HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-23, Page 7THE WOW:LAX TIMES, FEBRUARY 23,1894 I 1 11 ...• 1 1 , 1111 111, 1.1 atztatiBB HE WHAT I IrliVE DONE, 1 Plillosapluoal Co‘z,itatiorm, ITACtoliig an Insult. ' It ray. to Rave Tool 81104, -iv 'tip Red away 1ko tile dow of the morning, I Sallie people might es Well be Craze; ColonelGilbertrierce, the late Miw' Every Diviner ought to ban a shed mr mid swam from the earth to its home in . they Iwo no enee. ister to Portugal, once picked up in bis the tune • Brel'y OHO believer; in Mende Until he lady Wii0 et00d, be$ttas 111.101011 tO Stow machinery over sot So /et mit steel nway, gently and levingly, arms young winter, but not every farmer has one, Only remembered by whit, I have done, , Ws blid opeasKiii tO try thew, ting at the coiner of tho ateet m and often we see the plow and bar - I It is caid that n man either becomes n an illaillT111. Village, unable- to cross it rew, the wagon and the Blower, Irly manes and my place and my t oMb it 11 f001 or 0 phi 10S0pller lit 40, beeellISO a shower bad filled it with a exposed to the weather all winter. If forgotteii, . The brief race of time well and patiently : The thoughts tleit dieturb men most 1rushing torrent of waterfarmers could only be made to under - I un, never enter rewoimin'ts head. •• • I • T.1e Young 1 ludY mi ul ° without stand th that e negk•ct of machinery . 1) itt d f30 let ins pass away, pence:Piny, silently, 1 l protest Wbilie the Colonel strode gal- i 4s more destrnetive to it than all Only remembered by whet I have dope, I The trouble with bluffing ia that some lttlitly through the torrent until he the use they give it,' it really seems men are foolish enotigb to fight. Yee, like the fragrance that wanders in i darkness, 1 When a man has an axe to grind, he When the flowerthat it came from are : generally wants to nee his neighbor's olosed up and gone, 1 rindstone ' So would I be to this worlcl'e weary dwel. 1 ' lers, When people attempt the habits of Qnly remembered by what 1 hilAie done., Angels it is very easy for them to disgust ordinary medals. Needs there the praise of the love -written record, 1 When a man realizes that he is not Tho name and the epitaph graved on the famous, he also reflects with a good deal stone? I f cam 1 P The things thee we have lived for, let them ; °- ---P-a,.eney that he it not &ad yet. be oer atory; We ourselvea but remembered by what I Bh9matism mCured in a day,—Sopth Ameran Rheumatic; Cure of Rheumptism • we have done. i andNeuralgie, radically ouree in 1 to 8 days. . • Its action on the system is remarkable and X need not be missed, if my life has been mysterious. It removes at once the cause bearing. i of the disease immediately disappears, The (As it summer and antumn move silently first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents. • on) e ' Warranted at Chisholm's drug store. II"' The bloom and the fruit and the seeds of , • I Out Men of the Future. , 1 shalt still be remembered by • what I 1 'its season; have done. Betel ehould not consider it manly to use profane language. need not be missed, if another succeed me, ahoy ought not•to hold others up to To reap down those fields which in spring ridicule anywhere. I have sown; by the reaper, pensity of playing tricks. He is only remembered by what lie has They ought not to read dangerous )le who plowed axed who sowed is not missed They should not indulge their pro - done. books and papers. Not myself, but the truth that in have spoken, Not myself, but the seed that in have sown, Shall pass on to eges, all about me for- gotten, Save the truth I have spoken, the things I have done. life 1 They ought not to interrupt others in life I their conversation. Neither ought they to deceive their teachers or their parente. 'So let my living be, so be my, dying, So lot my name be, unblazoned, unknown; Unpraised and unreissed, I shall still be re- membered, Yes, still remembered by whet I have done. All Three Cured. Buys should not smoke, for it injures their nervous eystern. ' Boys should not backbite others. it is wean to do so. Boys should have tbe greatest ppssible horror of intoxicating drink. Boys should shun evil companions as they wou Id demons from below. Boys should ever bear in mind that, God's eye is upon them always. 41•EIL mixer:um, WITH HES WIrit AND MOrfralt- Boys should continually struggle to •xr-etw, CIIDED Or CONSITHPTION BY DODD'S SIDNWS: PIUS —TRESS TILLS BiTTSR sues overcome bad habits. ORDINARY CATHARTICS. Boys, cultivate self-respect; you are Toronto, Feb. 10.