HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-16, Page 1•
" • VOL. XXIII.---NO. 1151.
Spring Goods will soon begin to arrive I
and we And that we have a few lines that
we than have to carry over, that is if you
elo not get them and in order to make it to
At your advantage, we will sell them exactly
at cost. To start with, there are a few
odd furs, the overshoes and cardigan tihoes
that we have got left. A. few shawls and
hoods, men's, boys', ladies', and girls' under-
clothing, men and boys' overcoats. We
• would rather yon had these goods at cost,
than have to carry them over to next
season. We are not using the old worn
out phrase, ',oiling at cost," simply to
catch you, we mean just what we say. Try
ns and be convinced. Our Grocery stock,
as usual, fresh and complete. We have on
hand the new shortening, "Cottolenl."
Try it and see what it is like.
Yours truly,
Direct Importers.
Tan BEAR, January 31st, 1894.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by PRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
reg uired.
• Place in Ganada to
i B EsT glett-Bus
7onhet%)nEadui, •
etc., is at the Cen.
tral Business Col-.
lege. Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont.
Unquestionably Canada's Greatest Com-
Schools. Catalog:ties free. Men-
tion this paper. Shaw a Elliott, Principals.
• - - - ' •
—We are now havi g splendid sleighing.
—Three things to ci ltivate—good books;
good friends, and good humor.
—0e,sh for good butter and eggs at R A
* Graham's market gropery.
—0.ne rink of ourle4s went to Seafortb,
.on. Wethett sday, to pI4r a friendly game
with the Seaforth lila rs.
—Rev. D. Perrie, t4 paster, will preach
in the 'Wingham Pre yteretata eleurch, on
Sunday ilext, both In mirigiteal-sevining.
t —Beever Tobacco is absolutely Olean. It
is the highest grade stock in Canedit and
theonly gentleman chewing.
Mr. Jas. R. Reyn. Ids, jr., this week is
opening out a stock of groceries in one of
the small stores in Ma donald's new black.
—It appears to be a, sad foot that the
people who know exactly .11,ei;er to Amage
newspapers are always engagedat 'Some
other employment.
,---Miss Jessie Ducker .violinist and the
Methodist Church Or estra, will assist
Agnes K
nox in the Ioncert on Monday
evening next, in the Tojrn Hall.
—Grain chopping done for 5 cents per
100 lbs. at the N8lingliiens Oatmeal Mill.
4. Oats exchanged ffir etttmeal.
' ,• W. Hesinne.
—Trying to do businteas without adver-
tising is like winkink at a pretty girl
, through a pair of green goggles; you may
know what you are doi sg but nobody else
—Rev. Mr. Bisbee, o Kansas, whoje on
p, visit to friends in Wi gharn, will Preach
next Sunday morning qnd eventing in the
Methodist church. T o pastor will be on
the Atiburn circuit p °aching missionary
—reivate moneys to loan on mortgages
ett reasonable rate of interest:' Apply to
—Seats are selling tit for - the Agnee
Knox concert, on Mond y evening next. ts
—The Winghaan cur ers have been tales
ing advantage of the g 04 ice for the past
few weeks,
, —The smallest drop .1 ink, falling like
dew upon a thought, pi nieces that which
make thousands, perheros millions, think.
—Just arrived.—Two tons of Myer&
Royal Cattle Spice. For sale at Griffin's
Grocery. Ot
—Friday, February
and implements, lot 3,
berry. Sale at 12,30
proprietor. Jos. Cos
—Mr. E. C, Olarkec nducted theeervices
in the English church a, in Gorrie, Wrox-
eter and Fordwich, o Sunday last.
—This section was risitedwith a thunder
lightning and rain /Orin, on Friday even-
ing last.
—Sir John Tho ison's new criminal
code now in force de loxes it is a fraud for
any one selling wo a tc deliver less than
the lawful cord of 128 solid feet. The
penylty is a fine or i prisonment.
16th—Farm stock 9s. Youhill, Rea Estate Agent, has
onoession 3, Turnsi'
'sold lots 19, 20 and 1, and „frame cottage
clock. Geo, Harriet; on the toner of atrick and Catherine
n, auctioneer. streets, owned by
—Wednesday list was St. Valentine —The induction of It v. D. Perris into netutalness and viv dness, its peculiar and
day, the pastorate of the Winghem Presby. s imetitnee thrilling incidents, and its me*,
—What is an -,dvertisement? .A. lever of
trade. The dealar's sure road to success.
