The Huron Expositor, 1975-01-16, Page 2w e•aratr., Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $10.00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $12.00 a Year SINGLE COPIES = 25 CENTS EACH Second Class. Mail Registration Number 0696 Telephone 527.9240 . I SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, JANUARY 16, 1975 r) A Since 1860, Serving the Commtinit? Eirnt • gong , rUhlished at SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by McLEAN BROS. PUBLISHERS LTD. • ANDREW Y. McLEAN, Publisher • SUSAN WHITE. Editor Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association bntario Weekly Newspaper Association and Audit Bureau of Circulation Moo! Housecleaning needed ? 00, 40 Sugar and Spice By. Bill Smiley •\, Seaforth's first woman mayor /set out some pretty worthwhile objectives in her inaugural speech last week. We would hope that every councillor would take time, as Mayor Cardno obviously did, to think about the year and the years ahead for Seaforth and to give priorities to the improvements ffi-it our town. needs. -Mayor Cardno said 'we must work at maintaining good relations with our surrounding rural municipalities. This is a must now that is as crucial as it has been all through the town's 100 year history. More than 100 years ago, the towns around here came into being at least partly because the blossoming farming country in Huron needed a trading area. Our interdependency is stilt important. The mayoralso mentioned the need for completion of sewer facilities to serve thewhole town , and a permanent - solution to the now inadequate town .dump. Council will have .to make up -'pits mind to continually prod provincial authorities to get the approval required for both these projects.. Continuing her inventory of Seaforth's needd,..the.rriayor cited the day care centre, more senior citizens' apartments, improyernents to -the industrial park And4enoptions to the arena and the :town .All these, thing& jare'illifiti011itofrand .. their successful completion Would ,add something to the lives of Seaforth citizens of all ages. ' It will take a lot of hard work on . council's part to become knowledgeable about all these improvements, and. see them through. Perhaps at the beginning of their two year term they should give some thought to- improving , and streamlining the way they conduct theirbusiness so that they can afford to spend time on more than routine business. Traditionally the local town council meets once per month; committee meetings are held 'once per month and recommendations of the various committees go to the council meetings for approvai., Fhis monthly general meeting often seems to become a bit unwieldy as councillors spend, time at jokes and chit chat and repeat their views on .the subject under discussion over and over: All this extraneous activity, which doesn't help council to come to decisions, also stretches council Dear Sir: You are awai:e, no doubt, that the theme for the nationwide observance of National Education Week on Smoking is - "Non- Sinokefs Have Rights Too!" The dates are January 11-18, 1975. • We are making an .effort to acquaint our community with the •scientific evidence which 'shows that cigarette smoke- can be harmful to non-smokers. Studies in smoke filled rooms indicate that the level of carbon monoxide may be in excess of the legal limits for aif pollution. Exposure td such concentrations of CO, can be a hazard to people- suffering 'from allergies, heart and respiratory conditions. `Many people with none of the above conditions are discomforted by tobacco • smoke, So It Is increasingly important tO protect non-smokers,- especially in enclosed public pidces, public conveyances And in Mirky Work situations. Smoking and ilealthWeek ishould be considered • "CondicleintiOrt Week" ... consideration of non Who may be discomforted by • tobaccd striae. We. -have gsked the co-operation of 'municipal eild .etibefy councils in the area proclaiming' the Week l'flOrk,Smokingft .• or ''Consideration Week." We hope they will ratify the "Noh-Srdokers Bill of ti meetings out to midnight and beyond. In Exeter, where SONS vice- principal Bruce Shaw won election as mayor, council has been enthusiastic about adopting some new procedures to make their work easier. They sound helpful to us and perhaps the current Seaforth council could considdr making some innovations in the name 2 of more efficiency too. Council meetings in E5ketef;There are two per month) will start at 7 and end at 10. Seaforth's start at 8 and are ' supposed to end at 11 but frequently extend to beyond midnight. One•of the most important reforms in E)50ter will be an attempt to permit each council- member to speak only once Oh-"dadh issue. This would certainly cut out a lot of needless repitition