HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-01-16, Page 4... fl -j
of t1he =-'e=,bers of me- ho Id"g
I�pea Ea,.0 W,L bed a Pat luck ?,1y, and, Mrs. Hank Binneudyk,
�_r=ney " to PM a$ the wbo have been Widafmg' is
bor:,_- of "_ brews Alderqfim OD Europe have returned home.
JZ,==zry'& Mm Abri McGregoT Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Coleman
W25 in &a�� of the per;) vacation in Jam M
Mr., ard Mas, 0n FAssalErnaw are
W "Nip
Haas a, I 1...1, n s tifu t voft prograill
emphasizes citizenshiprr.
L I M I T,F_ D
Cmed a 46a
tc�:.VA F_o �e
I Vh re 2
34. 31 4 00,�t CHURCH WOME DY LITERATURE This Hensatll area group attended t
"'t a�t Jaaaal�j �5
C '11,- w
Tte crmer-sbv arA Wfe owerrxw S!Dt a;no s�w'.-t-'d W,=e Herm?,13 L � 0 ff f rig d. Huren Presbylery of tfie W� PA $, of area Presbyterian Churches. whtch was held in C
AM= lmetmg rA the Htrna.lrl itimed ples/'-Z oi,
pvure_3 had W r the book display are, left, Mrs-Rechus Faber,
V11' war~ heed we4ae-z&y J,,we a�, read a; virovcry C.�f Seafeirth last vieek_ Locking over
eve;rIg M the Lem H241- The Frod Seivei - Leade-7,i Trz,rjmg Kippoan: Mrs. Malcolm MacDcugafl, FArs., Percy Campbell, Mrs. Clarence Valland
from The Feditr=1z -,I Onlzm
mer"Onge op"meA wid, 0 C=,&&-- d,wn.,? W_h"l vp be h. -td Fol broar. hand Mrs" Harvey Hyde, all of Heresall. (Staff 111010)
'Mit I)&and tkx CoRexi. NY "th ram rem 7
(ilj&-q_ 017WDn f 6ne
Preudmi Hifda Pgrfr_e welcomwed - I&ro- E:oq�b" re24 mta�� e.1 a
rw-rn�,� and wu�.tt. The v'r0radl
t%• D t c e I. t h..-, g. 7 r e: �_, s. a r er lh�& two re'VA-lVe IS11
titzmen x,,n Mr Mrs Brock NEWS OF
aas,w eed Mar? Inv= ga��e a fg��arsval %"keZ �r V It& Lic?
c4r&rence r'n
rim-mbe-rn oidia the wary the A was
2ge', ol Ctiar`Vng WT Uklr. fl, BIAkel &1Fri Indra !Marg In&rarn
J tour,
Dvotm,", o-tce P,_-X�- and Haze L'a'4 _r, f", ts" Varna
1-14 (:�Xb4 fio d� T r easur "- A r W fins wed 50 year rverr the 0, dub coiwmg up in the W-9- th& 'Februar_? n-kh' a"
convenors- wWh VNt"M 1XI They are aeba euchre pzrty TF made Mr and Mrs -Fred Birock
everyone wrig4ng""Tice MWk, F,,, and Kathy Fuss fro Glob I Ho4.t&sqes W;rm,-r- Skta as My,;na el,braatd their -_-�Ah Wrrdding, -"Ar s-hr2n %IcClvrnqm A',
1,-.Sf Froevcir" Yam Wieran and Ward awad a A,,-,er�san al the- hevrne at
Mrs. Doric
-,s anheek fro Club 2. "Strp
Mm. Phy14-. Devtw-vi r;f Zur-cfi Ian &4s�cwla% "unch Rrdirrvynd ei on HiensaU an
rheirr I i ?
gi?ve eely(sne, a br%--f rAgsire rd Z In the afteimrr)an t vie sosh to extmd sympathy to The will be a Sunday Schooll
her %fA WTIh muscat %vtmh afire rylztn.e4.ft-znds and neighbours_._
farntly of 14r. Richard Teacher's meeting on Thursday,
wrth, them.
and he-r,famfly "yff vey Much.