The lifeblood a modern business. A
money maker, goiter and gayer.
—On Thursda: night of last week, two
skating racee too. place on the rink, In
the three mile rat there were four com-
petitors, Mr. Sam el Elliott being declared
the winner, after fine exhibition of speed.
Master George Coo took first place in the
one mile boys' race.
—This week we mmence the publica-
D. Young,of Neepawa, tion of a very intcs ting story entitled the
— Teeswater villag. constable has been Manitoba, to Jae R. Reynolds, jr., of "Kiss of Gold," by Miss Kate Jordan, an
instructed to strietl enforce the by-laws Wingham, at a fair rice. entertaining story writer. The Kiss of
of the village forbidd sg skating and sleigh- —For firet-class tailoring end cheap Gold is one of her test, and will well repay
riding on the sidewal .s and children hang- gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, perusal.
ing on to sleighs on t ,e streets. Remember the place, only two doors north •
of the cd stand and between Ross' book- —The snow plaar did good service on
—Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly store and Patterson's jewellery shop. - Tuesday last, thoug t it was rather late be -
repaired and fully warranted by Hersey
PARK, Meyer Block, Wingham. re cleared of snow.
— Mr. John Terri
little cnttage, situ
corner of john an
Mr. Wm. Irwin, o
possession of the
few weeks.
—The annual n
ask the farmers to si n a certificate that
ciety of Winglian, will be held in the Con -
- degree team the Daughters of
gregational church_ on Thursday evening, the work has been roperly done. In a
Rebekah and a nurnbe- of the ladies and
the 22m1 instant, et 8 p. 10. The Presi- short time the cert cafe generally turns
dent, P. Peltier, Asq., will preside. The up at some bank as a promissory note. 01
Rev: Wm. lefacGretor will deliver the ad. —G T R trains for Toronto and east
dress. Music furn shed by the choir. The leave vWGiuglii3ampat 6.25 a m and 11.20 a m.
Melon, and at 6.40 m
public are cordially invitedto attend. Col- vanad 3 45 64p m via Clinton and Guelph.
lection at close. Good connections by all trains.
has purchased a neat fore the sidewalks
The money spent in
te on the scaithwest
leaning the sidewalks
—In a railway st:tion not a hundred as residents of all
miles from Chesley iithe following placard benefited thereby.
over the clock : "Th a is a clock; it is run-
rned to beware of
ning; it is Toronto these; it is right; it is set
bout painting patent
every day at 10 o'clooire Now keep your
se and buildings, and
mouth shut."
of snow is well spent
Franeis streets, from
Listoweqn,nd will take parts of the town are
same inithe course of a —Farnaers are se
strangers who go
eeting of the Bible So- medicine aigns en ba
gentlemen members o - the Order in Leek -
now came over to Win ham on Thursday
evening of last week, a d assisted to organ-
ized a Lodge of the D roe in this town.
— Chisholm's Con ition Powders for
horses and cattle are nequaled. Price 25e.
per pound paokage.
— The newest. sw dle is said to bo a
shoddy cloth swind . It is done in this
way : The shoddy pedlar calls upon a
farmer, and proposes buying his wool in
advance of shearing, a id offers a big price
for it. To bled the bcregain he pays down
a dollar. By this
good humor, and then
the cloth, and gets in
—One of the severe
me the farmer isin
he pedlar produces
is work.
snow storms of the
winter was experience.!. throughout Ontar-
io on Monday aftevno n and night last.
It does not appear to Live been so bad in
this section as in other ?arta of the country,
but it was bad enough here. Some of the
teeing were cancelled and but little in
matter was received ir Wingham on Tues-
—Ladies; have your garments made by
M iSti M. Johnston. Gregory block, opposite
the Queen's Hotel. Latest style, good
work, always Erste:lass fit.
s -.The Chesl:e Free 1ess speaks as fol-
Perrio an his labors in that
Neeet Sabbath th4 Rev. D. Perrie,
obee to ably filled th pulpit of Genova
Ithurch for the past 'thee years and three
Months, preaches his fa 11 sermon. Dur-
ing his ministration in C ealey, the mem-
herald') of Geneva ohneek se inoreased by
118. The number O siia enrolled on
the churolf 1 i&le lune 885. And
ilow theroare*grtwhich 4th the 14 that
joined last Igisbbstfilif malt the gain as
given. Last bbath the rev. gentleman
feelingly referred to his ncrly departure
frOM C1t2tb y. and atatec that nothing
*742 give him greater .y than to see
ilhOire who had Jelissed the c arch of Christ
Main steadfast till this en.
