HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-02-20, Page 16•
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Uliit fI of Hensall .U.CK'W. met. .
SS'.�.{�S, on Monday evening at. the '') r
x. Qi 'f! t k," .v, r ,.f..,yb+h!' ,* 5' ,.', „�„� ,.�': 3 R J y�^Y �.w 4.s'•.a t'roYrr �;' Ur'"'n nn 'Pla ho' '•in ” Melva Ecker, 490 Main' St. ,
Ce Sunshine. Convener, eMrs. Ida tx�'* << f l'<a �f 4^ r- ��• , ' " � ,-r..r� ���,i . , ���` �° !c 4� 1- Church.'Mrs: Hazel Corbett .was H o 'Country , y Se _
Correspondent t :, a ? ;. . I� °
t a , ;, -, + t. �, x ti :. , r a �, �, *x Grand Bend plans tb build, a Exeter
rs. Rena Caldwell Dickers. The visitation was done �,t° y,r,, , z t. xr*, wr. H, t e ' chairman for the .meeting•
, erm,anent theatre this,sumnier Before opening- night at the'
t e fes meeting of Ki en i and reported on, by Mrs. R:, y , r <. •,5 >R ' _'• r e four Pepper sisters, Brenda, P. P & , g
Th, first m g - PP Broadfoot..Mr s: D. Cooper, Mrs. �'t"` ,r r,a�> �; Marilyn, Laurie' and J,p; Ann on their present lor�ation. The Playhouse this suritmer the Guild ,
4-H Flub was held on Feb'. 3 at B, Faber. Mrs, lough Hendrick. favoured the proup with two. Playhouse has, an active group of 'plans a luncheon -and fashion .
-, the home of -Mrs. Ida Dickers. Mrs 8merson Kyle gave ihe. enjoyable numbelrs with Brenda women who support its' activities show at Pine 'Ridge Chalet near
_'!itis club is called, "What Shall 1 with fund ,raisin Hensall'on Wednesday A o ril.16,
wear? There are nine correspondence , and Cot{rtesy accompanying on the piano. Mrs. g' A
remarks. Donna. Corbett was in charge of The Huron Country Playhouse and.a dance with thusie by the
members and leaders are Mrs. The . Worb �' is:: -honoured Theatre•'Guild is , a rou of Aristocrats on. Saturday, ,lune 21.
"`t't Diekertand Mrs. Jahn Deitz. d Day of Prayer willS (( '�the devotion, ,and gave'• the+ g Pbe held Nlarch' 7 'in Kippen c J e.n meditafion "Silence can be women throughout the county The group plans to run a
".The -group will call themselves ,, who-afeiMerestedin the Theatre boutique -again this summer at
"Tfie' Cott n Rippers They Church ,ot 8 P.M. with Rev: eloquent". The. %roll..,•call was • q'
Alfred Fr Goderich, 4s guest answered4liv where you attend and organize social events, there. the -Playhouse and members will r
talked about choosing clothes and • Fry, g Correspon it Mr's.. Jack Corbett visited• last arc holidaying in Hawaii. Sunda S An one who 'is be r kin thins to sell there. .
-the meeting was adjourned with a 'speaker. y School. Mrs. Pat Venner: Y s�,,, g $
Kippery,, is having a pot luck Mrs. Bertha MacGregor wick with her brother-in-l.�iv,und � Mrs: Stewart..Blackwdtt, 'who �• Y on interested its joining the Guild, at •Members also, rurR bridge parties
conduct the stud T
lunch of hot' chpcolate and supper a.rid games night at � Dn Robcrt Mickle, "son of Mrs., sister., Mrs and Mrs. Leslie has been a patient yin St. Joseph's "Missions means (ove'% Mrs. a post of $10.00 per year can *send -in their h mes' to stipport the,.,.
cookies. The results of the Laird Mickle. Hensall, 'and the Adams at Dashwood. Hospital. Landon for the past two r ache: ue to the Guild's treasurer, work of Playhouse.