d a vx_,al time the Church. k
d awav last Jan. 16 at r
Former - Hensall resident ere the rex 4. Orange Lodge m&mbers
-and fierr d3sig da-, The Oran
beatritful fie,-Aers. gifts and many
fZvoolf-4 everr/eme bq ungtng Mr.,a6d Mrs. Charles Reid are and their wives. held their bowling
-ards. Tht-- also received
h Fhzab#ib2riv lasz'Fridav night %ith 27
"Aa) wish ui Florida_Fkxida�
hospital Ions fr. and
a'"or"Panymg ua the go passes in Ottawa. teft7phone ormaratalat The C.C.W. met in -the present and hosted by
HZ-IA� Cfoixft gave a roadiang on United Church Not" Mrs. Ivan McCl) BEAUTIFUL
basement of the Church Thursday
Annie Suvo, (.wuga, Ontarlr). flim and Gm Travers prswidi*d e'tn-n2 with 18 Mernbers
T'hat funeral WrTce 'kas hf*W he ,,pe tai music fri- the service e
T,)"dwe Kid', from 4ad" 7 and Etnha M . adGreefsr pTe-se-m. The President, Mrs. Bill News of
Wedn&_s4a). Jarimaro � &;h, 19-5 (jf worshtp rn Hensall United Ta�!,rr, ope-6ed the meeting with
frforp Ntro-saP PuM*s�ktwoA, Harry A� La-pre7rice-pwlled WOOD OR
frorn Huh& and Myfair Central (.burdh cm Sun&� morning. Th" a p,�,em on "Happy New Year"." VINYL
dre-AM , ors ca turd gntroauced xway in hospital To Ortarwa urn Chapel. T15 McLecxl Street, gang a duet aftompaw-ed an the rr!e Wonhip Semite was opened burn
themVdV0.1�1. and tM4 whas cauntry Son&qr. Jamiarf 5th. IWS. He
late-rme-ut follo%,s n ptano b% Torn Travers- Rc,- Don v, -1h a CaTl to Worship followed
the we -re repr�t�eirng_ They was, furmeriy FA the Bank r
HANCem-_te-r�ir � Wake-freid.
Ito'n tarig a "'Tudi world". tkmtre2d. UlAdeln. "ri'd frome y Quetwuc in the preached on the sem.oij b, , hymn -0 Master Let Me Christine Stapleton. daughter of any
Every(me yarig , -Oiy. giack Joe" � with the Bark of and
in. PTIng, rrypLc "On c+ax):sing life". Next Walk -;,ith Thee' *Scripture of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stapleton, Match the 'decor ee -
Sunday roll be the United, read from John 5� 24 wa3i read R.R-a , Aubub obtained room in your home from our
Jcvycic P-,ppe7r Pntrr,400-,d Jezzie Ht�nszlL Edna Mr%. Dougla-s Lhck and son rif C-burch's 541rth anniversary
McA0ki,eT i4w gav� ai* talk (M He was, the ha0rand of b-� Mrs. GordonGorn Johnston.Johns-ternmarko,- in her grade I piano
A . I large stock of new panels. Wood or vinyl face
A Oil Readings were, given by Mrs. examination from, Lon -don
Pauline McGbbon� Lieutenant Tagyart, - breilb--r r Mannoulin Island visited this celebrktion. as well they will be
�,;eek with the- forrneT's.piare-nts, celebrating 50 years of in stock. We carry matching moulding. •(;,rr/ernor ()f Canada. She told (�oghlan. 1-tamiltim and Mrs. to l"an Mcclvmont and Mrs. Ralph CanseTvatory,of_mqsic. She is a
Mr. and Mr-. Le4rard Erb. the Hensall - chaar by a faithful S"phe,'
son on the topric "Relax, pupil of Mrs. Anne Baker of St.
Ham Horton. life is a gift, not a demand-. Mrs. MAPLE
and Mn. .,Ralph Memb.T. HURON MA
Th omas.
Holland, (rxtn and MsChac'l 'of Refre-shme-m-5 are to follow this J"l," Ostrom read a poem on 4'x 8' From e,.
Clinton ere recent visittyrs with Wednesday. 1, Mr. and Mrs. William Kin-ahan M-4979
�everttng, ,•Year Round Fruit Cake". The were in Toronto for the -weekend.
