HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-02, Page 7hi°know,
The Marko CoWedv Cempetty filled
an eligiL entent here from January
29th tilt February 8rd.
At the annual meeting of the Up., I
worth .League of ,the Dfethedist church
held on MouJay,Jure 15th,the follow
ing utlicers were elected far the enftti
ing near: liotiorery Prtsidout--Rev.;
J. Mitts; 1're,ide,lt-..•D. C. Taylor
Tice President 0. E. Dept—R. Ili ver,
Vice President Literary Dept—D.
Greer; Vice President Social Dept—
. Mrs. Taylor; Secretary --F Hamble-
ton; Treasurer—G. Potter; Organist--
.Nellio Mills; Ushers --S. Barber and J.
Smith; Auditors—R. Rivers and D.
i1r. Wm, Daue, is pushing the re-
pairing of the dam as fast as the
'weather will allow. He has now
raised the water abo'u the dam about
lour feet end if he had favorable
'weather would soon have the mill run -
wing again.
The instelation of officers of Mait-
land Lodge, 216, A. 0. U W., Gorrie
took place in the lodge room oil 1l'ri-
•day Jan, 6th, as fellows: • M. W.—T.
e '' H. McLauchliu; P. M. W.—D. Snn-
•derFon; Overseer—R. Deaehman;
Foreman— A. Doan; Recorder—It.
Toung; Financier—H. Ross; Receiver
---W. Dane; Guide—S. T. Fennell; I.
V.—Tv . Simpson; 0. W.—R. Blow.
Rev.. A. Dobson, of Oro, Ont., has
'accepted a call to the Gorrie and Ford-
wich Presbyterian churches as pastor.
His induction is expected to take places
Gas has been founer in Hamilton as
yet only in pockets, it is true ; but
still it must be there, and if found in
•quantity it will !Hake Hamilton a
great manufacturing centre and re-
lieve the financial depression ; as it is
Hamilton has been to extravagant and
ambitious. So it is with the human
system when overtaxed, sick and ner-
vous headaches, neuralgia and bilious•
nese ensue but use Stark's Powders, a
• never failing cure, prompt aud pleas-
West Wawanosh.
The Council met according to statute,
on January 15th. The following took
the declarations of qualification and
office: Reeve, Alex. Stuart; Deputy -
Reeve James Gibson; Councillors
Robert Medd, Thos. Todd and Thos.
Durnin. After the reading of last
minntes, the Treasurer's report was
read. It showed balance and receipts
during December $5161 03, with ex.
penditure, $4651 71, leaving $499 32
to•January account.
The sum of $5 was voted to James
Yount!, for the maintenance of Mr.
Craig, an indigent. The following
officers were appointed for the current
year: R: K. Miller, Clerk; J. G.
Ward, Treasurer; W. A. Wilson, Ase
lessor; A. D. Cameron,Oollector; Jno.
Webster and J. B. Weatherhead,
Auditors. Salaries to remain as last
.A petition from D. Patterson and
others, asking for the formation cf a
new School Section, comprising lots 27
to 34, inclusive, concessions 2 and 8,
East and West WVawanosh, was re-
ceived, and on motion of Messrs Medd
and Gibson, John Bowers was appoint-
ed to act as Arbitrator in the matter,
in behalf of West Wawanosh.
Moved by Mr. Todd, seconded by
Mr. Durnin, that the time fur return-
ing the Collector's roll be extended to
) Feb. lst, and that a ohegne be issued
14„..for the amo>,lnt of the Collector's sal-
ary, and held by treasurer until return
of roll—Carried.
The following were appointed menus
hers of the Board of Health: Meeting.
Ward, Todd and Modd and Dr. Case
as medical adviser.
