The Huron Expositor, 1975-01-30, Page 8!7,w, 7� IT, io­v;,1 �r 7 -s 7 r W ef, 1�1 . "Everlasting bouquets, made Pick them at the pea -of wor" Goderleh', from the dried flowers of annual' and dry them slo%kly in a warm, already and that people were Ph. 524.7711 'planning tq,'jnove, in Feb. 1..Eight and perennial plants, can . do dry, shaded. place, Tie the stems of It _4. om much to brighten the long, dark _014rined 12 two bedro together loosely and hand them a rtments are ready for painting DOMO & DANOWO PA the four others have the basic winter da ahead," says Ontario for a Une to ensurd-, good air W Ministry of Ajrlcultui�e and Food. circulation, rapid, even drying, work. done. He also plan, s 23 one ENTERTA horticulturist R.A.Fleming. and in lor retention. it,FRIDAY and ,ZOorn apartments. Daisies calendulas. aximuA co Tockersinith councillors. told Groot khat the'Mini of Mi. De stry marigolds and cosmos are best SATURDAY NIGHT -Playing thi� Weed':— Environment opposed a' zoning dried •in silica gel. This substance. change becase they felt an which resembles coarse white LIOCOLN GREEN The apartment development would I Irish Bond sand "and is extremely absorbent overload the, Vanastra sewage Coming Monday Feb. 3rd.— Toronto system. is reu�4ble. It can be purchased at . . . . . . . . . "Hanky Tqnk GroundeW 'Fred Ginn knew &s when he 71� manvx,, hobby and garden ,a 1, 111.,..�', . . N� 9 f"Wripq Ern Lohman -Cop- sold the buildings to you. Toronto centers. .1 Harb.our, Ital R*ftrdInq Artist. Licensed under L.C.B-0. wouldn't let him, it was cpntrary Strawflowers'and statice. the Versatito Gio,up, to 'our bylaws", - Reeve Elgin so-called everlastings, are the Matinee Eve at Thompson said. is very unfortunate that you weren't told easiest flowers to preserve 4 6 p4no ahead of time." "You've been he"ime tb­ can be air dried. CABARET lead down -the garden path." I �It,4 M I Clerk Jim Mclnto.sh*said. '14 , I �. " � :'-" � I " . * ;1, . 111.11, , I i "Since there were 3.000 people ¢ Arita C 40th at VaThen flen It was an air anMOTOR base d the &m only 1,000 now, I figu the sewage Wedding HOTEL capacity was a �Uate.. Mr. De Groot said. Anniversary CLINTON Clerk cintosh said, that the Ministry felt that the Ireatment For Mr. & Mrs. plant was overloaded when there I IS were 3.000 people there. They T THE BACK MOLARS' Huron County Health Unit want the area already zoned' MAKE SURE YOU GE Alfred E. � Ross residential to be developed first. nurse Mrs. Elizabeth Belling shows the students in Miss Baker's Grade 2 and 3 1 class at St. James' School exactly ho' to brush their teeth. The Health dental he added. y W ti Seaforth Legion Hall 0 There are other' buildings at team ,visits all the schools in Huron once per year and the children brush their teeth 1 Seaforth Vanattra, zoned for apartmentSat., Feb. 1st with a fluoride treatment, designed to prevent cavities. (Staff Photo) t development but they have been Entertainment: sitting f"for three years. the 7. Everyone Welcome developer said. "Am I going t wait for him to get going on it.'Thursday he asked. Hisbuirding % as easie� Me.nttafly \n,0al'.ded`No gifts please ' ..... Assoc' elects officers-, D to convert to apartments than the others,- he added. Allison Jackson. mentai---Ycjar were also cleaed: Adult -Membership Ntrs. Anne Cann; or - from ScIrviec. - 'Mrs. HelenKneale: Nursery - Rev. A_ndivw Blackwell Councillors suggested that Sir. retardation co-ordinat' CASH BINGO Friday De Groot talk to Ministry of London was*tbe guest speaker at Family Cait,_ - Mrs. Nonie and TCMAR - Martin Van Raay. HA Sea fort Environment official"s' and said the annual meeting of the South Heminge,,vay: Ptiipertv - Glen The association received a Legiqn that Tuckersmith would probably Huron Association for the Greb: Campaign, - Mrs.' Alma donation of 5100 from