HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-02-13, Page 9Sunoco,is pleased foam°
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hears about Israel
Mrs.' Vivan Cooper is con- •
valescing at her home following
surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital,
A number of ladies of Unit 2 of
the U.C.W. of St. Andrew's
Church, Kippen entertained some
of the residents of the Queensway
Nursing Home, Hensall last
Monday. Mrs. RoSs Broadfoot
entertained on the piano and led a
sing song.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hu,gill,
• .Clinton are holidaying in Florida.
Rememberl It takes but a
moment to place a Huron Exposi-'
tor Want Ad and be money in
pocket. To advertise, just Dial
Seaforth 527-0240.
11/ Over 650 delegates are
expected to attend the 65th
Annelid Meeting of the Ontario
Plowmen's Association ' at
Toronto's Royal York Hotel on
February 17 and 18, ,
The two-day Program, in
0-operation with the Agricultural
and Horticultural Societies
BiaAch, Ontario Mi6istry of Agri-
culture and Food, gets under way
on Monday morning with a
directors' meeting. In 'the
afternoon, President Len Jeffer-
son, Fergus, will give .his address
followed by the treasurer's report
and-the report of the secretary,-
manager, E.A. Starr,- Director of
Agricultural and Horticultural
Societies Branch,
H.J. Stanley, Milton, agricul-
tural representative for the region
of Helton, will give his report as
secretary of the local committee
of the 1974 International Plowing
Match. Changes in the prize list
will be discussed. Alfred Hall,
secretary, World Ploughing
Organization will then address'
the-'convention. An evening
dinner and entertainment will
conclude the first day's activities.
On Tuesday, "February 18,
delegations will be present from
the Reiion of Durham where the
International Plowing Match,
and World Ploughing Contest will
be held from September 23 to 28
on the Ransom, - Robson 'and
neighboring farms, Oshawa.
Delegations will also be present
from Bruce County, host in 1976,
from FrontenaE County, host in 4IP 1977, from Huion host in
1978 and from Kent County, host
in 1979.
There will also be delegations
from Elgin, Oxford, Siincoe and
Wellington Counties seeking the
International Plowing Match of
1980 and following years. Walter
Beath, Chairman, Region of
Durham, Oshawa will address the
ir delegates.
The program will conclude on
Tuesday with a luncheon. Guest
• speaker will be Robert Eaton,
M.P.P., Parliamentary, Assistant
to the Hon. Wm. A. Stewart,
Minister 'of Agriculture and. Food.
News of
Mrs. Hugh Berry
Joyce ficpper
On Thursday afternoon, Unit IV
of Hensall U.C.W. met in the
Fellowship Hall of the Church
with 18 members present. Mrs.
Jessie McAllister presided and
opened the meeting—with "A
Christian thought for February"
taken from the ,. Upper- Room.
Several cards were signed by all
the members to be sent to the
The devotional was given by
Elizabeth Riley and was entitled
"KindnesS". Kindness is the
golden cord that holds the world
together, she said, Hymns were
sung accompanied on the, piano
by Dorothy Mickle. Hazel Love
read an article on modern Israel,
and conditions in the Holy Land
bringing Israel closer to us. The
offering was received by the
Hostess Madeline Harburh, and
was dedicated with prayer;
The study on "Our changing •
role in mission" "was given by
Grace Peck. This was an article
written by Dr.A.C.Forest, editor
and publisher of the United
Church. Observer.
It was reported that 73 calls had
been made on the sick and shut
ins. It was decided to leave the
quilting until March. The World
Day of Prayer will be observed in
the United Church on Friday,
March 7 at 3 p.m. Rev.J. Reddock
of Hayfield to be the guest,
Sunday, February 23, the
U.C.W. will Wave charge of the
Church service when the guest
speaker will be . Rev. Anne
Langford. The Huron
Prebyterial- is to be held at
ListowelTrinity United Church on
February 26. South Huron has
arranged for a bus leaving Exeter
at 8:30 and will stop in Hensall.
Contact either. Jessie or Shirley
McAllister by February 18 if you
Wish to go, and bring a boxed
lunch. After the closing-oft the
meeting, 'all formed a 'circle of
Mrs. Carl Payne and Mrs.
