HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-02-06, Page 6FINAL aP&eli<4.t4.-7,17o BILL O'SHEA MEN'S WEAR Seaforth 527.0995 Boys' Winter Coats A group of Men's SUITS, SPORT JACKETS and WINTER COATS Price simimemereimmin All Other WINTER MERCHANDISE BIG DISCOUNTS 1711RDWING A ROCK — SDHS students Anne Watson and Kim Robinet seem to be wbrn out from their curling activities as June Williamson throws a rock at the SDHS bonspiel Friday. Year phys-ed students at SDhS who have been studying curling worked out at the day long event. „..,_$taff Photo) SDHS editorial here -are A large number of textbooks in use to-day at the High School arc imprinted with a large. and somewhat irritating stamp. •It•- reads: 'This Book is the property of: State County Parish, School District Other There arc spaces below for the names of the student using the book during each school . The stamp is printed on the text by the printer. Is that really necessary? Isn't it bad enough that the'firSt three texbooks that I happened to, pick up were printed and Published in the United States by Messrs. Harcourt, Brace-and World. Inc.. of New York. Chicago, „San Francisco.Atlanta and Dallas? Perhaps I'm being simplistic. Does it relly matter if chemistry teXt's give no recognition to proMinent Canadian .cheniists? (Perhaps there aren't any. How many have you ever heard of?) Does it, matter if the French texts speak of a young American in France. with no ;caustic representation of French-Canadian culture or language? Does it really matter that colour and valour and honour have no 'u'; that centre is spelt center: that programme is left without the final 'me'; that cheque is check? Does it really matter, as long as it is cheaper? I gather 1 ought to resign myself to it, just as I should resign myself to meter sticks in the math room, and getting 85c in American money (I hesitate to call it silver) back from a Si note, after buying a chocolate bar in the cafeteria. SubjZcts such as English, History. Geography and Politics are and ought. to be presented as cosmopolitan subjects, with texts and ideas as varied as the topics. But Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Typing, Biology, Office Practice, German and French are not subject to a great deal of interpretation in the final analysis. They are exclusively Canadian publications not then used in Ontario schools. • 1 LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES LOOK FOR THE BIG ORANGE BUILDING Model 50ST. 5' long 2-door by-pass. Clear diamond plattic• panels. 42" Model 50T. 5' long. 3-,door by-pass: Clear SpOnish plastic panels. 9 SHOWER ENCLOSURE KIT Add a 'touch of class' to your bath with a shower enclosure kit from Saveway. Choose from two distinctive designs constructed of plastic panels within an aluminum frame. Each door has a towel bar. Doors move smoothl and silently on rail runners. Tracks are adjustable to compensate for walls out of square. • SAVEWAY MONEY SAVERS UNITEX TILE BOARD Save.way_ makes it easy and economical to decorate your bath witci this-.4'---A -8'x 178 tile - board. Choose from four decorator designs in- cluding •White with Grey lines, Yellow with White lines, Green with White lines and Blue with White lines. Easy, to keep clean. Easy tb -install Sheet 41/4" x 41/4" CERAMIC TILE Give a traidtional appearance to walls in home or summer cottage. Great for kitchens, bathrooms, etc. Everything you need to give a "professionally installed" . look is available at Saveway. Sold in 12 sq. ft. cartons, Assorted colours. MEDICINE CABINETS Model No, 1318 is recessed- 49 type with• swinging door. 111/4"WX 14,1/4 " H x 3?'4" D• each • Model No. C71 is surface n 3 33 mounted with sliding door. L 24 1/8 " H x 17 lu " W x 3 1/2 " D. each TOILET SEAT 'A good quality toilet seat of sturdy plastic composition. 3 75 Available in white only. each SHOWER STALL 50 each TOWELBAR & RING — . eo An economical way to odd to the convenience of your bathroom. 0)96 • Towel ring with bracket MN each 5's" Square x'113" Bor 3.38 5/13" Square x 24" Bar 3.70 BATHROOM LIGHT FIXTURES, Model No. 14324 is 12" x.24" Used 4 • 60 watt bulbs. Outlet A A' for electric shavers, curling 9-P4 irons, etc. each $195 Use 2.60 watt bulbs. Also hos outlet. 11410 .each A 15" fixture is, also 'available for. only 5 .03 VENTILATING FAN KIT Fan draws' off odors, stale air, steam, etc., in kitchen or bathroom. Installs directly to rafters or studs. Aluminum grille BATHROOM SET LANDSCAPE MIRRORS (Tapered Edges) 24",x 36" $13.95 30" x 48" $22.95 24" x 48" $18.95 16" x 60" $13.95 COLOURED VANITY SINKS :27.35 NOW 750 WHILE SUPPLY LASTS 25 Per Ctn. Model No. 12313C/0 is 12" long. 1 4 29 No. 402 each Extra convenience in home or cot- tage. Steel construction with enamel finish. Includes shower head, mixing • valves, plastic shower curtain and sobp dish. 30" x 30" x 75". 16 SAVEWAYS SERVE YOU At Our EXETER YARD Mon. - Thurs. 8:30 - 6:00 - Friday . 8:30 - 9:00 Saturday 8:00 - 4:00 r'1,1: MEI 11111111111111. You get a complete bathroom set • bathtub, toilet, sink, Economy wall•mount basin, easy•to•install, easy•to•clean toilet. Full-size bathtub with seamless construction. 