HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-09, Page 8.A7,�• .�.t.�l � ,t
New Spring Prints. There is now a
Urger aseertwent, a better assortment,
The Prints for tide spring surpasses in
variety, etylett and elegance of coloring of
any format. ,season. The novelties have
their introduction this week.
- ,All Wool French Deleines that hold the
mirror up to nature. Scotch and French
Ginghams. Lace and Embroideries, band
made. Forcliot , Lace, fine and dainty,
Cambric Embroidery, Edgings.
White Lawn Checks, dotted and figured,
India Linen, Mull, Cambric, White Cottons,
Sheetings, Table Damasks, Pillow Cases.
Corsets in all the new makes. Headquar-
ters for Handkerchiefs.
Come anti see our Silks, Dress Goods,
,'Suitings, Lice Curtains and Carpets, at
M H. MctND00'S.
Our Clubbing Rates.
e The Tufts and Toronto globe, weekly.,. e 1 ,iU
;The Totes and Toronto empire, weekly.,,,,• 1 75
The MISS and London Advertiser. weekly.. , 76
The TINES aty,�l, London Free Press, weekly..., 75
, The Tastes an Montreal Herald, weekly 1 50
The Tom and Montreal Witness, weekly.,,.,, 100
The Tiers and Toronto Daily World .... -. „ 2 60
TheTIMasand Montreal Family Herald and Star
weekly, and premium 1 75
The TIMMS and The Ladies'. Journal, monthly,
Toronto 1 25
The Totes and Cosmopolitan Akarme,monthly,
New York 2 25
The Ttxxs and The Live Stock Journal and
Household Companion, monthly.,.. , 1 75
TtoTutas and Farmers' Aurocate, b[• eek,y 1 00
The Truss and the CultWrator and Country
Gentleman, wcckll 2 75
Reduced rates with all other papers not mentioned
its the above lis", , •
Wingham, Ont.
Town Council.
The regular monthly meeting of the Town
Council was held on Monday evening last.
Members all present. Mayor Hanna in the
chairThe minute of last meeting were
read stntl,proved,
Applications were received from Messrs
P. Youhili and Wm. Mitchell, for the posi-
tion of Assessor for the year 1S94. A. vote
was taken, which resulted in six ballots be-
ing cast for Youhill and four for Mitchell.
Mr: Yauhill was then declared Assessor for
1894e, A,
The lfepott., of the Finance Committee
read as foliMkseJas, Fleuty,printing,$3.75;
D. SutherIa,nd;:supplies, $2.75; A. E. Sim-
plotis, printing, 163.75; A.. Galbraith, filled
arityorders,$4.25; orders,$4.25; S.Gracey, account,e13;
eld ea Son, supplies for hall, $7.95; A.
supplies for waterworks, 165; P.
Hughes, work at watererbrite, $1.25; L.
McLean, lumber, $11.30; It, H. McKay,
glazi,fg, $2.50; D. McClure, filled charity
orders, $2.25; W. (lc T. Moore, work at
gS •waterworda, $9.87; John Hanna, paid for
wood, charity, $1.75; T. Lind,wood,charity,
163; Gordon & McIntyre, filled 'charity or-
; dere, $1; C. N. Griffin, filled charity orders
and supplies for hall, $2.90; F Davidson,
Work on streets, wood, etc„ $19.70; J. Cop-
lin, wood for hall, $24.69; R. Jenkins,wood
f;or hall, $4,50; Mrs, Lang, scrubbing hall,
P. Moved by J. W. Inglis,. seconded by
R. Tennant, that the hove accounts be re-
commended to be paid, excepting D. Suth-
i erland's, Brisbois', McKay's, Moore's and
A Davidson'e, that Sutherland be paid a1,50,
$ balance when certified to; Brisbois laid over
to be certified to; McKay be paid leas 50
cents; Moore's less $1.75; F. Davidson's less
8;$2.10. Messrs. Brisbois' and Sutherland's
s aeoouuts were afterwards certified to.
Moved by R. C. Spading, seconded, by
R. Herdsman, that the report of the
canoe Committee es read be adopted—
* e Ced.
