HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-04-17, Page 22 kt: W. V. SLOAN, Goal. W. G. WILLIS, Left Back, O. R. ANDERSON, Vice-President. R,JAMIESON, Honorary Presient. H. J CRAWFORD, Left Forms!. SEAFORTH, ON' From the Oct. 3, 1891 Illustrated '-luffalo Express. W. W. MEREDITH, President. J, W. LIVINGSTON, Right Half-Back. T. J STEPHEAS. Center Half-Back. R. E. JACKSON, Left HaIf-iBach. 0. A. DEWAR, Capt., Right Forward, J. L. KILLORAii , Right Forward, W. M. McDONALD, Center Forward, J. SMITH, Left Forward. THE CHAMPION -FOOT-BALL TEAM' OF CANADA, I 8 9 1.—THE HURONS OF will be seen that we hate in onr town no less than seven champion clubs is there another town in Canada than can boast 01 such a record? Seaforth has 2,11511 inhabitants, and is situ- ated half-way between Goderich and.StraUurd, on the Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway. lie- sides.other attractions, Seaforth has one of the finest Recreation Parks in Ontario;„fact, it comes next to the .Bosedale •Park in Toronto, All matches are played on this park, and the citizens patronize them well. The different clubs all practice on' these grounds , one one . might, the other the next, and so on. Besides t the champion clubs noted here, there are two other clubs in Seaforth that would no doubt make a good showing if associations were'. formed, viz.: cricket and gun clubs. So far this season they have done very well. JIM BOSMAN B. P. Agent R.R. No. 1 Seaforth, Ontario For: HOME — FARM — INDWRI D. McDONALD, 'tight Rack A CHAMPION TOWN. SEAFORTH CLAIMS TO LEAD ,CANADA'S SPORTSMEN. Seven Champion Teams in One Small Village—Football, Lacrosse and - Firemen VictOrs. - SEAFORTH, Ont., Oct. 2.—As,A general ride, it most towns and cities can boast of.something .r/ in advance of the rest ; but Seaforth boasts of being the greatest sporting town in Canada, and rightly too,' as it now has the champion ffL firemen of the world, champion foot-ballers of ranada, champion collegiate institute foot-bailers of Ontario, clirnpion senior lacrossists of the Southern District, champion junior lacrossists of the West- ern District, and also two juvenile champion clubs of the town, viz.: Maple Leafs Football. Team and the Scots Lacrosse Club. Both of the latter teams have competed in a - regular scneduit • a teams,of the town., and won valuaole trophies, the former winning a handsome silver cup given for competition by Mr. Crawford of the Huron Football Team,'and the latter a set of handsome flags valued at $10, given for com- petition by the Eeaver Lacrosse Club. So it ' PHONE 527-0918 running firemen, the record having been made in Sarnia on August 17, 1$131.3 when they wan the International Hose Reel Race in the short time of 50;i secon6, and carried wag; the first prize, $399 in cash, This same team, with the reception of four men, are still in the ring They have won more first prizes than any other team in Canada.-• They have com- peted in races in Mt. Clemens, Mich. Toronto, Galt, Listowel, Sarnia, Kincardine, and numer- ous other places, and have only came back once without a prize, that once being a few months ago when they went to the Brockville Tournament. In the International Race there they made the best run,,but lost on the coup- ling. They are all residents of Seaforth, no "ringers" takiog any hand in their races, as is too often done by fire companies. They are all well-developed and muscular young men, and temperate in their habits. 711R HURON FOoTBALL Next in order comes the Canadian champion football team '1 his team is also well known to football players in Canada and the rmited States They hare made a record this year that they may well feel proud of They have conducted themselves in an orderly manner during the entire season, and they are as jolly a set of Young lellov.'s as an\ one would wish t o !fleet Th e team is a very voiing one, and also very light, as the following tigiires gill shov. Goal, W V. Sloan, years of age, lbs lett back, \V C. Willis, :1!)1 terurs, Ill Ihs right hack, I) McDonald, 22 sears, 111' lbs . It-ft hall-back, R. E. Jackson, 21 'years, 15:f Ihs , center half-back, T F Stephens, 2'1 years, 105 lbs • right half-back, j Living,- stone, 2:1 years, .152 lbs. ; left forward, IL J Crawford, 25 years, Eel lbs left forward, J Smith, 1!) years, 113 lbs.; center forward, \V M. McDonald. 29 years, 15.11bs,: right forward, G A. Killoran, 21 fears, 119 lbs ; right ter- , ward, G. A Dewar, 21 years, 129 lbs Sloan in goal is grind on high balls, and is the making . of a goal-keeper , he is a school-teacher ht. occupation. \1r I)on.ild and Willis, hacks, are always round Cis their -place is hen wanted, and always play a clean neat game. The Huron's half-bads line is a good one, and we doubt if a 'better one can be found, they being particularly good at feeding the forwards. W. McDonald, in center, is a good shot on goal, and his well- directed shuts generally took effect, while Dem'ar and Killoran on the right, and Craw- r.-4.1, • qrvijtif the left van always Ise de- prded upon Mr Dewar the captain x it. iala t, is president nr rhe Western ,visociatio, v • M r. C ra w et', -y1 • . ; . , 1,rl ii o 's a, to go ,u the Old Count ri with the :eam is now over there, but had to decline 'on accodm of his school duties, he being master in the collegiate institute here. The Collegiate Institute team, organized last spring, is now the champion Institute football team of Ontario. April 5, 1591, they won the Hough cup at Woodstock, and are ready for any curhers who think they can win it away Uhder the management of W. flamiltop, the Senior Lacrosse Cob of Seaforth is' now cham- pion of Canada, The Juniors hate won all theirmarehes this season except one, which was lost to Goderich July 1st, on which occasion • they had with them six players from the 3 iv- ,tnilc League. Even among the ju‘eniles, the 'Maple Leafs /football) and Scots (lacrosse) are the Canadian . champions in their class, When it comes to out-of-door sports, Seaforth is always ready to hear frorn the outside world, in any class. WORLD'S CHAMPION FIREMEN, o The Seaforth "Star” Hose team are well- known-to most of the fireman in Canada and the United States. They possess the greatest nonor of any of our teams, and rightly too, as they have made a record, that it will be hard to beat. They are the world's champion team of Featuring a complete line of.... ...STATIONERY SUPPLIES • GIFTS AND GIFT WRAPPINGS • GREETING _CARDS— COUTTS HALLMARK, RUSTCRAFT, AND NORCROSS • NOVELTIES • GAMES • BOOKS, ETC• • CHILDREN'S WEAR • HOSIERY • SEWING SUPPLIES LARONE'S 6—THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 17, 1975 Phone 527-1960 Seaforth