HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-16, Page 8THE WIN GUAM TIMES, FEBRUA a X6,1.894,
Bev. J. S. Coo , Ph. D„ of Ripley,.
preached excellen mieslenary sermons in
Johnston's end Ebenezer Methodist
churches lest Send '.
'here lesno store in town wholle power The lecture
ab i av U good value is greater than ours, Dr. Cook on Tuesd�
eltel We are tieing our power with telling hi the North of .Eng:
4Feett we have prices down to suit the t eeting and instreet
O— fou can enter our shop et anthems by numerous views
lobnstoe}'s church, by
y night an "Rambles
nd," was both inter-
ne. It WWI illustrated
hrovwn on canvass by
edesle tbxe feeling that nowhere else can you a magic lantern uL_withstanding the bad
*more for your money than you can state of tire roads, t is lecture was fairly
hare. Tha proof ie, on our counters. , well attended.
SILKS. Mr. A, Jackson ad daughter,Mrs,.Bragg
Rieltexft yelues in black and colored silks were visiting in Deteeit last week.—Misses
1bet, leve ever been unfolded on any Conn- Annie and Flossie . edition are expected
!sir in Wingham; this le a certainty. home this week.
NEW DRESS GOODS. Miss Eliza Bosnian is at present visiting
Exclusive English, dress goods that have iii Stratford and Cli -ton.
been opened, they will give you an idea of Mrs. Lachlan Fre er is at present very
what the swell dressers will wear this ill.
spring, they are jest right to wear now.' The Smilie farm, n the 5th concession,
See by all raceme the new English serges I has been leased by r. R. Gibson,of Blyth,
and suitinge. i for a term of years.
DELAINES. Mr,, Henry Sell s, of 3rd line, had a
French Delaines and Challios; every new number of cedar - este stolen from his
lot opened Ali gnaws handsomer, never had swamp lately.
such beauties he prints as we are showing A young man na teed George MeArter
this week. died at the residence f '.Sir. W. H. Cloakey,
Good reliable standard household linens
at, low prices. Dress trimmings, we have
the largest assortment and the most real
exclusive things in them. Corsete are here
in largo variety at close prices in black
and colored.
Special prices in ready made clothing in
men's suits, boys' suite, odd coats and
vests and overcoats„ <ea. at very low prices.
Large stook of carpets, lace curtains, ready
for yours inspection, at
Our Clubbing Rates.
The Tuas and Toronto globe, weekly $ 1 50
The Toms and. Toronto Empire, weekly1 75
The Truss and London Advertiser, weekly75
The Txanaand London Free Press, weekly...: 75
�+heEMUS and Montreal Herald, weekly. 1 50
at'heLM s end Montreal Witness, weekly 1 60
en -en -sots and Toronto Daily world 2 50
Mammal tiontrealFamily Herald and Star 1 75
ekly, and premium
sus and The Ladies' Journal, monthly, 1 26
'Xhe'TiatrS and cosmopolitan elegasme,monthly, 2 25
Ilew York.
The Tares and The 'Live tock Journal and
erouseleed Companion, monthly...... , 1 75
eTnies and Farmers' Advocate, bl-weekly 1 00
nags and the Cultivator and Country 2 75
tleman,'. eddy .. ..
'Wee Yates with all other papers not mentioned
in the abo Inst,
Address, "a.,„
alleles Orrice,
Wingham, Ont.
gl vale.
Mr. Joseph ePug has added a dry goods
department to his tore, so that in place of
it being a grocer store it is now a gen-
eral store.
A'gentleman tr ing to organize a P. P.
A. lodge in Blueval lectured in the Orange
hell' Iast Thursda night. It has not been
aacertaieed whethe many joined or not.
Mr. S, French is leaking in Mr. Messer's
Mise Lucy Dow ie, of Seaforth, was
siting at Mr. Jas. immins' last week.
