HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-02, Page 5Canada's Big Cheese. THE IN GITA TIMES, FEBRUARY 21 18V4, L1stOWei• Belgrave• In the sour of an address before 11ft Andrew ,tiitcliiaats heti been Th+ariei(ularquarterly egrvioas will be the Western ':rytrreu's �s000iation . held ltr.the Bal rave hTetUodist church, ou • at Le ersollobtet. weelti,erof,Boeee4sea, shiplatng•lalge quantities sed baled hay, R 1; , $abbrcth. ntoruing next, at 10.81:14)" in. I{ove Dominion iDair Connmiarieper, of which+tits most is foruthe old.coun^ y , p feaet+and sacrament after the sermon.. speaking of tells Weddle Fair,said try nlarltet. .9.bout $ or ton is aid to tlio•furmer for the ba', • W.e�'are sorry to learn that lira, M. I need. March/ :speak erf our eniatertuna pDou,1'>i, (nee 4laggiq McCraae,) who eats, Sv@ arersorrr to learn• of the serrousi in having Lire mean who purchased it Maims of Mr. D. D. t+am bell. He I mare:red a little over a year ago, and we}u+tf refuse to +team it. elks surface was P out wont is now Main brought lame babel were venfined to his room at first, with + ' B I damaged, bat +the •cltnuage did not go pleurisy, which has sir e., we under- 1 liurisd. i beyond the erurEace, My contract with Joseph fitouehouue, of Haut Wewevresir„I llimowas 'that,the.oheeae was to be inestand, affected his lungs somewhat. good condition iaM 'Liverpool. The We lioptethat hie recovery may be iaituPeeeleg.. only way to,malre pay would be s ,liiui l>eBdX• Pers, Hanna, (nee Miss Vannorena i .of' JrslEMorris, is seriously ill, to have .a Isew-zoic, 8l3etter not follow leis understood that a new sporting that cesium. NO 'e ;gill sell it and if journal., to be called ''eThe Canadian • +� 6fr J W Vaonormau who 1,a9 beau in 1 rT`�"7l we do tact met /More ellen live or eight f-ioreeTm'aw, will vent' shortly issue , .✓ .a or ten cents a pound:.for it the will from -oronto under the editorial Paisley for the past whsle, is vioioing Brings comfi,+ mi i „pr lomat. srd pocket that,end believe that the big management of Mr, Cyrus Hacking of amends in Belerave at present. tends to pens ;,,►' •nab •mc.:t when cheese wawa capital advertising bit this ttown. His wide acquaintance act, number of the (i/ood Templates .of rightly titled. 'slay ' ',en , wh+alive •bat - and thQt it/did the country good sere and pngrularity among horsemen Belgrave lodge visited the Blyth lodge,,00 ter than others and e:.,j„ ,� iifomove, with throughout Canada, his exact know-' 1•lriday night last. less expenditure, by more promptly vine. adapting the w'e'ld'( `:trot products to the needs of plryeicatl le iii , will atheist the value to health of the retro liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrnp of Fi v. Its excellence is dun to its presenting in tho form most aceeptab'a and pleas- ant to the taste, the rea_reehing'and: truly beneficial properties of a ,perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleaning i heeystem, dispelling colds„ headaches ;and fevers and permanently cueiapg •consfapation. It has given satisfiactiona to .millions and /net with the approve ll of the (medical profession, because it mets ,en ttlte Kid- neys, Liver and Boweesiwitliout weak- ening them and it is•,perfectlyeree from Kerr. :Sueject to elle discussed :- second time, and . a week ago Missl -- every objectiouable:erabstauco. 11+ g A, Ross ; Warden -D. DT, :Lawrence ; S ru of Figs is f :sale's all drug - "Resolved that ; the %Mowat Govern- Williams went to `Toronto intending ,Conductor -D. Geddes q G. G, -,;J".: \lo / gists in 75c. bottlas, but it as mon- ment is not /worthy of the continued to :secnre.