HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-23, Page 4The
* Wi( seventh
to �� t • (
4+ � closing (aa r: • rlt
1 . ,. st cm Phl rl .lr •�t til
Legislature of Ontario toot (»1 11'ed-
nestles. of last week. There Wal, a
large eta...Mimeo of eitlreens t() ,t it-
-kfla.- Iles.; the o]x'lt:ug, a111x1R inti ar due erre-
D �'�. many, !the $lx't•elt Iowa .Este.
.j1,E> tl,,was
1:1n'( lne
" . "V i IC 1'7 `wa :ll ad bythy' Liell.'•t llan1�t ()Yernor,
ice . cis follows
%tr, Speaker and l esta.1(' aeo of the
!Legislative Assembly 2
+g+ , k„ y a s . 4 It i.; lei s it nttaeil l)lrasutvw that 1
'ART. z14 i • L i )� Id bv. (4111et, 11101Y' Meet you. assembledtbr the
f(lespatell of the business of the Pro,
time e and the legislation which the
psiblie interests require.
'White in the last year the grain
WT .::gha1L11, - - Ord
:erelps anal the live stock trade have
• - not been as rennmerative as in
'A.,FLE (f .6.1,iGIL.`A.M TIMES, FEBRUARY23, Ib94a
Ontario Legislature. and r(Ulmeal the drainage lows atld the discussion of' his writings, miter(' the 1 Vil()KETER. MARKET T It1:PO!. E'a3.
.app.'Brunswick House
„', y ' K former yeitia, I am pleased. to know
lye •: 1 ,?!> < �' f e " treat the products of our dairies alixi
• . • It t1 .:'16'1 1 �' steadily increasing, titlet by reason of
'the improved quality command higher•
•' p)rJees than at any time 111 recent
FRIDAY I'1;i31.iU:�It.7' l8, 11394. years.
. _a_ •: _ - ; The asauuerous agricultural organ-
.: ......... __...._ _ .
ft; ED' T011IAL NOTES. iza�iotls w>s•1lieii are :tided by the Legis-
. nature have been increasingly active;
Stir OLIVER120\.tT -MIS tulam the membership of most of them has
moils%y renominated for South Oxford largely ill('.iY'at3ed, mid the demand
at the Reform Cauvention on Wed-
nesday, at Woodstock.
for their reports, published by the
Department of Agriculture,* evidence
of the interest taken ]11 the goal work
• , ill witiell the organizations al's mpg.
of Peirce Edward Island, dress at ('di•2.110 attendance at the Ag
on the: 13th. instant. , eted. is larger than g -
Senator Holwhm, lois been, appointed ricultural College
as his ecce,. v
s , s r 0 any time in its history; the accom-
modation for the regular course has
MR. Jas. Conrce,l'I. P. P. for West been taxed to its utmost. The sum -
Algoma, has introduced a bill into lure course for teachers proved a
the Ontario Legislature to provide most successful experiment, and will
for the use of the ballot in the ('lection 1)e repeated (luring the present year..
of Separate School Trustees, on the The large number in attendance at alxl conclusions, ,while affording prowling around the country, creep -
same conditions as it is now used in the special Dairy School 11a15 fully' proof of your wisdom and patriot-ing into back rooms, striving to lit-
tle:election of Public School Trustees. justified your action in providing ha ism, will contribute to the continued � duce- honest and well -Measling persons
crease(. aleConmloclation. -• development of the resources of our 1 to join his grotesque band of- coward -
..I' E Reform Can(lid1 mow l lCet(d i
The signal succuss of the province Province and the prosperity and I ly plotters. In a future letter I
in the by-election for the Legislature, at the World's Columbian Exposition happiness of all classes of our people. purpose giving some interesting
in South Lanark,. • On Friday 'last. bas been a1 111att('l Of just pride and 1 episodes regarding his 1uodle of oper-
The full returns are: Clarke, kef'ornt' satisfaction to our people. 13,v our '--•--�- Mims in attempting to organize 1'. P.