The following cheques were issued :
Geo. Webb, ,ravel, $4 32; Richard
Thompeon, repairing culvert, con, 4
and 5, 50 cents; Henry Jones, ditch-
ing Hud braking stones, $2; Lewis
Taylor, repairing scraper, $1; Henry
Wileou, lumber, $1. 60; James Young,
charity for Mr Craig,$5; Mr. Grenache,
grav"', $4.34; R K. Miller, registra-
tion returns, $6.20; 11. Clerk, election
expenses, $88; Municipal World, $1;
.A., D. (Cameron, salary ne Collector,
Connell adjourned to meet on Satur-
day, Feb. 17th, at, one o'clock p. m.
R. K. Mitnnit, Clerk,
Rev. D. M. Mi sell,
Adelaide St. Baptist Church, Lons
don, Ont., certifies: 1 have used the
remedy known as K. D. C., and have
found it to give relief when the stom-
ach did not properly digest the food
A. free s>t'tt 11.3 of the E, D. 0, will
in forward to env address. 1i. D. 0.
Ltd,,New (,irtagow, N. S.,and 127
State St., Boston, Mass.
His Reference.
Be was selling her dry goodo;
It was evident that her haughty, distant
:manner out hire to the quick.
I;xouse me, -miss, he said, as he stopped
in the middle of measurement oteloth, but
aren't you' the lady who promised to be a
sister to me at Cape May?
It may be• that I am, olio answered,
I wish you would take back that promise.
Because I'd rather be a total stranger
than a poor relation, any day.
with her cold ,little eye*.
You didn't tell ]ler, 414, you, Mrs. Sim -
mous? inquired the lady, pleahantly.
Why, no gasped old lady 13immotts,
quits taken off her guard by this unexpeet,
ed rejoinder.
Thank you, said the little .minister's wife
sweetly, I felt confident you would know
that I shouldn't care to have anything of
that sort discussed in the parish.
And between thistribute to her discretion
and a confused feeling that evidently the
minister's wife credited her with secret
sources of information, old lady Simmons'
mouth was closed, and her mind employed
in speculation for the rest of that afternoon,
Too Many Buttons.
A clergyman's wife was mending clothes
or her boys, when ono of her neighbors
alled in to have a friendly shat. 7. Daring study avoid the stooping
It was not long before the visitor's eye position, or whatever tends to produce
as attracted by a large basket more than congestiou of the bead and face.
calf -filled with buttons. The lady could S. Select well -printed hooks.
of help remarking that there seemed a
ery good supply of buttons. 9. Correct errors of refraction with
Thereupon she began to turn them over, proper glasses.
nd suddenly exclaimed: "Here are two 10. Avoid had hygienic conditions
Saving Eyesight, fi
The following rules for the mare of
the eyes conform to well estebliehed
laws of eye physiology;
1, Avoid reading and study by poor
2 Light should come from the side,
and not from the back or from the
3 Du not read or study while Suffer
in; great bodily fatigue or during re-
covery from illness,
4. Do not read while lying down.
5. Do not use the oyes too long at
a time for near work, but give theta
occasional periods of rest. '
6, Reading and study should be
done systematically.
uttons exactly the same as those my i and the use of alcohol and tobacco.
usbaud had on his last winter suit. I I 11 Take sufficient exeroiee iu the
hould know them anywhere."
Indeed, said the clergyman's wife, quiet- open air.
. I am surprised to hear it, as all these 12. Let the physical keep pace with
ttons were found in the collection bag. the mental culture, for asthenopia is
bought I might as wellputthem to some most usually observed in those who
e. are lacking in physical development.
efore she had finished speaking the
itor hastily arose, and said she must be
covere• at sisal makes a fiber equal to
the best manilla, of which rope is made,
and now on the Island of New Providence
sisal is cultivated as an article of commerce,
and exported to England and the United
States in quantities. England has offered
a bounty to the planters at Nassau to de-
velop this industry. The Government
offers a bounty of e, ten -acre lot, at the
nominal price of 5 shillings per acre, to the
colored man or woman on the island (with
a view to making them land -owners) who
cultivate sisal. At Ansonia, Conn., is a
large pin iactory. The waste from the
made pins has been utalized to make a
sidewalk. The sidewalk made from this
waste is so hard that in setting a telephone
pole not long since it was necessary to blow
out the hole by dynamite, as the walk
could not be affected by picks.
