HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-09, Page 3w. 'C.` T. U. QOLUMII.
(coltht;.aran,etx gaol WINelfaM alleged.)
For OM 'mg Ficins and ,\rash's Land,'
Well call the.attegtion of the mothers Ohl sisters
to the fact„ •than'tho Woman's ChristianMeinper.
mos Uniortane•te very Monday at three. o'clock
sharp, ter curt hour, at Mrs, IIelut's evidence, Nat.
Sick street. Aaldadias are made welcome,
We holdrecomithly rtnspel meeting; motile last
Monday of weedy month, except when •rttherwise
advertieod,+to ostich meeting we invite the public
As the Jfdlt•r•has kindly given us pact of Ms
space, for our.m. rk, we ask friends of the, name to
send items of•:atttcrest on all moral questions of the
day to any of our members.
t4 •IWarning to Drinkers.
The following was found written on
the bats of a bank nute
this note passes from me, •,l: aw a
ruined man. It is the last out of a
fair fortuiie(bequeathed to me, and the
hard•won earnutes of an indulgent
parent, ae.iquiokly come as tcguickly
gone; for, after a few short yeare of
inebriettytand reckless folly, nay disci.
potion 13nc.tuade me homeless, friend-
less, andteebeggar. Whoever ,may he
the neat owner of this note, IL would
recommend. him to follow the advice
of sad a ;perience, and bewave of in-
. tell peranee.
`a.arite Liberty.
I won'tt.tsign away my liberty, said a
man wd'iottil I was persuading 'to take
the pledge. Why note Becauesfi, %then
I meet amhuun I must haves, glass
with him. .r You must—yoe must !
said 1; then you are not tree sifter all.
You have alreadygiven away your
liberty. ;Any man ,who is compelled
to drink+fottbthe good of the house, or
to oblige ,aefriend, or nut to seem
different to others, is, after all,. a poor
fettered slave. Stand fast in tete true
liberty which leaves you free. to say
"No" when, temptation offers. Stand
fast in d;inereene liberty which snakes
you free to i look your wife in tele face
as you take,liome the whole nveelt's
wages to he es -petit for the good of the
house—y.our owls house, not eObn
f3arleycorneei. 'Stand fast in theeiber-
ty pf .that glorious iuclepen.leneemwhich
you cati'etarueby the sweat of your
brow.—Rev, ': t-1. Potter, M. A.
,et Dina 'Takes, the Consequanees.°
If a titan will,be such a fool as .to
take -to drip' , Iet him take the,con-
sequences. ;(&.,say many, whens.ttlk-
ing of drunkenness. Yes ; but idle
trouble is, he ttakes the drink, aua;c,the
other ,, • =le.+have to tai:wau:.awry large
h e ,'` he' consequences. He ttwke•t
li,WtttJie man with wbol tc.he
guar el ,,and then stabs or
sit+= ..has to,tikke the consequetaaes.
Yes, he tapes Jibe drink, but gerto
his bottle and :yclu will see that his
children,: uneducated and utmost nee -
clad and nnfe'd„ .are taking the cone,:,
(Toga --""Cedes in the Aire')
When Johnnie. !+host rules o'er the !Arid,
And dons his oebe o' snow,
There's naetbangilike the cltannel-titane
To drive dull omtre awe';.
To "draw, to gourd, to chap an' lie,"
And whiles ba•"olear the ring,"
There's g1oriskesffun upon the We
When Johriaaeellorost is king!
See him who's stain' i' the dumps,
Sae surly, mar and sad,
Transftgur'd beta bit o' broom
To shout aat1 sweep like mad!
That o'er the 'hog or to the tee
Some loitever.may bring!
There's life Into the dullest stone
When Jolamnie,Frost is king.
The parson's eiiaippin' on ae side,
The blacksmith on the ither,
The "soutat"' ' eoles" against a lord, zeas of lIn creel! .
An, uppar$ wi'a brither. g
Some stoneware brow and polish'd rare.
Some roe jh1frae mony "a ring;" "Tlltelloints and muscles are so lubricated
But we're a'.Ifolln Tamson's brains, ye 1104, ! by Hood's Sarsaparilla that all rheum.-
When Johnnie Trost is king! tram atad stiffness soon disappears. Get
,only 'Mood's.
Physical Culture.
llallantyne, Stratford; Division 12,1 Fight your own row, ask no favors I
John Geary„ London ; Division 13, of ally one and you'll sueceod a thous.
