HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-02-02, Page 4iti eeel C. E WILLIAMS 5 least . }.- ho enuu { 13rusaels, Jan. :10.—Tho annual meet* inn of the East Hu ran Reform Aasooia. time was held in the town bell, l3russeie, this afternoou, President Hislop ,ao• cupied tbe chair and "radon clever open. -- AND -- ing address. After reading the reports. 4 .M 'tf the following otlice-bearers Wen) vtooted + .i for the current yeur : Prealde+ut•--;1. ilislop. ' Past 1''ire•1'residet.t- Geo Thutueon. Seeend Vice•Preaicleut--Thos, Strech- an, Grey. Secretary -Treasurer -,••W. H. Kerr. Chairmen of Municipalities --- Thos Gibson, Howiuk; W. M. Robinson, Wroxeter ; George Fortune and James Elliot,: Turuberry ; R N Dude Morrie; ,Task Turnbull, GI ey ; Wm .ddoG'rarvin, Mc- Killop; Root Scott, Hallett; N 11 Young, Klyth ; Robt Graham, Brussels; Jtty A Cline, Wingbam. • Excellent addresses were made by Dr. Macdonald, M P for East Huron ; John 1t1cMlilan; M P for South Huron ; Thos Gibson, a P P for this riding, and Vice- president Btraohan. The hall WR8 demoted with flags, bunting, bauuers, .etc. Among they 1• mottoes ware "The Masses, Not the CHEMIST ACT.Ot. I, W. TELEGRAM c.O opp, Brunswick Nouse Wi:ngbam, - - Out FRIDAY p'EI3IMARY ?, 1894. EDITORIAL NOTE a. THE W1NGHAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 2,1 1894,. • NARK WANTED. A letter respecting bailer assurance, and tenders for printing, coal, eto., word referred to the County Property commit- tee. The following scatters were referred to 58.00, Clerk $8.07, Ira Lewis Judge Doyle 813.47, I In reference to claim of W, Duulopfor damage to stearn thresher for the oum.of 11102,46, we would recommend that the the Executive committee : A repeat for i couute pay the sum of 339 (without pro - the weal grant to the Prisoners' Aid As- judice) provided that the County of Perth 6aciation, A letter from trustees Sea.' pay a eirnilar amount. forth Collegiate Instituto re county t =DIMMER ,aisua w s Itafionr. grant; an application front J.13ucfauoau, i Commissioner Ainsley reported a large Iienaall, for the appaiutuiegt Its student agaouut of work completed. rive bridges at Agrioultural College: applications for have been erectedeluriug the year and eon the usual grant of $2e from the West i steerable repairs to old bridges. All are and East Huron Teachers' asseoiatioxle,. ; re perted in good repair Rt; .present time, A large number of Itoeauuts wer9 re- , There are sixteen iron bridges in the tarred to the Finance committee, and the t county, The Grand Bend steel bridge is regular reports of the Cpuuty ok11aiala •to coat $1,58040, but contractors have fail. were referred to the respeotive commit, ed tocreep faith with the county. The tees, wing wall to the Manchester bridge cost dr. Sberritt propoaed an aw edment 6450. The Hood severely tested aad dere- to the rules by whidh an auditor of are acted the Crew bridge at Bayfield; tbe coat counts and two members of the board of of repair wits be light, Piles should be Criminal audit would be appointed by driven to protect the appraaobee. Repairs ballot at the same time as • the striking to Itoirneavilie bridge met 027.92; Turner's committee. Referred to the Special Baytteld River, 04.20; Blyth bridge, 010; committee. ; Bean:eller bridge, 02; Graham's bridge, A motion to greet $10 for flowers Ashfield, 65; Londeeboro bridge, 62.25; around the Court House, and another by , de, iron bridge, 011.38; Turner's bridge, reeves Proudfoot arid Gibson expressing 535; Bell's, lake shore, Goderioh towl:- tbe opinion that a house of refuge should sills, erection; $005; repairs to 'Westfield :4. uiilLra3E#NEF effort is being made In i Classes," "Canada First," "Free Trafle,," be Dratted, were referred to the kl reou, l i�ridger °27; Port Albert bridyts, $14,35 )Smetliitii to hate the embargo on