HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-03-02, Page 3v.. PA SoW rnces Lai 4. The Irentnee In the W011010 M Houle Miss Katharine Lee gives a gossiping sketch of Princess Louise, as dough - ter and bride,. sculptor and painter,. as well AS royal personage. She tells ui ineidont of the princess' sojourn in. Canada, for which She is unable to cite the authority, but which. she . s0Ii001, HOuna. AND 0.110M8; think"is worth repeating As an in- There are a present, 95, school: stance of that total .absence of lane houses in this division, of which 8t ladyism, which is, in its bad sense, se arc briek, 3 stone, 5t frame. and 1 noticeably absent among our royal log, all these are .freehold, except. ladies. It seems that one. day the No, 13, East Wawanosli. The esti- • Princess WAS. walking without any mated value .of- these houses and attendants near her, when she came ; grounds is $05,800, and the equip, to a cotta, The only person visible ment and furniture, $12,570. was an old woman busily ironing= - New sehoolbouses (veneered with of her husband's shirts, The Prin.- brick) were erected during the year cess was *linty after her walk, and 1898 in S. 8, No. 3, Ashfield, and in stopping at the cottage door -asked the S.. S. No, 1, Hay and Stanley, The old woman if she would kindly get one built in No, 1, Hay and Stanley her a glass of water. The busy olcl cost about $1000. This stun includes woman somewhat shortly refused to the Cast of seating. consider this do se, 'The spring was a little school ono of tbe best school houses twice,' she said, 'and she was busy in this inspeetorate. It is finished ironing her old man's shirt, for be was inside in ash, with arched ceiling,and going with her to See the Queen's is seated with thiely finished- desks, child on the morrow.' having •automatie divided .scats. "The princess, no doubt with a No. 1, Stephen, No. 4, Usberne,and secret thrill of amusement, said that No. 13, Ashfield, have the same kind she would iron the shirt ff the olcl , of desks. These desks cost a little ; lady would fetch her the water. Thelmore than other desks, but are- far compromise was quielely- :agreed on. (more Comfortable and conVenient, The old \woman wont to the spring ' and are flemer„ as they have an extra ; and the Princess did the ironing. foot fastened to the floor in the ! When the old woman returned, the centre. Trustees requiring . new 1 shirt was handed over to her. Need.- 'desks sheald gee these before purch-1 less to say it was ironed. nicely. In.lasing, New single desks have been exchange for the glass a water the put in the .5th'and 4th class rooms of recent laundry woman informed the : the 'Exeter school, I do not think astonished old woman that she was there is a high or public school in the 'Queen's °Md.' The startled old Huron that is supprior to Exeter WORM. :took the shirt, deClaring that school h seating, leatin.g andoventil- ber old anan should never wear it, • ation, and peeled ,appearance of the but that she would.keep it forevor as class rooms, I expect that 'substari, a memento of the .'Queen's " tial briek school houses will be 'erect - ea during the year 1894 in No. 8, School Inspectors' Report. and Stephen will place a shoot house within a reasonable distance of each family In these settions, and also Makes each section affair size, These changes have not increased the num- ber Of sehool sections, There are now 92 rural school corporations in this inspectorate, at the end of 1802 there were 98 rural sections. THE WING-11AM TIMES, MAUCH 2, 1894, 11111Ce. In the former 11 pupils at- ed elsewhere. This is especially the' A Blessing to Every liousettold: tended over 200 days, :and in the case in junior work, latter, 20 pupils, Regularity and T.gACIIBBS' IXsTITUTES., progress depend largely en the par. DuSing the year two v°11T sucees. