HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-23, Page 37:77, r,71774
gentuo.ylweivou ow) a, sear.
; CO11111 my to the you.ng man., Same Businessro�.
Oicoaretreasita Pruitt: lWX$4444WIllit41/31A1 '1149pOr • bI2 ibless Is to Switehmen in. Saxony consider
temptetitto'enter the paths dis-
lionegyanulavroug-doing, "Dott't step
them, Ifor atepped there ;Lull felt, Nir
shifthig„utiallyhtgtehea*Ig And bag' 13u11(ilere in, London receive 25
many. "What ',perturbation of :mind I. themselves audll paid with $178 a
hire Goo/ !riatetRineerovii Sati4w dowtt;" hs'ttf3VUgglillgPtifid, reoraehing, and year.
astavellefor us to bo wood, 1,r r
glingettrelpraotieed every day by the seeltergs Avedk, work lifty,two
• •
Well call tke stiostion,ef ttkeomthibers and slaters the sathexperionces of others, sand many izethe esertgoe te wake money; ileum
pkt ift011$
't '1 la • Palestlue work
AS OS !Odor 'hos /kindly iihonnus port ; a warning voice, There in :0 , , r lei •tho 1. .1 for selay and pity all their own
to the Net, that Was Votuan's Christian Toompers
ettimes a duty for those wh o
union meets raven Monday at three mock 25 Tann
sharp, for otiotaterott 'Mrs, floines residence, Pet. ' WI '6 01/111t '00I4p1111'011 IS being
rick street. All Utiles are tootle weleolne,
have tfitlionlby thee° temp a inns t ;0 nut& noetweentthe aueceseful foal the a in.
t ! a orers
. . - ' . . „ , ' •
A 131exsIng to Every House
These remedies have stoell the test of atty yearsreizir.liennucve; and its pronetams4 the is
PnrifY the bleed, correct all disorders of the LIVB11, ST014AOIL KID1174Y8 Alit) 1,0
space, ter our work,sve aids friends. of the eanee te 11.flis • lt • 11
nlauSiness Succeed! exPekisesinvaluable ht all cOmPlolate lacklontal featalog ot arra.
send Items at ,Interett on all moral . questions ot the '4"1114 '54 "YiPxace5 411 411 enabiefie fi,s
4141, 141)), of par ntotaborc, I thottilantlaurepassinglioadle4yition g. And witty"? Bemuse sa at Grocer's
et tie:maltreat them to beware an .(1 1300 Hiders 111 Edinbuigh ieeerve
' 'but •Icnow any of the .24 shillingarweele and work fifty-four ;
Idarrynaa Mau to Savo kinn. as we ireauember the bitter =perk aa seersts,4t.;su •
to get rid aegiita, is le , compeller,. ' to thoeevitto are just yielding to sugh 14. On 111 ie s olcs of Smyrna,1
sameeteut ale '11670altb, get illt0
tz Turkey, receive au average salary of
for her Whoerturries• tkirtuakard toltetRIPIttoinst "Ion't
11 ouiekstrutletteonee. Meg thualt. 611e- $14 k
"D 't step theme, for
teess, Al
imareang them
The wconaneelho entarries eleniees (fronts own sinful livea,llet uss ftr
no mein. .Many tey ,seine supposed
• ' 1 t • •
Veform. lffm. All 'sorts oef promises I s vete Iola an e ?cessannittter of eehance or good. for- er vee.
