkora on Sunday afternoon. Forty-two were 'con- firmed by Auxiliary Bishop Sherlock of . London. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Martin Klinkhamer on the week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hill of Chicago and Mr. Jack Klinkhamer of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid attended the funeral of Donald McKinnon in Brussels on Wednesday. Mr. Jack Doyle of Toronto spent the weekend with his father. Parents, relatives and friends enjoyed a delightful concert put on by the children of St. Colum- ban School last week. The theme was "Down Memory Lane": Grades one and two sang weft- known songs of the Gay 90's. Grade three and four entertained Seaforth 2 Seaforth 2 held their first meeting of the "Garden Club". It started at 7:30 p.m. on 'April 27th, The meeting was held at Mrs. L. O'Rourke's. ,17 ,.,. The, 19Cti.Ogylvas opened with, ,,e19.0* of o cerS•• tonic' 'Olicee. Clara DeVereaux - ' President; Ida Stinnissen - Vice President; Treasurer Judy Dorsey; Press Reporter - Cath McCue. Out of the suggestions for a club name "The Little Green Sprout" was voted in. Each girl then explained how the garden should be kept and the value of the plants grown. The next meeting will be held on May 8th at 4:00 p.m. Joan Sills moved , that the meeting be closed. Patti O'Rourke seconded the motion. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Kistner. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney attended the Thomas, Bannon wedding at . St. Patrlek's R.C. Church in Kinkora on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. MacRae and daughter Jennifer of London' visited on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Mike MacRae. , Mr. and Mrs. Ed.TOzer Sr. and Mr. Ed Tozer Jr. of Davison' Mich. and Miss Theresa Ryan of Wilde& spent the weekend with with songs of the early 1900's. Grade five and six gave songs of 30's and 40's as well as' songs reminiscent of World War IL Grade seven and eight brought us right up to modern music with 'guitar accompaniment by Marian Jordan and Louise Ryan with David O'Rourke on the drums. Little Margaret favoured us with a vocal solo. Piano solos were given by Janice Murray, Joanne Albert, Mary Murray, and Mary Ann McIver. Lively step dancing by Barbara Sloan, Mary Murray and. Carolyn O'Reilly brought the program to a close. Mrs. Jack Moylan visited her daughter Sister Jean, in London on Wednesday. Miss Maureen • Ryan R.N. :daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan left hy,,plan? to spend her holidoxsASKAritish Isles. At . Hie mW-14eeting on Wed- nesday .evening Sister Shirley McAuley spoke on the theme for education week"Learnini•t a Co-operative Community Enter- prise". She said not so much stress is laid on facts now since wv live in a computer age but we must teach the child attitudes and a well-balanced type of education where 'children learn skills and discipline. The President, Mr. Tom Murray thanked Sister after which a delicious lunch was served by• the • ladies of St. Columban. name CoireelmOtleat Mrs. Ed. Regele Relatives and friends Of Mr. Fred Kistner of Brodhagen extend their sympathy in the _passing of his wife Viola. Mr. and Mrs, Mantas Burns of Dublin visited with Mrs. Mary Thornton Monday afternoon and ,evening. Mr. and Mts.Clarence Dennis visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele. -Mrs. Robert Beuttenmiller and Bradley and Mrs.Annie Hoegy of Seaforth and Miss Jo y Hey visited the same home on Sunday afternoon. Miss Joy Hey attended a bridal shower Saturday evening for Miss . Joan Hopper held at the home of Mrs.Winston Powell. • Euchre Ladies' Lone Hand - Mary Anne McNichol; Men's Lone Hand - Boyd Driscol; Ladies' Low - Betty Beuermann; Men's. Low - Denis Beuermann. Last game of the year! Winthrop_ - t. Canvass for ball • park lights success St. Columban at concert It's Our - Merry Month of May Sale on Crepes, Crimps, Knits, Blinds, Broadcloth, Flannelette, Ginghams, etc. Come see! Come Save! B. J. FABRICS, Blyth, Ont. 523-9675 COCA-COLA No Limit Offer For Dishes ROSE LOTION VEL C 12 oz. btl 15 Limit of 1 with each $10." purchase White Sliced BREAD 3/99e TOMATOES Lb. 35 4 LETTUCE Head 39' 3 lb. Bag MAC. APPLES 69 c ..• 19. 4. 0!fsiTql 'Th/S .sharp little r 2 door Wagon' ; 'finished'..;Bright • •:contrasting Bleck , equipped. with 4 •cylinderOngine • ' 001011M119:1renemiesien;OUltOM radio. • • and many 'Other OPPORC;` • • • driven mid malnieln. • • previous owner#.:1-10,10INN 631. • WEST END'S LOW PRICE. •‘••• • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • . , : :1973 mAvERicic Fastback cceupii. This is 0 top of the. line Mix101 . 10; io 3quioped with a 6 Cylinder engine • • • • • , Automatic Transmission, radio arid a - . , • - • • has been driven only 17,000 milee. • Lic. # DHIJ,713. ' , • • •, • • • . , • : E WEST END'S LOW PRICE $2895 : . • a • MITCHELL •••••••••••••••••••••• 00000 • •e•ro ••• we.. 4 ..!• WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR Plus. Deposit 3 Qts. MILK Homo I 2% Bag DOUG'S GENERAL STORE BRODUA6 345,28 1.50 1.45 •1 • • • • • Winners at the last euchre that • WEST END GARAGE •. • • • was held at Family Paradise were • as follows: Ladies High - Mrs. • • Brown; Men's High - Mel Jacklin; • $110P & SAVE WHY PAY MORE ! DRIVE A LITTLE & SAVE A LOT AT BROMIAGEN It's "The Real Thing" Case of 11,2 26 oz. btls. EVNRY DAY LOW, LOW PRICES OPEN 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Mon. to Fri. !? to 6 Sot.