The Huron Expositor, 1974-12-26, Page 18A BIG BOY — Santa saw kids of all ages when he
was in Seaforth on Friday, Here one big kid took a
moment out of his working day to tell Santa what he
would like for Christmas. (Staff Photo)
\/ . We'd like
to express our
<? warm wishes:
enjoy a
peace-ful, serene
Thank you
all so much,
;Croutohs to each serving if desired. truss,', the turkey' just before it is
�' • 4 4 scheduled for the oven.
v Makes 5 cups;,,.
.;3: : ' U rt '•:,. : '' ya tCHE6SE CROUTONS 1'/ cups Wild Rice'
2 slices day-old white bread sufficient for 10 to 12 Ib. turkey
1 tablespoon butter ;
a' �� 2 tablespoons freshly grated Wash rice In cold water' Stir rice
�. xa Parmesan cheese into 5 cups boiling wat@r. Parboil
5 minutes only. Remove from heat.
Use a firm rather than spongy type Cover. Set aside for one hour..
`bread. Trim the crusts and cut the Drain. Wash. Then, cook drained.
bread into one-quarter inch cubes: rice in boiling salted water for 25
y'. Melt the butter in an oven proof minutes. -Drain. Set aside.
• z. dish or pie plate; add the broad
?*'< cubes and cheese. Toss. Set in a
•�;.,.,s6 tablespoons butter ,
250 degree F. oven for 1 .hour. % cup (2 medium) onions, chopped
% pound small mushrooms, sliced
To roast the 1974 uiodel turkey, (4•'/z cups)
it is best to use a meat thermometer. % cup chopped toasted almonds
:..': If you don't have one, ask Santa (3 ounces)
to drop one in your Christmas
tablespoons flour
TRADITIONAL AND NOW stocking. It will eliminate guess- 1 can (10 ounces) beef bouillon
work when roasting, all year round. 1% teaspoons salt
Follow tradition, et surprise You can defrost a whole turkey scant % teaspoon pepper
Y P Ghivetch. Prepare Duchess Potatoes in one of 3 ways, depending on 1 cup chopped fresh parsley
everyone' with something different ahead of time then pop them into your time schedule and refrigerator
on the Christmas board this year. the oven when the time is ripe. space. Leave the plastic wrapper Melt butter in a large skillet, saute
Cook the p'Wal plump deliciouson, no matt r which method You
symbolic turkey, but fill its cavity Since' Christmas colors have - onions, mushrooms, almonds, on
with a gourmet Wild Rice Stuffing. traditionally been red and green, use. The refri94g, as is the ideal high heat, for about 5 mintues.
Eliminate the problem of selecting open the meal with ruby broth Place fort until118, as it keeps the Stir in flour, cook for one minute.
one vegetable, on a day when and close with a spinach. salad. meat cold until °it is completely Add bouillon, cook, stirring until
anything goes;,Do it our way and And ... to satisfy dessert lovers, defrosted. Allow about 5 hours smooth and thickened. Add
offer a medley of shapes, color serve the plum pudding and sauce per pound for thawing in refrigera- seasonings, parsley and rice. Toss
the demand. tor, 1 hour per pound fo{ thawing gently.
and flavor a most tasty Y in cold water, and 1% hogs per
pound for thawing at room Stuff 1 ready-to•000k turkey
Christmas Broth temperature. For more -even -thaw- ,
Roast Turkey - Gourmet Wild Rice Stuffing • Ing at room temperature, place the Yield: 8/4 cups
se Ghivetch wrapped turkey in a brown paper
uucness Potatoes You canre
p p the stuffing a Tuberculosis has not been.
Spinach -Onion -Orange Salad day ahead, of course; but you must 'eliminated in Canada. [n 1972, Merry Christmas
Plum Pudding Brandy Sauce not stuff the turkey ahead of time. 453 Canadians died from the.
Allow an extra hour to stuff 'and disease.
Christmas Broth: Make it a day
or two ahead, refrigerate. Bag the
croutons and store them at room
2 cans (28 ounces each)
Canada Choice tomatoes
2 stalks celery, with leaves
2 carrots, scraped
t, green pepper seeded
1 large onion i
3 peppercorns 1975
2 whole cloves
1 teaspoon salt
%: teaspoon basil
I teaspoon sugar
'/4 cup Ontario Port wine
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
*Cheese Croutons (recipe below)
Empty tomatoes, juice and all, into
a large saucepan, breaking the
solid chunks up with a fork. Cut
the vegetables into chunks and add
them to the pot. Stir in pepper-
corns, cloves, salt, basil, and sugar. ;R .x r .c. w , n q . , cap
Cover the saucepan tightly and .
bring it to. a boil, then lower the •
heat and simmer for one hour,
'._stirring once or twice. Cool. Strain
the soup through a fine seive
squeezing all the juices oueof the
vegetables. Return the bouillon to
the saucepan, add the Port a
and lemon juice. Bring to a boil
.and ,serve, adding 'a few i cheese • Here's good news... for CPP contributors -their surviving spouses -and deperident children
Gather 'round the tree for song ... laughter.