the Exeter'and approve a zoning ch@mge if the Mentally Retarded. She spoke on Godbolt; Flowers of Hope - Mrs. Rodeo Committee: friday, Jan. 31 L, m I Wu;- I ma Jenkins have returned from this was impossible. Tuckersmith 1975, They are as faBov-rs: holidaying in Fort Lauderdale. by-lzw would 'be broken once Assist Public e Florida Miami and the Keys. people moved in, the clerk said. PropertyDamage I Owing to a fall in his home last Assist Other P.D-s CouncillQrs'estimated that any Or I zoning change would' take about Friday, Rev. J. Ure Stewart is Animal Complaints 7 six months. confined to the Seaforth Hospital- Ski Doo Complaints 2 o,M e - Care serves 469_... WhenDoctor says. hospital fOT costs for a bed in the local instead of bei rgdmiried to the you, hospitals range from 570 to SW local hospital. 104 were "Don't faint, panic or turn deep per day - discharged earlier from hospitals blue, Home._Care Care is an alternative to in London and Kitchener. 8 were Just ask about the Home Care hospital ' ital care for anv,age or illness from Goderich I Psychiatric plan, on theyec-ornmendation of v our Hospital. You're Doctor knows. "Yes. family physician. When a patient The ages of these - patients he's the man. cant be assured of competent care were: 0 - io To tell you how to get the at hDm-e by the' ' necessary 21 65 - I78 works. nal. 'coupled %%iili t . he 658: over- 280 Homemaker. physio or VON encoura-_anent and support Of -39 were over 85 years nurse• the family in I one's own 378 patients received nursing As the above tittle dirty tells us environment, it provides a sound care from the Victorian Order of there is an alternative to hospital formula for effecTi-,e health care. Nurses. 112. Physiotherapy' from. care, for selected patients. on the From January. 1974 to_ Mr. John ' Westcoit. 2-, decision of their family physician- December. 1974. 469 patients Occupational therapy from Sirs. If your family physician feels received care at home Of these joy Davmond. 195 home -making Sfinistrti agreed to one-. Closc what the government has done a, cen O_: ing-a-lon- the doors and go down and see and is going to do for the mentally TWO DOOR PRiZES what you can do with these people retarded. in London.". Reeve Thompson Rev, Andrew Blackwell. past MM (C,DREN UNDER Id -?Mr- said. president of the association read a ...... Clerk Nicintosh said that if the pp-edZWrt on the events and T� Amapices Seaftrilk Br&neh In Ministry 'oo-­operates, the county pl ments of the MUSS SEAFORT.u., (ERENNIAL. planners would have to prepare a ati n in 19-4. The zoning by-law change which s books were audited Sr. Citizens Card Party Family S416 tight would have to be circulated to all' and approved. �z� property owners within 400 feet of ecutive officers for. 105 at home. the De."Groot building. An OMB We elected as follows. Rev. be "i Two Qlpei hearing would follow if any A drew Blackwell. . past SATURDAY NIGHT in the objections were made. pXident: President' - Case Van Police News SI Mr.' De Groot said he was Raav-. Vice President - Robert, ma Jenkins have returned from this was impossible. Tuckersmith 1975, They are as faBov-rs: holidaying in Fort Lauderdale. by-lzw would 'be broken once Assist Public e Florida Miami and the Keys. people moved in, the clerk said. PropertyDamage I Owing to a fall in his home last Assist Other P.D-s CouncillQrs'estimated that any Or I zoning change would' take about Friday, Rev. J. Ure Stewart is Animal Complaints 7 six months. confined to the Seaforth Hospital- Ski Doo Complaints 2 o,M e - Care serves 469_... WhenDoctor says. hospital fOT costs for a bed in the local instead of bei rgdmiried to the you, hospitals range from 570 to SW local hospital. 104 were "Don't faint, panic or turn deep per day - discharged earlier from hospitals blue, Home._Care Care is an alternative to in London and Kitchener. 