The Wingham Times, 1894-03-02, Page 7atole stopped
olate colored,.
blue. Half a.
oor. A, great
Ind story was-
ight of steps
eptly 1ai(Z hip,
nustn't think
You mustn't,
fumy, and I
a frank some-
n't be angry?"
if I can't ac -
a you mustn't
'to tell mo not
wowing away
aimless laugh
alert, serious
do who reviles
.ost the power
rung. I reason
horribly clear
eve becomes a
'ee. Youhope,
led haze. Now
1c1 respect for
hate to try
s a;, beautiful
More irretriev-
ttllf 'pedes of
careful; o#, be
brilliant stmt.
trig ' liko,a me -
0 remembered
;loriousl', keep
vo done now.
]vel gray, hung
with the last of
11[y blood .is
)ttr," said Dela-
as they paused
square. "I've
I assist my own
potual dressing
.)e in this gray
to feel the pulse
be on the stage
,w, supposo,you
a, with a hazy
;er's advice.
a'ad wavering.
spinning round
the square were
r go home, Mit
t used to wine, •
rget my address,
ir pocket—there.
-e a smoke in my
lace as Glendon -
ielsea square, the
ring as if mad.
lis own unsteady
rounding silence
Tolle ge buildings,
s, frowned upon
, haze, trembling
L the street only
In his way to the
bewildered, hazy
etween that hour
rile a rent in his
w cleft in a riven
:i his tired oyes.
n his chest. The
room unseen and .
lit the mealry of
e Grip
Vo Ambition
a Cave Perfoct
from a well-known
1rgo, N. sl.:
1, Mass.:
id to say that hood's
"Ills have Clone No a
severe attack of
1. atter fretting over the
User strength, and had
dapnrIlla proved
le remain were very
tacntl this lttetiielne to
rireunlatisnl or outer
0113 tra,OZ
MIA tete
an 'Mid rear laeoil. 1
isparltla'in my house '
,Serle. -We also keep
blink highly of tiMolrt.
,roc, NevetiriniteYniek.
treljr'vAeGlbte }iiia dd
8oktby xtt
WREN THE WHIEIT; `" j o ►s,
Ton won't lied no man foul t• tlluoh
tt ' Of waste sweet than inn.
The hummin' of the buttortly,
.An't.f the bnlnblo bee;
The laughter of young children,
Theshout of schoolboy gay,
Is iniisio sweat; each'ncl(lgb to chase
The bliicltest mire away..
But there ain't no kind of rnusio
Quicker eiin my ear unlock
Than the music: of tee whittle
When it blows tat six o'ciouk.
.1love to hear the musics of
The organ in the churoh;
9.n'the robin singing sweetly,
On his swayin' hazel perch;
An' the babble of the brooklet
As it ripples 'racing the trees;
'The sweet angelic whispers
Of the even' scented breeze;
yBut, gosht there ain't no musio
Gives my ear a sweeter shook
Than the musics of the whistle
When it blows at six o'clock.
Oh, I tell yon, when a man is
Nigh to three score years and ten;
An' he's kept his shovel morin'
All the day'gainst younger men;
When his poor old back is breaking,
An' his head a whirlin' goes;
An' he feels his heart a-goin'
Downward, downward to his toes,
ey*There's no sweeter kind of music
In all Mother Nature's stock,
'Than the musics of the whistle
When it blows at six o'clock.
'Nx tracts From Mr. Mowat's Speech
at Whitby.
Mr. Sandficld Macdonald's Govern-
ment was in power when the British
'Nortel. America Act' was passed. By
• the provisions of the act the provinces
sof Ontario and Quebec were to pay
,each a share ofthe debt of the old pro-
• vine, which was in excess of that as-
sumed by the Dominion. To pay On-
tario' s share thcGovernliientkept unex-
vended as much money as possible.
The stun amounted to $3,500,000,
n,ncl it has been falsely said that it was
the intention of Mr. Macdonald to keep
the accumulated money untouched and
• to use the -interest only, and that the
Reform party have erred in using it
K for public purposes.