11rlerk reported that an election had
held to fill the vacancies in No. 2 ward
that Messrs. Win, Moore and George
had been elected by exclamation.y
Tl$ two new members were present nd
k the daclaration and qualification of
,By -Law No. 218, 1894, a by-law to raise
to meet the current expenses of the
was read three tines and passed.
-Law No. 219. a by.law limiting the
of hotel licenses in the town and
tiis. thereof was introduced.
by Thos. Gregory, seconded by 1
that not more than five hotel
be granted for the ensuing license'
ley P. Deans, serionded by Geo.
dizieeat,that six hotel licenses
wising lioense year
;TUE \VIN 6 1.A,.M, 11,4L41$1,1'E13RUAR . 91 1894.
h+t yeas andnays were taken on the
amttiiament, which were as follows f Yeas
--Win. Holmes, R. C. S ling, B. Herds-
nran, li. Tennant, Geo. Green, J. W. Inglis,
P. Deans -7. Nays--W:ut, Moore, 1).Mo-:
Kinsey, 0, Reading, Thos. Gregory, It,
Aracott, J. A. McLean— % The amend,
merit was declared carried. ,'t
M e by Deane, nded byR. C.
MovedPD sa
ol el
Sperling, that�tlse license fees be the same
as last year—Carried. The by.law was
then reed three tunes and passed.
I3y«law No. 22Q; a by-law appointing the
officers for 1994, was read three time' and
ptosed. '
Moved by Peter Deans, seconded by J,
A,. McLean, whereas, last year a very
largely signed petition of the ratepayers
and citizens of Wingbam anti the surround-
ing country wits' presented to the Post
_ Office Inspector of this district, praying
that ho would take steps at once to remove
the Post office from its present site, to a
more central part of the town, and whereas
no steps have es yet been taken in an-
swer to the petition, be ittherefore resolved
that this council iuemoralize the Inspector
in reference to said petition and urge upon
him to take steps at once to bring the
matter again to the notice of the Post
Office General as in the opinion of this
Council, such a change is absolutely neees-
sa:Iy, to give justioe to a very large major-
ity of the people interested—Carried.
Moved by P. Deans, seconded by R. C.
Sperling, that the Tax Collector finish
collecting the taxes and return the roll not
later than the 15th of February—Carried.
The Clerk then read the Auditors' Ab-
stract of the receipts and expenditure of
the town for 1893. Moved by J. A. Me -
Lean, seconded by C. Reading, that the
Auditors' report be adopted—Carried.
Moved by Wm. Holmes, seconded by D.
McKinlay, that Wm. Moore be placed on
tho Fire, Water turn Light Committee and
Geo. Green on the Public. Works; Com-
Moved by R. C. Sperling, seconded by
R. Tennant, that $500 owing by the Coun-
cil to the School Board be placed to the
crest of the School Board—Carried.
lfoved by J. W. Inglis, seconded by T.
'Gregory, that the Mayor call a public
meeting of the ratepayers of the town, for
the pitrposa of appointing a committee of
ratepayers to wait upon Dr. Macdonald,
M, P. and also to correspond with other
members of Parliament, with a view of
having a Post Office and G,tistom House
erected in Wingham—Carried.`.)
Moved by P. ,.Deans, . seconded by Geo. i
Green, that the Auditors be paid $15 each
for their services—Carried. .
Communication was read from Mrs.
Osborne asking for help to take her and
her family to Port Huron. Moved by P.
Deane, seconded by R. Tennant that the
communication of Mrs. Osborne be refer-
red to the.Exeoutive Committee—Carried.
Mr. Richard , Green was present
and stated that he had paid taxes
on dog which he had killed; that he had
also paid tales on lots which he did not
own, but was assessed for them—No
Mr. Walter Greets was present and made
the following proposition to the • Council:
That if Council would increase street lights
from 6 to 12, ha would light them for 20
cents a night each,same price as the six cost
a piece now and would light Council chamber
free of charge and give the morning run
during the winter months—No action.
Moved by P. Deans, seconded by R.
Tenant, that Mr. Marshall, of Kinlough, be
appointed Engineer for the Town of Wing -
ham for 18-J4—Carried.
The Council then adjourned.
County Council. '
itoADs AND iuunoES.
