The Wingham Times, 1894-03-02, Page 1VOL. XXIII,---NO. 1153,
Spring rK
Goods wills001
begirt to ar 1
e •
:and we find teat we have a • few lines that
WO shall have tocarry over, that is if you
-do not get thorn and in. order to makeet to •
your advantage, we will sell them exactly
at cost. To start with, there are a few
odd furs, the overshoes and cardigan shoes
1 A.sea and
thwe havegot eft. few shawls n
hoods, m
ens boys',ladies',and g
tees. u d
,o othfng, men and boys'overcoats. We
would ratter yon had these
goods at Boat,
tin have to -carry Y them o e .to next
season, We are not using the old worn
out phrase, "selling at coat," simply to
,catch you, we mean hast what we say. Try
us and be -convinced, Our Grocery stook,
•as usual; fresh and complete. We have ON
'bane the new shortening, "Oottolenl."
'Try it and see what it is like.
Yours truly,
Direst Importers.
THE BEAR, January 31st,.1894. i
Marriage Licenses; ..
Issued by FRAMs; PARLnSON, No 23, Vic-
toria street; Wingham, Ont. Isco witnesses
P1 in �anad
ace a to
2• �'get a Busi141iess ,in . •
-,EST cation, hurthand,
etc., is at the Cen-
"gal Business Coi-
lege, Toronto, Ont., and Sirat nrd, Ont.
9 Y
Un uestionabl Canada's area, est Com.
mercialSchools. Catalogues tree. Men -
on this paper. Shaw et tinfoil,PIincipals
O.j44••40N1i*44A*di Men-
tion NM/i4
—bash for good butter and, eggs at R. A.
Graham's market grocery.
Mr. W. H. Do .ld, dentist, has
-moved his office int odo
useds �' block.
—Plenty of oboi.: oll butter. New laid
eggs and maple a • p at Reynold's grocery.
—There were q ie a number from town
"took in" the carr ival at Lnoknow, on
ttlesdey nigh.
iIr. Geo. H.
Irlin has o
vee 1 s tea-
ring establishmen • into a shop cite door
north of Mr. A. Rcate ookstore.
—The best bran " of oysters, - at 30 to
40ets. per quart, Jas. MoKelvie's.
—Grand concert to be given in the Town
Hall, March 30th,. b Miss McWhinney and
pupils, assisted by tae Toronto 'University
et Banjo and Guitar C ab.
Z• —Winter dairying paying for milk by
the percentage t f• b -iter fat, will be gt'ben
every attention at t is Dairyfnen's' Convetr
tion at Wingham, of Meech 9th.
—War1xm's—Four r five respectable
gentlemen : boarders. Mrs. Thos. Forbes,
Min ie street, late r sidenee of Mr. Meyer.
The late and eat y trains on the South-
nptoa branch of tl W., G. & B. railway
are only run eve alternate nightand
motning now. 'This change wont into effect
last' week.
—Rev.Vm acGzor w}
ll conductthe
en -vices of the First aptist church, Ha
Ilton, on Sunday next
—Everybody likes t noir groceries fresh,
Reynolds'. the grocer, bas them and sells
the right.
,—Last week was the coldest snap vie,
have 'bad this win "r. On Friday night
thethermometer regi erect about
zero in town.
Modern Madon ]a,'' one of the re.
cent produetions of M . G. A. Reid, artists
Toronto, will shortly sent to the Paris
Salon for exhibition,
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
=Miss Lily levans, the well-known and
talented elocutionist,' ma married at the
Church of the Dies iah, Kincardine; on
Wednesda3 [night of It it week to Mr, Harry
Barker, of Toronto.
—Oranges, Pineapp es, Cocoanuts, Ban-
anas, and a large assortment of canned
goods, pure maple syrup, at the cheapest
prices, at Jas. MoKelvie's.
•.—Dagger( Eros. of Springville, N, Y.,
have sold to Mr. H ry Cargill, of Cargill(
Ont., the pro}nising rotting colt, Taletto,
sired by Dance, for ho handsome sum cif
$1200. Darno'is o ned by the Wingharre
Trotting Horse Ass iatiou.