Mr. Macdonald's own words 111 the
Houde are a sufficient denial of this.
He Himself appropriated $1,500,000
out of the funds for the aid of railways.
The sum was not paid until after= the
"change of Government when its was
' .augmented by father appropriations
so that up to the end of 1803 the Pro-
vince has paid out in cash for railway
aid nearly $6,000,000. The pone, . t• he Macdonald's Governmentw,a car-
ricd out to the letter 'but .anidgreater
scale. %r
The• assets„,,s�tit1lr •roffiaining to the
- Province rdnsist of the following
particulars, said Sir Oliver:
(1) Standing timber on some 1'70,-
000 square miles. of territory. (2) Un-
sold Crown lands, including fisheries
• ancl 'nines of gold, silver, copper,
nickel,. eto. (3) Unpaid purchase
moneys on Crown lands heretofore sold
and not yetpatented. (4) A perpetual
annuity or subsidy of about $1,200,-
4.74 000 ($1,196,882),to which the Province
is entitled from the Dominion under
the B. N. A. Act, and which is payable
every half year. Also a- further an-
nual .sum of $142,000 payable in like
manner under Dominion acts passed
18713 and 1884. The speaker went
exhaustively into an explanation of
each asset, and then had this to say
of•the liabilities. °
The only liabilities on the 31st De-
• camber, 1802, were (1) some small
sums mentioned by the Treasurer in
his statement presently payable
amounting in all to $19,099 and (2)
some outstanding railway certificates
and some annuity to meet railway
. obligations,andpaya.ble in future years
without interest. It has not been the
enstom of either the Dominion or the
Province to reckon spell annuities as
debets to be taken into account in
reckoning up the debts of the country.
If we should reckon them as ordi-
nary debts,the amount to be set (tont.
for them -on business principles is
their present value, no their face
amount, as they are not presently
payable, and do not bear interest be-
fore becoming clue. It is obvious that
specific sums payable without interest
in fnturo years are not of . the sante
vahtct as the same sums would be if
payable immediately and if payable
without interest being from the pres-
ent time.
When we take into account, how-
ever, as I have been doing, the whole
Of the .
to itCi
tl assets, the amount of
these assets is so largo' that it is of lit-
tle moment for any practical purpose
. • Whether wo eount the railway obliga-
tions according to their face amount
and as if pre ntly payable, or snake a
deduction in order to take into the ae-
' cottnt what is their present *Vatic only,
The gross amount ofthe railroad annu-
ities and certifl etas is $8,096,998, and
' the present value, according to recog-
nized rules ofcalculation, is 44,500,000
WAS or ,$2,836,108. Adding the p19, -
099 presently payable, the liabilities
ilr one case would be Galled $2,885,-
207, and tho other case 3,9.16,097.
'The surplus of assets would amount
in tie tonne' case, t0$53,896,198, and
in the latter ease , to 52,247,308.
These balances are arrived at, you will
have seen, by making up the account
of our surplus, not in any fitneifiii
way but 88 it would be made up by
a carrot, cautious and certainly not
oversanguine proprietor for liis own
information or that of others,
In 'View of the facts which I have
mentioned to you this evening, the
people of Ontario, and especially of
the Liberals of Ontario may well
congratulate themselves on what the
careful administration of provincial
affairs has accomplished for the Pro-
vince since Confederation, and on the
noble provisions also which still re-
mains for the future, if the Govern-
ments of that future shall be prudent.
and correct in their dealing with
the assets of the province as the.
Government of Ontario have been in
the past. ,
How others than Reformers may he
expected to act if they should obtain
power it is reasonable to judge from
what they bav,: done and are doing in
Dominion affairs, where they have so
long had power. Don't trust them,
men of South Ontarto, with Provincial
pgwer of likewise. Trustratherthose
whose fidelity Inas been proved by 23
years of (I venture to say) good Gov-
esment and prudent administration. I
Mrs. J. Oliver's Case.