are made sbymeeneWlienaldrunk or in • ' - - - . I time; ihnt4fter._a Short business liftA :cook in Ceylon is 'paid $8,50 a,
love; for in, ii0TO k or •,war . everything 0ertfteate of Analyss, i have amid email:coning to their mis-
s emirate(' ;far. But sheewho trusts lialboratory of Dr, R, Brevec-Gi ma,- ? take, Hauer. ;would .stop pining for
in theopeoniises.anacle under the ex-- inel,cgeustilting an AnalYti44, OW ?0111-1 wealth:anti (klear thar minds suill,
eiteatent eiffatuseh .. circumstances only ist,
prepares hers6Itfor disappointment ; 228 Boylston. -greet, . and eacittlille (gutded . by it, there
and:the maneitlio!prougees to reform Boston, Mas- s. '• wail lie:little ! 4°0p:of their mai-
on csanditiontthat a woman would I 'hereby certify that 1 Therm c aro- ing their ;hoes,
marry hineozaarnever be depended fullyeeatamined the sample -df K.I). C. Let hebusiness of (everybody else
on. Ile.,whosaWill not reform his life subnilited by the K. D. 41.,lotd.,2Ath. alone„ land rattend . earnestly to your
out ollove tolleis father and his moth- 10, 18'38, and have been =table- to own; ailon'Ebnynvliat you don't need,
.ser, Ms ihrothereand sisetrs, his soul dateet,any objectionable (004*u:ions ; or Rialeiertain -you sewn create a de --
and kis God,fill not be likely . to ingredients therein. It is : a , eoni,i,mala for.; nee:every hour to advent,
changeibisretairse on account of the itonfideerem pure drugs, ,ant.1 it la any i age, and s'tutly- to ;maw the 'leisure
love toftneyoungigirl "Klima acquain- (pinion -that if properly atthidnistered 1 hones 'usefttle 'think twice before
tanee he intaltiust made. She will it .evIlltifte ready relief to asufferers ' foolishly pending a -Willing, Annetta
find when toorgate that the poorest 'from:the different fbransoottlisease for bor yoti will thaw -another use fbr it •
' 1 • •
In the Russian glass works the mEssizs.
144 the may reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds, eon aliONCUX
T111104TS, 0000118, (101,)S, 000T, Iti7SUMATISSI, GLADUI,Alt SWELLING'S AND
DISEASES IT IIAS 740 EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 633, Oxford .160
and gold by all Medicine Vendors tbro,tighout the world.
Pnrobasers should /oak to the Label on the Boxes cod Pots. If the addr
583 Oxford Street, London, they are Spurious..
eica4rtombeord thelbliowing advice,
month; a nurse the same ; coach -1
man, ;$4 ; gardener, $3.
The average annual earning, of
laborers in Denmark is $188 to $214;
Have a Very Bad -Cough
tia 'A V; fir (lilt! 'jut lrlTeVa
Arre; S;rnifIrr:tarVilterlgd $hVit°11
„Remember that theOW.
of general ,mechanics, $240 to $288.
In a GUMMI. sewing machine fac-
tory a ;male employe earns $142 to
$214 a year; a woman, $47,80 to
Clerks in wholesale and retail stores
in Dusseldorf receive from $9 to $14
a month; :women clerks, from 87 to ,
g.;,sr/ A, IS WHAT YOU dEQUiRE.
VANSTONE existenee.; nook after your Parties equiring work in their lino will do woll hyonginon them seeing nue 111 pBROS
ossibletway:to reform a nuan is to whieli tfit •is intended. a tis a per -I m e toe m , :pen ,le .,, aboiels earn from $5e to $86 per . 0.,
a 1 i • id on s 11 -•as fast as you,
fd esthe
inarrylhim: the has far (more pow- ifeetlyesitf
e remedy. I make, you meedyear
• only hope for a - ,ce of Kincardine have bought the Marble BusinT W
ess of 6Ir Tatson, formerly carried Ou by W aaey6a
or over lannlibdore marriage than. she: Respectfully, treadaaaill
is ever 41kelyeati•liave aftmewards.
it ismot• In -the power. of a wife to •"Ivitie Analysis Siergoobs hata heartedewss • limy ,jutlieionsly, sell paid in Italy.. A baker there makes T Watson, who has heen running the busjoess tor the put you,
R. BItToE-Gmlimmie .... 77 I bUSineSS &WAY in. the spirit of light- no lovest wages in Europe are i ttuettoesizy. byz,Lionkitidoii.:; zuleav,zat,•
i,.3•down, wora.
with OO and lodeinrg or ot their agents h '
, te ix r• ,om;nmiat2irptsiiitotlir:isl stsbrod: 0 ale will us e
c puttlio pat mangos
' l;
save ollaranikaitla. Drunkinids, if sav- Whiborieugh, Scotland. fahslyeaitell'orp a‘close eye to profits; $4 per week, a tailor $4.50, a printer I
ed at O., !nanst1;be saved b: -the power
look aceounts icloeely and regu- $5..
Call anise° our stock
and prices.
of God. If: menewill suffer feemsel.ves, -Vile Way to Ela. i iarly, itf yoga fixaanerrorttrace it out, VANSTONE BBOS.
to he beu.nd by: the fettere )a Satre — - and keep -stirring Slow accounts. There ill great rejoicing at Deloraine, .......-,..._—__ -
:whiva. was a otu ster Of seven -
the best thingetemnan ean do is to
y Tg: .
keep clear Oftbean, le,st CIO be drag -
teem t•sitift, a successful business man 'Should, stroke •of misfortune come Southern because of the
i enat ivja.
