HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-23, Page 5vt kio flIE! WINGI ., M1, T11.ES, EEi;i3.R rAlt)' 2, 1894. qt;':s CUI,1tOSS, !deaths, .`„*:10,70; Jos, lirohvoocl, post- ByIasys Nos, 3 and 4, 1894, were The Stitttlare11 met in the .'own hall, i tRge and stationery, 50cts,; D. A. Ire- duly read and passed. The Connell Teeslvatc r, February 10th, 1891, a1s; lame, salary as Collector for 18913, then; adjour lied to meet again on the per motion of adjournment of last [$30; Mrs, McKinnon, aid 111 support- 26th March next, meeting. Members all present. Tjae !lug Mb's, McPhee, $6; Mrs.. Fizzell, W. CLARK, Clerk, minutes of last meeting react Ad I aid for her support, 06; Mrs, Wolfe, approvec1. Reid—Kuntz--'Alt the charity, 81; Peter Clark, six months BLYTfl, applications for the: different (Slices 1 salary as Treasurer, $5Q,* As stated in last issue, Patrick be nopened and laid on the table • Finance report, February ] 5111, holly, ek: Reeve, and an old resident AM for exanrinatfon---Carried, Johnston 1894: Ii, P, O'Connor, law expeuscs, 'of this pine, passed away on tho --Inti itz---That the following tussle- i '1Q0; Blake, Lash & Cassels, law 14th inst. Mr. Kelly was of Trish Hien be theaid officers for the year � expenses, $161.58• J, K. McLean pyarentagc, andwasborn in the county 1894, viz, : Peter Clarke, Treasurer ; • four affidavits re Plebiscite vote, $1; of Tipperary, Ireland, in the year Chas, Button, Clerk D, 'A. Ireland, halt S. Ridell, stationery, $5.46; D. 1832, whence he emigrated to Canada .Assessor; John Armstrong, Collector. A. Ireland, refund of amount over- in 1847, settling with Ms parents in Salaries as follows : Treaisairor, $90; paid to Township Treasurer, $4,11, Fitzroy, county Carleton, where they Clerk, $100; Assessor, $60; Collector, postage 25e., $4.36. KNOWLEDGE resided about 6 years, removing in, Brings corefeet end improvement And X50. That a By-law be "drawn up CMS. Borrow, Clerk. 1853 to the township of Morris, which boos -to possrntal 01110pmens when iconflrining their appointment. The Aar- James Straltll, a 1 espect�ecl reg. was then an almost unbroken forest. rightly used. Woe many, who live bet - vote being called for, there voted as I dent o this t' wiiallip,passed ad way on : Here, by dint of heroic efforts. and ter than othermrand enjoy life more, with follows; Yeats; Jolmston, Kuntz and the 8th inst. Though he had beon ins 'undaunted perseverance, he succeed- lose expenditure, by more promptly Reid, Nay; M9 %I(ay (�arriud. Me- a 1+�tv•eonclitson for some time it wase ed in making r'�l himself ahonie, and adapting the worlds best products to e liquid Kay—Johnston—That Mrs, Wolfe lir not thought that the end wit s so near , in the year 1856 be married Mary the Hoods of 'physical being, will attest allowed the stnlia of .p1Q, she being in but before the members of his family Welsh, of Morris township, who died tile v ABla nte c pleat mbra�+.of the pur in the indigent C11'a1 i11atall(e's heing blind living a,t a distance couldbel ulnnioned foul years afterwards, leat711riry, one remedy,atve Sirup of rigs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the £ti'm moi,t aeceptab"a and pleas- ant cater leaven two daillglt: a71t to tine taste, the refreshing and truly That in colamplialnce With the petition q a tinted. writh hint, Tale funeral rears, g n beneficsai'1 properties of a perfect lax- of Neil McKinnon and others, pray- I took ;place on Saturda y.