Brockvillo,Teb. 26. -Anyone who assert-
ed a 3 ear ago' that Bright's disease was
capable of a cure world have been written
down as fit only for a lunatic asylum. But
it has been connlusivelyproved that Dodd's
Kidney Pills are a cure for this disease,
that was so long looked upon as fatal. Mrs.
J. Oliver, of Phillipsville, near nere,.is one,
oft the living witnesses who can testiff,,�� to
this fact. She suffered from cliseaspd"kid-
neys for ten years, and Brig 1' disease
had developed when, she hen of and used
Dodd's Kidney
w restored
her to perfect iealtl..ji o its have
tiled by a Check.
At t Aaloon in Paris • some years
0, -the Sieur d' Ainlorie was one of
group to whole he was imparting
an account of his pedigree, which he
claimed was derived. from the%
Pharaohs of Egypt. Just then the
late Baron, de Rothschild approached
the group, and one of its members
called out : ` •
Baron, come and let me make you
acquainted with the Sieur d' Aimerie.
He comes of Pharaonic stock, and you
ought to know each other.
Yes, said the Baron,bowing gravely
and addressing d'Aimerie, I believe
our families had some transactions in
times past.
. Yes, rejoiced d'Aisnerio, we have a
record that you people when leaving
the country borrowed a considerable
amount of jewelry of my people, for
which I would now like to be repaid
with interest..
I remember the transaction, said.
Rothchild, but the account was settled
at due date. Your father received a
check on the Banks of the Recl Sea.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft, or calloused Lumps and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stifles,
Sprains,Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save $60 by use of ono bottle. War-
rantedat Chihsolm's drug store.
Philip Armour, the richest man in
Chicago, has a hundred dollars placed
on his desk every horning, which be
distributes in charity in course of the
day. His bill for luncheon often
reaches the modest sunt of 40 cents,
while some of his clerks spend nearly
a dollar. But then they don't have
to drop a hundred dollars a day in
charity. An interviewer asked lhbn
to say in the fewest posible words how
he had accomplished so much, and
got this: "By keeping my mouth
They Make Life Successful.--
It is easier to face a cannon than to
carry about with you day after day,
a sick headache, a wretched bilious-
ness, a torturing neuralgic pang.
Men and women go down before •
What is
A w� , e
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other- Narcotic substance. it is a. harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 011.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria .prevents vomiting Sour Curd,"
cures IDiarrheoa and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
toothing troubles, °tiros constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach:
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casa
tori:' is the Children's Panace az—the Mother's Friend.
"Criteria is, n e.ccllcnt medicine for chil-
dren. : _ot!1ers h:tvo repeatedly told aro of its
good o.icct upon their children."
Dn. 0-, C.: OSGOOD,
Lowell, Bass.
+` Castoria is the beat remedy for children or
whichIa::t acquainted. I hope tho clay is not
fur distant when rnot;tors will consider tho real
interest of their children, and use Castoria in-
stead of rho variousquack nostrums which aro
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
thein to premature graves."
Da. J. F. Etacurx.os,
Coaway, Ar
"Castorla fa so well adapted to children thaw
I recommend it as superior toauy prescript1on
known tc mc,"
II. A. Ancon, M. D.,
111 Co. Oxford at., L'rookiyn, N, Y.
"Our physicians in thochildren's depart-
ment have spoken highly of their experi-
ence In their outside practice Irit h Castoria,
and although wo only have amour; et•r
medical supplies what Is known as ref;w-r
products, yet Wo rro, free to confess that fru
merits of easterly, has won us to look with
favor upon it."
A:-L1IR C. Ssrrn,
T►_o Ceatc.-ar Com ±,r ty, Ti 8Eurray Street, Now York City.
:x" d.r a., :1 . ..�nSSflJk'S� 7 RS1t¢"6k R , :7! 4:11 ..W.V.•.rifse-St: r ttNeefal,; .•ia2;eeve t:W
A Bare for Abscesses, Piles, Fistula,
lid Sores of every description.—The
very satisfactory results arising from
the Ilse of this invaluable Ointment,
when the patients have been suffer-
ing from any of the above disorders,
have induced the Medical Profession
to introduce it into the hospitals and
their private practice, and in many
instances where the suffer Was con-
sidered incurable, Holloway's Oint-
ment, in conjunction with his Pills,
healed the most desperate cases.