8 were Just ask about the Home Care hospital ' ital care for anv,age or illness from Goderich I Psychiatric plan, on theyec-ornmendation of v our Hospital. You're Doctor knows. "Yes. family physician. When a patient The ages of these - patients he's the man. cant be assured of competent care were: 0 - io To tell you how to get the at hDm-e by the' ' necessary 21 65 - I78 works. nal. 'coupled %%iili t . he 658: over- 280 Homemaker. physio or VON encoura-_anent and support Of -39 were over 85 years nurse• the family in I one's own 378 patients received nursing As the above tittle dirty tells us environment, it provides a sound care from the Victorian Order of there is an alternative to hospital formula for effecTi-,e health care. Nurses. 112. Physiotherapy' from. care, for selected patients. on the From January. 1974 to_ Mr. John ' Westcoit. 2-, decision of their family physician- December. 1974. 469 patients Occupational therapy from Sirs. If your family physician feels received care at home Of these joy Davmond. 195 home -making Saturday is laecidde for Games S" St&n a I � , ing-a-lon- smoo JACKPOT TO GO .9 TWO DOOR PRiZES with A&n" Ebtra Chrds, 25o cc 7 for$LOD Afark & Pat MM (C,DREN UNDER Id -?Mr- SPONSOR FOR .PERM=E]D)� ...... -4h400eeds foe Welfare ♦Hospital. 108 were referred The cost of service per patient Amapices Seaftrilk Br&neh In Committee chairmen for the Seshob MUSS SEAFORT.u., (ERENNIAL. ma Jenkins have returned from this was impossible. Tuckersmith 1975, They are as faBov-rs: holidaying in Fort Lauderdale. by-lzw would 'be broken once Assist Public e Florida Miami and the Keys. people moved in, the clerk said. PropertyDamage I Owing to a fall in his home last Assist Other P.D-s CouncillQrs'estimated that any Or I zoning change would' take about Friday, Rev. J. Ure Stewart is Animal Complaints 7 six months. confined to the Seaforth Hospital- Ski Doo Complaints 2 o,M e - Care serves 469_... WhenDoctor says. hospital fOT costs for a bed in the local instead of bei rgdmiried to the you, hospitals range from 570 to SW local hospital. 104 were "Don't faint, panic or turn deep per day - discharged earlier from hospitals blue, Home._Care Care is an alternative to in London and Kitchener. 8 were Just ask about the Home Care hospital ' ital care for anv,age or illness from Goderich I Psychiatric plan, on theyec-ornmendation of v our Hospital. You're Doctor knows. "Yes. family physician. When a patient The ages of these - patients he's the man. cant be assured of competent care were: 0 - io To tell you how to get the at hDm-e by the' ' necessary 21 65 - I78 works. nal. 'coupled %%iili t . he 658: over- 280 Homemaker. physio or VON encoura-_anent and support Of -39 were over 85 years nurse• the family in I one's own 378 patients received nursing As the above tittle dirty tells us environment, it provides a sound care from the Victorian Order of there is an alternative to hospital formula for effecTi-,e health care. Nurses. 112. Physiotherapy' from. care, for selected patients. on the From January. 1974 to_ Mr. John ' Westcoit. 2-, decision of their family physician- December. 1974. 469 patients Occupational therapy from Sirs. If your family physician feels received care at home Of these joy Davmond. 195 home -making moving in stages and was looking for a mortgage to buy'a second Vanastra building for conversion. "I'm glad, you haven't, because Southco"; Recording Secretary - Mrs. Margaret Wein! Corresponding Secretary -.,%,IT-s. Margaret Purdy and Freasurer JOHN CAIRNS CHIEF OF POLICE . P Seefodh -tentennial `75 Hospital; 40 "re from Exeter homemakers. using the sent -ices Orav-ided by the Hospital. 55 were from Goderich The average length of time yqu.'ve got a 'dead horse," the Mrs. Ann Klungel, SPONSOR FOR Hospital: 80 were from Wingham patient was 29 days. 