HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-09, Page 6Otaslahe Mandrel Ring. #4tro, from Bootee lovely We, We wither round the board, The soma c1 free Cane(lion Mai! Here meat with our accord, To sing. with love late matchlees songs We'll let our voice,; ring, For hear this night cools heart Belou;;s to C:aila'a Minstrel lying. Bora est a little country rot. A. leggin built of oley, needled by t4 father's ennui who fought Dire weuter'4 poverty ; But there a tuoneand musses ctame On glad acntt joyous wing, And crowned the babe to deathless banes As Ooillea ,btlnetrel Xiang. Then sing the good old song of yore. Th Gong of Auld Lang Syno, 'Tis sung an every foreign shore, 'Tie loved in every clone; It paints life's page iu accents sweet, dad gladly shall we bring Our sinsple tributes to the feet Of Coile's ltiinstrei Kleg. All honor to his gonna bright, Deny it ye who eau, JIc seined xarnawsus With a flight UDI.:,awn yet to roan; Be wreathed pale Scotia's noble brow, Be touehed her golden striug; A peasant prince behind his. plow Was Coila's Minstrel King. • He wrote the sweetest songs of love B 'sr wrote by human hand; He whis pared to you sitar above In accents sweet and grand; He .set the Scottish heart on fire, And closely does she cling To bion who touched her heavenly lyre, Fair Coila's Miustrel King. He blessed the sotter's humble heart, The patriot's heart a Are; Be taught the goodly swain his worth To Country, King and Sire,. All human ills to him were known He knew each goading sting, But yet he graded yon honored throne As loila'a Minstrel King. nig s"ytiip+atlietid Ardor gushed O'er every path he trod; Wept o'ei a daisy as lie crushed Its bloom beneath the sod; He saw the mousse's panting breast, He pitied every thing That was by cruel fate oppressed, .Brave Coiia's Minstrel King. Then let ua chant his lovely lays, Then Iet the music roll; Bach heart this night a tribute pays That beats from pole to pole, And let us pray that meet we may Where loud hosannas ring, The plongbman bard who is installed As Coila's Minstrel King. Poultry, Bees and Fruits. Poolsry, hers and small fruits,writes Annie O. \Vebeter in the American Cultivator, g7 together so well that every Fs.ifiner who decidee to take up light farming should avail himself of these Three'., 1 know of no branch of agrieniture that assures returns shore. nnifokittly, Ynuug people as a rule who' de3"not like hard work on ten farm would. tied pleasant, easy and profitablework in conducting thee, thz ae. Poultry needs the greatest attention M the cold months or the year, while 1. inthe rammer months they can al- '. most take care of themselves of their ? surroundings are kept clean. In the winter the small fruits are all bar vested, and there is no demand upon one's tune to keep them in good con. clition. Very little work is required for the hoes in the winter, except to see that they are all well wintered. They all require a little attention oc. oastonalty to see if they are getting along alt right. Consequently the winter months can be devoted almost - exclusively to making the hens lar si'i more eggs,and in starting young broilers early iu the spring. If these ?" are started early they will lee able to run around and care for thewteelves .t 'before the beesbegin to stir around,or ft the land is realty for cattivation for small fruits. 4 The baps need the most attention is in the spring and early summer, a when they are trausferreei to their, li summer quarters, and in the autumn gr, when the honey is prepared for taar- fei kat. The separate work demanded ell for the .three industries generally iff costes at times so wide apart that Et there is no oonfiicting of interests. etc For this reason, if for nothing else, the three snake a good triple eltieneer, for the farmer located near good mar- kets, and with a comparatively small farm. There is also the added advantage of running less risk of lose by having three' industries. A. poor year for poultry mayprove a success- ful year for small fruits and honey. nit very opposite may be the ease Another solemn, to that the farmer rens little chance of losing everything in ane year. Poultry do well in a um obeli, pear or apples orchard these are raised. The Ikea will 1 itewlee find honey in the fruit Wee- ms of strawberries In their season, . It does not require a great outlay too begirt business in this way. A few needled or a few thousand strawberry Pints to latgin wit ,. et dozen or More pettier'', and one or two hives of , rey start. 