+a position aa a domestic, ileherson ; L G. --I. iIoreisou,; ,1t..fi..N. G. factured by the Carferiiia :Fig Syrup support .of tliespaoplo of',Ot,tario," and su,nport; her•sle't, She had beeia -g• li- Wilson; L. b- , T. G. -w. 'Webb ; Co. only, whose naanees.:priritedonevery The following ares, the office bearers stopping ,with a +/friend, Mrs. S. Ge ,R,• s. v. G. -W. btew:art; L. S. Tat. a G,- package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, in connection ..with the Independent Tidy., di20.Bolton avenue, and on Sat- %,B, 3, :McLeod ; R. S. .S. -W. Mu.Crestie ; and being well informed, you •of l Order :of Foresters to I:Br+ussels for the tu:rday morning left there,stating that! ,L' , S, S, -A, 6,,,,,,,,s=4;•Ch:icpbaiva a accept any substitute.if<offered. ledge ofttbo subject ,she treats about' On Tuesday, Mr Win eleGrae /received aBrasseis. and ,airs ability asset writer of lucid' the sad intelligence of tee dead/ of .his A number +or our • townspeople at- and,foreible articles, should secure at; daughter Maggie, who died lately In Mum - tended the vweddingeof our townsman, once travide circulation for the journal.; •soba• She was married to Mr 111ctieoua1d, Wm. fifai>;lahet, eon *Wednesday,. at ; /formerly of this place, and sus mer,ided ,in Ethel. The blade ',was Miss Bessie i ,Mauitoba ever since. FordWioh, 1V1cDenald,•.ef thee village. Mr. and The dairymen intend having .a ampper Mrs. 1-iabiciri .will make their home Viet€ollowing is taken from the;.on or about the 14th of mills aiioatth. at the recentty.purehased residence on Toro -=rep World, of &Tuesday last : The; --.� Queen street, iBrussels, friends of Mies Adelaide Williams, of; . Lueknow- The epeakers;at the union debate, to Fordw,ich, Huron /County, are feeling] . At the last meeting of the .1:..uoituow be hold sou :Friday,I.Feb, 9th, will be very anxious as to her whereabouts. !Lodge, I. 0. 0. i'., the ;following .otlicers for the affirmative,, Jas. Irwin, W. H. -Uptto,:a week ago&liss Williams lived •were installed by Bro. D ,S:heriiff,I„D., G. Cicalae? and Mhos. A+i'arrow. The with cher fathat, who is a retired ,M., namely ; X. P. G.-aL Elliot„ N. G, - :negative will be ,;upheld by W. M. merchant, residing at Fordwioh, hat; I.C. Adams, V. G. -G. Lawreuee;; R.• S - ,.Sinclair„ /Dr. i.Cavana h and W. H. iatr►ly Mr. Williams ,harried for ti1el ,w. Wilson ; P. S. -W. H. Smith„ Treas. present term : 'J, • T. 'Pepper, 0. D. H. she intended to .pay a visit to a friend„` Roods. O. R. ; E. \il'ro Melsom,ak', C. R. ; T., Mee w<f,asy:Allten,:.a lady medical stud-? On Wednesday eveau.:(ng et last .wAeipylr, Montreal, Q., Jan b0. -The markets Fletcher, C..I$;;,E. •Dickeen, V 0 R.;' ent -residing at/432.Parliament street. 43icholes Hedley, wee lived jest :eolith of yesterday were &tied with 'comtnos. Thos. Curry, Ohap; ; ,Ai;Cousley, Fin,- : Since then she has.not been seen ars /the village, died very .suddeuly. 'He ,,hacl and inferior beef giarttle,uud the selling Secy. ; L 0. (�rtichards, &Treas, ; M. heard.oE. .Miss Allen says that the: ,bee, in his usual health and was abrin r(u , interests are gnaatly depressed and s, �' lower prices recoiled ail around. .:@, Black, .Rec.