Cana- ""Senate Reform," "Brussels Y. M. L. A. Ij tine etnekeittee. i Amit paytneet on Hayfield bridge, 01,000; Beau cattle removed, Welcome Our Standard -Bearers," "Our I ' r'ep:.iriui; Btyth bridge, $22.75; btoue wall A motuu tri secure necessary repairs WEAT Algoma Liberals met at Fort Honored Leaders --Laurier, Mowat, Mac • ' William Saturday, and re -nominated Mx' &mild and Gibson." boundary f d tt to the bridge on Howiok and Minta' to Maucheeter bridge 0450; second pal /- torecut on Rayfield bridge, $1,145; gravel were referred to committee, road bridge, north of Londesboro, repairs, Jae, Ccthfuee for the Legislature, A very .largely -attended public meat~ and the following appointments were 1090.20; approaohes to Bayfield bridge, $80; ing was held in the evening,at which the made : Baird, cf Stanley, and Olarkson, l tilling in earth at the Manchester bridge, Br A • •ore of twenty to two etIonday above-mentioned gentlemen received an of Seaforth, on the board of County Ex-' $34,90; bridge on the gravelat Lon - night amilton Ciuy Councilreduood the enthusiastic welcome, and made address- aminers of school teachers ; ,Tohn A.cbe 1 desboro, $180; rebuilding eel road ry bridge um er ot liquor licenses from 95 to 75• es well•tvorthy of the high reputation sou, of Goderich ; James Scott, Clinton, and repairing oue north of Wiutbrop, E Patrons of Bruce County hold they enjoy as debaters of public ques- and George Good, Seaforth, as trustees' $46.73; repairing Rothwell's bridge, $11.00; sir annual meeting in Walkerton on tions. on their respective Collegiate Institute 1 repairs to Craig's, Bayfield River bridge, ursday and Friday, the 8th and Oth of The Young Men's Liberal Club sang a boards, • ; 06; repairs to Manchester bridge, 57.50. February, number of glees at apprapriate intervals, Council•then adjourned until 10 on The grand total amounted to $8,493.33. 'Tee, Lennox Conservative annual and aided much to the interest of the Thursday. 1 Among the bridges that should be rebuilt meeting was held tit Napenee on Satur- gathering. FINANCE REPORT. are one at Wroxeter, also the Gulley day, when U. Wilson, el. P., was nomin- Teefinance report was adopted • as I bridge, sued one between Morris Ked Mc- ated for the Commons. Huron County Couucll. IifolIows : W Smith, repairs to Sheriff's ,` Kill°P. The Council met at 3 o'clock on Tues- I .,�. szonc e, in the Toronto city eauncil, ' Office, $125 ; R P Wilkinson, court house rNSPP,OxOR6 or Pn])LIO hCkrOOLa. to ciese the saloons at 9 o'clock each day. the 22nd ult. The Clerk in the sundries, 843.29 ; C Crabb, do., 83.38 ;1 A. Robb, East Buren 1. P. S„ tirade a evening of the weer, except Saturday. chair, and all the members present.'.!'he Jamieson Reid, repairs to jail. $5.75 ; very complete report. There are 86 school has been defeated by a vote or i5 to o, fallowing numinatious were made for the Carswell & Co., binding, &o, $2; F G corporatiuua elft this divislbu, ernployiug wardensbip : Neelin, advertising, Si; JBrophy & Son. i 128 teachers, 60 male teachers and 63 AT TAE Reform Association eouven- Tbotnas'H. Taylor, reeve of East We- repairs to court house 05.20 J Brophy • fetnalee; in rural schools 54 ,notes and 84 ion at Hamilton, on Saturday, Nicholas wrineeh, by Messrs. MePherson and & Son, funeral of A Ward, 415 ; E Sher- i female --56 teachers have received normal twrey, K. P. P. f )r, Wentworth, :vis re- ionduated as the Liberal candidate in Suutt. man, repairs to jail, $2 ; E Sharman, re- trait{iup and 60 held second close prates. B, S. Cooly, reeve of Howidk,by Messrs. Exeter Advocate 41.1 siouai certificates, one holds a first and, 02 he next Provincial election,pairs to jail, 03 ; , a , L' Kay and Sherritt.' John Walker, repairs to court housed professional thirds. In the entrance ex- th+.coma. The ballot resulted in 25 for Mr. Cook