—If the party wh took my Fox Terrier
1 Feb. 28 doesnot ce-
rn hie] in five day , legalproceedings will
token, as the par ' is well known.
— Mr. A. Pattu. to, Woodstock, the
worthy President c the Dairymen's Asso.
dation of Western (enteric, is one of the
best public speakers in Ontario, and should
be heard by every d, iryman in the North-
ern District, at the tedairymen's Convention
—Mr, A. W
W. W
tailoring and gent's
Ment to the building
R. A. Graham's groc�
**ter has moved his —The thirty -thee annual convention of
nrzainestablish. t Ontario Educe. ional Association
re door southnf,Mr be held in Toronto t i Tuesday, Wednesday
re, Josephine street. and T'huredey, Mark 27th, 28th and 20th..
—Beaver Tobacco I eo1 ta1
—Rev. Dr, Hannn
io the highest grade stook* it' Canada and
preach, i si
n ry
gentleman only cbowing• morning and evenin
--The members o
I. 0. 0• F., ori kions
furring suers clegreot;
suppera t Mr. R. dz f •1
--Grain shopping done for -`5 emits per tionit in this issue
NlInervtalx0e01Pment, Methodist church.
ay evening,`, -after eon- _Last week's Olin
1altto. .o
eel a capital report of
s restaurant, School eenvention.
100 tbs. : at the Wiugluetn Oatmeal Mill.
Oatsexchanged for oatmeal. Sylr. F. Patterson,,
W. IdeentLx; �+ ppointed Fish and GI'
There was a Goat slumber of horses district, in the place
rought out to the fu t•, on Thursday,, and who was not able to d
several sales were tea -e, the prices rangingposition that it requir<
from $00 to $80. Thieve were four of five --.A fair•sizecl an
buyers present. Canadian Jubilee Sip
—Just arrived.— wo- tons of Myers' .church, on Wednesday
RrooerCattle Spice, Far sale at Griffin's. ing of the old plantatit
Y cellent; in fact, the aver
t, of St, T1oniaa,
ernnons next Sunday,
the W
in he :.inghale , .
sure and Bear him.
n New i ra contain -
le county
o reproduce a, por-
f the Tines.
f town, bas. been
Il me Warden for this =
if Arr. R. Kinsman,
vote the time to the
pup from my place
--What is advert
for the increase of
stone of the Temple
ited press on the
power that starts'
at Wingham, on M
— The Mitchell A
the subscriptions of
of Perth county bein
vance Publisher's o
Sing 7 It is a medium
usiness. The °erase-
of Fortune. The lim-
oad to success. The
and keeps trade ,in
cu. frau. Walkerton, wl will again issue the
vocate will insist upon paper. 112x. and Mee'. Lacy have gone to
11 d strictlyibers outside Stratford to reside y�ith a daughter. Before
paid in ad e 'departure t1ir were•mi de. xecipiients
4countryweeklies lose
of some tangible t ,Mena of the . esteem in
heavily by allowing c edit to foreign sub- whioli they were (held by the people of
scribers, and no doub the
have suffered as heav !y a
--The public iet ne s
good thing, . Reynol
been opened a few d
won then a nae
—One of the leade.s in the latest dairy well rendered and gre
thought and praotie. is. prof. Dean, of the audience.
Ontario Agriculture College; Guelph. Ile —Mr. J. W. Wheat°
will address both ,essions of the Dairy -
the Western Dairvi
men's Convention, Wingham, on Friday,
Oth. It will pay every dairyman
to bear hire.
—Right Rev. M. , . Baldwin, Bishop of
Huron, tells an atm ing anecdote of him-
self. "Ono time :lien I was rector of a
certain congregatior_" be said, "while mak-
ing the usual annou.;,ements; I gravely an-
nounced that next Veduesday being Good
Friday, special sery ces would be held in
the evening."
--Watches, cloaks and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by HALSL•'Y
BANE, Moyer Block,. Wingham.
