The Wingham Times, 1894-03-02, Page 510,
County S. S. Association.
The twenty-second annual meeting
of tho Baron Sabbath School. Associa-
tion commenced its .session in the •
Presbyterian chureh, Clinton„ an
Tuesday afternoon oflastweek. In the
absence of President, Mayor Holmes,
of Clinton, occupied the chair,
The first tropics "Some marks of a
good teaeheis"avaaintroduced by Mr.L.
Stevens,. Clinton. The teacher untet
be a Christian out inthe world as
veii ns in the Sabbath School, lie
should nover ask the scholars to
abstain from anything that lie would
not himself abstain fret% Only
converted peraons should be teachers.
Be interested in the .scholars. He
must be a .thorough Bible student; a
persons of faith and prayer, realizing
the great commission of the liaster,to
lead the children to Christ. AU good
teachers 'should be found in the week
night services of the elmroii. Be
earnest; the thue is short, the oppor-
tunity to influence the scholar will soon
pass away, work and work earnestly
while it is called to -clay.
"Conference 'on Difficulties and
Discouragements and how to overcome
them" was taken charge of by Mr. W.
M. Gray of Seaforth. The conference
took the form of questions by members
of the convention, which Mr. Gray
"Fraternity in Sunday school
work," was introduced by Mr. J. S.
McKinnon, Myth. There must be A
fraternal feeling in the school between
the Superintendent and teacher, be-
tween the scholar and teacher, more
than fraternal feeling—love. Thein
shoukl be a fraternal feeling between
the Superintendent and teachers and
parents. One of the best means to
promote fraternity in S. S. work is to
use the International S. S. lessons, by
having local organizations from the
different churches, making use of the
Normal, Class. The County conven-
tion has :also done a great deal of good
in promOting good feeling attiong the
teachers in the different S. S.
large scholars would naturally be the Lord; ho loved God's word and
retained in. the school, and would hi.s house. .
thus be the lawlus for the advanced WEIMESDAY EVI:NING.
01111iS, Tile way to • teach a 13ible '-
class—or any oiam_is never to ' Tim evening session was opened
with a service of praise and prayer,
preach to them; preaching is one
thing, teaching another ; take up the after which the retiring President
lesson in a carefully prepared wan, introclue,ed the President elect, Mr.
Jas. Scott, who, after a fhw intro.
ner, ask questions,and you thus make
an impression that is not lost. Speak (ilictory 1 lulu s, ea cc on es . W.
illiterate, may be able to ala.S1) tin
meauing. Keeir all the selio'lai':s in-'
so that every pupil, even though
ts=rested, and deal confine' your , li, Dutt,'Oeutrallagas the first speaker;
subject, "the great model teacher."
Min it3 a, copyist and imitator of
others, the child looks to the parents,
• ,t,•••',
questions to one person ; teach simul- • th° SCIMI" to the teacher for an ex-
ample ; all have Whigs, but the
taneously. Get from the class an Great teacher is a perfect example
idea of what they know. It does not
matter whether the teacher whom we can safely imitate. Christ
lady or gentinout, so long 1 t ev
was a is a great example of sympathy, the ,
had the tact, love and ability, they ;
-16 ll - I world to -day is longing for sympathy, I
place. I has wonderful: influence on all arms&
the man or woman full of sympathy
were the right persons in the right
The Nominating Committee then ' Christ was a perfect example in his
nominated the following astheoffiners !earnestness; all who ea.= in contact
for the ensuing year: Pros., lir. Ja I with him felt his influence. Christ
Scott, Clinton; Vice Presidents, - .s' i was a powerful teacher. He always
Davidson, Goderich; Rev. J. IS, II.Menr:.', had a suitable. word for every ocea-
derson, Hensall; Rey. L. W. Diehl, !sion spoken lit the right time and in
Clinton; W. H. Kerr, Brussels; Dr. the 1.104 place. He was a moral
Towles, Whigham. Laecu a 0 1 teacher, in all His teaching's He en-
mittee—Horace Foster, G-'eo.4S.S°Vall°0mw", cleavored to show to man hisrclations
to God and his fellow man. His
R. Holmes, Clinton; J. S. McKinnon,
Blyth ; W. M. Gray, Seaforth ; D. B. teachings were doctrinal, so plain
Calbick, Geo. Stivens, GoVerich ; W, that the most simple eouldunderstand.
‘ • 1 1 ' 1' • h 1 of
teliching. He taught with authority,
the town in which the executive
Elcler,TIS OWfl pee
Hensall ; also the ministers of ` •
meets. Minute Secretary, Israel Tay- v‘ go .v9 o
Mr. only revealing at the time what was
lor ; Corresponding Seeretary,
Stoneman, Homan.; Treasurer„T. C. necessary. Ile was a model teacher
in illustration, using nature around
N 1 b n, Clinton. Auditors,
' him to press home practical truths.