Is it True?
An esteemed correspondent mourns over
the fact—or what she alleges to be a fact—
that children and very young people are
utterly wanting in gratitude to their
parents. She says :
"They may, and generally do, love them
sincerely and devotedly, and may even be
willing to sacrifice themselves for them ;
but it never occurred to them that they
have anything for which to be grateful. It
seems so much a matter of course that all
good things should flow to them from their
parents that they. never give a thought to
the source whence they are derived. It is
not till the parental ltand is withdrawn by
death that they discover how much they
miss the tender care that can no more
assist them.”
Our correspondent seems to have become
rather morbid on the subject of children's
ingratitude to their parents. There is
some truth in what she says; but, in our
opinion, she states the case somewhat ex-
People who resort to round about means
to gratify their curiosity sometimes meet
with unexpected rebuffs. Mrs. Simmons
was possessed of an overwhelming desire
to know all about her neighbors' affairs,
but she seldom. asked a straightforward
question. It was her way to say Miss
Spencer is just eat up to know this or that,
or I heard Miss Hallet remarking that she
should admire to be told how you managed
to do: so and so.
Usually the neighbors gave her the in-
formation she wanted, thoagh they were
often irritated into calling her a meddling,
interferin' old piece. When the new min-
ister came to Cyrusville, hi3 young wife
was forwarned by the ladies of the parish
to be a lode close-moultlled with Miss
Simmons, my dear, if you on compass it,
for her tongue is as long as her ears.
I shall try to, said the little woman,
calmly. She ancceeded, even though
the Simmons house was next to the par-
sonage, which was certaiuly a trying cir-
For a week Or two Mrs. Simmons con-
tented herself with asking impertinent
questions in a comparatively direst way,but
one day she unfortunately reverted to her
time -worn habit. Miss Gregg said she'd
give a good deal to know what that trim-
ming cost on your Sunday dress, she re-
marked, peering at the minister's wife
What we owe to Animals.
Those who have read the story of Robin -
n Crusoe, the sailor who was shipwrecked
an island not inhabited by white men,
will remember how he soon made compan-
ions of the various animals he found there,
and with their aid sustained life until he
was rescued. If one of us should be ship-
wrecked on a desert island where no ani-
mals lived—no horses to draw us, no ox to
toil for us, no cow or goat to give us milk,
no sheep to give us wool, no hens to give us
eggs, no dog to be our companion and guard
us in the night, no cat to lie on the hearth,
no birds to sing their songs, no living
creature to keep us company, no sound of
any living thing by day or night, only soli•
tude and silence everywhere, with nothing
to eat but such roots as we could dig from
the earth, and nothing to wear but such
bark as we could pluck from the trees—we
should then know how much we owe to
these creatures, which God has mercifully
BANK (rt kiA U.ZX,,tTON
Capital, $1,'t10,0(() R,mt,$6,70,0UO
President -Jena ETVAN'r.
Vice-Preoldeut-.A. 4,. itasony.
/OHS Paeorga, os,. It^nscn. u'x (aa.+ax, )t P. A, T.
Woos, A. B. Lam (Toronto).
Savings Bank—Ifoure, le to 3 ; Saturdays, 10
1. Deposits of i1 and upwards received and interest
Speetal Leposite also received at mascot
rates et interest.
b011)11 lartsi y�ifj`eat Britat• ani the United States
1#. WILLSON, Adam,
antcJato. I.'&OELno 1$
T1M}' Tent.
Trane arrive wad 'lepers as fellows:
e:3G:h, H,...
140.1 p, M .Ofi til"
SNP.rn rtirTeeswater......,,q;fis '.
