The Huron Expositor, 1975-01-30, Page 6Lower Interest Rates - NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st. and. 2nd. 'Mortgages • anywhere in Ont ado on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Int erim financing on new construction or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA - PHONE ' AREA CODE 519-744-5535 COLLECT SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. Head 'Office: 55 Weber Street, East, Kitchener, Ontario. 'WE , BUY EXISTING MORTGA4S FOR INSTAL* THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL SUSPENDED CEILING SYSTEM. This grid system for ceilings is made of steel ,with a baked enamel white finish.' Ideal' for loWer- ing high ceilings, hiding water and heating pipes, etc. System ,consists of: 8' Main peam 4' Cross Tee 2' Cross Tee 25c .8' Walk Angle 65c O. 2' x 4' White Ceiling Panels....029 ctn. Covers 64 sq.. ft: SAVEWAY MONEY SAVERS ,.. • NEW CAR BUYERS Special,Offer Fl Be one of the first 3 to _present -this, ad with your ,new car order to Graham Dow- ling at our London Plant. , il1st New Car Processed FREE 2 2nd New Cary Processed 50% off Reg. Price 3rd New Carihrocessed $50 ofi Reg. Price Vita lizing.. - The Total RUstproofing Process 'with a Full. 10-Year Repair or - Replace Guarantee. a' 3 Step Exterior Protection PlUs Interior Protection FREE, COURTESY CAR Offer Good Until February 15, 1975 7;" • RON E)51)4*ITOR, n.Y oa, 1975 "kattvl*,.. LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES LOOK FOR THE:13,W ORANGE BUILDING' past year and Mr. Docken replied, Personals M,rs. Torrance Dundas spent the Weekend in Waterloo with Mr. & 'Mrs. Wolfe Stuts and Natasha. Mr. Keith Clark spent the weekend with his father James Clark and sister Ann. • Allison and Leslie Traviss are spending a couple of weeks with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Herb Traviss while their parents. Dr. and Mrs. Brian Traviss of Kitchener iare'` .holidaying Florida. Mrs. Hilda Sellers of Seaforth is also visiting at the sahte home. - cabin on the Carnochan homestead in•Tuckersmith bujit in 1834 by Sam Carnochan, grandfather of Sam Sr. in the photo and his son Robert. The cabin was.65 years old when this phbto was taken and its. excellent' 'state of repair was attributed to the fact that the logs, 'many still covered in bark, were cut fin the month of June. Sam Scott, who now has the 1899 photo, is a great, gr' eat grandson of the original Sam. The farm where the log cabin once sat is n ow owned by Jim, McIntosh. The mer)..started to dismantle the. cabin on .the day they took 'the picture,-Sam.Scott says, and Mr. Dickson's mother_a Carnochan, insisted that a photo be taken first. I ' Correspondent Mrs.Allan McCall r' The annual congregational me'eting of Ruffs Church was held on Sunday, January 19th. Prior to the annual meeting the members remained after - the morning service and a noon lunch prepared by the unit ladies. The Minister Rev. Derwin Docken chaired the meeting. The' minutes of the ''last annual meeting was read, by the Recording Secretary, Mrs. Har- vey Craigs: It was reported that the outside work of the church is to b0 done this year and further finariCing of chimes will be coOdered. Mr.' Docken thanked " those who sent in their reports and of the ones that did ..the typing Thisollinxe41 by the treasurer's report. 4% Mr. Docken asked all to stand wife-ilr a moment's silence was observed,in memory of those who had passed away during the past year. Elders to the session to retire this year are Stewart McCall. Ken McDonald and Emerson Mitchell with • new replacements to be . nominated. Stewards. to retire this year are Murray Dennis, Gerald Smith and Mervin Smith. Plans were made with discus- sion and comments to celebrate the church union, of 50 years on June 8, 1975; (just before the date Union. June 10, 1925). It -will be an .Anniversary Party with a suggestion ' of a guest speaker. also- ineluding: decorations. banners. birthday cake. .candle lightitig, pictures of past mem- ' bers .and events on display. special music and lunch attys.