Rekindle friendships .. , extend good tidings to all.
To our loyal patrons ,greetings and thanks.
Recent changes to the Canada Pension Plan will result in substantially increased benefits for 1975 and subsequent years.
There are other important changes, too. Some affect people over 65 or approaching that age. Others provide equality for the
spouses and dependent children of male and female contributors. These changes may require prompt action or getting
advice. So we suggest you read this message very carefully.
Retirement Pensions"
Have you the Plan Equal Protection
T • at any time since January 1,1966? • for Males, and Females.
Are you between 65 and 69? This mean that for female contributors,- in addition to being
Then you have a choice . eligib or etirement pension and disability'protection for
Apply now and start receiving your monthly CPP retirement thems Ives, a d a death benefit payable to their estates, as
pension. No chore need to retire to collect benefits. (Once has be n the c se in the'past, their spouses and dependent
you gtart receiving your pension, however, you can't make childr n are n w eligible for benefits as follows:
further contributions to the Plan.) Bene is for Sur iving Spouses
OR A mo thly pension I loto the widower who at the time of
th eath of the contributor is over 35 years of age, or under
Continue to contribute to the CPP and possibly build up a 35 years of age but is disabled or has dependent children;
larger retirement pension to commence at a later date. that is, a benefit similar to that which has always existed
Continuing to contribute is also a way to qualify survivors for widows.
for benefits if you have not already done so. (When Benefits for Orphans
approaching age 70, you should consider applying for your A monthly benefit payable to unmarried dependent children
retirement pension because after 70 you may no longer under 18 and to unmarried dependent children between 18
contribute to the Canada Pension Plan.) and 25 attending school or university on a full-time basis.
NOTE: Before making your choice you may wish to seek
advice from eth nearest CPP office.The staff will be pleased In order for survivors to qualify, the contributor must have
to help you. P died in January 1968 or later and must have contributed for '
Are you approaching age 65? the minimum contributory period, which is three years for
If you have made your choice and want your CPP retirements
d curring before January 1, 1975,
pension to commence as early as possible, you should ap ly enefits for Children of Disabled Contributors
two or three months before your 65th birthday. monthly benefit payable to unmarried dependent children
NOTE: There is no provision for retroactive payment of under 18 and to unmarried dependent children between 1'8
retirement pensions between the ages of 65 and 6.9. So f and 25 attending school or university on a full-time basis,
you're in that age group or approaching it, get advice as' where the contributor concerned is in receipt of a CPP
soon as possible. Disability Pension.
Do you now receive a CPP retirement pension? NOTE, In all cases, it is make application for
As of January 1st, 1975, your.pension will no longer be benefits. If such applications are approved, -payments can
affected by any money you earn thereafter.. only be made currently—that is, from January 1, 1975. No
payment can be made for any period prior to that date.
Other Changes: Effective January 1975
The earnings ceiling—that is, the maximum amount on Retirement Pension.. . ................. $122.50
which contributions can be paid and on which benefits Disability Pension.... ......... . .. ........ $139.35
can,be calculated -is being raised to $7400 in 1975 Surviving Spouse's Pension—under 65...... $ 88.31
and to $8300 in 1976. The initial amount of earnings, over 65......... $ 81.67
on which you are not required to contribute, will be Orphan's Beribfit........................... $ 37.27
$700 in 1975. Disabled. Contributor's Child's Benefit........ $ 37.27
Death Benefit (Lump Sum).... _ ............ $740.00
Health Sant6 et For assistance contact:
and Welfare Bien -etre social Your'nearestCanada Pension Plan office
Canada Canada
Marc Lalonde, Minister
Your Canada Pension PlCaln ...keeping up with Ging time's
it �`f,,•:.
rw ,
u�, .. ��ttl�n.:il�-. ,.L.t.._v^hbw.'N_H?..r-ta.t.4`.aY._.r.....w ,.n c:iv.Y�..
a., 2.[:rk. u. , fix,..