'0:40 p. as
.., •. Mor 1'ornhro ,..... g6 a tit
- ---TtMr TA13L .�-----
AB5ICs AT 113:ffttAl, GNAT, w't:iellAM
6:36 a m, Palmerston, Guelph, Toronto, kc Millis
Io:66 p ,n, r, ,. , 117 t' +,
6:55 a, m, " mixed for Rintar}line 11 20s m
Iu.a2 p, in. for Rinardiue 3 ,y;
10.07 p. ,n
11:00 a. n,, London, °fatten. ke., 1.4o e
3:itp.'ta. ., .. .r
Begs to intimate to hie numerous cue- g
temerH and others that he intends OSJlAWA.
moving to the stand lately used •
ae a boot and shoe store
¢ Au Institutieu where Hone but boarders
Two Doors North of Post Office are admitted; bas beeu ru0niug about 18
where will he found a large stock of
Musical Instruments, Employs a very Efficient Staff
' Sewing Machines, ' of Ten Teachers.
Washing Machines
Working a Racket. with all needed repairs.
A tramp was looking fairly respect- Also a full line of
able, and as he moved along the street
a brilliant idea occurred to hint—how SCHOOL
to work a racket for a breakfast, and
lie went into the • first good-looking
residence he came to'and knocked at
the front door. The lady of the house
come out. •
Do you want to know how to pre-
vent moths in carpets 1
Want to know how to prevent mold
in first floor closets l
Want to know how to clean win-
dows without water?
Would you like the secret of preserv-
ing the polish on furniture?
May I show you how to treat silks
so they won't spot?
De, you wieli to know'how ro get a
fine polish on linen with common
provided for our use. And ever afterwards starch?
if we escaped from such a life, how grate- No.
ful we should be to God for giving them, He hesitated a Moment.
andhow grateful to them for the service Excuse rue, he svid insinuatingly,
theyrender us1 can 1 get something to eat here?
It is said by those who have studied that Of course you can, she replied
if only the birds were all destroyed, we promptly. Why didn't you say so
could not live on the earth: for the insects first? ,Go on around to the kitchen
which the birds eat would destroy all vege- door. As he followed, her directions
Cation, all human life would perish. he kicked himself four times for ever'
letting such a brilliant thought occur
The Chinese pay their doctor only so to bins how to work a racket.
long as he keeps them in health. They be-
lieve in preventing rather than curing dis-
If yon won't hear you'll feel—That's
what a Scotch preacher in the olden times
said to a sleeping parishoner, as he flung
the bible at him from the pulpit.
The Little Collector.—I suppose you are
still collecting wonderful things, said the
visitor to Walter. Yes, said Walter. I'm
getting new things all the time. I've got a
piece of the Atlantic Ocean upstairs in a
A Trench lady, no longer as young as
she once was, but quite as witty as ever,
was observed to sigh, as she looked into a
mirror. Why do yu sigh? a friend asked.
Oh, dear I she answered, I was observing
how the looking -glasses have changed.
Still in doubt.—First Little Girl—Has
your sister began takin' music lessons yet?
Second little girl—She's takin' somfin' on
the piano; but I can't tell yet whether it's
music or type-writin'.
Realism Impracticable.-- Egbert Eau-
sonice—Do you know society has nevah
been wepwesented in novels as it weally is?
Thanis Bight, certainly not. A.novel must
be right enough to be entertaining before it
will succeed.
There is a returns to bangles sharp-
ly nut thin.
The ever popular wreath now sur-
tnounts hairpins of gold and shell.
The Aleruury wings aro now intro•
duced in jewels and feathers for the
Au honorat,lo than with limited
ideas oftwii sees through the raseili'y
of the most cunning joker.
A number of new swords erre seen
With hilts of perforated gilt that are
conspicuously Ortttltnenta,,
LSubscribe for the Tams.
The joints and ususclet, aro so lubricated
byHood'e Sarsaparilla that till rheuma-
tism and stiffness soon disappears. Get
only Hood's.
When peopie are sow and behind
the times there is nothing like coua.t-
iug them. to briug there to their cen-
Marquise rings are now tine e inehes
long, they are evidently intended only
for idle hands.
1Y 1447
''L `,,Cfj a_
���•(,VEYIN . t
40Fri:: ul. o
,1'ot only c, rcifef but a cure for all (finds of
Ilartnloss. Contain no hurtful chugs. A.
t ondo.1ul C,+mroun.1. Nice to take.
iuro death to pain,
Eo sure you got STAI1I{'S.
