HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-23, Page 2Tm WINGILA34 TIMES1FEREUARY 23„ 1894.
v.........„, .
mar reason wiryt miaister or any . Does Not Favor the Istove. ! Plow *Teak Got Uia Wood. Sawed, 1,
"Morale% boyte:'' said Ohl Jaelca.
ctii Ink am ma
other goo good. man *should not send the D. Daraysiare. or
/111/01,1111 OCCINSIOTINI 11.-"tel1 MOWS Item? referenee to the proposed amalgam- laying demi hie SOX' 101011 be had
thing else elerical smiling, but tin with the nestle% and Westera Dalrys' minutest, "Wet', I hope e Yes ?S, umaphasessa, ssa s all,?4,13=a117.:
FRIDAT FEBRUARY 23, 1804- occasional striking paragraph from tt meals stasoelatione, says 1 "1 (loods Nothinglike Peling 'well ea i o._,„fbectoedlnifste., Never felling,- Leseecnolead aitor
SA1'111011 or a itews item, is iter pulling. no idea that the assodation will ems- make * teller fad „eved. You (Toxin. l'44966 **141461Pi'r* °°*
W abhor Vitae' and atbovo everVs ation of the Creameries Association been lasiustrioaes plying for soma
-cameos avowal of
A.looms of all kW;
*-Pt. folOSTWO
There is a proper as well as an lin- sent al it. The assoeiation is &tag .lookpowerfal arrow, though, Toning; - • •
EDITORIAL NaTEa. , proper use of the press. One of the - good work in the eacotiragement of1yorerst thin. 11at's that? Yount* WOKHERE 14
Ottawa. address, the other • worst varieties of improper use 1$ butter manufacture, nd athe antenna wiry; be ye? I don't believe Oat, •
alight Sir John Thompson referred to
the P. P, A. as "certain bigots and
fanatics." Masi on some of Itis
Ttas Patron candidate, Mr. S. A,.
Sa,unders, of Stephen, has declined
the eandidature for Sou& Huron,
badgerina the local editor to insert _being made is nearly 200 per tsint, You touldn'eStiNV one o'those Stliticgi
dead-heaa church notices, NOVer do greater than four yellrliaoo. Canada o' timed threngh, You kin ? Heti s
W01714,48 well as the finest clwese, mid , OEM patty well, Yer stronget ye
-"Penny Wise and. Pound, Foolish."
A few weeks since we bad It long
talk with a dairy farmer who keeps
thirty cows and. MAIMS butter for the
that eau Make the finest tatter hl the Stain's belies -he— ...Why you, Will interest Every
the Creameries Association has a look, I eoliths t done that better
great welt yet beMre. it to -educate myself, He beets von on sewin'
the people aloug dile lima Theme's- guess, Bobbie. Eh 11 He um% ?
recently teadered him a a convention • Philadelphia marlset. He was rtua
of Patrons in Reasall, ' ing the cream by sleep setting and
with water that averaged about 50%.
TES Patron candidate', Mr, S, A, A few weeks before!our talk be had
Sanaders, of Stephen, has deelined , yielded to the solicitalions of a friend
the candidature for Saadi Huron and had the skim milk tested by the
recently tendered him at a wawa- Babcock method and found to his
tion of Patrons at Herman: amazement that it eontained about
Ma. •TAUFS- Fisaiart, M., P. P., as 'seven -tenths of 1% fain or about three
quarters of a pouul of butter fat to
brought forward: a, motion. in the (MAW 100 pounds qf ma. w e ads
Manitoba Legislature that the Gover- I vised him. there wasione of two things
nor -General be memoilalized to he should do at dace; either go to
abolish - the office of Ineatenallts using ice in the erelmery and bring
Governor in the various provinces. the temperatma down to about 40%
JOHNBURNS, English M. saidin or throw away his 4eep setting ap-
paratus and put in ti separator. He -
e, •speeeh to his Battersea constituents _
figured that it would cost lihn about
Friday evening, that tlai country V50 in either ease, and said that to
which sent King Charlesto Sleep with- us that he did net think he could
out a head.would stand. no veto from make the outlay. He stated that the
Queen. Guelph or Lord Salisbury. cows gave about 4,500 pounds of
'Let thapeople present to the Lords milk a srear. We took out our pen-
sueh a. front as will induce theQueen eil and invited him to follow us in
and Prime of Wales to tell Lord. the following calculations: Thirty
Salisbury:—"Imperil your ' own ex- owe each yielding 4,500 pounds,
istence it' you like, but do not dam- amounts to 135,000 Ms. of milk in a-
ge our right of succession." year. The loss, say,, of five -tenths of
MR. MEREDITH, leader of the Op- 1.7. fat per 100 pounds of milk
position in the Ontario Legislaturet amounts in the year to 770 lbs. of
during his address on the speech
from the.throne, said: "If the day
ever comes in, Canada when a man
is ostraeisedbeeause of his religion, it
be a. bad. thing for this country
• and ,for those who inhabit it. In
considering a inan's qualification for
:date ask no questions a to his
religious belief. All I want, to know
this—is he a good. citizen and is
he capable of filling the position to
which he aspires ?"