and hopefully encourage local councillors to think out carefully what they plan, to say, instead of spurting out, random comments. After their first "speech':, councillors in Exeter must get permission from the chairman to address council a second time on the same subject. Chairmen of_ council committees have been urged to give written . reports tO -t.he general council meetings, and to look at correspondence before the meetings ,„1„,„4,9 titattpey can give apdvte,ls ,op,„Int.pdt pertains, .to .their oornOttees.4-;:, shAV,1 the plan to his council said he hopes , 'the informality Of cOundil sessions would not be lost. We would have the same hope ,for Seaforth. But it is possible to be informal and still get things done. AccOrding to the Exeter Time's Advocate, several veteran cOuncillors hold great hope, for the new approach to getting their council business done. We hope that SeaforthCouncil would think over the need for -reforms here. It is much too easy to get caught up in the trivia, the sheer mass of things that any council has to consider and to lose sight of the whole. A council with- no time 'for planning and thtetking ahead cannot serve Seaforth or any town well. A more efficient council 'set up - might -also help conquer* the frustration, the. feeling of getting nowhere that municipal politicians' often express. "I think we can do an efficient as well as a conscientious job while at the same time feeling a sense of accomplishment" was how Exeter's new mayor expressed it. Rights" forwarded to them. We regret that one of the Town Councils has denied-tile „proclamation and has criticized this type of preventive programme. This programme would cost us very little and our hard working Education Committee still believes that "an ounce of prevention-is worth a pound of cure". Our Association is composed of voticerned citizens from all areas of the two counties. They give many volunteer hours to the Association arid its Work. The implied criticism of their judgment is unjustified. Funds are not spent on publicity per se. 'Each committee plans programmes to aid all our people. either directly or indirectly and in order to make programnies worthwhile, a Coming Event type of publicity is used. We do not receive any governnient grants and charitable gifts received are• budgeted to Am.. best of representatives ability. At our Annual Meeting all are InVited to hear reports of the "'stewardship of funds.We also enedurage .iiiiits to' our office to glean the extent of our activities. Pot example, the programme the Council Mentioned above -suggested, has been in effect for approximately she years, to the extent Midge/ will allow. This is the time of the year for "OUT with the old, in with the new." I honeitly did try to do this. But it was hopeless. I got bogged down,right up to the navel, in my first attempt to get rid of the old. I decided,. as my year-end project, to clean up my writing desk. -This may sound simple, a mere 15 minutes of sorting and tidying. But you are not acquainted with my writing desk. Perhaps you remember the myth about Hercules cleaning Out the Augean stables. They were filled with cattle, hadn't been cleaned in decades and there was a veritable mountain of, you-know-what. A formidable task: He did it without even. using pitch-fork. He diverted the flow of two rivers through the stables, and they were cleansed. That wasi5 child's play compared -.-to, cleaning off my desk, and also I am no Hercules. ' On each side of my typewriter sits a teetering stack of papers .that reaches approximately to my head, when I am sitting at my machinel-, Huddled between them, like a 'sparrow between two huge tomcats, squats the typewriter. Occasionally, one of the piles, like a glacier, slides majestically to the floor. My wife picks,up the mess, and muttering under her reath, jams it bacIt on the desk. ,or even the( main reamgx ,ftel-s,,firbilterit,b4idi4470,Canytlikigkthere, the piles are tWO-feet high. I do allow her to dust the front of the desk, where the -drawers are. Trouble is, she's so annoyed she piles the stuff back in any old order. This-causes a problem when I decide to clear the desk at year's end. • I pick up the first letter. It is from a farmer's wife, complimenting me on my stand for the beef farmer. It is deated 1962. That suggests that the last time I cleaned my desk was in 1961. It also poses questions. What was my stand en the beef fariner in 1962? I'll bet it was a little sweeter than my attitude toward sirloin steak prices today. Was the letter ever answered? Who knows? So I put it in the stack labelled Who Knows. This turns out to be the biggest of the many piles I lay out on the floor. The other piles bear such esoteric labels as : To Be Dealt With — Sometime: Needs Further Study; Look