—Arrange_ tors, who aro still at home, 'elle ative , effectually cleansing the system, ing for afd to assist Mrs. McKinnon Anent haws been completed for the cicceased .folio�vecl- farming for a. dispellrng colds, headaches and fevers • establishmetlt of a cheese facto on number off years, when he purchased and potmaueutly curing constipation. in the su.lnlnor t of Mrs. to as c, that ' Tr even satisfaction to millions and a grant .of $6 be made to assist her the 8t11'eoneessioln, It is to be hoped the mills lin this village, which be it has g in, her support—Carried. itVelavaodt i t11e most sanguine expectations of the Sueeessfw 11y conducted until his death. :net With the approval of the medical —Joltnstovl -That' Mrs. I'izzel be ! )romdters will be realized. There Hey took an active part in politics,a.ticl Profession, because it accts on the Kid- made a ,grant of $6 to assist her, ars �II should. be a splendid ,opening in the was the Conservative candidate 'for flops. he�mandits perfectly ee without e from she is iestituto ersirelunstances, ,at.13( t'town4ei.p for a factory.. West Huron fol the Ontario LeglslaL n. stvory object' enable substance, a cheque, be issuecli#'or same—.Carried. I ----- . tune in. ab79, but was defeated by Syrup of Pigs is for sato by all drug- McKay—Reid—That as we have 1 tl H AMR 7 bottles, •v but it is mann and about 81 years of'age, and that 1'tis s iiit took its flight, He was .a son, rv110 15:tow residing 111 Blytlt� Air. Kuntz be paid the money to give 'gniiet, unassuming gran andwasmatch Deceased afterwards married Annie, her—CatriedL. Kuntz --- AleKay— respected by those who were well •ac- Tanney, r Tao predeceased him some MORRIS. a on. A. M . Ross. He was dere gists in 5e, o- , passed b by-law ;preventing olastriict I Miss Carrie Sorrel;. is attending ,reofticle Blyth was erected Moaniis township for bit'e yearsand factured by• the Californiaornia Fig Syrup a villa:its% Go, only, whose name is printed on every tion to 'Streams and have notified -41 ''113ghschool i11 Seafortla again. he WAS elected its first Reeve, a74c!1 pad bei, also the name, Syrup of Figs, parties to Blear away obstruetiens Bennet Farrow, of ngabnnon, is g well informed, you will not existing,., and 'expect to have the rifler \Visiting the parental home on the held that p0Sitlolr for Inalldy 4e°'t1•S, lieeept any substituted offered, cleared at an early date ; and where.' -' .3rli. He took an active part in securing as, the Township of Greenock are Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bone returned. baokila„githe Avatar on our ratepayers, aon'•Saturday from a visit to i 'rieltcls in land by 'allowing logs and other, rub- London and Woodstock. bish to.obstruet the river, resolved Miss Eliza Budd. left (n Tues - that the Clerk fiotify Greenock Conn- ,dey last for Glcinboro, Manitoba, oil that awe -expect that they wigMatti a Where site will keep house for her the Teeawa;ter river running through :grandfather, .Jigs- Balker. Greeuadh(cleared of all' obstructions Robt. Soueh, his ;daughter, Miss accoriiiug'to statute—Carried. John- Cora, and grandclaalu•,;hter,Miss Martha stop•--•Welwoof3-=That the Finance l;taglant, were vi:sibhn,g fliiends in St. Solemnrequie111 march and followed 1,1893, with Auditors' report and Carried. • .McKay---Reid—That the Jas. Aitkins i utrned to 'his home Clerk wvrite 11. C. ,Jones, Engineer, :a't Cyprus River, Manitoba, on Mon- dratiwirzg his attention to remunerationadlaty last. He has been visiting fees as .fixed by by-law, and return Mends here for the least two months. -leis account to shim for .eorreetion— We are pleased to .state that • Win. Carried. Reid—Johnston—That this ,Ckeehrime, who has been -laid up for Board deo now radjourn to nicet,agatiin ;the past 'seven weeks iuith a sprained o11 Thursday, :tine.15th Fobrttaarsy, rat ,atatkle, is able to be Oboist. again. • 10 d'elock--(tarried. • Youill Bros., of the 8th .concession Coundll met :again, on Fclsrnary Grey, have bought the Sample farm, 15th. Menthols: ail present. ALie ties teontaining 150 acres, .oaarthe 3rd line, of meeting of .February 10th. ?end from Jno. E. Smith, ,Qf Brandon, and agtlprovedl. Reid—Jolnt!stoil— Manitoba. The price; ave believe,. , its 2 That111:•,the,t..a. ,. the T4.eevetl>s�ne cheques for stets „ ), 0 g u t at the Council payment • Q�1nt•• h • council e tc.0 of the follotvnl ,tcc � The il nt vizi: ILt P. O'Connor, $400; •Beale, Room,. Morris, Feb. 12th„ 1894, pur- Lash & Cassel*,, $161,58 -Carried. mutant to adjourmnelit. Members all Reid-- -I isitatz—'Shat by-law No. 3, ,present. The Reeve lis the chair. being a any --law ifor the purpose of Minutes of last meeting. .read and the appointment . of the difeeent passed. • Plan amid spedations :for paid.ofae,ers, be now read a first, second and third time, passed, sighed and sealed—Cntti'ied. Colut011 then adjourned. to meet sat 2 o'clock. - The Crnuhnei'l-met again • according ' 'to adjournment: aA±, was moved by Johnston and Redd—That as the Reeve is unary oidlably absent, Mr. MelKay tide, tete chair --Carried. .Moved and seconded,. that the Conn oil. form titeluselves into a committee of `tile whole and finally- audit the Treasurer's books and accounts for the year 189 ---Carried. Kuntz— r JellrtStollllat the •lti'eevL' and Mr. Roicl•be a committee to examine and report at next meeting of Council on, '1110 AuditorsReport was then : Taylor's,' near Belgrave,—It is ex- .10the Treasurer's bonds and securities presented and. examined by the peotccl that the Union between the —Carried. Reid—.Johnston-t--That council, Moved by jass Bowman, Presbyterian church, Belgrave, and ;at next meeting of Council Path seconded by Tilos • Code, that the that. of Cads -in church, East Wawa - masters, Poundicepers and Fence- report be•adopted and the abstract viewers be appointed, and the print- be published in the Herald: Moved iron committee „et notices pr e steel and . in amendment, by Geo. Kirkby, the Loltdon, Iluron & Bruce railway ! ... ..... IIe luras an energetic, enterprising meantime for further information citizen, antr a genial, kind and tour- regarding the same. The Auditors' teous gentleman, and will be greatly :report and Treasurer's abstract for missedin this village and vicinity,. 1893, received and read. Moved by The funeral, which took place at 13. Mr. Shelli, seconded by Mr. Scott, o'clock on:Friday morning last ,Arris that the same as now read be received one of the largest and most inlposist •• .,and adopted, and that the Auditors' ever witnessed in the county cif ! be paid $7 each for their services— School Books,Scribblers, bblerss H The hearse was ptle t dec1ihy y Carried. The Clerk was authorized GE KT By actual count we have Only 13 MANTLES left. These we are bound to clear befbx 'Stock -Taking. $7 ones now $10 ones Iow $6.75, +6e. $4.50. Special values in Overcoats, Furs and Men's Gloves. D - Best value in Dress Goods in town. 20 dozen Silk Handkerchiefs bought at 50c. on the $. Special value in all Goods for 30 days before Stock -Taking. Respet:tiully yo ars, Cit -)JC,.. TT]i"G•_. I have just receival a large consignment of WALL PAPER, , WINDOW BLINDS, c'c. in all the latestdesigns and styles. Also, a large stock of than Blyth brass band, playing a.''to get 250 copies of the minutes of Exercise Books, -Copy Books Report,as ,just react be. . adaptedl— Marys, last week. by 1 h(i-memb;;rs of the council of the ; Treasurer's abstr actprinted,Wni Carr village. A long line of carriages