Meditation features. ,
Mr,. and Mr%. Jame-, Sangster Januari, 29 will be * the Pot luck offer trig 'was � taken up by Mrs.
and Bradlev, Mrs. Annie Kennedy returned to
dinner and annual meeting of the 6rrdon Johnston and dedicated Toronto with them.
rit"S a busy world' Mn. Ros.,_ Broderick aha Hmsal-I ' ccangregation, and' bMrs. Bev. Hill. The devotions Monseignof Phaien was in
recently dispov.-d of her VT(Ypt-rty January 34) will be the -pot luck w,', -M closed by a prayer. BALL=MACAULAY
Stratford Thursday night at the
Op January 9, Unit 1. Henzall , unne "Ceros from a pamphlet here: has taken up rf_,,idenv_- in dinner and annual meeting for the The SCCTetarv'S report was deanery to hear Bishop Carter
U.C,W. roirt in the church, Anita **Our changing role in mission", • Exeter, Chisethurst congregation. /11'1,:a#J.by ?v1r-s_. Harvey Haytq�,#rkd., si on "holy Year". LIMITED
Cwtk pre%tdc,-J and read a by A.C.Faffew. editor of the Mm, MA,Barniard whys spent v; Clinton
nnvmpnt ;"'Ju �L
fie the past, two month,4.)A -,FlorJ44t,
gawp that, tW,(;- study -w;il be a returried to tseT homro ;amfey Hall in snout o
and a prxm "No time far`*Ui '4- -fr6m --13405
ni(-:ditation "It's a busy �vw 1� Obt&rvei-� ftwa-0, thefeeiing of t m
week, Return FPP�'""' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Legris'Tnee 482 .262�2418
Her iwrPptu_re wast taken from very interesting jriijo %ion stud�. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne report; port .. Thzril you notes from Hallie Van Ni epen).
'Lukc 14-. the piiriKfe of ilic great The' following matters of Gack-sm-tter and family of Exeter Hawaii trip Those receiving sick and shut-in A meeting of board men of St. Sea
forth 527' 0910
ha:Kf, w-jen up residence, in the
fcaiic This wag, followed by her blusiness were dincwjsed: U.C, W. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Coleman have boxes %ere read. iad. Augustine Church was held and Nkomo
A 4, 1 #t- theme r%A� - r__ -,6-.
—nin service dwelling they recently purchased _11c
ovo ona J 5 e v;- I the
returned nlyme from 2 trip to discussed insulating
for the New Year Fc6ru'ar'^y 2-3. with, Rev. Ann from Mr%. Rosie Broderick. sick 'and shut-in basement
Mr. and Mrs. James Ander-4m Hawaii where the weather, was in made to the asement of the hall.
,She reminded eve-ryone that we - Graham Langford the guest the 80's all the time. Mr. & yr-,, during the month of December.
of Exc4eT were recent visitors
each have twenty-four houirs a 4peaker, with lunch tir.) follow the- Bob Dalton were al6iig with them It was decided to take the choir
6y. and when we feel we have service, World Day of Prayer with their son -in -lase and Debra spent ihe time with Mr. & bowling., A. pancake supper will
i4xi many th'inKq to do. we 6hould March 7., at 3 p,m, in Hensall daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Don Reid EXPOSITOR
Mrs. Bruce Coleman while her be held on February 11 and
use, this, time cWng wh t United Church. U,C.W. general and family.
ts were in the sun. proceeds will go to the Explorers.
t:.-- U Rev. �V,D.Jarvis conducted par,,
important. She f "i h cti to be held tut Monday Presbyterian Mr. & Mrs. Darwin Banner,"' The meeting was closed by- a -"ADS
mcn%agc . with Au 4 ul A in Ma service in Carmel yterian WANT
11 _�E,.Mfithfw 711 y. October and. manr 5 son Doug is home fora Lunch was served 'by
W "T'ime d by December,, The meeting closed Church on Sunday, his SerMon montho'n leave. Then he is going Mrs. Mervyn Hayter, Mrs. Bob
subject was -,"Our Search for Phone 527 0240
Almighty 6W. �, �30-dlcr to give with the benediction-f6ilowed by'a to Kingstryn a Webster and Mrs. Wavne Tavlor.
es Life's Purpose"'. The Sacrament n a course.