Tkorna's"C ibeon, Fordwicb, Auditors, end owes better than one who is al- I y
Jahn 11,obe4r'tsou, Ingersoll, J. A. ways bestechttfg some one's influence
Nelles, Loudon. Representatives to and patronage, „ HOLLOWAY one will ever help LW AND
Central Farmers' Institute, lima. 'you as you can help yourself, because
A Blessing to Every Household.
Thos, tl3agantyne. Stratford ; J, W. po one will be loo Heartily interest •d in These remedies have steed the test of fifty yeare oxp,•rionCe, and are preneunced the hotbfedleinee hatWheaton, London, Representatives t your a fairs, The tiret step will be a 'sone nae,
to r2orotnto Industrial Exhibition, E. 1 long one perhaps, but carving your
Caswell, London ; representatives :to own way alp the mountain you make Perineum blood, cored an (thiourea f tit Liven sweetACH 'KIDNEYS AND I,O i' Ei f,Ited
Westerly Weir, John Gibson, Niles -
town, and John S. Pearce,
each one lead to another .and stand
firm mad you chop still soother out.
Invaluable Mallrcomplaluts Iticidental to females of all wires.
President Pattullo acknowledged Men who have inane fortunes are not T� •�ST�
the ,horse' Mone him in a brief speech, three who have had e frt w thousand Ie the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sorsa, aleera, and old wounds, Ft>R liRONCHi7IS, o
A. hearty vote of thanks was posed dollars ,given then to ntwrd with, but DISEASES IT IIASNb EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford, Late Gtr;, Oxford Street, Loudon.
retiring !President Geary.
and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world.
boys who have arrnek out, with a well -
The third day's sitting brought the eernetd duller or two. I rarPnrhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots.
convention to a close, after wbiok the not,533 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious.
delegate!! wore banqueted by the'aitie
Lang may efielkindly influence bide,
When JOanuie tha*vs awn',
Till "man dto,ruan the world o'er
Shall biiithers be an' a',"
0' self andtsilly pride ma' "hogs,"
Keep crawtpits oot the ring—
Cp wi' year Cowes and swear "patiid!,"
To ,Tolauaiie.Frost the king!
Elizabeth Barrett Browning clays,
,Els lives most life whoever breaths
._ - . ,most air.
What it is important to beeatbe pure EEU=TIsnt CUM!" IN A DAL—South
Damen d Association. American Rheumatic Cure of Rheu=natien
air is•iquite generally recognized; but sand Neuralgia radically cures, in 1 tci:3
ANNUAL MEWING AT 1NGEESOLL^lei17.tTOP•' that.naental activity, Moral tone and ddays. Its action bupno the syl4tem is vs
BIS 41FF TEE PROCEEDINGS. :' strengthP ea
,bodil! depend tinmarked markeble and mysterious. It removessat
— degreeb,upon the manner oftbreathin once £he cause oftthe diseal+e inirnediatelly
is not so well understood. disappears. The ttirst dose greatly genu
The W,eatetn Ontario Dairymen's fits. 75 cents. Warranted at Chishote's
Associetion.met in convention at an.. Insufficient clothing, though of gout drug store.
gorsoil on Tnesday, Jan. 23. .quality, will not keep a wean waren,'
It is ,jaate30 years since Ltarvey neitber will insufficient air, though of
Farringtontinstituted and operated -the goock.gnallty, thoroughly ,purify thio
first uhf*esetfactory in Western Ontario
blond, normally accelerate the action
at Norwich. Three years afterward •oflthe . thoracic and the •abdominal
the Canadian. Dairymen's Assoniation organs and'fully streagtlaen.the respite
was founded all 1ngersull, and 'ever tator•y.saluscles.
When Baby was sick, wo gtrre her Castoria.
)yi,nn she was a Child, 81 eu ried for Castoria,
vt'3nen she became Seise, alto Clung to Castoria.
When she had Childrou,sho gave them Castoria.
For that Bad Cough of yours
If the addret►a ice,
wan, ver a xi y ar 1 ,. •nb , . u,• no• u e nm •n mb a tfi� ,
IUGHLY RECO.MMENOED' _„� As a,Pre entive and Cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases.--
A henpet•ked huts hand being asked r•
vahat hes wife'', 'Favorite tf'tme was
when tele Kot particularly angry., \/1 'i r c I -I A
solemnly replied 1Draw poker.
1\T + 'VT P=RI
of Itincerttine have bought the Marble Business of Mr T T Watgon, formerly carried on by W Smyth.