JE;:?; Leta, Conservative, 1)1(; I''er- exhibits of live stock, grain, honey, IREV. FATHER QUIGLEY A. lodges in this district. Liter on I
guson, 1. of I, 800; Iiulrotws. Far- fruit, cheese, minerals, timber, natural t will give some farther continents on
nlei� Friend, 61. linjolitp� for history, And education, we hires SCORES J. Ii,, �iCG'0.' NLLL, Its-rlxl;sl- the P. P. 1. ritual, in Decree to show
Clarke, hcto1111er, 18. shown that Ontario possesses great9 , DENT OF _THE P. P. A. more clearly to the public the 111-
A MAJORITY of the Judges of the. natural resources, and 111 their (le -•4 famous character of that organize -
Supreme Court of Canada on Tuesday Vt'lol)illellt ,las kept pace With To the Editor or tete Wipghaut TIMM. tion. With the kind permission of
1 ' • wealthier 8,11(1 11101'e populous C011ll- ,r ,
o;;•pres5ecl the opinion that the Roman 1 p SIR,—Tru wall -merited castigation the. IIsI>;s and for the Benefit of
Catholic minority* of Manitoba have. •tries..administered to ex -president 11cCon- intelligent and unprejudiced Protest -
lie appeal to the. Governor-General in . The lumber trade continued active • nell has hada salutary effect. Like ' ant readers, • I shall devote a few
Council against the Manitoba School turd the markets is good during the ' the naughty* school 1)0y under the in letters to a full explanation o± Catholic
a Act of 18:)0, and thatpractically ends early part of last year, and until the fiueuce of a wholesome application of teaching on the question of players
this ye\ecl question. The right of lllolletsry ,trillg(11ey fn the L111t('cl. the birch, he pots forth sighs and fol the dead, s0 grossly misrepresent-
, Manitoba to make her own laws as States caused ribless depression in:groans. Finding llilllseif convicted eel by the .ignorant, bombastic orgau-
tomatters educational has been upheld. 1)t'Lsille3:J hi - that country. Prices of falsehood, ealunmy and fraud, his i'LCr of the 1'. P. A. and the mentally
and there will be only one system of since then Have not been so Right 1consternation stud rage know no
schools recognized in the Province. 110t• the ,lllarket, so active. 1otivith-' Dourless. Driven into a earner from
sta ndinz,g `'this, the receipts from i whi:ell escape is no longer possible, he
.HE. Court of Appeals has decided woo is ams fin(),%. Ilatvu, I a11L turns desperately maids pursitel,aatcl,
aagaaulst Connolly and sic sreevey, and pleased to say, more than' equalled lyitll all talc mental agony of a cies
tIie'y will have to serve out their ae'1- ti'1C CStpnatr_'r. revenue from that pairing man, he strikes right and
101ir'4 Unless the Minister of Justis.: .;,gree, ' ' a Teft,'cleter111.l1ed to hit sottrbocly or
pardons them. The Toronto World ` A c�ousiderable area of fertile land
tp something. But, alas, in .his blind
of a few days ago published a des- has new been surveyed on the shores' fury 11e misses his thus every time
and at each stroke the ,weapon re-
coils with redoubled force on his own
brainless pate. When brought face
to face with his villainous attempt to
diteltes Ian t1 la'it('1't'Otlt'z'( act prevailed mire of social an moral tul'pitu(ie is 1 ate awes just opu'rd curt anew and h.•nntitel lrlr;plrA1(, as
' grecs. n' ll'tsl! It:pura)u thu jury lut(sr, st)lys unci yyingltam, 1+1nbruat•y 2a, 1804.
by the •{14monissioll on tilt' Drainage ankle det•pi The shill(. which halt- at a'nrk 22,1,,1 prfena, rantfin•, cis tee tier roll up.
Loll"5 L1at11 N)11 ! changes,. will twin bola the thought' to 'Which his letters Au last year's stork at urstas 1nduc:dpihes. uhu Correotpct by ]', Deatta, Prodtlop De 1wr,
rs+r `r un n call, ,las, vcx,Vru;$lst' rlour per 100 ibn.. 1 50'to 1 80
1)0 submitted to you. Trier(? havinsas give (xpres51011, must be Dill; harden- , .. , . , defeat s , ,
Our cullers suffered defeat at th .'all Wheat
been considerable > l' (lt�:Clit>�lell late t•t 11 iniquity, � • bands t)fth
with i' s' iiet to the mode of 1Y!t111111- in letter of II)ecentber 23rd, all my T nds o1 ' i
eratiug and appointing certain Pro- letters of the pastas well as those of 1
vinelal latieials, and with respect in the future have beets and shall be to rinse. This
the extent, t f their nllowauces, it is defend my priestly character against gatltu+,of th
my illtl"11tlO11 to issue 8. c0111i11L'esieu his foul attacks. This I purpose (lo-
better sties.
