HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-02-13, Page 17J. R. WRIGHT
76 Market Street
Box 542, Seafortli
PHONE 527-1036
Returns, prepared, Account-
ing Assistance for Small i
The Home-buyers grant
• announcgd) by the Federal
Government has caused enquiries
to be directed to my office.
The grants program came into
effect November 1st and runs
until October 31st, 1975, A
pamphlet as been released by
Central tgage and Housing,
outlining the requirements to
qualify for the $500 home buyers
grants. Some of the restrictions
listed are -
e —The ht4ose must be your
principal place of residence.
—You must be purchasing your
first home.
—The home :must be a new unit
that has never been occupied
and it must - be at least 65%
—The unit must be built .in
accordance with municiphl and
ProVincial buijding codes.
—Mobile horries qualify provided
• they carry Canadian Standards
Association certification
No. 2240. ,
—Members, of a co-operative
housing association who occupy
units in the cooperative project
are' eligible for the grant.
* —The total purchase price or
cost if you arc building - must
not exceed the limit established
.by the CMHf for the area in
which the unit is located:
he prke limits arc
$44,915-Toronto . and
$41,580-Ottawa and Hamilton.
• Cote Nord, AQu.e.,
Labrador ,City and
'Wabash, N
Wabash, Nfld,
Oshawa, Barrie, the
Northwest Territor-
ies, ' Victoria,
Winnipeg, Calgary.
Edmonton and
Halifax. .
$34,91 .John' Gander
an Grand Falls,
Corner Brook and '
Stephenville, Mfld,
Sydney, Hull,-
Kingston, BelleViT
•*.. Thunder Bay,
Guelph, Brantfo
Port Hope.
Cobourg, Peter-
Sarnia & Woodstock
$31,580.- all other parts of the
country, I
This week Premier Davis.
* reported to the Legislattire, on
the meeting in Winnipeg. With
representatives of 'the
Government of Alberta And
certain private', petroleum,
companies involved in • the
development of the reserves -of
the Athabasca-Oil Sands, located•
to the northeast of Edmonton.
The Pr Gllicr said the matter
under discussion was whether or
not the public interest and the
interests of -,,Ontario would be
served by the early completion of
the Syncrnde Project - a project
designed to extract synthetic oil
from theMildred "Lake site of the
Athabasca Sands at a daily rate of
125,000 barrels,
The Governments of Canada
and the Governments of
'Provinces were invited to
participate win this project when
Attantic Richfield Canada Ltd,
one of the original participants
An agreement in principle has
been reached on a 'method of
financing the Synerude Project. It
was established that the projected
cost of $2 billion. Private.
Enterprise will invest a total of
$1.4 billion, the remaining $600
will be shared by the
'Governments of Ontario, Alberta
and Canada, with our ProVince
investing $100 million, Alberta
investing $200 millidn '.rand ,
Canada investing $800 million.
The Governments of Ontario,
Alberta and Canada will,
respectively hold 5 per cent, 10
per cent, and 15 per cent. The
Companies involved will have
Albe'rta, besides investing $200
million directly, will in addition
•bear the cost of the pipeline to
transport; 4 the product to the
market aid will bear the 'cost of
provi1ing the needed electrical
pia& ailu's other' infrastructure
costs for an estimated total of
$600 million.
The Premier said that the oil
sands and heavy oil in Alberta
contain immense quantities of oil
the Alberta Energy 'Resources
Conservation Board recently
esti ated that the sand may
trltit atelY yield recoverable
reser es of 300 billion barrels. At
present oil consuoption levels
these reserves could supply
canada'S oil for centuries.
Mr. Robert Nixon. Leader of
the Opposition, , asked •the
Premier what assurances the
Government had that its 5 per
cent investment in thiS $2 billion
project would not rise, to more
than $100 million. He said the
Province might' be "into some
sort of an opAn-ended raffle".
Likence Lifted
This week in, the• Ontario.
Legislature .a law was passed that
will .-eirs u re that anyone • convicted
of impaired or criminally
negligent driving will be banished:
' from the roads in qntario for at
least three months. His, Ontario
licence will be automatically lifted
upon suit conviction. A second
offence within five,, years will
bring a six roonth suspension.