was reappointed: Treasurer, salary filled with sorrowing relatives a:aicl , $70, and Jdhn Taylor, Collector of friends followed the remains to the !It—axes, salary, 060, both for the cur - R. 0; .Murch, and afterwards to the rent year. By-laws Nos. 1, 2 and cemetery in Morris. At the , church 3, 1894, read and passed. The fol - solemn Iligh Mass.. was sung by the. lowing debentures were passed and Rev -Dean Murphy, of Irislttosen, signed, viz.: Wen. Robinson, services assisted by Rev. -Fathers Quigley and • as Auditor for 1893, $7 ; pharles Downey, of St. Augustine; -messes, i Campbell,services as Auditor for 1893, of' Maidstone Cross• Aylward; of Pelt 0'r ; Margaret Murray, concession 5, Laia'vbton ; West, of GGoderich ; Ken- ;taxes remitted 'for 1893, 63 cents ; mealy, ofScafoltiaridl Dixon, of1s1t Mrs. Margaret;ret Coates, lott 37, comes - Ileitis The music '•was -of a most iati .cion 4, taxes remitted for 1893, $1.63; g p� ebs;ive character, al. requiem glass i George Taylor, filling up washout on being` sung by the choir of St. Aligns, teastern gravel resell, $2 ; John Tay- tirie, while a number of beautiful lot, balance of salary as Collector of. solos'nvero sung by Mrs. J, H. Blowe- .taxes for 1893, postagees and station - lee, Glencoe. The pall bearers were:,: eery, &o., $22 ; Win. Carr, salary as Judge Doyle and L, Campion, at Treasurer for 1893, $75. The Coun- relluiIclillg Hogg's bridge, nverc pre Goderieh • Joseph Beck, Saltford; (earl then adjourned till Tuesday, the Win.cl by the Reeve. • Moved by Wm. Hawkshaw, Sea.forthand Chas.I 27tH March next, when Pathmasters, Win. scetoftL l y ,tats. Bow - Tanner and S. Llnigh, of Blyth. I Poundkeepers, and Fenceviewers will man, that the part of the sneeitications ___ _ _ , . :be appointed for the present year. referring to the westerly :abutment EAST WA.WANOSH. ' 1 P. Poaxrl11r1Ebo; Clerk. be Yehanged,and. that a new:abutment . NOTES—Mr. John 1ioCa11um who be built instead of reinooing and i BrLGTAV l„ a n got his leg jammed loading : , rebuilding the existing one ---Carried. logs in Itis own bitch a few w ecic9 ! 'rhe fniseral of the lane Joseph Honed by Thos. Code, seeondedby a is able to be around again.—tn°rbett tool. .1'. place lastSebbatll aft0r- t Gree. Kirkby, that the plan and Mrs; .Janus Grigg li as been eonfiltecl ; 3aooai. itevA.Sha w, of I1'ros- spuipcations, as amended, 'h aclop= to,her bed for the past few weeks, ete�ra,,officiated. The a.�.ieutbly Was ted,, ,and that the clerk be. instructed with a severe attack of the la rippe, tlae b, evivein;; much sympathy ly with to advertise at once foe tenders for the; bereaved. Mr. (,i>rbt:,r hard been Lett we iter, pleased toy hear; she is sick.for some time. The funeral rebuilding the sante; tenders to 1x' recoverbse.—Mr..J. 1i . Wilson and opened :at the Town Hall, cut Feb. leis M try McOlit ton of Westfield, sc'rinou Will 11 preached by tiro r Sabbath . . •t on S 24th, tt 2 o'clock p. Ill. C..ltlled. Suriclativc3A1 at their aunt's _ lirs. J', pastor, Rev. J. H. Dyke, , , ' evening,25th inst.—Rev-FS A. Shaw, of Wroxeter, supplied for the Bel - grave pastor, %vile was preaching Missionary Sermons in Wroxeter, on Sabbath last. --The A. I U. W. lodge, of this i'1llagc , spent •:m enjoy- able time,last .Vridaty evening, having a coffee sulrpee and at fiat' programme, which w•as well rseelvi•(t. nosh, will 'take place at an. early date: --The Foresters' concert, which is to take place in their hall at Bel - posted up to that effect—Carried. seconded by Wm. Isbister, that the i -grave, 'on the evohling of the 28th. Reid—.Johnston—That this Board abstract be published in the Post-- inst. bids fair to be one of the best having examined the Treasurer's Amendment Carried, Moved by of the season.