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTIVI ents' interest in their children but fel institute meetings were held, the • even more en a diligent, energetle, first at Exeter told the second at thorough teacher.rme liese remedies -have Mood te the st of ..8f8y years experience, and IWO prenteuneed the hest 14 Gogeriele 114 public school teachers T maseltirmx Axo••vos'r 1)EI VLIPI1-4, 'attended one or the other or both of Ovally U. these meetings. Trustees would assist their school very much by attending Purity tho. blood, correct all dlorders of the LlYNA, STOMACH. KIDNEYS ANA I A 1 hi these meetings. 13y taking an active part in the discussions they would. W114194019 in all complaints incidental to *sales of all ages. rbanse 7-a &4.2 TI -71' OIWIT34.3:4-PWT ; benefit their schoolti and would en - r..11 . .. . Is the only reliable retnedY for had le,,,m, sores, uleers and old wounds, FON NNONCtil .. .., 5 ▪ eourage pupils and teachers in their ' TIMOAT8, COUGHS, cluLDS, OMIT, ItElEUM4T1SA: GIARULAR SWELLINGS AND 41, - PI to DISEASES IT us NO Equiv.. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 083, esfetd Strest. Yt'Orli„ ., 1;;;;; o s -4. and 1010 by all Medicine Vendors thronghout the world. TICSPNOTION, 'A ▪ ;I r..1' ...• 4/410941 4.... 10 lit5 01 17 Colborne,. . ..... 10 0 05 0 Ooderich Tp .==•=, 12 5 10 10 Ha,y., , . _„, „ „ .. 16 5 51. 17 Stanley... , „ , .... 11. 7 25 18 Stephen .. , , 4 4 70 14 'Osborne..., - .. ,. 10 7 00 10 W, Wawanosh.. .. 11 7 23 9 1r4, Wavranosh., ... 4 0 08 7 Dayfield. - 0 8 85 2 Fixeter-, ... .. ,, 11. 4 42 6 Goderich t'own.. ., In 5 31 12 Total , 146 05 72 120 - Total number et pupils entered in the. registers for 189•1, 8012; 1802, 7980; 1803,. 7540. These figures in - elude the town of Goderieb.. The number of pupils who passed the High School entrance in 1891 was 164 ; 1892, 139; 1893, 152. Thee figures include the separate school pupils for H, S. entrance. The separate school pupils are not included in the above table. TEACHERS SALARIES AND CERTIFI- CATES. :K 4 a. g8' (.• 7P: 4-1 E P14/088. "ri .;17 ' g gt?;;57,4ro.a V.4$ tf.1 -0. - - a 1 ace& ........e460 V10 5378 52033.0 7 .. tiai SteplleR, .NO. 11, Hay, and No. 15 The following is libe report of . Hey and Stephen. Good houses,Well ceeeece... ..., 500 390 431 315 4 5 „ 0 fa Gorlerielt Tp ., .. 4to 5713 407 310 5 5 .. 8 r Schoolinspeetor Tom for West Huron, furnished, prove to be the cheapest. Hay 1. 1130 800 395 251 8 9 .. 5 o for 1898 :— . steeley.... ..... , no 875 414 260 7 n .1 4 8 Stqiiien : :1081.7 4. .. 5 01 tii?aornu 500 3150 457 600 8 9 ..10 .. W. Wawatio475 250 354 233 3 .. 2 7 E. WaWanosia,. 850 S10 860 203 1 0 .. 2 .11 'Hayfield. „.. 435 sits 435 225 1 1 .. I. 5. Kraut... ..., .. — goo 312O 000 292 1 5 .. 0. Goal:rich town000 8.iri 000 .28 1. 11 1 8 .3 - . - -- --_ The Elatti upon Which this report is founded are mainly thesehool returns from the several wheal sections, com- piled by the trustees and the teachers and from information taken by the assesSors, and forwarded to my offitel by the tovniship clerks. 1 find the greatermumber of the reports neatly and (correctly filled though about ten per , ;cent of them are carelessly, and ineorrectly done. Brew item in 41 e, ee le •,:e 5:225;4E1 1141`%1V, these reports should beaelearly and'' ,.c.? 1 "'"''. `4,.., -4, r,2 :,..,4, 41 from.. .;1 d.efinitely answered, and„ -where pos- ' " :'.' '",' " ' ''''';', ' Bible, :should be answered in • figures. 8 I -.i tool= Ct 5 CZ-41;t4S; i Salaam° The x darns from assessment rolls •ig I :: tett 3]:44 fe- ?Ai -2336' ?.'21'il" ' sent in by the township ecilerks were, ) 'ae' I • PlateieR8 t.t t'ael fie.' &I et from three of the munieepalities, in- . VP . i i a' ' f e'e i ,e' .1 1 .s..' e' • 8; zi sc2..', Pal it 1 comeilete, „and from some ufthe others rel I. tze„ Fele le el e.' eeee ?met ece, 1 limo:lea plainly incorrect. These 'errors are ff, l'i. 7.44r.,, tr, ,,t, 4 ,,•61, .si; 1,1 i 2 ,,,, t- I sometimes attended With serious --"ler . a financial !loss when statistics ern- 8; ,,i3,.,?itti ic,i e2.36. 6t.. 2,., „11 t; 1,4 al EXP.Ondi• ..., go•(„0, tun. bodied In the roll are forwarded to f), i -.x(1 o; )4.. --", .., r.....;:.-., I i the central Government. In 4110 re- Eg' '''''''''''''':' .,e' sit-- 'ea' ; • turns fromemany school sections the to thip,- tlil...lirii,Ztalh ,Par, trustoes neglect to give tke memos of "b. !I '—.e,,,, ,:, „:„._, © ,', "e, ,,, ,e ., ,,,isancee. ; their ,seeretary-treasurer, and teaele "1 b":":'':' 4n e 7. 