HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-02-13, Page 2n the Years Agone
FEBRUARY 19, 1875 '
Mr. MacDonald estimates that if
strin•ent energy conserving practises
are f lowed voluntarily by most of us
we 44' Id t energy demand levels
20° -.ow thoiar- proposed for 1990
and effect "savings'equivalent to the
output of 12 tar sands plants."
Ontario's Health Minister Frank
Miller was in Huron Friday,
advocating the same sort of "do it
yourself" public participation as
really the best way to cut skyrocketing
health costs. Mr. Miller stressed that
we are going to have to make more of
an effoit to keep ourselves healthy, to
stop smoking, wear seat belts,
exercise and eat properly. "
Personal, prografils , sickness
preventiOn are tiltilmaiely the( most
would greatly cut health care costs,
the Minister seemd to be saying.
This sudden faith in the. ability of
the average person to contribute a
great deal in cutting our overall
government spending is heartening.
It is evidence that the days of
paternalism of "we know what is best
for. you; don't bother your little head"
and'of government ministers seekin'6 '
to solve problems by building new
buildius and consuming energy at
ever increasing rates are over.
It is also heartening and about time
that the federal government is
officially attempting to cut down
energy consumption in recognition
that the world's resources are not
only being depleted at a ridiculous
rate to supply the power needs of
excessively coddled and probably
unhealthy North Americans, but that
they are too expensive.
We are a bit concerned that while
ANDREW Y. McLEAN, Publisher
Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association
and Audit Bureau of Circulation
Subscription Rates:
Canada (in advance) $10.00 a Year
Outside Canada (in advance) $12.00 a Year
Second Class Mail Registration Number 0696
Telephone 527-0240
We'll sacrifice, but...
Snow sculptures
Sugar and Spice
By Bill Smiley
It seems to be in fashion lately for
government ministers to call for more
public involvement and responsibility
in the cost saving prograrris that they
promote as a Way .of cutting
government spending.
Federal Energy Minister Donald
MacDonald has launched a turn down
the thermostat, drive at 55 mph, turn
down the heat in government
buildings, campaign. Once his energy
saving me asures become the nor
.in government circles the .Minister
hopes that the public too will follow
his guidelines to cut the country-wide
demand for energy.
governments at both levels are asking
for our co-operation in energy and
health cost cutting measures, they
seem to be going full speed ahead
with not enough analysis on some of
their own expensive and unhealthy
Ontario Hydro's towers are still
marching across Huron farm land to:
supply increased power demands that
were forecast long before the present
energy ,conservation methods became
government pOlicy. A nuclear.
reaction for Huron County has still
not been ruled out in spite of
increasing concerns about its possible
effects on our health and whether
there 'ill be a continually increased
demand for nuclear power.
Both federal and provincial
governments have committed
themselves to spending billions of
dollars to bail out —the major oil
companies' Synecrude project which,
hopes to extract oil from the Alberta
tar sans. Most authorities admit that
the tar sands extraction will be an
extremely expensive, way to produce
energy and no one has really looked at
what its environmental costs will be.
The • federal energy saving
guidelines include the banning of
non-returnable, metal containers from.
dispensers in: 99vernrOnt ,4uhaing,
But a provincial figk fdr6eAtial4
Faded with container
industry spokesmen has
refused to ban, non-returnable soft_
drink containers, both glass and
metal, from the province, ignoring
pleas from conservationists.
Conservation of both health and
energy are important. Most citizens
are willing to change their wasteful
ways, but we need a little help from
our friends in government.
The average citizen can be forgiven
for being cynical when he is asked to
keep his thermostat at 68° and stop
smoking when governments are
spending billions on expensive and
possibly harmful hydro and energy
At the same, time the government
action is in response to our demands
for an assurance that the comforts
which oil and hydro provide will
continue to, be available to us. It is a
vicious circle.
This, apparently, is Women:s Liberation
Year, or something of the sort. So be it.
Aren't you getting a little sick of it all? I
mean you, and I don't care whether you're
a man or a woman' e• a hermaphrodite.
Don't worry chap.. I am not afraid. I
'have a northern hideout, an old atom
t mb shelter, with three women laid on:
ne to bathe,me, one to dress me, and one
to cook for t.n. So I'm going to say exactly
what I want to, and let the chippies fall
where they may.
First, I take a look at my own family, to
see which women need liberating.
Answer? Zero. ...2.)
