HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-09, Page 4E WILLIAM
" " 1N�Uf : ,, TP ES, iz. rtJA , 1894,
JArteeve. M. .�w>M,brw!*4rlM,!!! M .. ... , • m. �.Y -
wl 1
72,OOO,400 ex11eudedaiu a Confederation nlevedtbVt$ll appilctstitOne for 'Ua
gt p t
only it ver}: small perceutege went loud be now laid before the Pireotorat.fior eat- . ,seri d cc,., uaviug boui;l►t utft 'the j
fault with. by the e Opposition Mowat( owat amination Gatria. ` e buteinestr od Ur. Welts boat trust•9 bee num
Wait -noted for Ilia pure adadnistratiou et • 'Clark-7ieid,-••That having extoAitmi are now kxcsy taking eteek, .tad sitting mei 1500 CARDS HEMLOCK BARK'S'GUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF METE"
Public affnire. The sew Parliament iters applications, eight are found eatitec• ..,., . hoe, beemexs.
hoildinge t ole steered nit Toronto areal f tory, for these the President •410, Beat.„$, I T•ha World's Fruit a*hibltion will bei 'wanted at the WiegbereTauten'''.
. • The- lawesb I � ar shall preptt • �>Xe po i i + low�a,�roa airs lig rhe
tender weri accepted in every case where! + two applications to be v3'.urued to ltypu., mot picturesque set of views of the World's 1
I re and 1' l a es i t ilatest, lar est wed'
.. AND- -- nothing pard far extras, eft t x. , 0 0 PER R C t.? R
1 -
DRUGGIST I the neoess«rt (security ares forthcoming,rr for cants r rrection-••C .reltried"
ACLU. H, W. TagitlIV, , 0
opp. Brunswick House.
k air yet p eesented to the people of Oen- I Will be ]recd net delivery, STEAK, 100 s, PER 4
and as it matter et tact vontraotors were tell --J. Mo`Kage:=1,'bat the presetat stele. Air. Barrie, who ra sole proprietor i fatties peeling iii cortie or over, can
t3onaervativele In 1891 a new Act Bras ' I.A.genta be re-anno. rated, each in their will give au 013lIeitiou iu the Town halt, , deliver Net iu summer nod belrtece in and other meets low m proportion,
assed;.dea;:in't• with Titatesessinn duties respective territories, with indunctions ou the evening of Pebruwry 7th. i whiter, if Os:tired, and senna priest will be
ea h the soda of Scotlencl, on .thuradner PQ;RIC S,AVSAGE
lineal tloscentlttnte would be subjected to hitherto" -Carried, t y
whereby f,nytlin over (1100,009 going to to canvas diligently for npplicatiens ars • TJuru's Anniversary sary was largely oelebret- paid.
a duty wi 41:� per cent, suet over $201,000, I J.MoKaguo-••••,Alison-•-That the Treas. eveuiug. After an excellent ;)rograu)we, - oleo on
5 per ,sent, 1'ennsy leam•ia-co►nmeosetl, at user he instructed to aotleut interest due the ycuug people joined iu a urerry deuce Winghatu, AMay 1Oth, 18!)3,
$2 .anal; collected l million elollare on cash in Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, to the rreusio of a h ret, olwna orcheatYat. Tho 1
Sous of Eicotlana dfserve heart thaukttZuni prepared Pd rel pee Lite highest
for the pleasant outertaiunleutproviAed. price tar, ell ltiitdH r+f £owl. Tii@y
1'ha llarriston Union of Xou11ti People's' YotetTo ess.oLthretsalaryereetneetsiy ee;ta esws 1klY• Inust 1'e cll'aten ail ti wall dressed.
Society, held their quarterly meeting in eerentena 411(1 paying pssitiens to seed loon,
trona this saurus. '!psis •.sot in,4i!ntario and to increase the deposit in said bank
1 1 I3 s only ttauohes the wealthy and the money to one thousand dollars•-Carriod.
reteeiwed in this was will be applied to Allison -Reid—That this Warddenew
aid ,beepitalsand otber'obaritics. Lust adjourn to meet again in'1.'eessvatortown
yeut'the hospttwlnesest between $90,000 ball, on the last Saturday in February,
and. O100,0J0. ,:i'r. Meredith was a clever
maxi bot he bed. uo following in the
Home to begin to compare with the
Mowat cabinet. If pure, .honest, aeono•
t wild still
P12I,DAN FEBRUARY i , 189.4.