1) as a collector Niik a man uyou.
pon , retaencla Avotai
iarder but faat intt
gOO d water lied plenty of
god doevat!by:thera to darkness arid, fl.nfront cliffi- it has lie,exa eecuxed trom :in artesian
wale) avasmhbout as strict a:martinet never y- the track. Co
I exv,er saw. He insisted on every- culties with sanflinelfing eterseverance well at a ostp.bil (A 194f feet. The I
...-- suiLhIlle fur all pur-
thicag:heiarg done just its he-eaki, and and. good. Iniana, and they will die- 'S' hi " is 1441 's'ad
The Tumaing-Point in lingh Mil- poses. The work of sinking the 0 t .°P 1 b
ler's Life. theateiweete thnes when rate aves,verily appear like •fogiliefore suutihine.
Above weil has f:ieen under way since -„ -'
a ilaurdenPbut I stuck to thinaffor six . --:---
' In 'Wing ;demi alto foundation- With a smile on her np, 1801 Et is .siimart<1 in t, e centre of
morthat etthen we had aidiNerenee. •
stone of ol:tocof the larger thantes buiRAna a, tear in 3ier eye. the town and iu .60ile proximity to tire'
it was thiSmway : One morning lie .
this yearhy the*: David. :and his k ealleALmeqp, and, hanar
ding atea bili The tear In 'her ,eyib because she &Pot and buoios" p.,rtion of the
partner, tlate:wortterten had •ai: royal on a manaaknew, be said .ferime to eves suffering -with a terrilge head- place. Both the Federal and Piovin,
glass of :the ,whittleey eanto .tto ,nry ! Itis .one LK our standbys, •
Ile„said, ed thatshe bed been wading of:Stark' s Oat Goverumenie, as well as tilr1 tOW11
itself, have eontributod towards the
"foliating point," and two e whole i take atamiend and eolleet it. ache, but the smile -on her lipludieat-
share. Afitillegreeern man weeattl. not lleadaelie powders and the testimon- expense of boring, Until quite re.
a-ndegeryleetor I ever sent to* him
lals from -people gtelenew assure(' her cently, most of 'the domestic water
have deemed. a, gill of usquebanth an reported =him, absent or not lindable
overdose„ !bet it ,WaS consideritilly too
much. foe aim; -and the lrarty
broke ma antil 'got hon e to 6111y.
books, I fonell,•as-LoPelied the Rages
of favo'ri'te ,authorathe letters ‘laanc-
Ing before int-, eyosaitaid that I ;mild
no longer anaster the, sense,. I 'have
- the volume at present before taae--a
tsthall eclidiam. car the Tesitya of Botton,'
an, good deal worn ettaiatt, corners 'thy
tthe friction. of 'tile leocket—for
:Macon I never tired. :The et:editor:
Onto. which bad !brought myself wile,
one of (degradation. I • ltatt.
• used had to be carted a mile or two to
don't comethaek until, you. hamerseen
oramething. Now, you. •ge, tand
in a pleasant fonn, for these powders
o C t•
supply the citizens. Nn wonderlilul. there
ti •
are easy to take and. permanent "juicing over the succehaHATS,
Do eamem that ? asked
ss that.
their effects. Mr. Maynard, wood, rewarded their persistent Nimes
• ymsee'vo
stock Ont., says they are resaly1 --
or three ;cacao looked up.
u. know ume, was all he ,sutaith. wonderftil. ' Twenty fam4cents..
reply, awed 1 went out after my man.. n
Who Owns a Muted Letter. • per cent, the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six
Ile wasaft ilkome, the people said, : I raleclgi oltr)belaNgla.Vo:oyArge Ptbutoortrat,,!"1
and wouldn't the for six weeks. Se 1! rfvelorhoo: .ecielpmeteiaid)ya:ludlikfortletaallowed to
N 0
To whom does a private letter be-
stuck the lain any pocket, and 1,V.Cga long when ' once it has been mailed? ' sotoa incite
According to a judgmenelast render- ! mortgages or to know to whom money I I
off up. the country on a 'visit. The WM. HOLMES n'' .
old man lent for me half a dozen. 4tii Goderith, Aug. Sth 1502.