They are also unequalled for the cure
of scrofula, scurvy, and all diseases
of the skin,, and the cures they effect
afire not temporary or imperfect, for
y their purifying powers then bring
about a ma. rvellons and most bene-
ficial change in the whole `system,
and enable it, with renovated powers,
to resist the approach of all future
attacks of the same disease. r.
For Over Fifty Years !;.
AY seta AND Wsw,.Tnisn Rsitanr..-Mrs. Win
years $ .othinti<Syrup itas been used for rover lift),
slow' by millions of mothers for their ehi;ul•en while
teething, with perfect success. It Booth the child
setfmts the runts, allays all pain, cures wind colt,',
and is thebest remedy for Diarrb.aa. Is pleasant to
the taste. Soli by Druggists- in n ery Is,
of the
Work. Twenty.five cents a nettle. Ii', vidue is
incalculable. Be sure and ask for Iirn.4 Winslow s
loethieg syrup, and -take no other Oiad
At the time of the flood, where did
Noah keep the bees ? In the Ark -
hives (archives).
For Coils and Shin Diseases.
DEAR SIBS, -I have been using B. 13.
B. for boils and skin disease[;, and I
find it very good as a cure. Asn dyspepsia
cure I have found it unequalled.
Mns SARAH HAMILTON', Montreal, Que.
A man never realizes how much of
a conjunction. "but" is until. he comes
in contact- with an enterprising goat.
Keeps it in tho House
Dean Snis,-I have used Hagyard's'Yelloxv
Oil with every satisfaction, and always 1
keep it in the house. I1 is splendid., for ,
buena bruises outs etc
Mns. Josern D1sLAPI,ANT, 6 Regent St.,
Why does an old maid -never play
the violin ? Slte doesn't know how to
eatcli the bow (beau)..
Burdook Blood hitters.
Burdock Blood Bitters canoe dyspepsia,
constipation, bad blood, headache, bilious-
ness, scrofula, and all diseases of the
stomach, liver and bowels.
is )
n;sn2 .alar fact that the blit
these things who 1)rave the great It is ` „ c Int •
t t ti •t tt
fTii t1`orl of life. Stark's PowdersMian is lip' o makt- e le moi) cutting
cure these affections and help maks remark'''.
life suceessful. By removing pain Matarin. is ono of the most insidious of
health destroyers. /food's Sarsaparillathey put hope in the heart, they
put counteracts its deadly poison and builds up
brightness in the eye, and elasticity I the system
lie is al- tayor Planing, of Toronto,
in the step. When one has a clear
head and a sound stovule h,
ways. ready, in: the battle of life, to c'y, a stria r againstitlle� Canadian
give tl, Roland for an Oliver. Stark's , Citizen for .,,),000 for alleged libel.
Powders are the 'secret of success. I For nervous headache ttso IL D.
`25 cants a box.
No Room to Explain.
The tramp with a new gag ap-
proached the, luau with money in. his
Please sir, he said, will you give
Malnneniosie something to -day?
Who's Jia.luncanosic ? asked the
gentleman, somewhat puzzled.
It's Indian, sir, for Mahh-not-afraid-
That's all right, but I never heard
111.ahnielhlosic before. .
The tramp assumed a look- of
What ! lie exclaimed, never heard
of Mahniemosic?
No, never diel.
Diel you ever hear of Abraham
Lincoln ?
Lincoln ! Lincoln ! queried the
gentleman, catching a cue. Wino's
The tramp ignored the question.
Perhaps you've heard of General
Grant ?
Can't say I ever did.
You've certainly heard of Wash-
ington !
Washington ! Washington ! and
the gentleman rubbed his chin
thoughtfully. Let 111C. sec ; what
was his first ]lame?