'DALTON AleGarsearr, in his speech
at -Milton an Thursday of last week,
put .the faets fairly before the farmers
Of this country, who are groaning
under the load of taxation imposed
to enrich the manufacturers. He
said :—"The fact is that the tariff
has become burdensome. The census
showed that 320,000 people were en-
, gaged in manufacturing industries,
or 20 in that line for every 100 other-
wise engaged., This 100 had to be
taxed • for the benefit of the 20.
Worse than this, of the '20! engaged
in manufactures, half were milliners
and dressmakers, blacksmiths, masons
and others, who could notpossibly
be benefitted by the tariff, so- that
, really 00 were taxed, that 10 might
be benefitted. Were the, farmers
repared to stand this, and how long?
Was h wrong in saying- •ihe tariff
ought to be reformed?, '•
ing of butter is not meant tointerfere 'Yes yor kin—I believe., Beat ye all f ‘•
with the manufacture of cheese, bat holler, What? Yoa'l saw two
minter dairying is intended to supple- sticks quickeen he awed that? We are selling
meat the income of every farmer. Nonsuns !, . . , Moray He went
Good cheese cannot beinado in the through that like light ing; but one Best Coal Oil at 12 1-2
winter, but the finest quality of but- stick ain't two sticks, e sir. One cents per Lupe ial gal-
ter can and is being 1114% every day, ain't never two, Gol
Oh, no, You can sa.,* that the other? Wen, well;
Creameries' Association hits no notion is going to do the oda
of quitting business at p4eat." you going to do? Y
Don't brag, Bobbie; al
It isnot what its proprietois se.y, but TOO vi11 do three? IV
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tetteaont let inc interfere
the istor,y of its Merit. lined's tiareaparille,
men tO see boys spunky. .
se • • The bull lot sawed.?
That Lucky FeIIoy. prised. • That bein' tlx
Just like bis luck 1 half or the boys I'll go in doors an'
said when Charlie rosterwon the idlers did make ane
state Seholarship. bye for this tune.
They made the same remark when more work done ou that wood pilo
his name bad been sent in by the I'll let ye know. You're a spunky
principal of the. sebool to the superin- pair, ye be..
tendent as his best scholar. In all And the old man turned. on his
likelihood these same old school fel. heel and walked into thd,houseavbile
lows will keep on saying, "Just like Bobbie and Tommy went home won -
his luck!" if Charlie ever becomes a daring if their. friend has n't put up a
Judge or a 9enstor, or if he marries little game on them of r
happy, or makes a fortune. Every pers' Young People.
step upward is attributed ;by some
men and boys to that unknOwn quan- For Over Fifty
tity called luck. And curiously AN sem, AND WickantED fl
enough„just as "like his bkk" is used 3X,r,,,1142,1nagig,lamet.,:,
to do the ion, ora can co taming
ommy, he ; the equivalent of five
atto, American gall°, for
'11 do two?
50c exclusive o4 pack -
11,'t bragginb? -•s
go ahead; age.