1 ' 1 11 discussion of 1 tt 1 i iultr Therefore, as stated
05.5 to 050
e Ilnrl'iston players, .•last Spring Wheat U 54 to 0 55
Remain, oil the Uarriston 3nrlo . . , ... ' .. 0 51 to 0 82
Ls being the first attai'tched. • 1, , y' • () 33:; to. 0 40
M .,, 1°1:
t.ita 0 51 to Q 52
c season, lwe hope for sputter, tub......... 0 18 to 0 10
next thus'. ---Mr. W. M. 'nutter, rolls...—. ... . .. . U 18 to 0 1n
ft 011 Monday taping lieoos Per dozen. 0 1 to 0 i5A
FVood per cord.:... t 36• G
0 attend the abrcisi(te of Hay per toll ....... . . . . . . tl 00 to 00
lyse is very- ill .—sSi0aeS," Potatoes, per bushel 0 115 tp 0 40
10 water spaniel owned. Wow, per lb., . ,0(01
05 to 0 05
ly t3luldere,ou was awls Dried Apples, per lb 0 05 to 000
5 00 to 6 '60
450 to 550
forthwith tocollect the filets bearing lug by sllowiug •up before the public
Robinson le
011 the various views which have the true character of the 111an11 who foOL'llia t
11001 expressed oil these subjects, has assailed nut and the cowardly 1,;4,, T,',1 (
1 J the llttlttlson
including the practice x111 experience treachery of the P. I'. A. consj) racy, b8. lir, J.
of other countries, the Colllinissionera of which be professes to be an aclvo- clonally
to report thereon Wltlt all convenient tate. McCoimell poses as a 0118111' ztitrrnaolt.
speed. pion of Protestantism, He cares as and populist
The plebiscite upon the (lu0Stion of little for Protestantism as he docs for f, (L rifs,,,d
prohibition was, in nil sualnce of the' Catholicity. He: simply wishes to use p
act of last 5('SShnl, (luly taken at the the present uo-Popery cry and the P. ?it's. 1 (a
recent lltunicicipal elections, and a P. A. conspiracy to accomplish his own ;wilding a
tel Mr. J
" ' `' Dressed Hots
poisoned last Thursday Beef
He ..jars a very intelligent orlsrot(,
r animal and much regret Fall ,'heat, old , 0 57 to 0 60
lit Ili, sudden demise.-
Pall `V1)ettt, new, . ..... , .. U 57 to 0 80
'Stuart, of 11'lllglitt111, i, l Pring Wheat 0 58 to 0 5$
Yaw clays with her dough- Berlet' .... 0 05 to 0 40
.esti'.( l ,, - —lir. W, y. Oath 0 to .0 132
large majority pronounced in favor selfish ends. He belongs. evidently ' - Pons 0 60 to 0 52
.of prohibition. The proceedings to tlly) religion of (dollars and cents, 1tten(lillg'e was in Toronto this week Potatoes, per bushel.... , , , 0 85 to 0 40
s invariably attending o meeting of the Under- Butterwrite 0 11 to 0 18
Ilee„ary- for obtaining a final and awl' manifests a- holy attenrs r+ soeifltion:--lles,rs. (aro. Eggs, per dozen...,0 li to 0 1s
COtl.11t'ly( judgment with rc a (ct hatted of all who arrest his progress , Iiay ....... li o0 o 7 00
to ttic'tlsirclitioll to 1155 aL )rohillitory' ill the attainment of that ohjucG It stile Giatl'liu Stuart, of 11'illgloull, Clordws(rt.. ; 9 00 to 400
J being p •1 c d forwardwas for this end he embarked 111 the spent Sunday with frim* here.—
ere: - �.. ............ •. ..
liquor law are ]alb 11 ire Phonograph concert held under
I 1
s of the E. L. and C, E.
st Thursday evenhlg, 11'118 Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1887,
ess. Owing t0 the storm
(Ins a+ut1lutoeofi tse Tosenshipet�t ollorris 'rut
le attendance was not, as County of Huron, yeoman, who died on ar its) ut aha
with all practicable diligent. l' P. A.. business, This he ackuow- the auspice
The public accounts for the past ledged to an intimate friend of his
year will 11e promptly laid before you during his recent peregrinations '�'OClI'tlrli, la
and you will be pleased to learn from through the county of Huron. When evenuite a , la
then that the expenditure has been asked why lie joined the P. P. A.,evening, i.