• Apply to
Co. 'Ire mu
ed by the British courts of lustice it 1
to the post-oflice, in which the owner -vs
times, but my tilks ' could only tell T.
"t g -,f tw,t ' ,1 I , ,4m. . , ;ship is vested until its delivery to the' ,0914E11 COWAN,
yattention tom, letter I got from ;address. It was ir failure to apprecal a
oink,: by m 0011
y 0'act, foe the time, tO:t1 law -
'lower level of lettelligenae than • that; ate boss, but, went onenjoying my- ate this fact that led to the case which 1 IA'
IE Orn Dry. C01:311T, Co. Hunos,
on‘which it was any :priallege to be ;self. Then I Caine ' bask and had a has resulted in this decision. A !
placed; . and tkcugh my .state could, agisit with scene friend, and at the (chemist at Preston having written a '
lime been no levy favorable one for,
of wkll
. (end six eee'lleaed" 071 111't'' man letter and. mailed it wished to get it ISSUER OF VABRIA.GE LICENSES
bark , With that object in view he ' CoaCassioNelt IN H. C. J., Era.
Wont to the post office, specified the ! WROXETFIE, ONT.
address of the envelope, pretended.?
that be desired to send it by special
delivery, at the same time putting i
down. :sixpence. as the payment of the i
extra postage. Deceived by these !
proceedings the clerk hunted up and !
prattle:eel' the letter to have the sixal
penny !etamp stuck on. No sooner I
did the 'Writer get hold of the letter
than he tore it to fragmentsaisserting •
that he had a right to do what he I
liked with his own property, His
view of the matter, however, was not ,
accepted either by the postoffico
department or by the courts, and ho •
was fined $45 for his offence.
forming a reaoliatione af m that again ilncl found him athome, and
hoar deternibied that I tiliould never tad him what Iliad done, and he
again sacrifice tzar (copeck of Intel-
°, paralyzed me by paring the bill with
lee:teed enjoyment to a chankint,"aWrest. To houre later I stepped
usage;; and with Gars hole, I Was. -
, neto elm boss's offiee:
enabled. to hold byte determination. There, I said, hellion he had time,
.... ...a see, in loOking brach on this! to goer Ins wits, is the amount of
your 114.1 and interest. lie was out
Of Oen six weeks,. and couldn't see
him hofore. You told. ano not ±0 001110
pression and fatigue the (eraving back gone I did see laina and I was
appetite of the confirmed tippler obeying -Tour instructions. I had a
might' have been formed. rather goodtime, and the house owes
. HMO ItZTLIETt• me shetiateeles' salary.
They old. num gasped, got blue in.
"Don't Step There." the face, and I thought he was going
A man started out for church one to explode, but he didn't: Ile pip
ley Sunday laming, and presently : cd it all down, and stuck out his
,came to a plats where a little boy was band. -._._ . ..... .
! The Wages or* Those Who' Toile
;standing, who, with a choking voice!, . Young man, he said, you ought to
oid— , .have been a soldier; I'm going to pita A weaver in Germany receives 60c
"Please don't step there." you in eharge of the colleetion depart- 11 day.
"Why not ?" talent and double your salary, and, 1 A teamster in Peru makes $12 per,
"'Because 1 etepped there and fell eoncluded the inerebant, when I was week.
Awn," sobbed the little fellow, who 25. I was a partner.—Detroit Pre° ' A native painter in India receives !
unwary passerSeby of the danger into -,---- a I -r, THE KEY TO HALM
40e a day. 1
whielt he had fallen. - • ivow la the Zino. i .1: ar . .
my first year of labor, a. dangerous
point at which, in the attempt
to eeetele from. -the some of de -
4,1,7 -77
(.2.60SEirl aye
.Clietip for KA.SIE
W E 13 ST Elt
CureSeorisuraption, Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee.
Fore Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous
/Plaster will give great satisfaction. -25 ;cat.
Mrs. T. S. HaWkinS,Gbattanooga, Tenn., says:
"Sagan Wu/ Igor 'RAVED MY LIFE.'
I ever 1(0(1.'0 For Dyspepsia. Mew or Sidney
trouble it excels. Price'15 cts.
%-ri-coLts-A. REEASE13
Have you Catarrh ? I:rya-de Roniedy. t
positively relieve and Cure y mi. Price 50 ots.