'fiHome The selection of patients for Cate is ba-,Wd on the ♦Hospital. 108 were referred The cost of service per patient recv(4 commented. Councillors were sympathetic Committee chairmen for the Therr am 01 �=Lcc MUSS SEAFORT.u., (ERENNIAL. with the resburci&s needed and We&mhy, Fek 5 — willingnes s of the patient and to Mr; "'De-Groot's problem. "If Sr. Citizens Card Party Family S416 tight neo accidents reponed' -d ZZ -.--v I -ry c 0 S't �z� AL-10TEL at home. rn4e.. irttohiw 'ft. an 'ARbnts..,4vhat Country and Western: Entertainment be "i Two Qlpei ;;EEDED SATURDAY NIGHT in the Care must have ORIP good -�"19 it. Local ARE 'RED KNIGHT ROOM a hoVital, then there is no charge Reeve Thompson said. "See what ;he Highway Tr -...f c Act: for the services provided by the MITCHELL Nrktorian Order of Nurses, the yqu. can do with the Ministry and 11LOGIN FISCHER'TRIO" Three 13) versa— cbs. ed If Erftrested please call — Broombill Championships therapist or Homimaker when Mr. G�i66t B eVs 21111 the services are needed. , 0 In Ontario in the past year De asked the council Pancake Breakfast -The Seaforth BaEce ending March, 1'974, 33,000 Tasty Chicken "Wings for Snacks patiftts were admitted to if he -could rent out the Snowmobile Races Department , in-vne_,6gazed 13 JAME VINCENT 52T0 i3 A101Z FEM PAPJMG — lien of hospital' cam, and the length of can was 24 days with an apartments which are ready on a Miss Donalda Adams and Mrs. occutte-11ces the 'week of durin' average cost of less than $10.00 In The. per day. This compares with the aive=gp hospital costs in Ontario temporary basis but was told that C the 21st to the 2&-h ia'n-rian- Of 8 to 10 times that amount. ma Jenkins have returned from this was impossible. Tuckersmith 1975, They are as faBov-rs: holidaying in Fort Lauderdale. by-lzw would 'be broken once Assist Public e Florida Miami and the Keys. people moved in, the clerk said. PropertyDamage I Owing to a fall in his home last Assist Other P.D-s CouncillQrs'estimated that any Or I zoning change would' take about Friday, Rev. J. Ure Stewart is Animal Complaints 7 six months. confined to the Seaforth Hospital- Ski Doo Complaints 2 o,M e - Care serves 469_... WhenDoctor says. hospital fOT costs for a bed in the local instead of bei rgdmiried to the you, hospitals range from 570 to SW local hospital. 104 were "Don't faint, panic or turn deep per day - discharged earlier from hospitals blue, Home._Care Care is an alternative to in London and Kitchener. 8 were Just ask about the Home Care hospital ' ital care for anv,age or illness from Goderich I Psychiatric plan, on theyec-ornmendation of v our Hospital. You're Doctor knows. "Yes. family physician. When a patient The ages of these - patients he's the man. cant be assured of competent care were: 0 - io To tell you how to get the at hDm-e by the' ' necessary 21 65 - I78 works. nal. 'coupled %%iili t . he 658: over- 280 Homemaker. physio or VON encoura-_anent and support Of -39 were over 85 years nurse• the family in I one's own 378 patients received nursing As the above tittle dirty tells us environment, it provides a sound care from the Victorian Order of there is an alternative to hospital formula for effecTi-,e health care. Nurses. 112. Physiotherapy' from. care, for selected patients. on the From January. 1974 to_ Mr. John ' Westcoit. 2-, decision of their family physician- December. 1974. 469 patients Occupational therapy from Sirs. If your family physician feels received care at home Of these joy Davmond. 195 home -making . ....... ...... Crown Room FRIDAY AND,, SATURDAY ONLY, MACH IV DANCE Brodhagen C0'Mmunty'Centre , Dancing ­9".16'tO 1 P.m - FEB. I Bluewater Playboys $4.00 a Counle Free cold meat lunch Couples -Only No Jeans ""DANCE' FEBR 8, 1975 SEAFORTH CANADIAN LEGION MUSIC BY 11 1 MAITLAND SUNDOWNERS Ad -mission: $2.00 per Person Limited number ,of tickets 4 JANUARY 29 TO FEBRUARY 4—WED. TO TUES. ,ONE FULL WEEK that you can recim-e the n1ZCeSsaT,% patients. 