40161isl bit &efficient far a Twit be wade from all bit returns t t the beets, and they will begin THE WINGHAM TIMES FEBRUARY 9. 1894. to pity for their keep l3y whiter time. a;t'ttether, after ti hard winter it, i,+ wall tn' uousid'•r the geese into of start. Ing inti► their work, an s itvly obits, however, is +s•„'e,'%.,I to srt:twee, it no totter t,: rt".tttrtr the eggs and bettln:I lt+`'tt.ei",>ify t•tn that the eating etlit,ke trier to, our nesse ready to began their este in the v'a,41 et: soon ns it in warns enough,. Clergymen Recommend It. Ren. J. Is iehulttn, Apgns, Out, writ"e : Ic t;tAed else irtttcl, pleaanre to testify to the excellence of K. D. 0 t ase curd fur Dyspepsia 1 have re- commended it Ire•re wtaely, and in every case it low ,proved successful. ft is the very best rernsdy for that frightful treuhle, tear 1 know ot, and nevf•r fai s to help or cure when used as you direct, It deserves the mate f ;(ling of Dyspepsia Cures,:,. Howie le. The Oonncil elect for 1894 for the municipality of Howlett met at Gerrie, January 15;h, pursuant to statute, in the Township Hall at 11 o'clock a. no , the clerk presiding The members all enbseribed to the necessary oath of office and qunlitieaticn lis fellows: 13, S. Cook, Reeve; Samuel Ferguaoa, 1st Deputy.Roeve; Alexander Graham, 2nd Deputy -Reeve ; Councillors - Meson. Andrew Doig and J. Gregg, The Reeve took the chair. Minutes ot last meeting read and approved. Graham -Doig -That James Mc- Laughlin be refunded $2, it tieing, an error in St:etute Lttbt,r---Carried. Ferguson -Gregg -That C. A. Wile lits be paid $19 for repairing road to and from his property on B line-Oar- ried. Ferguson --Doi:.r-Ten ders be recoiv- ed by Un+ Reeve and Clore up to the third Wednesday in February at 32 o'clock no.'s for all printing and ad- vertieing for this muuieipality requir- ed by the Council for oue year --Car•• ried. Graham -Doig- That the Council go into a cowinittee of the whole with Mr. Ferguson in the chair to regulate salaries and to apprsint the officers - Carried. In Catuntittee, Mt. Ferguson in the chair. Cook -Dei; -That the Clerk's sal.. ary be tete same as last year -$200 and $30 for postage and stationery, said salary to include all perquisites that are usually accruing to the Clerk, such ae school rolls, returning officers' fees and all other scall po rquisities,e•x- cept fees for registering births, deaths and marriages, hoard of health, and voters' list court, if any, which shall he allowed -Carried. Graham -Craig ---That tbe Tr'easur- er's salary be $90,thc Asseasors$135, the Collector for the east division $72.&0, the Auditors $8 each, and no extras bo paid -parried. Cook -Graham--That the Com- mittee rise and report progress -Car- ried. The Council resumed, the Reeve in the their. Report of Committee read and ad. opted. Graham -Ferguson -That the same officers he retained, via.: Win. Dane, Clerk; James Porkies, Treasurer; Geo. Patfield, Assessor.; R. Russell, Care- taker of hall at $15 for the year - Carried, Gregg -Ferguson -That W. 6. Strong, %Vm. Bride and Jelin John ston be appointed members of the Board of Health. along with the Reeve and Clerk -Carried. Graham -Doig -That 1?. Hepin- stale be Auditor-•-Carriied, The Reeve appointed John Beans Auditor. Accounts passed: B. Rus -ell, $15, for caretaking of Miall;D. Geigler,$1.50 for culvert, lit 33, cop. 14; R. Mc- Laughlin, $2, for repairing culvert,lit 5 and 6, con 5; Win. Dane, sr., $18.36 for gravel; John Stewart, $1,re►uoving flood wood from bridge on side -line 10 and 11, eon. 9; B, Bingler, $4.80, for