idea% a chance-, tasty lunch seryed by hostess
FiAlowing prayer• the group Mildred Kyle and Verna Hey. of -Baptism will be given at the
M-p-cated 'the U) -rd's Pray" in fwrvicc nem Sunday.
uniNin. 011cri"19, was taken andMr. Rod} Chapman (if the Bank
dedicated by Anita, and a hymn Fractv'res hip of Montreal. Hurorn Park, visited
wax Sung, The minutes of the last with Mr. and Mrs, Don MacLaren
mceling and the correspondence Mrs, Daisy Ivey is a patient in and family in Oakville and will MIME §q
wets read. Twelve members St., Joseph's Hospital, London, attend a course with the Bank in
answered the roll call and paid with a fraoi]ired hip. Toronto this week. `?;-01�FEW Slow
I membership fees,
Dnrccn Spencer reviewed the
highlights of last yearn study book
and then introduced the new
study book "Minsion begins with
you" "llission beginning with
you, spreadirt to the community,
thus ititi'll the world, She then gave
1'rirmAmil WAAq
Canada Packers
by piece lb 1.29
Canada Packers by piew *98*
sliced,lb 1.08
Maple Leaf Sweet
The first -meeting for 1975 of committees are asked to band in PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS--- ib NIS
Brucefield United Cburth was their reports.
has meeting held on Tuesday afternoon Mrs, Triebner closed the Mhple,.Uaf
January 7, Mrs Broadie and Mrs, meeting with -a poem and
Ided at Cantelon were in charge of the benediction.
Mrs, Harvey Hyde preso SLICED COOKED HAM
the opening rpecting of the devotion, Mrs. Cantelon opened Mrs, Stall. Mrs. Henderson lb1,69
W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian the meeting with a New Year and Mrs. Broadfoot served a Fresh
Church, and gave 9 notation our poem, delicious lunch.
"Epiphany Day '
"Epi'", reading Hymn, "Ob Gad our Help In The induction I uction of Rev. SIDE PORK micedorby the piece p to same and Ages Past" was sung with Mrs. E,S,Stevenfi to Kippen and lb 0
scripture pertaining
outlined the study book for the Pearl McBeath at the piano. The Brucefield United Church will
year. scripture. Phi lipincs,, 13 was take place at Brucefield on Friday - M 1b 079
Mrn. .16fin, Soldan wag appointed read. Mrs Brodie, spoke on the evening. January 31st.
I New Year and growing up in a Personal
assintant secretary, and Mrs. Minister's home. Mr. and. Mrs. A. Cribbon. SIRLOJN or WING STEAK—_
Clarence Volland will be In charge 1079
of the Cradle Roll. The next The offering.was received and Toronto are visiting with their
dodIcated. This portion of the sister Mrs.A. Paterson and their mml FREEZER SPECIALSimmil
meeting will be held February 3rd
at 2 p.m. Mrs, Malcolm Dougall meeting closed with singing mother. Mrs, M. Sholdice in Fully Processed
will be in charge. Hymn , "Unto the Hills around do Clinton Hospital.
"d Ladles Aid meeting I lift ,up My Longing Eyes" and Mrs. M. Caldwell. Mrs. M, SIDE of BEEF -------- 095
followed with Mrs, Clarence praYer. ' Ii 1; haugh and Mr, W, Keys are still
. The 'business was c aired by in hospital in Seafortb. fully Processed
Volland presiding. Mrs. Harvey the President. Mrs. Tricbrici. She
Hyde gave the Treasurer's welcomed everyone and. read a LOIN of BEEF ------- m-101 9
report. poem "Fault Finding", The
Secretary's report was given by Bev, 111111's Processed 73
Mrs. Cliff Henderson and the SIDES'of PORK.----- lb•
treasurer's report by Mrg. John
S9 L1 Henderson.THU
The President asked for a
report from the three groups on
Throulth 'The Money raised and how. A
Mrs, Berry reported for Unit No, Im
1, Mrs. Lorne Wils6o for No. 2 CRIPPLERS
And Mrs. Arnold Titylor for to. 3.The reports were most graX IngEX6840 if, MARZ K E TMAR1. As $2,779.08 had -been raised for
0108ifted the U.C,W, In 1974.
The Annual meeting will be ImphyseMs 'Asthma Tuberculosis
Waftt A40 how 611 January 19 when all CtWonic1tonihilis Air Pollution
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