—Programmes foi.
School convention, to
20th and 21st instant
and sent to Sabb
throughout the count
will be Miss Sarah
young lady of exon
expected that there
the County Sabbath
be held in Clinton on
, have been heled,
th School workers
. Among the speakers
cheson, of Goderich,
tional ability. It is
vill be a large attend -
— Truly this is te.a ago of fakes. On the
least provocating ,he astute individual
seizes the opportuni y to make the most of
it. It may bele. go 1 the public into buy-
ing a portfolio of photographs that would
be dear at quarter t to money; or to lure
the unsuspecting in. ividual toward the 101
schemes opened up ,y his prolific brain.
Indeed, these are th times to be aware of
the sleek fakir.
— Lose—The will f the late John Dale.
Any one who can gi e information as to
game will be suitably reevarded.
Barrister &c.,
—Mr. J. M. Duch nan, boot and shoe
Merchant, of this toy r, was stricken with
apoplexy, on Wedn sday evening about
six o'clock*23)Medical id was immediately
procured, 'Kit he has t rallied, and at the
time of going to pre he was expected to
die at any moment. Mr. Buchanan and
family came here fro n Goderich last sum-
mer, and he opened t se shoo store which he
has continued to career on since.
Anchor of Hope Lodge, I. 0. G. T., is
ow making rapid strides in the way of
membership. Last ^•uesday evening, four
tions submitted. le following officers
members were initialed and four were installed for tha-eurrent quarter : W.
rum at the convention. F. Brockenshire, C. ' '.; Miss Vine Rush,
—In another eseurnn will be seen the V. T.; Geo. Ireland P. C. T.; Milton
advertisement of ' elotris Pianos." The Blackwell, R. S.; Mi.. Etling, F. S.; !eau
manufacturers of t_ese goods have an ex- Elsie Baiuton, Treas. Earnest Blackwell,
perience of over twt..aty year with some of Chap.; A. Bainton, ear.; Miss Maggie
the oldest piano fac oriel in Canada. They Morrison, D. M.; Isaa Hughes, G.; Miss
have now a fine lee se factory in Listowel Eliza Mcllwain, Sen ; Miss L. Varney,
turning out pianos Assistant Secrete,i1:Zi 'he members will be
de. The firm claim treated to coffee, erdta next meeting,when
al excellence, artistic a fraternal visit is xpected from tbe
emember date of
where they have bel
of a very superior g
for their goods "mus
design and durable
nstruction" and it is Whitechurch lodge.
doubtless due to thes good points that the meeting—Tuesday eves ng, Feb. 20th.
"Morris" pianos hyo become so very Dnessttexrxe—Miss ti. J. Powell begs
popular. to announce to the ladies of Wingham artd
s --There was a fair it
dist church on Trte•-
Edison's wonderful ph
by the Lang Bros, of
response with the stave
it was quite evident th
well pleased. The rex
spoke with distinct
could be heard equally
vicinity that she is prepared to do dress -
dience at the Metho- making'in the latest style and at moderate
ay evening, to bear prices. A call solicited. Shop—Nearly
nograph as operated oppo :ee Macdonald's block.
cton, and from the , On Thursday even ng of last week, a
numbers receive ebeluth Degree Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., was
t the audience was instituted in Winglia , by 3. B. King,
rkable instrument Grand Secretary, of T rento, assisted by
einunchttion and nearly forty members f the Lucknow
ell in all ports of Degree' Lodge. The Lode will be known
the ehuroh, Tho reps ducingoof cornet,
clarionet and whistlingasolos, with piano
accompaniment, were exceptionally line,
itlso the music of the Limited States Marine
TO the People of Wing
ing Country:
It having been ciroul
erally that I am about
to say that there is no
ars I am Isere to stay,
to see all my old
many new ones as Ma
patronage, assuring th
past, so in the future,
my personal supervisi
satisfaction. Yours r
*ane and SurrOurid-
tea somewhat gen-
e leave town, beg
ruth in the rnmor,
d will be pleased
customers and ea
favor me with their
ra that as in the
11 orders will receive
n, and I guarantee
E. C. Maws.
Wien church was taki .g place as we went
to press on Thursda.- afternoon. A. full
report of the proceedii go will be given next
—The municipal col 'toil of Exeter have
decided that the telepleane and telegraph
proporty iu that place ;hall be assessed in
future and made to yi id revenue to the
town in the same manrar as other institu-
tions. What is Wiugh m Council doingin
this matter ?