—The Palmerston Telegraph plant has
been purchased by r ceuple of young men
9cdvooate people Palmerston. •
others. Drawnings of enaohine to take the
low to appreciate a
grocery has only place of horse war recently exhibited in
, yet their teas have Toronto. It will plowing, reapingq, sow -
already. One trial ing, threshing and, ll other farm §vork.
seoures a steady customer. The motive .pow is electricity. The—Mr. J. A. ltuddihas charge of the, feature ' about. th machine is the unique
Dominion Winter Dairy Stations in West- manner •of `eonve ing the current to the
ern Ontario, and is a
--There has been a great scarcity of
Onions this winter. Reynolds', the grocer,
has plenty of both home grown and
Spanish t . ,
—Rots- to got a.g&ed cow ; bow to feed
her ; how to care fat her and her products
be among
so as to make the be :t profit, willg
the subjects discussed at the Dairymen's
Convention, at Win lam, en Friday,Maroh
and dairyman. He ie
to dairymen as the n
"Mammoth Cheese."
Dairymen's Conven
March 9th
—Mr. Thos. Walker, butcher, is prepared
to stipplythose wanting beef by the quar-
ter, or in any other: quantities: Shop—
Two doors north of Miss Rush's restaurant,
Josephine street, Wingham.
—On Tuesday event' a horse belonging
rnberr was
. f- Tu .
• t of MA: You
s hard-
standing in Eton g
ware store,,�vv, itis Mrs..Vr�igbt in the cutter.
By some rleans'the h�ee became frighten-
ed and ran up Josephi ;e, ,street to gdward
street, when it turner :,oast. The quick
torn overturned the o ter ariawa..Wright
wag thrown out, but, ortunately was not
�"iirjured. The borne lura along Edward
. ,
,t then ran e u
to s etr t t e
bT r.i
tt t
elle sg that y. raat to t e diagonal road,
*here it was caught se cutter~ suffered
but little, and the ho • scorned noire the
Worse of its run.
tactical butter -maker wagon motor. Th teeny idea is oast aside
also favorably known for e. more effeetivutystern.
aker of the famous •He will address the —Things are not running smoothly in
• School
' h c Board
• on the
Hi S
t g
on, at Wingham, on
a and the Mayor of the town. The Board
made a'demend on the town for 0200, but
—White iters S Kippered Cod, Finnan the Mayor refust 1 to sign the order, for
Haddie, Bloaters, Herring, and
Herrings in Tomato Sauce, at Reynolds 1 several reasons, an ong others being, that
the Sobool treasu/r has not given bonds
rad that the Boar t is illegally constituted,
=Mr. Wm. J. M
cession 12, Eclat W
public auction, on T
commencing at 1 0'0l
and implements. Hf
her of thorotighbret
consisting of cows
Everything will be so
Mr. McGrogan is
Terms, $5 and un,
amount ton months i
rogan, of lot 31, con- a
vanosb, will sell by because the secreta °y.treasurer is a member
ursday, March,' 8th, of the board and is a paid officer of same.
ek, his farm stock —Ladies, have your garments made by
ience greeted the
rs, in the Methodist
evening. The sing -
melodies was ex-
ale programme was
fitly enjoyed by the
1, the Secretary of
uen's. Association,
devotes his time dur' ig the winter to ad-
dressing meetings off raters and dairymen.
He will be at Winglta , on Friday, March
9th, to address the D
irymen's Convention.
—For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, only two doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' book-
store and Patterson s.Iewellery shop:
—On the 15th of : )eoomber last, we pub-
lished an item in it :Morris news stating
that "Mas Stein, of Lower Wingham, and
Bonnet Farrow, of were visiting
on the 3rd line." V-0 have been requested
to state that Miss St in, of Lower Wingham
was not visiting in . orris with Mr. Bennet
—Mr. J. S. Pearn ; of London, was one
of the judges of butler at the World's Fair
and will be able to eve some valuable hints
n ] • duct and
the ngof that 10
other practical' sugg stions as the best
dairy practices. H will b at the Dairy-
men's Convention, Wing! a on Marcs
9th. - ✓°
—After the mset 1 of Torquay YL Lodge,
Sons of England, herd n Tuesday evening,
the members and visit rs were entertained
at an oyster supper at Mr. Jas. McKelvie's
restaurant. ;There w :re visitors present
from Ltmdeiabeiro, Cjir ore and other places,
and all alipeired to er ;ay themselves.