Chiefly t he IP11-sh has been the-
Parties acquiring. work in their line will do well by galling on them or seeing one of theiragents lector
}rurohasing. You will find our prices are away down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed. We will use non
pr.int or dapartirre to keowled>;e, as to but the reryrbest stock and by square dealing hope to secure a liberal share of the public pat ronage. Mr
nt T Watson, 'Cohas been running the business for the past year, will represer ' us on the road.
commerce. 'Me most advanced onset- .
lone a,e alwary•s those who ltevgRate
the most.— Ems• reon.
Sprista'Tiu,e Coming.
since Weather place had been recag.., ..'We ate for want of lereath and we Before the advent of spring the system
nized as ith4 center of the datele r;lnl IVH in full tueasu•ra, twhen there should be thoroughly cleaned and purtEed
dustry of (Ontario end of Canada.. . Ptie-iency of breath .iii gttaliby, by the use of Burdock Blon3 Bitters,
which purifies She blood and cures dy.pep-
In the absence, of President Gears ilii fivaoti.ty,
aia, coustrpon, headache, livor teem -
Andrea, tl'attullo, Woodstooti, ououpi Urt
'')tyss Glat+'ati
physteal sydtem is,aal0- plaint, etc.
ed the chair. imoll titrtly0lrljigorated hey ,plenty l,of
Practica,l,addrem;l were deliv ,red pure aar,., r?kp�rte breathed, the body,
by D. Derdlyshire' L feeikville, Dr. SP. ;18. •brans antl• t v sestets* .wre.flt;per•
Vausl ke,tfiseeneva N.'Y.,Johu Gould, ,fectty=atot d
Ohio, Jul ai S.,Pearce, London, and t0. Aires ete disp ~'naablenenditiou of
E. Chad, olc,.lugersol1. ,life. , i proof -sheet to my prayer. You
Dr. ‘VidJaautp, utayor of Iugeraoli, •Clou t, ` that interfaces with /the newspaper mon nerd printers are un-
opened the evening proceedings ,witlr salon eteehe diaphragm tired that -does familiar withprayer that your tare
an addrees,raf welcome. Steven !?taxon 'not shill, he floating ribs to :Boat is ;pretty sure to double it up badly.
s •
It is relatived by a Buffalo news-
paper that, boot long a_o, Bishop
Cleveland Ooze sent for a reporter ,and
said : 1 should like to correct the
63a`•1'so ttddrealsed the convention on else- -one of tlilevcautlf of the abort breath
half of the'ldoard of Trade. Prof. ile nt drothe i, per," es of the eliengs.
H. Dean, tel the Ontario Agricultural ff'Qn1t' )diU • the body itself .inatettfirres
College, Guelene, followed with an eideeerntli he;
dress oil ',Feeds we eat, with sperrtli! n '
reference, to (diose, from -timed xii;�
The eveniaagltneeting closed . lila an ; leilirrlitlte to stand well, to atbrentken
address by A.. T. Bell, inntruntor in tt1ie abet rte i1 walls, and to relax the
the dairy k+chsdLat Guelph and manta- btension fioehaltee muscles, Wan ,eas.en-
ger of the Ptnavincial !)airy seineli„ awl. prepareetio*iy Qr gaining vla•ealrh+by
cfti ld''15rpeth
1:t. j Oise of tie
avistot k.. , bred a t4
Protnintant• aernong tile speakers on , r4 a �'',ul t't'i+o'l itid',are (eitaiala e.d,
the second day of the convention at mots h ttbrfx4`^ttz by,auy othetl
Ingersoll were ,Prof..Robertsou, Sena- ei file t'xt•rClut•.:'. feet deed svuio pededj
tor Read, Dr. V+t,tt, Slyke and Hon.atertpiratioo, not only the organa of tthcl To3Eril cowAN,
quences. That .deselate,deserted wise;, Thos. Bullutttyne, tihoraoio cavitly, but the stomach, l.iveri'nJ
whose heart yeaun+si for the carufoirt,l Prof. Robertsdti, Dominion Dairy and all other (organs that ate near tt0, CLIARR OTR DIM. COURT, CO. HURON,
love, and catea,pitr=oxaship of hien whetCommissioner '.eolning fresh from the'; ttiie.ttkuseles of respiration are stimat•-!
loved her till the (drinking cnsto*ne 'victories Moir e u anudian dairymen; listed i AUGT,IONEEE,
wan hint from her :.nisi! wedded him to� etit the YStorid's ,!'list•, was received with Lnciigestion eau be cured by (leeal:ieed4:ISSUER OF MARRIAGE. LICENSES
his worst ens:rray--lea is reaping sonnsE ek,tensiasm. His subject was the eroise, 1 ConrnrxasroNr ami. Be 0. T., ETC.
of the bitter, bits ' conaPqueuce4.� ='1Viurer-Dairying ,tiloveluaut," a sub- Co+erect brenthing is an effFohiuel `eioxeeen. oNT.
