HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-16, Page 3W. Ca T. U. COLUMN.. (conou .V D ex TITS, eIemies E$ANCU.) For God anti Rome alta i\rtztIre Lana,' Well call the at!entivn, of the pothers and sisters to the filet, that the Woman's Christian Temper- ance Colon meets every Monday at three o'clock sharp, for one hone, at Mrs.. heir's residence, Pat. rick street. All ladies are made welcome, We hold a monthly gnspel meeting on the last MOnday of every month, except when otherwise advertised, to which meeting we Invite the public generally. As the Editor has kindly ghat us part of his space, for our work, we ask friends of the eauso to send Items of interest on all moral questions of the day to. any of our mumbcre.. TRU: VICTORY. He stood with a toot on the threshold Anda cloud on his boyish taco, While hii city comrade urged him To enter the gorgeous place. "There's nothing to fear, old fellow! It isn't a lion's den ; Hero waits you a royal welcome From the lips of the bravest men." 'Twos the old, old voice of the tempter Tliat sought in the old, old way, To lure with a lying promise The innocent feet estray. "You would think it was Blue Beard's closet To see how you stare and shrink ! I tell you there's nought to harm you— It's only a game and a drink 1" He heard the words with a sfrudder— It's only a game and a drink! And hie lips made bold to answer : "But what would my mother think?" The name that his heart held dearest Had started a secret spring, And forth from the wily tempter He fled like a hunted thing. Away 1 till the glare of the city And its gilded halls of sin re shut from his sense of vision, The shadows of night within. Away! till his feet have bounded O'er fields where his childhood trod ; Away 1 in the name of virtue, And the strength of his mother's God 1 What though ho was branded "coward 1" In the blazoned halls of vice, And banned by his baffled tempter, Who sullenly tossed the dice. On the page where the angel keepeth The record of deeds well done, That night was the story written Of a glorious battle won. And he stood by his home in the starlight All guiltless of sword and shield— A braver and nobler victor Than the hero of bloodiest field ! He drank when he was weary His strength to prolong. His legs grew still more shaky, His breath grew more strong. World-wide a curse lies on our land; From shore to shore, from sea to sea, No nation, country, island, free From alcohol's destroying hand. The next worse thing to the liquor saloon is the fashionable liquor club. The distilleries of the United States used the last fiscal year 26,989,661 bushels of grstin in liquor. The Chief of Police of lialtitnore says he never found l.oysiu the saloons until lager beer was introduced and games prepared to e'utice them in. Somebody once e.id: Our Govern- Mment land costs one dollar in acre,and good whiskey two dollars a bottle, How many men die landless, who during their lives have swallowed whole townships --trees and all! There is food for reflection in this statement. The Atlantic Monthly, in an article on the saloon in polities, admits that although our American system of gov- ernment and education is theoretical- ly sound, our political sehool are sal- oons; Haat a candidate to be successful must make himself solid with the saloon power. fen human laws have a right to contradict Divine laws. The govern - Ment ecicnewlediies the trade illegal when it charges a premium on the right to sell liquor. The dealers nctt- nowledge it illegal when they, care- fully shut out the sight of it from the public. ft has been estimated by Calvin E. THE WIND. IAM TIMES, FEBRUARY' 16, 1$94. the Atltntio and the other, are c uuped by utlulterante in beer dist have a de - wooing effect on the nervous ey stem and dispese the subject to inelanob oly. Workmen must stand up against the evil of intemperance. The menu- flaoture of intoxicating liquor repro- sents but little of productive labor,and its corrsnmption dotes nothing but clog the wheels of commerce and progress, Remove the curse of drink and the workman and a!1 the people etre rain- ed level in which all risen are thinkers and workers. A number of the fashionable mils linera cif New York have established a custom which has proved very profi- table to thetu and is approved by the wealthy customer for whom it was instituted. It id ' a fine service of