—Neil McKeehine, a men of the future.—Orphan's Bouquet. 'popular barber of this city, has been a -sufferer from chronic constipation for years. i • The Pine Forest. He used Dodd's Kidney Pills andnot only The piuo forest* yield up their healing -obtained immediate relief, but a permanent virtues for the cure of coughs,00lds,00tlini ta, •cure. His wife and mother -in law • were brouchitie aud ;lore tbroat iu the •pleasaut 'similiarly afflicted, and used these pills pret.oratiou known as Dr. Wood's Norway with tho Searle results. Ordinary °ether- Piue Syrup. 25 and 500 at druggiste. I'tics give only temporary relief and leave • thepatient worse than before using them. 1 tics, their peculiar action on the liver and I will, when said in down right good kidneys is such that the causes of °midi- ,faith, says an exchange, is the most em- pation are permanently removed. Theses phatio and declarative sentence in all pills are manufactured by Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto, and are sold by all dealers, the world of language. You can tie to -or will be mailed on receipt of price; fifty 1 will, feeling absolutely sure that at no cents per box, or six boxes for $2.50. - 1 time are you likely to be given away. A modified promise or assent amounts to LISTOWEL. 1 but little, fur in the very nature of ex- , ' pression, it may mean something or The local hockey club is arranging for nothing, so you are kept ,in a state of et series of matches with Stratford and constant, anxious doubt. A. positive • Mount Forest, ' no is a better way of putting the fact J.W. Scott has been unanimously re- 'than a half yes. To know 1.he worst and -elected chairman of the High School then provide for it, is always an econ- board. He reciprocated by tendertng omy of one's individual resources. I will the members an oyster supper. ' goes forth to conquer. It burns the At the conclusion of the last regular bridges all along tts lines of tharuh, for znonthly meeting of the Public School it, recognizes no retreat. Succeed or die Boarci3Ohairman Brook and Secretary ' almost invariably brings success. It is 'Binning invited the members to partake your faint heart which never wins the of an oyster supper. • lady. To be up and doing with the assur- Att he last regular monthly meeting twee of the victor is to win the tield, how - 1, of the Listowel council, R. T. of T., the ever obstinate the foe. I will is the following officers were elected for the soriptural faith in objective forrn, which present term: P. O., T. Seaman;S.C.,T.H. ' remove3 the mountain and casts it into I Willoughby; V. C., 0. Wrathalla S., the depths of the sea. What this world T. Male; Chaplain, A. Gray; F. S. '2,, G. most need is a positive, aggressive action. W. Bitton ; Herald, R. Settinan; Guard, To fight it out on this line if it takes all A, Hardman ; Sentinel, W. H. Binning; summer has in it nothing of surrender. Power of "I Will." While Dodd's Kidney Pills are not °ether - 6 • cposi. e . an e talkie on tIlo op- , as if they W011111 AL shelter for it she then said, indignantly, "ttre you can be built in a day, Intel any fame* aware that you have insulted mer 'who know, how to nse a saw and posite sidewalk, with d y feet. 'Sir!' RS S0011 ars possible. .k cheap Ord "rwas,not aware of it," replied hammer can build on. The know - the colonel; "but seeing that you are 'ledge that tools can be found When right, I beg to make amends."8° S. wanted to use, is worth more in a saying, he picked up the protesting year than the cost of:the shed, leav- damsel and restored her to the PIM ing out all other conaderations. A M here be had first made her ac: good share of, the proffia of the ordin- i (Illaintance.. ary farm is wasted in making good I the loss which comes tomachinery Boottonty ad Stkin4th, from gross negleet in taking care of Valuable vegetable remedies are used in it, and this can be etit down in a ,surprisher deo-rec.: with little expense and labor. If you have no storehouse provide a shed for farms1 maehinery, and viten you have built the shed, seeithat all the machines are put under it at once, and make an inven- tory of all the tools in it. , the preparation of Hood's Sarsaparilla in such e, peculiar manner as to retain the full medics,' value of every iugredisnt. Thus Hood's Sarsaparillue • combines economy and strength end is the only re- medy of which 4,100 Doses Ono Dollar" is true. Be euro to get Hood's. . 