A BIG BOY — Santa saw kids of all ages when he
was in Seaforth on Friday, Here one big kid took a
moment out of his working day to tell Santa what he
would like for Christmas. (Staff Photo)
\/ . We'd like
to express our
<? warm wishes:
enjoy a
peace-ful, serene
Thank you
all so much,
;Croutohs to each serving if desired. truss,', the turkey' just before it is
�' • 4 4 scheduled for the oven.
v Makes 5 cups;,,.
.;3: : ' U rt '•:,. : '' ya tCHE6SE CROUTONS 1'/ cups Wild Rice'
2 slices day-old white bread sufficient for 10 to 12 Ib. turkey
1 tablespoon butter ;
a' �� 2 tablespoons freshly grated Wash rice In cold water' Stir rice
�. xa Parmesan cheese into 5 cups boiling wat@r. Parboil
5 minutes only. Remove from heat.
Use a firm rather than spongy type Cover. Set aside for one hour..
`bread. Trim the crusts and cut the Drain. Wash. Then, cook drained.
bread into one-quarter inch cubes: rice in boiling salted water for 25
y'. Melt the butter in an oven proof minutes. -Drain. Set aside.
• z. dish or pie plate; add the broad
?*'< cubes and cheese. Toss. Set in a
•�;.,.,s6 tablespoons butter ,
250 degree F. oven for 1 .hour. % cup (2 medium) onions, chopped
% pound small mushrooms, sliced
To roast the 1974 uiodel turkey, (4•'/z cups)
it is best to use a meat thermometer. % cup chopped toasted almonds
:..': If you don't have one, ask Santa (3 ounces)
to drop one in your Christmas
tablespoons flour
TRADITIONAL AND NOW stocking. It will eliminate guess- 1 can (10 ounces) beef bouillon
work when roasting, all year round. 1% teaspoons salt
Follow tradition, et surprise You can defrost a whole turkey scant % teaspoon pepper
Y P Ghivetch. Prepare Duchess Potatoes in one of 3 ways, depending on 1 cup chopped fresh parsley
everyone' with something different ahead of time then pop them into your time schedule and refrigerator
on the Christmas board this year. the oven when the time is ripe. space. Leave the plastic wrapper Melt butter in a large skillet, saute
Cook the p'Wal plump deliciouson, no matt r which method You
symbolic turkey, but fill its cavity Since' Christmas colors have - onions, mushrooms, almonds, on
with a gourmet Wild Rice Stuffing. traditionally been red and green, use. The refri94g, as is the ideal high heat, for about 5 mintues.
Eliminate the problem of selecting open the meal with ruby broth Place fort until118, as it keeps the Stir in flour, cook for one minute.
one vegetable, on a day when and close with a spinach. salad. meat cold until °it is completely Add bouillon, cook, stirring until
anything goes;,Do it our way and And ... to satisfy dessert lovers, defrosted. Allow about 5 hours smooth and thickened. Add
offer a medley of shapes, color serve the plum pudding and sauce per pound for thawing in refrigera- seasonings, parsley and rice. Toss
the demand. tor, 1 hour per pound fo{ thawing gently.
and flavor a most tasty Y in cold water, and 1% hogs per
pound for thawing at room Stuff 1 ready-to•000k turkey
Christmas Broth temperature. For more -even -thaw- ,
Roast Turkey - Gourmet Wild Rice Stuffing • Ing at room temperature, place the Yield: 8/4 cups
se Ghivetch wrapped turkey in a brown paper
uucness Potatoes You canre
p p the stuffing a Tuberculosis has not been.
Spinach -Onion -Orange Salad day ahead, of course; but you must 'eliminated in Canada. [n 1972, Merry Christmas
Plum Pudding Brandy Sauce not stuff the turkey ahead of time. 453 Canadians died from the.
Allow an extra hour to stuff 'and disease.
Christmas Broth: Make it a day
or two ahead, refrigerate. Bag the
croutons and store them at room
2 cans (28 ounces each)
Canada Choice tomatoes
2 stalks celery, with leaves
2 carrots, scraped
t, green pepper seeded
1 large onion i
3 peppercorns 1975
2 whole cloves
1 teaspoon salt
%: teaspoon basil
I teaspoon sugar
'/4 cup Ontario Port wine
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
*Cheese Croutons (recipe below)
Empty tomatoes, juice and all, into
a large saucepan, breaking the
solid chunks up with a fork. Cut
the vegetables into chunks and add
them to the pot. Stir in pepper-
corns, cloves, salt, basil, and sugar. ;R .x r .c. w , n q . , cap
Cover the saucepan tightly and .
bring it to. a boil, then lower the •
heat and simmer for one hour,
'._stirring once or twice. Cool. Strain
the soup through a fine seive
squeezing all the juices oueof the
vegetables. Return the bouillon to
the saucepan, add the Port a
and lemon juice. Bring to a boil
.and ,serve, adding 'a few i cheese • Here's good news... for CPP contributors -their surviving spouses -and deperident children
Gather 'round the tree for song ... laughter.