Btuceficld Church Feb. 21." Elva Forrest and Mts. Mary - q Y
election' of officers are: President late •Erficst Laird. Mickle, vvas Mr. and Mrs. >Don Mac.Laren. weeks. returned to her home on
The laticics were pleased to have Alexander served lunch:
-' Shirley Chalmers; Vice honored recently, alori�; with other Jodi and Brooke of Oakville were Friday. .'
sit athendance their new United Church Note$ Nibekdhs, o n to
President i Diane Oud; Press ' iscientists in Canada when he lvus cvcck end visitors with Mrs. Mr. Alex Mousscau had the 1i
- minister's wife, Mrs. Stevens and. ' di"There's ,'hope. in the ,olive'
Reporter - Jill McLellan. presented With a certificate in Bertha MacGregor. misfortune to fall and is receiving
The' second meeting of the also to Have Rev. Stevens drop in recognition of his work in Mr. and Mrs, Waiter Spender. treatment • irr South Huron leaf"' was the sermon topic
later in the evening. chosen and preached on by Rev.
Kippen Cotton Rippers was held p,articipatiun i\the Atlantic and Mr, and Mrs. Howard Scane Hospital., Exeter, , r Mcirch of Dimes
The 'press cn, � Mrs. Turner. ""Don Beck at the' servicef `/
• on February IO.at the•hgme of Tropical cxperiliacnt (GATE) that � _-. -
Mrs.Dickert. The girls discussed, closed the meet; ie w'ith' "I've got took place oft the coast of Africa worship ' in Hensall United 1
to talf< ro Sotiiief,�•dy — God!"Church, Supda. morns . The A,.donation .was made to the use in s"chools and health clinics. '
line, colour and. texture inlast siBtimer. i • �? ".'
Personals `n, choir 'sang' the anthem 'Lord, ,current -March of Dimes Ability The month of'March is Ontari ,
choosing , a wardrobe. M Dr. Mickle also rcccived a UC
# • h ea rs topic s „ g.
Mr. .anti Mrs. Robert Gcmmeil # . v peak tonic". with Dou Mock Furid drive who Edetweiss research Mon4h: '
mernbers are to aNe patterns and plaque with the Quadra Canada m taking the solo part, Rebekah Lode met with noble ' Members "are invited' to the•;'
-arc )iolidaying in the ,South. g p �, $
material for ,ihe next meeting, M r. and Mrs, Art Gibson, Ship inscribed on it and her • Personal. The Short Course' � .grand Mrs: Foster Bennett public speaking competition at
'lite meeting was adjourned and associ4tion with GATE. �� "f `fern i Clinton th evenin of February.
Wrt>xeter, spent $unda�� with Mr, "Baked in a, ,Pie;' will be p esidiaig. g Y•
pop and popcorn balls were All the,. otber. sctgruistS from a
and. Mrs. W.L.Mellis. V presented in Hensall shortly The appeal for a donation 28., The inner will be Huron',s
served. Canada who . artici ated also
�v]r. and Mrs. Jack Deit.z -participated . • Eleanor Shiels,Ma{•g Clark.. toward 'the• b.io-chemist,.research delegate•tq the UF►ited •Nations.in,
KippenU,C.W. received a certificate presented Correspondent The ladies are.servin a noon
KippenU.0:.W., met on Feb. I I c i'ebratcd their tucnty fifth 1?y the. Deputy Minister of the Mrs.•Joypce Pepper er )tlnvhcon cin February 25 for the:..eq Deed her davit of Joyce
curlinep on . (Eye D'efic enper in aid of, the c') was of sease early
eaAY joint euchre is to bq held
wedding anniversary with' a PP 1} g y 1
With 22 members answering the Environment and the Deputy Pi-csbvtcry rou mectin in Saturday at i'he'Ladies Bons iel in the,; CPT",. -'w cont to -for' Thursday, February 27 in `the
roll call;- "Name, the most ta'. Mf dinner last Sunday. i . Minister • of, the Mtnisrty of Unit I Hensall U.C.W. Chui°ch that day. Th g Huron S P Y '
Mrs. Garry Cooper and Billy'of Y � Seaforth". cgnsideratipn. - ; IOOF Hall:'
iriterestjng article you have read Transport." Mildred Kytc ,resided for the Perth Presbvtcrial is to .lie old in Last ear the Rebekah and Odd Misr Pet r Maieo,m, vice rand ,
f etroit visited with Mr'. and 'Mrs. t Y • g
late)'' ". • This was , the 1'argcst February' meeting of • Unit 1 of Listoivel on February 26, A bus is �� Fellows lodges, in ihb district , reported on Ards, treats sent.arid
divan Cooper.