10• Hoov's PutLecure Nausea,SickAHeadache, Indigestion, Biliousness. Sold by all druggists. t The Albion Hotel, Stratfprd, was damaged by fire on. Tuesdair morn- ing. Fully covered by insirance. • !, English Spavin Liniment reenoves all • hard, soft, or calloused.Lumps died Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavip, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sween, Stifles, Sprains,Sore and Swollen Throat' Orraglis, etc. Savo $50 by RAO of one bottle- War- ranted at Chilerollife drug store. Observe. the effects of rag. on those wha deliver themselves hp to the passion., A i . Itch tin 'Inman arid horses ill all 11r11 - male cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. These never fails. War- ranted at Chisholm's drug store. He that will . watch providenees shall never want providences to watch. Representative to G. OE,T. Male; Alter- nate, T. Seaman. The town council of this town has decided to raise the hotel licenses tto 1$300. This is an increase of $70 over last cur. Lt. Col. D, Campbell, of this town, has received a commission from the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M., of New Saudi Wales, appointing him their representative to the Grand Lodge of • Camel', and conferring upon hitt the reek of Past Grand Warden In their lode*. The commission is engrossed on parchment and signed by R. W. Duft, Grand Master, and Arthur H. Bray, Grand Secretary, Sidney, New South Wales, Bad in sit hours.—Distressing Kid. no and Bladder diseases relieved itsix hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." This great remedy is a great surprise and delight to physimane on ae. count of art exceeding promptness lit reliev- ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part a tit' urinary passages in nude and female. ,.c roliaces retentioti of water *ma pain in piessieg it almost immediately. If you want quiek relief ea cure this is your remedy. dold at Chisholm's drttg store, --- Inseams All Others. nEAR S1nS. Yonr Burdock Blood Hitters excel" all other medicines that I ever used. I took it for billioue- ness and it has cured me altogether. NVM. \Valour, Wallaceburg, Out. The New York Observer offered reward fog a. comp!lation of twenty of the "sweetest words in tlp English language." As a result pf , the con- test it secured the following list of words arranged in the order +of their popularity: Love, mother, hope, home, peace, faith, friendship, father, heaven, charity; truth, sister, brother, joy, rest, kindness, prayey, friend, mercy, purity, • • In Every Case. In every Case of dyspepsia., where it has been fairly tried, Burdock Bleed Bitters has performed a complete cure. B. B. B. cures where other remedies fail. A movement is on foot looking to the incorporation of Chatham as a city. The would-be baby city will bo into v %vowl nog wo.e.," 11• isn't rfluetksbie sl.61.11 thlIlk they wenhinwo up lieo Lir Sr(' Ilf4 Maio live. f The 0,46mow ., km, fie,i,i• eel n: !inure ro rottjt., i.lify 0 lo, 44Intiit of •bince der 1 whip gt (he ntral pilln io. 'lint to lei the beet 1,,itet peseta nutpre did not ex tee a eipo or() ty.„)-1,. th.„. yowl, wi i mases $300,000 w,,rilt, The price lest 1.ilir WO. 10 iwais a !amid. the. yeer i4, will tie low..,,, t.robialay foot coo. # when BetM ty was ak, vro ewe, h r Ca * stor. Mon she rasa child, she eriei ri for Castorid. When she became Msh iss, e eliTg to Castorls. . 'neuritic badChildren,sltegavithenteastoria. To B lien k 0011iffillet tit WindSOF %'i' 111 :1 ''j tuatt.e,-sio ie' $20 which thev Mint to thepose (Ifgheitp. is snide from the qiutrtere iif tour $20 bide lied tie% twen clevierly spilt and rillartered, one, querter henig need 11I tlic mew hill, 11111011g $100 of $80 • A fisliZeWS42.42.44t404.00.42vtitr,6, The -Wonders of the English Langu- When we assent that age Illustrated. The construction of the English I language must appear most formib-; able to a foreigner. One of them looking at a picture of 11,4111110er of ships, said : "See what • a flock of ships !" He was told that a flock of ships were called a fleet, 'and that a, fleet of sheep was called a ilock; and it vvas added for his guidance mas- tering111 the intricacies of our language that "a flock of girls is •called a bevy, and a bevy of wolves is called a pack, and a pack of thieves is called a gang, and a gang of angels is eated a host, and a host of porpoises la called a shoal, and a shoal of buffaloes is call- ed d