HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-23, Page 1HE fl INGRAM
VOL. XXIII.---NO, 1152.
Spring Goode will soon begin to arriv —Ur, john Rita'
and we find that we have a few lines the insurance office to
we shall have to carry aver, that is if you
boa removed hie --A number of Wet embers of the Wing. bsantiful and good this
e Macdonald block. ham W. C. T. dro e over to Teeswaier a iorned those Alpaca)
every person bake el
meeting', ? Mrs..oI
and Dr. Meccloaelf
their part wall as a
every person on ent
once taken totin
surged in to, the
the good deep,•we
to spare, and . the
pleasant disobar
quite equal to the
repaired to, en
"feast of reason"
ed them. Dr. le
the chair, and, t
that ie quite en
church quartette
and the speaker
in the following:
part "nobly and
Brussels, "the d
pew" ; Reveal.
dine,'the wonder
art, conatnerceel
century." The
ting Clerkotthe
Nabb, mire an.
enjoyed by: the
MacGregor, town
on the "uniity
Petrie wasthen
man, in filling an
Mr. Pordestepped
form, he received a
do not get them and In order to make it to --Suet arrived.— wo tons of !dye's'
on ueteleto attest the School of Meth -
your a,clvantage, we will sell them exactly Royal Cattle Spice. For sale at Griffin's ods held there unit I" the auspices of la e
at coat. To atart with, there are a few Grocery. ' • ' 9t Bruce County W. C T. Lc Mrs. Thorn -
odd furs, the overshoes and cardigan shoes •
Mr, John. Co,
that' we have got left, A. few shawls and,
heeds, men's, boys', ladies', and girls' under- family, have move
clothing, men and boys' eivercoate. We house on John stre
would rather you had these goods at cost, tdr• ' - Robb Cortavn
than have to carry them over to next • •
season, We are not using the old worn —Methodist 01
out phrase, "selling at mit," simply to next Sunday:
°atoll you, we mj
ean ust what we say. Try Come"—the third
us and, be convinced. Our •Grocery stock, • .
as usual, fresh and complete. We have on "The Reavnahl
hand the new shortening, "Cottolenl."
Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly lent 000 th ng —the
Try it and see what it is like. repaired and fully warrented by ena, Meyer Block, Wingham. Mr. Ryuhart will d Kum . but we ar
Yours truly,
—A special ser ice will be lield in St. tea Methodist ehur
Direct Importers.
Paul's (Episcopal) huroh on Sunday After. next, when his sn
noon emit, at 4 o' look, when Rev, L, G. 'snared prayers or
Wood will addres the congregation under
the auspices of ern Lodg° No, 19, Lady
True Blues. Coll tion in aid of the True
Blue Orphanage f nd. All are welcome.
—Ladies, have your garments made by
Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite
the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, goo
work, always first-olass fit.
elle of Berlin, end, ley, the Dominion 1' esiaent'of the W. C -
to town, taking the, T. IL, and °then tot e,part in the proceed,.
t, lately cocupied by log&
--Lest Weelnesti • eight, Mr.73,ynhart.
roh Pulpit Topics' for Yolina Mao who 'boas no lAisaiolloaY
rinug—"Thy Kingdom 43 Tibet, delivered a very interesting
of the series. Evening -e. lecture the has ment of St. Paul's
ess of God's Service." - eburob. Mt atton ng seemed to regret
the time passed so
glad to state that
iver an address in
h, on Sunday even -
act will be :—"An-
rrow eseapes."
Dersemucefe—. Miss H. J. Powell begs
to announce to the ladies of Wingham anct
vicinity, that she is prepared to do dress-
rnaking in the latest style and at moderate
patio. A call solicited. Shop- Nearly
oppesito Maedonald's block.
-Mrs. Piper, wao was a resident of
Wingham for abou • a year, coming here
—The Winghom urlers who went to
from Turnberry, dion Sunday last, after
THE BEA'S, January 31st, 1894. • a few weeks' illness -in her 64th year. The
Seaforth, last week, re play the club of deceased was ono cA.teee pionems of the
iveerriage Licenses that town, did not succeed its wresting township of Turnbei -y.leSheleaves several
Issued by PRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vic- victory from their o ponents. They speak children, to mourn t Toss of a kind and
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses in the highest termseof the treatment re- loving ieether. The -emaius were interred
required. ceivect at the hands f the Seaford: players. in the Wingham cemetery on Monday last,
EsTPlace In Galled& to1
ceatt Bn,usnheosisthEacinud-. 4„
etc., is at the Cen-
tral Business cot- e.
lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont.