Mr's.Bert Faber took for her A shower was held at clic home international scientific 'effort in { c=nsall U.C,W.. Thursday , aft av,iilable to. anyone needing donated an eye testing machine Co visitations made to' sick and
devotional. "Self Control", history when more than 70 S�+S.
of Mr. and Mrs.' Ron Littleton on , , afternoon at .the Church. She used � transportation. The World's Day Huron County Health Unit for its shut
Hymns 361, 351 were sung. Mrs. countries with 4,000 people. '40 • s he dcv itio al theme- f P b 'heldrc`
,... ,,
Tuesday evening in taonour of
R. Kinsman had the topic, Miss beana Strong. Clinton,
"Christians Politick'. g'
ships and over a 'doz'en'aii•.craft
a. r c dl
••Suffering'% Suffering can be .a
o ra}er set vice is to a in •
the Hensall United Church on
% , volunteer at front Ooor•,'iWill
you something to the Old
whose marriage takes lace in
g P
and satellites were involved.
good tchcher, suffering brings us
March 7 at 3 p.m. Belva Fuss
�►1, •,
Ladies Home,
Re orfs were hten1 by ,'the
P g
March to Mr -Gordon Bell,
Canada Ship, played a,
{ P
deeper sympathy, sufferin�
entertained the. group," with
Mali answering door;
treasurer; Mrs: -Bert Faber,
the Kippen
kct'.rote fir th expciitncnt as she
' brings strengthcuing'of faith,
several piano solos choosing love-.
pleasure. Help yourself f,' nay
Sundayipfterpoon. Frank and Ada
„.by , chenoth'¢rap y, x -ray and
was one of the. largest and was
Successful living requires-
songs suitable for the Valentine
zt a
stated to be, one of the. best
-research continues intra cancer's
5 i L'L`es s V',
equipped ships in,thc w hole fleet,, .
Dr, Mickle spent six weeks
We rcalrre it is God's presence
' she
Members of the Unit "dis.cussgd
pesteking the' old
r a+t"�"1 a
Mrs. Reg:MacDonald, of
that gives that strength,
helping. or sponsoring needy
who had been patiently
Exeter visited with Ruby Miners;
away. He flcvv' to Dakai•, Senegal,
said, -We remember:hc said "1 am
child through Compassion .of.
from the, same spot all day,
Africa, the [middle 'cif July;
returning home the end • of
with you always"', Mildred led in
. C4nad'a. ft• was agreed 'by: all to •
the tourist aske¢brightly,"Well,
are they biting?
. like putting a man on the moon.
Ap nsor a
The fellow raised his head
In that 'case, all the technology
was there -- it was jyst a matter. of
Hvnins• were sung -,with Belva
Audrey Christie gave the study"
a ,.
slowly. If .they stranger,
r Correspondent
Saturday night. The 'group
25th,Wedding Anniversary
Fuss accompanying on the. 1 0.
The and
using ,the article. "Our most
by Dr..
a „
he drawled; They re.bitln each
Mrs. Ivan McClymbnt
returned to the home of Mrs. Bev
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Munn
I b d 25 W
minutes were :xcad
approved and twelve members
-'unu'sual mission',', written
A.E.Foi•rest..,tellihe of Dr. Helen -
There was a successful pancak a Hill for lunch. cc e i ate thele ti edding ,
Anniversary at the Community answered the roll call. Mildred Huston s great, work. in Nepal, as
supper at Varna United Churcrh Mr. and' Mrs. Don Barker of, .Ccntrc, Luiieh, oil Saturday read atiartiele•by Gary,Lautens 'sell as many other doctors.