a her, and a herd of.,ichildren is called a troop, and a trepp of par - ridges is called a covey, end covey of beauties 18 called a gafaxy, and a galaxy of ruffians is called a horde, ' and a horde of rubbish., is called a heap, and a heap of oxercis called a _drove, and a drove of blackguards is called a mob, and a mob of, whales is called. a school, and a sehotil of wor- shippers is called a congreation, and : a congregation. of engines is called. a' corps, and. a corps of robbei*is called a band, and a band of loeuseis is called. a swarm, and a swarm of people is ' called atrowd." News Items. Hotels in Listowel are to be limited to fiVC, and the licouse raised to 000. An agitation is on foot in Walker- ton. for the organization of a liew 111- stwance c,ompany. • Montreal nail makers are on strike. 'They would not stand 15 per • cent. reduction M wages. be 0110 hundred years \old this year, The Grand Association of the Pat- Important to Worktaginen. rons of Industry will convene in To- Artizans, mechanics stud laboring men ionto on Tuesday, Feb. 27th. are liable to midden stecidents and.injuries, n as well as pailful cords, stiff joints andthe final game for the Ontario ' I lameness. To all thus trotibled wet would recommend Hagvard's Yellow 011. the Tankard the Toronto Granites de - bandy toul reliable pain euro, for outward feated Dundas by four shots. and intermit use A prosperous farmer named Wil - In severe paroxysms of coughing ,liam Burns connnitted suicide on from whatever cause, a tablespoonful Wednesday night by drowning him - of glycerine in hot milk or cream' self in the Credit River, near Bramp- will give speedy relief. ton, Ont. • The Beat Tenths.• . T110 employes of the Kingston I will is the trump card that takes the MILBURN'S Quinine Wine is t for weaknese, debili trick, so that he who holds it may know leek of etrtoniceugth. It is an appetiziu that booed play alone, and make a march of tee highest merit. every time. I will not only appropriates . o a personal way the present, but it A very important decision wasAt the meeting of apple buyers and says its outstretching hand upon the given last. wee by JudgeBritton future and secures it with all that it has of the drainage court, in the case of exporters of Ontario held in Toronto 1 f tl. t , i i f m . on Wednesday it was kcided. to he b°96 cotton mills have had dal, wao— ty and bth g tout° eut down by 10 per cent., and the works have been closed down for a, 1 week or two for repairs. 1 in store. I will is the fulfilment of the the appea o le , om ns i ps sea, and Gostield North front an organize an association for the promise, for it carries witkit the rightful I • Obstinate CoUgh Care. . assessment each township was liable Chas. Chamberlain, of Toronto,was; hal tough . in favor of Merge& and Gosfleld fore the police magistrate en two r1agyarde Pectorml Balsam I Was curad cough medicine I know of Rochester will have to stand the (4. perjury. Ile was sent for trial on 1 Dodd's RARAW4eteti Kid f• ey PiHs wvvvvvv. Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis— ease, Rheumatisin and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we argil backed by the testimont of all who have used them. TIREY OGRE TO STAY funen. By all dogrests or mail on re!'cipti:d price, So coins. Dr. L. A. Smith tit Lk., Turunto. NEGLECTED ago MpLda tgbqkg SAFELY AND SURELY WO BY Allen Lung alsam. cAvEATS'TRADE MARK COP)(RIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a NillagittsZg..a4:1=7.1.7,1rniglliryyfteeng ropnerience In the patent business. °mann:Ica- ' foriatirgicYcZaViiiinLiAin tAgRAINZ'alt: itli'llaTefAttirceA411.antlitL?g""ine'"- Patents taken through Munn k CO. receive ZULlalrietrcoeuilbt:Irdvaigetr,gr;i7g.I. • out cost to the inventor. This splendid °fp:mere, ' issued weekly. elegantly illustrated. bas byfar th largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S3 a Vear. Sample soma sent free. Building Edition. monthly, S2.50 a year. Single copies, 25 cents. Every number contains; beau- tiful plates. in colors. and, photographs of new houses. with plans. enabling builders to show the latest designs and seonro contracts. Address MUNN & 00.. NEW YORE, 361 BROAUWAY. Sheridan's Condition Powde). 41' 04114(.111M rneitto Bititway. TIME TABLZ. Trete,. arrive awl depart as fellows f AkftIVINS' i.. ....ror Yereeto • ... 1, .. p, to IU:9 p. 11 PA* ler Teesamter ...... Vs* sad 1040 C3PRA. ef3.4) Txt,tri:rx spy". • 11.):8255: Hal 6;86 34.1:37:11:71MAil le V1:412 5:411., 111. tm rgep. " based ter Kincardine 1120n m for Kinardlus $.