HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-09, Page 71 THE WJ1 GHAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 9,1894, Hallelujah Jim. was out the West in a big hotel, Sittin" and smokin'-when dinner was done, When the people who save the bummers from hell, Came down with their drums at the satin' sun, The clash and the tear of the band went high And the people thronged to the streets to see 1 caught a face in the crowd and why That face was mighty familiar to me, wonthe to live we will let hits have 'Teat and thought and smoked my cigar, hill full pay." Accordingly lie was medical men, you may do that. He went home, and thematch was broken off. Id.e wrote to the commit, tee saying taint, as he ,had a mortal disease of the heart and could not live for six months, he withdrew his apples cation for rooms wherein to dwell with his wife. Qn the reception of this letter the committee deliberated and said, •*We moat superannuate hien, poor fellow ; and as he has bet six I dreamed and thought till the hour was late The face—and I dwelt where the boy times are Was the face of an old time reprobate. I hunted him up and heard him pray, He laughed when he saw me smile i nd nod, Over the seats he Dame to say, '"This is the .only way to God." .Many a time, says he was I. Denounced as a drunkark, a scamp, a limb, -But I went to the foot of the throne on high, .And now I'm Hallelujah Jim, Don't bother ycur head my comrade old, No hurt from heaven will harm your hair. • Busted or laden with gems of gold, Your patient saviour is always there. Drink till you die and your wretched dust, Is buried deep Swath the church -Yard sod, A Saviour will plead as plead ho must, Be kind to his poor little soul, oh God! And that was Hallelujah Jim, The biggest. tough that ever was born, If I do what is right I will meet with him, In the beautiful Hallelujah morn. —THE KHAN, She Bought a Door Bell. Agent—Beg pardon, ma'am, but I have been requested by a number of persons to call here and show you our new patent Electric Wakethedead Door -bell. It is very hard on hands to have to knock, ma'am, and everybody says the only reason why you haven't a door bell is be- causo you never thought of it. Housekeeper—That's very true. I really had forgotten that there was no bell. Put one on. Agent (half an hour later)—It's all done, ma'am. Here is the bill. Thank you. I will receipt it. Housekeeper—Would you object to tel- ling me who the persons were who com- plained that I had no bell ? Agent—They were peddlers, ma'am. Good -day, ma'am. He Did Not Know. The Transcript tells the following story of Prosessor Blackie : Blackie was lectur- ing to a new class with whose personal he was, imperfectly acquainted. A student rose to read a paragraph, his book in his left hand. Sir I thundered Blackie, hold your book in your right nand. And as the student would have spoken, no words sir 1 Your rigLt hand"I say The student held up his right arm, end- ing piteously at the wrist. Sir, I hae nae right hand, he said. Before Blackie could open his lips there arose such a storm of hisses as one,perhaps, must go to Edinburgh to hear, and by it his voice was overborne. Then the.profes- sor left his place and went down to the student he had unwittingly hurt, and put his arm around the lad's shoulders and drew him close, and the lad leaned against his breast. My boy, said Blackie—he spoke very softly, but not so softly but that every word was audible in the hush that followed on the class-room—my, boy, you'll forgive mo that I was over -rough ? I did not know —I did not know 1 IIe turned to the students, and with a look and tone that came straight from his great heart, he said : And let me say to you all, I am re- joiced to be shown I am teaching a class of gentlemen. Scottish lads can cheer as well as hiss, and that Blackie learned. Heart Disease and LongerltY. Let those who are haunted with suspicions of heart disease, and even those who have good reason to know they are suffering, take courage from a story told by the late Sir Andrew Clark in the course of a clinical lecture at the London hospital. After re- minding the young students of tho necessity for caution in the prognosis, or forecast, of the progress of this dlsettee, Sir Andrew went on to relate underhand methods. as anecdote of a house guYernor of do It by that very hospital—a 'clergyman who I thought Belle was to marry the was about to be married : Kentucky Colonell ? No; the engage - His intended father-in-law came to Ment is brclten off. She asked him to bin and said : "You see, you leave 110 drink her health in a glass of ice cold money, sir ; you must go and get your water, life insured." At the end of the I Chemist : You'll have to be very medical examination the physiciansof lsaid to him, "We cannot accept you,'' catefeirl1 the slimeasd l tort overring oUt►dose stre doaight 'Why rnor.said a' UL,h ween► astonished rn he not owie prove fatal 1 Hadn't 1 leetter make gosay." But, said he, "I have never it up in separate doses for you? Little Penbeek (who is having a pros Wen 111.10 nip life" (and indeed, ha acriptiott compounded for his wife's �vae el snorer ityllaw), have said nils mother) : Oh, it doesn't matter— haveetciatle, •'ii you will Made it, you don't be too particular—it's only for shave got the heart disease," neat disease i lin a long shall I live ' Shall a—er---anginal, you know. superannuated upon his full pay, and upon this superannuity (said Sir An- drew) he lived for more than fifty years.