—The "Strike at Sles-es" is a prize story
of Indiana which will b s read with pleasure
by all friends of dumb eatimals. It is issued
by the American Hu lane Society, and
comprises nearly 100 :es in handy form,
and can bo had for 10 c nts, by addressing
Geo. T. Angell, 19 1 'ilk street, Boston,
—One of the trunks f Mr. H. H. Mc-
Kague, the gentlemanly traveller for the
W. J. Gage Company, Toronto, came to
grief at the Grand '1,runk Station, on
Wednesday last. Whi e being wheeled
across from the centre tc the main platform
by the haggageman, it fe from the truck
in front of e. moving frei ht train, and ware
—Mr. Peter McLa n, of lots 11 and 12,
concession T rnbe ry, will sell his farm..
public The for -thee'
stock, i
Win:am shortly. r !erms—$5 and. raider services were not require
cash; over that ar tount twelve monthi ; sion. On Saturday oveni
credit. Pete): Deans and James Hender- the .!arm was sounde
Mr. R. Anderson's rest
A keenly contested Lending match was
ayed in the rink, o Monday, in the
draw for the Bray Cup, etween Mr. P.
Paterson's rink and Mr. John Dinsley's
rink. The result was as flows :
H. F. Gordon, G. uffield,
W. Vrtnetono, C. I nechtel,
D. Sutherland, J. -elands,
Feleateeson, skip -20 3. D nsley, skip -16.
id Mr. F. Peter-
ed shortly.
se firemen have
ortunately their
on either occa-
g,about 8 o'clock,
, the chimney of
ents, e y
tl imeant, commencing at between Mr. J. W. Inglis'
ing will be sold without someterinks, and will be pl
r. Mc Jaren has rented his
term of years and will remove
"During the week,
een called out twice, but
son, enctioneers. ce, on Victoria
—We have reedy anete ere . n book . street, being on fire; and Monday after -
entitled "Autobiogra ihicad Sketches and ' neon, about 3.40, an alter • was rung,
Personal Recollect' ns," by President . chimney of Mr. Hessionee 1:ouse, on Jose-
Aagell, of the Am ican Humane Society. I phine street, being ablazeir The fire corn -
In his efforts on be lf of dumb 'mals I pang is deserving of praise for the prOmpt-
Mr. Angell , has ha many wonderful and II mess with which they respo d to the call of
most intereating ex eriences in a long and ; duty. It is only saying N at is known to
very active life, an some of these he tells I most of our townspeople, that Winghani
in a way that make delightful and instruc- has a splendid fire protecti • service.
tive reading. In pa er covers this book Personals.
costs but 10 cents, d any friend of the i Mr. H. Davis was in God rich lest week
brute creation, and iaembers of thehumanee Mr. Inas. Barber, of istowel, spent
societies anywhere, ,vould be doing good Sunday in town.
work by distributing , few copies. 1 Ripley Inquirer: Mr. W J. Chapman
—In January, le, 3, Agnes Knox gave and family of Wingham, w a visiting in
two Dramatic Recite, before the Eclin. . town last week.
burgh Philoeophical ustitutiou. On both ! Brussels Post : Robt. Be ttie, of Wing-
, occasions Queen Streham, was in town on We nesday,—Miss
Hall was filled to
overflowing with ent iusiastio audiences. ! Kate Hembly, of Wingbai , was visiting
After fulfilling other gagements in Bri- ; in town this week.—Gus. icLauchlin, of
ton, she scored an em ent success when Wingham, was visising in t wn, tide week.
she read at the openin seasmf in London —Miss Patterson, of Wingl m, is isittng
at a concert in Steins y Hall ender the ha Prussels.
patronage of The M roltioness of Dowe*•idr. R. J. Tindal has acc ited a. situation
place 00 Mon -
shire, the Marchione a of Hertford, ti Za in Guelph, and left for the,
otantess. Arran, the The Canadian Magazine for February
day last.