The Road and Bridge Committee's re-
port, as adopted, was as follows :
Regarding the motion of Messrs. Cook
and Graham re bridge on boundary of
Howick send Minto, we recomtnend that
our commissioner be instructed to attend
to the matter as soon as possible. Regard-
ing letter from Canadian Institute, calling
a convection of parties interested in road
reform and improvements wo would re.
commend that no action be taken, We
recommend that the county commissioners
reports be printed in the minutes.
That an iron or steel bridge be built at
Wroxeter, 16 feet wide and a tide walk 5
feet wide. That the Golley bridge be
rebuilt of cedar and that it be 16 feet in
width, That Dunlop Bridge be rebuilt of
cedar acid 16 feet wide. Thst Pugen's
bridge be rebuilt of cedar 10 feet wide.
That the County commissioner befustrtict.
ed to stir up the contractors of Grand
Bold bridge to complete their contract,
and that lie get pessesslon of the iron
which has disappeared from the old bridge
stud dispose of the same for the benefit of
the coney iu conjunction with Lanebtou.
Regarding application of council of Torn.
berry, re cloths part of Dnnoan street,
advise leaving matter over till;rune session
ffegarding application of council of Step -
heti re closing original road allowanee
situate betvvke,tint„ (MU Uu hike ,..sal !Oh
and Siuble conee,su.u, would recommend
that the law liming been complied with in
every particular the epplic,i,lio,t be grant-
ed, ltegardieg motion of Messrs. Atiltto
aud Mcblurchin re tepeeliug byelaw No. '9
of 1894, would advise that the ,natter be
laid over until June session and that
County CunlntitotiOuer report et June ses-
sietl as Iv tie • euvt of s11 bridge,, cow
maintained by couuty under by-law No. 0,
1874. liegard;ug pian of bridge tc, he built
in Morrie township, the committee take
no action, except to raoouttuend that titu
wetter ter left in halide of Commit. Ite-
gerditne claims Mur tl:a•nages by Mrw. J. 0.
South, Rev. Alr. Currie mid H. Smith, en
aeeount of the flooding away of the tend»
porary bridge at Grand fiend, we recon,-
tuend that Mr. Hherritt, Mr. Turnbull aril
the county couuniesinuer be is corn-
rnittee clout; with the Warden of Limbton
to settle all houext osmole the.te ,parties
may mak.
Jailor Dickson reported as follows: —
Herewith I submit for your cousidee-
ation my report of the state of your county
jail, together with a (statement of prisoners
at prevent iu custody. As far es I know
there are no repairs required except the
replacing of a few slates aud moms of the
galvauizsd sheeting on the ridge boards
Hutt have been blown down, At preseut
there are 22 prisoners in custody as fol-'
lows :—two females and twenty mules,
The females are vagrants and under
seutence—Mary Walton, Goderich, 84
years of age, nominitted by Mayor Butler;
asd Mary J. McDonald, MoKillop, 60 years
of age, committed by S. Caldwell and A.
T. tilcDouald, J. P's, Of the males two of
thein are insane, neither of them violent ;
one has been reported and is new waiting
removal to the asylum ; the other is under
investigation. The remaining 18 are
vagrants all uuder Benham. ranging front
one to mix months, as follows: —John
Snund_r,, Howick, committed by Gaul
Bonnett; Chas. Watson and Wm. Shaw,
committed by James Foster ,aud Thos-
Gibscu; Jas. Johustou, Seaforth, com-
mitted Wilson mI edh.
J. Beattie and D. D. Vrlaou
Geo. Nichol, Winthrop, cotniuitted by A.
Govenlook and M. Murtie; Geo. Constable,
Seaforth, committed by D. D. Wilson and
John Beattie ; John Gilchrist, W. Wawa.
nosh, committed by Wm. Lane ; John
Durnion, Goderich, Wm, MoTenes, Col.
borne, Thos. Smith, Wigham, Robt. Rich,
Goderich, John Perdon, Chicago, Jas. Mc- r
Leod, Stratford, Alex. McNab, Grey, Geol John Ha.ptiltou, John Rosa, Toronto,
.Edward Sullivan, Kingston, Wm. Black,
Goderich, aud James Myers, Ridgetowu—
all committed by Mayor Butler, of Goder-
ich. Of the male
vagrants eight of them
may be said to be totally unable to earu a
living; their ages range from 62 to 90
years; oue is blind aud one a paralytic;
one bent almost double aud the other as
feeble aud may be said to be tottering on
the edge of the grave. Three of these.
aged ones are in for short terms, viz : One
for two months and two for 30 days each.