—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin books and the Collector's roll for the Thos. Code, secondedby Geo, Kirkby, 'Wightmen and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. year 1893, and believe the same to that the Trustees of Sunshine church bceorrect, that the prialtingeoluluittee be paid $12, as payment itt full for get 200 copies of the Auditors' Re- damage done by removing gravel port printed for distribution -:Carried. 1•ied. Con iguotts to the cemetery --Carried. Kuntz—Reid—That the Treasurer Accounts were ordered to be paid, refund D. A. Ireland, collector for as follows: R. Long repairingSun- e 1893, the sunt of 04.11, being aluotslnt shine bridge, $33.50 ; Auditors, each, +r overpaid of roll,: with amount of 010; Slater & Sims, repairing scraper, Bone, attended the ase M Knox con- DO You Cough cert. at W nghant, last Monday night. "Tho Township Council met on I Ornery 13th, pursuant to adjourn- ment, Members all present. Min- utes of last meeting read and eon - firmed. Ordered, that the resolution at €1. 't Connell meeting, Zr - aISSC (1 € i b �' 1 ) postage 2:i cents, Making • a total of „�'2 25; P. Canteloti, . four weeks 1 pointing Finlay Anderson, oBel- FAN—Carried. Johnston— Kuntz keepsof Fisher, 88; Mrs. Lol3o11, koop („rave arbitrator on behalf of this --'etas the finance report, as just of Murphy, $3; Win. Kelly, digging township re forillatiolt of a p101)0 0d read, be. adopted—Carried. Reid- - .Murphy's grave, (,x.1..10; II. Perdue, new school section in the south end.'- Johnston—Plitt this Council do now clearing ice, :.;%3 ; 1-1. Sellars, building of the township, concessions 2 and 3, .. adjourn to meet at'alin. on S'attttldaly, culvert and, filling washout, $t; IV, 1)01/escitlilccl on aaccotuit of thiti Mat- ,. '-`;, the 10th of 11auch.--Oat'.1•1e:l. Morrison, servee.i it Walton: school ter having r beet. refereed to the Finance Report, Febrwtry 10th,, arbitratioth, $1; Misses l.xford,charity, Cooney Council at their late meeting, • 189.1:.Jolln Mellae, services ars Audi- $12 ; -T. S. Brandon, salary and ells' 'who appointed three arbitrcttols to tor, $8; Robt, Watson, services at,s parses, $100. 'Moved by ,Jars. Row net o;t behalf of the tnuaiieipalitics of , , r. r M 1 ' (r that the , auditor, MSB; Jos, Wehvooel, attending it1!!bn,. secoltelecl by T. Collo, t t ITttt et.Y I',alst anti. West Wawanosh. to county bridge, Ctt11•os:i and Turn= Township printing for the current Account of J"anios Murray & Co., Melly, $1, Chats. futtou, balance of year be let by tender,. and that the foltudry erten, late of Wingham, note salary ars Clerk, ' +20;4. Chats. 'Button, Clerk draft a ,slte'teil of W,7rk and • of • Exeter, $1.50, for repairing a road registration of bit ells, rltat'riagcs and • tisk ter tenders rnr!it;diate1y—Oa iect 1s raper, received. and Laid over in the - 19 It is a sure sign of weakness. Yotjneed more than a tonic, You need Scott9.- 4 L; Y I , li , 1 ..II AIMA1ilWIP1�:.YV Emulsioin i tho Cream: of Cod' -livor Oil and Hypophosphites,not only' to,curo the Cough but to give y your • n stye s ste t>:i real strength* •physicians, the World over, endorse its Doo't be doeslvid bi Sihstltitisi host IsAiriejlelloiletia 1,0011400 010.106 Slates, Pencils, Crayons, - Stationery, &c. Prices as Low as the Lowest. ALEX. ROSS. The Popular Bookstore, Wingham. ram, gra •Ser! IGI —1 N--- 1_ -1l r i_j1 13 111 S —AND 3eaciy,aie C:oillg ----FOR THE— Next Eight Days, —AT ----- V :V r'1'w • ,i..., 1 '•44., L MILLS' 1-11E1.1M11.111" FARING SALE S7SIINOHAM.