AlIus glad •
, , . What!
ell I am sur -
ease, think
'est Sawing
red ; so good
hen I want
SGT. –Mrs. Win
fat, which will mako 7761- ponds of ecl for over fifty
butter. At an average price of 25c. to account for the success of one s LrethiSP. with te
perfect smesoe. I eirsoegelse rt cn vgiti
a pound, this amounts to $194.06. friends, so "Just like my luck" is s*Velisl'atihei;e1rris*.ne!Inleir4Pritics""410'dascs°14;.
used to explain our °waifanares. ittt*reseVe by uggists In %ell, part of the
In all this talk about flack is'MI
ere itli'recualtit'l LltutorlIirsi.t4IVNiuttewl
not a good deal of incolistency? We Soothig, nSyrup, and take no ether kind,
never employ the wor to account tel;aaseasassew.a.asessatea4ssaassessasseassea
The cost of the improvement was
estimated to be $250.: Suppose we
reckon on the interest and depre-
ciation on this male of 10%. The
money is worth just , what it for our MI success, Oben we get.
hring in interest =dine more. We on the roll of honor, c resent withOD W 0 'S
have here - an animal outlay of virtuous indignation any congratala- •,
$26 -which represents the interest at tions on our luck. Lack, indeed • es'
• ,;$4,4,i,
Cots O'Harax, in an *tress at
licadoe, the other day, said: Though
Was a Conservative hd was not
going to be trailed througis the mud
by that or any other party. Sir
Adolphe Citron, lie said, could no
More retain- a seat in the English
House of Commons let alone a Cabinet
sleet than he could be Czar of Russia.
No other country but Canada would
put up with such leadership one hour.
He "said we have e. Government
arranged like the "governors" of a
team engine—regulated according
* prewar°, Referring to the Orange -
nen of Ontario, hm said there used to
e an Orange Association, but he
Lid not know whether there is such
assoeiation now or not. The
term known as grand. master was
kraply an agent of the Government
s distribute small patronage to a few
irangemen to keep them quiet.
6% on a, little oyer$• -k00 Now, the we growl; there was iso hick at all.
waste of butter fat a ma have seen It .was just hard work, and nothing ,
$194.06, which 'sum .represents the . • Moreover, this talk about luck isll
by his old method4 amounted to else. 4
interest at 6% on $3,236. unmanly, not to say cowardly. To I
Now, this man refused, we will trust to luck is a confession that one
say, to invest or borrotv R.,, 416.ael--%) can not do anything by one's OW11 i e
when such investment would SAVO labor or one's own intellect. It is !. ;•.ass,ga,
the interest on $8,236 at the same really, my boy, an acknowledgment Is• a sa, aava, ray
rate. Is it any wonder 'that the best ' that you have no patience, and no L''''.1- q.:' it *V
profit and the cleanest prosperity in perseverance. It is a sure confessioe. C.7
dairy farming docs not come to men of carelessness and idleness.i ru
who cannot more clearlysee into the. I'll study this thing or that t ing, ,.-i
o e
principles of true econenny, in the and trust to luck for Fthe' rest, s-ou .'':.'!,-rai,,,l: V..1,111?,gah, thi n i
%sling vittika ofthe Pin
prevention • of waste? i It may not say, and the result is yeti are nowhere s sci a
always prove true economy to lay out in the examination.
money to secure a largdr share of So in everything wt undertake.
profits, in a speculative way, but it If we neglect to take ordinary pains,
is always sound procedure to spend if we outfit ordinary prudence, no
money liberally to prevent waste.— hick ever saves us from -disaster.
Hoard's Dairyman. Trusting in luck is a Very different
. thing from trusting in -Providenet.
'THE Canada Presbyterian throws
It the following, timely- hint to
Srprien and church workers gen-
y:"The press being friendly as
'‘Whele, and having immense power
xi unrivalled facilities for reaching'
a people, might not the church Foresters. 'Ile celebrated Jas. Fax, Val(' 50'8,
LL or ether pectera her s and basks,
A ramvcor op RE of?
..1Prbettess,A.Ithmet, Bronchitis
'rex ItUflS '1 THROAT, 'SRO
N Or DISEASES. Obstioatel
;` r tslat other remedies yield -pro,
p'leasant piny :syrup.
LP, Fatif:r.: 2P;Or WO. Pr
601.11 eV. A Lt. P1.0.4018
Hoatoway's Pmts.-a:Indigestion, Providence aids them who aid them -
Stomach and Liver Complaints.— selves, and in proportion!, es thess:do
Persons suffering from any derange -
meats of the liver, stomach, or the
organs of digestion should have re -
their work honcstlyand ethiscientious-,
ly. Luck is a, kind of/ capricious
spirit which in expected: to set at
comae to Holloway's Pills, as there naught all the laws of nature for our
is no medicine known that acts on advantage, or to our disadvantage,
• these peculiar complaints with such without the slightestlappatent reason
certain success. Its peeuliar proper- -why it should intervenclat all. If
ties strengthen the stomach, Increase , there is such a thing, that:can either
make or mar us, our first dattylis:not
to be its slave, but make ourselves
its master.
