HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-02-06, Page 8On Monday morning Father Morin visited Seaforth Manor hi Father Laragh's abse nce„ and gave Holy . CoMmunion to members of their faith. Mrs. Ada Reid was visited by Mr. John Marks of London and Mrs. Wilbur Keyes and Mrs.Eva McCartney of town. „„,. Calling on Mrs. Florence McGavin were Mrs. Mabel Crouch of ,own and also Mr. , MCGavin• of Stratford. Mrs. Hulley visited with Mrs. George Dundas. Mrs. Lillie Hudie was visit ed by Mrs. William Campbell who gave her aunt a pretty flower growing in water. Mr. William Scott was visited by his brother, Mr. Ross Scott of Brucefield.. Miss Mabel Whiteman visited Ire, Duncan Aikenhead -,1,1"usday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McSpadden of Norwich visited on Tuesday N1r,Zackatiah McSpadden and rs C a rt riaT Much to the delight of everyone Mrs. McSpadden played , her accordion and led in singing some good old 'songs. Happy Birthday was sung for Mr.Tom Churchill who had celebrated his birthday the day previous. ' We were also pleased to have Mr.R. McKenzie, H.S.C. field worker of Goderich with us for the on FEBRUARY 11,,1975 SEAFORTH CANADIAN LEGION MUSIC BY MAITLAND SUNDOWNERS Admission: $2.00 per Person Admission at Door CHSS, DANCE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 7, 1975 9 -,12 Dance to "MAJOR HOOPLE'S BOARDING HOUSE" Admission $2.00 with Student Card $2.25 without 6b n iY I'MIr.i'14.10' .01.1,eleithe-alti"algt mi.. olte''..In"lelel o''Ithi'whit"lehtlitoo...1. PUBLIC SKAtI THIS WEEK Saturday, Feb. 8 -- —3:36 p.m. Sufithiy, Feb. 9 -- 2:30 --4:30 pm [Kea .1.1 elteielolDelttl(ttIstel.1(.1.' Iolol mItt phe A a A SINGLES DANCE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 `For a Fun Night' Clinton Legion Hall 8:30 p.m. Music by the. TRUETONES Attention Veterans Ex-Service Men and Women and Dependents /0- 4114 e".e3 The Royal Canadian Legion Servite Bureau Officer H. W. MOYER . Provincial Service Officer of London will visit at the Legion Hall, Branch 156, SEAFORTH Tuesday, Feb. 25 Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance, regarding War Disability Pensions, Treatment, Allowances, etc., is re- queSted to contact the Service Officer of the Seaforth Branch* NOT EATER THAN Monday, Feb. 10 Interviews by Appointment Only SERVICE-OFFICER : GEORGE H. 51ILLER — PHONE 5274512 PARK GODERICH WED TVUR • FRI SAT — FEBRUARY S. I, r, Two thowti ropily - I p mle° to SAtorday Matinee I It p m FREE LIST SUSPENDED The True Dory Dee men elated In the erlItIerneee end EON he . teems to two. SUN MON TUES - FEB e t0 ll In eNerrhe% life there \ al SUMMER OF '42 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WED THUR FRI SAT FEBRUARY IT II 13 B IN...nov.0 docent mete 'poet sItIn Crawl ITS ON TOO TIGHT! Zfrtralt 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524.7011 AIR CONDITIONED CASH BINGO. Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, Feb. -7th 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.08 THREE 525.00 GAMES $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO TWO DOOR PRIZES — Admission $1.00 — Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 18 NOT • PERMITTED) , —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaorth Brunch 158 Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth ••••••••••••••• Bayfield Road Goderich Ph. 524-7711 DINING & DANCING ENTERTAINMENT — FRIDAY and • SATURDAY NIGHT The Wildwoods Licensed under L.C.B.O. TUESDAY FEB. 11th at 8:oo o'clock, Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion • The winner in each category in competitions, conducted by Seaforth Public School, Seaforth Separate School, St. Columban Swarate School, Dublin School and Centennial-School, Brucefield will compete. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND WINNERS WILL COMPETE IN THE Zone C1 finals to be held in Wingham, February 15, 1975 —Admission Free— GEORGE HAYS R.V.WHITELEY President Secretary WM,DALRYMPLE Committee Chairman gion PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST TAKE NOTICE:- That the annual meeting of producer members of the natpolopoonopoIcirilinoIcoloCer/OICreriolocilactoonci cacao 0 a Huron County Pork Producers' Association Will be con.vened at the hour -of 1 o'vlock p.m., E.S.1'. February, 19th, 1975 • ---- AT THE I.E1;1(eN Il IA., CLINTON -- For the purpose of the proper business of the ANNUAL MEETI NG. Elections will take place at the hour of 2:30 p.m. for council- men for Townships of Usborne and Tuckersmlth to complete 2-year term of a 3-year term, LLOYD STEWART, Secretary C;aNICILN017101:3 Dm Do ri 13 13 171 a g a CH:1131:11:31:1 CJCI CIO • ID • • CIC3 • -E1' • Era '• • CI • • ciQ • I THWilyti9NOPOSITOR: FTrigARY 6,197S1'1 Y G A. Will be changed to Wednesday Evenings -- S.P.S- 9:30 10:304 COMMENCING g Wed., Feb. '12 $7.00 for 7 lessons P, Register first night or prior to that time at the Recreation Office. umumaraftemmaimame (*.F a' • By John D. Baker Oublie Relations Officer Branch 156 Dates of Significants thirty-one years agO during World War II: February 2, 1944 - Russians enter Estonia and open offensive against Latvia. In the Pacific theatre of war, the Americans capture Roi-Namur Islands, in the Marshalls. - February 7, 1944 - The Ameri- cans take 'Kwajalein, prewar Japanese territory. February 15, 19441 - Allied, • bombing and shelling, ravage the historic Monte Cassino Monas- tery a key Rim in Italian battles. February 18, 1944 - U.S. troops *attack Truk Island in the Pacific. February 21, 1944 - Japanese cabinet shake-up is announced. February 23, 1944 - The capture of western New Britain completed. February 28, 1944 - 8,000 Japanese troops destroyed in Burma. Health .unit gives teeth care tips This is the second in a series of six ' articles on dental health published in co-operationlvith the Htiron County Health Unit- in observance of ' Dental Health Week, February. 2 - 8. What is meant by the term *nursing bottle mouth?" A baby's teeth can suffer r cal damage if he is regularly put to bed with a nursing bottle filled with sweetened fruit juice, formula or other sugared beverage°. ' Drinking from a bottle at mealtime does not cause harm to the teeth but prolonged nap and nocturtiar nursing can be very da the teeth is limited. But when he nurses in bed, the tongue and nipple pool the liquid around the upper front teeth and at the same time can protect the lower front teeth., Certain bacteria change the sugar that ' is present in sweetened juices into decay causing acids. The longer the practice is continued, the more damage will be done. Most of the teeth of a child with this condition are severely decayed. Because of the child's young age, it is usually extremely difficult, if not impossible, to restore the teeth. To diagnose a problem of this nature, the dentist may request a Complete history of the child's 'eating and nursing habits. But before starting any treatment, the dentist will have to point out to the parents the cause of the problem and take the child off the bottle or eliminate the sweets. Leading dental scientists say that' no child past the age of 10 months should take a bottle to bed. Such a bottle is not necessary nutritionally and instead serves as a harmful pacifier. Past Events At the Stag Euchre last WO- nesday, January 29th, the winners were, high hands, Don Coleman and Don Hulley, low hands, R. Wood and R. Dalton, lone hands, Harold Smith. Last Thursday, January 30th, the Ladies Auxiliary served a delicious roast beef dinner at the dinner meeting. During ,..the meeting a draw was made for the Early Bird prizes, the winners were: John Fraiser, Bill O'Shea, Gary Betties, Jack Muir, Ed.. Baker, Alec Kalichuk, Jean Ziler, George Flewitt, Pearson Ches- ney,fn Stewart, Weil Cleary, John ardon, Terrence Hussey. • Coming Events Friday, February 7, Bingo at the Legion Hall. Saturday, February 8th , Valentine dance, come on out and support your branch and have fun while doing it. Tuesday, February I 1 th Public Speaking competition. Police Newc JOHN CAIRNS CHIEF OF POLICE as 2 2 1 4 Sudden Death There were four (4) minor accidents reported and inveStig.