—London News. The Hasty Word. To think before you speak ie so wise an axiom that one would hardly think it needful to emphasize it by repetition. And yet in how many oases the hasty temper flashes out in the hasty word, and the latter does its work with the precision and the pain of the swift atilletto. Singularly enough the hasty word oftenest wounds those who love one another dearly. and the very closeness of their intimacy affords them opportunity for the sudden thrust. Vve know the weak points in the armor of our kinsman and our friend ; we are aware of his caprices, and ordinarily are tender and compass sionate even of his vanities and his small fancies and whims , but there dawns a day when it is written in the book of fate that we shall be as cruel as we are loving. We are cold, or tired or hungry. We are anxious over unpaid bills, or our expected letters have not arrived, or one of the children is ailing, and we dread the outcome of the malady. So politeness fails,us fortitude is vanquished,pbilos- ophy is in abeyance and we say that which we repent in sackcloth and ashes. But tiiongll the hasty word May be forgiven, it is not at once for- gotten. If has flawed the crystal of our friendship ; the. place may be mended, but there iel a shadowy It is extremely easy to be as egotistical if , as Montaigne and as conceited as Rousseau soar on the gleaming surface. Oh, the word of haste had hut been left but is extremely difficult to be as entertain- ing as the one or as eloquent as the other. unspoken ; if the strong hand of patis ence had but held hack the sword as Try to be happy in the present moment, it was about to strike 1—Harpers' and put off being so to a time to come,—as Bazar, though that time should be of another • make than this, which has alre ady come An Excellent Remedy, - and is ours. GENTLEMEN,—We have used Hagyard'a Pectoral Balsain in our house for over Why a Wee Changes Her Name. Genn of Thought. Thom) who think mast govern those who merely toil, , That !tope is sure which anion in virtue. Who overcomes by force but half his foe. To be comfortable and contented, spend less than you earn, He that loses conacience has nothing left that is worth keeping. The earnestness of lifeis the only pass- port to the satisfaction of life. The wisest habit of all, is the habit of care in the formation of good habits. No man ever cosigned injury to another without doing a greater to himself. He who would not be full of care in his old age must bo careful in his youth. He that loseth his heart in the morning of the world, will hardly find it all the day after. A bitter jest is the poison of friendship, and ho that restrains not his tongue shall live in trouble. Be careful for your health, and if yon have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience. Prejudices are notions or opinions which the mind entertains without knowing the grounds and reasons of them. Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge, it is thinking that makes what we read our own. Ihaa its found - bath overcome Perhaps no man ever yet forgot by try- ing to forget, but he is on the highway to forgetfulness when he tries to remember, A false friend is like the shadow on a dial which appears in fine weather, but vamrhes on the appearance of a cloud. By examining the tongue of the patient, physicians finds out the diseas of the body, and philosophers the disease of the mind. Employment, which Galen calls Nature's physician, is so essential to human happi- ness that indolence is justly considered the '6'aMl" st o' 9 mother of misery. It always follows that a rare picture is sure to be considered well dope. Mrs. as to R, says shenever 11 est for hreadfast, but always ofresbeairiat• ed bread," The editor' is the only one who gives the devil bis dues. d` nine days' wonder—A, kitten wondering when, it is going to sea. Sow to Ger a "Sunlight" Pietrte. Send 25 •'Sunlight"Soap wrappers(wrap- per bearing the words" Why Does a Womac Look Old Sooner Than a Man") to Lever Bros„ Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth framiug. This is an easy way to decorate your horse. The soap is the best in the market and it will ouly coat one oeut postage to send iu the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. The Philadelphia North -American asks, what is fame 1 to which the Boston Post responds: Fane is the result of bring civil to newspaper men. Mr. Sapheadt (during the honey-. moon)—When