This Injector er-its streersiul treatment la
tu lb di ea itemeinher, ShiloWskteinedies
are sold en a nuarszatee ‘;ive satisfaction.
had taken upon himself to warn the Press.
111, laborers in Belgium receive I •
• , manynen 111the world The benefit to be curivpc1 from .,4 I 46c h daY.
. Jut
There are 1 ' *
who have good reasons for n'iVino• medicine iu early spritg fa tiudrubt",,,i--?°d A mule driver in Mo •
Mehl', people neglect talking any until the 100 a day
I Imee° earns'
stich a warning as this. Theb mart
O,,,,,,,, A thrasher in Turkey Call COM-
awpbrach.otfewiutrty weatlics, wile', they 1 . - '
who has trod the dark and elippery i la
paths of intemperance, as he sees the ? thitig Lao bs Sotnett. fu:iir II" 8- - -.
down. The num who has indttl I health and Vigor tivoughout lb ' $st (IL v- - "-e of the aeoretiono ut the SADAO tired Cord
0:1:31st KidnoYs and Liver, carrying
all the impurities and fad humors
s lougetcl tie, rattily weeks, perhaps months, 111°11t1l.
earns frcin irm to i
step there, fol.: I stepped theleand fell Toitipart strength, (UPI to give st feeling gi II tint,. 1 off gradually Nvithout 'weakening the syra
line good reason to say to them' Don't '
reit! 0 apse before rest can be indulged in 1 1. AI i '
7 4 .7 0% (411111111S011
that tired rotoin3g' taitel,•1 ble,eisvd! inland 400 a day,
yorow leerning to take the first (w""me
A Persian cook can earn $,22 al 'Unlocks all the elogged avenues of the
necessary strength, Vacation ettrizel.stlye
glass of spirits or wine or beer
e y cm, i rooting Acidity of the Stornaeh,
in gambling till he is despised by mit' - ° nug i"" 6argat)46 i
it stems perfectly* (teaptea t� ovor- paid 21e, an hem.
Music teachers in Ilimilturg are :• curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia,
others and abhorred by himself, has coin° that prostration eau -sed by bluing° cit
- — -- 1 Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn,
when tbey are entering en the game iota gutting the Aystetz it purities* awl roe; 88.20 per week. tCoiroittsi,ipatnioilyin,nDe8rsyntiefsaveoisfiOtrilraSitkuiatt:
good reason to say to the yottgg season, elinalte oe life, and while It tatifia I A boss mason. in Ceylon can earn i
course, "Don't step thero,for I stepped I dice, salt Rheilifit Elltipelat, Serb*
, Ma, Flutteritit ot tlio Heart, Nerd,
evade the bee& 1
get the o
A. railroad conductor TOrkeY vouinesa, and eneral DeWitt" toll
Hew many there are, to -day, in and always natural. A camel owner and his boast in Boort BITTERS.
thoo tutny other similar Colette eueetit
there and fell etown." always easy gets $27 A 111611th.
The truly sublime viola to the happy niflubtee Buniumis.
prisons ami convict settlements. with, X. 0" tont arid vosata,te Kalmulle are "Ali $1 a tlAr,
re.ptationernined and lives blasted,- the Bowels.
Tee Atio tet au /mate.
' A Freholi gum% of the fourteenth 3mB1JU & CkProrittg$, Teak
Long Waist,
Correct Shape,
est Material,
Combined with the best filling in
the world, makes the " Featherbone
Corset" unequalled.
rirEZ E'2%IF.
14 .1 ,; „Lilo
11 Ski thlititimansuowsrisnotrant
is aillta A 11 8
30 1113NOOAVD. ,
ti3Xtfl 113Y.1.1V kV 30 '
iN114301,13101101 311.1 LV • !il
1$13100 mix:. • ', ji,'''''
VI S111140
Josephine Street Winham, frit
J. A. Hamra>. SOT;
Mount Permit. I W., Listowa
Deposits Received and Inter
Money Advanced to Parmers an
Business Vien,
On long or short time, on eadorded notJ
or collateral aecurity. $ale notes be
at a fair valuatton. Money remitted to
parts of Canada at reasonable charged.
SpeOial. Attartion. Caen. to Col
looting Accounts and Notes..
Agoutis to moo:it -The kiterolouit**
Of CatStas.
Ogler rieurs....Ftern IS a. as. to 6 p. ts