Afi'Yone driving while 'under
suspension will be liable for a
further six month suspension and
a $500.00 fine.
At present under the Criminal
Code, judges have some leeway
t on the matter of , licence
suspe'nsion. and sometimes
"restricted" • licences are
grant ed, permitting a suspended
driver to use a yehicle at certain
times of the day, accommodating
those 'whose livelihood depends
on being able to drive, such as
truck — drivers, travellig
salesmen. The Minister of
Transportation and
Communications intends that
there shall be no exceptions made
in future.
receives effluent from Seaforth
poplulation 2.300, a
recommended sewage platir'for'
Egmondville, effluent' from
Clinton 3,300 population and
Vanastra 653 population. ' '
Questions outcommunity ,want
an answer for are: What. is
' 'ex pensive' ' in terms of updating
our existing plant that once
served 5,000?
Is growth controlled in Seaforth
and Clinton?
Why did the Ministry of the
Environment accept or approve
the operation of the systein
without forcing the developer
260303 Holdings" Ltd. of Kit
chener to update the present
sewage system before approval of
the subdivision.
Why this "about-face" by
government agencies?
The people of Vanastra and our
government body should have
some straight answers and
progress should continue.
In opposition to the proposed
monthly rate increase by
Bluewater Cable T.V. Ltd. a
Consumer Alert Committee has
been formed.Residents at
Vanastra, when questiatied,
stated they are not pleaed with
the quality of the signal. The rate
increase would be $1.00 more per
month. 'lie dec'a'nt raw k •:BC (10 ,
During the debates °Nils Bill,
I commended the Ministet for
making some attempt to provide
more adequate legislation for the
safety of the children who travel
to and from school by schoolbus. I
commended him on the particular
legislation that traffic be required
to stop regardless of the soca'
zone they are in, and although
this is just zi very small aspect of
the overall bus .safety picture,
statistics have shown that the
most hazardous part of the
journty a bus makes is the bus
stops4,..More children are killed
crossing the highway to and from
the stopped bus than are killed as
passengers within the bus. I
stated I regretted the fact that
this bill did nbt include legislaiine
covering the selection and
training of schoolbus operators,
an area which leaves much to be
touch' is
LCW 10Pic.
The topic of Day at Brodhagen
St. Peter's Ldtheran Tch
Women's meeting was "Kee
in Touch" all about visiting, het
Wednesday February 5th.
21 embers and 3 visitors
atte d and each received a•
cop of this year's devotional
bulk n. outlining topics and
activitt s .
The m opened with the
hymn,, "0 Ma er Let Me' Walk
With Thee" folio ed by scripture
reading Matt 25: 35.45 and
prayer by. Pr or Horst. Mrs.
Mervyn Leon ardNave a reading
"And they vi ited me pot".
Discussion followed, also a
short skit was presented "On the '
Do's and ' Don'ts of Visiting"
with Pastor and Mrs. Horst anu
Mrs. Mervyn Leonhardt taking •
part, They emphasized,„the need
of a friend to call on the aged and
shut-in , especially in nursing
homes, so they may be someone
as an individual, not only a body
tended by a paid staff.
The skit. concluded with the
summary to - Learn, Look, Listen,
Linger, Love and Lift (with prayer
and scripture).
The offering was dedicated by
singing "We Give Thee But
Thine Own".
MrSatdgar Elligson 'presided
over the business. She welcomed
'all and expressed her thanks to
the devotional group for a well
presented topic.
Minutes of the last meeting
were 'read and adopted.
Current and
treasurer's reports were given.
Correspondence was read and,
donations received.
' Visiting committees gave their ,
feports. An appeal was made for
gift to "The World Hunger
Fund" and a donation was given.
The ladies, were Nsyed to. cater .
to the ChaMber Qtt,, Commerce
Ladies Night and, accepted. The
Mission Budget towards our
Synodi Unit was dkcided upon.
• th Outreach committee is in '
arge of, organizing par Relief
Work Day.
An invitation to attend World
Day of Prayer services in Dublin,
was .accepted.
Birthdays were reported by' -
Mrs'. • Albert .Bauer;• Mrs.. Robert
Beuermann; . Mrs. Robert
Hymn, "Saviour:- ''''' -Like a
Shepherd. Lead Us" was sung in
their honour.