0' °' C° '''' '''''SSI1 ers for the followiae• year, as eequired .7'1 "T•I''.""" ' l'e" '"4-""„clulleftel; by the- statistics. For this reason 7.2 i •is' t: CO.a `ei. it 8 Vi P.R fl! ie: ?A' I 10-i. si;e4 comnitutuleatione are often mut to the ' . • secretary a the previous yersit. The total rseeipts for te391 were 'I req.:eat:01y call the attention of $65294.48 ; 182, $68,880.;97; 1893, all trustee boards and teachers to section 40 ;(13;) and section. 206 of the I Total :expenditure for 1891 was Public &heals Aet of 1891. R' all $54,90Z.45; 1892, $57,458.G; 1893, will comply evith these sections it will $59,608.06. save mock delay and trouble blecom- n.. Total. vanotait paid in salaries for pleting my reports; and sending out 1891 was $43,383.82; 1892,$A943.38; the orders for .the half -yearly grants, 1893, $43,297.27. In this ago of ,cheap printing, /and The itierease in expenditure has k' When tons Gf eminted matter are be- been cowed mainly by improving ing distributed free by our Geireen- the school bouses, putting in new milts, I believe the Education De- desks, and building IleW school homes; pertinent should be asked to furnish it certainly ties not been in =rear four copies of the School Aet and salaries. ...copy should he kept itt the schoot regulations to each school section, OW STATISTICS Ofir ATT.EXPA:•:NCE. FORil,: IS: the truetees.' house, and. a eopy held. by each of, In Ashfield, S. S. No. 2 was chang- 'ORANGES t1/41 ISCI10014 SECT/ONS. 11 r --•es .g?, 11)1 A' ..P.g, . .....f, e. I • -s-z 'cgs g T t I ri ectto a 11. C. separate school at the be- aR Er§ ginnitio' of 1898. Another separate r...1 0 SC11001 section was formed out of parts .1 g -F.7 e.43f 4 of S. S. No. 1, Ila,y and Stanley, and1 ----,e---„------ ' • No'. 11, Hay, This redueed S. S. No. ABhuela" 1030 35 ' 4 490 49.5 17 - 43117 11, Hay, to 1450 acres, c olborno Goderich Tp,..... 500 24 18 850 Arbitrators appointed by the Hay ..... 997 50 9 581 townships of Hay, Stephen and 13o- Stanley ..... • . • , • 080 29 2 300 Sangtiet Met at Grand Bend, August Sterthell- ' . 900 21 - 458 28rd, 1803, and formed. a school , w. Wsemuosh407 5 0 231 Seetion, to be known as No. 15, Hay n. WaWallosh • • • • 348 4 - 223 and Stephen, This section was Plitietidi ' ' • ' “" ' " 14a _..,- : 2,14 fOrliled out of parts of Nos. 8, 11 and (Li'doe.,,;(;;„ ',,0-„,,,,:::: 705 42 - 525 12, Stephen, and parts of No, 5, Royal Arbitrators appointed by the I 'rant , - - - 0546 250 45 4126 eOuliell of Huron at the Sane ses.sion, I The average attendance for the 18;18, met at Zurich, September ltith, (rural 1.ial village schools for 1891 was 1803, am 'united the remaining ss per,cent41892, 54„ per cent; 1898, portion Of No, 5,1Iny, to No. 11,1Iay, i 54 per cent, ror the town of Goerthus increasing No. 11, Hay, hem .ich. for 1892', 66 per mit.; 1803, 66 1450 acres to abOat 3450 acres,. Ipet tent, Of the rural schools No. 2, I beli.gvc the re-arrangernent of the , Colborne, and No, 7, Hay, deseeve SeetioUslit the western parts of Ilay ' speeial Menden for averagt attend - 5, STIIITEMENT OF FINANCES, ic;,9.ttittittz.1,:c1earzlgott:( 41,'; e'Rae'e:1 f4 et' r4 23 t•:, 0 .• 00 2 : • • I +.2 • • ' • 535 EDO 408 270 00 911 2 60 34 Average salary Faid male teachers • blow is the nine. $408. The average salary paid..fke The benefit to be derived from a good HATS,: in I891 was $409; 1892, $407; 1893, medicine iyr early spring is undoubtod, but • node teachers in1S91 was $273; 1892 manv people -neglect taking any until the $281; 1893, $279. Number of nufle( approach of evvrtner weather, when they letschera engaged in 1891, 65; 1892, wilt like a tender II wer in a hot sou. Sow_ thing must be .elone to purify the blood. .63 1893., 60. Number of female tenkiers engaged en., esee, el; 1892, necessary std,angth. Vacation is earnestly overcome that tired 1 eating and give 645 ; 1893, 66. Mumber of 1st and longed for, many weeks, perhaps months, • 2nd class certificates in 1894, ee hratitikt elapse before rest can he Indulged fn. ' I To inpart strength, and to give a feeling of 1 visited ()very school twice and mar*;0"41)t.rdisastrTts,1100tinbiaolooti,kthteoythalliaapbulloounst.ho Boxes and Pots. 14 the eddies* _ spine of them three times during the year. Of 126 teachers employed. 