Holmes and Geo. Swallow. Dlegate
Christ made his teachings adaptable
to Provincial Convention, David Tip -
to each audience, fun of sympathy to
lady, Clinten I alternate, J1 $. Me -
MUD, ancl fall of acorn ts the self -
mion, Blyth.
Mr, J. C. 1.4es-sal:ion presented hiS
annual report as follows ; Eeeeipts,
$52.94 disb ursementa, 0.5 115 ; bal-
ance cash on Tian& $23.59.
" The relation of this Association
to the Provincial Associatijon" was in -
traduced. by Dr. licLaueilinsof Au:
burn. .The relation should be one of
sympathy :Inc' helpfulness. Haynes
sigteenS Jews, He was a successful
tssaahea, ostitic down to a level with
the common people who heard
him &Pull the mostsuccessfulteacher
• .
tellsPiTITtel ltretrlx
rightly used. The many. W'ra live bet.
ter than others aud c•ijoy lib raw e, with
expenditurtl, by looze promptly
adapting the worlU'a best products to
the ntecle of physia-1 atmob
the value to health el the pure liquid
laxative principles esabrasea in the
remedy, Syrup of Fi3.s.
..Its expel:once is clue to its presenting
in the form most seeeptab's and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing end truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
St has given satisfaction to millions and
:net with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Livor end Bowels without weak -
:ming them and it is perfectly free from
very objectio::a1,10 substaue:
Syrup of Figs is fur sale by all drug- •
gists in 7.5c. bottlos, bub it is manu-
factured by the California, Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose mune is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
kcept any substitute if offered.
requesting that the matter be brought
before the schools, and that the trea-
0 surer of each school be requested to
that over lived. This is the 9: cat
-I. forward at least one cent for each •
teacher who is set before us as a pupil, and that this association pledges
perfect example. The teacher must itself to send at least $50 to the Pro-
be an example to his Class, such as vincial Association. • The next eon -
they can safely follow. vention will be held in Goderich. i School Books, Scribblers,
By actual count we :nave only 13'
1111.A.NTLES left. These we are bound
to clear befor Stock -Taking, $7 ones
now $4.50. $1.0 ones now $875,&o.
Special values in Overcoats, Furs and Men's
Best value in Dress Goods in town. 20 dozen
Silk Handkerchiefs bought at 50c. on the $.
Special value in all Goods for 30 days before
Stock -Taking.
Respectmlly yours,
G -M0.. MCIINTG-..
I have just received a large consignment of
la all the latest designs and styles.
Also, a large stock of
TUESDAY EVENING. the same object, salvation of the Rev, .1. .$. Henderson, Hertsall, n as
The President,. Rev. E. W. Haghcs, 3. cams„ ss 1. s 1 u s ,, ,
(who is now residing out of the , AFTERNOON SESSION. - in. Civilization." There never. was a Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers(wrap.
time when the word "beware" was per bearing the words “Why Does a
County) took took the chair at the even- "The TrainingSChool of the Church, niore needed than at the present time, man Look Old Sooner Than a man") to I
ing session. After a setwice of praise its .Needs and Results," was introdueed Lever Bros., Lrtence.,iv4e3 eycoptotst Sat.,imeTttoyronptice):
although the pessimist is not the best a
1 •
the next speaker: subject " The Bible stow to nes a "Sunlisats PictUre. Exercise Books, Copy Books,
Slates, Pencils, Crayons,
Stationery, &c.
and prayer, words of welcome were by Mr. G. F. Blair, of Brussels. There man for the present time. Two evils
given by Mayor Holmes and Rev. W. are two points in education, semiar
Smyth, of Clinton. . . and religious. The S.S.isthe
train- against which. we must. guard : (a)
closing our eyes to the evils of our
The first address of the evening ing school of the church, the text time, (b) magnifying the evils unduly.