The meeting closed repeating 1,
the Missionary Benediction in
The group was.pleased ,to. add
another new member to the
Lunch was served by
Mrs. Edgar Elligson and Mrs.
George Rock and all enjoyed this
social hour.
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Taut Cokel.A1,4v SINCE lobo
1 . Why $56,000?
Pat Reid liberal-Labour
Member for Rainy River,' asked
the Chairman of the Management.
Board, Mr.Erie Winkler, to,
explain why a public relations
officer in the Premier's office is
geting paid $56,000. Mr, Reid is
the Chairman of the Public
Accounts . Committee of the
Legislatnre, and Was referring to
information' provided him ',last
week that Stibwed the
' Government was spending more
than-$10.6 million on information
and advertising services for its 26
The estimates of the
Workmen's Compensatio,n Board
•• have been discussed in
Committee. In 1973 there were
some 418,438 on-the-job injuries,
and etVnefits from. the Board
aniounted . to nqe than $186
million, an incro0a/e of $25 million
(more than 11%) over the
previous year. Amendments to
the Workmen's Compensation
Act, Which took effect ,July 1,
1973, r sett the maximum op
,whit compensation was paid to'
$10, annually, from the
previous, • maximum of $9,000;
which Continues to apply to all
accidents occurring prior to July
1st. Pension payable to
dependent widows was increased
from $175 to $250 monthly, and
additional monthly payments for
dependent children increased
$10 to $70, with payments to
orphans inereasing to $80.
There has been considerable
debate on asbestos ' health
hazards. The .Minister of Health
says he is satisfied that there is no
current health ,problem at. the
Johns-Manville. Company plant.
but it 'has been reported that
during the last four years.,. the.
,Compensation Board has
approved at leist 35 claims
involving, workers, at the plant.
incapacitated 'because of cancer
and asbestos related conditions.
Apparently. Government
inspections made as recently as
November-of last year show the
plant hacianany wgk areas Which
•vere monitored '4? "unsafe" by
acceptable standards.
eo. •
News of Vanastra
Residents want sewage system answers
the proposed rate would be $6.00
per month.
MY you are a subscriber to
Bluewater Cable T.V.Ltd. and are
opposed to the rat e increase
please : write - Consumer Alert
Commtttee, Box 16. Clinton News
Record Clinton. Ont
Mr. Sam Russo. Vanastra, or.
Mr. Art.
Mr. Art Coombs, Clinton could
also he contacted if you require
further information.
If you are in favour of the
proposed rate increase send your
comments to _Bluewater Cable
T.V.Ltd.. Holmesville. Ontario or
the C. R.T.C.
Outdoor Rink
Because of the kindness of
several volunteers, the ice puddle
in the wese-end neighbourhood
park at Vanastra. has become a
large outdoor skating rink. There
is a light fox evening skating. Due
to ideal weather conditions and
the hard work of neighbours. the
ice is in good condition and a
favorite meeting spot for the
Thank you to the Brucefield
Fire Department for the hose for
flooding the ice surface.
Tickets are still available for
the February "Share the Wealth"
Karen Lehnen
'The recent headline in the
Ar "London Free Press" "Sewage
System threatens Vanastra
growth" raises questions
concerning the future growth of
Vanastra, as well as the area in
the drainage basin of the Bayfield
River. •
A spokesman for the Ministry
of the Environment, John Bray, of
London stated we have reached
our limit at Vanastra of 100,000
1 gallons of treated sewage daily.
MarkBell, an engineer with the
Ministry, is quoted improvements
would be "expensive."
It is, rumoured that serious
negotiations are now in progress
for the • purchase of various
buildings in Vanastra, which
would be of tremendous benefit to
the community and the area.
it istdisturbing to think our hard
• work and progress at Vanastra
may be in jeopardy. Buildings
now erected and standing empty
could become a drain on present
taxpayers unless they are used
according to zoning by-laws.
• A smaller river, the Avon,
receives the effluent from S$
ratford's present population
25.000, with many industries and
plans for expansion to 40,000
The Bayfield River is larger and
Pi - thioNOPotrron/ FEakwAPre
i, . •is iso
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Staffen's or Tbastrnaster .
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