gravel; Wnl, McKee,$8.90, for gravel; J. Hestia, $5.10, for grayal; R. Ross, 82, dog tax uncollectable; N. Mc- Laughlin, $8.70, fur stationery, etc., for election and prohibition; James Sanderson, $i$, wood for Mrs. Mane, charity; Wm, Dana, $80, balance on salary; T. Niall, $85.76, for printing and advertising in 1893; T. floating, $11, for deputy returning officers' fees and polling, booth; 1i. !'hair, $10, for same; Jatnee Foster, $10, for same; Win. Me -Karcher, $11, for same; Mat- thew Dane, $2, poli clerk fees.. Doig---Fergutrun-e-That the Council do now adjourn to meat in Mrs. Steices' Rotel* Furdwich, on the third edneeday in Febr -lar.. tied. Wet, DANN, Clerk. 'Else it. D. O. for all stomach: troubles. ,A 'lt'Ii,O81'ERQTRI 001 l* Akar. The annual meeting of the West WILW11no1r11;Muter! .Fire Imineatuei Company was held, in tine Court room ,Daugaurnon, on Wedaeeday 24th ,Jaanery, There were present quite a large number of pcliey: le Diens from the aurruundins municipality; numbering in all upwards of one hundred or more, 'rhe veuerable president, Charles Gir' - viii, Esq,, occupied the uhair. 'i'tle directors' and auditors reports of the receipts and expenditures for the year ending 31st December, 1808, were land before the meeting and care- fully read in detail and explained by the Secretary. .l<ir. Roberts, all of which gave every prod of the foot that; the corpeny on the whole was in a very satifactor'y and prosperous onndi.. tion ---tete reports were useimiouslt adopted, he company have certainly had a very sucoesefut year, and the Board of Directors may with every confidence loots forward to the future with every prospect of enceess,uot only in so far as to tbe probable enhanced business: of the company is concerned, s but that in the future as well as in the i past they will be enabled to give to the policy holders a perfectly safe insur- ance et a very low cost, ',pile actual amount paid by the policy lloldera in the company on each thousand dollars for the lest three piers was $5.20, or 17 2-8 cents per annum upon each $100. The following are a few ab- stracta from the reports above referred to : POLICY ACCOUNT. On hand Jan 1, '98 1,994 Disused during 1893 780 Total in force during 1898 , .. '2,774 Cancelled and expired :. 685 In force Dec, 31st, 1898 2,189 Showing a net gain of one bnndred and torty.five policies. RISE ACCOUNT, On hand Jan 1st, 1893 9 427,297 Takeo during the year 1898. 950,185 Total in force during 1893...8,877,482 Cancelled and expired. 756,840 In force Dec 31st, 1898,...82,620,640 Which shows an increase of risks assumed of one hundred and r'inety three thousand three hundred and forty three dollars. PREM. NOTE ACCOUNT, On hand Jan 1, 1898 $90,587 94 ;teed. daring 1893. 38,007 40 Total in force during '93...$128,595 84 Cancelled and expired.... 26,153 48 98,368 86 Which shows an increase of seven thousand, seven hundred and seventy- five dollars and ninety two cense. The loses although numerous, num- bering in all 85, were cotnparitively of small amounts, amounting in all to ninteen hundred and fifty one dollars and twenty five cents,all of which were satisfactorily adjusted and promptly paid.. The total recipts from all sources were $5,624.90. Total expenditures, including the repayment of a loan of $1000, $3,947.61. ASSETS. Prem. note . capital. ...... ...898,368 86 Cash in bank 1,500 001 Caeh at head office. I77 29 _Assessments Still due 498 85 Total assets $100,540 00 Liabilities.. .... . .. Nil The three retiring directors, Metiers. Chas. Girvin, John Griffin, Ashfield ; and John H. Iaake, Kinloss ; whose - term of office had expired, were again re-elected for a term of three years. Mr. John Wilson, of Bullet tp., was appointed ono 01 two auditors, A hearty vote of thanks was tend- ered the officers and dtr.ctors, for the e;licient and able manner in which they had conducted the affairs of the cotnpany in the past. The general feeling by all present was, that although the company from its inception in the year 1879, to the present time. lead aeon nosey viscis- situdes ; that it was now firmly baited upon a solid and firm foundation, and that its priepects for the future never looked more favorable. We under- stand there wilt be it full report in detail mailed to each polioy hoider in due course. Coughs a.nd Colds. -At this seearoii when coughs are so prevalent en effectual rernetiy, end one etisily, obtained, is Perry Davie' Vegetable' "1*ain Miler." It istlo new nostrum J vended by Unknown auents,but heel eteod the teat of over fifty years ; and those who use the article, internally, • will content with it grateful recollec- tions of its worthy inventor. BE NOT TOO R.d;RD, Too hard, too bard be not, With faults. uay, even gin; Thou canst not tell quite what Temptations may have been;. Thou canes not tell, oh friend, Row hard the fallen one Has struggled not to bend -- The danger tried to shun, Condemn not, nor despise, Though great indeed, the wrong; Think, tempted thou likewise, Woutdst thou have been strong? Thy gold, if tested so, Would it have proved as pure? To ppassion's onward flow, Thy banks been more seoure. Hold not thyself aloof, Though he has fallen low, 'Withhold the sharp reproof, Retard the cruelblow; Far from the weary heart, Bid sorrow and dismay --- The blinding tears that start, Lo, gently try to stay, With loving, gentle mein. Just guide him up the hill; Upon thee let hits lean, lie is thy brother still; Tliy strength shall greater be, Thy light grow never dim, And God shall deal with thee, As thou has dealt with him. A Terrible Experience. enoe. -- HARM SMITH is FOUND ALIVE ,AND UN- INdURaD, Vancouver, Jan. 31. -- Harvey Smith has returned alive and uniujur. ed. The Senator's sots wandered in the North 'Thumpson 120 hours with, out foud, sleeping for five nights with no covering for his- stiffened limbs but the snow in the valleys of the Cttseade:s. The searching party bad returned to a ranch, and on Saturday night at 10 o'clock was sitting around the fire, mourning their companion was dead, when a shout was beard at the gate. Elarvey Smith was carried into the house and cared for, His story was soon told. The first night lie burrowed four feet under the .avow, leaving a breathing hole, He did not attempt to rest afterward, but travelled continually for live days, on account of the fog he travelled 20 miles in the wrong direction, complet- ing a circle in that distance. On the fifth day he sighted the Thompson River. Harvey Smith's tutiun, coolness an life. .[t is the only remarkable oonsti- d courage saved his case where a white tnau in winter lies lived five dayit in the mountains of British Columbia without food. HOLLOWAY'S I'II.LS AND OINTMENT,-- Influenza,Coughs and Colds. ---In dis- enses of the throat aud chest, so pre- vaulet in our changeable climate, nothing so speedily relieves, or su certainly cures, as these inestimable remedies. These disorders are too often neglected at their eonitnence- meet, or are injudiciously treated, resulting in either case in disastrous consequerces. Whatever the condi- tion or the patient, Holloway's reme- dies will restore, it recovery be pos- sible ; they will retard the alarming symptoms till the blend is purified and nature consummates the cure, gradu- ally restoring strength and vital perverts power. By persevering iu the use of Holloway's preparations, tone is conferred ou thestornach and fraise generally, Thousands of persons have testified that by the use of these remedies alone they lintel been restor- ed to health after every other means bad failed. Politeness Pays. I have often heard. my uncle, said the nephew of a noted lawyer who died lately, dwell upon the fact that he owed much of his success in life to a habit of invftriable politeness, without any element 0f toadyism, which bad been instilled into his uatnre by thr, teachings of a wise mother. His first atart in his profession canoe through the ole scrub women who was employee ahnut the house whore he boarded when a young filen. One morning lie passed out as she was scrubbing the front steps and he saint- ed her as