111. Will. A
and Mie ggie Maxwell and
Mr. P. Fowler att ded a wedding near
istowel, last Wedn sday.
Mr. Archibald Pat rson has gone to live
n Wroxeter, where e intends to carry on
butchering busines
Whooping cough i quite fashionable in
e village.
Rev. G. S. Cook, h?h. D., ,�df Ripley,
eaehed the annual 1'<issionely Batman's in
e Methodist churn. I, 're, on Sunday
1 Collections and
ns were good.
severe storm on Mon -
no need for that even -
Cook was not given, but
d at smite other time.
rd Hogg 's moving into the
'is week where he intends trying
1 at butchering; He took his first
of the village with meat on Wednesday
r. W. H. Stewart, jr., has accgpted a
tion as teacder In the Barrie Itigh
ool, and left here en Monday morning
that tonin to meanie the duties of the
. He was still i i poor health and it
ared he will not be Ale to bear the
arecessitated by kis work.
dames Timmins and H. Robb, jr.,
visiting in Seder 'x last week, and
wney, of that lace, came home
them to take elm,a of the Telegraph
sy felt a while. It ill be a great con,
the eommt ity to have the
6w. J. S. Cook, wi a and child, are
of: Mr. Joseph L ch.
thing, Feb. 11th
bsceiptions for mis
On account of thr
the lecture
by Rev. Dr
11 Prost must 1Gntltyeme
eight aflame, every one in good
t onus of but hit taken
Itisi ns, in oh myWife has
of the 6th cancession on Friday week. A
wood bee had been h Id at Cloakey's that
day, and the young p• epee were having.a
social party. After sipper McArter said
he was not feeling we=, and took a drink
of water. He soon ,ecame unconscious
and although everyth ing possible was done
by friends and pigskin, he passed away
t o a orm pary, a e tet
eauuty of Kent until loefetlereeion. Ile.
1867 he was rleoteta t,• i t., ?rovtuotxl legis•
larurs to represent not•well county, and
eootiuuad to do so until .875.whsn lie nae
appointed sliereff of t°entworth. Frons
1871 to 1e75 he vas Mii..ter ot Agrieul-
tore toed Errtigration Comtniseiunrr ref
Public Works ]seder .hake and Mowat,
He wag niarriud in 183(1 to. Mise Lucy 1tu.
Nab, who died in 1857, aviag due ehfld»
ren. Yu 1874 be tusrri d 2,$re. Catherine
M, Mercer, widow of he lets Learenee
William Mercer, ant daughter of Dr.
Grant Powell, of Toros: to. There were no
children by the stetted marriage, but the
widow survives hien. .Che •3eeeased was a
Presbyterian of the o d s01roo1, a stxanch
Reformer in politics, and his career Wes
characterized by eue gy, uprightuees cud
two heurs after. The Dr. pronouuced
Excursions to California,
Ou account of San Francisco Mid -Winter
Fair, the Chicago, Milwaukee se St. Paul
Railway Company will sell excursion tick-
ets to San Francisco, St. Jose, Colton, Los
Angeles and San Diego, Cal., and Portland,
Ore., at reduced rates, good until April 1,
1894. For full particulars call on any
coupon ticket agent or address A. J. Tay-
lor, Canadian Pass. Agent, 87 York St.,
Kin oss.
Ou Saturday week a sad and sudden
death occurred on tb , gravel road not far
from Grey Ox hill. Davit Carruthers and
hie oldest son had b . n in the village dur-
ing the afternoon. le transactee some
. business in the Post f •ffice and other places
and appeared to be i i his usual health.
He had not been cor-.plainiug of late, al-
though he bad a was s spell during the
eummer. On the wa ' home, accompanied
by laic eon, a man an a team met them.
The man culled out " s that you Daae?"
and the deceased ens eyed that it was in
bis usual tone of voic ,but in less than five
minutes he fell from is sleigh and lifo
was extinct before ssistanue could be
rendered. Deceased 'me to this town-
ship from Godericb, mere he worked at
his trade as a tanner, ietyre eu 25 and 30
years ago, and settled in lot 2, con 6. He
leaves a wife and tardy who have the
sympathy of the wh ,le commumity in
their bereavement.