did my little dnckie darling first discover that she loved mel Bride (sweetly)—When I found my- self getting mad every time anyone calledyou a fool.. ADVERTISE —IN THE— three years, and find it an excellent res reedy for all forms of ooughs and colds In It is said that the practice of the throat and lung troubles it affords instant wife assuming the husband's name at relief. marriage originated from a Roman JOHN BROnTE, Columbus, Ont. custom and because the common cus- Ends of Thought. tom after the Roman occupation. Thus We• are ever at the mercy of the words . Julia and Octevia, married to Pompey we utter. and Cirero, were called by the Romans Men point the way to heaven; women Julia of Pompey and Octavio. of Cte�"ro, lead us there. and in later tittles married wolmHn in Good Intentions are too oft inert. most European countries signed their We should so levo that heaven and earth names in the same inanuer, but omit - may overlap. ted the of. Against this view may be The rich may buy reputation, but not mentioned that during the sixteenth character. and even the beginning of the seven - Self 'righteousness is close to too great teenth ceutwy the usage seems sorrow for other's sins. doubtful, since we find Catherine Parr The man who uses all the credit he can so signing herself after she had been gat will soon find himself without nay, twice married, and we always hear of A good wife never cracks a smile when Lady Jane Olay (not Dudley) and her husband steps upon an inverted tack ,Arabella Stuart (not Srymour), Sorne it midnight. • persons thick that the custom origi- Sotue men will get the upper hand of sated tram the scriptural teaching that husband and wife are one. It you even if they have to do it by under -; was deeided in the case of Bet, vs. !land methods. Smith, in the reign of Elizabeth, that Some people are so kind that kindness' woman by marriage loses her former frequently gets them into trouble. I name and legally receive± the name of When you speak to a youth about book her husband. learning these days he thinks you are just 1 in from the race track. Words of Advice. A vigorous young man expends enough in cue foot -ball game to saw a whole cord Ex President Harrison, itt a recent of stove wood. address before the students of a busi- Revenge is viler than the wrong which nese college inthe "Mates, lartid : And now, young gentlemen, a few words having a more specific application to yon and to this interesting event in Cured Hies Brash" a Week, your liVee. You are to go into busi- DEAR SIRS,—I was covered with ness. That is a very lamed word in boils, until one Sunday 1 was given the dictionary, but we have narrowed of a bottle of Burdock Blood:Bittere, by it in ust'. In the streets it has to do the use of which the sores were sent flyer only with transactions that may be ex'• ing in about ono week's time. pressed in figures. Addition, aubtraC FRED. CARTER, Haney, B. C. 1 can answer for the truth Of the above, tion and division are its elements, and T. 0. CHRISTIAN, Haney, B. U. the successful matt is the one who works all of sus protiletns by addition Sortie people will try to get the and leaves subttaction and division upperband of you, even if they have to to his competitor's I ,lo want to offer you one or two aLtg estiona. And the firet is that a good character—for in- tegrity, for truthfnllness, for fairness --is the strongest lifting force that ally young Hiatt eau carry into and through his business life. Let fidelity he your watchword ; however simple the task, let it be done with scrupulous faithfulness ; however small tete trust, let there be no tiefnutt. A cheerful rage and spirit tt. has n Ittrg+• commercial estimatio The roti:, who mumbles protest over Ins work will not survive the first reduction of the force, To shake one's self the most valnablo man in the shop or store, or office, is the best assur• mice of permanency and of advance. berets it. Nature is rod's art. 1 live six menthe 1 Oh, replied the DarSubscribe for the Thos. SUBSCRIBE --POE TIIE— "TIMES." $z.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ,t e0 441 1 cry 14. illLlOtJs >1 412.1FAnX0v;r �nlVt r n 'C Sep. "rVIERFUL Guo Not only a rale! but a cure for all kinds of °r' r, Wit, � D PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A wont:etfui Compound. Nice to take, Sine death to pain. Bo Cure you got ST..RR'S. 411 ' CERTIFIGNI :11n' t:7 sr R. STARK, lel, 0. C. P., CHEMIST FROM C,AscoW UNwVeninTV, sooT,.ANo, BANK OF HAMILTON WINGUAM. Oapital, $1,250,000. Real, $650,000. President—Jour WARY, Ylce.lreetdent—A. G. ItAMSAT. DI>ltECTORS lour t'aoores, Otto, Roams, Wit Gregor, M 1', A. Woos, A. 11. Ler (Toronto). Qaeliter--J. TURNBULL, • savings Sank—lroure, 3A to 3 ; Saturday'', 10 1. Depposits of et and upward, received and lyntereet showed, Special Deposits also recolred at current rates of tntereat. Drafts on creat Britain and the United States bought and sold, B. WILLSON, Amor. MEYER & DICKINSON, Solicitors. J. B. CUMMINCS Bege to intimate to his numerous cue - tenure and others that he intends moving to the stand lately used as a boot and shoo *tore Two Doors North of Post Office where will be found a large stock of Musical Instruments, • Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers, with all needed repairs. Also a full line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES : ass's Tit R. STARK l'IEDIclIUE +� U rtJ JTZ' a box. gold tIs' all Bortig,,trts Q.o1 3 L L r,t►ref v lava' T Pieo'a Remedy tenant is the hest, 1':nvieet to time, and Cheapest. Sold by drnggista or sent by snail, s e I1.T. Uaselt►aa,Avarreti, —ANn— GENERAL STATIONERY. Store will be opened on Saturday, July 29th. GIVE HE A CALL. J. B. CUMMINGS Wingham, July 28th, '03. Gm. When we assert that Dodd 7s vswt/wwVwv .Kidney Pills Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney 1 Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. By l druggists i r r receipt of puce, THEY CURE TO STAY CURED. al mail on a ei i so cents, Dr. L. A. Smith & Co.,Toronto. till Sickness Comes beforeStiyingaBott(e of PERRY DAVIS' PAMN° K 1LER 'You may need it to•night CAVEATS TREE MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to MUNN & CO.. who have had nearly fifty years' experience in the patent business. Communica- tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and how to ob.. tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn Sa Co. receive special noticekithe Scientific American. and thus are brought widely before the public with- out cost t0 the inventor. This splendid paper, Issued weekly. elegantly illustrated. has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work to the world. 53 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition. monthly, 32.50a year. single Ou2cotsey nmnbreceos nonew houses. with plane, enabling builders to show the latest desf s and secure contracts. Address MUNN .aC0.. NEW Yottw, 301 BROADWAY. Sheridan's Condition Powder A Canadian Paoxflc RA�au a TIkJ TAMS. Trains arrive and depart Mt sauces:: tRAVit e 0:85 a, to..........For Torontohart km atoarita 1,05p,m " 1116 pm' Sunp.In.,.......... k'er?eeswater..... ...2IU " 10;30 p, w 1030 '• L'r z'RvrT N ----'TIME TAEil.S.'---,-- AARIrR AT WINONA* LRArR WIHOlAlr 6:35 a in. Palmerston, Guelph, Toronto, ice.6:96 p.na 11:20 "' " • 61 "" 11'29 "" 10:55 p ei. " " " 7:80p,A1 6:55 a. in, " mixed for Kincardine 11.2051a 8:37 p. in. for Klnardine 3 07p, 01 10.02 " " " 10,97. p. IIA 11:00 .a. m. London, Clinton, etc., 8,40 " 6:11p, m. 14„ „ DEMILL COLIEDE, OSHAWA. An Inatitutieu where none but boarders are admitted; has beeu running about 18 years. Employs a very Efficient Staff of Ten Teachers. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE SOLD, embracing a full course yearly, including, all the English branches, Sciences, French and German, Classics. Music, Drawing, Crayon Portrait, Oil Painting, Ornamental branches, with Vocal and Elocution, iu clasees,'at remarkably low rates. This Institution draws students from Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and the towns and cities from Canada, as well as from New York, Chicago and other cities from the United States. KEEPS YOUFI CHICI{SNS. Strong and Healthy' Prevents alt Disease, Itis ah5olutelg hnro. eoacentrated. inttan. City costs tenth of a tent a day. No other kind is hire It. RAMPS 5052604. le Earn feyrpnktes$,1. LaVge31.411.. anyRo�..2504..sAtixCu�aoueSprDoetwsptMuM For particulars address, MISS D. A. HURD, Secretary, Oshawa. To Subscribers in Arrear and Others. A number of subscribers are still in arrear for their subscriptions for the current year, and a certain number for two and even more years. We urgently request all subscribers inarrear to put them- selves right on our books as soon as possible. Those indebted for job printing and advertising will also confer a, favor by an early se,ttlement. We Lave large payments to make and would like those indebted to us to out US in a position to itleet them. If you owe us anything, don't wait for an account to be sent you, but call and settle or remit the atnouut at your earliest, conve- nience. All remittances should be made by express or money order, or sent by registeregd� letter 11. ELTto�r�, �r,� LLO.0 .Y, TIlns OFFICE, Wintilram, Ont. PROF. SCOTT MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH gives Private Lessonsin Vocal Training, both in Staff and Tonic -Sol -Fa Notation. Open for engagements for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate. Apply a tI Ii S. IT. MORROW'S, Patrick St winghatd LOGS, rocs, LOGS. The highest Cash et ieeee paid for any queuity of good HARD AND SOFT WOOD LOOS tlehrere-1 iu our yard, Call and get prices before disposing of youi.• Timber. Custom Saing,P-aining� and SHINGLE CUTTING done cheap as the cheapest and sates', faction guaranteed. All kinds of Rough and tressed Lumber, lath, Shingles, &e., kept constantly on band, tioL1AN & SON* Wingham, Dec. 7th, 1803.