-Secy. ; W. Habkirk, J. teiseingeeir1 did not visit heron Satur 4,iuto the house au armful othineweed,,:w:beta W. ; 0. Rozell,e5. \V. , W. Mose, J. day, aeeslre inten.de 1 doing nor liar. few of the best cattle -sold at from•$�cc B. ; H. Finn,•S•••B. she heard from ler. No conjecture j `hs suddenly fell ou the flour and au a sew to 31e per Il,, but nautili the larger eeeconds he was dead. le.eant disease is The following officers ref Western csta •berinaaade..aestos.uthe cause of her' supposed to be the cause. Deceased ,.wa, nun' tier of seed's snarls were at about Star Lod�;e,.I`Ta.':149, 1. O,sO. F. were disat,ppearauce, as she wars not 'ae-; yd years of age, 3c per lb, uud a ��ai:r'ge member •will duly installed into their respective gaainted;in Toronto, and when she de -i only bring from ..c t+, c per rib. offices Uy District Deputy Grand parted drain • Ira•i'1`idy's she left ell her Live stock Matteis. Calves of inferior;gaa•airrg+ • were snore fv Master, Ero. ,Lemuel Hearst, of Tees- clot/rt./6 td•belongings there so that numerous, and they /brought lower • ...East Buffalo, N. Y.,3aaa..3©.-eCat- ele-Nine cars 011 sate,::slow and :weak; rend high priced. 'Dine rides yeeterdey I best wattle sold to Bo.stw.i buyers ;for ranged froen $1-;rdi) to •$l1:2•each. (Good .e port at $4.80. ° lams( are it; cleeeand at advancing Warder/, R. ,Leatltferdale : (yondnctor, icier(, t� cra.:Messer fu on the sick! � Peep ra ther dslow export e€er tV Cwee cs 9irQ,i; ratNs,while the ,.telae/ v(•,r&s h<ild their P. Scott- t(ii.,G., Wm. Martin; I. (x., este p prices fairly well. Good lerrsbe brim? J. T. Hose ; R. .: N. G., A. Currie ; Miss Belle iliurgess spent/ Sunday in 'Livaadians sold at $5 to 5 ilia) :fur 1 from 4e to 44c ;per lit;:, ;the .others L. S. N. G., >E.•:I. McArthur.;;:; R. S.: Bluuvavle. ,choice, with only limited number tau I bring from 3e to Sic ,per •16. Mat stele.; good to pri ne atata da„rrba, a4.• ' hogs continue to *eh at 41c per lb. V G Thomas Strachan; L. 8. V. G., ;,Ira. i�laDi,(ven and ,Mrs Craig are ' I water :-,J. Y. G,, A. K. McNeil ; N. she eviideacatly.intended returning. G., Win. i iorniel ; ',V. G.,eAlex. Me- KaR 14r .lir i*s Dicksoc - P S John Am,ent ; •,Treas., F. S. Scott ; y; P. BImsva1e• prices. bur. good vides one sill scarce E. By actual count we have only 13 MANTLES left. These we are bound • to clear befor Stock -Taking. $7 ones now $4.50. $10 ones now $6.75, &o Win. Spence ; 71t,.S, S., John Pugh ; L. S. S. James Speir : Obaplc,u, Jas. Wilson ; Ptaysician, Wm. Gratr.aru. L,wn-ti born. Mr. John Lawson: is on the sick list. B. Lawrason attended an exeeutive meeting of Dietricteledge, i o. 2 L I.U. G. T., in Blyitla, last /Friday. Mrs. W. F. Longman has moved into Mr. Mans lin ' i .house, on Srarah street, On Saturday last a Mission 13,and was termed in oouneetion with the Presbyterian Ch.areh, the following offi:ers were chose'(:: President, Mrs. t (Rev. J. A.) liatm;i�ttu e; Wise President, ,Mise Sarah Hill; -reseed Vice Preei- .iiettt, Miss Lewdaay A''Young; Seers- teary, Elva Adams;; iflreasurer, Mears :Anges Scott. Regular meeting .e;f /tike 8. 0. E. !lodge Friday nigtrt. The following of$ieers avers elected :at the meeting of NortlaSe ar Iodge,I.G) +G. T„ on Tuesday evening last: 0. `l'.,1 ,Albert McGregor; Y'..,, tCdq,Iitly ; Rel 8„ Jennie Woodman ; A. $, Hannatha ;ESiddell; F S, B. Lawrasen;; T Mos-! ridge ; Chap, Joseph Morris ; 11, William Longman; D M. Sarah Hill; .•,/Lou Ouimette; 8, Robert Reid;.5 8 T, Hannah Riddell ; (Organist, Mattie Brogden. There wag ,aratne•caudi- date ,initiated, making twelve during the quarter ]net closed. It was doweled to hold a public entertainment on the first Tuesday in March. Theme wag a large attendance of the member,/ fully forty being pruseut. A large uliniher of the members visited Constance lodge on Wednesday.evetting. Flow O. Get a "Sunlight” Piaui.. {2'l Sethi 25 •eSuulight"Soap wrappers(wrap- r per bearing the worche.Why I)oes a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a itfau") to Lever Bros„ Ltd., #3 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is au easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best iu the market and it will only cost one cent postage to send iu the wrapperA, if you leave the ends open. 