What ere they to do then? go out on the
public street aud wait there till some good
samaritan comes and takes them home?
No. The season of the year will not per.
mit of their being turned out. I will lay
Use matter before the sheriff and be guided
by him. Of the females, Mary Waltou is
very feeble, the other is stroug for her age.
From this report, gentlemen, you will
learn that at prauent your county jail is
doing triple veor '—as an Asylum, House
of Refuge end a Ioepital ; and in working
your jail as such the expenses for the year
will be largely increased as per Inspector's
report of June 23rd, 1893. I have been
under the necessity of making requisition
to your Clerk, as per rules and regulations
for the government of eommon jails, for
the following goods :-6 stools, 12 pair
blankets, 2 dozen coverlets, uuderehirt and
drawers for Wm. Shaw, pacts and cap for
Wm. Kelly, bill for winch will be laid be.
fora you duly certified to..
Moved by Stuart and Turnbull, that
clause 7 of the executive report be amend-
ed by making a grant of $15 to each
mechanics' institute 1n the county.—Car-
Moved by Ferguson and Turnbull, that
clause 67 of the finance eomtnittee's report
be aMended, and that municipalities hay
fag county wards maintained by this
county be paid 50 per cent. of the present
schedule rate.—Carried.
Moved by Griffin and Girvin, that the
amounts paid to county Wards of this
county pe paid to the municipal treasurer
instead of paying the amounts to the reeve,
Moved by Holt and :vloPhereou, that
clause 8 of the report of the road and
bridge committee at page 52,of the minutes
of June lest, be atnended by defining the
parties interested as those owning land,'
adjoining the Turuberry end of the said
bridge, and that sues parties be the fol-
lowing, vie.: Thomas Netterfield. Jabtt
Green, Ellen Johnston, Wm. J. J'shnstow,.
Senl'l. D. Welwood, Adan. held. end that
the bond or agreement need not be regia.
tered unless the solieitar deems it tames-
. Bary ; and that the mousy be paid to Buell
permoga ou the completiou of the proposed
private footbridge. --Carried.
Moved b3 Holt and Bissett, that clause
9 et the executive report be struck out aud
the following substituted ; And that the
itlattna of the collegiate institutes of the
county be referred to a sub•committee,eou
listing of Messrs. I'roudfoot, Silber aud
McElwain, to report at the June seesiou of
this council,—G'arried,
Novel by Proudfoot and Filber, that w
• petition be preseuted•to the Dominion
Government requesting them to pees a law
eetnoviug restrictions, so that Canadian
fishermen be free to'tlsh with the kind and
description of nets `that they used prior
to the recent chuuge in the law, and also to
free the deltas men from the payment of
anything but at notniuel license fee.—Car.
The warden nominated Robt. A, Carrick
couuty auditor.
The following by. laws were passed:
No. 1, appointing oouuty auditors.
No. 2, appointing tt board of erirninal
No. 3, to confirm by-law No. 6, 1893, of
the township of Stephen.
Moved by Mooney and Milne, that the
council do now adjcuru to meet again rho
first Tuesday in Juuc next,
/ Cuxnlli—ANDEIISON —At the residence of
rho•bride's father, ou I+'ebruary 7th, by
the Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Mr. John Currie,
of East Wawa.uotth, to Mies Louise, daugh-
ter of Mr. Wm. Auderaou, of Turuberry.
RlnnuT—PATEP,soet —In the Presbyterian
obarch, Port ltlgiu, on January 31st by the
Rev. James Gourley, M. A., W. H. ltidout,
Esq„ manager Bank of Hamiltou,to Jessie
Rae, daughter of J. Rae Patterson, Esq.,
M. D.
bdcGevuu--WeeneoE--At . Spring • Hill
Farm, Howick, on Jauuary 245b, by Rev.
Mr. Stewart, of Iiehnorn, Mr. Jae, Mc -
Gavin. of Mildmay, to Miss Lizzie, daugh•
to . of Win, Wallace, Esq.
g ITCH—WYLIE—At the residence of the
bride's father, on Jan. 10th, by Rev.