—A Halarn'azoo, Mie_ •igan,firrn of carriage
makers, is trying to get up a joint stock
are t forthei ntfao
o "n im t na �
c.mpany: ;1'na s 2
tare of earri es. 'Thew wish the Palmer.
stop people' to take 20,000 stook in the
concern. and t)sa strang s will put in $5,600
and their patents,
will also sella num. Mies M. Johnstonfire Jory block, opposite°,
' �atest styles, rood
Shorthorn cattle, the Queen's Hotel.y 6,
bulls and heifers. work, always first-elass tit.
1 without reserve, as
giving up farnrin
er cash, over
On Thursday ening of last week, a
grand carnival wa held in the Wingham
skating rink. Thea was a large turn out,
redit. .John Currie, and the merry masers enjoyed themselves
immensely. The tresses of many were
All who are ow'
account, will pa
lands at once or
for collection.
W ping.
g m. Ridcl by note or
same to John Nos-
y will be put in court
Mrs. Parrott (neeI
East Wawanosh, w
ships in town on
Mr. Robt. MoOlyc
gaged in the Free I
some tinge, is visitir
Mr. H. P. Chap
quirer, was in town
nese. He gave th
The Inquirer, he s
Mrs. Jas. MuLa
!Fiends in Brussels
V"Jimmie" Fax,
of Toronto, spent
W:a. Runty, V. S.
flag Maggie Bailie) of Gregor, waive his rj'
—Mr. Time. 3. Scott,
having Miss Nora Cle)
on the 20d of Marsh, as
A. Baker, the famous cc
to, He will- 'also have 11:
Blyth, on the 5th inatan
Jessie Ducker,•violiuist,
—A meeting of the W
Institute will be held al; Dungannon on ed as follows : _Jaunty Master, Sir; lits.
March filth, 1894, at v71_301 the following W. FL Murner', 315, Goderich; De uty ,
speakers will take part Hon. John Dry- Master, A. M. 'road, 161, Clinton; Chap-
den, Professor Dean, O. 't. 0. ; A_ Currie, lain, George Lansley, Sr., 161, Canton;.
Wingham ; R, McMillr a, Constance, and Deputy, Rev. E -- W. 1'i ughes, 126, Wing -
others. ham; Registrar Robert Scarlett, 181, Win-
' throp; Deput;
t —On Friday last, a cot ple of rinks of the Clinton; Tress
Wingham Curling club Fent over to Luck- ich ; Deputy
now and played a friend matoh with two Goclerich; Leet
of this town, is
elr in Kincardine,
sted' by Mr. Thos.
iediaa, of Toron-
ss Agrees Knox i
t, assisted by Miss
i •ar- k01 t•O .
t•t regi. A s a a i n wf�
meet in thine am on Thursday noxa,
March 8t11. -
-The Lady ' rue Blues of WXngl?ai t:"`,
attended divine k rvice in St.Paul's church,,
on Sunday atterron last, when the rector,
Rev.L. G.Wood p
d a. v�Y
ing sermon tnthen. -
--Mr. Ryibari a returned missionary
fromTibet,et, dell( rod several lectures i
town last wee'(, el on Sun:Iwy evening
gave an illustrate address in the Illetitee
diet church.
County SIack fleeting..
