HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-04-17, Page 4Watch for our new hours Commencing May 1st THE FORGE 527-0443 RecitiChe SOFT ice Cream 4' 4' - Kentucky Style • Chicken ,and Home Made Pizza 4' 74' TV & APPLIANCES since '63 BOB & ERMA WEEKS Proprietors 8 Wellington St. 2114433 • Corresponde tt Mrs. Ivan McClymorit The sympathy of the com- munity goes to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reid on the loss of her father Mr. Orville Blake of Hohnesville. U.C.W. Meets The U.C.W. meeting was held in the basement of the Church on Thursday evening with 21 mem- bers present. The Acting • Presi- dent for the month of April, Mrs. Doug McAsh opened the meeting with a poem. Group 3 was in charge of the devotions. Mrs. Ivan McClacznont opened with a call to Worship followed by Hymn "Crown Him with Many Crowns." The Scripture from Ecclesiastes 3:• 1-8 - "Time for every purpose" was read by Mrs. John Ostrom. Mrs. Bill Dowson read from the January Observer "Let Us not Weep for Donna". The offering was then taken by Mrs. Ralph Stephenson and dedi- vale(' 1;ly Mrs. Charles Reid. Hymn 474 of the Newifymn Book "That Eistertide of Joy was Bright" read by, Mrs. Torn Cousin. closed the devotions. The business meeting con- tinued. Mrs. Harvey Hayter read the minutes of the-last meeting and took the roll call. Forty-eight calls were made to the sick and shut -ins during March. Mrs. Bob Webster gave the Treasurer's Report. Mrs. John Ostrom, Mrs. Murvin Johnston. Mrs. Louis Taylor, Mrs. Gordon Johnston and Mrs. Gordon Hill were nominated to form a committee for an anniversary project. There will be a plant sale at the May meeting. The meeting was . e closed by the Lord's Prayer. Lunch was served by hostesses Mrs. John Ostrom. Mrs. Murvin Johnston, Mrs. Bill Chessell and Mrs. Ivan McClymont. There was a full hall at Varna for the final evening of the season • rim FLUORIDE P 730. P"' TOOTHPASTE 100 ml (Regular or Mint) L '1.94 VITAMIN 'C' .v252 (Ascorbic Acid) TABLETS 100 mg - 100's FOR 1.10 -71,4Wf • „• ...0 te • 4 1. 44 •••.• DRY-MOUNT $ale HOTO ALBUM 0 SHEETS - 20 PAGES agic cling transparent sheetS holds photos In place to BONUS BOY 1.990a. ALL DAY/ADULT 'a MULTIPLE VITAMINS PLUS IRON 100's - 2 FOR 4.89 t.165 Attention Farmers Drainage. Season is Near . at Hand SUB-SURFACE FARM DRAINAGE-WITH UNX DRAINAGE TUBING • GETS YOU ON YOUR LAND SOONER! • ENABLES YOU TO SEED EARLIER! • PROMOTES MORE AND BETTER ROOT GROWTH! • PROMOTES BETTER YIELDS! • ENABLES YOU TO HARVEST LATER! CHECK WITH US FOR QUALITY & PRICE Cali George Vivian 3454196 . e2call HERBAL \ SKIN SOFTENING BUBBLE BATH 230 ml 2 FOR $2 Seaforth THE HOMO PO$ITOR, APRIL Sugar and Spike by Bill Smiley Varna LICW fprms anniv of card pafrties sponsOred by • th Varna grange. Lodge at which I Bradley Family were enjoyed , all. Twenty-five tables were Play- A cool sunny day saw canoe rsary ornmittee races on the Bannockburn River and wagon tours to the Mcely- mones Sugar ^Bush where the maple sap was flowing and maple syrup and hot pancakes being served at Huffy Gully on Saturday This scenes to be a good week to clean up some loose ends, so, if you happen to have a loose end, join me. • Me and the Old Battleaxe spent a couple of days in the city during our winter break holiday. And "spent" is the world, It would have been cheaper to fly to Mexico and picks up Montezuma's curse, as they call it there,• or the dire rear, as we call it here. This remark has no connection with the opening sentence of this column. We went out shopping to buy a "tittle something" for Pokey, the grandson. Just a little shirt, or a toy, or some other trifle. Fifty dollars later, I staggered out of the department store, toting two large toys, six little shirts, four pairs of overalls, a full-dress suit for the kid, and a plastic shell windbreaker with a lining and a hood to "keep him warm when he comes ,out from swimming." At 15 months, he's going to be doing a tot of swimming. you see. Then, of course, we had to deliver the stuff. So we invited ourselves to dinner with daughter and told her not to fuss. that we'd bring along an old chunk of meat or something. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, she agreed with alacrity. My wife's idea of a couple of items to help out with dinner turned out to be five dollars worth of steak, 'the equivalent in pies and stuff, and assorted groceries running to another 10. my daughter supplying the potatoes and water for the coffee. However, it wasevorth it. We each got to hold the baby for about 10 minutes. in one minute snatches, between bouts of trying -out his toys and having clothes tried on him by the women. After many years. I finally realize why I hate trying on new clothes for my wife's surveillance. That baby despised every 'minute of the clothes-modelling session, and bellowed lusty protests as his mother and gran pulled his limbs into all sort of gymnastics, trying to stuff him into his new pants and shirts. It probably happens to all males in childhood, and they resent it ever after. Next day was even worse, financially. My wife was determined to buy a rug. bedspread and drapes to match some new wallpapeteere-a room she'd decorated. As any woman knows — and must husbands, too — this is a three-month, not a three-hour quest. It's usually about as easy as looking for the Lost Chord. Consequently, the old girl went off with leaden step. sagging mien and built-in frustration. She looked so depressed my • heart went out to her, and in a moment of madness, I offered to accompany her. Unfortunately, she was in the bathroom with the door closed and the water running, and I was so emotional that I was whispering, se she didn't hear me. To my astonishriiente she burst into the hotel room two hours later,. eyes shining, looking like a girl on her first date, and radiating joy. She had hit the, jackpot in her shopping. Everything matched some shade of off-yellow. Since I had expected to greet a.orn-out woman, full of recriminations. weary. dispirited and empty-handed, I got carried away. "Hey! this must he your day. Why don"t you buy a little something for yourself in that women's store? It will give you a lift." "Well, as you know, I haven't bought a stich of anything new since I don't know when. Maybe I'll pick up a new spring blouse or something." Not to be an old fogey, I decided that, by George, I'd get a new tie, myself. Well. I guess I got a little carried away. I walked out of that men's shop with two ties and two turtle-neck sweaters. I am not exactly' the turtle-neck type, but in a devil-may-care moment, I tried one on. It was white, made in Italy, and I swear I looked just like Fted Astaire, just in from Acapulco. Fred's a good-looking 72. These sweaters had extra-high turtles. They conceal your wattles and push your dewlaps out so that you look jolly, rather than just hang-dog. Fifty bucks lighter,"( left the shop with a red platic hag containing my goodies. I felt guilty but jaunty. I lost both my guilt and my jaunt when I went to the ladies shop to meet my wife. Yes. she had picked up a new spring