natial. They tell me ye are a lawyer, she cold. Yet. Well I: know a poor widdy woman that wants a lawyer, and if you will give one your address I will tell her. The poor widdy proved to ibe the chief heir to a large Nitrite in Delware county. My uncle became her hammy and trtts. tee of her old -Wroth recovered her inn. tt'rest iii the aetate and derived a good income from its snatiagement for many years, ---Philadelphia Record. For over Fitly vette* 17e Know Iiia Btteinesss. `,1'veo physicians were reetltaly walk I lug together in iiyde Park, when one of thein lifted hie flat to a !tidy whom I they met, 1 A patient? asltod the other. Oh, in a way, nnew.ered the first ; doetor, I treated her the other day for a mall difliculty, 'What was it? A wort ,'n the nota,. And what did you prescribe I ordered her to refraiu absolutely from playing the piano. The other doctor was etatouished, Ordered her to leave off playing the piano for a wart on the nose! Well, I don't understand your treatment. ' If yuu knew the eircunisteu,uea, you w'oeitd, said the first doctor, She occupies the hest under wine. Ali Aged Lacty. I arae. ECCLsaTo 'a stlk'lto'usos vI1oo2 IctDar3Y AISEASE Celoon BY DODD'S : XOCJn MIAs --A MEDICINE MAT- rzeoDUCsD 6000.1tl:atlLTa POE Bern mai ASA YOUNG. St. (Jathariues, Feb. 5. -furs. F. 13, ' i3co1estono, aged 69, a woll.knowu res,. dent of this city, has for some time been aftlicted with kidney disease, the sylnp- totes of which were severe paths iu the small of her buck. She is now perfectly cured. This happy result is dos to the use ot Dodd,e Kidney Pilie,tlie famous and infallible remedy for all kidney disorders. Mra. Reek:stove says the paius have never returued since her recovery, and her happiness over restoration to sound health is itidesaribabte. i'hese pills are manufactured by Dr. I.. A. Smith sk Co., Toronto, and are sold by all dealers or will be mailed on receipt of price ; fifty cents per box, or sox boxes foe 112 50. Small Change. Small change is indispensable in going about a city, To have only a five dollar bit! in one's purse when aiding in au omnibus or Der Is alinosc as bad as to haves no looney One requires small chaugo and the thoughtful hus- band ..applies his wilt: with bright ten cent piece:+ and shining quarters just as regularly as with fteeh grret.b.acks. A women prefers ns•w and fresh money to that wt'ieh is greasy and soiled, if she can have her choice and a certain good man, known and loved in a large circle; always makes a point of bring. ing house to lois family the wherewith- al for don)eetio expenses in a very dainty shape. He is deservedly u favorites, Small change is as valuable in the commerce of -life in other departments as in that of the exchequer, There are people4eho can talk extremely web on learned and serious subjects, but 1 Tloonozny py Good Rads 0NTAI110 rAlltltilts SUOUT 5AV4 ILAL1+ ,A, MILLION PoZt.AR$ A TSAR, To ttlnetrats the les whiatl feriners tsttateiued through had roads, ,Mr, &u+ drew Pettuto, of Woo•''stouk, pointed out at 4 repent meeting of dairymen that there were over 40.000 working horttee in Onturto. It 'Vas tlttirti Der stein that Hesse wore kept Taint more then a ►nouttl trach Year o ettog to the iatpasettt,le cnttditloii of the roads in most parts of the province, Allewiug dollar a week for tea keep of the Courses this; would shove a retreat !tris ot nearly $1,b00,000 in it pair at. the hors -s ordinary use in ;bei province ; but the real lane the 'ugh studio etiforue0 nese wlt;i eurtreulnuasy Imam', There were about 2000 d•tiry factories in Canada. The average cost of 'what might be ;Iill.'d ltaoltgo would net be less than 81,000,000 or $2,000,000 in Ail per annual, It was quite certain tient n i'4vinef of ons-.uarter .,f this amount, or $500,000 per )ear, . could be easily f eete'd by such refts.mable improvement of the roade as oe,uld be suede by tine fanners during the next few years. 