My wife needs liberating like 1 need a
kick in the groin. Ever since I met her, she
has been, not removing her chains, but
applying, mine. I clank when I walk.
She doesn't need to be liberated. She
needs to be tied up. She has made it quite
clear that she is: smarter than I about
everything from making out the income tax
return to strewing' in a light bulb; better.
looking than Iland all we have to do is -11We;
in a mirror); more asrtistic thani-1,.(shps
always frigging with the color thMg on the
television while I bellow '1 don't care if it's
all purple, shut up and watch the
program'); and in better shape than 1. I
always concede the last-narriect without a
.ftglitt040*.riitly:s.Orepcf ' •' sold never
ea.iii--thaittliect:itti.fialf a* t ' !_;1 /2 like you.
Dear. It would probably take me half the
.-_,_afternnon." And I'm right. So there's no
- -conflict a-liWre sr-IKE-i.e.-it-7 - -
She also has a joint account; the house is
in her name, the car is in her name, and if I
dropped dead tomorrow,- she'd have so
much' insurance she could give Jack ie
Onassis a run for her money. Liberation my
My daughter is in the same boat, or
category.She alternately bullies• and
wheedles her father and her husband. She
takes nothin' offa nobody, especially male
cops.She is in' a career course, and she is
using, or kicking out of the way, every male
who stands in her path. With one
exception. _She is being used and pushed
around by the only male who could do it,
her year-old, walking son, Pokey. And
there is the only hope I see for the future of
the male.
Looking further afield, I remember two
dames who were so liberated you
wondered who was wearing the pants in
the family, in both cases.
She was my mother. She called the shots
in our family from the time she put on her
wedding ring. She decided which of the
kids would be licked, and she did the
licking. She decided what speed my dad
should drive at. She pulled us through the
Depression. My dad was a sweet, gentle
chap like myself and always sat in the
rumble seat on each new family enterprise.
My mother-in-law was the same, With a
combination of tempers, tirades and tears,
she made my father-in-law walk on eggs
until he didn't feel comfortable unless he
had an egg underfoot.
Ditto with my. sisters and sisters-in-law.
They bully and needle and haggle their
men unmercifully. They continually make
them feel that they (the women) had poor
luck in the draw. and make veiled and
usually imaginary references to the great
chances they had to marry someone
worthwhile, who turned out to be
somebody. .
And this phenomenon is not somNhing
new, something of the 20th century. Queen
Boadicea, if anyone remembers her, had a
great time smashing up Roman legions
until she died of an overdose of woad..
Lady 'Macbeth was no shrinking ,
unliberated violet. She was more of:•-a...
shrieking, liberated violent.
Queen Elizabeth I diddled her would-be
lovers for years and ran a growing empire
with a velvet glove in an iron fist.
Madame de Pompadour literally ran the
French empire in the days of the 15th
Louis, and she w'asn't even married,
Nobody is weeping over Jackie
what-ever, who bounced' from a
President to a Greek billionaire. Nor are
many tears shed over the way poor little,
helpeless Liz' Taylor has been mistreated
by five or six or, seven husbands.
Of course, all these women had charm,
and drive, or both, and werent too much
concerned about the cost of hamburg.
That's what the Women's Lib is going to
hit me-with, among other things.
One last' example'. I know a lot of women
teachers. You think they need liber ation?
Like hell. They smoke and drink and swear
like sailors and swagger around in
comfortable pant suits while the men
strangle in shirts and .ties.-A-nd the real
clincher is that they make as muokmoney
administrative jobs are open to them. They
don't want them.
Why? Not because they can't handle
them. M ost of them would do a better job
than the dim-witted males who no inhabit
these posts. No. It's because they don't
want to give up their feminine perks:
staying home for two days witboa sniffle;
shooting off to the hair-dresser once a
week; breaking into tears when everything
becomes Too Much For Me.
. I have always treated a woman as a
woman first and a person second. I have
used -the same treatment with old men and
little kids.
If 1 haVe to start treating women as
people first and women second, I know who
is going to complain the loudest. The
women. And the second loudest complaint
will be from yours truly. It will destroy all
the mystery and glamour and excitement
which are the only things that make life
Men, rally around. For years, both sexes
have lien equal, but women have been
more equaal than men. Now, all they want
to do is widen the gap .
Some of my best friends have been
women, but how would you like your son to
marry one?
I once started a national campaign for
PORK(Parents of Rotten Kids). It was
fairly successful.