Tltos. Gibson, let: P.. P. Before his
At the *Reform C,tnvention at Ii russets,
last week, Mr. Gibson, the t'eterau M. P.
P., after contrasting the -leaders of the
two parties, referred to the tactics of the
Opposition 1t the Local Houten, owing to
their inability to rind any good reason to
fight the Government. In 1883 the
Government. Irma oharged with depriving
theRornan Catholics of their rights but
the eleetor i returned Mowat and in 1886
the indictment wH8 reversed and the
Boman Cathotio were receiving too
much. The se called Ross Bible also
played its partibutaithoubh ^prepared by
a Conservative lawyer in Brantford and
roeemmended 'Irytine :tlinisteriatiAssocia-
teon of Toronto, the Opposition thought
there was a chance of stirring up strife
and thereby gaiiuing power, but in this
they were disappointed. Mr. Mowat
fought out the battles of constitutional
rights when endangered by Dominion
interference and tvou every time. There
are 50,000 Bottom Cotholirl children at
tending;. Ontario Public Scboole and 30,-
000 in the Separate schools. In 3890
election the cry of 1886 was repeated
with the French language scare added.
Mr. Meredith had approved of the legis-
lation passed at previous sessions refer-
ring to these matters. The 50 or 60
schools In Yrescntt and I~iussell were
French was taught was the sore spot to
the Oppositiofl• They forgot to tell.
however, that Hon. Mr. Boss. Minister
Of Education, had issued regulations on
Aug, 25th, 1885, to have English taught IIATriN A. RrcJa, Teacher.
in alt schools and also that Dr. Ryerson --
in 185156 had authorized the use of , ;sir. Will Pyre, of Harriston High
I.'rench books. In, spite of the Conserve- ' School, spent Sunday at home.
five watchword "Mowat must go,"he Miss Annie Elliott is vis'ting friends
Y a large ma7ort•ty In the .
tnlbat, non-perti'sna i;avernmen
et 1 o'clock p. m. --Carried. ,
Alert, ADAMSON, Secretary,
We en -omens I ,,', white 1' lu: l:xpeet*Trant to
euro cniigi and colds. Tito tsrlrc•it butt!" Ser thu
looted by the cleat= of tint*" they ismer hi them alts ouiy a 41 iVt tare •• drum
nvi11 re•eleot Sir Oliver Motaiit and his wroxetur. Try it sok be troocb•red. "
coliTeagues. ifiss Jean Gibson returned to Toronto,
on Monday, to resume bar duties ars
'Vtticttborry'• stenographer in the oftioe of the law firm
The following report shows the stand- of Messrs. fobinton, O'Brien tIv Gibson,
We; of the pupils in S. S. No, 6, Turn- of that city•
berry, for the mouth of Jau.tl:try, 1894, Mr. John Bone, who had been spend -
the names are placed in order of merit ling a few weeks with friends here re-
tlnd the number's correspond to the ' ceived a despatch onFriday evening last,
number of days the pupil attended intimating the death of his mother,which
school during the month: occurred at her home in Paris that morn -
Sit, 4th Otese. -Jessie Fyfe 21, Sara ing. Afro Bone, previous to her remov-
Johnston 19, Albert Louttit 20, John ing to Paris some four years ago, was a
Homuth 21, Herbert Homuth `20, Aggie long and highly respected citizen of this
Mitehe1112, Albert Homuth 20, Ernest village.