Unquestionably Canada's Greatestcont- 4
rnercial Schools. Catalogues free. Men- A,
▪ ton this paper. Shaw tk hillott. Principals, ,p-
J. M. B :thanan, of whom we a large number tun .ng out to pay their
( made mention in ow last issue as being at last respects to the oaparted.
the point of death f ern a stroke of apoplexy,
—Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A..
Graham's market grocery.
e.e!„ef-L•Mr. Itobt. Corny has removed. with
e" ibis family to Dayton, Ohio. •
—Be sure and hear be Canadian Jubilee
Singers, in the Methdist church, on Wed-
nesday and Thursdaj evenings nex
—Wen-me—Four or five res otable
gentlemen boarders. Mrs. Tho4Forbos,
Minnie street, late residence of II4 Meyer.
—Staff Captain Coll
coeduot the meetings
Army barracks, on Su
r, of leo don, will
in the Salvation
ay next.
— Beaver Tobacco is absolutely °lean. It
is the highest grade stook in Canada and
the only gentleman chewing.
—A load of membei s of the Sons of
Scotland, of twin, pai 1 their brethren in
ttLucknow a fraterna visit on Tuesday
e- night.
—Grain chopping rdene for 5 cents per
100 lbs. at the Winghane Oatmeal
Oats exchanged for oatmeal.
W. Hnuene.
—The fire alarm w rung on Sunday
last about noon, the chimney on Mr. S.
Merrifield's house bei g on, Bre. The lire
brigiade was prompt' on band, but their
services were not reqfired,
--G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.25 a. m. and 11,20 a.
, m. and &.45p. in., via Clinton and Guelph.
Good connections by all trainee
—The dwelling ho se and lege stone
e southwest corner of
streets, belonging to
Scott, has been pur-
'building, situate on ti
Victoria and/Edam
the estate ofidr, C.
• 2
e .tables? earr Afterthe inductioe !mice Vailigheet
vely things" for tea. Fresloyterian church, Thumodey at lad
Me, Miss McKenzie week,the congregation and their friends
and Mr, Cline acted • avemblecl in the °lineah to celebrate the
eception committee, :inaugurration Bel,. PbEriis to the
ing the room was at pastorate of the Aura, The • it embers of
tea tables; the people th Phreebyterty .tere entertained to
all abed seven
excellent supper
spread; with the
nd busy straiten(
faction of all. At
oldaiu.ita elmr-
e ite um the
part of the pro -
ham the choir,
of Ma Thos. J.
renerableand Rev.
r infidel= prayer.
with' atten-
udiencel On the
imam. were the
Murray, M. A., Elmer-- Revs, S. Jones, J. L..31 rrayelet.afillark
aldevelopments in science, Malcolm, D. perrie, (t ie•newly inducted
terature, eta., during the pastim),. Rev. J. MacNa of the Presby-
leesent and aceoinmoda, tery a Maitland, and Rev. Mr..MaeGregor,
sbytery,Rev. John Mae- of the Baptist church Wingham. Mr.
actress that was greatly 'Miller discussed the im; meanest and duty
congregation. Rev. Mr, of, attendance on pail: worskip. Mr.
gave a spirited address . MacGregor spoke on th
the church." Rev. D. church, with good effec
4 -educed by the chair- compliamentary refere
' happy terms, and as pastifir. Mr. Murray ad)
o the front of the plat- ;ence on the glories and
WOIPa. Mr. MacNabl,
forps.stor and people, i
and. referred to some e.
prosperity. The (tare
tel with excellent singii
Qv ,Aileeer,"
gs come from that „•.; • Dianna; Iteeeption.
