HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-03-20, Page 1•
Whole No, 5582, —
116th Year
$1Q.Qp AX'ar1tt,Aiv. nee
5.441e cipy25.0*0
Final Ontario redistribution
relocates area municipalities
A GOLFING HOLIDAY — Mark Flannigan,keeps score as Mark Fischer attempts
• tc,,get the golf ball into a kleenex box at the Recreation Department's Holiday
Happenings, a week long program for 56 kids from six to 11. The . group-.of
holidayers in the background await their turns. The program is on every day tills
week at SDI-tS, except Wednesday when all participants went to the Science Centre
by bus. ' • . (Staff Photo)
Failing any last •minute
interventions -by, the liavis
GOvernment to upset the final
recommendations of • the
provinces electoral boundaries
commission, Seaforth • and
Tuckersmith will be located in a
new riding of Huron Middlesex..;
rather than in Huron Bruce as had
been proposed earlier.
The Commission in its final
report tabled Tuesday removed
Strathroy and the township of
Lobo from 7.% Huron Middlesex.
Municipalities In the northern
part of Middlesex will be joined
with the former riding of Huron to
create the new riding. ,1n effect
this means the existing ridings of
North Middlesex and Huron will;
be amalgamated. The former is
now reprekented by , Hon. Wm.
Stewart who has said he will not
be a candidate in Middlesex. Jack,
Riddell who won. the. Huron riding
in a by-election two years ag0
-represents Huron.
In deleting Lobo and Strathroy
from the nest ' riding the
commission took into " account
strong protests by conservative
members inzit It.K.Il.. f
.All h it
Lof don area
Conservatives urged , in ' the
legislature in January that
London be made tip of three
ridings a pd • that 'Middlesex
County form a sepap,4-ctviding.•
• They all objected 4.) the
placement, proposed by. the
commission in its ' December
repott, of a portion of Middlesex
County* in Huron Wing: -
The commission has made two
-major concessions: One was the
formation of three ruban ridings'
in London (the new riding will be.
London Centre): the other was the
removal of Strathroy arid )bo
from . the proj»sed
Huron-Middlesex riding.
' Strathroy, where Mr. Eton rill
up at big vote in the last election
will be - in , the new north
The new Huron Middlesex located in Huron. now ,form a
riding will inctode all of Huron portion of a new Huron Bruce
south of No. B-highway including .ing presently representedkly
-the towns of Seaforth. Clinton Liberal Murray Gaunt. In additiOn
and e aGoe:derich as well as the tot these two townships the towns'
Middlesex municipalities of of Port Elgin and Southampton,
Ade l aide, BiddUlph,East arc added to the northern end of
Williams. McGillivray and West the riding.
Williams. Parkhill:, Ailsa Craig • The c'ommission's r eport has
and Likan. still to he accepted, by Me
McKillop and Hallett long legislature.
The commission washeaded by
MT. Justice Campbell Grant of
ON Ontario Supreme Court,
*model zoning bylaw
Middlesex riding. • • •
t -In its last report, the
commission. has ,decided that
London township and West
Nissouri Township should
combine with a potation of
Northern London to form a riding
t-(i be called Middlesex North.
A special meeting of county
council on Tuesday opened with a
minute of silence in memory of
former county councillor and
Exeter depWy reeve, Helen
Jermyn who " passed away:.
Funeral services were • held
4 -Tuesday. afternoon in Exeter.
Ttiesday • the county planning
department was given the go
ahead to prepare .a model zoning
• bylaw based on the official plan of
the county which would exercise
intermediate control over the
The intermediate bylaw is to be
implemented until ' local•
municipalities develop seCondary
plans and comprehensive zoning
bylaws. The m odd bylaw would
he circulated to all 'the
municipalities with the adoption
to be left to the discretion of the
local councils.
Brussels Reeve
McCuteheon,s chairman of
planning board c ilmittce,
council that since ntos ndary
plans will not be implemented for
some time 'and tbere should be province to fund 100 per cent of
' some immediate intet.mediaie the of the projeet for three to
control imposed upon the county. six month:, 'The new proposal
He also stated that it was the calls for the costs ilIVOIVed in the
county's responsibility to sec that program 'to be included in the
sdme type of control is imposed. budget of the workshop at
Huron County planner Gary Dashwood which woold be 80•per
Davidson told council members cent Subsidized by the province
• that 'there was a t.:e'd for with the remaining 20 per Cent
intermediate control especially coming from local funds.
for t nuticipalitfes wit hoot a
Cry plat' or a • land use C.A. Archibald. Huronview
He explained that the
Administrator told council that
11 i inning bylaw would be the transportation 'system is not
y et in operation•since the plan has more flexible than a holding
,slaw and would be ideal hit' not yet received official approval. .
