HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-12-26, Page 3tv
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Town Clerk )Mrnost; Williams neeessaty ':after one PA014.0'e: for
has been 'advised that the i•.eGtlunt council,. fim Parkinson, rgceixed `
which Town Council requested in no votes 4.n the deptuy returning � ' ,. •� � +
Poll N2 will be head on Monday, officer+s retp.rn fqr Poll 2, Several . •
[ y�. December 23 'at 10:30. Judge citizens said they had voted for "'' "�'
a �{ MAMA,
Frarl rartr r �f r.oderich will Mr. parkinson in Phil 2.
a> preside over the recount and Mr. Mr. Parkinson, owner of the
Williams said he was uncertain if
T.� �, Queen's Hotel Seforth, would �� Choirs are SlNdln�
t o. results would be released have. toreceive f20votes from the , M"`
h f o(� s heard n ousr tr ns
`r'�, � immediately after The recount. Poli 2 recount !n order to win a y ' , r' ' � y " � � "�
Council thought a recount council seat. ' herinel ►0tls Yule . , . aR�
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our 0sq)J(s to one and all:'
By Rev. E.G. Nelson
The Expositor is early
Minister of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth I and' GR
While this issue, with its pages of Christmas''greetings, is �
dated—December 26th, bechuse of the holidays, it is being
published early so that copies may be in the matt prior to TRUST
"There was no room for them in the inn." St. Luke 2:7 Christmas.
The next issue, that of January 2nd, 1975 also will be �=
Rev. E.G.Nelson St. Luke says that "there was no room for them in the inn." Joseph and published early and will be in the mail on Monday, December'
his family were turned away from the inn. The inn 'could accommodate 30th for delivery prior to New Years. The 'co-operation of ,
others, gamblers, tax gatherers, merchants, but there was no room1for correspondents and advertisers is requested so that copy may be , "I, in the office as earl as ossible and In an event not later thanJoseph'afld Mary. Friday, December 27thPY r
They were poor and looked .unappealing and besides -Mary's condition
might prove an inconvenience to the innkeeper. And so it was into the state
of poverty, which is the Jot of millions throughout the world, that the Son of
God, chose to be born.
It was into the very center and heart of humanity that the Word became
flesh and dwelt among us.
It's a wonderful thing when we think about it. The Great and Eternal
God entering the universe that he had created, entering it as a babe,
stepping as it were into humarill history.
The odd thing about it all is that his entry was unnoticed and unknown
except by "The first few."
Here was God contracted to the size of a helpless child - a new
ail -appealing, all -revealing, and all -redeeming manifestation of the Eternal
One: '
and they did not see him.
—'they had no room for him.
God came.to us in the circumstances of life, a carpenter shop, a marriage
feast, a cross. Seeking to save that which is lost, to bring light into our
darkness, strength to our weakness, peace to our wounded hearts.
But still we crowd him out - there is no room in our hearts for him.
But there is room in the Inn of God's heart for us. The great door of the .
Inn of God's heart is unlatched.
illuminated six hours a.day for 15�� y - '
Lights on this Christmas�
governments says
v HAVE ACOOKIE! -SPS student John Cairns offers
Feder" Energy Minister
Christmas lighting as being part
cookie to Mrs. Olive Muir a resident of Kilbarchan
Hydra Quebec's water capacity of 14.4 million kilowatts "Nursing Horne, A large group of senior students
Donald MacDonald and Premier
of the good spirit of Christmas
turbines furnish 99.6% of is produced through the use of oil, front,, the school sang carols and gave out Christmas
William Davis of Ontario have
and that neither the government
Quebec's total electrical energy while less than 0.06% of th.e
cookies to those who live at both nursing homes In
given the go-ahead for traditional'
nor Ontario Hydro, wishes to
needs. Hydro electric ena�y is a electrical energy generated in
Christmas Lighting this season.
darken that spirit.
constantly -renewable resource. Ontario is used for Christmas Seaforth on Thursday. (Staff Photo)
In response to a brief from the
The industry brief pointed out
None of Ontario's dependable lighting.
Christmas Decoration Division of
that Christmas lighting received
Night" was sung. Mrs. N. Schede •
the Canadian Toy Manufacturers
unfair public attention last fall asr.
'" t udk,�"4°{:i :;d nc: t, c@'.; cK ' PD-.. , �• n�.f` { k �l 6 1 a'S;k,"�..t.�, .. 8 Y',,•
r` �, ;� � � a" •>,r;•<:<.:v:«
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Association, Mr. Macdonald
a largely symbolic vehicle for
� xis"r
�£ ry .,, ,
sir � YLa' ' y;, v •
;`'"Y'y Y44 •.io'
confirmed that "there is no
introducing energy conservation
Mathevq. Mrs. N. McGavin closed
reason to single out Christmas
awareness and that no other
Zf<•;:• •
lights as a special target for
energyconservation efforts
industry was singled out in such a -�.