s was given by Rev. A. Stewart, of book is the Bible, and if so the teacher The age in which we live has its dis-
. Clinton on "The influence of -the should • mt the example by bringing thignishing 'characteristics s the pm-
Sabbath School on national life and
Rev. Holmes, of Clinton, the
next speaker, then .addressed the
audience on the. subjects "The Bible
and how to study it;" the 1311)10 is a
book to- be studied, not casually read;
it is the speakingplace of God, a book
only the Bible to his class ; it is the Sim for gold was never so great as
text book, the guide and the coun- now, theinventive genius was never
seller. The Superintendent's Isil
'-..- so. successful as now, narrow contract,
should be imperative. The study of ed ideas have given place to broad
the Word is the, chief purpose of S.S. liberal ;views, we see progress every -
work. Hearty singing is .essential. where, in. everything, in the mental
The prayers should be , short and and spiritual world. What is it that
pointed. The pupils should be train- makes this tore so different .from any
from which there is no appeal. The ed. to give to 'the schemes of the other'? 'Natural law will not explain
Bible does not come to us for our chtuch, and out of money earned by it ; it is the influence of the Bible in
patronage, no book, so independent them. The needs of the seise& t()" its effect on modern civilization, for
in the world, it tells us of our faults day is for better accommOdation for all that is great and good In :civilized
and pronounces a doom on the finally their sessions ; thoroughly tenseerated lands the Bible is the secret power.
impenitent. If the student will con- teachers; and the ineans of generous It has a wonderful power 011 the social
form his life to its tt,achings the Bible financial aid should not be Sthited by life of the people, teaching them their
will;Prove its truthfulness. f The Bible the church. The results will be a duty to their fellow Inftn and to their
must be studied to bo known. The head and Mart knowledge of God's maker, God, teaching the equality .of
word should be studied to find. oat word, and a moseenthusiastic onward. the Gentile as well:as the Jew ; wiles -
what there is in it for the individuall march of the army of the living God. ever the Bible goes slavery at onee
himself, and not think only how it At 3 o,clock a 11.1aSS meeting of the ,ceases. It asserts the claims of the
may fit his neighbor. It is a personal children from the different Sabbath poor and the unfortunate ; asylums
message to every soul. Schools of the town was held, which .and hospitals aro mit thought of un-
wmiNtso,ty MORNING. filled the chinch to overflowing. less M lands where the Bible is no-
- Rwvice of raisand prs The first addsem
ss 'es giVen by Mr. asnowledged as the Standard of life.
pe ayer wa
held At 9 o'clock, led by thPresir11 Kt •r, Brussels on "The Woman lots thlant her place society
e - .
dent. Chiklren's best Friencl—insus." Mr. en account of the elevating .hrfluenees
The, first subject, "How to Control Kerr used the word Jesus as an of the Bible. Then the Bible 'has
. acrostic, The service of Jess is a suffneficed the intelleetual .1ite of the
and Restrain the bo3rs," •was introduc
ed by Miss Sarah Acheson, Goderich. Joyful One ; we should be Earnest in Ages. The Bible wan nener so widely
The Superintendent should be very his serviee, and do With our might ' used as -at the present 'day. The
careful in selecting' a teacher for thWhat or hand find to do: It is very. greatest Men of this age acknowledge 'elected for the. ensuing term are:
boys, ono who is hi thorough sympa- - neceasary that we should be Sincere the Bible as their text book and guide, PresidenS, Rev. A. 0, Stewart, Bel -
thy with them A .lady teacher tbr in our work for Jesus ; then we and •what inorecould the S. S. teacher more; Vice -President, Rev. E. A.
the boys is very much More
pleas should be United, help the teacher to want as his guide, and liel.per in his Shaw, Wroxeter; Secretary -Treasur-
able than a oamtleman' as her WM-. make the lesson a. success; a must work than the grand old Bible? - er, Mr. D. N. licDonat 1, .Oehaore.
once is g•reacer. The 'teacher should pull together before the best work Resolutions Were passed tendering — - -''-' •
be on time, with the lesson thoroughly can be accomplished. Then ave mast thanks tc; the people of Clinton for
studied. She should also study oath work • Steadfastly. The speaker their hospitality, to the choir leader
1 Iendeavor asked the children to take Jesus as and sin and to Will' •
tnre free from advertising, and well worth
framing. This is an easy way to decorate1
your home. The soap is the best in the
market and it wilt only cost one cent post-
age to send in the wrappers, if you !tan
the ends open. Write 'your address care-
At a recent meeting of the village
Were placed at $200.—An effort is
council, the fees for the hotel licenses
being made to organize a Camp of
the Sons of Scotland in town.—Mrs.
Wm. McKenzie, of Culross, has just
had her exhibit returned to her from'
Chicago', with acertificate that her
handiwork was.placed in the first
class cby the expert judges of the
great Columbian Exposition.
Prices as Low as the Lowest.
The Popular Bookstore, Wingham.