i 1 large as mi.
less than was provided for by the McConnell replied that ho joined for but all lull
estimates, at11(1 that the reeeipts have the sake of dollars and cents. From hearing thi
exceeded the amount anticipated. this, as well as from • other facts well please(
The estimates for the current year which I propose bringing to ' light, , • i
to 1 nal )11111011
will, without delay, be submitted for it will be seen that this vilifier of the ,
approval. They will be found Catholic Church and Clergy would fiends heti
:yourfriends llrr
to llaye been prepared, with a due just as soon vilify the Protestant weeks—Mr
regard to economy and the necessities Church and Clergy, could he hope to Settfortil on
of the public service. shake a few dollars by the: operation. ,where he h
gilt have been expected '`'2nd day of Jaunnry. A 1),1864, aw rvgt lruc o son
'to It V tI 8taso. SoIIeltor fm 1t A (arahant and John
0 had the )riy11ege of 1) Jicia''an, Erxeoutrrs of the said (l808ww2I, Wing.
1 Ia hunt I' tl on orbeforc the sins day of 1larolr, Nrr,
8 R•011(dC; fill machine ,were 18114, th8Ir etre., addresses and descriptions, the
11'ith the CwClillln'', en- (till particulars of thele cialn,s, a stateuteut of their
m aeoonuts ?nod rho nature of the se uritlrs, (if any),
t.-^—iilrs. B. ,Jenkins, of head br thee, ;and Hattan is huraby given that rho
said Exenuses trill, bnntrdhttely after• the last
spent a few (lays 11'itll mentioned day, proceed to distribute the assets of
C tit. latter part of last alto ease dceeusaj intone thepartius ontltled thorsto
1 seely( regard only to the throe of whirs they 8121111
(asvin I)aviclson left for' than have notaeo.
Dated this lath day of February A 1), VOL .
haltttl'(lay morning last, l R. VANSTONI:, 8oadtor,
as secured a situation with' tt i(gham.
F .11, A. D. Me \►' ) Executors.
liarttm, of that terve.--ll l�, JUtiN U. Jlclaa'AN, i "
spout last Sulnlay Meier j .... .
11 rouf.--lir, John Bone
left fur their home ill; A RAE CHANCE •
Marie, 11ichiga11, 011 11011- to make from 115 to $211) ortveekinselling our Rawly
Canadian ttrox•n Nursary Sto'•k, Highest Salarias
tlsr,' last. ---A 1UCil'ty of Will- or t'msu"Is sen paid aeeiay. (ornpl+tn ttnxrtr Fnes,
rs 1121s 1)0021 organized 111
Special insrtm:lions to bet inners, t7ri8, thla weak
for terms to.
WW1 '1110 ' rl's.)ytel•'iall 1 h C1 GRAHAM, Nurs•rrman
e, Within tilt' past fele
e following are the'oiliccrs
ty : President, Mrs. John'
Vice-I'resident, .Mrs. (Rev.)
1'1(15011 ' i t eretii1'y 1115, t To sell a choice lino of Nursery ,Stock and Seed
' Treasurer,
l'otntoos. ..(bums salary or cosusulssioa paid weekly.
011, jr. ; q r'easurel, ,lis Permanent gad
I fuel assured that your deliberations For several months )1st he has been ,
pad � llr.i5auuu0l
Geo. Allen
the parent'
and firmly
Sault Ste
(lay morn.
illg Werke
church 11cr
1v'((.ks. Th
of the se&ie
Thos. ' Da
Thos. Gibs
Jessie 1'io'
121 ' Toronto, Ont
Ia)ing positions to good meat.
t Special inducements to begim)1'rs. Exclusive ten..
1 atl•i513. I tory :riven if desired. Write ut once for ter,us to
Mr. Paisley, License Inspector, paid
our village a visit, hist week. --11. &
M< Wavier have -taken posssession of
Mi'.. Young's hotel, lately occupied. by 1 THE PRICE C E D t MEAT
' Mike 't; r good fel-
GEO. DOWN T, Griffin.
