HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-03-27, Page 18d .a
For the past two years Flax as a~ cash crop
has shown a net return per acre equal to,
and in most cases better than, most cash
crops available in the area.
We have cleaned a limited amount
of FLAX SEED and this is now
available for booking.
interest in this seed is strong and we
suggest you phone and ordi now to
avoid being disappointed. :
For seed ' please contact:
Lucknoly, Ontario
phone 528-2026
M'ilverton, Ontario .
phone 595-4941
ifyoule a farmer
planning for the future,
has the financing you nee.,(1.
longer range financing of items such as machin—
ery, grain storage or additional land. -
We can lend you the money you need
And the nice thing is that you can arrange
repayment.ipecifically to suit your cash flow.
If you wish we can also arrange low-cost
credit life insurance.
Whatever your credit needs, the person to
talk to is your local Commerce manager. S94f
you're a farmer who has future plans that
incTUde money, come talk to us.
• .9
Ailtratmeans lest vijeeds,
trex Liquid mains less work.
When you put AAtrex Liquid to
worn your weeds, you get more
You al
-clean cornfields.
get a new ease of
than lush-clean
handling, convenience and even
greater efficiency. That's because
AAtrex Liquid is a liquid suspension
with no dust
AAtreX Liquid gives you the un-
equalled AAtrex flexibility of applica-
tion: pre-plant, pre-emergent,
post-emergent. And AAtrei Liquid
requires only 10 gal/acre for pre-
emergent control- and 15 gal/acre
for post-emergent control: So you •
.can spray more acres per.tankful
and take less trips to your
water source,
Plus, you can substitute liquid , grasses. AAtreOziquid. The easiest
fertilizeKtbr water during pre- way. yet to gro,-,axirnum yield corn
emergent praying and feed in the cleanest fields.
yo eed. ..,C16A—GEIOY CANADA LTD., —.L.—
AAtrex Liquid
ome carry-over may be found Agrochemicals Division,
ere spraying has overlapped, ,,One Westside Drive, Etobicoke,
but most crop rotation is unaffected Ontario M9C182
when AAtrex Liquid is used '
according to label rates for most
weeds. " •
This is what mkkes AAtr
Liquid wor best chbice for
controlling most annual
broadl af weedsind
Follow label rate
for control of
these weeds as well
as Wild Oats, Yellow
Foxtail, Lady's Thumb,
Mustards, Purslane, Redroot
Pigweed, Volunteer Clovers,
Wild Buckwheat, Smartweed,
'Quackgrass, Canada
Thistle, Nutgrass.
Lambs Quarters-
®Registered Trademark
Mikhell 4g43433
flensall 262-2547" Phone 5274910
, Agrochemicals Division
Custom & Debuce,locessitig
dayin— MONDAY for 0.A.TtLE
Darling's Abatiiir it Food Market
-= EXETER 235.0420
Easter lily
considered F L Have you for your 1975
cash crop?
It'is true that the snowdrop and
crocus announce spring outdoors,
but the Easter Lily is the
recognized indoor sign of the new
season. ,"And because Easter is
early this yeai, the homeowner
can rush spring a little, at least in
his mind, and shop for a lily in
early March," says Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
horticulturist, D.M. Sangster.
, ATTEND HULLETT MEETING. — A large crowd (. was at thellullett Wildlife Managemeht Area on
Thursday to hear thicussions on a plan for flooding
Jack's Jottin9s '
-This week in the Legislature,( Student AssiStance Programme
the .Minister *Fducaticat °' will increase next fall from $48.50
-announced that the Government , to $57.50 a week. The new
will raise4ceilings on school board Ontario Student LoanS plan will
spending,.• by $50.00 for each. , enable a student to borrow at low
elementary and secondary schoOl interest up to $1,400 each
pupil 'because . of continued academic year to a maximum of and 1974,- but Ontario's exports
inflation". Boards Will now be $4,000 and Ministry officials- •went up by only 34.1%, only
. permitted to spend ' $926:00 for estimate that up to 3,000 students three-fifths of the national rate.
each.elementary school pupil and may benefit from the plan.
$1,441 for each high school
Consumer prices are rising fast er
in, Ontario than the national
student, This increase; will add
some $20 million to the province's-
share of education spending, Ontano Federation of Students
- which is about 60% of the total. has described the OSAP, increases
„dokrnment grants to boards •of ,as inadequate to coveeinflation,
education will ris,e this year, to but welcomed the special bursary
-nearly $1.5 billion' from $1.33 fund as a "step .in''the right
billion last year. direction" in student assistance.