Susnv Sormoo CONVENTION.—
Tht third 'Meeting of the 1 fowick
Union Sunday School Csavention was
1101(1 in the Presbyterian clinch here
on Tuesday 20th ult. All the seasions
WOW largely attended. Pleasing and
instructive addsesses were delivered
by the Revs. W. F. Brownlee, of
Gerrie; Thomas Davidson, Wroxeter;
J. 0 reon, Gerrie ; S. 0. Edmunds, 13. •
D., Fordwich ; A. B. Dobson, Gordo ; •
A. 0. Stewart, Belmar(' ; E. A. Shaw,
and Wm. Smle, M. 1)., Wroxeter.
nacos decided that the next meeting
be held at Belmore. The officers
hite Goods Sale.
With the first of March,w inaugurate a Big Sale of White Goods
of every description. White Cotton Lawn liuslins, Table Linens,
Sbeetings, &c.
White Cottons from Go. in; Gray Cotton, 34 inches wide, 4c. a .
yard; Heavy Twill bite otton, extra value at 14o., worth 17e.;
Victoria fetiwns, from 10c. Special novelties in Lawns and Muslins,
with embroidered ges. eady-made Dress Aprons for 30e. Table
om 20c. up. Sheetings,either or bleached
or unbleached from 21 . up,
We have made a s ecialty of Laces and Embroiders this season.
and are prepared t's ow you a fuller range than usual. You know
what lovely Laces had Jast season; well, this year we have far sur-
passed all former e orts, both as regards to quantity and quality, and
have almost too large a stock.
, is church for
menthol: of tile e a$3, DIU G
to find their good points ; a word of their best friend, one who would stay the. use of the chard); also, that the
Pate Faces Linen, good anclPhea y, f
show Depleted Blood, poor
praise fitly spoken has often a good with them throtigh all the journey of TP
nixecutive committee Appoint com-
effect. Do not urge the boys to move life, and if they were faithful to him mittces to visit the various Sabbath ur s ment, ever yth in g
changing te,aelter or sebeiar, eass, tiful home in the sky. 1,j(']est in S. S. work, rule'. smut' e Anwmia.
. f
no h
bad. They are signs Of
from a lower to a higher class, but he.would at last take them to a beat schools M the county to stimulate in -
the scholar Ilia choice of a teacher, Rev. J. S. Henderson, Honsall, VMS Statistics, &0.; also, expressing the
Mow will feel they have an interest the next speaker, who took for 1115 loyalty of the Convention to Provin-
in the Sabbath School. Ile particular subject, "Josiah, the boy king." dal Association, and promising to
to have first class music, the belt is Josiah WAS only a child when he assist same financially, as well aa to
not to good for our S„S. Parents commenced to serve the Lord, as furnish them with statistics; also, CX -
S11 f 1 f m d • I •o were Joseph Samuel, Daniel and, pressing sympathy with Mr. A. H.
in the 5, S„ and 1K, the boys see Timothy. Each child must make it Manning m his illness; also, that the
that it Li manly thing to attend at personal matter 111 Seeking Jesus. , condolence of the association be ten.
the S. S." J081911 served in spite of his unfavor- idered Mrs. Simpson on the death of
"Ti ,1 t't fo and. Fflicient able elretunstances; he was a faithful her late lamented husband, .liev.
Management of the Bible (Ansa," Was Clitistian--not in the right path to,duy!11. Simpson; also, that the Lgecutive
811,1deel; Introditeed by. Mr. 11, 1' mid eat; croolted path -to-morrow.. [To tommitte prepare grid forward a letter.
Wilson, of fieftforth. '.rhis is the wits a persevering Christiftn, Was not giving the statics of the work
Advanced class in the S. S.; if the turned aside from right, no Matter eomplialled by the Provineial Associa-
teachers were doing their duty there Wha13 difficultiea there were to over-' gen, and the great necessity for funds
vottlrl be a bible clam growing up at; 'maks Itis Inatfre Wai pure, lie did to carry on, the work, a copy of' same
d11 times in the var1ou4 classes the 'that:which was right in the sight of to be sent to each S. S, in the county,
the Cr6am of Cod-liVer 011,
with hypophosphites, en-
riches the blood, purifies the
skin, cures Anwmia, builds
up the system. Physicians, tho
World over, endorse It.
Doet bs Oohed by Substltuful
iledliktowle, Bsil•TincAllDrnesists. 110o. II t.
Now is the time yon ladies are commenting to look out for these
goods and We invite you to come in and see them. We are lone you,
cannot resist our prtterns and pries& We have them in White, No
and two tone Silk, Cotton and Linen and you tire sure to get the
choice here, See our new Spring Uoods itt all departments,
headquarters for Field and -Garden Seeds.
r. 15.•
N. B —We bought at a, low rate on the $,. the stock of Boots
Shoes belonging to the estate of the late J. M. Enehanan, which satts
be sold at SLA.UGIITER PRICES. See these goods And MVO mo
on your purchases, • •