'ober a about 800, still
e abundant and much
weiters in their ,
of their duties, were choicest ntertainments
oecausion. Tea over, all did their part to the sat'
auditorium, where the eighboaclock, Dr. liatcdo
ad "flow of soul" await- inane announced ti
tedonald, X. P., occupied, time for the intellectual
those who know the Dr. °sedates had come, and
"age on that point. The under the able leadersli
feroithed excellent music Smobie. sang a hymn, the
of the evening appeared %Join,* led the assembl
rder, and each did hi.
well" : Bev, Mr. Millar,
ties and privileges of thee
siimptemue repasteL
huneibeci %ramie of Oa
p.vovide Tablea were
• The•eherch was well fill
tive• and appreciative
plat -Leann, with the c]
ovation. His fine,.
manly agines, his gra id ringing voice, and, .
died on Sunday las '; id hie 04th year. The A Prorain,..nt Lawyer. .
clear, graceful unarm res fairly delighted' '
deceased leaves a tife and one daughter s'I have eight children, every one taped the people:. •
who have the heeatfelt sympathy of out- health, riot one a whom but has taken
childrenes social vas given on the fa -
townspeople in the sudden and sad be- Soott's Emulsion, in which my wife has ,
reavement. The uneral took place on boundless confidence." • lowing evening, vrhiol
Tuesday last, to th Wingham cemetery.
was well attended..
On Stuabath,thel8t anniversary services,
—For first-class tailoring and cheap Per nate were conducted in th' church, by Bei. Mr.. •
gents' furnishtnge, try Webster & Co. M. and Mrs. 0 e Johnston have re: Perrie,. Large and a entive congregations -
Remember the place, only two doors -north
of the old stand and between Ross' book- turned from a tempt of weeks' visit =imp packed; the church, b • h morning and even-.
store and Patterson's jewellery shop. ing. The sermons w e grand in thought,,
friends in Teeswater
eetar. J. ot. Hay, of istowa, was calling'earnest and eloquent delivery. . The.00la
—Mr. Peter McLaren, Of lots 11 and 12, . . •
on Mewls in town fe Tuesday. lections amounted to 125 and the proceed'', •
concession 1, Turn •erry, will sell his farm • . .
Mrs. John Ritchie as at Goderioh on of the teaeneeting to 150, making a, total
stook, implements,• do., by public auction, Monday
. of $285; not so bad 'during the genern.l.
on Taesday, 2701 i -dant, commencing • at Mrs, S. M. Smith • of Listowel, is the depression." The s nesse thanks of the
1 p.. m, Everythine will be sold without guest el Ms. 3, Drsis,
ii Patrick street, congregation are due ;o all who contributed:
Wing -
reserve, as Mr. M aren has rented his . . • • :
this weem • • in whatever way to the enjoyment and.
farm for a term of rs and will remove to
Mr. William 73. teeDonogh left on Behar- success' of this auspice us occasion.
Wingham shortly. erma—e5 and under
day last for an exteeded visit to Brantford,
mill; over that a cunt twelve. months
Galt and other plat ti. li .
credit. Peter Deans nd James Hender-
Goias Vidette : seise 13ullard, of Wing- Dairymen's Convention
son, auctioneers.
ham, was in town t is week, the guest of 9th, 1
—The famous C Wien Jubilee Singers Miss Mabel Orr. • • . Dairying has mad tired strides clur-
and Imperial Grche rneWill give a grand Seaforth Sun : Mass Houghton, of Wieg- ing the past decade. Not only has the
entertainment in th Wingham Methodist ham, who has been in Tomato during the quantity of our clai yiag pro:leas in -
church, on the eve ings of February 28th past three months , ndorgoing a course of ot-eased, hut the qu ity as well,. Dairy -
and March 1st, u esters auspices of the•
medical treatment, :topped off hero fora ing at the present ,,' tie is the most pro -
Sabbath School. las troupe is highly few days on her reborn trip and visited her fitable branch of apiculture, and far -
spoken of by both he press and the clergy, sister, Mrs. °SW:. n. Miss Houghton's meta are looking ta- it just now as .the
and is meeting wi h grand success, cluring many old friends -;ere indeed pleased to only means of o ercoming, the hard
their tour. The Toronto Globe says of see her looking so teen. times and of maki ig their business a 1
them: The Yonge Street Mettodist church
Wingham,,at March.