• • )toehester, N. X.
stulmlted local preacher ; who assists
low, and will Massie 21 populalr land-
the discussion thus far in order to lord:
him iii his scribbling. I shall review
bring clearly before the '.minds of
the, reader the multifarious strategies
of this grand organizer to defraud
and deceive the public. Here again,
'McConnell, I sunulion you to the bar
of public opinion and again your own
eters ft0111 Ottawas to the effect that of Lake Teliliscanlingue, is rosy of words and actions shall be witncsse8
oth McGreevey and Connolly were access, and capable of sustaining a to bear testimony against you. The
be pardoned in the coarse of a large population. During the year' following are the cases of - falsehood,
env day. Sir John Thompson is too a Crown land agency iias been ('s- t fraud and calumny already' proven
. r
.tote ti politician to do such a thing, tatblisllecl at Hall(.y, bury, . at tlx. , clef sone the character of a minister of against you. Each of these: accuse-
ublic opinion being so "strongly northern eros Of the lake,•and several' Gocl he plays apart which monis- tions is sustained by proof, which all
lgathtlSt showing any leniency Whose 1012 ' iii stave been o .n for •+arc i ' 1 the force of your plagiarized sophism
r r, 1 lx' i ncl ably betrays the terrorized bully. y plagiarized
)risoncl's. to actual settlers. There ii; reason to In the fi)llowhng passage from his cannot shako :
A. BILL has been introduced in the hope that all important settlement play letter of December !th, he makes lst. Your attempt to mislead the
50o11 be formed to take advantage of what every honest reader ].vows to public bythe announcement that
[;n t('d States t"+enat(�to abolish the the great natural resources of this be 11 Lttfiianly insinuation against my. "Rome is plotting to rule Canada."
consular •e'l1 s c u
settling In v �t a on foreign
00(11 passing through Canada, The northern portion of the Province. )Liv atecharaetcr which he has. not the The proof of this hare -faced tet of
111 was referred to the Conxniittee on -
Satisfactory progress ,las .)cern moral courage to put ii1 plain words ry deception remains on record tulclis-
'inauce. This measure, if passed, :nrnclr in the (rection of tllr. new bibles- "I e<'tn only hope that h(. seek' 1
4i -ill (10 almost incalculable injury do 111,; at Brockville intended - for. 'the
jle Canadianest Pacific and jury od farther accommodation of the steaLcllly
¢, ...Creasing number of insane patients
gruntk 141111'ay1, and iii intended aS a.for whom provision 11u,3t be made.
ap at tll('ill. Of' course, sessile the It is (\pected that before the enol of
tilways will suffer, the American the present, yeau the main building
'op1e will also be great sufferers, , ready will sic. 1(acly for occupation. •
td there is little Mselihood of the P1)r
RI being passed. ( act passed last session of the
l Legislature for the prevention. of
1the "boss" cruelty to and the better rotcetion of
l J. i . 11cKaN>r, "political y p
-4.. Gravesend (n(1 and Coney Island, stab- 011i1(11(n has been favorably received
Its of New York,was sentc'ilced' and, a gratfying disposition hall been
t week, to six yars in Sing
sing by the public to take
• soar. He controlled the majorityadvantage of its provisions. The
the votes in these places, holding •
rescuing scion„ (f children from lives of
0 offices of supervisor, chief of crime, and'plateing Breus on the way
lee, chief of the. fire department of becoming useful and honorable
•(1 high commissioner, and dispensed citizens, is a work which may well
sly all the patronage. Thecriine engage the best consideration and
which he was sentenced was 1'e attention -o1 the community.,
ng to allow the Republican:. to' Amongst the bills in preparation
the voters lists, tellen ordered tot for your consideration ares. ---A .)ill
so by the Supreme Court. 1 respecting. tho representation in the
Provincial Assenibty, a bi11 soaking
E11' Reeve of London West 11as' furt er provision to prevent the
t in az disclaimer of his seat in the , personation of voters, at bill for the
neil, proceedings having been; organization of the Judicial District
en to unseat and disqualify him. l of Nipissing,a, bill to farther fhcilitate
..(ninon West Council of jag i the administration of justice. in 001111in
neglected to provi(le a sinking ( matters, a bill respecting councils of
to meet their debenture debt ; conciliation, it bill 'affecting ..lining
law regnires. The UMW vats 1 i11te1's'it14, a bffi r('ape'0thl1p; the ,nett
i er of the council, and as the?tgolIlent of Upper '(;alutda College,
inflict at penalty for the 11011- a bill respecting the law of libel, aL
rant. (if the enactments there -1 bill respecting bills of Kale, €t bill
111('(I of diixclttalillelttioll for respecting go(xlis entrusted to agents,
, lir will not be 10)10 to hold and bill to make Itondeitu Point a
office foes this or next yeah', public park. The bills to consolidate
"amusement from sources morally less
"objectionable. But.truth compc* lnc
"to say that • according to the st8tc-
"nients of his neighbors his spiritual
'texttltat1ons are sometimes Of a very
"different origin."