1111.1i(ipalit without a Chuck McMurray.. front the
secondary plan.i-G'as hopeful Coni.npnity Renewal Branch of
that the plan would be drawn tip the uustrty , Housing made
•ithin the next two months. presentation ro the council but the
In other council business the' grants available under the
in istry of "omMunity and Social provincially funded Ontario Home
S rvices pi )posed a funding Renewal Program. With the
hangs for t ie project of trans- population in Huron County at
porting a nun her of residents of 53,67,3 o v er $800,000 cou ld he
Horonyiess id other tidulto, 'made as ailable under the
trainees to the t dolt Workshop at program. Sonic municipalities in
Da shwood the county haw or will .proceed
One proposal called for . the with it on frheir, rr.
GUESS 631 — T,he'se four girls are concentrating hard on the task at hand ---
,guessing the number of jelly bens in the jar. The prize at this Holiday Happenings
event --- all the jelly beans. The girls are, left Barb Dupee, Kathy Broom.e, Laura
Chesney and Rita Blockeel. (STAFF Photo)
Internationally known speaker coming
. An internationally known
speaker will he featured here
Monday when the Seaton), Lions
Club sponsors its' annual rural
relations night.
Joseph Connell, General,
secretary of the Kitchener,.
Waterloo YMCA averages one'
hundred speeches a year to
audiences 'across Canada. the
United States •ifill m kurope. A
teacher he also served as a
navigator in World War 11. His
activities in and contribution to
the Kitchener Waterloo area have
been recognized by having been
the onl, person to have been
named citizen of the year on two
occasions in .1959 and 1963.
The donations he receives as a
result of his speaking
engagements. in t turn • Irre•
contributed to the youth
development fond NA. hich sopports
youth work. A new building in.
Wat crioo arid Y, projects -in India
Of' the 1500 tomcats for funds in
aid of the Ontario Society for
Crippled Children Faster Seal
Campaign which were sent out by
.the Seaforth Easter Committee.
310 replies have been received
prOducing gifts totaling $1680.00.
This means the gift total is short
$872.00 of the 1975 objective of
Last -year the Seaforth area
It was ten years to the day that
Ernie Williams started work as
Sea forth's Town Clerk yesterdas
and it also Mr. Williams' last
day on the job.
Mr. Williams retired yesterdas
after a decode of wry ice as the
town's administrator. It would be
a normal day. Mr. Williams said
Wednesday morning, but a buss
The retiring clerk was planning
to take his successor. new clerk
. Robert Franklin. to Goderich to
introduce hint to the county
government people there. Mr.
Williams' last day, like mans of
his other work days in die past ten
rears. was to inchide a night time
meeting.T..1 w ea ort..h Recreation
Committee met last night.
MT. Williams. who \Va.+ 65 on
February 20, said he had no great
to Lions
and in Antigua, West Indies.
-Arrangements for the event•
which is sotteduled for theLcgion
Hall Monday evening, ' is in
charge of a committee headed by
Jack Pickard. While a few tickets
arc still aviiilable, Mr. "Pickard.
said the committee expects a
sell-out attendance.
break in
The Wingham detachment of
the OPP is baffled hr a break-in at
Humphries General Store aird
Post Office which occurred March
8, Storc owner Frank Humphries
said that between $700 and $800
teas stolen when the. store's safe
was smashed in sometime that
Saturday night.
St.‘rgeant [..C11 George of the
Wingham OPP said "We have 110
clues .on that tine at Sgt.
George taint there ss a:. quite' a
rash of break ins in the itrea that,
weekend. Cigarette mimes w as
sullen ti11111 1114' .Brussels arena
Brussels was brOJW11 Into the
t.;itric ict.4.40'tifi. he said.
Mr. Humphries old • the
thieves broke down the hack door
to gain entry to his store, A small
cluinititt of money belonging to
the 'Post Office w an stolen. but
most of the amount was store
nit'hiey., lie said.
The OPP said that. the Walton
and Brussels break-ins cc err not
connected with. two break-ins a t
the Old Mill in Blyth around> the
same time tt Ilk)) netted thieves,.a
total of $28,000. The goods stolen
from the Old Mill hate been
recovered and sonic ' people
charged. Ser,yant George said.
- The investigation in the Walton
job is continuing. he added.
objective • was $2.000.00 'inn.'
$2231.00 was raised according to
committee chairman Ors We Oke.
There is an urgent need for
help for Crippled Children and
the committee is concerned that
people in the district will do their
part to meet tilt area objective
before the campaign closes at the
end of this month Mr. Okc said.
plans for his first day til'l'. today.
"I just might sleep in -. lie said.
Mr. Williams and his wife
Pearl, whii live on James St..
don't plan to take any long
holiday trifis this year.''but
perhaps next year -, he said. The
Williams will stay in Seaforth.
where they lived some years ago
when Mr, Williams was stationed
at RCAF Station Clinton. ,
The retiring clerk didn't role
out working part time after his
retirement, "l'in not going to just
Area residents who may have
problems concerning provincial
matters wilihave an opportunity
to discuss them with Huron MPP
Jack Riddell on Saturday
Mr. Riddell will be at the
con oeil chamber in the town hall
from 10 a.ni. to noon to meet and
welcome people of the district
David Kunder gives the'
ball a good send off in the
bowling event at Holiday
Happenings Penny
Carnival. (Staff Photo)
'jt around," he said \stilt
WOMIlt orking, electronics.
photograph. ham radio and
gardening under lights art. all
hobbies of Ins. Mr. Williams s aid,
and could keep him busy . "But a
hobbs is no longer Nu if sou hits e
to work at it to keep buss
said perceptively,
Mr. Williams said Mr.