Luck people are those esho have
thoroughly trained. themastIvesZfor
the battle of life. They have eyes
open to perecive a confines: danger,
and have learned how to !avoid. it;
they recognize a difficulty, Old know
-how to overcome it; they ssi an op-
portunity, and know how te make
ase of it; and they are really, with
all their faealties alert, "to Beim
it before, it has gone forever. 'Practice
makes perfect." '
Thele is nothiriebrilliant dr showy
about practice and. training, and
therefore we have:not naiad them,
But they are there, nevertheihss. To
all of me (very day of our lives, -op-
portunities present themselves which
pains or expense spared. +,,. make tins pass without our having Mhat; courage
34411 c I • WO let them fly, never to r
efforts. In the evening, a grand coll..;
CCM" W" are not ready, an
cert be held in the hall, under
"Just like our luck r
the auspices of the Canadian Order of • "5',
the appetite and rouse the sluggish
liver. For bowel complaints it is
invaluable, as it removes every prim-
ary derangement, thereby restoring
the patient to the sountlesthealth and
strength. These preparations may
be used at all tunes and in all
climates by persons alfeeted by
biliousness, nausea, or disordered
liver; for thanieney and heartburn
they are specifies. Indeed no ails
ment of the digestive organs can long
resist their purifying and corrective
The Directors of the Dungannon
Driving Park Association will hold
their Annual celebration on the 24th
of May next The prize list will be.
greatly increased this year, and no
• all and skill tO avail ourselves of them
turn, be -
then we
s Shakes -
e mor e use of it than is now . of Toronto, and others, have been• The fault, dear Brutus, is It in our
rs there gay reason why ,o; secured for the oeeasion. .stars,
elionld not give the. local : *Apo*. flutinOUrSeiVeq$ that we Are under- •
jto occasional extract from his If thou %midst be borne with, •
avid thus math a much bear with others.
Away with your notioas of luck.
13e milady, and. let luck (halts worst.
radon than the one he. IC3). 0. Pine the best all-around 13e
retrE PulPit? 16 them ramilSr p111 an tho Inarket• ' :o'er at04310.11 troubles ts ICs1).0.
Sore Throe( ,
'CHIAL tied r
aptly to the '
00771.0.• ,
s. 3
American Axes, soc. to 65c.
Crosscut Saws, 454 to $x.00
1 ;-3
wire, Ne... DICTIO ARY c
, dibreastaitherinsts. te,
.4Grandidurator. Thoeue ssoroftlre
"rinab, Idged.0) q
r E. VM 3,J, ars were 0
:. aspnedntorve islootng,,,100)00
:. editorsxveutte inployedt ;,,.
per foot.
• We to -day redlice our
quotations on Binder
Twine one cent per lb.
A pc•ii.„1
1., I
A. Zibrary hi Itself. Xtz1so gives
the facts often Warded concornlnt eminent 0
* pOrENMS, andetit and Modern; n ted flett- y,
tiotts' persons and phiees; the ottutrhot, d
cities, towns, and natural featu s of the 'c',
globe; translation of foreign q ototions, I't
words, phrases, and proverbs; ote , o ..e,, ate, ..‘
T1TLS Work'it Invtatta le in tho
110118OhOld, en
d to the teachdr,fie1 olar, pro-
fessional Inail, and self -041100.°e.
27.10 Olobe, Toiortio, sot:- :$
Thle neW dtettonary is tho best hook;.b
lef Its kind ,
In the Eiticlisit langtinge. FM' everyranely, th,,,
members of tele& hate MRILISTSG ISOM of Tpath
ing,ltaptirehttaeWldproveaprofitabIoMvestment, ,,e
l'ho Xiinte, ilitsiii/tOet, says ii.-
It may Well be pronounced the 'bout. ' Sting 41,b, a
flonary and the cheapest IVOR in Om vend, met 0;
should be in every school and Minify it Catania.
iralPO youtilookseitirshow °you.
• Z-ve ybody
Should wn Mill O'
Dictiona an -
Swore alit ueetione
coneerub o the his. g
tory, ape ing, pro- e
mewing a and s
Weaning f words.