Dowager Marchioness f Londonderry, the
e ViscoUntess Hill,1 With the current nu- ber (Feb.), the
ralia,m, The Lady i Canadian Magazine comp ates its first year
. Mrs. Lawley, the ; of publication -and with a record for excel -
o Countess Cowper., ' lence and finitdcial prospeity, not equalled
in the history of Cat adieu rnagaeine
literature. The number s a strong one,
and several of the article : are of remark-
able merit, while interest Mathes to every
contribution in the nun sea The illus-
trations, too, are excel nit. Prof. John
Campbell, of Montreal, le ds with a com-
prehensive, scholarly, and most interesting
paper on "The America Indian, What Ileathfielci'slienlinglilttlsaan
and Whence," a paper yell 3h should rank testimonials testily to it !4 JIM its. Money
amongst the very first of tie untgazinea of will positively be refunded if 1lcatlifield"
Olivotte Lodge, No 84, and will be
officered during the pees: t term by, the
following mend:fere N G., Mrs. Elder;
V. G., Mrs. SheffieldiA. %, 3. W. Dodd;
F. S., W. 3. Sheffield; IT eas., Mrs. Annie
Manuel; Cou., Miss KreteeGroves; Warden,
Miss Beek; Clap., Airs. -Fanuie Bracken -
shire; R. 1. J. N. G., Mrs. ilea& L. N,
G. Miss Beck; R. S. it. G., Mrs, Addie
Dodd; L. S. V. G., Mies tobertsom Inside
Guardian, Mrs, Minnie Tiplingt, Outside
Guardian, T.. .T. • Ellio; Joon r. roves,
Degree Master. he lobo starts it with
n. membershi thirty two, and bright
prospects of a fango in. nage. Meer the
ceremonies in conuectio ttith *0 institu-
tion of the lodge, likd be ri conducted, the
visitors Were ro-y0e teeertained at Mr. R.
Countess Airlie, the
Countess Carnburne, t
the Lady Margaret
Florence Cecil, the H
Hon. Mrs. Goschen, t
the Countess Listowe , the Lady Edward
Cavendish, the Lady 1 ether Gare, the Hon.
Mrs. Grosvenor, the .on. Mrs. Brett, Miss
Vandereyer, and Mitt Talbot of Margam.
Agnes Knox will appaer in the Town Hall,'
on Monday evening n xt, February 19th.1
Admission 25 cents; r -served seats 85 and
50 cents. Plan of ha . at Williams' drug
The Modern Invalid
tamed interest is, 'e lte Journal of a dieli-
tary," translated Miss Helen Hicks.
from Alphonse :)andet. Miss Agnes
Manic Machar (Fid' lis), Peincipal Rand,
end others, coutribt-te poetry. The City-
aeian Magazine is p tblisbcd by the Ontario
Publishing Co., Ltd , Toronto. teet0 per
Regular monthly
Board held in the
Tuesday eveoing. P
(chairman), Bell, Mo
mid A.braliam.
Miuutes of last me
eeting of the School
Council chanter on
esen t,Mesers. Merton
0, Hiscooks, Button
ng read and adopt-
Peincipal's report r the month of Jan-
uary was presented ai d on motion adopted-
Tbe Finance Com ittee recommended
the payment of the f lowiug accounts:
Kerr,work,48.55; Sar Fargubareon,11.5.50;
John, Watt, lumber, .50; J. Kirk, work,
01; T. Welsh, wood 5J5.40; J. A. CilLIPx
supplies, el -65, coal, 106.84.
Moved by T. Abra m, secondedby Wan. ,
Button, that the rep t be adopted and the
accounts paid—Carri
A. communication was received from
Miss McIntyre givin her reason for leaving
her room on the dat asked for and also
endering her resigre tion as teacher, reaig-
/nation to take eftect: ts per agreement.
Moved by T. seconded by Wird •
Moore, that we adve tise in the Globi0 'end
mpire newspapers ror a teacher holding a,
second class certificee, duties to commence '
dot April—Carried.
Moved by T. Bell •econclea by J. FL His -
cocks, that the iairman and Secretary
issue orders for the teachers and officers-
Moved by Wm. utton, seconded by T.