Once morel appeal.Last time most of the
joiners were women. Th is time, I want the
men of Canada to stand up and be counted
as members of my new organization. Don't
nobody be scared.
It will be called: Men! Attack Female
Independence. Anonymously. In sliort,
To the Editor
Perth F of A urges
care with dead stock
To the Editor:
The Directors of the Perth Federation of
Agriculture wish to make the farmers and
the public aware of a problem here in the
County. How to dispose- of dead farm
stock? INstead of paying farmers for the
carcass, one dead stock operator now is
charging for the pick up. The owner of the
Pet Food Supplies gave his, reasons for the
change -
The drop in beef prices in the Spring of
1974 led to greater consumption of meat
:and the /ewer supply 'of lungs and other
by-products so that the abattoirs sold these
pr oducts to the Pet- Manufactiirer for a
third less than dead stock operators could
sell, The problem is such that there is no
trinket for dead or disabled farm stock. -
-He further states here in Perth County.,
Since iatittaty 13th, farmers are being
charged to have any pick-up. Rather than
pay thattharge, some farmers are bringing
ifieir dead ailittialS to the plant. Others are
distioting of them in their own way.
baring a Week the average dead stock here
in Perth, was •400 per week Since Jan.
43th. it hAs 'dropped to about i50 per week.
Petoritty, Mardi and April, the birth of
new calves increases. follow co by an
increase in the number of dead stcck.
What is becoming of those dead animals
Under Chapter 105 of the Dead Animal
Disposal Act. the responsibility of the
owner is clearly outlined.
(3) - 1. The owner of a dead animal shall
dispose of it within forty-eight hours of its
a, by burying it with a covering of at
least two feet of eartIlior b. by the services
of a person licensed as a collector under the
erdt, 1972.c.60. c.3,
If Perth County farmers abide by this
Act, there will be no problem but if even a
few decide to dump their dead animals
back in -the bush or in the ditches and wait
for the spring flood to wash away their
problem, we could be faced' with a
dangerous situation. Disease could he
spread by dogs and other animals feeding
on the carcass, if they are littered
throughout the County.
Yours truly,
John Vander Eyk, President
Perth County Federation
Of Agficulture
Alio —
"HOW CAW WV DIDN'T LarEN lo,me , mem
• I S4/D tioAir TA TWAT Hrreffi-hgev;
ae. c.
Since 1860, Serving the Community First
t'ublished at SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by McLEAN BROS. PUBLISHERS LTD.
The storm of Wednesday again rent the passage of trains„
We have not had either from the west or the 'east since
Mrs.Whitney having leased the premises.recentiv occupied
by Messrs. Logan and Jamieson, has-removed her tin shop to
that store, where she will have largely increased facilities for
her business.
D. McGregor of Harpurhey, has purchased the store and lot
at present occupied by Mr. Garniss, opposite the Mansion
Hotel for $950. Mr. McGregor intends opening a book binding,
and stationery store.
Geo. Forsythe, late market clerk, intends starjing in
Seaforth, a first class laundry. this is a much 'needed
institution here.
M.R. Counter, jeweller, has moved into the new store lately
erected by him on Main Street. The lower store will be
occupied by M. Counter, while the upper flat will be used as a
Masonic Lodge.
The storm of last week was the occasion of a state of things
whicp has not been seen for more than 20 years, in this part of
the country. Only one mail was received from east or west,
that being carried through by team from Stratford to
Duncan McMillan of McKillop has sold 'his farm Lot 23,
Con. 14 to Richard Pollars for the sum of,$3,000. The farm
contains 75 acres with about 40 acres cleared.
A fire broke out in the dwelling of John B. Captain of '
,MeKillop. The front of the building, occupied as a store by
Mr. Tilley was saved.
. A. W. Sloan of Hullett has sold his farm near Kinburn for
•$7,500. This farm contains 125 acres, 100 acres cleared and in
good condition.
'Rev. Thos. Goldsmith's lecture on "Self Government" in
the Presbyterian Church, Kippen, was attended by 300
people and proved a success .in every way.
Some few weeks ago. Mr. Hugh Love, of Kippen road,
directed attention to the Kippen Road. The road is gravelled
with the exception of about a mile and a quar ter on the end
near 'to Kippen. This stretch remains ungravelled and in the
spring and fall is in 'such a condition that loaded teams cannot
pass over it.
• FEBRUARY 9, 1900
The-.Farmers Institute at Constance held their meeting and
despite the stormy weather a large . number were in
attendance both aft ernoon and evening. John McGregor sang
a Gallic song which caused a great beat of merriment. Master
Ernest Andrew also• sang a ditty.