130°° Rev. M. E. Reuber of Northside Chuich was the guest speaker at the regular meeting_ of the U.C.W. of Egmondville United Church. His topic was — "Why 1 am a member of' the United Church". He said, "It is unlike any other organization in the world and this year is its Jubilee Year, It has a purpose, a mission and. a great future and we are its resources." Mr. Reuber himself became a meber of the 'United Church of Canada in 1968 when the Evangelical United Brethren -congregation joined. His personal resolution was to become a good minister and a good servant. "The Church." he concluded, "must constantly reform and renew itself, acting as a body with .one voice." Mrs. Charles Eyre read ; splendid paper on "Building a Temple the World Cannot See." She asked, "How do we spend our day with its everyday chores? We must think" she said, "to set a good exatnple to our family and thoseywith whom we come in contact." "Tire not of routines," she said, but also keep up-to-date With current happenings and take time to think and do something tot the ill and shut-ins." Solos, were contributed by Lisa Strong and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson. Mrs. 1L. Strong convened the Program. Mrs. Earl Papple. president. chaired the business portion. Those present were reminded of the Huron-Perth Presbyterial to be held in Listowel February 26. "Celebration" is the theme..of the meeting. The World Day of Prayer 'is set for March 7, with Northside Church to be the meeting place locally. The newly-appointed officers were installed by Rev:" T.E.Hancock. as follows: Leaders Mrs. E. Papple. Mrs. Roy McGonigle and Mrs. C. Eyre: Secretary. Mrs.Ed. Boxes: Treasurer. Miss Mae Smith: program conveners - Mrs. L. Strong (Feb. & June): Mrs. L. Grummett I,March - October); Mrs. Robert. T yndall (April, September): Mrs. Alex Chesney (May. November): Lunch Conveners - Group One - Mrs. A. Forbes: group two - Mrs. N. Eggert. Group Three - Mrs, James Rose; Group Four • Mrs. Robert Wallace; Official board representatives. Mrs. E. Boyes, Mrs. &lin Whitmore: Visiting Gifts and Cards, Miss Mae Smith; Social - Mrs. J.A.Lunn, Kitchen and Flowers - Mrs. E. Durst; Supplies - Mrs. R. Miller, Mrs. C. Pullman, IVIrs. L. Strong, Mrs.R. Tyndall; Christian Education- Mrs. N. Stimore. Mrs. T.E.Hancock; Press • Mrs. Grummett. EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY )010 1978 'n Trim Club meets SDHS CURLERS — Students in yar 4 at SDHS participated in a curling bonspiel at the local turling rink on Friday. In this picture, left, are curlers Dianne Jansen, Dave Reid, Pat Connolly and Bill McGregor. (Staff Photo) February 4th is a sneeial day Everyone will be walking around the school in their good clothes, groomed hair and a big smile on ,their faces. Finally after many weeks of post-poning and waiting the photographer is coming. We'll all say "cheese". • by Janice Cairns public Speaking • If you hear clapping in some of the classrooms it isn't a beauty contestjaut Public Speaking. Yes, it's that time again. The classroom finals will ,be. held on February 5 in the auditorium and the winners will speak at the Legion on February 11. We wish lots of luck to those who go to the finals: Dy Anne aibey "Lome Economics A "Slim 'n Trim aid)" is off to a great start for all those who are interested in their personal appearance. This meeting every Tuesday at noon hour in the Home Economics room gives an opportunity to discuss good eating habits and nutritional foods. Equal emphasis is placed upon regular, exercise and activity. The stiff legs and sore muscles following a stretch and bend session with Mrs. R ynolds Certainly let us knovThat we are not as physically fit' as we should be. Future meetings will deal with hair and skin care as well as tips on modelling posture and poise. For those who are concerned about weight, we have a weekly "weigh-in". It's fun to compare .our weight in pounds and kilo- grams and no one seems to mind admitting they weigh only 55. kilograms! Grade 2 Assembly Friday, January 31, 1975 -was a special day for the Grade Two's. It was their assembly. The assembly began with some of the class reciting the 23rd Psalm. then Tracy did the Highland Fling and Joanne did, the Sword Dance. We also had the boys sing, Peter. Peter Perky, and Some girls did an old-fashioned play. Joanne played a song on the piano and our last play was calle "Children of the Calendar". W had fun doing the assembly. ugs and kisses, Grade Two. Museum On January 20 obile came to S.P.S. 6 to 8 toured through It had many things from the Miller Site 'featuring archeology. To go along with the display there was a film. Unfortunately the generator broke down in the mobile before some classes were able to tour it. by Joanne House Leagues - At present our house league system has been quite active. There 'are four teams. Morenz. Tanner, Jackson and Burka. These are names of Canadian Sports Figures. Every- one from Grades 5:8 are put on 'a team 'and then participate in various events. The senior boys and girls are playing volleyball now. Volleyball - the bays-and girls volleyball teams have been working very hard to prepare for the up and coming Volleyball Tournament. This tournament is to be held at Clinton High School in February. Good luck to both teams. Dancing - In Physical Educa- tion classes from grades 4 to 8 the stress has been put on folk dancing. For many of the senior boys this is a first attempt and they arc doing very well: The folk dances arc taken from all • d Wereht COurnEries Of Most of the students, boys and girls are showing a keen interest in this' activity, while the junior boys and girls are playing,,Ncw. comb. Ball. A close race among all the teams is developing. Dance On Friday, January 31st, the Students' Council sponsored an "Old Times Dance" for the pupils of Grades 7 and 8...Many of the teachers and students made it an all day affair in dress of long skirts, bobby socks, greasy hair and sun glasses. The dance began at 3:30 p.m. Students were charged 20 cents if they dressed up and 25 cents If they did not, All proceeds from this dance are going to the. "Bunny Bundle". ' • ile a museum- lasses from he mobile. Boven Rev. Reuber speaks to Egmondville UCW Mrs. Forbes' group served refreshments. Help yob Heart... Help your Heart Fundt