3ronettitis toren. DEAD 5=9, -1 -laving suffered for mouths from bronchitis, 1 coneloded to try Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, cud by the time 1 bad taken one bottle I was entirely free from the trouble anal feel that f ata eared. U. C. Wnraar, Toronto duuetiou, Ont. An .After Thought. 13111 culled ttw old r>'.rtnor to the hired man, go and, feed thein pigs, I've done led 'ern Gu au' feed the cows. !,'yes donee ff'd 'eta. Go an' fired the lessees.. I've done fed 'east (:lo up' feral the chickens. I' ere e]Ou�' fe 1 'am. Wert, go fan' feed y onr•ielf then; seems to ins tion>ett>in' ought to be hungry 'rn,Ind here, and the way Bill got in to NI hers t1114 eating wet, was a marvellous specitnert of speed. Rimier le Sze Hone'--Dtstressiug Kid- ney and 13iadderdiseafses relieved in six_ hours by the "Great Snuth American Kid- ney Cure." This; new namely lee a great. surprise and delight to physicians nj+; at count of its exceediug prom l)teevsYb ts. f lieving pain in the bladder, itidue tit;`bkk and every part of the urivary pei's,4gor$itt aF,,� male or fotpiarti It relieves retention of t0" water and mediately. cure this is y passing it almost im- want quick relief and oneedy. Sold at Chis• they have uo small cheep, Tfh. Voices drug atbete.µ tr;• , quick, jest tend easy repartee of the fa l.seSehoottnistress ;''',A.1.1,1 tiitty, who drawing room tire nut for thein. was Joan of Aro 'le,':fnf4nt Oen t OW- Helplessly nHelplessly and hopelessly, with ;;loom on : One of ,.5Folill's fu ifk e settling .over their faces, despair u► • V' English Spavin Ltnlidetft. reluo'05 their spills, they sit by while less ;rift• hard, soft, or o,tlll Li Lump and Bitfti ` ed people chat and touch sad have fishes frotrs horses, liloorl upavin, Curbs, good times. The treeible is they are Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, destitute of small change.. Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Uoughs,- This puts them at adtskfivstnta,+;r« tt1 etc. Save 050 by use of one bottle,;,.; War society where. there is not time for ranted by Chisholm sdrue fore.s homilies and trealise•r, but everything is froth and Foam. 1 he airy butterfly fling of their neighbors, canfases and eluded to kick the bucket, it, =`.Ellati ;list urbs theta. Their forces muat, so been n question of slow nervation -ter to speak, be drawn up in order, and suicide, and we've decided on suicide. prepared to charge on the enemy,,,,,,,;; borate foot, and dragons. All this takes time and thouglit,and the 'Mealy is up end away, skirmishing triumph- antly elsewhere, before the unlucky opponent has arranged his lisle for battle. 13y ail means let those who would seemed in society carry about the small change of witty conver- sation. An editor in [!linins announces the death of his p>tpar rhos : %teen exon* Now is the Time. The benefit to be derived front a good medicine in early sprnug ie undoubted, but many people neglect taking any until the approach of warmer weather, when they wilt like a tender 8wer in allot son. Some- thing must be done to purify the blood, overeotne that tired feeling and give necessary strength. Vacation is earnestly louged for, many weeks, perhaps menthe, must elapse before rest can be indulged to, To inpttrt strength, and to give a feeling of health and vigor throughout the systetn, there is uotbiug equal to Hood's Sarsapar. ilia, It seems perfectly adapted to over- come that proatratinn caused by change of season, dim Ate or life, awl while it tones and sustains the hysteria it purifies and ren- ovates the d. Sho (gently) :.1 ata afraid I do not love you enough to be your wife. but 1 shalt always be your friend, and sin. cerely wisli for your happiness. He (moodily) ; 1 know lent 111 riff She (litigiously); lou surely won't do yourself any injure i Iii. (calmly); No, I will thud happiness, I will marry Hone -one else She : B.urrarsi Give ane another day to consider, deer s stlalt1y Praised. Ar rani ANC' wrrr,•'raere Itemeht.