A. McGregor of Constance is hauling wood and grain' to
Market &fore leaving for the great West.
An old and highly respected resident of McKillop in the
person of John Shea. died at his }fettle...He received a bad cold
while getting a coon down out of a tree when he suffered a
severe chill.
Some gasoline leaked from the, tank in W,H.Willis' store
and caught fire. However, it was soon extinguished by one of
the employees.
W.D.McLean of the Expositor is in Toronto this week
attending the' annual meeting of •the Canadian Press
D. McLaren of Cromarty recently sold .to P. Curtin of
McGillivray, two Shorthorn bulls 2 years old for $185.00.
Good sleighing and fine weather is making everything
livelier. All the roads arc pouring in their loads of saw logs
and the mill yard at Bruepfield will soon be full, ,..•
R.H.Ferguson of. Walton' has purchased a • Gerhard
Heintzman piano from Gourlay, Winter' and Leemings,
choir of Duff's Church assembled at the home of Miss •
u so ti,-W-Niton-arcl-pr6u ntecHrer-with-an — -
and a gold watch in recognition of her services as organist.
Henry Chesney of Tuckersmith held a very successful wood
bee. The boys with their axes and saws worked like Trojans
until supper was announced. The tables were cleared and
dancing was engaged in until the wee small hours.
FEBRUARY 12-, '1925
G. W. Nott of Alma, left on a trip to the West, and intends
bringing back a load of cattle.
Peter Eckert of Manley is busy wrecking some buildingsa t
the Cowan residence. The crumbling walls have to be torn'
Robert Mel,ean of Chiselhurst is busy' drawing home the
material of a barn he purohased some time ago and
anticipates erecting this summer.
G. K. Holland's sale at Beechwood, is now on to reduce his
stock. James Carlin of St. Columban will take over the store in
the spring.
Fire was noticed in th'e belfry of the school at Bayfield. Fire
ladders and buckets wre procured from the Town Hall and
willing hands worked hard to extinguish the blaze. '
Mrs. Chas. Brock and Mrs. Janet Ross of Brucefield have
new telephones in their homes.
Mr. Epps of Varna has installed a radio in his -home.
It was just learned at time of writing that John MtMurtrie's
house, northwest of Kippen, had burned and they were trying
,to save the barn.
Mr. Oscar Niel, who for 25 years has conducted a most
successful 'confectionery and restaurant business, disposed to
Messrs. KO Wing of Toronto.
Considering the weather and the condition -of the roads,
there was a large attendance at the congregational meeting in
First Presbyterian Church to 'make arrangements for the
coming vote in Church Union. J.C.Laing was appointed
Chairman and John Finlayson, secretary.
A carnival' was held in the Palace Rink and the prize
winners were as follows: Boys comic, over 14 years, Jan
Crich; Karl Ament. Boys comic under 14 years, Tom Sills.
Girls comic over 14 years, Jean Brodie; Girls comic under 14
years, Doreen Hudson, Rhea Rutledge; Gents character-
Ernest Edge and Robe Reid, Ladies character, Beatrice Seip,
Marian Porterfield, Gents comic, Dan Kerslake, Wm. Harp;
National costume (Camala) Annie Stewart.
FEBRUARY 10,1950
John Gordon Wilson had the misfortune while.attending to
his duties as day watchman at the H.E.P.C. transformer
station being built at Seaforth to severely wrench his shoulder
when he slipped and fell.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt, residentsof Seaforth, quietly
marked the 44th anniversary of their wedding on Tuesday at
their home. on Jarvis Street. Mrs. Tebbutt was the former
Mary Martin of Tuckersmith,
W.1-1."Buzz" Finnegan, Egmondville merchant, left for
Victoria B.C. where he will enter the grocery business.
Former Reeve John Armstrong of Hullett, was called to the
council table at their meeting and Wm. Dale, the present
reeve, presented him with a cigarette case and Ronson
Mr. and mrs. Chas. Felkar were pleasantly surprised
when about 25 neighbours and friends gathered to mark the
25th anniversary of their wedding.
Mrs. Patricia Savauge, daughter of De---And Mrs. F.J.Bec
Bechley, is taking part in the All-Varsity review playing at
Hart House Theatre, Toronto.
Walker Hart is in Scott memorial Hospital from an injured
Roy Bennett has bought the farm across the road7ro'm John