Rekindle friendships .. , extend good tidings to all.
To our loyal patrons ,greetings and thanks.
Recent changes to the Canada Pension Plan will result in substantially increased benefits for 1975 and subsequent years.
There are other important changes, too. Some affect people over 65 or approaching that age. Others provide equality for the
spouses and dependent children of male and female contributors. These changes may require prompt action or getting
advice. So we suggest you read this message very carefully.
Retirement Pensions"
Have you the Plan Equal Protection
T • at any time since January 1,1966? • for Males, and Females.
Are you between 65 and 69? This mean that for female contributors,- in addition to being
Then you have a choice . eligib or etirement pension and disability'protection for
Apply now and start receiving your monthly CPP retirement thems Ives, a d a death benefit payable to their estates, as
pension. No chore need to retire to collect benefits. (Once has be n the c se in the'past, their spouses and dependent
you gtart receiving your pension, however, you can't make childr n are n w eligible for benefits as follows:
further contributions to the Plan.) Bene is for Sur iving Spouses
OR A mo thly pension I loto the widower who at the time of
th eath of the contributor is over 35 years of age, or under
Continue to contribute to the CPP and possibly build up a 35 years of age but is disabled or has dependent children;
larger retirement pension to commence at a later date. that is, a benefit similar to that which has always existed
Continuing to contribute is also a way to qualify survivors for widows.
for benefits if you have not already done so. (When Benefits for Orphans
approaching age 70, you should consider applying for your A monthly benefit payable to unmarried dependent children
retirement pension because after 70 you may no longer under 18 and to unmarried dependent children between 18
contribute to the Canada Pension Plan.) and 25 attending school or university on a full-time basis.
NOTE: Before making your choice you may wish to seek
advice from eth nearest CPP office.The staff will be pleased In order for survivors to qualify, the contributor must have
to help you. P died in January 1968 or later and must have contributed for '
Are you approaching age 65? the minimum contributory period, which is three years for
If you have made your choice and want your CPP retirements
d curring before January 1, 1975,
pension to commence as early as possible, you should ap ly enefits for Children of Disabled Contributors
two or three months before your 65th birthday. monthly benefit payable to unmarried dependent children
NOTE: There is no provision for retroactive payment of under 18 and to unmarried dependent children between 1'8
retirement pensions between the ages of 65 and 6.9. So f and 25 attending school or university on a full-time basis,
you're in that age group or approaching it, get advice as' where the contributor concerned is in receipt of a CPP
soon as possible. Disability Pension.
Do you now receive a CPP retirement pension? NOTE, In all cases, it is make application for
As of January 1st, 1975, your.pension will no longer be benefits. If such applications are approved, -payments can
affected by any money you earn thereafter.. only be made currently—that is, from January 1, 1975. No
payment can be made for any period prior to that date.
Other Changes: Effective January 1975
The earnings ceiling—that is, the maximum amount on Retirement Pension.. . ................. $122.50
which contributions can be paid and on which benefits Disability Pension.... ......... . .. ........ $139.35
can,be calculated -is being raised to $7400 in 1975 Surviving Spouse's Pension—under 65...... $ 88.31
and to $8300 in 1976. The initial amount of earnings, over 65......... $ 81.67
on which you are not required to contribute, will be Orphan's Beribfit........................... $ 37.27
$700 in 1975. Disabled. Contributor's Child's Benefit........ $ 37.27
Death Benefit (Lump Sum).... _ ............ $740.00
Health Sant6 et For assistance contact:
and Welfare Bien -etre social Your'nearestCanada Pension Plan office
Canada Canada
Marc Lalonde, Minister
Your Canada Pension PlCaln ...keeping up with Ging time's
u�, .. ��ttl�n.:il�-. ,.L.t.._v^hbw.'N_H?..r-ta.t.4`.aY._.r.....w ,.n c:iv.Y�..
a., 2.[:rk. u. , fix,..
�.. I. rY:h .. _I. ._Y_i_:39.i.... _. ..1h.XX..'K,_1.
. �.. �.. .. •�. Cit. ...__..r. i� i.r a_M.Ya , 1.... •Y.....�i !U.,�,.i >x. nninn �w.:.Fa n.....w r,. ....................�. •w,W.n va�ro.�;n .. _+'L�'4 ... i' -