The following figure are taken frnm the
annual report of the 13!1eva1e Cheese and
Butter Company, prea•-uted at the annual
meeting, lately held :. otal number lbs.
milk received, 2243965 total number lbs.
cheese made, 207433 lb ; average lbs. milk
to lb cheese, 10 82/1001 s. Average price
sold at 10 22/100 cents per lb.; average
cost of drawing, 7e mil per gallon ; aver.
ago cost of making the
hundred lbs.; averag
including all expeusee,v
insurance, salaries, ch
factory supplies, relievQ,
all incidental expenses,
Ib. J. R, Miller was re
se, 39 cents per
cost of making,
z.:—Milk drawing,
ese boxes, wood,
is and repairs and
92/100 cents per
lected President
J. Burgess, Secretary ; obt Blaok,auditor
for Patrons and Alea.l'f2:Ewen for Direc-
tors. Owing to the pore season the make
of cheese was consid tbly behind the
figures of 1892.
Sheriff McKee�r's Death.
Hamilton, Feb. 12. —Hon. Archibald
McKellar, • sheriff of the
worth, died at the City
day morning, after a'c
illness. For some time
suffering from kidney
not assume an acute for
ago, when it became
inflammation of the b1
county of Went -
Hospital yester-
mperatively abort
past be bad been
Meese), but it did
n until a few dale
complicated with
dder. Oa Thum,
day he was removed frdm his residence to
the City Hospital for special treatmeut,
but no immediate clan ;er was apprehend-•
ed, ani he was roporte a better yesterday.
Early in the evening tore was a chaugo
for the worse, however and he sank rap-
idly during the nightie d died at 8 o'clock.
The deceased was b re near Inverary
Castle, Argyleehire, o 1+'ebruary 3, 1816,
his parents emigrating to Canada in 1817,
and settling 9h Albor ugh township, Lon•
don district. In 1837 he family removed
to Raleigh township, county of Ifvent,
where Archibald Meg liar was educated
Gore le.
Mr. Wm. Dane has ;ot hie darn repaired
eufficieutly to raise th : \Nater so the grist
mill can be operated.
Messrs, Hammond eiroe. are snaking the
necessary repairs to tl eir mill, and will
soon h.tva it miming ,gait:.
The annual uaissrnusry tneetiti4 was
held in St. Steplteu'e aiurch ou eintniey
last. Addresses were delivered by Rev, J.
Miles, B. A., of Luck tow and Rev. L. G.
Wood, of Wingham.
The school enterts.inntent will be oeld
in the Foresters' Ha fl on Wednesday even-
ing, Feb. 28th, Thecholars tire now busy
preparing a filet-clies programme, and,
no doubt, will give a good account of
Turri 3erry.
{ 4t1 Whet Street, West Half, also pert of Eget halt lot 27, noir, 14
1/est Woranosh, eoatalolsx I soros, For further
EVE and EAR SUH4 EON , particulars apply on the premise% or by mall to
JAMES hlOW 3lita,
iaraduate of the letw York Lye and Ear hospital, event Thomas N. 0,, Worth nekets,
1559, Post Gredust, Course en the Eye, Per, Nose
and Throat et the hese 'York Pot Graduate I{edleel
Scheel and llespltat,1S92. lyes Tested. Glasses
supplied. rine steel( of Spectacles, Leneee and
Brei isl Eyes, wdll buastel.e Y GH' miiiii�FA111E1'S ClOC 1
8xunlawaok o , W N silk[,,
'Catalogue sent free on appli,
Dioved by Mr. tdusg ore, seconded by
Mr. Gemmell, that the 31erk'be paid bele
mice of salary and $ 2 for postage and
stationery --Carried,
The following orders on Treasurer were
issued: Robt..Hogg, $_ repairs to B. line;
Peter McLareu, $30, ba Luce salary; Peter
McLareu, $7, postage at d stationery; Alex
McEwen, $10, salary; oleu Burgess, $10,
balance ou salary; John Burgess, postage
and statiouery, $12; Dou las Fraser, $10,
Wary; John Ansley, $2. , inspecting and
reporting on Bolt's bride,; ; Wm. McPher-
son, $8, atteadiug and t and commis-
sion ouCounty rate.