- - morning church service. Several volunteers offered to help: Mr. Briggs from Campbellville was in attendance and spoke on A Church Directory. It was agreed to go ahead with the project It was voted to cancel Church services while the minister is on holidays, which will be known at a later date. Don McDonald expressed a vote of thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Docken for their help during the lake first aid course Thirty-two teachers and caretakers from the Huron-Perth,„ Roman Catholic Separate Schools are attending a first aid course in Stratford, organized by John Mce..arroll; physteal education consultant to the board and George Nutt of Woodstock. Additional classes will be organized for board personnel ip South, • Huron, Seaforth, and Wingham area, the HPRCSS Board heard at the meeting in Seaforth Monday. night, Trustee Joe Looby, whose interest last fall led to the course bohig offered, asked for a list with the names of those taking the Mate. . , "Ate any bus drivers' taking Mithael Connolly, Kippen ffUStenr wanted to know. DireettitUi Education John Vintar Wit' 'that hus drivers were InfOrrned about the coursel . - , • , • --, - . - CONSTRUCTION GRADE EASY-CARE CARPETS - SPRUCE STRAPPING , . A long wearing needle- . • bonded , carpet of 100% , ' , . . .. 5v,polypropylene fibre, that is' . . ...__ .c cushion-backed Just snip l'' ----122-1.--F1(8"------ ___,...28 __ , ans1 fit_____Cornes,4-411 1-2' t widths of green, gold, or- . ' . ange, red arid blue. - , sq. yd.- ...--. - 1" x 3" x 8'44, .. . . . . , , .;• .. . ,.vi.Ny.L CARPET COVER NOSLA PANELLING • Protect your carpet from winter slush and salt. . . • I. ',,,,,,„, Cleats dig into carpet to. prevent' carpet cover ' Panel your ref room. livingoom, den or from slipping. Just wipe clean.... -, all with Nobia panelling from Saveway. .99 ',(,;..,- Available in 27'' width.. 5 lours, to choose from: Light, leak, i oak, ory and roikWood. 4' x Green or Gold. 1 °9 lin. ft. :, Panel . „ FOAM INSULATION . , , . - IrsLate yOUr home or cottage with these easy to use 1111 ECONOMY - • dr,,,./,/ -..' sheets of styrospai insulation. Conserve heat in winter. , V ' ,/,, f',./ seep your house cooler in summer. 1 92 __„,p SPRUCE STUD. -.4. -....0. - ... 4' x 8' x 1/2 " .:r 4 - . Ideal for framing or studding- .49 it .,. , , any fob where No.1 quality 2"001PL 4' x 8' x I" ., ir",, . - 33 x 4.."s are not required. ' 1.- ,. 4' x8' x2" • 768 ...... . . • • ACME DOOR HARDWARE . --, Durable aluminum sliding-door hardware' sets comptete with hinges, screws, etc. Available in the tolkawing sizes: PANELLING a No.8848 - 4' Bi-Pass doer set 3.79 No 6666 - 5' Bi-Pass door set . • 4.49 Choose from 4' different wood- N.., 6872:6' Bi-Pass door set • 4.99 grain-look -panels: Knotty Cedar, 4; ) x 8 Ne 8896 Bi-Pass door set . . . , 6.29 Wormy Walnut„ Sunset Ash and , , Hinges,, screws, elc., 0 1.99 Cathedral ,Oak.. 1ne; • also sold^separately for only ' - • • . aft PINE SHUTTERS Cleat' pne shutters have mbvoable louvres, - Stain MAHOGANY SLAB DOORS ..... necomsnendecl tot indoor decorating, these ie.., &hi:tiers, may be trimmed as much as 1" in grade mahogany doors come ready to finish and install. • ....„,, width and 4" in height. Availelis tn • with Saveway also carries a complete line of door hardware. ...... ........ ranged sizes. ... i.... PRICE CHART: 20" 24" 26" 29" 32" 36" 16 :68' , . ... . 8.55 2'4" x str• 10.98 UM Ma 1'8" x•613" .. 9.96\ 2'6"x 6'8" 11.70 == ---,--- ^ .. 6". 2.24 2.49 2.74 299 3.24 3.62 110" x 66" - - - 9.98 28" x 6'8" 12.20 ,....- . i. .... -- IT' 2.74 . 3.99 424 5.24 2'0" x 6'8" 9.98 -2'10" x88" .... , .16.10 ....... , OM ; 10" 3.74 , 4.99 5,49 529 ,22“ x' 6'a' •• 10.50 3-0"x13'8". 17.30 ' i. ' 12" 4.49 -„,; t.24 5.74 6.49' 7.24 VINYLFOLDING DOORS . _.., A practical door for a closet in a narrowallway, WAGON-WHEEk. „COPPER The door folds accordion style allowing passage LIGHT FIXTURE LIGHT FIXTURE through the hallway when the door. is open. Three, lamps on a wagon Anlique•look copper tamp is Available in walnut or beige. All hardware wheel, Suspended from the suspended from the ceiling. • necessary for installation is included. BEIGE ceiling by a chain. Uses 3 - by a chain. Uses 100 watt' WALNUT ' 32" x 80" .. 21.29 60 weft bulbs-Overall length bulb. Overall length r.' 36". Di 38", diameter . arneter 121/2''. -,20 i ., 32" x 80" „.. 16.59 36" x 80" . : 24.79' 20. 48" x so" .. 37.89 36.82 . , :74 . 38" x 80" 18.22 1 ... - - " , - .1 , SAVEWAYS TO SERVE YOU ! At Our EXETER LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Mon. - Thurs. Friday 8:30 - 6:00 8:30 - 9:00 khoo 4:oci Saturday, YARD LOG HOUSE BUILT IN 1834 - When Sam Scott of Roxboro react -the Years Agone column last month there was an item in it that really sfrUck home. The column, from the Dec. 15, 1899 Expositor, noted that the then Seaforth PosImaster; 'Samuel Dickson, had brought into the office a photo of *''one of the remaining land marks of the early pioneer days of this country". The'photo, which shows Mr.' Dickson, Sam Carnochan Jr. and Sam Carnochan Sr. is of a -log - ' ews of Walton Duff's plans work Prices effective Until Monday feb. 3rd • i0 London Car and Truck Rust proofing 1110 Florence Street (East of Fair Grounds) - 453-7710 London, Ontario NSW 2M9 Q. • r • J.<