champagne ad lib. in a private parlor to any wealthy customer who wants it. These hisah.priced milliners have learned that a $20 bonnet can he more readily disposed of to a custom- er after her nature heti been soothed by a few glasses of the insidious juice of the grape. The Wine and Spirit Gazette says that, what it calls "the unceasing agi- tation of the cold water cranks has succeeded in completely outlawing the traffic. in wino, spirits and beer in seven States of the Union; has render- ed traffic contingent upon the popular votes of isolated loeatities'in a major- ity of the other Stares; has greatly increased the license fee where that system prevails; has placed restriction and embarrassment upon the trade which were not dreamed of half a century ago; and in fine has put the liquor 'radio everywhere on the defen- sive, compelling it to fight for exist- ence. The Supreme Court of Indiana has decided, in the suit of Mary E. Hag- gart and Sarah C. Rothwell vs.Steok- lin di Heidt, that the saloon is a nuis- ance and liable to pay damages, The effect of this judgment is to make every saloon -keeper doing business within one hundred feet of any church school or residence subject to suit and damages for maintaining a nuisance. Sdil-Aik0' 1 01011.r.�, N 1 1gi4 li What is Castoria, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants and Children. It Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty, years' use by Millions oft others. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhea'', and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething; troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Case toric, is the Children's Panacea—a* Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castorla is an excellent medicine for chil' dron. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its good effect upon their children." Dn. O. C. Oscoot), Lowen, Mass. "Castorla is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted, I hope tho day is not far distant when mothers willconsider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in- stead of tho various quack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves.`" Dn. J. 1. B nrcnrsos, Conway, Ar" Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it assuperior to any prescription known to me." IL A. Ancnxn, M. D., I11 Co. Oxford St., Lruoklyn, N. Y. ' "Our physicians in tho children's depntt- mont have spoken highly of thew experi- ence in their outside practice tr:t:t castot•ia. and although wo only have atnonq our medical supplies what is known as regui..r products, yet wo aro free to confess that tl: o merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." UNITED IIOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY, Boston, Mass. ALLEN C. Sorra, Pres., The. Centaur. Company, 71 Murray Street, Now York City. United States for 1891 was 81,223,- 704.871. The value of the dutiable merchandise, itnported into the Unit- ed States in 1891 was $478,764,844. and the total collections et the taritl This decision declaring the saloon a revenue from imports it, 1891 was nuisance harmonizes with utterances $219,522,200. It will he seen from of the United States Supreme Court this that the coulbiuerl valve of the dutiable merchandise and the tariff and is a long forward stride; and moreover it raises the direct issue as to whether the State has a right to ,license a nuisance. levied thereon, for a year, i.; little more than half the annual drink lel!, If this enormous waste had been sexed to the resources Of those who have' A Brain Poisoner. paid the tribute to King Alcohol, the Alcohol is a brain poison. Other country would be rolling in wealth., poison effects the muscles, the glands, or other organs of the body. Alcohol taken up by the blood, is carried at once to the, brain. Leaps to the throne of the man's being. It is an arrogant usurper, and rules and ruins. A brain poisoned with alcohol means also confused thought, deaden- ed sensibility, blinded judgment, reek less passion. Speeeh,sigbt, feeling, movement, all are disordered and en feebled by the brain poison of the in- toxicating cup. Pauperism. A porter in a big uptown hotel Superintendent Byrnes of the New escorted through Central Park yeett•r- �- day a stalwart sailor friend whose hat !proclaimed him a,ii'tuber of 1tline- tonomoh's crew. As they ir'zed at Peculiar to