P2er•A:3so Rv O. STAR!(, M, 0.0. p., CSEMIST
Phots OLASOOW ti H,v, MTV, SeotLAeD,
a box. Soar by alt tertaraists
x;ntrrclk• Pew 4;utnnt.und
VIAjy:}Mrille.Mijkta„ii'tv,. ,« try
1. :r-
•atatrlbaain Ary ploi Tont III res}
esry, q'onp F„tsa,T, .dtta.tp gfno:) eloa
'Dv S19 1'IV 3IlM 811111
Store will be opened on Saturday, July
Wingharn, July 28th, '03. Gm.
When we assert that
,oAssaci wnihwvv
Kidney Pills
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who have used them.
By ail druggists or mail on receipt of price,
0. so cents. Dr. L. A. Smith & Cu., Toronto.
Pcrs.ve,anct In using a will give reel, even
to cares of long ,tand,n . .vhtrc a cure seems
impossible and tile ,ccmd hardly worth hying
Per 130:.f1c,2 ,.'c,;.0 c,or$J,00
prompt answer and an honest opinion. write to
DI U N Ns.1. CO.. who have had nearly fifty years'
experience in the patent business, Communica-
tlone strictly confidential. an of In-
formation concerning Patents and bow 'CO ob-
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan-
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn 5 Co. receive
special notice in the Scientific American. and
thus are brought widely before the public with-
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper.
issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated. bas by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work in the
world. S3 a year. Satanic copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly, $2;60 a year. Single
copies, '2.5 cents. Every number contains beau,
mut plates, in Colors, and photographs of new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
Sheridan's Condition Powder
Strong and Healthy Prevents all Disease,
itis absolutely pure.nighty eoneantrated. Ti wean.
City costs tenth of a sent a day. No otherk1, d is like 1G
sunplotor 23oto.instamps,five peeks al. T.erge21.4Hi.
eau,10' nMll ;t.2,,. SIX,arro brut*, 55, express ptt raid.
I. S. JOHNSON do CO., Custom Custom Iroueo St., Boston, Masi
embracing a full course yearly, including
all the English brauches, Sciences, Prevail
and German, Classics, Music, Drawing,
Crayon Portrait, Oil Painting, Ornamental
brauebes, with Vocal and Elocution, iu
classes, at remarkably low rates.
This Institution draws Htudeflte from
Torouto, Moutreal, Ottawa and the towns
and cities from Canada, as well as from
'New York, Chicago dud other cities from
the United States.
For particulars address,
MISS D, A. HI11RD, Secretary,
To Subscribers sin Arrear and
A number of subscribers are still
in (Inear for their subscriptions for
the current year, and a, certain
number ti,r two and even more
yeas. We urgently request all
snhsct'ihere in arrear to put them-
selves right on our books as soon
as pOSSible,
Those indebtad for job printing
and advertising N ill also confer a
favor by an early settlement. We
!.ave large payments to Make and
would like those indebted to us to
nut us in a position to sleet them.
If you owe ui anything, don't
weit for an account to be sent you,
but call and settle or remit the
atnouut at your earliest conve-
All remittances should be. made
by express or money order, of sent
h,}' registered letter to
It. 1E3/MITT,
Tunis Orricx,
Winnam, Ont.
;rives private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff
told Tonic•Sol-lib Notation. Open for enengements
for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate.
Apply a
MRS, U. Mnanow,S,
Patrick St 1Pinghem
LOGS, rocs, rocs,
The highest. Cash In ices l si't for any
queuity of good
delivere-I in our yard,
Call andteget prices befnrt• disposing
of your. Tiwber.
Custom SaingPiaining
done ellen') as the ehenpest and saatiss
fitetion guaranteed.
All kinds of
Rough and Dressed Lumber, Lath,
Shingles, Sze.,
kept constttutly on hand.
'ifiuglram, Doe. 7th, 1893.