,2nd: The, false pretence under
which you accepted the contributions
of your auditors to your .famous
"lecture" of November 24tH. This
act of fraud is all verified in my
letter of December 30tH.
When:. Commandeer to give an ex- 8rd. Your coarse insinuation
plaination•fn plain English of the against my character for having ext
gleaning of covered slander container posed the above mentioned deception
in the above passage • and to give the wend fraud, without 111e ability to
names of the • "Ileighl)ori" who hard verifror the manhood to retract your
given 111111 the "statements," he fails words.
to do either. 'But with all the craven 4th. Your connection with an
dissimulation of anatal eolvarcl, he illicit organization whose sole object
crouches clown and- apishly drawls is to deprive of their civil rights 40
out : • per cunt. Of the peaceful citize os of
"Down among the dead lies the this Dominion. This I have proven
"headquarters of Holy Church,wltere frons the P. P. A. ritual, which you
"every tear` which every headless cannotyou dare not, deny. In view
"human being shed become a dollar of these facts, every reader of the
"for the priest." Thiry has a right to demand that — . ____ . _ _ .... _
The above 11opele.,;s attempt at yon make ample reparation 1)y apulp- * , °:a ► 1
e( tthvocatioll trrldf3 only to refuter
his )4121111 to tilt. pul)lic for your deceit.1 1 a . t: n !
Yours fhithfully,
f b
u h�u
more criminal tile. brands ��
conduct1111lx'the loll rms. QUIGLEY, I'. P, I .1
hint before th public as a ca sum nialt-
ills- fraud. How a "headless 1111111:111 St. Atlguitine, I''c'b. 112,''11-1•, 1801101 (11! W.t)11I(, under the ru1(11,1 hand of the 1'111ti1 I!'AL of the
r.,caw.awLuxravasn*vwrawvi zw.+.rsuawu-aruanu raarara.
)f% I and other moats low ill prrpnrtion.
Cure SICK HEADACF.c and Neuralgia
' in no MINurISs, two C•..ted Tongue, Dim-
! Hess, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation
11•c:•pid Liver. lied Breath. To stay cured ansl
regulate the bowels. vnt.'t• NIDD TO TAKE.
PRior 26 0.711770 Ar DRUM .STORES.
also on Mind.
1 I ani prepared to tv the Highest
print+ for ,ill 1:,).118 .4 fowl They
ust 1,0 drawn 1213(1 well ftresb( (1. '
-t ..
i1 (,EO. SIIAW.
\Ving}4nt t, Oct. loth, 1898
1 F she does, see that
1madethe wash is
Easy arse
Clean by getting her
which does away with the
terrors of wash -day.
Experience will convince her that
it PAYS to use this soap.
•'�1 t ►
being" (38.11 "idled a tote and how
that tear can "become a dollar for PORT ALBERT.
the priest," I leave the reader to de Miss Sarall Gltuley, of this place,
terilline. The remainder ofllis letter 'W11() Was c811p10yc'(1 as a domestic in
is couched in language, plainly Gexlerich, stet a stt(1(101 and tragic �-��t� j , - �'•! . �' =� ��...a_�, :tel '_"
s • f 1 • f f 1
characteristic of thd.lory,stl(.c.trowdy, death there Inst wcck. Sri(. asci• �• •�"==--•- ..
As stated in my letter of December dentally broke it lamp which sllc was City
lards, no gentleman could descend to cleaning', spilling the oil over her Forest City Dal mess and Shorthand School/ of London, Ont.
a (ihycusshon with an ilt-bred ruffian clothing, which some means be.