Moved by Mr. Musgr
Mr. Gammill, that this
a:ljourn to meet in McD
re, seconded by
meeting do now
uald's hall, Blue -
Minutes of Coux cil meeting 'of the vale, on Monday, March 19, at 10 o'clock
Township of Turu terry, held .F.b 12th, H. m.—Carried.
1894. Members all present: The Reeve done uneesa, Clerk,
in the chair. The minutes ot last meeting
were read, approved end signed. BURN.
Communciataons n re read front Treas. Colima —lo East Waw rnosh, on the 12th
urer of County re 1 ands liable for sale inst., the wife of Mr. Jo in T. Currie ; a
for arrears of tares; also from Division daughter.
CouttClerk re appeal
in 8th and 9th conces
Mr. Direst neper
10th co n., opeouite
cleaned out and rebu t; the bride's parents, Mr David Brecken-
Mr. Gemmel repo ted that James Wylie ridge, of Morris to Miss fervis, daughter of
will not cut the bru ou road allowance Mr, Leigh Orvis, of Zet and.
in Wylie's swamp. IDIE>_
Moved by Mr. Getmill,seconded by ?.Ir. Kente—ern Blyth, ou ,he 14th instant,
Musgrove, that a by law be passed making trick Kelly, aged 62 y sats and 14 days.
the scale of assessest for statute]abo McAaran—In Morrison the 3rd inst.,
at the following ra es, namely: All sums and
George 12 dMcays.Arter, aged:. years, 2 mouths
up to $500, two da - and for every addi-
tional $600, one da; , awl thut the same ,
may be commuted it 75 cents per day, j 2 SPOONS.
if 'paid to pathmaa er before statute labor �'-3 The smaller one, fined with
is done and at $1 t er day if put on collec-
15KR61 Cod Liver (mile do more buildiu up
than tete large one felled Fvith tete best oft'the
roll. f3y.laty read the ee times and manyy enrulsious now in the market. !u4
passed. SKRGi costs uo more and docs three tf
much work as three bottles o: emulsion,t8
Moved by Mr. D meat, seconded
by Mr, tersteless. Prepared Duly by ley f
Musgrove, that Mr Cruickehauk inspect I K. CAMPBELL t CO., Monteith
culvert opposite of 14, con. 10, and if
necessary have it e built—Carried.
Moved by Mr. D mens, seconded by Mr.
Gemmill, that the teeve and Clerk be in-
structed to atten Court of Appeal, at
Wingham, on the mrd day of Feb. next—
The Auditors pxeaented the following
report, along will- sbstract and detailed
statement of receires and expenditures for
the year 1893: WF; have examined the 1
Treasurer's books with great care and find —___—
them as on former occasions, models of
neatness and ace limey, vouchers were
shows for all ent lies in his books, with
the exeepticn of a few, for which none
could be couvenieetly given, these were
satisfactorily explained by the Reeve; who
assisted us; we aleexamined his account
from award on drain 1 Ktaeicxn—Iu Culross, on the 4th inst.,
i the wife of Mr, Jas. Kroner ; a son.
a that a WY •,•' ou
ot 14, requires to b4I D�
EEaaLknlnGE–•Oilvls • On February 14,
by Rev. J. W. Pring, at the residence of
with the Bank of t
1894, and found it
cash on hand as gt
securities were a
The Collector's roll
be one of the most
been our privileg
much credit on the
Clerk stud Celle
taxes on it being th
We take pleasure t
indebtedness of yo
is wiped out and on
of 51896 for Braine
of which is respec
Abstract and Detu
amilton, up to Feb. 3,
o correepond with the
en by his books. His
so found satisfactory.
for 1893, we found to
satisfactory that it has
to examine, reflecting
efficiency of both your
tor, tho uncollected
small sum of $8.43.
in reporting that the
r township for railway
y a sectional liability
's all that is left, all
fully submitted. The
led Statements were
examined by the C until and adopted by
the following mo 'ou: Moved by Mr.