News -Record, 42 ; G N Davis, court passed; for the leaving 30 wrote and 18 house supplies, 41; A B Cornell, burial passed. • of A Ward $15 ; D. Robb, postage, 82.50 ; J. 1e. Tom, West Huron I, P. S., report - Alex Wallace, repairing clock, $1.25 ; G-. ed the greater number of the reports from $150 • John Walker do., 8245 • Huron amination 379 wrote. out of which 200 vas on Saturday selected as the Censer- and 26 for Mr. Taylor, and the latter be- 'ative canitdate for the Brockville Wing in opposition to Hon. C. P. riser. ing declared duly elected was sworn in by his Honor .fudge Toms. The warden briefly returned his thanks for the hLnor TEE Central Farmers' Institute win ,done biro, and the routine business as A. Fear, opium for prisoner, 43; 'A B echoolsection* neatly and correctly filled, leaf in the pity of Toronto on February proceeded t ith" Oornell, jailsupplies, 45.40; Thos. Saeyd, about 10 per ceut. being careless- and in - The loIfowing were elected the etrikio court house repairs, $2:55 ; Times- correct. The report aske that four copies tunic is entitled to send two delegates committee to notnfnate Standing Com- Gazette, 02 ; J E Tom, postage, 40.80; of the School Act be furnished .each section ruittees for the year : Sperling, Mooney, Turnberry township, burial of two coup by the Government. The total receipts ) it. Sberritt, McEwen, McPherson, Holt and ty wards, 430 ; Bayfield village, burial for 1$93 were $69,249.35, expenditure QUITE it number of our Conserrttive Rate, sntemporariee have just lately become The striking committee recommended fileted with that old malady—"Mowat the following as the Standing Commit - rust go." It is expected that the dis- tees for the year, which was adopted by ise will not abate until June next,when the council: se Provincial elections take place, and EXECUTIVE.—Messrs. MtEwau, look, le Grand Old Man of Ontario, is once Sherritt, Sturdy, Oliver, Proudfoot, •lore returned to power. • Malloy, Stuart and,Erratt. `' t e. 1). liF: i Ferguson,Kerr Holt Cruickshank male 60; uuber of let and 2nd class cera lusty,• hats had the Postmaster of g' ' l repairs, 58.97 ; A. Sproul, lock-up keeper, m Kirkby and Turnbull. i1co.tzz.luiD of tom: 8. asorgetown; an aged invalid, dismissed 410; W H Clegg, do, 810; W. Martin, rad his {Henderson's) son, a lad not out E2CALIZATION.---'Messrs. McPherson, teaming, 01.50; Signal,, 016.10 ; W A . --• - ' bis teen, appointed to the position. Rate; Spnrli.ng,Dames, Bawden, Greiger, Stewart, surveying,. 03; Grand Trunk q, TRICK! •Bennetveis, Girvin and Woods. I{ailwa frac AGOOD TT d rso 14I P 's deterarined to y, freight and cartage, 74 cents ; and Oht ta,at rill rlways Plea's* is to buy Signal, 412; Geo Berry, furniture, 410.65; bottle of 5KIRGi Cud Liver OIs and buYsA Jas C•taigie,teaming, 75cents; Telephone yang srlenaa by becoming lump and roar Company, for telephone at rail, 410 ; P , clteeked. Almost tasteless, it always McCarthy, drawing wood, 44.25; W Lee, coal, $223.96; 0 Payne, work at court MADE ONLY DY „ house; 02 ; LK Cameron, Ontario Stat ire CAMPSELL di CO., MONTREAL. -�'t2essrs. Milne, Utes, e65 ; IT Reid, work at court house, It y 7 + 81; Signal, 4103.27; John Butler, statson- .rnn T3alta Pre tem.—Messrs. Eilber, Gray, Halls 1500 OOBDS HEMLOCK BARK wiuted at the Wingbam Tannery. $5.00 PER CORD Will be paid on delivery, Fontes peeling 16 cords or over, can deliver half in summer and balance in winter, if desired, and same price will be paid. WQNCOAM TANNING GO Wingbam, May 10th, 1893. WANTED SALESMEN TO eeil a choice line of Nursory Stook and Seed Potatoes, Liberal salary or commission paid weekly. Permanent and paying positions to ROod teen, Special inducements to beginners, Exclusive turd. tOry etruu it desired. Write at oat e for terns to THE tlAWE NURSERY OI, X. of one county ward, 615 ; C A Nairn, 059.603.06, amount paid in salaries court house supplies, 422.14 ; 2 Jordan, 443.297.27. The increase of expenditure 03.93 ; Star, 01; Saunders & Co., court oyer other years is owing to impiovetnents house supplies,. 