Blitekwell 10, Eaunde Wheelens 8, Albert
Potter 30, Janie Wheelens 4.
la. 4th OL.tss.—Lizzie Homuth 21,
'Tetra Kelly 18, Foster Fyfe 20, John
3tr.1 Gass—Zerr Wade 21, Mary Dun-
can 21, Andres Mituhell 19, Norma
Blackwall 18 .':?tdward Johnston 21,
Lizzie Bryce 1:;, siert Porter 17, Hughie
Johnston 21, l+ttry `Cowden 20, Ida
Homuth 15, Elle Mitchell 15, Willie
Jenkins 10, feint Porton 7, Winnie
Porter 9.
'and CLAss.—.rink Elliott 11, Emma
Hawke 10, I+'reddts Elliott 13, Willie
Mitchell 15.
PANE II SR, ---James Kelly 18, Johnin
;Mitchell IS, George Little 5, Charlie
Blackwell 3.
Paris II Ja.-,.Lacy McKague 17, Netty
Special inrlueen,etits to beginners. k,xcin,1,e turd. (,'E(. ,Si1 A 1V.
Knox oleureb, en hTuttday eveufnn. The tory i irnu 11 desired, Write at once for terms to
three noe►ottes et wbiuh the union oo,isiets i ?ITF. ,lAWK.s Nttit$Eeti' CO., tVitt3hnln, 0(11, IOtk;, 11198.
were wt:)1 represented. Miss Dermal), of ttaehester,
linos church, presided, Miss 11iutham, 1 -"--
president of Gutherin church Endeavor,
contributed ata excellent paper on "Helps
and .Iiiuclrances to Christiuu Life." 14.1
U. Stephens, president of the Methodist! •cry std • 1 _ w,�
.ipwerth League, glee a very practical '• ' S rARK"
paper on doing good, Musical selections
were rendered during the intervaia by
tuemberit of the different societies. Tbe
next meeting will be betel In the Metho-
dist church in May. 1
R. T. of T. District Meeting.
1 l Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia ' 1
i, ! In 20 MINUTES. also Coated Tongue, Dizxt-
Ohs eenieennnal meeting of the Royal ' 'nese, littinnsness, Pain in the Sido, Constipation
Tori» d Liver, lied J3reath. 'I•o stay cured a1*
Templars of Temperance of ituron county ; r'et'aliate tho bacula. VERY WOE TO TAKE.
was held iu Seafor:•b, Inst week. There . I Parer• 25 One ra Ar DRUO STORB$o
were over one lnuuared delegates precept, '
reprt.seatiog the different lodges in'the '
county. There were rapreaeutatives Eton! `0ili� p,,,,,�
the following; placer,: Godevieh. IinlfogA-
TIiOROOG it \VOxlli, under the grid
Mr. R. H. Fortune, our enterprisir., vide, Verne, Beyfied, RiOpeos thinketl1,
V. S., has purchased a new Electric De- Exeter, Ceutralia, Creditiou, Itru',etteld,
horning clipper from liammond, Til., 1 Blyth, Winghatn, Duuganuun, Wroxeter
with which he guarantees to dehorn ( aua Pordwicti. It was the moo et:chines-
cattle in less than 30 seconds per bead. tin meeting ever herd in the comity 10 tune
Farmers should call and see this lustre- • nectioa with the temg,ernnce cause. 'Chore
went. Mr. Fortune has already been Wite more business disposed of est this
successful in securing a large number 1 meeting than at any two previous inert. '
of cattle to operate on.
The saw mill presents a scene of great
activity at present, never in the history
''Fenders wenn) rneeivrd by the ,ndersl ned up to-
tho :'Orli at February, for 16 fords of body wood,
beech and maple, torr tact sous; &.i I G earth of 2o'
Inch wood, sone quality. To. he delivered an the
lot ht the rein of the Prosbyt;f Inn ehurrh, net later'
than the 30th of Match. '
2 !Pyran DEANS,
%Ingham, Jan. Stlth,1S0- , Secretary:
Tho Itluerale Ohee.e Company will offer the In-
eonibifr setuton's make Ot whey for sale by public•
con''otitlOn. et tilt, adjr„trned nununl ineet1 ( to be
held In thu b'o,''sto "i .s0 , I3ittnvalc, ou 1‘441.1"'
dny, hubru uy 14th, at 1.:10.'aleck p.,n,
Lin Tiialiu:
ink hand Of the PRINCIPAL of till
»:, 3ta . , --:s ?JW ssrr'', 9�-x��• itls,Y -
�...>r `v";'.Y1r-a Z ^G�%':-i%M��`,w. b�lrlk� i'�'.••._
Inge. The session batted from 10 a. rn. to
9 p. nt. There was a unatiitnoes vote' Forest City Business and Shorthand School, of London, Ont.,
taken to support uotlning but teiuper»nay : who has had arrotat, preparation for his chosen profession, assures sureesa meter,..lndont. Ptnrin� anent
of the mill bas so many logs been deliv- candidata for office, Par1iarnetatery, mens- , v1rrm i, rano iia the nlasa room and 1Yt•H yr.Atta alt 11us ai4+ stud ori'WC 1•aAGTiar., he shoutd-know hotr td.