45 were from Clinton from ce-ff ined I vis .!iing care required to make y ouberter Hospital; 40 "re from Exeter homemakers. using the sent -ices Orav-ided by the Hospital. 55 were from Goderich The average length of time Home CaW Program then you can, Hospital: 29 were from Seaforth Horne Care was provided to each receive care at home. Hospital: 80 were from Wingham patient was 29 days. 'fiHome The selection of patients for Cate is ba-,Wd on the ♦Hospital. 108 were referred The cost of service per patient availability of services required. directly by -the. family doctor was 58,21 per da% Friday, Jw-31 — Tarchrite Parade with the resburci&s needed and We&mhy, Fek 5 — willingnes s of the patient and 7th Clinton & District Sr. Citizens Card Party Family S416 tight their family to receive their care Hospitality Night at home. Country and Western: Entertainment Every patient accepted for Hoge SATURDAY NIGHT in the Care must have ORIP F& 7 coverage, the same, as if entering 'RED KNIGHT ROOM a hoVital, then there is no charge for the services provided by the sat"Y. ft I — Nrktorian Order of Nurses, the 11LOGIN FISCHER'TRIO" Physiotherapist the Occupational Broombill Championships therapist or Homimaker when Three Carnival Dances the services are needed. , 0 In Ontario in the past year Jan. 31 - Fe'bill 75 Pancake Breakfast ending March, 1'974, 33,000 Tasty Chicken "Wings for Snacks patiftts were admitted to Snowmobile Races -Ontario Home Care Programs in A101Z FEM PAPJMG — lien of hospital' cam, and the length of can was 24 days with an AlUts $1.00 Students A or Adults Nk. Children Ite for Most Events - WE SERVE: BEVERAGE ROOM LUNCHEONS„ average cost of less than $10.00 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 per day. This compares with the aive=gp hospital costs in Ontario AT VERY LOW PRII Of 8 to 10 times that amount. In -104 the 'Humn County Wine Cam Prqgs(=� has provided (WE SP LL ICE) hospital cam at borne to 469 patients. 'Me average length of COMIMCIAL HOTEL Sealf"A cart at dome was 29 days at a co,,tt df 58.21 pet day, The cx present . ....... ...... Crown Room FRIDAY AND,, SATURDAY ONLY, MACH IV DANCE Brodhagen C0'Mmunty'Centre , Dancing ­9".16'tO 1 P.m - FEB. I Bluewater Playboys $4.00 a Counle Free cold meat lunch Couples -Only No Jeans ""DANCE' FEBR 8, 1975 SEAFORTH CANADIAN LEGION MUSIC BY 11 1 MAITLAND SUNDOWNERS Ad -mission: $2.00 per Person Limited number ,of tickets 4 JANUARY 29 TO FEBRUARY 4—WED. TO TUES. ,ONE FULL WEEK *V19d.!'YRUFi.. 01ti., SAT FEBRUARY 5, A. 7. a 1T9S SUAVIV L I ANO THE FUNNIEST. BWff REYNOLDS "THE LONGEST YARD" In ewryune% life there's it A Ir SUMMER OF'42 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT IVIATINEi-SATURDAY, FEB. 1-1:30 Phis A FILM FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Not.. —b— a . pippi Longrs3tocking 7 1 rZ9 Mrs A. r r Spedd Guam MW DMN Of CANADA OHM Per"aww" Friday, Jw-31 — Tarchrite Parade We&mhy, Fek 5 — Family Moccasin Dance Silfts* f& I - 7th Clinton & District Sr. Citizens Card Party Family S416 tight Winter Carnival Parade Hospitality Night Children's Programme -Crowning 6— 'Id Timers H(Rkey Game of QueenCENTENNIAL. Carnival Qum Dance anastra Trail Rides suday. Fek 1 — F& 7 CoWlifion Skating Junior V Hoekey Las Vegas Night Novelty Swwmobile Races &l4 Contests sat"Y. ft I — RM Skating Show Public SchioN Skating NOW41 K 3 — Broombill Championships kwUlanalwt Three Carnival Dances Bhw at Legion1& 9 — TwA* fek 4 Jan. 31 - Fe'bill 75 Pancake Breakfast Centerxial BW Coricert Beans & wiener Lunches < , KE SCR?m emm Snowmobile Races rm -omm- - 11 AbiWo By ON fOK AlUts $1.00 Students A or Adults Nk. Children Ite for Most Events - :Z