Itself So eminently successful has Hood's Sar- asparilla been that many leading citizen~ froth all over the United btatee furnish tee• timouials of euro, which seen, almost meraculone Hood's Sarsaparilla in not an accident, but the ripe fruit of industry and study. It, posessen Merit "peculiar to itself." IIOOD's PILLS Cure Nausea, Sick Head. ache, Indigestion, Biliouduess. Sold by druggists. Why They Hate Each Other. York City po,ice hods four r, prions for the pauperism with which Its hats to deal: Iucofnneten"cy, laziuese, intens. perance, and old age and sickness, But sickness ar.d the destitution of old age nue usually the result of one of the other three onuses. If all had been taught to have been competent and industrious and temperate in all thiugs, not many would have been found deetitnte and friendless when overtaken by old age. The cure of poverty and sorrow is to train 'up children to be self helpful industrious, the scraggy horned rhinoceros the landsman said to his commotion : Billy, that lubbt•ring !,east has tubre sense than you. How so? Because he never indulges in more then two horns daily, When they visited the elephant house the sailor was in a thoughtful mood. Finally he said : Tont, why do all hotel porters hate temperate, pure. But this cannot be elcphnnta 2 done without the religion of Christ iu Wasn't aware they did,replied Tole, , the hearts of parents and children. what are you driving at? Because yeti see the elephant always carries his own trunk. A Drink Cursed People. There are 66,000 saloons in Chicago At the present time many people aro whose annual income is a,eut$11,000- changing their plane and lines of work, 000 at the lowest estimation, arid of Dait'yint; and poultry raising are both Keach that three million; of homes it, this at least $8,000,000 represents the being talten up by men olio once thougiht such work was only fit for women folk, but these have chaneed their ininds on account of the greater brunches of agriculture being no longer their homes with food, fnel, clothing{ their own famtlitts instead of robbing remunerative. These two growing and a comfortabe house. A rum -seller in Emporia, leans„ who pleaded guilty to selling one bot- tle of beer, was recently sentenced to 60 days in jail, to pay a fine of $,200 this nation are effected by the drink 1 profits of the saloonkeepers. curse. He shows that the $900,000,- Those $8,000,000 prnfts came laige- 000 spent in one year for liquor ly out of the patronage of laboring would furnish 12,000,000 of people in men, who should have kept it for their families to enrich the saloon- rural industries can 1). made to go keeper. • hand 'tri hand withth good recr, e When so many homes are threaten- egg and chickens are being sold butter ed with want in everycit in the can be Wont to the buyer as we'll. land, and the highwas fillewith Dealers in one are Rear!~ always dealers in the other, 13otb products and costs of teal, and to give a bond tramps, it heconies us to study the of $2,000 to not again indulge in the condition of nett things -661000 liquor business, Evidently the roads saloons drawing $12,000,000 from the down in Kansas aro pretty hard for industry of a single oitp, transgresdurs to travel. The awful. drink curse is the over- shadowing evil of our land and nation. A German of wealth and education, The figures so far as they can he put tenderfoot. who has lived in this country for a nto dollars, based upon the report of number of years, says that he Is con- Treasurer of the United Stated and K. D. C. Pills act in conjunction *tinned that most of the suicides of the 'United States Bureau of Statistics .With g, D.C. where alaxative is re - his countryman, bot!, on this side of aro as follows: The drink 'hill of the S quoted. can he placed in the stlnle box and marketed at the same time, thiia econo- mizing tune and labor', The hot; may be ignorant, but no restaurant boarder ever called hint a A Blessing to weary Household„ • HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTNtEN7'`j These remedies hers stood the test of fifty years experience, and aro pronounced the beat *ifediciass for f tnnily nae, TIS PI. ]LS I'nrify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND PO 1 11kaea4 invaluable in all complaint§ incidental to females of all ages. 0,11\7111\4.1\1"11 Is the TIIROATS,yCOUGHSable remedy of OLDS, GOUT, Rr bsd legs,HEUMATISM, GLAd DULARd 111SWELI SWELLINGS AND OANDI ALL SORE SKIN . DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late SEI, Oxford Street, London. and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. t .I.'urhasers should look to the Label ou the Boxes and Pots. U the address is I not 533 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious, Rimier IN Sr1 Idouns.