:. air :.. , •�>,
'�""' � c
during the coming heating
in recognition of the need for
� � � � �,•�'"�' '� �' �
responsible use of all energy
presided for business thanking allrs,
those taking part in devotions,
Mr. Macdonald said that the
resources, the industry supports
happiness and cheer, laughter and joy.
program of Christmas lighting on
Mr. Macdonald's suggestion that
Parliament Hill will be
Christmas lights be turned onOF,
undertaken this year.
"after 6:00 p.m. and turned off
H.4 ,y T lsw`s
z .,,.�5•' E
x'Y t
Premier William Davis has
' upon retiring.
indicated that the ' Ontario
- 15 outdoor Christmas lights
fif����� � �, �, it ` �l`�. r� " f ��e���a"i
government recognizes
consume less energy than two
Roll call, was answered b
75 -watt household bulbs.¢
. ; ,��" .
we want to take a moment to thank you for
IS butdoor Christmas lights
illuminated six hours a.day for 15�� y - '
days use, one twentieth of the
energy needed to cook 20-pound20
by Night" was sung.
turkey for six h ours a day use, TV, -4 sir
less than one. -half of the energy�°
Mrs. Walker read the scripture
consumed by a color television k f,N'
during the same period.Le? � ��h��
A 15 -bulb string of Christmas)
Association reports there were
lights illuminated six hours a day'>7�:
the "Christmas Story". "Silent
for. 15 days, consume one-quarter
K x q
of the energy used by a 14-nnund
The McKillop Unit of the f;Y
U.C.W. held their Christmas clothes dryer in one hour. x - ,,
by Night" was sung.
meeting at the home of Mrs. Glen��
McNichol with a noon meal after
which there was a gift exchange. The Canadian Study on Smoking�� -•
Mrs. Walker read the scripture
Mrs. N. McGavin was in charge and Health reports the 32 year old
of devotions opening with a male smoker who smokes more
Association reports there were
reading on -the Christmas story, than a pack a day will,lose close to
the "Christmas Story". "Silent
"O Little Town of Bethlehem" six years off hi's life. Christmas �f ,
Seal dollars provide anti-smoking y
r ov
was. sung. Scripture from Luke 2 p' S `
Night" was sung. Mrs. N. Schede •
bronchitis, emphysema and
1 - 7 was read by Mrs. S. McCall programs to help Canadians kick
C-11 d b "Wh'1 the habit.�r�`,z
asthma cases treated in Canadian I SHOULDN'T EAT THIS...BUT - Miss Mable Turnbull is pleased with the bell
* IN
Deck the halls ... trim the tree ...
don holiday finery. May the season's
activities fill your hearts with
happiness and love. Our thanks to all.
. and Staff
0 owe y prayer . i e
Shepherds Watched their Flocks
K x q
by Night" was sung.
The Christmas Seal Organization 'a
Mrs. Walker read the scripture
your Huron -Perth TB and RD 3
from Luke 2: 8 - 20 followed by
Association reports there were
the "Christmas Story". "Silent
more than , 8 1 thousand '
Night" was sung. Mrs. N. Schede •
bronchitis, emphysema and
read scripture from Luke and
asthma cases treated in Canadian I SHOULDN'T EAT THIS...BUT - Miss Mable Turnbull is pleased with the bell
Mathevq. Mrs. N. McGavin closed
hospitals in 1971, an increase of
shaped cookie that SPS student Blaine Pryce offered her. Miss Turnbull, a former
with prayer.,
nearly a thousand over the
teacher at SPS was one of the residents of Kilbarchan nursing home who were
The season's warm glow is filling the air with
The, Pres. Mrs. M. 'Dennis
previus year.
* *.x * * * enteretained by a group of carollers from the school. (Staff Photo)
presided for business thanking allrs,
those taking part in devotions,
�x � � d ,, � k>�r � �
happiness and cheer, laughter and joy.
also welcomed all the visitors.til
' �. f�'• i�
Minutes of the last meeting were
H.4 ,y T lsw`s
z .,,.�5•' E
x'Y t
And as we celebrate thiso special time,
read by Mrs. Cr. McNichol.
fif����� � �, �, it ` �l`�. r� " f ��e���a"i
Roll call, was answered b
. ; ,��" .
we want to take a moment to thank you for
w everyone_ giving a gift for
Y 'i \ 31.E hb-� N••� T3 �'i.�" 5'.;
Children's Aid. Mrs. C. Wey
s REport. It
gave the Treasurer151
x *"
� `�� 0,
your valued patronage and good friendship.
was moved by Mrs. C.
McCutcheon and seconded by -
Mrs. Schade to send a donation ofa�lwins
` b s
$10.00 to the Mission Services inWEST
.f 3
Mrs. N. Schade had the topic
"Candles". Offering was taken
and dedicated by Mrs. M.
SP5 STUD8NTS SING CAROLS AT THF ISI ANOR - carols and distrit,uted Christmas cookies there on
GM'S Maximum
V4 Mrs. M. Dennis closed tide
The students of Mrs. Edna Bell and Mrs. Sheila Thursday. The students put on an excellent show
Morton put a little Christmas,s spirit into the lives of and resident's also enjoyed the cyP��rHled Christmas
P p
,meeting with prayer.
the residents of Seaforth Mahor when they sang cookies that the 1c oeopin made. Staff Photo)