94. •
------ remunerative one. • To meet the inereas-
was filledeto ove owing last night to hear Induction a .d. Tea -Meeting. ing demand for iaf ateatioe on the most
the Canadian J btlee Singers. A. bright • he Rev. D, Dei ee, of Chesloy, was in- important phases c 1 dairying and to give
and attractive. p gramme "was presente,, ducted into the pw.torate of the Wingham the dairymen in ti e northern district an
The audience w greatly delighted with Presbyterian churate on the afternoon of opportunity of aceeturing a knowledge cf,
many plantati songs, some of which had Thursday, Febru. 15th lust. In addition the best methods Ind the latest tired -
never been hear in Toronto before,
to the Ministers a d Elders of the Presby- tices in carrying n the bnsiuess, the
--For the ben fit of the public we pub- .tery of Mltitland, 11 the clergymen of the Dairymen's Ass elation of Western
dish Miss MoInt re's explanation to the town wore prawn •to witness the solemn
ngregation was large, Ontario have ma e arrangements to hold
a local conventio in the Town ot Wing -
School Board: : services. The
To THE WTN011A. .P. S. B. enthusiastic, but met attetitils4)Itev.Mr. ham, on Friday, darch Oth. This gather-
Geireensrem—I in in receipt of a note Millar, of Brum ls, presided;' Rev. Mr. .og
from your Seer Bey, W. Robertson, de- Malcolm, of Tees' eters preachecl an excel- i of dairymee will be addressed by
e .
chased by lefr. M. Wrker of East Woman -
mending an expl. nation for leaving my lent sermon, brina:u1 of good thoughts, and Mr. A. Pattullo ,Woodstoek, President
School room Jan. th and llth. Wishing , delivered in ilea vele, after which the Rev. of the Assooiati n; Prof. Dean, 0. A. C.,
Mr. Petrie was, ir the usuelfotes, inducted Guelph: Mr. J. . Ruddick, of the Dom-
-Mr. Thole Walk r, utcher, is prepared
to' metal the 8.3 train, I obtained the
ter, or no any ot q tities.. 78hop— ErinciPal's ' inion Dairy Co missioner'a staff; Mr. S.
Dom -
to suppi y thecae wee g beef by the guar-
permiss n to leave my room at into the pastorate -of the Wingham congre-
Tato doors north of isitriushef restaurant, recess 2.10,not inter 'many but negligent- gation. Rev. Joie Ross, of trusses, ad- S. Pearee, Lo don, and Mr. J. W,
Jose hine street, Winglrm. ly setting aside the a throaty of the Board, dressed the minis er, in his meal vigorous on, Secretary of the
On Friday in ruing last, about one while simply follovvie the untie routine of manner. Bev. k. Murray, M. A., of Kin. Wheaton, Lon
Association. ese are all capable and
ee'clook, the skating Mk was discovered by the assistants in time eat. On the MOrh, oardine, Moderate- pro tem of the emigre- experiencedangan
iryint me in the various branchee
the nightwettleme, tole on fire, and the ing of the lith, I was oo ill to attend to Alien, addressed be temple in that getlial, will bo able to give the
f . , f
firemen wets at te scene othe fire and kind friends I was a e to tesume that in to Mt Murrayater siuging by the choir
Atart:o given. In very short time the my dialog, but thro h the attention of appy, kindly, th ughtful manner peculier dairytnete ohis locality tho latest
thoughtotr oint.he best practices in success
had two streams 4 water playing on the the afternoon. and the beneditriMe tel
en, the Rev. Petrie . Ynginter dairying as en
ere, and succeed d in extinguithinkeit lie- Please consider in resignation which received a mod °vita,' weleoma from. the at" b to the heese factory; the pay.
fore a great deal if damage was deritAThe is tendered Jae. 250 1894. congregation, Tllis is 8 very hippy union ing for milk sue plied to cheese factories
fire coettnerieed in the east end, of the You's espectfully, of pastor and p ople. The congregation by the percentage of butter.tat in it;
' eink, but What c msed it is not known. B. Melaattsta • may well be coat; Mutated on the choice bow to get a goal cow, how to feed her
:de, for Mr. n Perrie is se for her and her pro-
p1tiumof singalar 8 ility, great earnestness and how to ca
—Private mor eye to loan on mortgages Second Dept. that they have
reasonable rate of interest. Apply to (IC.—Not for $5 e moment did lVfissduct as as to ma'e the most proht out
11 'Thug lir'ErNt'sMcIntyre ' wish to se- h-drieer her resignation, and increasing zeand nativity i
._,.. n the dig.