'Write your addreee carefully, The death oeeurreti et l3ratatford on Monday at the age of 64 years, of Mr W. 1d.. Verity, founder of the well- known plough worker bearing his nano. Deceased removed his factory to Brantford a short while ago from Ex' ter end during his short residence rapidly areeo.v@ring. 5.® .to $4 70 ; prime western, v ee° ' ti dal 90; mixed sheep, good to r]uoit;e, The annual meetings of /the ;patrons Miss Weenie Warev.ick, of Morris,, y 0 to $3 65 ; alleles 115 L' ae 131J.ltl, > of the Newry cb«ese fneturrr was helil is visiting iiie1yr.,I�ill 's• wether( $3 80 to $4 25. in Wynn's Hall on eVtdaa,e,ariay„ Uhl Abouttith, of eyoui epeople gathered 4t„ye-15 seers 00 s.le; easier for+nll ult., which was farevty aitt•et r ad , by on the pond�oeenighelast week and.thee/ inter.(cert. The re owt. of the started ;a �benlire /to „give them light grades; 5e to lOe lower. for pis +ataoi P and skated tial nbnut,aa,i o'clock; they .ligietegrades;there were 4 loads tete I%years prom-el/tinge telowed 198,5a7 lbs. very lune quality of medium andh •ceese. hay: nu eeeti .nue YOfar ureal, haMr.d a bWilal,Beattlorious ie, of Seaforth, was e. hexs'y,ho;;s, 2`20 to 290 lbs., wJa:i,et ,realizing $18,974 48. "veta•„ittg $10.05 sold •- 5 70; mixed packers bs •se wholesale primes; /plumy of milk visiting at Mr.,F. N. Scott'a last ruprimes;ireceired lbs : aver&ige lbs week. $5 65 rte $5 70, mostly 5 65; Yank- . 1,458,459o Mr, Beeman Kine, who was very ill $5 571;6pigs, slow ,saleostlyt $05 6a .`o -ag milge cost lof b ofmtai at manufse 10 acturing ; Aver - $1.33, last week re.better. Miss Maggie Hartley and brother $5 60; 'roughs. 4 5U to $5; aitagx,,'+nithout hauling milk ; average per 25 ,cant of butter fat' for season 359. $8 t0ee., 4 Fred, who are .attteudiSunday Clinton Toron.to, Jan. 30 -The receipts to- The report e, art ru.,u,iii*' i,Ir :rd„pted, high school. spout ,,fromy at home. day show a small increase, amounting 'il°toe system .at 1„,shag f;•, mid: aucurd- ,vlr, T. J. il3aldaa>s, .from near VVood- The nng to the1 n.•rr,•,,i,a_, • r.e' 1.,...itt,r fat wee stock is visiting in the •elliage. iu all to .32 car loads. market The annual meetin, of the Bluevale was ;-Qattle was dull, and seine agmen „ („tet. +, a, . r • ,;,;, b• lug drovers report huvhig lost money. A (i•lidarett • Cheese and Butter ;Clompage was held - few of the.best stock sold at Wei =" i •'-'sit`s"• -"'."""' '.•".'"'... in the Foresters' hall, .on Tuesday, P January BOti, when following officers were elected for the slowing ty.ear: John It. Miller. President ; John Diment, Wan. J. Jobostou, Jawed .Jelltiot and lRobert Maxwell,,"directors , .Jeiu Bur- gese,seeretary; Wm. Messer,Treasurer, .and Ropers Black and Alex- Mac- wun, auditors. JLamilton city council has pasted a by.il aw reducing the number of tavern lieemrees in the city from 95 to 75. Om December 20th a Liverpool man bought it big Canadian turkey, and in preparing hive for the .New Year's dinner found a $225 diamond stud in its crop. If the poor Canadian poultry raiser will prove ownership of the high priced turkey food to Messrs Hamilton & Pritchard, he sari recover his