Franklin. who has been lisTc for
se\ oral weeks as depots sled:.
probabl won't noise his family to
Seaforth the school sear
c briber or Mil they, h as e'
problems. The get-together is the
second of a series Mr. Riddell is
Oaritring for The towns across the
riding. The first was h eld in
Exeter last Saturday morning and
attracted a large number of
visitors - some with problems .
others who just wanted to say
good-day and have a cup of coffee
with their trembler.
Rod Lewis. legislature clerk
and one of three commission
members, has said the legislature
can make any change in the
report it wants but that to do so
would be-contrary to the spirit of
the resolution setting up tV
independent commission.
The third member was Robert
Sansom. a , political science
County council apiIrosed a 19 75
budget fur Huron at a special
meeting Ttiesday which shows
the tiital expenditures foi• the sear
to be 5 -.244.142 . up nearls '20",.
racer last sear. •
The I0 -5 budget rewired an
additional less of $505,000 oser
the 19 7 4 budget with
expenditures to he S -.14:1.152
plus a planned 'Surptus 4.599,990,
Again counts roads were the
minor culprit. in the budget
increase with a total of 52.5b1.000
being allotted to the highwas
public \corks depiirtment. up from
2,129,(100 iii 19 -4. County Library
expenditures will total 5261,800,
planning department budget will
total $93.690 and the .social
set.% ices budt1-;.et , cc ill total
5,386.300. The budget for the
Childrens . Aid Society for the
Gum) of Huron will total
5135.905, the HuronviesA, budget
cc ill total $ the Huron
• County Waltb Unit budget will
total 5505,350 while general
maintenance for county buildings
will cost $125,425.
Bit'la,:d on the fOr1111.141. the
Seaforth people heard a
familiar spice on the radio
\Wednesday morning schen SDHS
geography tellehL:r .Jolla ill
called CFPL's Open LineProgram
front Paris. France'to report that
the gjiitiP from4he Inca' school
%chi) are touring that aity are all
well and' enjoying themsels es.
Weather in Paris was 'Cold and
snowy, John reported, and he
said the kids thought perhaps
they had taken the Canadian,
winter overseas with them. The
professor at the University of
Western Ontario.
The commission,:s final report
tabled TuesdaY in the legislature.
increases the number of
pro,vincial ridings from 117 to 125,
Six of the eight new seats will.
he in the Metre Toronto area. The
other two are in the Kitchenef
and Ottawa areas,
tolliming letics will he charged,
oAith previous year's levy in
•lust ns: Goderich. $351.149
15280.2261: Clinton. $116.142
t$95.2"ba: Exeter, 51S5,644
($119.8311: Seaforth $82.278
663.42 7 1: Wingham. $139,612
Baylield. $34.391
0$25.2 -9i; Blyth. $30.205
1$23:-1231i Brussels, '$.35.215
($20.5 10): Hensail, $45,600
i 53(0/39): Zurich. $30',401
($24.19.7 ).
Ashfield, $105,597
(590,600): Colborne. $7,1,856
$58.969); Goderich. $112.923
1$82,5871i Grey, 591-.094
(5-4.442)... Hay, ' $121,901
15103,9191; Howiek, $124,496
(100,096): Huller(. • .$87,398
t$67.483J: .McKillop. $79,108
($65,6591; Morris, 571.828
($56,794); Stanley. $89,820
($76,5;'10); Stephen, '$172,434
($144.238); Tockersmith 5134765
($102,7 20); Toroberry, -560,576
1$46.836);. Ushorne • $80,499
(56 7.1401;Fast . Wavvanosh,
$53.5,31 ($43.791):west
Wawanosh-. $49„127 (5.38.957)•
students. who raised .the money
for their trip themselves with
hake sales, car washes and
raffles, will be home Saturd'asy,,
the teacher said.
John and his wife June are
ehaperones for the group, mostly
Grade 12 " students who are
members of the SDHS Geography
• Two other 'groups of SDHS
students are spending the Spring
break in Spain.
ster Seal
'800 short
Town clerk for 10 years,
rnie Williams retires c
PP havin74'open
house Saturday at
Seaforth town hail
Demands increase
SDHS travellers
report from France
CHOIR MASTER HONOURED — The congregation
of St7homas Anglican Church honoured choir
master J. R. (Bob) Spittal for more than 25 years of
service Sunday night at a parish pot luck supper,
Mr.Spittal, who will continue to lead the choir, was
presented with two silver goblets on a silver tray.
"We just wanted him to know that we loved him",
said Mrs.pegi Coombs, one of the choir members
who organized the party. (Staff
Huron budget
is up 20%