-!ed by this department. Four (4) persons were charged under the Highway Traffic Act. One (1) persons charged under the Criminal Code. Bricfs, Wen,l McLean, Mr. and Mrs, ROA Williams ,.• and family of London spent, the,, weekend with his mother Mrs. Pearl Williams of "Seaforth, Miss' Barbara Jordan is Smiles ",Tfte young girl smiled sweetly at the long line as she stepped into the phone booth. "Don't said, -I just want to h im.” Playing this Week :— "HONKY TONK ROUND1RS" Featuring EM LEHMAN .2- Capital Recording Artist — Versatile Group — COMING:— MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10th "Fletcher Brown" ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON SHOOT THE PUCK WINNER — Joyce McCallum was all smiles Friday night after she became the first person with a 'lucky program number to win the Centenaires' Shoot the Puck contest at a Seaforth home game. Shooting from centre ice into a small box inside the goal on her second shot, Miss McCallum won $84. (Staff Photo) Happenings at the Manor afternoon. Last Friday a good number of residents were on hand for bingd. Winners of the first full house were Miss Edith Salo and Mr. Bert Hendy; Straight Line - Mr. Ludger Seguin and Mr. Lindsay McKellar; Four Corners Mr. Cecil Rhoades and Mr. Lindsay McKellar. ' All 611rcouples playing euchre had the same number of wins this week so the tie will have to be brokcii next week. Mr. Harbld Walsh and Mr. Richard Fost er were our high crokinole scorers. It is intersting to note that a lady from Huronview 1poks for our column each week. 411111111111111111111111116. -STA9 EUCHRE eaion ed„ Feb.,12 — 8:30 pan. — AdMiSSiOA : $1.25 NEN/111111111/1/1112111/ ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL --- In-The Crovki Room Friday and Saturday ONLY Moonliters 'I he Seaforth Police Department investigated 30 occurrences during the. week of the 28th of January to the 4th of February 1975. They are follows: Children Complaint Theft 014 of Town Complaints rt sir u . en a fft t1 'nurses' :AFfrife Suspicious Auto awake, the liquid is swallowedso Disturbances -- drat-the-time-it -i-&-insontast 'with—Facrird-Propopty Drug Complaint General Police Information .Minors Consume Liquor Mary Lynn lew nd Angeleu Andreassi competed in the Western Ontario Ryland panc1ng , Association in Woodstock on Sunday, February 2nd. il,krigelee won a gold medal in the sword . dance, a bronze in the Horn 'Pipe,. vacationing in Hawaii. and Seann Trdibhas, moving h er - up to the Novice Class. Mary Lynn won a silver medal in the Highland Fling and The Horn Pipe and a bronze in., the Flora McDonald,isAr anda - Mrs. Art Devereatp1„,,,, worry,"she and Clair spent the weekend in hang up on Don Mills with Mr. and Mrs. ' Aild:W.WW,OMM,a, VanEgmond Foundation General Meeting Friday Feb. 7, 8 p.m. T ow ni H RED KNIGHT ROOM "ELGIN FISCHER TRIO" • Tasty Chicken Wings for Snacks -- AMPLE FREE PARKING — WE SERVE-BEVERAGE ROOM LUNCHEONS 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 — AT VERY LOW PRICES — (WE SELL ICE) , COMMERCIAL HOTEL - Seaforth Country and Western Entertainment SATURDAY-NfOrrinThe 4 441 INVITATION CRIBBAGE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 156 N SATURDAY, 22 FEBRUARY — 1:30 o'clock — a Entry Fee -- $2.00 per , team J;2) Rring your partner and cribbage-board Nine (9) Games LEGION PROVINCIAL RULES