417.30 ; John Ainsley, on school houses. The average atteudauce postage, &C., 08.34 ;. James Davies, lock- for 1893 was 66 per cent., the total uumber up keeper, 410; J Bullock, do, 010 ; John on registers for 1893 was 7,546, the number Gill, do,, 410 ; John Ferguson, do, $10 ; who passed high aeuool eutrance 152. A. Nicholson, do, $10; F 5 Scott, do, 010; Average eatery --stale teachers 4408, fe-, J Brethauer, do, $10 ; Buchanan, jail Male $279; male teachers engaged 60, fe- en e - n, •a ROAD AND BRIDGE.• --Messrs. Gri$in, lye hay while the sun shines. This act Sanders, Mooney, Graham, Holmes, obis should retire hint to the oblivion Sheppard, McMurchie, Scott, and -Me- esm which the Bever should have em -t Ilveen. ;ods EDUCATION. ---Messrs. Cox, Bissett, Me - Tree: 'Municipal World says that the Donald, Kay, Neelin, A. Young and N. pay of Wellington house of. industry H. Young, , year provided for an average of 6 COUNTY PROPERTY.* tes at a cost of 51,28 per week, in- Gibson, Kennedy, Moltay, Shields, eel, &c, 013.16 ; Miss Alice Sp TAKES W ELL,. ) encs ing all expenses. In the Welland Chambers and Evans. reporting, 436; Express Company, 44.31; Wertnetes.—Mesara, Holt, Sperling, le Sipple, lock-up keeper, 410; G A New- ilsteEwan, Rate and Mooney. ton, constable Account during the Scott se ot industury, for an average of 40 Ates, it cost $1,27 per week. The connected with the latter institu- >x is in a high state of cultivation, the ledus products during eleven mobtbe tying Bold for $686. br Saturday last an ifihpottant meet - /of the Executive Committee of the 'oil of the Dominion Alliance was 31 in Toronto, Dr. I. J. Maclaren pre - "g. Atter routine business the tee considered. a recommendation e last October for the holding of a inion Prohibition Convention dur- the present year. After Careful eleratiots the committee decided to t the President to call wok a con- nto be composed of representatives eery part of the Dominion. The Montreal was ohosett as the place ting and the first week in July as Serener.--Messra. Proudfoot, Sherritt, Act. 021.85 ; Iii Winer, look -up keeper, $10; Signal, 42.50 W Paisley, lack -up McPherson, P. McKay and Milne. On motion of Messrs. McEwen and keeper, $10; W 'elOCreatb, repairs to Kerr, Wm. Coates, of Clinton, was ap- furniture, 41.50; Morris township, burial pointed auditor,and on motion of Morgue. of a county ward, 815. The committee Proudfoot and MoMurobie, Philip Holt recommended that the following persons and W Lane were appointed on the be placed on the . list of county wards at board pf Criminal Audit. • the figures mined, to date•trom Jan. 1, The Council then adjourned until tent 1804 :-Ashfield- Prafiois ft1cGinty, aged o'clock:.Wednesday. 80 years, 090; Molciliop•=-Ames Darling sECONA tete-weneres0Atr. aged 28 years, 460; John Burk, aged 40 The icounail resumed at 10 o'clock- years, 850 ; Clinton---Mtrey White, aged The following cofnmunioations. were.dis- 40, 472 ;. Wingbam—Ann Brown, age.70, 870; leay8eld--fonald 'Ballantine, age. 82, 072; Meir:is-•-Mriry Ann L'`xtorclv age 84, 072; Samuel Fisher, age 76, 4100; Marie, Extatd, age 74, 412 ; Hay --Mies. Jennet Zimmer, age 22, 472; Nathan Carrick '" 612 Marian S t! ie A RARE CHANCE to make from $15 to 45b'per week ht selling our Hard? Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. Highest Salaries or Commission paid weekly. Complete Ourrrt Fans. Spelltt inttruotione to beginners, Write this week ;or terms to, osed•of. I? asked ' i The Lanadfur, Institutea ked aid n the collection of historical matter. The County Council of Hastings asked iso-operatten in a memorial to the Legis- lature to reduce the fees of officials ap- ,age run ; u i n u Ior y, poirited>y them,ine Council otage i0, 0�2; dim Zimmer, age 29,tie It ie expectedth&tprolibitios in every Part of Canada will co- in obtaining certain amendments to the 472 ; Grey -•-Maggie Nichol, sgeZI, 472 ; to to make this the largest and assessment net; the County of2rontenaa i•ritimaoesratful Canadian prohibition i litobtaining for County Councila the then• Reid. The Secretary was ift- power to appoint all officials whose eel- Ooderioh township --Charles Graham,. age 00, 872; Colborne Jobn Davis, age 72, 472; Emma Grace Cruise, age 40, 472; to convey a special insritatioit arias are paid by the Council; find the . C,loderich---Mary McDonald, nee 05, rib ; the tor,tnncil to Lady I.1enry Somer Council of Stormont, Dundas and Wen- Goderiotb township-Jo11nston Graham, lid E. Winlard,Sir Wilfrid garry in reducing the number of County. age 00 422, Court House supplied, etc.. mite GeV. Neal Dow to attend Councillors. All these Were referred to D. ;vlcDonald $•75,33,5. Malootnean Special ceintnittee. is Judge Toms 84.47, County '.treasurer, Ott tweeting, . a Gr,AtiAM, Nurserymen, 12t Toronto, Ont CEO. SHA COTS DOWN THE MOIOE Ot MEAT AGAIN, STEAK, IOC. PER LB. ana .other meats low iu proportion, PORK SAUSAGE also on hand. I ant prepared to pav the highest price for all kirnds of fowl. They must he drawn and well dressed, GEO. SHAW. Wingbaw, Oct, 10th, 1808. Co sets are now recognized t be the Standard Corset of C{..nada. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ASK YOUR DRY HOODS DEALER -FOR THEM. , 'Lorene ug Pr �1am Atm, l eoTaints,* TUOROUGih WOIttl, under tho guiding hand of the PRINCIPAL of the Forest. City Business and Shorthand School, of London, Ont, who has had SP4^otAL preparation for his chosen profession, assures success to es ery student. flaying spent Fascias rxawg in the class room and rrra rsatee in i stsrsa and onus raAertea, he should know how to prepare young peopto for business. it pass to attend a school that has a standing among business teen: College re•opons ou Tuesday, January 2nd,18O . Catalogue free. Good board $:.ri') per week. 6m .7. W. WEST!ERVELT, Principal* MARKET REPORTS. WINNOiIAfl, Wingletm, February 1, 1894. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 1 50 to 1 80 Vali Wheat 0 56 to 0 57 Spring Wheat 0 55 to 0 56 Oats .... '0 30 to 0 31 Barley .................... 0 34 to 00 35 ... Pea....,.............. • 0 50 to 51 Butter, tub..........., .... 0 18 to 0 20 Butter, TO ........ 0 18 to 0 20 Egg' per dozen.. ...... . . 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord..., .... .... 1.50 to 1 75 Hay per ton... ..,.. .... 0 00 to '6 00 Potatoes, per bushel........ 0 35 to 0 40 'Fallow, per lb.....,..... , .. 0 05 to i1 05 Dried Apples, • por 1b........ 0 05 to 0 05 Dressed Hoge...,.,.. 6 00 to 0 10 'Beef ....... . ..... . .. 1,1/4•11 4 50 to 5 50 CLINTON. %'all Meet, bld,.......... 0 57 to 6 60 057to0410. 053 to 058 O 36 to 0 40 O 80 to 031 Oso to 052 035 to 040 017 to 018 013 to 013 600 to 700 300 to900 Fall Wheat, new.......... Spring Wheat..........,... Barley,. "OA,..... Oats Peas,.,.. ... .,+.........v Potatoes, per Muriel. Batter..... f.....,..., , I'iipga,per dozed. , 11a4r . s ...... .. .... CiOAWOod. r.1,..♦fir - f In order to dispose of our entire stook of Goods, as we know you- need them and we need the money, we shall for the ext Thirty a s be prepared to quote Prices Entirely Below Anything that has ever been heard of Before in all our lines. GENTLEMEN'S • S TP•' _i. 1.s made of the beet Fabrics the market produces. GENTS' FURNISHiNCS a UNDERWEAR: we cannot be undersold. BOOTS AND SHOESI at the roost unprecedented low prices, We are headquarters for the celebrated ruby tgere and OverAoeg Man all. Canadian Brands in Stock, with Socks to thatch. 