, by ass salsa a►MOTAt preparation n profusion, n, a anreY wnres a to avert student. timing cent
preparation for hie Wiese re awio a . a a
* ' came 'glut' and the unfortunate rti t r./set fu 311 rias. ronttr and 1714:, Y+daus 1n sraTkts0. And tlt> tee rlttcrtoar,'ha shanid know h
101108(. argument consists in the most ignited, < pry are ranttit r,eepia for itnxinrar, opts Y to attest k aeheol that 12ae x atandirstr a)ntln b ' t e ow (to
revolting personal abulie, and no pure girl was fatally burned before the College 1'2 M18 an TaestLy, Jaaiiary ettr� 1894, Catalogue frac. Uootl board 12.60 yet Week ° "
minded man could wade through a flames could be extinguished. J. W. 11VESTI IiV L'It'> p p ,il
'deaths, 10,70,Ti
T110 y"'ouTneil met ill the `'fowl. Hall, 'age and stationer;
Teeswatcar', February 10th, 1894, ns • land, salary as
per motion of adjournment •n 4 ,30• Mrs, c1,1 It talent elf last . � Aialnl
meeting, Members all present. 7to' lug M}'s. McPhee,
minutes of last meeting read o�f I aid for her suppo
g aril(. pl
approved, nerd—Kuntz- _Thant the , Duality, '$1; l.'otcl
applications for the different offices 1 salary as Treatsut'
bo now opened and laid on the table • Finance repor
for . aLI 11
( O'
n tfon—Carllul, Joltlnstoll 118J4, H, 1', O Co
-,-I ttntz--'Pllatt the Wowing l,Mul> le- � $100; flake, Las
users be the paid officers for the year 1 expenses, .$161.5
1804, vis. : Peter Clarke, Treasurer ; , four affidavits ro
Chas. Dutton, Clerk ; 0, 'A,. Ireland, I -tart & , Ridoll, si
Assessor; John Armstrong', Collector. <1. Irclatlld, refuw
Salaries as follows: Tretsttror, $90; paid to Townsltil
Clerk, $100; Assessor, $60; Collector, postage 25c., 84.1
*50, That a By-law be drawn up Cr1A
'confirming their. appointment. The ( Apr. James S'trf
vote being ealled for, there voted as dent of this town
follows; Yeas:: Jollnstolt, Kuntz and the 811). inst. Th
Reid, Nay: McKay ---Carried. Mc. a tow eondition ft
Kay—Johnston—That Nirs, Wolfe be not thought that
allowed the 511111 of .$1Q, she being in but before the in
indigent circumstance„, being blind living at adtistanc
and about 85 years of age, and that his 'spirit took its
Mr. Kuntz be ,paid the money t0 give 'quint, 1111a.Ssulnin;
e t CL rried. Kuntz— MeKay— res,pcctecl by tllo
That compliance with the petition, ((TttL111ta with
of Nell McKinnon and other's, pray- took ;place on f
ing for aid. to assist 3trs. McKinl1on smnont have been
ill th6 support of Mrs. 'McPhee, tlaatstablisl1IILcnt of
a grant of $(1 be made to assist her she 8th'concessio
in, her support ---Carried. Welwood 'tiro most sanguis
—Jollnstovt--'That ` Mrs. I"izzel be ))rOm(iters will
made a .grant of $(i to assist her, :as •should be a spk
she is in destitute (lsirel1111stanceS, alai. ttotwn4ilip for a f,
a cheque', sae issued,'for same—Castled.
i roK1Ly—Reid—That as we lame lIt
passed a bylalwtpreventing obstri c- Miss Carrie
tion to .stseitins and have notified ell Iiigh school 111 Se
parties to clear away obstruetiens Bennet Farro
existing, and Cxpet to have the river Visiting the 1par(
cleared 2111 2111 early ditto ; and wheats.'
as, the Totwnship of Greenest erre .Mr. and Mrs.
backila ''t`ile water on our ratepayers, :ow:Sa.turday fro
land by 'awing logs and other. rob- Landoll and Wo
bish to •.abstt uct 'the river, reseavetd Miss Eliza 1
that the Clerk iiotifv Greenock Conn- ,flee.- las1
�• last for
oil that awe •ems pact that they tri i save -:wl'ere she will 1
the Tceswatcr .river running through grandfather, Ji
Grceuach (cleared. of 1111 obstr uo''tions Robt. Souch,
accor$'ing!to statute—Carried. John- Cora, and grand
.ton— Welttwooll-=T11alt the Firausee IL.'ngraml, were
Reports.* „just read be adopted— Marrs, last we
Carried. - McKay-,•"1teicl—That the Jas. A'itkins
Clerk -w.rite 11.. 0. Jones, Engineer, ;a -t Cyprus River
thawing his attention to remulawlatiou day last. He
fees as :fixed by by-law, and retlari1 Ifrbeucls here for
-leis flaromnt 10 2111111 for .correetion— We are pleas
Carried,. Reit,—Johnston—Thai this :Cochrane, who
Board do •nowialljomlt to 111001 again. ;the past 'seven
011 Th)arsday,'t^ho 15tH Februaany, at (ankle, is able t(
10 O'L'1ook—('tidied. Youill Bros.;
Grey, have bon
(('Containing 150
;from Jno. E.