116 them are excellent teachers. Six of I were doing faithful work. Many of ; SeverePajubiShoulder 2 Years them were lacking in literary train- Cured by The 1).J1'iVien thol Plaster. ing or aptitude to teach, and shouldMy wife WA o afflicted for two years wish a severe pais under theleft shoulder ane through co lee heart ; after using many remedies without relief, she tried "D. to Menthol Plaster, It did its work. go into some other work, or improve end owing to this e.ere hundreds ofthese planers have been sold by me here, giving equal talistactitio. their qualifications. Four did not ap. J. B. Surnsotterm Ptvggio, Rilrerjohn,114. Sold Everywhere. 25c. each, pear interested in their work, beyond. ,collectieg their salaries, and did not ; strive to advance or educate their 1 WINGHAM MARBLE WORK pupils as they should do. Only three ' • of the ten Who wore not doing satis- factory -Work are, remaining in the inspectorate, and one of them4 is in another school where I INT .-ED V\T I _ hope better Work will be done. Lack of method, want of diseipline, no en- -MESSRS. VAliSTONE BROS thusiasm, and not being thorough in- the work, are, the main causes of of Kincardine have bought the :deride Ruttiness of 11; T Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth. failure. purchasing. You will dini our prices two away down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed. Ws will use n Parties requiring work in their line will do well hy calling en mon or seeing one of their agents he I believe there is as largo a per - o anti by strutr &Mine. hope to secure liber2.1 share of the public patronage. 1tt eentage of good teachers in West b T4b Tilwas:oi.ne,IwnoentassttiCken running thecbnsiness for the past year, will reprosot us on the road. Huron as in. an inspectorate in the ; cen ale see our stook and prices. Province I have always found the majority 1 of trustees and teeehers willing and ; _ anxious to earry out any suggestions for the advancements of pupils, or the FOR THE BEST VALUE improvement of the school house, seating, ete. IN Nearly $60,000 is spent each year ;1 - • • " a e" on the public schools of West Huron, and nave tried to do 8111 canto make • ;' "I' T71 - .0 CLOTHING. VANSTONB BROS, the benefits to the pupils as great as pogRible. If, in some cases, it has been felt that 1 bave been very ex- acting in examining the pupils' work and progress' made, it is because I recognize my responsibility to the parents and ehildren. i81, 50; 1893, 62. men SCHOOL ENTIWANCE AND P. '5,1 LEAVING EVA7sIINATION. witorat 111.A81018) WHOTS 2.11.8131.o Goderich 102 59 10 4 Eveter 68 83 14 6 :21 5 4 4 33 10 Zulidb 27 16 • 225 129 A [number of paves are nearer ex- / aintiattion. centres livother inspeitor- ateseand for this reason wrote outelele: this (division. Themw ere 28. passed at iother °entree. Tile High School. tatftrance has 135011 ehengeed so as to ineitude physiology and temperance, as regular subjects ev,aanination for 11)893. Algebra and ,endlid have been •added to the course ter public. semen ;leaving, and the regulation has llseeti changed respecting the distribution of the grant. All schools pas -gee; candidates for public school leaving- are now en- titled to a share a the want, what- ever may ;he the ;minim* or certifi- cates of the teachers empheeled. These changes Amid make tllae pablie school. tearing work mote popular with alt interested in fifth chiles work. British work has been reploced in the High School entranceconrse for examination, and occupy the same place as en former years. 