Bell, that the Trees rer be iestructecto
give a detailed state eta of the receipts •
and expenditure at t e next meeting of the
The Board then ad aimed-,
Bel?, ave.
—A grand concert ill be given in the
Foresters' hall, iu thi place, on Wednesday
evening, the 28th ins ant, under the aus-
pices of Court Belga .e, Comedian Order of
Foresters. The taleu will consist of Mr,
James Fax, the celebetcd humorist, Tor-
onto; Mr. J. H. C sneron, elocutionist
and humorous reader ;Toronto; 1VIr. W. G.
Rutledge, violinist, L Won, mud Miss Ede. • .
h. Pion of hall and
Has tastes, medically, in keeping with
other luxeries. A. medicine must be pleas-
antly acceptable in form,purely wholesome I
hi composition, truly beneflciel in effect
and entirely free from every objectionable
(nudity. If really ill Iso consults it physi-
cian; if constipated he uses the gentle
feinily laxative, Syrup of Figs.
Purchase of ebentittes.
Meters. 11: 0' a & Co., Stock and
Debenture Broker* lifembere Termite
Stock EXcluinge, 24 Toronto street, Toren'
to, lieve just pure sled 00,000 worth of
debentures of the eunty of Grey, matur-
ing December ist, I .13, bearing 5 per cent
balf-yearly, Grey one of the beat coma
ties in Ontario. Th assessment ise19,956,-
; 000 and the debt, in :hiding tide issue, only
. 1)26,000. This firm offering these very
desirable bonds at nr!
Stewart, pianist, Bly
tickets tteMte Hugh
store, Belgrave.
The members of th
place, hold an oyster
tars' hall, on Mond
a good time was spen
The A. 0. U. of this place intend
having a, lunch and tertainment in the
Foresters' Hall this ( riday) evening.
Miss Belle, MoD :mid, of Clinton, is
visiting friends in tis vicinity.
Mr. Jos Corbett c ntinues very poorly
and there are 110 hems for his reeovery.
Messrs. led. Such rider thud Jas. Agnew
are also indisposed.
]Uttle ;Dandelion
Fills will cure ,Itiaesaclie;
Sour Stomach, etc. '-Vry them, Cube, and '
you will not use any other. Price :.-25c.
box, at all drug stores.
;,. •
Salmoni's English. White.
Oils.is the best Family Lutiment in the
world. Institut cure for Sprains mad
Bruises. Beware of hat:Mons. Ask or
Salmon's EnglisleVehite Oils.
Dr. King's Worm Powders „4
are safe and sure, 20e. a, box, .. •
II. 0. G.'eT., -of' - this -
upper in the Fores- , .
y evening last, when '
will mire the svoret wee estandreds of
the month. "The Soho° 1 of the Olden Healing Balsam does not do all that is
Times." by one of the Bees (Hon. David .e.e.,
Mills), gives a pleasing g Imps° into the Dr. King's :Medical Discov-
rural Ontario of fifty yl rs ago. "The er.y is the great blood pueffier. It will
Soul Snake," is a, literar gem from tbe Igti•tees tcillesbie°tislta ftunidealrPorninf iliii)iittireel;
deemed for it.
graphic Pen of 0, "11 own Canadian end •Ilroebles. It is the best; buy the
poet, Rev. Frederick Georls Scott. Madge best. Ptice one dollar a bottle, six bottles
personal reminiscences e people "On for five dollars. .,......
'Williams' tittle Dandelisi
Robertson Watt gives a 1 'of iuteresting
Board the Aquidieben,". II famous as the rillets
The illustratedeetticies ar : "The Elder- ordiesl.motti's English Whit
leading vessel a tle• ye fleet of Brazil.
aao of Britieti Columbia," :, glinipee at the 301 . Icing,. iviorit, rortvcie
Molson Spra,gge; i'Dunicsnlinc Abbey," Ilen,thlield's Healing II
by it( T. ; "M and. Tliings in sam.
1 Mexico," by Allan Leigh; "The Cocoanut or. Kitigos medical Dig
1 Palm," by Allen Erie; am Ilev. Dr. &ad. et yo
I diAre all reliable ng's paper on pioneer liter -tore in Onhtrio, moclichies end th
ease or money refunded
atC t• , L. 1.
satisfaction in
A contribution rernarkahleIor its charming printers guarantee