The Grand. Ria It Ci,a'.ter of Huron and
Perth met IN MEI 1 saseicn in Cat ton leek'
Wednesday. The e were re good number
present toed co •idrrable business was ..
n transacted. A.e tluittee was appeinted
to communicate ith those directly in-
terested and if p •tsible to organize a -Pre '
ceptory at Dung neon. Officers were eleet-
t Huron Farmers'
rinks of the club of that
sadly against the Win
the men of the Sepoy tow`s were -easy win- . Lcndesboro; D
ners, The, return mateh rill be..played on Clinton; Graz
the rink here this (Friday • afternoon. • Pringle, 397, L
lace. Luck was Wingham; De
]ani players, and Clinton; Gran
Peter Cantelon, jr., 161,
rer, John Reid, 315, Goder
ames MoMath, 315,. .
urer, T. E. Cornyn, 120,
uty, Albert Anderson, 16le
Censor, A. Woodman, 397,.
puty,George Sheppard, 101,
k1 Standard Bearers, H.
n'Iesboro,, acid R. Bloom-
gham; Pursuivents, John;
Mr. Wm:. MacGrea-r preached his , field, ,131i, Wil
p ` ingham Ba Scarlett, 16'1, XestIbury, Oand Robert Hogg,
arewell sermon 'in the ' ,tist :
p 120, Bluevale; : trend Committee—Thomas, -
Church, on Sunday ev:ring last, Mr. ' Keaens 101, C- neon, let; Richard Tiche
MacGregor basbeen residentof the town far ogee 315; God arises, 2nd; N. Nethery, 397,
upwards of two years ar L a half, and was ..
always ready to assist in ve12 movement Lyth, 3rd; Ro ert Olyde, 327, St. Marys,
4th; Robert swag(, 327, St, Marys, 5th;
for the betterment of the eepie generally,
L h •s leavingThomas Stews ,126, Lluevale, tithe Geo.
and we are sorry, that _ i town'
Cox, 315, Code' de 7th. The financecoln- ,
mittee made I very favorable report
el':;"Bible Society A eting. !showing the ( gaud Chapter to he in a.
The annual public fleeting of the healthy financiu condition. It was unani»
Upper Canada , monsly decided ;,to hold the next annual
in the Congrega i meeting in C1ineen the third Weanoaday in • • --1
Wingham branch of th
Bible Society, was held
tional church last Feld;
President, Mr. P. Fish
Meeting opened with s
Owing to the storm
small number preset
ed best for the epeake
• renewing old friend- done. The q'restdent
dnesday. business of the Soei
out, who has been en. Tho Secretary, Rev.
then read
the minut
*es office,C
heslo for
g his parents in town. which were adopte
an, of the Ripley In, Dr. Towler, read his
on. Tuesday on buss- rest
Tiaras a- friendly call. 1893
iyt evening. The:.February, 18115, t 10 a. tn.
r, in theohnrrs -r----
raging and prayer.TL:_'.Nl3ERIY.
night and the ! ,tet i1'lt=
Mr. Pt
, it was deep]- mi'en's We, 011 fed-
llesdav last, r -ns largely attended,
.t,Rer. Wm. Mac-
ldress which was and everything was :told. The eve,.;.
stock,, with tel', estvptioll of the
then called
for the horses lrrollrl1 TAWS. Mr.
y to be taken up. ; •,•
McLaren will ter �:�tou of the
W MacGregor
Wm. " ' farm to Mr. Dal .'au the course
a of last moeting, of rt fcry weeks.
it Mrs.Amos
I. The Treasurer, Tipline returns ori", 3tt stlty from a
nnual roport: i short visit to fri ins 1n 4stowol,Daon,
PTS. i Galt, ice. Then laid. a 's cry �enjh:�;
able time.
s, is booming. Feb. 14 Collection at animal meet-
ing in. Me ,odist ch....3 3 50
Ward 1. Collected by P. Fisher 33 ' Since Jall. 15
on Monday. .. „
re celebrated humorist, 4 firs. Forster
I3r•tl:aaels, hits
tshlin was calling on
and Mrs. t�,o. Green. - - . 6 co
few hours in town on Ward 2 and 3,�norel rt Were 1', MU hr
who had att�iine
Wednesday. Collected by E. Curate,•..00
Mr. Frank Shor,, of this place, was in Mss tarwiek and Hyslop, 81; IIIrs-Oliver, 84, and Mrs.