rliatnottd. A presentation lettering is eta the medal back. The British Columbia Provincial Parliament has passed a resolution directing that an address be presented to the Lieutenant -Governor, to be iconv'eyed to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, throne!' the Secretary of 81 ate of Canadn, that its the 'opinion of this Howie it is expedient that it rohbiu the tt,ttils, warn sentenced on should be, usdnina,d by internattontel Monday to three years in the peniten. agreement:--- (I) That gold and enver liar be legal tender to any amount; (2) y• that the value of eeilvee in terms of Miss Sarah Forreet, a Public School gold be fixed ; (3) that geld ani silver teacher of Toronto, was drowned in bullion to any amount be freely turned the bay on Saturday. With several there had become highly respected, into coin et the Mints, The Ica. and the autajority at 3c to Bic. In- ferior cattle suld at leo to 24c per lb. Several amens Sold at ;i;c, and a dozen Milch at $aa to $45 • each. Culver unchanged, with sales at $8 to $8 each, the latter for those dressing 125 lbs. Sheep and lanes dull and neglecefd. The former sold at $4 to $4 60 each, and the latter et Sec to 4c per 1b; niuo head, avenging 80 lbs, sold at $3 each, Hogs quiet and steady; the best select- ed lots sold at $5 25, weighed off oars, and at 5c' fed and watered. Heavy sold at 4i•u to 5ao, and storesfrow 4;u to 5e, the range being wide. The Midwinter Fair was formally opened at San. Francisco, Saturday. Hon. Edward Blake delivered an address on Home Rule at Monte al en Monday evening. Alpert E. Preseott, of Chatham,wes ruu over and faculty injured at an Erie and Huron railway crossing near Blenheim Monday night. It is announced that J. F. Moore, of Brooklin, '1`reaeu'rer of Whitby Township Council', has absconded, leaving a uhortege of over $10,000 John Connie zham, the Montreal pest -office clerk who was aceu- ed of resole.' companions An was in if boat chit pats A widow ttnd 12 children mourn his tion was announced by 001, •Janlei(• caught and crushed between ice floes. litltllcti;t OH1E11111 11111W TIoNs loss, Baker, Minister of Mines, The others were rescued,. s Millions of Women use it for all purposes Laundry and Household and find it a great comfort and saver of Labor Special values in Overcoats, Furs and Meres Gloves. Best value in Dress Goods in town. 20 dozen Silk Handkerchiefs bought at 50c. on the $. Special value in all Goods for 30 days before Stock -Taking. Respectfully yours, G -EC:=_ KSZ�"G The Popular Dook �tor IS HEADQUARTERS FOR IG Holiday Presents! Our large stock of Christmas Goode has just been received, and is suitable for allparties, old or young, consisting of TOYS, 1F10TO ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, WRITING DESS, TOILE+.' SETS, PLUSH GOODS, CHINA VASES, XMAS CARDS, LAMES COMPANIONS (in plush or wood), VIOLINS, MOUTH ORGANS, CELLULOID MOUTH ORGANS, TOY BOOKS, HAND SLEIGHS, POB•RIDGE SETS, BLANK NOTES, BIBLES, FANCY b1IRRORS (hand painted) A Large Assortment of ANNUALS, Consisting of Leisure Hours, Sunday at Horne, Boys' Own, &c., &c. I. havens larger stoek thin,year dean ever before and desire the public to call and ate atslbefore purchasinge elsewhere, es it is no trouble to show goods. Prices as Low' as the Lowest. ALEX. ROSS. The Popear r Bookstore, Wiingham.. • —INT ►►�Tz, 'L1-'°. _„, 11 -1 -AN D -.FOR THE Has no equal for purity, nor for cleaningand sweetening, nor preserving the clothes and hands from in- jury, nor for all-round genera' tow. fight Days, A. mitrLS' CLEBkING SflE