Son Thursday evening, King City and Mr: and Mrs. '"Even religion .can crop. up in" clergy, nurses, missionaries; and �,
A bowling party sponsored 1 ay • Wesley Russell of Cromarty night. They were presented with Church Lois Sl;apter, the unit 'other personnel. This wout�¢ make i 1 is r f �' r f r
the U.C.W. was held, for t he visited this -past week with Mr. a,purse of money and many other r /
leader conducted the business, us so;' aware of theteat
Junior Choir members on, and Mrs. Ivan McClvmont. - gifts, when arrangements were made dedication of these people in '
Institute Holds Euchre, , for the lunch' to be ' served reinote areas -of the wo> ld. The NORRIS KEENER
The'.Women's Institute herd'a..following the special U,C:W. meeting closed with the Mizpali
o will be at THE BEDFORD
ese ir �, h diet as, progressive euchre church service at a.tri.. on benediction. .T� he hostesses.
Wednesdary which was well , Feburary 23. The special speaker. ,Helen Scane and Will Beck. ;� HOTEL, 92 ,'�'.he Square,'
PN attended in spite of the stormy Will bc,V.cv. Ann Langford.'' served lunch., GODERICH A24-7337
Ten tables plaved. �. .' he ladies' high prize was won • e i i X11 014, February -24, 1975
lac �� s� � i �..e a by�Mrs:E.lizabeth,.Riley; ..l adios' q ; fi'Ori1 J-4:30 P;M.
Consolation Mrs. Grace .Peck; H' h 1g h t s � LIP -,
f a
• � Gent's High "- Mr. Lorne Archer;
Cnsolatio,Mr, .Len
Pdy; Most lone hands - Mrs.•t'ES 4►f cancer
w e n s Va Corbett,
A 'draw on abasketof.,
•• •
• '
groceries was won by Mrs. L:4d:, Birthday ,greetings to Ada visited with. ' Arthur Bragg;, r
"Finding a cure for can .cer is bowel , cancer -(one ' of the
perhaps the biggest chaile nge to commonest forms of cancer is : `Micktef a draw on a cake was won 'Smillie, celebrating her birthday, Mrs.Schenck vi'sit'ed with her by Len Purdy. A social hour was ' on February 20, and. also to husband Hugo- Mrs. Roy
medical science today, experiencing'a greater degree of .
But enjoyed at4he close. Ernesf Perry celebr'sting his MacDonald" visited with" her a>
} ut that cure, is until rely to success •today by the use; of drugs . -
come in the form of one dramatic ih, combination with an adjuvagt personals birthday on, February 22: husband Roy: / r
breakthrough marked b banner called BCG .- a form ofbacteria The . ' Kippen U.C.W. On Fridays morning a small sintt toes+ / '`
g. Y Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mickle of ort°"'
headlines or 'a• shower of prizes. ,.ouga,.used in immunizing against London, Mr. and.. Mrs" Wm. entertained'^*'the. residents on Valentine party was held in the rat
The battle against cancer ' tubdreulosis. Mickle. and d and 'Mrs., Tuesday afternbon. The afternoon -dining room for some of the:
family was s ant , la iii Bin o. Mar residents of the home: Valentines 1 U3'2 011tarip St'reet� Stratf oI:
probably will not. be w or, in a '' P P Y g g Y
Research is also going on into Florence Joynt 'were', guests on Broadfoot la ed' the fano and were exchan ed and a''Valentine, '
single major camptiigq., b ut rather the ;carcinogenic (cancer. Sunday with Mrs. Laird Mickle. P Y P g NSA 6%er:3 271-565Q
through a series . of small producing) effects of diet arid' Mr Russell Erratt, who has ted in a sing song. cake and eAndy vyas enjoyed by
important skirmishes, each of Rev. Wright from Exeter all.
environment It has been found, been ill for two weeks with the v
which will gain. a' 1 itth! ground
toward the hoped-fo r result. This
for example, that ' certain
flu, was taken to South, Hurari
United Church conrlucfed the -
yurch service fgr,the residents
is already happenin g, a•nd cancer
nationalities are more to
Hospital,on Sunday.
on Tuesday , accompanied by
researchers rep. ort steady
specific cancer forms.