Miss G *Hey.... -. 3 35 meNea1,8:3,
Wroxeter on Tues Lay evening.• Collected by Mrs. Tieling and Miss
. I Legg, - undertaker,.
iuried. four persous
ripe 3g0c. Tile r
88 years Old; Mrs.
Rev. Mr. Btirash, of Staffa, was !n
town on Tuesday:
Goderich Signa : Will Yates, n]eroharit,
of Wingham, was - visiting in town this 1803
Hunt ,•, :. - • 1 24 i'Viilllio,nts .i�f la .QDlts><alelii►elt
Collected by A.1Ao1I; ` and J. Nicol r 10 mill. will curs li'etadaebe, Biliousness,
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east mesh admired. TI e prizes were awarded week.
leave Wingham at 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. es follows : Best a :eased gent, L. Hembly;
m, and 3.45 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. best comic dress, gait, Mr. Jones, 'Walker- Ramerl
Good connections by all trains. ton; Clown, Percy . rill; best dressed lady,. ` 'Aromas the 11
Miss Jennie Bell; s :coed do„ Miss E. Cools;
—In an extract fro
Militia General Orde
turn of comparative
ed to learn] that the
well to the f1
parries are reported t
• lr
e G
odezto 4
Iiglm s, ,
Hanes, 'Wingham, 5.G
Seafor(1s, 50; No. 4,:
55 ; No. 5, Capt, I
7, Capt. MaDonal
8, Lieut. Koine, G Trio, 31; No. 0, Capt.
Young, Smith's . Ell, 43. No. 6, Exeter,
was not out for las; drill. It will be notice
1 n. takes the hi "lie
ed thatNo. 2 Gum a y eg ra
standing 3x1 the fitaliotr. Capt. `Williams
and hit colleagues are to be congratulated
on .platting the cotiigtany in the first place.
the Canada Gazette,
s and Infantry re-
ffieieney, we are pleas -
rd (Huron) Battalion
nt. The eight cora-
follows i No.1, Capt,
• No. 2,Capt.
No. 3, Capt. Wilson*
rapt. Cod:1*e, Clinte'.,
yes, Brussels, 49; No.
Porter's Hill, 46; No.
The loath Way
Commends itself to the well -formed, to .do
pleasantly and effectually what was former-
ly clone hi the crudest manner and disagree•
lady's tiekot prize Miss S. Roderns. The
two mile skating race, between Masters
Geo. Cook and D. ' :Maley, was well con-
tested,and. David Dinsley was declared the 2. At the same t
I the Archbishop
DnasEetiqv Ktxo-11liss TI, J, Powell begs - Seotoliman Pri
to a
nnoudce to the ladies of Wingham and third. married tt
It is prepared do
at sheatria es
` snit p'1
vzc lr
making in the latest style and at moderate 4. That man
prices. . A call solicited, Shop—Nearly
opposite Maedonald's block.
able Prophecies.
er made the following age 3e
prophecies over 8 0 years ago: That there Mar. 29 Paid prin(ng, Advance,
should come a tit a when -1. A Scottish by P. Fisber ...... .... 2
sovereign; and t1 t a woman, should sit on ' Cash in Tre=surery - 4
the throne of E gland for over JO years. 1 $59
me it Scotahmanwould be I Feb. 22, 1891—Audi ed and found u
of Canterbury, another • rect. .
Minister of England,. a
A. 14 ELAND,) it
• ..i ud1 �o
... stere(
, � J 4
the Queen's daughter, 8.
van 45 Sour Stomach, etc. Try them once and
1' ten, seer. you will not use any ether. Price 25e.
box, at all drug stores. „
Draft to - cele Young,
Toronto . . , $32 00' Saltnons's Eu ;lit4ln White
Cost of ret, ft •l5c , post- ODA is the best Pa/oily Lluiment in the
18 Na
Instant erre for Sprains and
Bruises. llre of imitations. Ask or
00. Salmon'sEnglislr White Oils.
87 Dr.Il>ring' r 6`ii'orm. Powders
05 are safe and sure, :,, box.
or- : Itrailibatti'slitietan)+irttgittastint
will cure the
te r, xa
ndrtifs of
its. Money
s, testimonials ttstn'y to rt,; ut.iit.