1 PROMOTION EXAMINATION. Two promotion eXallIfilf01011ill were held during 1808, one in March, the I other in October,, These examinad tiOns Were taken by nearly; all the schools. In those schools taking these examinations I find the classification anti standing of the pupils much hotter than in the few schools which do not take them, Trustees will con - suit their own interests hi seeing that these eicaminations are held at least owe a year. st01)10L seitoot,s, Last year there were 62 teachers in training at our two Model Schools, • all of whom were successful. Of tbe iniodelitee Who began. in my inspector - late, I have found those trained at ' the Huron Model Schoolsbave a Muh c better practical knowledge of 3011001! work than the majority of thon se trai. T.Thbotae .... 594 23 5 955 • Stealth and vtgor throughout the system, there is nothing equal to Hood' a Buettner.. 411a. It seems perfectly adapted to over- come that prostration caused by change of SOB,EiOn, CliMq.te or 11 1*, and while it tones and sustains the system it puriies and ren-' ,ovates the hood. This is how Bill Nye defines 'newspaper:—It is a library. It is an emeyelopaidis, a poem, a history, a (dictionary, a tine table, a romance, a gide, a political resume., a ground f' the civilized world, a low prim of imam in perm. It is a Bannon, a song, a eircus, :111.obituary, a shipwreele. A Sylllph011V d eol lead. A melody iii life and death, end a grand aggregetion of man's glory and shone. It is, in short, a 'bird's eye view cif all themagnanim- ity•and illettIGN:88, the joys and sor- i-o'ws, births and deaths, the pride and 'poverty of the world, all for a for OM An EatootItent Remedy. GENcsatgim— used fiagyard's Pectosai Bal,*o am inour 1)ous3 for over three ?pars, and find it an eUellunt remedy for all forms Of roughs anti voids, 111threat mind lung troubles it affords instant relief. jolts. Bsosis, Columbus, Ont --- At Princulcon two sons of John Haney broke through the leo while crossing a pond, and one of them aged 9 years, was drowned. The l'Anrinel01 Grand Orange lodge of Ontario Fast will meet in Ottawa 01i March 80. A Serious Cotaplatnt. People make light of coughs, colds and la grippo, and Often neglect °tlitillt. This 81101t1(1 8101.he dmat, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syria]) ig 111113) 011r9 for all these dig. eaqes. It soothes and heals the throat and lungs. Tim Donlinlint Governmitut has eatisecl a writ to be iesned against William Perron, tobacconist, of Hamilton, claiming $1,100 for alleged infringement of the Inland Revenue and Customs Apt, 1)y the 11.80 of 1)0X08and pita:ages twice. Take- Z. B. C. iter heattbare and our steirereb, l' GO TO CAPS, ER' SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, Cheap for KASI-Y. AT WEI3STER'S Long Waist, Correct Shape, Best Material, Combined with the best filling in the world, makes the" Featherbone Corset " unequalled. -15e- T. E. GOWN 1:3°211. TEre ALSTED& 80011 1\T 1.3 - Josephine Street • - wbghwi UNDERTAKER„�J J. A. II Ausilto, I J.. WScOir, ; Mount Forest. I Aht4m WIN GRAM, ONT. Deposits Roceisred and Inti),f, allowed. . ' c'" Money Advanced to Patniers ant Business IVIen, , etgepallEla§.5, GREAT gee. ;Jae 2qcreese.e. ti4ILOWS CUM •4 On Jong or short time, on etidOrSIM no I or collateral security. Sale not boo at a fair valnat‘on. Moncytemitted to parts of Canada at reasonable charge*, Special Attention Given to cop lotting Accounts end Vetee. Carom CionattroptIon, Corighs,Croop,Sores A,Viiita Ca.nttda--The Merchant's. Throat, Sold by all Druggists on r. Gunrantee. For a Lame Side, Xack (*Chest Shiloh'el Porches Plaster svi1Igivo31ent08nisfnetion.-2$ tent,. SHILOH'S VITALIZIElt, Itggleigigfarcbiltftrkr 111'171 IntudderittkebostrchtddeOradebtiittitedetetera AftiVZ:cogriggWeetorxkineri Of Canada Office Ilcurd—}',fl 0 a. tn. to 8 p. tow A. V. S1111%174 0, 001011't VITIlDS TO U.O 1(5cATARR0 on the security of Cultivated Prom i dilatant REMEDY. igata'IraigT:Idlla"YbPtitt e'012 tarrh?,„TrYthltatentedy. Ity111 perena except. the County Attelitord elltatent dittvoly toilette and Cure Ion, Price di) ad. mottoges or to know to whom money is 10 15ht Ihjetithe it litteosteful treatineht di App1 WM. not Utz:kited fron. Itorooutts6r,ShilOh'sitothed1ed °Wert:It, Aug. ath 155). qo. 'rts Att$10141 Otte Stittrinite-.1 to give dittidittotiOn, per cent, parabie annually. 4MY Pattion Of • tr..-f5 •