The son takes the .lisuor, hut that jest ht •ieeevell ,gaol,ified to discuss. medicine for pulmonary troubllies.
teeobes the proper. and natural way to'
For Children and Aanits.
DR. LOW'S Worms Syrup cures worms
in ohildren for adults. It contains no
injurious ingrednenty. Price 25c.
On tho security mf eaultirated Farm, Interest six
per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the
principal may be retaard at any time the borrower
wishes. All e,.penoee paid by the County. No
person except the Comity Auditors allowed to see
mortgages or to knew to whom money is loaned.
Apply to WM. HOLMES
Goderiah, Aug. Sth ftu►d. Co. 'Ire ea ur
broken-hearted mother, who Boys, ,j-1,, nieteioaed .see -oral advakituges of Del -slide Syseeesi of 1 hysicad Culture! -- —
•'=Would to God 1 had (laid hien in his the syste,n of winter' dairying, making
.littile coffin, iu the 'days of bis purity
(fartneers �tltanufacterers, not only of
,.and innocence, 1 ,hitter, but also in .oilier lines, such as ills td,t•at man is heir to. 1
.to see this sad sipdit„":ieI,suHsring some ..tile productiuu of ,peek. He thought T:i'kase wlio are weak will deri+vel
of the consP uenees.. 10•es ; h„ takes the cheese industre Iliad momentum great daenefit 'how the exercises if' ' -'�
'the drink, but the conse ,ut'noen do notalong, taken in moderation and conscien•tioue ; „111c,4 "Re,
A ,euoU},h now to Carry .it and , ,,il t �ul�itI�.
Fall entirely upon ben.. What poor aged i,{•rie:res could turn ,their attention ly repented.
Those who age Ihealth will leans; t urea.✓'VelT' a lla,,langhs,Cronp,Soro �
dottier who a few yeara•I;as,atlloasted of his more t0 glitter-ri♦alr.imig, titan formerly.Y tsi„otat. Nall b all i)rar> gists on a Guarantee ,
.bay, and looked upobra king as his pride . ieninator • Head of !Belleville, iu the how to .retain tkat greatest of all' •Form Lame Side, ieeherCChestShiloh'$Porous i
d ' and fondly d l d beshould. f his brief til' 'd old blessings "Health”' Plast:rwillgivegreatsatisiactiow-25ceats.
breathe and dukes to cure most of tens! teye ;l;LpT
' e nether titan have lived
Call art&see •our stock and prices.
— IN
G O TO--
Cheap fort AS'.
'��T E B S rT' E 1 tit ' S
ii25° Be"
tan �Oy, on y he.tbetL 8 L'Gurst o 113 Cte, a•,4i5eaB, said in O blessings, r
:lean upon him as he went amen the da. tCltu,adiens used to sell cows for Gladstone says, aft! time and money'1 HILOH S VITALIZER?
.Sirs.dt.5.Hawkins,Cbattarxooga,Tenn. ssls:
1lnill,of life—and, pertaspii, who first 81.6 each to Atnericaaau,,and then im-. spent in (training the voice and body,' •=Igrftoh'sYitCiEwr`,yd GD M1' LYIB. T
taught the child or youth it,o taste and port ,nboese made from these cows. iii an investment tient pays a larger erittl?sbestremeclu>anadebuEtateda+rateln
3•cverruecd.' For Dyspersla I,it er or Sidney
lilterthe accursed and itaftats. ting drink He wae.elad that a change lead been interest than any othar. I tsa ftexoeln. Price ria,
in telae shape of British wine—that old brou lit abont. Try 1 r
man, 11 say, whose gray litters are fast S d f h MOP c
morn a Peri
D. 'Van Slyke, lies (of the New "One
York:State Dairy Lxpeeienential Sta• t e of Eden staid disconsolate.
tion ar„ '62feva, discussedelle quos ion Poor Peri she had a daeadache and
ofa• ill (for nil according to butter- Starks,
fat. dIe aJJaowed by figurers in hund- neuralgia and liver powders ; pleasant
re a e: ,p to take, perfectly harmless, Laid im-
of Ol'irene +Ecom ii given qutaintity of . mediate and permanent In their cure of
tnilh was Pxaerly iu proportion to the all forms of these distracting ailments
amount of hatter fat contained bin it. Why, i41r. Flock, G. T. E, ELsmilton,
'There wtty a brief discussion on the says they cured him entirely after
subject, but il,early all present, agLeed suffering from headaches for three
that the new system was the beet. years and they cost only twenty five
.lion Thos. Ballnntye, a believer in cents a box.
the stew eystent, spoke strongly in its
Robert Parker, of Elma, an old Askham : How did Robinson get;
resident of Oxford, said if for no other that game let; of his a Tellings : l'ie�
reuson, the tester should be used be'. once went pheasant shooting.
cause it educated ferrners to take A vigorous young man expends
better crtre of their milk. enough energy in one football gatno
The following aro oiiicers for the `to sax- a whole cord of wood,
ensuing year : President, Andrew A' f. spinster, in writing to the news.