#of the business, ill be oolong the topics
0‘ e -'hs comet in the Town Heal, on although heeling op charge of his s veral duties. We trust
'ortunities to de ea. discussed.. nye y dairyman. in the
Tilonday evening . Was well patronized by- li that this atispicio-, • settlement marks ti, notheru district %mid make an effort
our townspeopl the hall being filled. Miss / he lifolderis tilvaltd 'sea cra of unpat ;tidied prosperity in the to bo preset), at. oth theee aessions,an
4 Agnes Knox laf lost none of her power to Hoe taste*, ratakelly, in keeping with history of this nportant congregation. bring his wife ank , daughters along with
delight an audi -nes, and she wag compelled other luxuries. A medicine must be pleas- When the induoti• reaerefeee 'ore over, the, ' him- Farmers, Red especially dairymen,
to respond to a veral encores. Mies Jessie allay acceptable in fortrepurely wholesome ladies of the chur•et haft all their avenge- cannot acquire oo much knowledge
Deafer, the se Anted juvenile violinist, - in composition, truly benelloial in effect manta completed ;. tel were ready to serve about their busin ss, There will be an
teas Well wore- .1 andheartily hpplriuded. and entirely tree from every objectionable tea. The large add handsome loam afternoon aeasiot , beginning ttt 1.30
The Methecti •,/ Church Sunday School quality. If really litho -consults a pli3;s1. room was very eon enfeetly atrithged,wita o'clock, and one i the evening at 1,30
Orohestra add greatly to the enjoyment elan; if constipated he mica the gentle four parallel tabtilling the whole o'clock. The atiMlitsaion to both these
. of the evening.%family laxative, Plyrup of Pigslength of the roc , .-m, rtm
am an the etinga in free. ,
ftmetiens of the
, end made kind,
ce to. the former
tressed the aucli-
onemests of God's
oressed;geoa wisbes
3ments,of spiritual
,* brthe ehoir. The
new pastor addressed
briefly, on the uew rel
end some duties ariain
The audience was
through, and the.xneeti
seemed more;like a r
nn old-time tea, meetir,
entliesiastio eesapticia gateem to Mr. Perrie
must have been eery I ratifyieg to him, and
augurs well to a. hap iy pastorate. This
most interesting ane. successful meeting
was closed by,Rev. M. Melearn pronoun°.
ing. the benediction. one
Address and Presentation.
• From the Cheslee Brae Press we take
the following: OL Saturday evening
last the members =of the young men's
Bible Olasa in couletion with Geneva
Ohara, assembled at the residence of
Mr. Robt. Cross to eid farewell to their
esteemed and re ected pastor and
teacher, the Rev. D Porno. During his
pastorate here Mr.
in gaining the cot
of a large number
town and oouutry,.t
regret his removaL
preoiation of his la rs among them, and
as a token of their .ova and regard, the,
class presented Mr. Perrie with a com-
plete set of "Spurgaon's Lite and Ser-
mons" in twenty valunies, accompanied
by the following aeairess :
DEkR Sra,—Our haat in coming here
this evening is to r present to you the
feeling of the Bible Class you have so,
Oat. congregation
Mom betweeri there
out.cse the relation.
ost, Retentive al;
Inst Sabbath with: - before you leave
for your future be m Winghant. W"
tenet boweveptbat jlt will not be the last
Sabbath we shall ve with you. Yea
go from us wutkijystanding invitatiou
that any time you an find it convenient,
we heartily wel' me you to spend a
Sabbath with u s- of old. We have
brought with us eihaveningSpurgeon's
Life and 3errosi a4.atalrept them ma a
tribute of our est tr# for you. The gift
is not great •laut matter how multh it
were se, it could not carry with it may
more love, reenecal and good will thou
these works 1 Iteconcluding we wieh.
yourself, Mrs. Pel The.aad family, where
ever your feature lot -may be cast, health,
happinesse conteettneat and proeperitv,
kindestgaegiirle' e,dal tteyou our beet and
is•are, sineeru's
ely yo,
T. H. Atkinsoncalf-arty others.
Mr; Perrie mi 6 a• barer and very feel -
Ina reply, than ingsthe members of the
.ohiss, not only tile;adclrese and prese
ent, but for t kuniness shown him
during his min etre here. Be wished
each oue ot tib members- prosperity and
urged on the • the • neeessity of living' .1
honest Christi lives. In closing be
thanked them enini and requested that 1
they, would in savor to keep the class
together until' uolletiene as his successor
took up the•wo lecbegan. He concluded
his kind words by offering up a prayer
for the clam, a ter which the different
members bid •e„ and Mrs. Perrie good-
and took t eilvdlyearture. .