i repare young people for business. I t, put s to nttond a school that has a stantiti r_ amour busineas most:
seed in any one Season, which duringthe cipal, U"r evert to aohoOl trustees, eXUOpt ; grow
t•c•opuns on Tt, slay, Jant my ?od,151)4, Oatnloguc L•co. Oaorl !roars! $t54) par week.
past three weeks has averaged about they be true to temperance and the teal- Cm
500 logs per day, indeed so great is the steranco cause.
rush, the proprietars'fnd,it;necessary to Tbe delegates were entertained by the
work two or three nights per weak until Seaforth Royal Templar»' Council in the
12 o'clock. rooms of the Young Men's Christian Are
Mr. Joseph Thomson is thio weak in sociation, and at the close of the meeting
Garden Hill, Ont., attending his father. passed n, unanimous vote of thanks to their
Bryce 16, Willie Kelly 17. who is very ill. Seafeeth brethren and sisters for the kind
Perm IA.—Maggie Holmes 21, Frankie
Johnston 171 Torttmey Tees 5.
The average attendance for the month
was 31.
The post office was this week transfer- and hospitable manner iu which tbeybeel
been treated.
The fotIowine officers were elected for
rod to its new quarters, in the Sanderson
Block. It is a commodious and neatly
fitted np office and would reflect credit the current toren : District Councillor, T.
upon a much larger place. 1 . Tom, Godericlr; Past District Council -
Mr, W. A. McCutcheon, of Wingltam, lar, J. I3. Pyper, See -forth ; Viee•Distriet
has secured a position in the employee of Councillor, Mrs. Haxby, Seaforth ; °ilap-
Mr. W. C. Hazlewood. lain, Dir. T. C. Pickard, Hotmesvi11tt ; ate.
--•- -- cording Secretary, Mr. P. C. Etfofd,
" " 3 in Exeter. 1 East W a'wanost1• - Holmesvillo ; Treasurer, Mr. Wm. Lewis.
coming election the Opposition has not IMr, W. Wheals+us and Mr. Pringle in- It is our sad duty this coals to chroni. Oreditoa ; District Herald, Mr. George
outlined its poliey as Mr. Meredith ap- tend buntlinebrick houses the coming ale the death of William Albert Taman, 'realm'', Exeter ; Distriot Guard, Mr,
'pears to be lying low. A. complaint has summer. p son of Mr.Henry Taman, or., of East Edward!leash, Varna:'; Sentinel,Mr.
been trade of extravagftnue in asylum Ino• • Wawanosh. At the time of life when a fleury Monteith, llrucefeld.
The new 1311W mill erected b .. young man is tilled with bright hopes There was considerable iaik about livid
and prospects, and with his life -work ing the county iuto districts. but the sub -
just opening before him, death seems heat was: laid over Utltit the tune tneetlba
doubly sad. Will was taken down with
which takes place at WIUgham 00 the and
',maintenance but it is a false statement.
Tbere are now in our asylums 2,042 male
inmates and 2,031 females and the aver-
age annual expen liture per patient, in-
tcluding all salaries, acc., is 4137 In the
.,United States the same average for 79
asylums is 8199. In the Central Prison
there are 321 prisoners, whose average
annual. keep, inclusive of salaries, is
3189.45. Compare this with Dominion
Penitentiary, where there are 1,228
)risoners on longer terms and the avec. that this tonality may yet become quite
age expenditure is $274619. The Central a suburb to the town of Winghan.