George, sir—George 'Washington.
No, I never heard of hint. Who
was he ?
The tramp took a long look at his
proposed benefactor.
Well, he said, he was a gentleman
who never done what you are dein'
now in great shape, and the tramp
bad the gentleman in a thole he
couldn't get out of without paying a
dime and cutting short further ex-
Tho Boat of All.
/�,�Ll3URN'S Cod Liver Oil Emulsion
K'1 is superior to all other preparations
of bard Liver Oil in digestibility, curative
power, mid strengthening properties, 60c.
and $1.00 per bottle.
The succession duty on the will of
the late Mr, Pinney, Ottawa, which
goes to the Ontario Government
amounts to almost $17,000. Stanjlps
to the value of $504 were requited,
for the probating of the will.
Rheumatism) Cured its It day.'--i4outh
American. Bbenlnatit, Cure of Rheumatisni
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to li clays
Its action ou the *velem is r;imna•katbls and
!Mysterious. It removes at once the cause
of the clieetlaeimmediately dilappetirs. The
first close f;reatiy benefits. 75 conte.
Warranted at Chishrdlll's drug store.
It is a1['fill to 50(1'80nlil people try
to laugh when they, aro not ilnius.'tl,
Wily is fierce thunderstorm like all.
onion? Because it is a peal on peal.
Itch on 1lunfall and horses awl rttl ani•
mals cured iu 50 minutes by Waolfores'q
Sanitary Lotion. These never fails. War -
nutted at Chisholm'* drugstore.
If fal:en in time it will cure most severe eases
of Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, or chronic irritation
cf Throat or Lungs.
aheav ddoctors .
YOU SAVE muchfdiscomfortbill.
Sheridan's Condition Powder
Strong and Healthy Prevents all Disease,
Itis absolutely pure. Highly eofecntruted, Inquail.
tity soots tenth of a vent u day. Nq other kindle lik° 11.
Sample for20eta instempt five pack, $l, Largo 21.4lb.
can, by mail. 5130. Six tavgecans, 85, exprese,prepaid,
1. S. JOHNSON & CO,.SttCustotn Rouse St, Boston, 3to
(.'r 4.44;'
LLEe' II y
2.r✓', ,i,„:,
!''3; Et; :\ „ 1, I
' ,r 1C' ii f YA t•
.r .....-44r$110: In using n will Stvr relief•
, even
• . it t.n.; standing. where •a sure scam;,
• .ix•ti.:'e « tai a4• seemed hardly worth living
1. ,'.2e.�,5e,WOc,or$J,OO
prOm__pplt answer and an b000t! PATENT
00 write to
11I UN d(: CO., who have bad neatlytlftyyearV
experience is the patent business. CCommuntca-
ttons strictly confidential. A III andboolc of in-
formation concerning Patents and bow to ob-
tain thorn sent free. Atao n catalogue of mechan-
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken throtrFh Diann & Co !
special notice in the Scientific A to ericttnnCeand
thus are brought widely before the publiowith-
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantlyillustrated. has by far the
largest circulation of any eciepntldc work in the
world. hdinc Edition. monthly, 52.20 a year Single
Copies, t2 Cents. Every number contains beau.tiful plates, in colors, and ppbttographs of now
houses. wtth plans, enabIlup builders to show the
1atMIJEN a Co. New ]ocitlr,reic iluoAle gar.
When we assert that
Kidney Pilin
lAli/L+CJO/�l0,'�. aqutJ`idt{y�R,R/1til�
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Bis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are packed
by the testimony; of all
who have usedpthem.
`aft' By all druzgists or mail on receipt of price,
cl so cants. 1)r. L. A. Smith St Co., Toronto.
Relief in six hours.—Distressing Kid -1
Ivey and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Kid- 1
They Cure." This great remedy is a great'
surprise and delight to physicians on iso -
count of its exceeding promptness in reliev-
ing pain it the bladder, kidneys, back find
,every part or the urinary passages in male
and female. It relieves retention of water
is in it slate un !