1*( iel UrR D . •i8 the I) i.ett 11) buy TitrOe 1?-LA RRA PRICES fiIGB'C 1 Repairing Anne as usual, J. J. HONCETTII it ON, 1► Wingiialnt. a � Canada's 140200S In the cou;r of an eddrta the Western '..rywea's A at Iugergeil,daet wee ii 1'r0f,l. Dominion Dairy Cone: tr apttof tthe Wei td's I need.aking itardW +8pae,k >of oure ea In haviup, 'the +tne4sl +mhe puri refuse to 'talre it, one sur; damaged, bat the •datuage beyond ttte aeurface, My Con t14rn.was that 'the.oheese was good couditirau ,in tLiverp. only way to,make but pay to have a I,wwsuit, € Setter that euatrsi . 1Wo will sell it we do ;tot get,mors alhan live or ten cents ,t pounds:for it pocket t•tiat.and,believe that cheese was capital adverti Fe and that it,did the eatbutry go vice, Zrossets. A numbertoi our •tawnspet, tended the evedcUng..of our tow. •dim. 44ahtti lid, .on tWedneai. Ethel, The bride "vista Miss McDonald,:of thate managee. 1 Mrs. Habis:irk :will make thei at the recently•purebased resid Queen :iteoet, lBrussela. The speakers + 55 the:union d tai�be held Jou riday,;{Feh. 9th,, a for the affrrtnative,) Jas. Irwin, Oloakey and Mhos. a'.L'arrow negatiw,.tibl,ld Sinclairve„ ,Or.ilt ebet]avatipanh and Kerr. tiuifct to .the 'dis3u s'Resol•'ed Abut , the tt'dowat anent is not aworthy of the o0 support, 01 the,people ot,Onter The following aret the office in connection ..with the lode Order of Foresters ut r(Brsusael preeeeut term • 'J..T. 'Pepper, 0. R. ; i61, W. Melsom,.J . 0. Fietehec„ 0, B.;.$: Dickson, 1 Thos. aunty, Chap: ; tAt;'t:;loust Secy. ; 1. 0. dlichards, &Trent Black, Ree, -Secy. ; W. Ha W. ; 0. Bozell,:)S. W. , W B, ; 11. t3'tnit, 4s'.• l3. The followirze. officers .ef Star Ledge,.No.11i49,1. Ova duly installed tlnto their re offices fay .District Deputy Master, biro. ,LaraueI Heart, • water : - IT. ,1'. G.0.4. Ei, 1Y1olS G., Won. Cornish.; V. G,,tAI Hay ; R. 5.,, JL •,`d. Dickson ; John Ament ; •t'Preas., Warden, 13, tLreetherdale : (so P. Scott ; (GAL, Win. Marta J. T. Rose ;. R. ,fi •: . G., A. L. 8. N. G.. Jv..:I. MoA.rtlzus V. 0., Thoiltatt Strwchan; L. ti Wm. Spence ; i11. S. S., Joh L, S. S. James Speir ; C)bapi Wilson; Physician, Win, Gra lamo.dasaboro. Mr. John 'Lawson, is on the B. Lawrason attended an e meeting of D.iatricttlnd;e. No. 0, T., in Blyit:h,, last ,Friday. Mrs. W. P. Longman has into Mr. Marm„ing's .lsouso, on flitreet. On Saturda' last a Mission was rormed in ooauaction w Presbyterian Chorea, the f •officers were cl*osatl tPreside (Rev, J. A.)Eiaasiituu;WiseP .- Miss Sarah Hill; •second 'Vic ,dent, Miss Lawdray A"'Young ttary, Hive. Adams; illreasur :Angel Scott. Regular meeting of taiie 8. llodae Friday night. The following officers .were :at the meeting of North ttar 1 tfol•. T., an Tuesday. evening la ,4,ibert McGregtir; V. ;i'.,, iid4. Jennie Woodman ; l4liddeil; F S. B. Lawrason; ridge ; Chap,, Joseph Maar 'Wiilliam Longman; D 11. ,Ser t%., lLiou Ouimette; 5, Itobttttt Hannah Riddell ; Matbtrie Brogden. There was .i ,iate,initiated, making twelv the tauter:just closed. It tt>w to hold a public entertaiuitiet first Tuesday in March. Th. large attendance of the memo forty being present, A large of the atetnbers visited C lodge ou Wednesday.evening iuovw tit Oat a "Su:ltgltt” P Send 2$ 4Suulight"Soap wrap per bearing the wards" Why Dees Look Old Sooner Than a Stan") Bros„ 1416., 411 Scott St., Tarout will receive by post a pretty pi from advertising, site well wort This isan easy y to decorate T'b waya The soap is thbesiu the marls Will only cost one cent postage t the wrappers, if you leave the e `Write your address carefully. • The death oocurreu t Or Monday at the age of 64 year t$f. 11. Verity, founder of kn,wii plough works hes name. D.+oeased removed ih to Brantford a short while Eirater, and during his short there. had bacomu highly A widow told 12 children it lose. c 4)