Into This: Silly Old 'Cranks; To Be Answered Definitely In The - New Year; Complimentary; Over The Hill; and so on. The second largest stack is called Miscellaneous .because I don't know where else to put these items. Under the last item go such things as: a passport application form; a bill from the Strand Palace, London, England; -.a Christmas card from my insurance agent; 'a test for Grade' 11; an offer to do the Smiley family tree for only $3.00 (must have been ApproximaTely 'sixty percent of adults ale non-smokers! W-e hope Councils in the area will•help these• involuntary victims of tobacco smoke to obtain the right to a.alean and -healthy environment! Yours very truly, Mrs .Beryl Davidson, Executive Director, Hu on-Perth TB and Respiratory Di ease Association. Farm record analysis is novs, -available Sir: Re: Ontario Farm Record Book Analysis It is farm record book analysis time again. Anyone wishing—to have Aheir completed 1974 Farm Record Book a small family); and a reminder that I am due at veteran's hospital for a chest X-ray (which I forgot all about). I have a very definite way of handling these piles„ Miscellaneous I put back o „the. desk'. Over The Hill, which contai anything more than six years old, goes into the wastebasket, as does Silly Old Cranks, a very slim stack °netters from ridiculous people who don't-agree with me. Needs Further Study goei back on the desk, right on "top of 'Miscellaneous. Look _ Into This goes back on the desk on top of Needs Further Study. Next on the growing pile on the desk goes To Be Dealt With — Sometime. Then I lift the whole pile and slide underneath it, right at the bottom, if you'll pardon the expression, To Be Answered Definitely In The New Year. And then, carefully and delicately, I place, on top 'of the pile the stack labelled Complimentary. This contains the letterS I 'have received from those splendid, intelligent people who admire my wife or kids or column. Yes, I know they should be thrown out. But surely you wouldn't deny a chap a little ointment for his ego, any more than you would begrudge an old lady a seat in the chimney corner, where the fire can -warm her. r vos 'The piles beside the typew▪ riter,arq only a foot and a half high, and it tiffs a day and a half to sort them. This may not seem like progress to you, but Rome wasn't built in a day, as some idiot once • remarked. _ One good thing came out of this year's sorting. I remembered that I had received a letter from Barry Broadfoot, author of Ten Lost Years, a compelling book about the depression. l'sl,Wriften a column aboUt it. No. I couldn't find his letter. It must have wandered into the Miscellaneous or somewhere. But the memory of his letter made me remember that I'd had at least ten letters from all over the country, and the Stat'es, asking where a copy might be obtained. No, I couldn't find these letters either. But the memory of them reminded me of what Barry Broadfoot wrote in his letter. He's writing another book called The , Pioneer Years, and he wondered if I would ask in my 'column for the names of oldtimers who were spry and interesting, so that he could interview them. So there you ar e, everybody-Send the names of spry, interesting oldtimers, of either sex, to Barry Broadfoot, care of Doubleday Publishers, 105 Borid St., Toronto, Ont. M5B 1Y3. And the same people will be happy to provide you with a . copy of Ten Lost Years. There. My first good deed for 1975. Arid that's going to cost you, Brother Broadfoot. Crown Royal will .do. analyzed should direct it to our office prior to Febrdary 15th. However, we would- appreciate -having as many as possible turned in during early January. As before, the -completed farm record book will not be leaving our office, therefore, it will be available to you at' any time. The checking of the book will be done by our local st aff and a summary card forwarded to the computer- at Guelph for analysis. (It takes approximately one day to check each book and do the transfers). Your book may be brought to the office or mailed in. If you are in the office, be sure to pick up a new record book - or we will mail you a 1975 record book -upon request, If you would \like assistance on the book while you work, please call , for an appointment. Every farmer in Huron County who has completed an Ontario Farm Record Book in 1974 is welcome to make use of the "no fee" analysis service. .Yours very truly, D.S.Pulleq, P.Ag., Agri cultural Representative for Ilttrpn COuntV. JANUARY 5th, 1900 The muncipal elections in McKillop resulted as fellows: , Reeve, James i Lockhart; Couneillors,,Alen Gardiner, John r G. Grieve, James 0.Laughlin, Archibald • McGregor. In Seaforth, 'Mayor, John A. Wilson; Councillors, M.Y.McLean, James Beattie, 'Ala Davidson, .Noble' auff, James