—Distressing Kid• ney and Biadder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight tc physicians on ac• count of its exceeding promptness in re. lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary past,ages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this iR your remedy. Sold at Chia• holmn'a drag store. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. WILL QUICKLY VII ff DIPHTHERIA,QUINSY, COLDS AMT) C.OUGHa- WINGHAM MARBLE WORKS,: NL W PII w_C_ s MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS., of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Mr T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth. Parties requiring work in their line will do well by calling on them or seeing one of their agents Beier purchasing. You will find our prices are away down. Our workmanship is unsurpassed. We will use non but the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a literal share of the public pat renege. Mr T Watson. who has been running the business for the past year, will represer ' us on the road. I Call rani see our stock and prices. On tho security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion of tbo principal may be repaid at any time the borrower wishes All expenoea paid by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to 11'M. HOI.MES Goderioh, Aug. Stk 1551. Co, Tre stn TOSEPII COWAN, LLianI: 9Th Div. OouRT, Co. HURON, AUGTIOi'EIi;R, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES COMMISSIONER IN 11. C. J., ETC. WRoxETER, ONT. VANSTON L BROS.. FOR THE BEST VALUE E — IN ORDERED CLOTHING, HATS, 00 TO--- EBST'`� CAPS, COLLAR.-, S SHIRTS, CUFFS, &c. Cheap for KASH. AT--- TEBST.-11],'S, OU ULI• lb REFUSING TO TAKE ITS FOOD LISTLESS AND DEBILITATED WHY DON'TeMz-- YOUTRY '". [EriMda00Ije IT WILL HELP WONDERFULLY • 1 Cures Coi,ournption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For will give great satisfaction.—as estonh••-2g cents Porous SHILOH'S VOTSILI)ZFL O Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn. sas. "Shiloh's Vitalizer' SAVED NY LIFE.'I Zever used" For ysspeppsiadLite orKidn y trouble it excels. Price 76 cls. SHILOH'S,.CATARRH REMEDY. Have you Catarrh? Try -this Remedy. It will positively relieve and Cure you. Price 60 cts. This Injector for its successful treatment is furnished free. Remember, Eiihiloh's Remedies s,re sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction. 0.M j'Ty L::'�-:"�..-"�'... +'•.w ray. oszeeetie /,.y. I s 151 , x. e t:it�11, s,Iti�h r r� S..w .6..at,. ✓i,:.�S..i;u"tGraSh�'`,i%.e...i+1d ,1. ea:t$ ALL THE CLOOQE0 aECRETIr N7 t>r ./,;. {101WCLR, 1110NL"V3 AND l.tl�%."+, t•actrr'ltAuUAIO.Y, WITHOUTV./ExtttN- ,r, :'SPC .:YSTE,O, ALL thIPURItIEO AFIbL, �y� TOO Fin io s. Ai` THE SAME TIME COGkECT. t ..IOITV OI•tHt nT^MACH, enamel iOUiiN SS, 'JYISP.EPSIA, HiSAD. e.zziN:on, tizerietsunts, . .TIPhYle11, RHEUMATISM, t. PSY, SKIN GH:ECACtit, JAUNDICt, e.H•tcutt, r.riveIPiLAn, E3CnO- eJLA, FLUVTERIr4O OF Tee HEMI:', C:dR'tou^Ntas, AND CCMCYt1.L lli 41LIT"!, Tester AND ALL eltul.AR t'oAieL.1N11 nutCY.LY VELD To 'NE 0005. TIVR rNmLUtIICC Gi Q1ihDOo11 CL:,cu L.. rrTls. iN CORSETS Can only be obtained by wearing No. 391 " Improved All -Feather - bone Corsets." No side steels for break, hurt or rust. TRY A PAIR. All First-class Dry Goods Houses Sell Them. T. :E. CORNYN UNDERTAKER, WIN GUAM, ONT. lit 1 .., 1:4 ... ......at. 'OIOVW 3)ii1 NIVd 311.1.13ds1a 1't(M 1.1 als rid .icoli1Lai;a >is • 391 d0 S� gE NOLLVOIlddV 3170 ops HALSTED & SCOTT �A1 fT�2.I E S Josephine Street • - Wi9gham, Ont. J. A, iALMMMD, I 3. W. SCOTT, Mount Forest. Listowe Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men,. Oti long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale uotes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada M reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- Fl looting Accounts and otea. Agent* in Canada -The Merchants' Itteeit f of Canada Office Ilours—From sa. nen.. to6Y�p.ene A. B. SMXT ,.