Mrs.. Keith Love and family of
were '
iouise Mitchell on the,piano.
progress each year;.
Japanese have a . much- higher
,London weekend visitors
the 'formers
Visitors last week were =Mrs:
While certain fc rrms of cancer
incidence..of stomach cancer than
occurs in western' nations, while
with' mother,
Mrs. George Armstrong.
A. Ta for visited with her 'son 'on
are n ow being con trolle if or cured
Africans have an almost
Sundayipfterpoon. Frank and Ada
„.by , chenoth'¢rap y, x -ray and
ne ]i tole' incidence of, stomach
g g
A lardy oyster told of
Parke of Woodstock visited with
radiation therapy and b y surgery., "
Mrs..O,Brien;Chuck and Shlaron
-research continues intra cancer's
her. -date with a dashing lobster.
-0h, he's so handsome," she
'Doxtatorvisited with Mrs.
causes. P g reventic �n,
dia; nosis and
Although is
g more money
sighed. "He took me to that
Lavery; Mrs. Frank Skinner and
treatment so a .final c<3nquest, of
obviously necessary' to continue
secluded rock near the sand bar'
Mrs. Reg:MacDonald, of
this complex disease! can be
and expand cancer research: Dr.
and whispered sweet nothings to
Exeter visited with Ruby Miners;
Falk says, it's not simply a matter
me. PAs she -uttered these last
Mrs. R. Faber visited "with her
Among' -the ' .most promising
of strewing billions of dollars
words, she clutched her throat
mother, Mrs. Bean; Visiting -with
areas of study is in
'along a clearly defined pathway --
and cried, "Good ,gractoust My
Mrs. Mitchell was her son Leo of,
_immunology. Each peirson has. a •
. like putting a man on the moon.
pearls are gonei'l
Crediton;. Dorothy Brintnell,
varying. capacity tc, respond
positively to bacteria and other
In that 'case, all the technology
was there -- it was jyst a matter. of
A man offered to sell his dog
visited with `, her, sister-in-law
Isabel Brintnell; Wilbur and
foreign elen• cents in the body --
paying for it; but, he says, with
fpr $10 and claimed the in
Mabel Bradley of St: Marys.
this is d: ailed t e immune
cancer we don't have all, the
„ Please tiny me," pleaded the
response. Future progress in
cancer trea tment may well lie in
evidence and the rpad to success,
could be a tortuous' one.
,canine tp a prospective buyer.
'sMX owner doesn't feed me and
Pre -shrink
stimulating ; these defences, and
quite ,
But Dr. Falk is firm in his views
beats me with a whip. And. I'm
there 'are 'reports qf extended
about one, other, matter,. too;
'really a great dog.' I was in
the last war and won the Dis- '
y Y
tastes using, drugs and
adjtzvantrs , (aids in preventing or
Canada needs more people
actively involved ` in..'cancer
tinguished Service Crosse and the
removing ; a disease entity) that
tesearch; people with the ability„
purple Heart.11
The prospective buyer was
income �!/�•
will •mar shat cells to track down
the interest and the patience to
and atte eek the tumor dills.
contintie and intensify' the work
• "That dog really doe's talk,"
Until you retire, probably
Dr. Rudy Falk. a cancer
-already :in' progress toward
he exclaimed.
with a lower taxable income °
researc ;her' at the University of
finding's cure for the .disease_in
"Why do you want, to sell
than in your -working years,
Torernt..o, says that treatment of
its many forms.
him for only $10?"a
Replied the owner: "Because Because
you pay nb�i
I can't'stand a liar."
the fund you bc(if'd up in
your Rfgistered Retirement .
Ong businessman to another: ,
"Recession doesn't bother me.
Savings Plan. People.can
` r.-�
I was a failure during the boom."
put as much as $4,004. a
year into this deferred tax'
t 2......�w i. �uNit,►YNir
haven, Meanwi�ile, your
wealth increases
cumulatively.— on the
money you save from
today's taxes: Stait,
your Plait'today at
Victoria and Grey.
Member Canada Deposit
insurance Corporation,. '
INVOt bOMPANY .8104Ct 1609