Thomas, M. A,, Mr. John Fitch, of How-
ich, to Miss Isabella E., daughter of Jas,
Wylie, of Turuberry.
Basle—K,tnNIo:AN—At the residence of
the bride's father,on Jan. 31st, by the Rev.
1t. Henderson, Capt. Joseph Beck, of God•'
erieli. to Maggie E., daughter of Mr. John
Keruighau, of Colborne township.
HERnISON—CONNELL—At the residence of
the bride's mother, Cliuton, on the Het
Jan., by the Rev. W. Smyth, William 0.
Harbison. of Groftou,North Dakota, U. S.,
to Miss Kate Connell, of Clinton.
�" RI•rcinIE—Iu Wingltom, ou February }th,
Ritchie, aged 56 years and 8 mouths.
•/TAarAti—In East. Waevanorh, on the 28th
alt., William Albert Tamen,aged 21 yearb,
5 months and 28 days.
Hun—At Brussels, on the 30tH ult„
Emily, wife of Mr. John Hill, aged 54
years and (3 months.
LAUNDN—In Morris, on January, 24th,
Sarah A. Launder, aged 83 years, relict of
the late Henry Laundy.
The undersigned offers for sato, his harm, befog
South halt of int 31, conecasian 14, East t1' vanosh,
contatning 100 aeres;more or less. Th is about
76 acres nnder culti:atton,the ba ce is princi-
pally bush. There is •.n the . e a comfortable
brick house un$ la e frbarn, with stabling;
underneath, also s ,did bearing orchard and
a good sprints we rhe farm will be sold reason-
able. For particulars apply on the premises or ad-
dress, Whitechurch, P. 0.
THOMAS C00Ic, Proprietor,
East Wawanosh, Feb Sth, 1304,
Are offering
in all lines carried by them. Note a few
Men's Boots
Men's Long Felt Boots 1
Men's Long Rubber Boots 1
Boys' Long Rubber
Men's Fine Lined Overshoes.. ... , 1
Boys' and Girl's Overshoes.... ... ,
Men's Slippers
Ladies' Slippers
Lien's Gaiters
Women's Boots . . .,
Bays Boots.
Trunks at 1 price..
6 lbs. Currants
5 lbs. new Raining
G lbs. Rice
10 lbs. Oatmeal
2 bottles nice F
4 packages Cornatalclt..,...
(i lbs, of our wonderful 25c.Japan Tea
2 lbs, 20e. Tea
20 lbs, Granulated Sugar.......... 1
25 the Brown Sugar 1
6 ,lbs, Green Rio Coffee
3 bars 5o. Soap
4 plugs McDonald 10c, Smoking
Tobacco 25
4 plugs McDonald 10e. Chewing
Tobacco e. 25
10 •100
4A1' Talbot Street,
(trade de of the New York Isye and sur liuspltuh
tsar. Post Graduate course en the Eyt, Kar. Nose
and Thrnut et the New. York Post Onetime swivel
• hau ,
School u 1
„.feasts s
p 1. 1 Eyes Tested. Glasses
supplied, Flue stock at Sp,rtanits, Lenses nod
Artllish 1 NI es, will be at the
West halt, also pert of .East hill lot 27, roll. 14
west iy,wenee h contslnlre 011 arras, For farther
particulars ap1,I • on the pr,lnists or by mail to
JAMS;S lduwl1ttAl'.
Sint Thomas I', 0„ North Ilmkt,te.
,,.., WI„o„.,,. G0kN9fA1HE0'8 C6�CH,
The First or Last THURSDAY of
mill mouth, at date named below:
Third Visit, March 1st, 1894. { 1
H,'urs 11 a. tn, to 8 p. m, . Charges �J
moderate, K
UIVItiG 1[,1,
jl lY WHA�A cosi fit THAT B' '.N.;FOR TIILL 1S
Also, manufacturer of all kinds of
which i•an be supplied on short notice
Iron ami Fore'? Pumps supplied to order.