Pattullo, Weodstook ; first vice•presi-
dent, A. F. Maclaren, Windeor ' papttr of her, native villat;r, I ays l 1
second vies -president, J. S. Pearce, wonder that some of you scribblers,
louden, Direetora- Division "!,Jelin Who think yourselves sc Arnett, baits
?rain, frlarristou; Division 8, Harold not called us unmarried' rnarriaReable
1 agle, Atterolifl's ; Division 9, J. T. ladite f►aiting maids 1
Williams, Ingersoll ; Division 10, W. g, D. C. brings Prompt relief to
stipat1or, . Dixon, Atwood ; Division 11, Thotilas eti>il<brers from Xndigestion.
being rrougltt down with •sorrow to
Make a better filling for Corsets
than any other known material.
"Featherbone" Corsets are tough-
er and more elastic than any
othor make, as they are entirely
filled with quills (Featherbone).
Ti o be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores.
' �t lar gild.
the gelave, is reaping the wreltoled con- tar h t FIitivoi reUevorh? frgthie' fo�ketly. Itwill �. 4+
tro•itivt,I,ir relieve and Cur,. ; •oa2. Price BO eta.
eegnenoes. `rhe man dri•nl;e, but p y' !; lk d b tt Tliis Inarator for fin pu t:014C l treatmentis a�s p s ®� � �
society (leas to bear the consegluences. acre' he ird of hertdaoliE furnlehedd'ree. Remeraher,Shiloh'altemedies• • C
are soils,n a feu/wane-3o to rive satisfaction. -
If he tains into enlace the sober non- d Of x ca iinents where date amoant -
drinking„ ,patiently-snfferiug taxpayers
have to take " the consequences, by
finding the money required to pay the
officers of ,justice, from tate constable
to the judge, from the policeman to
the hangman ; we, who have to pay
for building expensive courthouses,
jails, and peteittntiaries, and pay all
the long list of officers required to
attend thein—yes, we have to take
enough of the consequences
.Lt IS good neither to eat flesh nor to
drink Wine, nor anything whereby thy
brother stumbled) or is offended or
made weak. t Wherefore if meat make
My brother i to offend, 1 will eat no
meat while the world stands. Oh, for
more of that noble spirit, both in and
e t4emperatice ranks.
out o' the
The astriinomer's business, in spite
of the dullttitnes, is 'looking up.
B. D. 0 pilin ours chronic Con
'Cfn'lccks all tho clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys '.illi Liver, carrying
og gradually without weakening the sys- _
torn, all tho impurities and foul lfnmore
of the secrotions; at tho sumo time Cor -
rooting .Acidity of the Stomach,
curing Biliournuss, Dyspepsia,
Headaches, Dizziness, Hetitburn,
Constipation, »i'ynecs of the Skin,
Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun-
dice, Salt Rheum, Er'+sinelab, Scro-
fula, Flattering or the Heart, Ner-
vousneSS, And t?enoral Debility i g all
those anti inc2l' other rimilar Com aints
giela to tbo happy influonee of BUBDOVE
leer Su;d L y et; ,D.+kaier3.
& CO.,.?IOp?1 tL: , TeM
13AN_Ls_alR,S_ •
-U NI D E RTA K E R, Josephine Street • - V'Jingham, Ont,
1.111.1 YYlrl 11.,1111, li .,rltall.Y..TYHI.116.IN.V2YYCn ."YICIY.ar'.
'rhe" D.&c ---r-
tent 4 CoreThntCough,
P'yt`plesh onYaur$ones
Prevent Consumption.
J. A. HAx.srrp,I J. w. SCOT',
Mount Forest. Liston
Deposits Received and Interest
YYLoney Advanced to Farmers andel
Business 1Vleti, ^
On long 0r short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at it fair valuation. Mouey remitted to all
Darts of Canada at reasonable chargee.
Special Attention Given to Cot"
'eating Accounts and Notes.
Agents in Canada! --The Merchants' 1�
of dam Ada
01flce ileum-•-y'rem a s. re. to 5 p.m.
A. E. sn�lc 11,