$7p m 10,07 London, Clinton, so., s.se •• DE% ill COLLEGE, OSHAWA. An Ituditutieu where neue but boarders are admitted; has been ruunitig about 14 years. Employs a very Efficient Staff of Ten Teachers. SCHOLAPS ARE SOLD, peribracing a full course; yearly, including 40 the English brdnelies. Sciences, Frettelt and German, Classics Music, Drawing, Crayon Portroit. Oil Painting, Ornamental' brs lichee, ith Vocal and Elocution, ip Classes, at remarkably low rates. ' This Institution draws students from Toronto, MOtitroal, OttAWS. mid the towns and rifles from Canada, as Well as from New York, Chicago and -other cities from the Milted States. For particulars acid reee, MISS D. A. HEED, Secretary. Oshawa. • KEEPS YOUR CHICKEN. Strong and Healthy.: Prevents all Disense. It to itty4olutelq uro Til Illy one I trttt .1 }i „it ggitim,intaig dx.eggi:..iki•r kind Is it t" Lair.f7 1`3:2611VoiTo.itiEgazguirikr...4,J: ' as.sessment levied on a draik by thelprovement of the system of carrying , . .. • •• claim to the preiniee. • township of Rochester. 33v the on the business. GatrttenEN —I bad a very About $3 794. The judgment is arraimned at Winnipeg Thursday be- i hich I could mei get rid of, but by using iii two or three days. It is the surest tInd consequently the township of charges, one of personation and one! : J'oeara Gomm Goderie'n, Out. W11010 expense. Tr; R. M. Ballantyne, the celebrated writer Pain -Killer. • The testimonial of stories of adventure, died in Borne on berne to the efficacy of this valuable Tuesday of last week. Medicine are sufficient warrant its • be barred from I introdneti011 iota every house. Our White horses aro to I • 1 t f Ito ll I be without a bottle of it for single peror Wilke that in a war white horses 110 military service in Germany• . The em- 1 )1111011 18 Would be especially eoggpietions boo/m(381hour. In flesh wounds, Relies, pains, of the use of smokeless powder, and lames, &e,, it is the most effeettiai would afford an (may took for the iremedy we known of. A Ile. bottle enemy, i will last for a long thne, mid its low Take IC. D. C. for sour stomOm% it within the reach of all. ach Price and 813kheadache. '—News, St. John, Que. both charges. 1: POWDERS The usuai fortune of' complaint is' to excite contempt more than pity. Few razor -straps are better than those made from a remnant of old leather belting' that has revolved long beneath the dripping of oil from machinery. A razor first. strapped 1on such a strip of leather and then upon a piece of calfskin is easily kept in good, order. • CUM SloOK NE ADAOHENenglgip PAtexc 26 0iNrs Ar 0 . . Pltio'it !tem test, Patinae in 20 minturss, also Coated afloat mt. ness,nniunsness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, • Torpid Liver, Bad 13reath, To stay Cured and regulate the bowels. VERY NIO TO TAKE. stoi*O4 11earsteli 4p. HO 41111.”-.1 Sold by druggists or sent by 11q.i1. PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training; both in Staff and Tonic•Sol•Fs. Notation. Open foroneagentents tor Concerts or church meetings. Terms moderate. Apply a MRS. II. MORROW'S, Parick 81 Wingharn JOB PRI1T1Nq, -rxetuDING Books, Pamphlets, Pesters, Bill Goads, Circulars, ae,execuelni in the best ovie of the art, at moderate prices,, and on short notice. Apply or address It IiiLLIOTT. Totes Office, Wingham. 3iNL 0? I-IAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital, $1,250,000. ]Rest, 050,000. SritAtiv. Vice-President—A. G. ii.tmsAY. DIRECTOR:. - 'men ettostoa, Gs). Rosen, 1Vst GINO; 2,1 P, A. T. Woos, A. G. Lim (Toronto). Cashier—J. TtnteituLt,. savings Bank—Hours, to to a; Saturdays, i. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest Slowe Sp. clal Deposits also received at current ratts 01 intere.t. ro, efts Great Britain and the nutted States bout ht and soldl B. WILSON, AGENT B. L. marmNsoN, solicitor. B. Gil 1V1 I N CS Begs to itithnate to his nu inevona ewe timers and others that he intends ITI ving to tilt' :48114 lately used as a bunt 0011 shoe store Two Doors North of Post Office „1.ere will be found a large stock of Musical Instrum.ents, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers, with all needed repairs. Alpo a full line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES GENERAL STATIONERY,. Steers will be opened nu Saturday, aly 29th, GIVJ ME A CALL. 1. B. Cr.IIIMINGli lee, aT. Usteltirse.Warren. 2Sth, '03. 0. •