• 0.40. 41
agqain tulles
Walk1611411T, ONTARIO,
Alsbnortottosiprtoe, $1 pot yeett,110, issions3 nag
4,1111E1tTISINO K ATVS •
Spite* /yr. 1 it isse. 1 3 me. 1 1
One Cohan* *qt.) 00 (010 00 1 $20 -qt?
Malt " M 90 29 00 12 00 set
Quarter" 20 00 12 Oe 7 QQ 4 ges
One inch 0 90 3 00 2 90 104t
Legal and other eases Atirettlasinontli, Pe, Derain.
for Prat lowertion, and 3o, per line foreach subsequent
Loofa notices 10epet one ter first ineertioni.
5o, per hila for mach subeequent iniertke. No. beat
notice will he charged les, then 2ec,
Adserbisereentr otl.ost, Found, Strayed, $11uoldienise
and liminess Chances Wonted, not exceeding 4 these
nonoareil, $1 per month
Houses and Farms for Sole, not exeeedlim
for Met month, 50e, per subsequent moulds
These terine will be strictly edhored to
Special rates for 'beat edvertiecznents, or to
longer parte s,
Advertisements and local notices within% speol40
directions, will he inserted till forbid and Charged
accordingly. Trated*ory edvevideeinetets must be
paki in 4I.PC8
Changes for eontreat ielvertletutento roust be a
that:deem by Weduesdoy noon, in ceder to votes
that week
Weekly rree Press
Fon— 1891...
$1.00 BOTH PAPERS Fr si.00
Tinder tho charge of Dr. J. IL WIIsou, V. S.,
ANSWeliS CORIIRSPoNSWTS.—tnqUitics wtll
be answered free, and should plways'pontain writer's
full name and addrese.
RIM Da. TALMAGE'S SERMON &Aire cd the Sunday
',WAKEMAN'S 'WANDERINGS" and er writings by
this celebrated author.
LADIES' Puns -Illustrated. e
A SERIAL TALE, and other i cresting* reading
Price, One Donal e,yearin ;idiom e for the WasitLY
Fars PRIO/8 and AVER AED MEE n alt 36 paves,
Agents wanted in every unrepre tinted district to
SOheit subscriptions.,,
LONDON, - ONT 110.
Peoraceroo exit Puladainut
soseemaa STREET,
Winaunii, • • Oiermuo.
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
-Coroner for County OR -won- -
Mee Ilp-etairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing.
ham, Ont.
Orrice Ilavan,-0 to 12 a, m., 1 to p. ni.. or M
Residence, Diagonal Street.
Lumber of all kin s,
First-class Shi gles,
and Cedar °AS.
Car, Load Orders a Sp, malty.
WOOD delivered to any part Oaf Wing -
44tOrdersbrmall promptly attencit
Rex 121. Ingham P.
The highest Cash price :paid for any
citttity ef good 1
delivered in our ard.
Call and get prices befot disposing of
your Timber.
TP KENNEDY M. P..Id. O. P. S. 0.
Successor to Dr. J. ,A. Meld rum.
Gold Medalist of Western (Inivereity: Late) Rouse
Surgeon 10 London *Stipend Rospital. Special titters.
Con paid to dilemma of women and chIldren.
Attlee -Formerly occupied byDr. 2.feldrunt,Corner
of Centro and Patrick streets.
rar'Nend for free Droopetua
,on. DICT 11.11r aild SHINGLE tI11rTINe
'best moon , et.. .,
Cesto./eArsitmotsrAlitottereeMotsksweenve to* to
otitvg Imo% it" iiii
- wien that ottte rag ometta
Nervous Debility. st Vigor O
sEANs it,iielageosMenhood-restores Me
of body;e. 1811011 causal
by over-werk. no tli errors or 81-
weer of youth. Remedy sits.
Yolotelt curet tbe most obetioate wises hen !di other
rastmisnos hmo rause even IS relies :told by drat,
EMS at g Itstr Psekeese, Of six for ye, er by_mati oft
1114Milt of Pride by edetreseing Tlill JAM l-MDICIN91
00.1 Toreato, Or+ Write for t$1w. l'ohl 10—
'' ir»,A10.11Ii. F. (10111)0A.