Cruiokahank, sero ded by Mr. Dimsnt,
that the Auditor:' report, Abstract and
Detailed etatemen be adopted and the
Auditors be paid 'f' 0 each—Carried.
Moved by Mr. anent, seconded by Mr.
Musgrove, that th Clerk get 100 copies of
the Abstract Ttat moot printed--f3arried.
Mr. John Basely, bridge inspector, re,
ported that 13clt'; bridge can be made safe
for one or tee -years by getting seine
email repairs ...one. Moved by &tr.
Cruiekehabk, seer nded by Mr. Ditnent,
that Mr. Ansley et a job of the neces-
sary repairs to 13 t'e bridge as soon es
spring floods are assed--Oarried.
Moved by etr. emmill,seeonded by Mr.
and grew uta. He wen into business as a Diment, that the reaeurer be paid bal.
lumberer, and also fanned on alarge scale. ance of salary and $7 for postage and
derma." 1 Itt 17 be was electedto Parliament by stationery -Carried.
The First or Last THURSDAY of
each mouth, at date named below:
Third Visit, March xst, 1894.
Henri 11 a, m. to 8 p, m. Charges
Also, manufacturer of all hinds of
which can be supplied on short notice,
Iron and Force Ptunps supplied to order.
Repairing promptly attended to, Prices reason-
Strop–Diagonal street, nearly opposite Bank of
et milton, Wingham,
It's high time you were gutting your
Xmas presents. Call and have a look
through our stock of goods suitable for both
birthday and Xmas presents, in Gold and
Silver Watches, Onyx Clocks, Rings,
Jewellery, Silver Tea Service, Water
Tlltere, Pitcbers, Cheese . Scoop, Berry
Dishes, Cake Baskets, and all other kinds
I of silverware, at the leading jewellery
Repairing promptly done and warrant'
Mason Block, Wingham.
Are offering
in all lines carried by them. Note meow
Men's Boots
Men's Long Felt Boots..
Men's Long Rubber Boots
Boys' Long Rubber Boots
Men's Fine Lined Overshoes.. ....
Boys' and Girl's Overshoes.... ....
Men's Slippers
Ladies' Slippers
Men's Gaiters ..........
Women's Boots
Boys' Boots
Trunks at half price..
6 lbs. Currants
51be. new Raisins
61bs. Rice ,
10 lbs. Oatmeal
2 bottles nice Fresh Pickles
4 packages Cornstarch..., .....
61bs, of our wonderful 25c.Japan Tea
2 lbs. 20c. Tea
20 lbs. Grantilated Sugar ...,
25 lbs. Brown Sugar........ ......
61bs. Green Rio Coffee. , .........
8 bars 5c. Soap
4 plugs MoDoneld 10c. Smoking
Tobacco„ ....... , .. .
4 plugs McDonald 10c. Chewing
—If 75
1 00
1 75
1 00
r 5
' .
are busy taking stock this week, and
while the goods are down will
be the proper time for cos-
tomers to buy them.
"The Anchoi
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
TERMS. -Cash, Butter or Eggs.
Lake Huron herring $3.25 per keg,
Having bought out the Ambler 11arhees Business and started in bite old stand,
am prepared to furnish the public with everytbi usually keptin a harness shop
such as
I make all my own Collars and guaraotae satisltaotion,
( rxtat tt trial and I Will else you right.