-•Sire. Wirt years s6othfhtt Sy�up hat boon used for over fifty . C4lrx ri i ste r, --1 }tavo used your liag- 'loty' by 1ulilionsel naotherrforthttrchilnrcnwhifo yard's fellow Oil and have found it uu, tntltttihtr, wilt i porfeC,bnoC b. It soothes tris chalet aqua * ed for burns', ,![,rains,. scalds, rhelltn• sot(ens the tams allays all pain cures wind COM. t atiam, arae and chide, III the reeatnw end Is thebebt rtntedytor Mangoes.. h pleasant to , p' 18, fa y btc. Sold b ru t D az bid la e4rrr part At the mended it to many friends and they also woreo. Twenty.fiyve cants a irons,. sty valuo it Incalentabto. Bemire and ark for Mrb, Winslow b sl>eak highly' *tit' sootelegi yrup, and take no other kind, ?MMus. rosier, Montreal, Que. 1tr. ]'carve y need Laeeyvtlle, 0. Catarrh, Heart T enure,- tPa' ratysis of the Throat xc,y Thank God and .tloodrs Ser star. parltia for .k'vr foot Xeattra,+' "Gentlemen; Ivor the benefit of sttffsring hu• n►anity 1 wish to state a few bats: Per .several 3'eers 1 have suffered Iron: catarrh awl heart ailuro, getting so bad I could not work and Could Beetroot,/ Walk 111ac1 a very batt spell of paralysis of the throat sometime ago. My throat emotive closed And 1 cooler oat ,m,v ,Boer. Toa d+,etoro Halt it was CA USN! by Ilea ter.tlin�. ai,l uni,t, netilt'ht Which I took luseerdhtg to sera:slots, bait d[id net seem to fb> me any gond. ,ttY o•'ifet urged me to try tione's tior^utron1ho, tenth;the of ails. Joseph C, entitle who hall been At aerates h's sooar' but was entirely cures; by hood's Naris :trtlla, After talking With lel;'. Smith. 1 Cnuttindet.t *0 try Ito'od's Sarsaparilla. 'Whoa 1 hail notes two botties I felt very muted be, +• r. 1 have eolttlnue 1 taking it, sine Olt 31ow teeing excel. lent. 1 thank God, anti Hood'sars parilta hetrlth.»wife HA tvZIC Ita;EED,y tl 10eeyto t , 0 Cheri U0OD'S x'1'L1f,I3 do net purge, Rain or griper* but het proritftl3'aa4bt'.'luta tl#ioiststly, Oa. 4rt :11 ri i 4 i Male I was out the Weat Shifts' and atnokitz When the people w front hell, Caine down with ti: eon. The plash and the z high. .And the people the gee 1 caught a face in tl That face was might Teat and thought or I dreamed and tlooK late The face -and I awe. are WAS tate face of an 01 I hunted him up and He laughed when he nod, Over the seats he can •"This is the only way Many a time, slays he Denounced as a druni -But 1 went to the fool high, • And now I'm Ralleln' Don't bother ycur he No hurt from heaven .Busted or laden with Your patient saviour i elk% Drink till you die and Is buried deep'neath A Saviour will plead Be kind to his poor li And that was 13allelu The biggest tough tha If I do what is right 1 In the beautiful Hall She Bought 4 z Agent --•Beg pardon been requested by a n call here and sho Blectrio Wakethede very hard on hand ma'am, and everyb reason why you have cause you never thou Housekeeper -That had forgotten that th one on. Agent (half an hon Ma'am. Here is the will receipt it. Housekeeper--.wou ling me who the pers plained that I had no ;gent -They wez' Good -day, ma'am. He Did TbeTranscript tee of Prosessor Blackie: ing to a new class wit was, imperfectly ac rose to read a paragr left hand. Sir thundered 111 in your right nand. would have spoken, riglt hand 'I say 1 The student held ing piteously at the right hand, he said. Before Blackie col arose such a storm of must go to Edinbur his voice was overbo eor left his place at student he bad unw hie arm around the drew him clogs, and his breast. My boy, said B1 softly, but not so a word was audible in t on the class -room - me that I was over -r �-I did nob know students, and with mune straight from Said: And let me s joiced to be shown 1 gentlemen. Scottie well as liras, and the 73eart Disease Let those who suspicions of heart those who nave g they are suffering, a story told by ti Clark in the tours At the London minding the you necessity for cant' or forecast, of t disease, Sir Andr as anecdote of that very hospital was itbout to be Hie intended f hint and said : es 3fOney, sir ; you life insured," A Medical exaintua Said to hien, "We Why f said th governor. "Uh, say." $tirt;, sal been tll.in my 11 was fl Myrtle, roils ,pbysipiat,:.-, "1i yo have got the lit disease! HtrN for X live silt mulish