On the, sqbject of teacher Liberal -Leader Robert Nixon
• ' salaries, tbe' Minister said "their • •continued his reply to the Speech
salines should reflect increases from ',the - Throne this week,
•.t ,in inflation, togethe ewfth other strongly ',criticizing . the
ecOuiprnic ' trends • th? Government beciuse , in Ontario
,cOmmun'ity,. . t tit withdraw we are not' "plulling our weight:
le.ryice's to supper tsilemands that in the econo y, in fond
:are by any standard,. exorbitant production, in use-building, in
• and nnreasonable, ,5 grossly education, not " even in urban
, unfair to' stnIgents".. transit. Despite 'our tremendous
the Ministt of 'Colleges jnd natural advantages,• despite: our
' Universitip's atinounced a new rich resources of people,. of land
student loth programme and .the and of mineral wealth, the DAvis
. creation of ;,a $500,000' sp'ecial. Government has 'been unable to
bursary fund' to-/' 'assist maintain Ont ario's hard-earned
iiinpoverislied part-time students.
Maximum' f living. allowances ‘16adership."
Lets face it, you don't neen bank to tell
you how to plan your future, ThaNyour
business. And we respect it.
0 But let's say you've got your plans all
, sorted out. And your plans are going to need
inoney, come to us. Ws'd like to help you. We're
the Bank of Commerce.
We can custom tailor an entire credit
packige specifically for your'farm. The, package
includes short term credit to cover your month
to month and treason to Season operations and
2606 acres ttwe. Farm drainage was the main
concern of neighbouring farmers. (Story on Page 1)
(Staff Photo)
Mr. Nixon pointed out that Ont
s unemployment rate is
going up almost two-thirds faster
than the national rate. Also the
value of Canadian exports
increased 58.6% between 1972
pplicants' must be, on welfare,
Unemployed or have a low family
t ome. A spokesman for the
position of strength and
under • the• existing Ontario Unemployment Up
Lobo township -and the town of
Strathroy were 're-aligned with
the Middlesex Riding whereas
Tuc4cersmith township and• the
Iowa of Seaforth remain in the
Huron-Middlesex Riding. The
interim report removed
Tuckeioirniffi township and the
town of Seaforth from Huron and
included them with the Huron-
Bruce Riding. Mullett and
McKillop townships now form a
part . of the Huron-Bruce Riding,
otherwise the Huron portion .of
the new Riding remains as it was
Phone 527-0246
More assistance to students,pnriounced
'hi province . has actually
tv erspent its housing budget. In
1913 and 1974 the government
underspent by a total of $103
million -- $103 ..,million which
should have been spent on
hotising and was not. This past
fiscal year, the rental housing
budget. alone was underspent by
• $20 billion.
New Ridings
'average: in Toronto, for example, The Government has
house prices have been rising introduced legislation to' increase
18%. faster than elsewhere, the number of Ontario Ridings to
Meanwhile between 1972 and 125 from 117, as recommended by
1974 Canadian average • wage the :e..,9port of the Independent
rates have increased faster than • r Ontario Electoral Boundaries
in Ontaiio, Also, across. Canada
the pupil-teacher ratio in schbols
has been improving, but in
Ontario class size fras grown
Our agriculture industry is,
experiencing serious 'diffi culties,
and there were 127;000 fewer
Ontario farms in operation in 1971
than a decade earlier. This , Huron-Middlesex Electoral
decline is continuing, and our District and it will consist of , the
arable land is fast disappearing. townships of Adelaide, Biddillph,
There has been a fall in acreage East Williams, Goderich, Hay,
for feed grains, tobacco, fruit and ,McGillivray, Stanley, Stephen,
vegetables.. The 'ntinthek, of„dairy TuCkersmith, LIshorne pmd West
cattle In OntaYibT,Siedidpped -14Villiams, the towns of Clinton,
steadily since 1956, from more Exeter, Goderich, • Parkhill and
than a million head to 755,000 in Seaforth," and -the villages of
1911. • Ailsa Craig, Bayfield, Hensall;
For the past two fiscal years Lucan and Zurich. •
' Commission. The changes will be
in effect for the next provincial.
election, according to the '
Premier. There have been minor
changes made to the Huron
,Riding since I last reported to you
on the interim reports of the
Cominission. The Riding will now
be known a$ the