'u in passing at in dl t
and )tit t, a l .
1 r g y
If you want quick relief and cure this is
yon' remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug
Joseph Pearson, a corporation fore -
Man ill IIasltilton, died suddenly
Tuesday night.
The, Toronto city solicitorship is
awarded to the I3eatty Colnpany as
$15,000 a year.
Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
also Coated Tongue tho Di2tr-
nets. Rilionsnet, p4ha in o Side, Constipation
Torpid Liver Bad Dream Matey cured and
regulate the inoweis. VERY Most TO TAKE.
PRICE 26 CENTSATboup 5rokes
s 0_
eat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. tele
in time. Sold h3" drag lets
Canadian Paellika
TIME 7r4,I LI:.
Trains actin, end lgpurr i3vs.of:
4xAriso ' aiNvixao- ,
5:as a" i,
tri.' ... .For Totcnttt.. °.,,.. fiats a
1:at.4 p. m .. .r, 1.455 p.
2:51/P4 rn...,..,...., ForTeeswalrr..., ...,2:hr. to '1
i0:413 p. nt r,. 70:40 ..
c -i ..& (...-171Z) TT'v'U ,'L\T'IC Err
- --TIME TA44a. ^-
ANrilrr, Aw wI tr lIAt. ' hxAYlt 1:1:104,11.A:
s:R5 a n), Paht1erston.Ouolph,'faronto 11c.sp.
iI 3a •' 11
10 4F, p n4 , tr 4• r•
a:f4 e. ter. •" Dtixrd ter JSiiteattiin' 11 31 1i
13:37 p. in. tor ltlnerelnc 3;1Tp. et
11.02 " �' * 1007 p. ra
11:00 a, m. Leaden, Clinton, ka, 3 40 "
S:14p, nt, ," +. ,
AIt Iitutien whi"i'p none brit boarders
pd; has been ru.,uiug about 16
are ado
Employs very Efficient Staff
of Teachers.
enibreeinr a full anter yearly, including
all the 1.nelit.h hra,tebe $riel,Cea, Fretlntt
u.lid German, Clual.ies. 14u.ip, Drawing,
Crayon Portrait, Oil Psis' the, Urnall.etltttl
bra itches, with Vocal ati Elocution, 1tt
elat.res, at remarkably low 1 tea.
Thin Institution ars we a .dente from.
Toronto, 'Montreal, Ottawa al the towers
and cities from Canada, as ss 11 tot from
New York, Chicago and other .'ties froth
the United ttates.
For particulars addreep,
MIS'3 D. A. HU1.tD, Secret/1,r>
Oi awa.
gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in State
and Tonic -Sol -Fa Notation. Open for entrngeurents
for Concerts or Church meetings. Terns .moderate.
I Apply a
AIRS. u. monneirs,
PhariekSt u'innism
TNCLUDI3G Rooks, Pamphlets, Posters., Bill
99 Bends, Circulars, ta„ &c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short
notice. Apply or address
Tlllas OlRce,: Winghtrm.
Capital, 4)1,250,000, hest, $650,00Q.
President--JMMMS S.Tt'ANr
Vice•Prestdottt-A. G. IlaMBAY.'
lens Paean's, Gan. Swett, %Vii GIBSON, 21 P, A. T.
Weep, A. 13. Lots (Toronto),
Cashier -J. TU NBULL.
Savings Bank -Hours, 15 to i ; Saturdays,. 10
1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of interest,
Drafts on tafeat Brttaitt and the United. States
bought and sold!
be to intimate to his numerous ous-
ers mid others that he intends
n vine to the etata dlately used
s a boot trod '%are move
Two Do t "s North of Post Officer
where LVi be found a large stock of
kusical ' struments,
Sew • g Machines,
Washing X , chines
an. Wringers,
with all needed r •airs.
AlsoAlline of
afull a
,fora will be oiseed on Saturday, , T
3. B. Ct1tItilI CIS
• «'rt:;inun, Tuly 286It,'03. Gni.