Manitoba.. TJi'
mets $6,250:
The council
Room,- Morris,
meant to• acljour
Mintttes of last
pawed. • P1a111
rebuilding Hog
,selxted by the
Wm. Isbister, s
teams, that the p
reterring to th
be (ehanged,ani
be built, instea
rebuilding the
Mored by T.
Geo. Kirkby,
t )
speei%at#ons, t
tea, and that t
to adrertisc at
rebuilding the
opened .at the r.
24t11, at 2
The Auditor:
p1eselLted and
council; Mov(
seconded by
report beadop
be published it
ill anlendmen
seconded by
abstract 1)e pu
Amendment (
Thos. Code, set
that the Trust
1)0 paidl2, a
damage done
Colltigaou13 to 1
Accounts were
as follows: R.
shine bridge, I
$10; Slater &
kecpf .E'is11C1
of Mu1'phy, '8
liurplty's gra
eh io ring• ice, k
culvert nod. 1
Morrison, seri
Coaxed met :at •tin, on Fclarnat-y
15th. Meaaabets all present. - haules
of meeting of .February '10th read
and ail:Trove& Reid—Jolulstvla—
That the Reevoiissue cheques for the
payment of the following (ncocnants,
viz]: IL P. O'Connor, $400; Blake,
Lash & Calssdla, $161.58—Carried.
Reid- I aantz--• tllalt by-law Nos 8,
being a by-law ifor the purpose. of
the appointment . of the diffettent
paid.oftseers; be ;now read a first,
second alai thirds time, passed, signed
and seakt 1—C)11{i,tied. Conned then
adjourned to meet -at 2 o'clock.
P110. Counlo11 nlef again - according
to adjournment: ala, wes MOW(' by
Johnston and Reid -That as the
Reeve is nnary oidlably absent, Air.
McKay take, the chair --Carried.
.Moved and seconded., that the- Couu-
eil>form themselves into a committee
of the whole and fiilidly audit the
Treasurer's books au(41 accounts for
the year 18113 --Carried. Kuntz—
_ Joie.itston—Tllat; the peeve and lir.
Reid be aL committee to examine and
report at nest meeting of Council on
.1itho Treasurer's bonds and securities
—Carried. Reid—Johnston!—That
at next meeting of Connell Path:
masters, Poultdl eepers and Fence-
viewers be appointed, and the, print-
ing committee get notices printed and
posted up• to that effect—Carried.
Reid—Johnston—That sthis 13oard
having examined the Treasurer's
books and the Colicetor's roll for the
year 1808, and believe the salve to
beeorroct, that the printingt',onnnitiee
get 200 copies of the Auditors' Re-
( pert printed for distribution• --Carried.
11 K 1tntz---Reid--That the. Preasurer
- refund 1), A. Ireland, collector for
1893, the sum of $4.1 1, being a11101 111
overpaid of roll, tiw•itll anioullt of
postage 25 colts, snaking . a -total of
$4.86 --Carried,. Johnston— Kautz
—That the ..rancor report, as just
read, be adopted—Carried, Reid--
Johnston—That this Council do now
adjourn to sheet a;'ain. o11 Saturday,
the 10tH of March—Carried.
lt'inance, Report, February 10th,. att'1)itretion, $1
1894: John McRae,. 80L'Vieei ars Audi- 1$12 1: -T. S. 131
tor, $8; Robt, Watson, services its peilse8, $100.
auditor, $8; jos. I''Volwood, attending ;:mitt, seeoltdec
to county bridge, Culross and Turns : ToWnshhp pri
berry, 1 1; Chas, 111ttton, balance of year be ica b
salary as Clerk, $20;'• Chas. "I3ultolt Clerk draft
l: og istration of births, Marriages and ' ask for tonderr