.. r
. will1 so�tititk.l� i,t. rrfto,cl tl if }
nee ' Healing Balsam clots not tlo all that ie
claimed for it,
—A grand entertleinment and social will
be given in the T1 mlaerance I[all, Wing -
haps, on Friday evening, ;March 9th, in
1te 9` tl birthday
•f t 0 z
'General Neal Do v, the great advocate of
total prohibition of the liquor trafde and
father of the L.aine Liquor Law, :This
great man's hit ,hday is being# generally
celebrated by tit temperance organizations
in the United r,—ates and Canada, and the
Wingham cele3i.ation will be under the
auspices of the 4Vinghatn W. C. T. U. A
able ail well. To cleanse the .system and good programm is being prepared. Cake,
hr. tr headache and fevers with- coffee, tea, brea and butter, etc., will be
break up cod ,
outunpleasant alba aoe
use the served.
ed. All invited.iced. No adas
delightful liquid lateetive remedy, Syrup collection will be taken up to defray ex -
of Vigo. pinnies.
Would run without harsos. 1 No report from 411 C.
E Willie
uld learn to fly in the air.
5. That ships ould go through the water ,
without sails. 6. That men would travel
ander the gr -end, 7. Tluet men would :
send a tnessag 1001nilt% in five minutes.1
All are now f!lfillod an follows ; 1. The 1
Queen's cleBCtltu is from James 1, genies
VI. of Scotian ). 2. The late Archbishop •
Tait wag a Se tehman; to is Mr. Gladstone
who is the Pri }e Minister; so aleo is the
Marquis of Lo :se, lsasband of the Princess
lionise. 3. Ont !•aitway trains. 4. 13alloon .
5, Steamships. A. The eindergeental rail-
way. 7. The t legraph.
A Prominent lertwyete
ajHave eight csildren,eve** to y
health, not ono of whoet but has taken
Soott's khnnlsien, in which my wife has
boundless oon9+cletroo."
depositary. ...
Moved by Rev, M
by Mr. Currie, that
Smith andit the '1'r
With—Carried. Thl
finding books
in the o
port wasadopt() doto
for this your was ,r1
site follows:.!?reside:
rotary, W. Fessrant*;
Teneteess- 'Baptist
son, Gec.Poeeek.
--Thos. reams, vl',
chnreb-13. C. 01
Methodist cherub
� er
.e; P
s r
M. Gordo C'
otlt wards r
ing then sadjourne
Sellery, seconded I Dr. /King s ,ift'i:llen,1 l)iseov-
,12essrs, Ireland nrd ety is the great blood 1101i: eu. It will
make the blond pure era koop- is pure.
Usurer s bopks forth . Cures dyspepsia and all forms of titomecit
auditors reported - and liver troubles. It is the best; buy the
irrect, and their 're- best. 'Price one dollar a battle, six bottles
l l t s .
• fine do a
1' officersofficers•tion t slat. t
en up and resulted ,
._ `. �1.iinti!ets' .( time allndeln mit
t, Robt, Currie; Seo- 1 DT$s,
Prettt seer, A. Rosre. i ,n,Xeeteurs ;l:eeglisltt 'White
Church --A. Hobert- l)ii'. * __
ngregatiaufl nburc'fi Dr. #txngynr � t1lt let olvtlets,
obertam:. Episcopal i --
rke, A. 3. Srnfth.1 I1teatlaltieltls iS nettling Its
Cooper. Jo1ra °>iiitei«
r church—S. Grnr'oy,.+ E)r. Ling's 1lledietiti Dist
loctors tor the differ- 'er.'t'+
pt>iated. the lrtesot-, pr tarsll gulmrab, ite .•e scents faction every
case or gooney refunded