—The Deline
of the "Great
many specials
unusually fine•
Prominence is
. '
ride and white
page of figurese
original piece al
for for April is the second
eifigtNumbers," and bin
esteems in addition to the
Beloof attractive 'aeries.
Seen to Bicycling in an
e•ivilich describes how to
wear, and also itt a full
ibecyaing costume and an
usie entitled The Cyclists'
off:fannies will be &dot'
• suggestive peper on Fit- •
ting Out tais,Efen ily for Spring and Smile ••
mer, and both in theirs and daughters
be interested, itit ts opening chapter of te
series treating o
tho two. Some n
the hen.atef'Dni
g. flan, first to last March. Masher
the aid of t1vei
igious• servioo than
. Mho cordial and
eyrie has succeeded
eineand respect
men both in the
1 of whom sincerely
To show their a.p.
faithfully taught during the time you
have officiated as -pastor of Geneva
Church. Whet we say that we repre-
sent the feeling of the class towards you,
we know that all we could say or do
would be but poor expression ot the
real feeling in our hearts. We caneot
tell nist how dear you have been and
how dear you still are to us. The &em-
bers of your class have learned to love
you with a 'sincerity which time cannot
erase nor the world win away. You are
about to leave us. It seems hard to
realize, but, 'tis so. God has seen 1it to
call you to act as pastor of another con-
gregation. We bow to His will and
although the separation is hard to bear,
we trust e will en ttsoo lo. What
good you have done through the mealintu
of the 13ible Class we truet you have
evidence of. Have not many who were
indifferent to that which pertained to
their spiritual welfare learned through
your tinniest teuthing much of that God
of love and mercy wimps word you have
made so clear. This we say, and much
More could we day In praise of your ninny
sterling virtuosi. We Cannot my you too
high tribute for the good work you have
done among us young men. We admire
your true Christian character. Tho
bright example; you have set ne of what
tbreal Christian ehtiracter should he
willtitter remain first in our memories
When the sands in the hour glass of lite
; are almost spent ninny of us tan look
beak mid date tiro beginning of our
Christian life to the tune when yon mul-
1 earneet appeals to un in the Chealey
To.rnotrow will lie yog
the relationship between •.•
w dishes are given ender ..
ty Cookery. •71'he paper -
on How: to, Li. e- Wisely opens.'" subject
that shouldecon- fnena itself to all bouse.. • -
keepersetenetaliealtveiter on The Etiquette
of the • Inetnee Pelle treats of the most,
refined elimervani es at the festive boards
The conteihulite i• on the ewes of Crepe ande
Tissue Peewee es; further instruction f
the nialeinteoeorramental artioles. Around :
the Tea -Table reishes both instructieu
and entertaitunc t, end further entertatee:
rneit ib proviae • in An Easter Party and
Literary. enema The latest literature
is discussed: ih A ong the Newest Books,
and! Flower On are for the monthettlis
what -week in • pit 'ring the Garden femithe
Spilling and S men The Musitated
areecles. on- Net •ing, Tatting, Matting,
Ceethettiem. ele„ are ns fascinating an.
mime to the lov a- of fancy worix The • .
subscription; price of The Delineate': is el "'-
a. year. Single co ies, 15 cents. eeddress,
orders. to The D ineator Publiennig Co.
(Ltd.), sa Itichmoi d Street West, aleronto, • .
Winfarns ittle Dartitetionx
rills will etre kteadaehe, Biliousness,.
Sour Stomach, etc. Try them once sends
yon will not use any (niter. Pram 25c.
box, at all drug stores.
Salluoul's ratgliisk. :Whiter
°ifs is the best Family Lietietout in. the
world. Institut cure foea.Stritins and(
Bruiees. 13eware of imitatiette. Ask oit
Salmost's English White
Dr. Ifillog,"14 riot .3rwoof Ors
are safe and sure. 2.m. a tole;
ewfll cauilelltrul4NIZsirt7ectila.:11. 11:/d14,1:14:1 litof
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