blouse. And a new spring suit. And another suit. And a casual autfit.And some more blouses. She was snatching things off the racks like a two-year-old opening Christmas presents. Ah. well.. whet the hell. You can't take it with you. Especially if there's nothing to take. Next day, back home, she modelled all her array for me. It was then that I learned none of her shoes or purses "went with" the new clothes. The rest is history'. Two good things did come out of that holiday, however. My wife told me she wanted to see me in one of my turtle-neck sweaters. I fought it, but finally gave in with bad grace. "Where ate they? They're in a red plastic bag. Where did you put it?" "It's with the rest of the stuff', she retorted. It ,wasn't. It wasn't anywhere. After going hack over the day-before, we agreed that I'd taken it into the dining-room, put it beside my chair, and had walked out without it. Of all the stupid Phoned the hotel, long-distance. No, Lost-and-Found had no trace of it, but, learning my name, the lady there said she read my column in the Blenheim paper and we had a nice chat. Well, there goes fifty bucks, plus a L.D. call. Went out morosely to put scone empties in the car trunk. There was the little old red devil plastic bag. With sweaters and tie.. The other good thing was. gypping the hotel on. breakfast., We ordered breakfast, fold One. I drank 'ate ordi getiltiee, site ate the buckwheat cakes, I ate the toast and jam, and we shared the coffee. Two breakfasts for the price of one. I'll bet they haven't caught on yet. I saved 51.80 on breakfast, two days in a row. A profitable trip, taken all round. .5t PROSHAVE P249 SHAVING P "2 CREAM Ume, Menthol. Regular & Snow Lemon Wel 1 2CO AU. DAY/ALL NIGHT DECONGESTANT COLD CAPSULES 10's 20's 2 FOR 2 FOR 01_0 TVI-01' All' Clap' 9.80 '2.98 BACHELOR P241 STICK DEODORANT 2.4 oz. • WHITE PETROLEUM JELLY B,P: 16 oz. (Baby Care Formula) • WIN ONE OF 100 BRAUN AROMASTER COFFEE MAKERS Dsgacilignmarked packages of . if 1 R....ca Super Pienami elll n 144+72 Combos 98 BONUS BUY Win a better way to start your day •• "Ifirgai/ Vitamin C t^ Wag DISINFECTANT SPRAY , 14 oz. 2 $2.33 4 %.reettiossesiressireifess KAOLIN & PECTIN MIXTURE 8 II. oz. ?OR $ 1 .68 rij Expositor Want Ads PAY BUY 'I ALL DAY/ALL NIGHT COUGH SYRUP - 3 oz. 9.87 2 $1. 85 FOR SILQUE LOTION '"°2-3 FOR DISHES Regular or Lemon Fragrance (32 ff. oz.) 909 ml OR '1.93 SUPER DRY P'69 Anti-Perspirant SPRAY DEODORANT 9oz. Regular or Powder ?OR '2.37 X117.6.9 REX-RAY DOUBLE LIFE LIGHT BULBS 40-60-100 WATT 2000 HRS. Packed 2 to a sleeve BONUS BUY 500 2 BULBS EFFERVESCENT P699 DENTURE CLEANER TABLETS 32's OR 49 DISPOSABLE "" FLASHLIGHT Ultra bright beam, long Sealed in-4,5 volt power cell. Compact styling. BUY • 49e0 BONUS $1 CALAMINE ° ANTIHISTAMINE LOTION 6 oz. $ FoR • • ••ti • SP NTEX OPAQUE 192°-5 PANTY HOSE With reinforced gusset nude heel. Fits 90.150 lbs. Navy, Black, Brown, White. Plum or Beige. BONUS (lac BUY uriim pr. YOU SAVE MUCH MORE AT A REXALL DRUG STORE DURING SPECIAL '2 FOR SALE DAYS FOOT SPRAY Antifungal Deodorant Dry Spray Powder 6 Oz. OR '2.23 BABY SHAMPOO eve The truly tearless Baby Shampoo Th 350 ml ; 2 R $2.27 44,„ FO ' ''due. j BABY . POWDER NS The very finest pure talc (14 oz.) 397 g FOR KEATING'S PHARMACY M. E. HOOVER, Phm B. 0470 HOT LEMON FOR COLDS (10 pouches per carton), FOR 1230 Phone 527-1990 P„ HERBAL SKIN SOFTENING BATH OIL 115 mi or STAFFA LAD( We will guarantee installation this year UNITED 1EXTPIU8101%18 LTD. 33 Centennial Poacl. Orangeville, Ontario - (519) 941-5175