Bros. is running in full blast. They are
doing a good buaiucrs in custom sawing
Also buying and tasking in saw logs and
making shingles. Their work is highly
spoken of. Tbe; also run a chopping
mill and together n'ith their brick and
tile yard, their promises are growing
into pretentions proportions.
The young people of Cedarville are
occasionally branching oft and setting up
for themselves, Heel the indications are
'risen earned over disbursements last
;ear 813, 719. an average of $45.13 per
rrisoner, while the revenue frotn the
tonitentiary was only $10,156,an average
$!8.27. This should be a sufficient
answer to this charge. In the Crown
&fr. A. Gordon, teacher in No. 3, front
Bruce, and family have taken possession
of the house late] o vacated by Mr. Geo.
la grippe about two weeks ago, which
ultimately turned to inflammation of
the lungs. All that medical aid could
do -seemed of no avail, and after terrible
suffering he ' passed away on. Sunday
morning last, in his 22nd year. The
funeral took place on Monday to Uuion
Cemetery, and the unusually large con-
conrse of friends who followed the re-
mains to their list resting plane showed
very distinctly that the young man was
web thought of and a favorite among
bis acquaintances.--Blyth•Standard,
Mr. 'rhos. Linklater, wife and family,
who have been r•esidiug in Manitoba for
.ands Department a 6 year's record some time, returned home on Friday'
stows the receipts to- be $8,062,044.32, A mild type of scarlet fever is prove]. last.
lith tolal disburaements, for both inside en on the second concesston, but no very • =
Id outside work, of $982,092. The Do- serious oases. = �_ : _ =' ---
Anion Government for the same period Mr. demes Strath is still very low,with
slight hopes of his recovery.
Mr, Robt, Caslick, from near New-
bridge, is malting. ostensive preparations
towards starting i'r the spring, a brick-
yard, on lot 25, et:,acession 2. lIe has
had considerable e'cperienee in the busi-
ness anti says there is an abundance of
the right material to make a first class
article, and it is reasonable to expect
that the tindertakin, will Sae a 80(10888
tineneially,as the demand for briok is on
the incrcese tool the supply is limited. 1
Mr. Thos. Brown. of the4th, is snaking
t/repnrations far patting up a barn In the
spring. '
port their receipts to be $1,454,215 and
penditure 661,767,436, showing a deficit
.$313',221, The appointment of officials
Isd the fees paid was dealt with very
nted1y. Mr. Gibson said the feea paid
re the same as in Jno. Snndfield Me-
nald'a time in 1871. The divided
oral conntiee, Huron in the number.
,lave+ tworegistry offices. The second
for Huron was located at Myth but
Ca. Council refused to erect a hulk—
I—nto fees received from the Goder-
office since 1873 were 53fie
so t at it has been a good earning
Ito Man —the monies being received
hod services performed
es of Ontario is the
Qvtebee has a debt
tl and the other provinces
Ontario hew now 0,800,000
ncl sire stands today with
trot her assets. How was it
inks Government., its the
The riireotora of the Gulro:es Mutual. (i
:r'ire Insurance Company naet in the i
town hall, Teeswater, en 3anuar'•y 27th).
1894. Members all present. Ii•. E. Little
Eeq., T'resident, in tho chair. Minutes
of previous meeting read nnd adopted, I
when lAileasro. and lielCagste'
is one of the first signs o''
poor health. Coughs, Colds,
Weak Lungs, T3isease,d Blood.
A,. oto ..:..1,111111* I I `
the Dream of Cod..!sorer 011
cures all Of these w'ea;3~' aess
es. 'bake it in time to over
illness if you can. I'iaysidatr.i
the world over, en!T,or.f R.
Don't be bolted by s lih8tit'1ta,ii
acottxliorrna,a; s$11te.b1t15 f•.r
of that month.