Private and Company funds to Joan at lowest rate
interest. No commission charged. Mortgagee, toe 11
and farm property bought and sold
done cheap as the -cheapest and satiefaotion
AD kinds of
Rough and Dressod. Lumber, Lath,
0 Shingles, &e.
Winghtun Ont
Barrister lAte.
Oftice-11eyer Block, Winghitun
DENTISTRY.— .1 0. JE1t4E, %Memo,
Ts manutacturin°
Celluloid Plates,
Vulcanite plates of the bestmatcrial
as onion as they can be got In the
DOIllh11011. All work warranted.
Painless extraction Of teeth by tho use of Electric -
if y or Yegatable Vapor.
TAKIS Norice.-1 extraot ,teeth for 26 Dente.
OFFICE: In the Beaver Mick, opposite the
Brunswick Douse,
Win. H. Macdonald, 1... D. S.,
Opposite the Queon'e Botta, Winghem.
Will visit Gerrie Id and 3rd Mondays
of each month.
DEANS, 411L, Wixonne,
Sales attended in any part at bo Co. Ohargew
JOHN OMIDIE, WrnenAK, ost.,
mousse)) suctroxzen Ton THE COUNTY OW
All orders left at the 'rums olfleo promptly intend
ed *O. Terms reasonable.
Lannialth AMUSES:a nett HOUNfItes 111Mcds AND
&1l sales attended to promptly and on the Shorteee
Charges Moderate and Satlatnetion Ottormiteed,
Ail necessary Arrangements can be Otade et the
Tim' office
WINclitAn s Oxr
iiitiASIT. .
It. 11. Toronto, Members College Physicintis and
Surgeons, 0-ntario,
HSLottAVE •• -•020.00t10
iVrottey to Loat on otes
Notes DiSeOlitrtOd
Money advanced on Mortgneei et 4 poi eent with
kept constantly on hand peivilege et paying at the end of any yen . Notoe
and accounts collected.
McLEA/st tit SON, nom, inenkmoo.
Wingharn, Dec. Ith, 1803. Soarer tloeS Winalutal, Ont'
VHI i,
T 1
Acwirmamt, lova=
Pot God
Well cell the atteotttonot
to the foes, that vibe %%Ow,
.41100 Union reeete merry
*hero, ter eve •Imerect
rink otreet. t1Tottliee-orei
Aa the 1141tor ihoe ;Medi,
space, for our welqwwvotk
amid items of Ititereet on all
day 105111 of eur isseetberel
The wonnattWitol
to get rid ()raft, is
for her sehonuarries
reform him. All a
41113 made anniagnewr
love; for iailemeier
is coinstedtfair, Bu
lit theasseenseseessa
eitement affeabli • eir
prepares herself'for
and the antineselue pr
011 eanditionstbat
marry *Salaam neve
on, ale evhostiaill no
out ellove,tolitis fatl
• er, his ihrothers•and
and lilts Gotlaatill ni
change liissesaurse on
love ceteasyoungsgirl
tame he 'mall's -tat I
find twhentecklate, t
possible avay refoi
or over Iiiimhbalbre 1
is everlikelTasslitty
It isesot•insthe po
save illtllnlikaitbl. D
ed at dllamasalie s
of God. •If.menewill
to be batind by:the
the bestilingsatonn
ged •fasayvt; by :them
The Tointmg-Pein
. ler's
'itt laYitw ,d0044.-ki
stone .0 oaeasttits. 1
this yearlay Unate
partner, the avoria
"founding ipoint,"
glass of the milialtt
share. Aafallsgrea
have deemed -a- gill
overdose, but it .w'
much for lam; And
'broke rip, ant1.1 --0
books, 1 female
of as faxesite.stathot
ing before :w8 es. -0
no longer meager ti
- the volume at fres
*.small Witten crab
ta good delta %WWII
stile friction of tit.
iBacon I never tire(
tint°. which I kat b
felt, one .of ide
aunk,. by my ecru
lover level of late!
(ossewhich it was an
placed ; ..and. time
bore been no vela
reaming a ma
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to eater from
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appetite a the
might Mae been
A. man stated
ley Smiday mon
'came to a plaeet
:standing, NVItiO,
"Please don't
"Why not ?"
"Because 1 s
..down,': sobbed t
had taken upon
which he had f
unwary passers
aro ma
who have good
-such a warning
who Was trod
paths -of interop
young leernia,
glass of spirit
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step there, for I
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good reason 1
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How many t
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