Peter Bisback attended •the,• Senior
Leaders Training School "baked
in a pie" at Clinton for two days
of last week.
A good crowd turned out to the
Hensall Arena on Saturday
evening for the reception of
Robert and. Joyce (Webber)
Vanstone. The presentation was
made by Tom Merrigan and the
Heywood Brothers from Ex titer
provided the dance music.
United Church Notes
Rev. Don Beck preached on the
sermon topic "The fear of being
alone" at the service of worship
in Hensall United Church on
Sunday morning. The choir sang
the anthem "Charity" withBelva
Fuss taking the solo part,
accompanied on the organ by ,
Mrs. Turkheim.
Rev. harold 'Snell of Exeter
Hensall #1 4-H Club was held
Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. Bill Fuss. The.roll call "Why
did you join 4-H?" was answered
by 15 members. Officers elected
are - President .- Cheryl Fuss;
Secretary - Brenda Pepper;
Treasurer - Sandra Nixon; Press
Reporter - Janet Bilke. It was
Among the visitors this past
week at the Queensway' Nursing
Home were Mrs. Vera B.
McDonald of Exeter visiting with
her husband Roy; Mr. and Mrs.
Keith ,Leonard of Willowdale
visited with Mrs. Featherston;
Rose Pyke of Hensall visited with
Mrs. W. Dilling; Also visiting
their wives were Wilbert Dilling,
United Church provided a Church
service on Thursday afternoon,
with Mrs. Snell accompanying on
the piano. After the service, Mr,
Snell played several selections on
his , violin again accompanied by
his wife.
decided to hold the club meeting
on Monday evening and the girls
were asked to think about a club
name. ",Planning the Wardrobe"
was discussed. Next meeting will
be Monday at the home of Mrs.
Fuss. Mrs. Bill Fuss is the leader
of this club, and her assistants are
Janis Bisback and Cathy Fuss.
Roy Parlmer and Milton Lavery,
Samflannie visited with his sister
Mrs. Harris.
Monday afternoon, Kippen
U.C.W. group entertained some
of the residents by playing Bingo.
Mary Broadfoot played the piano
and led in a singsong to complete
the afternoon. •
A nuiritir of members efAhe
congregation attended the Pot
Luck Supper on Wednesday
evening which preceded the
annual meeting.
The annual meeting was
chaired by Rev: Alex Taylor and
Mrs. Doug MeAsh was appointed
secretary. The minister's com-
ments and reports were given. A
Christian Education' Committee
was set up. Each group in the
-Church is to appoint a representa-
tive to the committee. Bob
Webster apd Mrs. Bill Chessell
were nominated to the Board of
Stewards. Bill Dowson and
Mervin Johnston were moved
from the Board of Trustees and
the four remaining members will
make up the Trustee Committee.
Alvin Keyes and David Roy were
appointed to the Manse Commit-
yembers of the Session remain
the same. ,
It was agreed that the church
be closed during the minister's
vacation and that the skating rink
remain open for family skating on
Sunday afternoon under the
supervision of a Lodge member.
U.C.W. Reports
The U.C.W. met in- the base-
ment of the church on Thursday
evening with 19 members pre-
sent. The president. Mrs. Bill
Taylor opened-the meeting with a
poem. Group I opened the
devotions by singing the hymn "I
Need Thee Every Hour" followed
by the Scripture read by qrs. Bill
Chessell. Offering was taken "up
by Mrs. Melvin Johnston and
dedicated by Mrs. Ida McClin-
chey. A film was shown Fon
"Jesus Christ the Son of, God"
with Mrs. Doug McAsh giving the
commentary. ,
Business was opened.by Mrs.
Harvey Hayter reading the secre-
tary's report and taking the roll
News of
' Correspondent
Mrs. Rena Caldwell
call, A-thank you note from Mrs.
Ales Taylor was read.. Thirty-
three calls viiere made to the sick
and shut-ins 'during January.
It was' agreed to send $10. for
the John Milton Society for the
Mrs. Bill Dawson was
mitninated to the Christian Edu-
cation Committee.