W}teas system ncedA toting up 41st! whose
appetites are fnifin'. tt gale!: and pleasant
remedy will be found hi
Preparcdonly by CA Nttr31t11. & Co,
1?etvare ofimitationti MOxritran.
to make froth 31,3 to 55,3 ter week In selling our }tardy
Canadian Drown Nursery Stock. Highest Salaries
or Conunlsaion paid weekly. Complete Oram !'ant.
Special instruetions to beginners, write this Creek
for terms to.
14. 0 GItAIiAbi, Nurssrynnsn,
Ids Toronto, Ont
Whtghtttt, February 8, 1894.
Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
z'Iour per 106 lbs.. ........ 1 50 to 1 80
056 to 057
0 55 to 0 50 -
'8 34 to 0 85
0 50 to 0 {,1 :
Pals Wheat
Spring Wheat..,..,
Peas /,
9• .,1,Y....,, 0 18 to 0
Butter, rolls........ , . , , , . 0 18 to 0
Eggs per dozen...•.,,.. Y 1. 0 15 to 0
Wood per cord,...., .Y .. ..Y. 1 5O to 1
Hay per ton .... ...•.•.. 0 00 to 6
Potatoes, per bushel. -.,1.... 0 35 to 0
Talloweper Ib 0 05 to 0
DriedAp.les, per Thee, • 0 05 to 0
Dressed Hogs ., ..Y, 6 00 to '0
Beef,...ra.,. 4 5O to 5
Peal Wheat, old,
!'all Wheat, new., ...,.
' Spring; Wheat.
11#ariey ..... ..
�atS. ,Y..............
' lea . .
Votetoerl„per bushel. ,
Butter. •. •4 ...... ....
19ggs, per dozen
lay .�y ., Y.
...., �ti 57 to 0100'
.. •. , O 5/ to 0 00'
.....•6511tto ors
0 0 40
..,,032to0112; 050boe;
..«. 0 17 to '0 18'
0,{ ]1/2 to�0 lea
•6 00 to •J 0-
�..,.. b CO to 446
In orde • to dispose of our entire stock of Goods, as WO 11 OW you
need therm tinwe need the money, we shall for the
ex Thirty e
be prepared to quote
Prices Entirely Below A thing that has ever sen heard- of Before
all our lines.
made of the best Fabric
at the.
t L Tl1tL1'lit;t prr,ducei.
of. be under
nowt unprecedented low r »�
are headquarters for the relcbeate
tMerii ad 0
11 Canadian Brattuirt in :stock, with Socks to I11:
's the pleat': to hiuy
airing Ilene as 1t8ttai.
J. 3. OM RJ .1. •lSzSON,
Iger Vhstr
AIL Gime
The chs•,
times dofle,
way a, stor
the express
a face. $u
the maple
'behini. the
Thiel is •tv,
laid down
beauty of it
Its humauit
in my heart
of youth, lo'
wrong use.
I began to
tiler, Rate
felt that sir(
haps poured
literary exp
ing life of 1+1
Who was
A few da,
flight of bro
town street,
siou was us
0115 room, o
that an artis
trifles that
a deep div
heaped with
pillows. A
tapestry, an
eau's "Tw
draped in fl.
seen good s
one side by
matting an
the Scor. 0
water color
were some
more --the
of "The Kis
in white, an
of Miss Jor
strong drag
A very pr
morning go
"Yon wa
asked. "8
of the haus
get from al
going up tit
to her,"
1 followec
white door ,
under a stay
Our knot
ming of `a c
in. Miss
dow before'
which was
almost ever
is cleaning
gave me he
indeed the
saw, "Th'
ward the
"I can't he
but the int
sant, and
hours are s
It was
white. 'r
shade, the
and beyon
frill of CI
and spires
hundreds o
vivid Moret
And the
was quite
a beauty of
pretty, ',vel
girl. She
nothing in
to suggest
er words, s
with the
sib brttnetto
eyes, witi
Irish, and
ably pretty
A Itttssis
was cera'
Vet belt, a
'brown cal
graceful f
"Sri tris
oto to it
nettling the
divan: "It,
so f