Repairing promptly attended to. Prices reason-
• r^' '
It's high time you were getting your
Xmas presents. Call and have a loose
through our stock of goods suitable for botls
birthday and Xmas presents, in Gold and
Silver Watches,, Onyx Clocks, Rings,
Jewellery,.. Silver Tea Service, Water
Titters, Pitchere, Cheese Scoop, Berry
Dishes, Cttke Baskets, ar,d all other kinds
of silverware, at the leading jewellery
j store.
Repairing promptly done and warrant-
Shop—Diarom .1 street, nearly opposite Bask of Mason Block, Wingham.
H Milton, R'ingham.
■1 \ j3!
_ t
are busy taking stock this week, and
while the goods are down will
be the proper time fair cus-
tomers to buy them.
",The Anchor.”
ANID.OPLJARS,rP,all .r..,.r.r.
25 -
1 00
25 stn having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and staetrd in his ll old stand,
tl0 prepared to furnish the public with overytl,f usually Rept in a harness Shop
cit as
1 00 EA VY, LIGHT and TRAGIC. Il Ai.N ''SS,
10 rLi Sr DUSTERS, ,
TEX: MS.—Cash, Butter or Bggs.
Lake Duron Herring 43.25 per keg,
I make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction.
Give me a trial and 1 will nee you right.
G. .A.« INT W T '.. '.
Spring Goods will soon begin to i
and we find that we have a few lines
we shall have to carry over, that is i
do not get them and in order to make
your advantage, we will sell them e:
ak cost. To start with, there are s
odd furs, the overshoes and cardigan
that we have got left. A. few shawl,
hoods, men's, boys', ladies', and girls' t
clothing, men and boys' overcoats
would rather you had these goods at
tban have to carry them over to
season. We are not using the old
out phrase, "selling at cost," simp
catch you, we mean just what we say.
us and be convinced. Our Grocery
as usual, fresh and complete. We hi
hand the new shorteuing, "Cott,
Try it and see what it is like.
Yours truly,
Direct Imp•
THE BEAE, January 31st, 1894.
Marriage Licenses
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No wi
BEST Place in Gand
e B:
c a huP
♦ etc., is 'uslSet the
_ral Busines
lege, Toronto, Ont, and Stratford
Unquestionably Canada's Greatest
mercial Schools. Cataiogues free.
Hon this paper. Shaw & 3lliutt, Princ
—We are now havi g splendid e
—Three things to ct ltivate—goo
food friends, and good humor.
--Gashfor good but er and eggs
Graham's market grocery.
—One rink of ourlei a went to !'
.on Wednesday, to pia r a friend.
'with the Seaforth plays.
—Iter. D. Perrie, tin paster, w:
in the Wingham Prep yterian',
Sunday :next,, both m ltitiga>}t e,
—Beaver Tobacco is abeotely
is the Highest grade stook; in ..Cal
the only gentleman chewing.
Mr. Jas. R. Reyn. Ids, jr., th
' a stock of groceries
opening out
the small stores in Ma .donald's r
—It appears to bo a sad fact
people who know exacta'; ; leei tt,
newspapers are always enigege i
ether employment.
--Mies Jessie Ducker .violinist
Methodist Church Oro ,extra, v
Agnes Knox in the :oncert o
evening next, in the Torn Hall.
—Grain chopping done for
100 lbs. at the Wiugltant Oat'
Oats exchanged for enetmeal.
Trying to do burin res with;
tieing is like winkin ! at a
through a pair of green goggles
know what you are doi ig but
—Bev. Mr. Bisbee, o Kansas
1t 'visit to friends in W Eigham,
next Sunday morning told oval
Methodist church. Ti e pastor,
,the Auburn circuit praching
•—•Private moneys to loan c1
At reasonable rate of interest:',
tf Jor
;..'.rhe Cheelo3 Free Piress
1rev.D. Perrin an l his 1
$eXt Sabbath the Bet,
o has to ably filled thepull
church for the posit `tlrre;.,yea'
months, preaches his farvr.1l f.
ing his ministration in 0 Leal
berehip of Geneva ehueola deg
118. The number, of
the church 1olaoke4i lain he al.
now there4rre Which 51
joined lairs lCbi, ma s'
given. Laai+ sabbath the r,.
lastingly referred to his :l
*Om Chet•,. y. and stats
would give him greater
{slits who had *haul the 0
»Itsl4in ateatl'last 1411 tlm6 en