The World's Day of Prayer will
be held in Varna on March 7.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Harvey Hayter. Mrs. Gordon
Johnston and Mrs. David Roy.
Lodge Members Bowl
The Lodge members and their
wives held their monthly bowling
party and were hosted by Mr. and
Mrs David Roy.
Mrs. Alexander Taylor -is
visiting in Scotland.
Mfs. Bob WeliSter had
accident Thursday when
slipped on the ice.
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
spent the weekend with their
daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Petersen, Sarnia.
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGregor,
Ir Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson,
-- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broadfoot,
, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holland are
vacationing in South America.
Mrs. T. A. Dutton is not as well
as her many friends would like.
We are-*pleased to report Mrs.
M. Caldwell has returned home
having spent six weeks in Sea-
- forth, Hospital.
it Mr. Jim Ross has been elected
- to the• Steward Board , of Bruce-
field Church in place of Mr. Alex
Townsend who was unable to
Mrs S. Neal, London spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
M. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephens and
family spent the weekend at the
J. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Thortison,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Selloy attended
the Good Road Convention,
Toronto On Monday:
First, Church
ladies have ',baby picture
Twenty-five ladies, sat down to
a sumptuous pot luck supper on
Tuesday afternoon when the
members and friends' met for the
regular meeting of the Ladies'
Aid of First Church.
Mrs. Ed. Andrews presided.
11" Mrs. R.S.Habkirk gave a reading
"So this is February". The hynns
were chosen by Mrs,Frank
........, Coleman of Huron ew. The
scripture lesson was r ad by Mrs.
H. Van Rooijen and iss Jean"
Scott led in prayer.
The minutes were 'read by
Mrs.W.R.Kerslake and cards of
appreciation , by Mrs.
R.K.McFarlane. The treasurer's
* report was given by Miss Jean
Scott. .
Mrs. Crouch played a Valentine
song, which she had had when
she received her grand piano, 46
,ears ago. She also rendered
Mendelson's song on the piano.
Mrs. James Keys read an
article on "1909 envelopes". The
ladies held a guessing contest on
*the b .. ictures of the group.
The tut. ling closed by
repeating the Lord's Prayer in
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
Noble Grand Mrs. Margaret
Consitt presided at the regular
meeting of Amber R bekah
Lodge oh Wednesday' evening
assisted by the Vice Grand Mrs.
dertha M'aetregor; Mrs. G•raCe
Thompson reported •for the
finance committee; Mrs. Dorothy,
Corbett, Treasurer gave the
financial report and Mrs. Bertha
MacGregbr, reported for the
Visiting Committee. The C.P.T.
Committee are holding a progres-
sive euchre party in the Lodge
Hall on Thursday, February 29th
to which everyone is welcome. A
letter was received from Pride of
Huron Lodge, Exeter inviting
members to a "Dessert Euchre"
on Wednesday, February 26th. A
notation from Morning Star
Lodge, Brussels was received
stating their memberS plan, to
visit the local lodge on February
19th to present the "Travelling
Gavel", weather- premittipg.
Plans were finalized to celebrate
the twenty-sixth anniversary of
the Institution of the Lodge, and
to invite the D.D.P. Sister Bridge
Hensall 4-H starts
wardrobe -club
Highlights from Queensway
Amber Rebekahs
plan anniversary
Correspondent of Brussels-.
Members have been requested -
by the President of the Rebekah
Assembly of Ontario,ster Grace
Love to drape the "charter in
loving memory of Past Presidents
Sisters Martha Patterson; Nora
-grunner; and Matildai MacDonald
who passed away.
Mr. and Mrs. George Parker
Were recent visitors with -the
former's sister and brother-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dalton. '
' Mrs. Pearl Petzke who has
been a resident of the .village for
many years moved to Exeter to
reside last week.
Mrs. Stewart Blackwell, has
been a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London; where she was
receiving treatment.
' Mr. Robert Taylor, underwent
surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, last week.
Mr: and Mrs. Brian Collins of
Kitchener spent the weekend
with the latter's mother Mrs.
Laird,. Micklc •
Mr. and Mrs. Williani Simpson
Of Birminghapi, Michigan, visited
last week ,with Mrs. Marguiritc
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