Gillespie, A.P.Joynt. In `Tuckersmith, Reeve Peter McKay; Councillors, Win. Chapman ' Sr... Wm. Elgie, Henry Horton, James Gemmill. - John McLeod and George Sanderson of Bayfield have leased the skating' rink from Jowett Bros. Mr;,,,. and Mrs. Andrew Swan of Brucefield were pleasantly surprised 'on New Years day by receiving twohandsome easy chairs, a gift from .their family. The first horse fair for this season was held -in. Seaforth. There was a large crowd of people in town. Things are commencing to look like business around the Seaforth saw mills as Mr. Watson is getting in a good lot of logs. The old and well known legal firm of barrow and Praidtbot of Goderich, have dissolved partnership. Mr. Proudfo'ot goes into partnership with R.G.Hays. Miss Nettie Wilson of town goes to Peterboro where She will open. a class in domestic science, • Mr. Eggert:of the 9th Concession of McKillop, was firing a grand salute on New Year's morning with a shot gun when the piece exploded breaking his arm. Archie Towers and Miss Lizzie Towers of Farquhar when returning• from a party at D, McLaren's were thrown out of the cutter into the ditch by their horse shieing off. Mrs. Wm. ChapMan .,,.of the 2nd concession of Tuckersmith passed' away. She was taken ill 'while sitting in the store , of A.G.Ault. . Rodrich McLellan of Montreal, spent Ne'wyears here with his mother. he has prospered since leaving Egrnondville, and holds a' good position in•the fur business. ) JANUARY 9th, 1925 The municipal elections results for Tuckersmith were as follows: Reeve, • RolandKennedy; Councillors, R.P. Watson, M.. Clark, S:T.Elgie, J.G.Crich. For McKillop - Reeve F.J.McQuaid (acct.; Councillors, John Dodds, Bruce Medd, -_, Ed. Horan, Dan Regele. Mrs.- J.H.Scott is now in Seaforth Hospital, suffering from the effects of a rifle bullet. Robert Staples of Killarneyr-Man, is home to see his'mother. It is 29 years'since he was home and he is the owner of 800 acres of land. Wm. Decker of Zurich sold his well -' known show team of general purpose greys to John Scott o Milton. . rt E 40 ItOldOtt Wiios" tatoved - and disabled soldiers in Christie St. Hospital. , Duff's Church, Walton, voted in church union and resulted in a large majority 4or union. Miss Marjorie Reid and Olive Bolger of School. 'left to attend Stratford Normal . . A pretty wedding was solemnized in St., Andrew's Church, Kippen, when Anna Ethel Elgie, was united in marriage to Homer Selwyn Hunt of McKillop. - What has been known as the Sterling Bank in Hensall, is now the Standard Bank, with no change in its staff.' . The service in First Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening last was of an entirely different nature, cogsisting mainly in the giving of a sacred. Christmas Cantata by the choir. There was a keen contest for the Reeveship of Hullett, when the vet eran Reeve, Matt. Armstrong, who has held the office for the past nine years went down to defeat at the hands of Robert Clark JANUARY 6th, 1950 Reeve' Athur • Nicholson was re-elected Reeve of Tuckesmith for his seventh term in a' heavy vote. Mrs. Margaret Wright, was 90 years of age on January 1st. She enjoys good health, and greatly appreciates being remembered with cards and gifts by friends. The property of the estate of the late Robert P. Bell, has been sold through the office of E.C.Chamberlain to John C. Cornish, who receives possession early in the 'spring. Drilling in the 'hope of finding oil, has. now on the farm of Herbert Allen, 6 miles from beenvvaiton carried down more than 700 feet . Miss Doris Broadfoot, of Sarnia, and Miss Margaret Broadfoot, and Ronald Cox of Pickering were New 'tears guests of Mr. and Mrs. James McClure of Winthrop. The newly erected Hay Township Memorial Community Hall', and the A.C."Bahe" Siebert Memorial Arena was opened. The total cost was $40,000 and the arena seats 1000 persons. Malcolm MacLeod of Ba3rfield had the. Misfortune to have , his hand badly torn while out hunting. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the United 'Church'manse., Hensall, when Margaret Florence Welsh became the bride of Thos. Cleveland Joynt of Hensel, su,dTdheenrely, passed awayccawarroay ninin Lhuisck7niodiw yveearry. He was connected with the flax business and lived on the farm now owned by Harold Jackson. The funeral of the late Duncan IvieXellar of Cromarty, who passed away following a hceeamrtetparytta. ck was held from his late residence. Interment was made in Staffa The Christmas ' entertainment 'of the Egitiondville United Church was a huge success. • Rev. A.W.Gardiner was the chairman. Mr. and Mrs.Walker Hart Sang a duet while James M. Scott showed picutres of his recent trip to England, Scotland and France': e-.4" To the Editor Non-smokers rights promoted this week 11 4 4 40 • 2